Grill Joseph Evgenievich biography. Whoever dined the girl will dance with her. Irina Agalarova: “When Emin was little, I dreamed out loud about a dacha by the sea”

In 1983, he moved to Moscow with his parents, and eleven years later he moved to the USA, where he lived and worked until 2001. Graduated from business school in New York. He headed a considerable number of business projects, and also opened seven restaurants as part of the Crocus Group, including one together with Maxim Fadeev called “Uncle Max’s”.

Since 2006, he took up his musical career seriously. Works on both the Russian and international music markets. The list of significant works includes: performing as an invited guest at a Jennifer Lopez concert, Eurovision in 2012 and filming Donald Trump in the video for his own song “In Another Life”.

In 2016, Emin, together with Leps and Sergei Kozhevnikov, organized the “Heat” festival, at which Kirkorov, Leps, Agutin, Lorak and other popular Russian pop performers performed. In the same year, he went on a tour of fifty cities in Russia for the first time.

Personal life

Until 2015, he was married to the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan Aliyeva, Leyla. According to both, they separated peacefully and by mutual consent. The couple has two children - twins Mikail and Ali, and Leila also adopted a girl named Amina, whom she hid from the press for a long time.

According to some publications, today Emin is dating Alena Gavrilova, winner of the title “Miss Mordovia 2014”.

Emin Agalarov's apartment

The musician travels a lot around the world, he has living space in Baku and New York, and an apartment in Moscow. These apartments on the top floor of the Agalarov House residential complex in the Krasnaya Presnya area were given to him by his father back in 1997. At that time, the project was one of the three best luxury buildings in the capital and is still included in the list of the most prestigious residential complexes.

The interiors of the entrance lobbies, decorated with elite grades of marble and granite, amaze with their richness and beauty. There are ancient paintings by Dutch masters on the walls, crystal chandeliers are hung everywhere, and there is also a huge and always fresh bouquet of flowers - this is the calling card of the developer.

In addition to 24-hour security and separate parking, the complex is equipped with Turkish and Russian baths, a swimming pool, a solarium, billiards, a bar and a beauty salon. In general, here you will find almost everything you might need for life and recreation.

The apartment is located on the top floor and is decorated in the minimalist style that is popular today. The design is dominated by light, unobtrusive colors, which highlight the interior details and emphasize the light and hospitable character of the owner. All rooms are filled with sunlight due to many panoramic windows and a simple interior, without unnecessary details or overhanging furniture.

Large and spacious rooms containing not only expensive pieces of furniture, but also many gifts from friends, fans and favorite performers. In one of the aisles there is a huge white vase with the lyrics of the song “Incredible”, and autographed photographs of celebrities hang on the walls.

Like most musicians, Emin has a white grand piano in his living room. This room has a pleasant, warm atmosphere. Here the owner receives friends.

The star has a small music studio in which he and his musicians are preparing for their next performances. This room is mostly filled with professional tools. Emin does not have to worry about the peace of his neighbors, since his father’s apartment is located directly below him. The singer admits that this was done specifically for better sound insulation.

From the studio you can go out into the attic with a magnificent view of Stalin's skyscrapers and Krasnaya Presnya. There is a wooden table and chairs here; if you wish, you can sit in the company of friends or admire the evening capital alone.

On average, apartments in the Agalarov House residential complex cost from 3 to 8 million dollars and more.

BAKU, city, capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Izv. from 3rd century n. e. From the 12th century - the center of the state of Shirvan, later - as part of Persia, from 1747 - the center of the Baku Khanate, in 1806 occupied by the Russians. troops. Since 1813 - part of Russia. empire, from 1840 - a district city of the Caspian region, from 1846 - Shemakha province, in 1859-1918 - the center of Baku province. In 1918-20 - the capital of the Azerbaijan Republic, in 1920-91 - the AzSSR. In 1897, 2,341 Jews lived in Bashkortostan (mainly Mountain Jews), in 1913 - 9,690 (4.5%), in 1926 - 21,995 (of of them 19,583 - Ashkenazis, 1985 - Mountain Jews, 427 - Georgian Jews), in 1939 - 31,050, in 1959 - 29,204 (3%), in 1970 - 29,716 (2.2%), in 1979 - 26,446 ( 1.7%), in 1989 - 22,826 Ashkenazi Jews and 8,438 Mountain Jews. In 1990, during archaeological research. excavations at hand. R. Geyushov discovered the remains of the Jewish quarter and the Shabran synagogue of the 7th century. The first written mentions of Jews in Bulgaria date back to the middle. 13th century The existence of a Jewish community in Bulgaria was noted in the 18th century. In 1814, the Jews of Byelorussia fled to Cuba to escape the pogrom provoked by the “blood libel.” Later, some of them returned. The community during these years was led by Bro. Abraham and Ephraim ben Yosef. There was a synagogue in the house of one of the brothers. Since 1810, Ashkenazis began to settle in Byelorussia. The first Ashkenazi synagogue was opened in 1832. Since 1827, Kurdish Jews settled in B., and from the 1870s. - Georgian Jews. In the 1830s. in B. there was a Jewish cemetery. In the 1870s a synagogue of artisans was opened. Since the 1870s. In connection with the growth of oil production, the number of the Jewish population of Bashkortostan also increased. Industrial pioneers. oil production in Belarus were G.A. Polyak (founder of the company “Polyak and Sons”), A. Dembo and H. Kagan (creators of the company “Dembo and Kagan”), G. O. Ginzburg, A. Feigel and other Jews -entrepreneurs. The Rothschilds played a prominent role in the development of oil production (they founded the Caspian-Black Sea Company and by the end of the 19th century occupied a leading position in the syndicate of oil industrialists). In 1901, 64 Jews worked in the administration of oil companies and associations. 14 Jewish-led companies in 1913 produced 44% of kerosene in Russia. Means. Chemist-technologist A. Beilin contributed to improving the technology of refining Baku oil. In 1888, during the fair, Jews were evicted from Baku by order of the authorities. In 1897, there were 2 Jewish cemeteries in Baku, probably at the same time the chevra kadisha arose. In 1893, the activities of Jewish charities began. about-va (approved by the administration in 1905). In 1901, “Ashkenazi prayer” was opened. house with a Hasidic prayer house”, in 1910 - Great Synagogue. Those living in B. Georgian and Mountain Jews prayed in their own synagogues, not registered by the authorities, in addition, in the con. 19th century in the suburb of B. - Sabunchi there was a synagogue of Mountain Jews, and in the beginning. 20th century a synagogue was built for them in the city center. Since 1905, the rabbi of the Mountain Jewish community was Efraim Rabinovich. In Bulgaria there were also synagogues of Kurdish (closed in 1939) and Georgian Jews. There were cheders, in which teaching was conducted in Yiddish, Jewish-Tat and cargo. language In 1896, the Talmud Torah was opened, headed by F.L. Shapiro in 1913-20, male in 1898, female in 1901. Saturday schools for adults (the director of the latter is S.A. Bernshtein). In the 1910s In B. there was a Mountain Jewish department of Talmud Torah (teacher M. Sheinerman), a school for Georgian Jews, a Jewish library, and a literary and music library. circle, departments of OPE and Society of Jewish Language Lovers; Until 1920 there was a Jewish gymnasium. In the 1890s. Jewish children's office is open. garden (one of the first in Russia; H. Rovina worked in it in 1914-15). In con. 1900s Literary drama was organized in B. circle named after Sholom Aleichem (dir. I.L. Presman). In 1900-20 the rabbi of B. was Lev Moiseevich Berger, in the middle. 1900s - Zvi-Hirsh Tsayman, in the 1910s. - Yehoshua Rubinstein. In 1898, in connection with a ritual libel, a pogrom occurred, 20 Jewish houses were damaged. From the end. 19th century B. is one of the centers of the Jewish national. movements: in 1891 the “Hovevei Zion” department was formed (since 1892 it was headed by the district doctor of the Baku district, epidemiologist Benzion-Zeev (Vladimir) Vainschel), in 1899 Eliyahu Kaplan created the first Zionist organization, later the “Poalei Zion” cell arose . In 1902, four representatives of B. participated in the work of the 2nd All-Russian. Zionist Conf. In Minsk . Eliyahu Eisenbet was a delegate from B. at the 6th World. Zionist Cong. in Basel (1903). In the beginning. 20th century In B., a department of OPE was founded, the founder of which was Adolf Arkadyevich Gukhman (1870-1914), deputy. manager of the Baku branch of the Caspian-Black Sea oil fields, one of the leaders of the Jewish community of B. A number of Zionist organizations operated in Baku. Youth. The “Young Judea” organization was headed by B.-Z. Weinschel’s son, Abraham (1893-?). Mn. Baku Jews actively participated in the activities of the Russian Federation. political parties. Among the 26 Baku commissars executed in 1918, there were 6 Jews (including M.V. Basin and Ya.D. Zevin). Jews were part of the government of Azerbaijan. Republic 1918-20 (among them the Minister of Health E.Ya. Gindes). In 1918-19, there was an influx of mountain Jews and refugees from villages in Bulgaria. In addition, refugees from Persia arrived. In 1919-34, the Shirvan synagogue operated. In 1917 it was published weekly in B. edited by I. Glachenhaus “Caucaser Vochenblat” (in Yiddish), in 1917-20 (with interruptions, edited by B.-Z. Vainschel) - weekly. “Caucasian Jewish Bulletin” (with the appendix “Palestine”), in 1919-20 - two weeks. “Jewish Will” (edited by Uriel Friedland and Ludwig Sterling), in 1919 - gas. “Tobushi Sabha” (in Jewish-Tat language), in 1919 - journal. (edited by M. Komarovsky) “Ha-Mevaser ha-Kavkazi” (in Hebrew). After the establishment of owls. authorities in Azerbaijan (April 1920) all independent Jewish publications were closed. In 1922 in B. in the Jewish-Tat language. gas was coming out. “Korsoh” (organ of the Caucasus Committee of the Jewish Communist Party and its youth organization). In the beginning. 1920s owls The authorities prevented the creation of a Bund organization in B., but at the same time clubs for Mountain Jewish youth and a Mountain Jewish school were created in the city, which were soon closed. In 1920, 2 Jewish men operated in B. student "Hasmonea" and "Maccabee" corporations and 2 wives. - “Sulamite” and “Deborah”. In the 1920-30s. Several books were published in B. books in Jewish-Tat language. In 1922, a trial was held in B. over 16 rabbis and “major Jewish speculators” - trustees of the secret cheder and Talmud Torah. Rabbi B. in the 1920s. was Savgil Ruvinov. All R. 1920s in E.-I. Rabbi of the Hasidic community Meyukhes left. In 1923 the old Ashkenazi synagogue was closed. Until 1928, illegal labor operated in Belarus. Zionist organization. In the 1920-30s. In Bashkortostan there were schools in Yiddish and the Jewish-Tat language. (closed by 1938; only in school No. 23 did Tat classes exist until 1948). In 1934-38 in Jewish-Tatar language. gas was coming out. “Communist”, worked the Mountain Jewish department. Azerbaijan gosizdat [head. Yakov Mikhailovich Agarunov (1907-1992) and Yuno Semenov (1899-1961)]. In 1932-36 the Baku Jewish Workers' Trade Union (BERT) operated. In 1936-38, the Baku State performed in the building of the Great Synagogue, which was closed in 1934. Jewish t-r (AzGOSET, director Y. Fridman, artistic director V. Tseitlin). To the middle. 1930s Jewish society and cultural life in B. ceased. Ashkenazim prayed in the department. room of the Mountain Jews synagogue. By 1940, all synagogues were closed (including the Ashkenazi synagogue on Dimitrova Street; at the beginning of 1945, a Mountain synagogue was opened in this building). In 1939, the Krymchak synagogue and the kinassa, located in the same building, were closed. In 1937-38, the authorities expelled Kurdish Jews from Bulgaria who had Iranian citizenship (about 400 families); the remainder were deported in 1951 to Kazakhstan. In 1952, the synagogue of Kurdish Jews was closed (today, a kindergarten is located in the synagogue building). The number of Belgrade Jews increased sharply in 1941-42 due to evacuees from the West. regions of the USSR and other cities. In the 1940s the rabbi in B. was Leib-Arie Lengleben. In 1945, a synagogue was opened in B. (on ordinary days it was attended by 30-40 people, on holidays - 400-450), Rabbi Samano Agaruevich Samamduev (1893-?) also performed the duties of a mohel and shochet. In 1947, Georgian and Ashkenazi synagogues were opened in B., located in the same building. Since 1969, in the Ashkenazi synagogue on the street. Karganov began to bake matzo (previously it was baked in a state bakery). In 1966, the rabbi of the Mountain Jews, Rabbi Yehuda, died in Bashkortostan. In 1970, G.I. Mizrahi, deputy, became the rabbi of the Mountain Jews synagogue. prev board of the synagogue - Samuel Friedman (since 1971). In 1973, a new Jewish cemetery was opened in the Wolf Gate area (common for Mountain, Georgian and Ashkenazi Jews). In the beginning. 1970s flour for baking matzo was sold in the state. store, dir. who was M.D. Shakhnovich. In 1975, authorities closed the baking of matzah by Ashkenazi Jews in the Armenian Quarter. In 1976, the rabbi of the Mountain Jews was Rabbi Benjamin, who at the same time. performed the duties of shochet and mohel. Rabbi Shilat and Rabbi Bilo were also rabbis (b. 1914, descendant rabbi, was involved in the affairs of hevra kadishi, until the death of his father, Rabbi Yehuda, he worked as a postman). In 1987, legal Hebrew courses were opened in B. (official director: Vladimir ( Zeev) Farber, since 1989 - in Israel), in 1989 - the Jewish culture club "Aleph", the publication of small-circulation information began. newsletter “Shalom-Sholem-Sholumi”. In 1990, the Association of Friendship and Cultural Relations "Azerbaijan - Israel" was established (since 1992, the printed organ - the newspaper "Aziz"). Since 1991, a representative office of the Jewish Agency and an embassy of the State of Israel have been opened in Bulgaria; women were established and youth. Jewish organizations, Committee of Jews - veterans of the 2nd world. war, Association of Judaic Studies and Jewish Culture. Teacher P.A. Kalik (1923-1995) took an active part in the life of the community. In the 1990s. Ashkenazi and Sephardic synagogues began operating in Bulgaria, and a yeshiva was opened in 1994. All R. 1990s Hebrew was taught at the university and two schools. schools, there were also Hebrew courses. In 1994, according to the Jewish Agency, there were approximately 1,000 people living in Bulgaria. 26 thousand Jews. In B. born: M.V.Abramovich, Sh.Avitsur, M.Black, L.M.Weissenberg, E.G.Vitorgan, V.Ya.Wulf, A.V.Galperin, A L.L. Galperin, M.A. Gaiman, M.M. Gukhman, M.A. Dalin, L.G. Zorin, T.S. Izrailov, B.Z. Karpilova, G.K. Kasparov, A.M. Katz, V.S. Klupt, V.D. Konen, L.D. Landau, S.S. Levin, I.L. Lisnyanskaya, D.K. Motolskaya, A.M., V.E. Khain, AND. P. Tsukervanik, D. A. Chernomordikov, L. K. Shifrin, G. B. Eidinov; Mikhail Yakovlevich Agarunov (b. 1936), petroleum scientist, prof. (1998), society. activist, publicist, author of the book. on the history of Mountain Jews, compiled by Tat-Russian. dictionary, son of Y.M. Agarunov; Margarita Aleksandrovna Barskaya-Chardynina (1903-1939, Moscow), actress, film director; Max Black (b. 1909), American. philosopher, since 1958 previous Amer. Philosopher associations; Evgeny Lvovich Voiskunsky (b. 1922), writer, author of stories and novels, dedicated. marine theme; Rakhil Solomonovna Ginzburg (b. 1920), actress, honored. art. AzSSR (1964); Iosif Evgenievich Gril (b. 1945), lawyer, entrepreneur, pres. Epos Foundation, prev. Board of Trustees of the Russian Jewish Encyclopedia; Lev Lazarevich Gruber (b. 1923), actor, people. art. AzSSR (1987), since 1989 - in Israel; Grigory Efimovich Gurvich (1957-1999, Israel), director, founder (in 1989) of the “Bat” cabaret, author and host of the television program “Old Apartment”; Alexander Adolfovich Gukhman (1897-1991, Moscow), thermophysicist, prof. (1934), Doctor of Mathematics. Sciences (1941), author of works on the theory of similarity, son of A.A. Gukhman; Alexander Valentinovich Dadiani (b. 1958), entrepreneur, member. Board of Trustees of the Russian Jewish Encyclopedia; Efim Ilyich Levit (1909-1991, Moscow), teacher, colonel, military in 1936-41. hands 2nd Artillery School of Moscow, among the graduates were V.L. Govorov, S.A. Mikoyan, V.I. Stalin; Hasan Borisovich Mirzoev (b. 1947), lawyer, Doctor of Law. Sciences, prof., pres. Guilds grew. lawyers, head Department of Advocacy Moscow. international legal Institute of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, since 1999 - dep. State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member. factions of the Union of Right Forces.; Nathan Lvovich Fishman (1909-1987, Moscow), musicologist, Doctor of Art (1968), author of works on the work of L. Beethoven; Naum Shakbasov (b. 1899), American. artist.

Falcons of Zhirinovsky

My childhood friend, Joseph Grill, about whom I have written more than once in this book (remember, he bought glasses from us at the Central Telegraph in Moscow) became vice president of the thriving company Crocus International. This company was one of the publishers of the “Russian Jewish Encyclopedia” and on the title page of the Encyclopedia the name of the Director of the Board of Trustees, Joseph Gril, is indicated, and on the board itself, along with the names of Bystritskaya, Magomayev and others, my name is also indicated, as Joseph said, for the sake of quantity. From this encyclopedia you can find out that Primakov is a Jew (according to the laws of Judaism, if a person has a Jewish mother, then this person is a Jew), Sergei Gerasimov, Alla Pugacheva and many others are Jews, of whom you would not even think that they are Jews.

(I can’t help but remember the joke.

The Georgian asks the boy:

- Boy, who are you?

– Wow, so small and already a Jew?!)

Fellow screenwriters told me:

– You see, Tolya, this is a provocation! This encyclopedia is a guide for possible pogromists... How could you take part in it?

I told Joseph about this.

“Nonsense,” said Joseph, “the selection of names for the encyclopedia was carried out by the Israeli encyclopedic committee, headed by rabbi so-and-so (I don’t remember the last name, but I saw this man. He is a giant with a gray biblical beard, dressed in black, like all Orthodox and head full.) It turns out that he is a provocateur?

And so, they once invited me to a live broadcast at a radio station, and after the broadcast the editor asked if I had any interesting friends whom I would recommend to her as a guest on such an interactive broadcast. I suggested Joseph Grill to her, said that he could talk about this encyclopedia and it seemed to me that people would want to call him and express their opinion to him... The editor called Joseph and they agreed on the day of the transfer. At the appointed time I turned on the receiver.

Joseph talked about the encyclopedia, and then people started calling and the questions were mostly like for Iokanaan Marusidze: please tell me, is such and such a Jew? But this one is also a Jew?

Joseph answered conscientiously, sometimes looking at the encyclopedia he had taken with him. Someone asked Joseph about Zhirinovsky and then Joseph allowed himself to think a little. He said that Zhirinovsky, of course, is a Jew, his name is rightfully listed in the encyclopedia, but the fact that Zhirinovsky is embarrassed to talk about his nationality, they will come up with something about a lawyer, this does not do him honor...

– You shouldn’t be ashamed of your nation, dear Vladimir Volfovich, I really hope that you hear me now and change your attitude towards this issue...

He said something like this. And I immediately called the radio station and told the girl who answered the calls:

– Tell this goat: we heard it all – Zhirinovsky’s falcons are waiting for him at the exit from the radio station!

After the end of the broadcast, about five minutes later, I called the radio station again and asked to call Joseph Evgenievich.

I wanted to reveal the secret of the call from “Zhirinovsky’s falcons”.

-Who is asking him? – the same girl asked me.

“His friend,” I said.

- What is your name?

I identified myself and realized that security measures had been strengthened at the radio station.

“I didn’t think I’d find you already, I had a hard time getting through,” I said as soon as Joseph picked up the phone. - It was a good show...

“It would have worked out if it weren’t for these LDPR scum,” Joseph told me. -They’re waiting for me at the exit with baseball bats, can you imagine? But I didn’t say anything special, you heard, it turns out that you can’t even open your mouth! Well, it’s okay, now security will come from Crocus for me, 2 jeeps, just let them show up...

So I realized that revealing the secret of the “falcons” no longer made sense. Let it be better believed that the “falcons” retreated shamefully as soon as they saw the thugs from Crocus.

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Poor Yorick: a master class from Vladimir Zhirinovsky Thanks to Vladimir Volfovich, I discovered an effective, like “Raptor”, and almost universal means of neutralizing male politicians. In 1993, we found ourselves as part of the Russian delegation in Finland. Russia led

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BRYNTSALOV IN ZHIRINOVSKY’S “ROLLERS” A legitimate question from an inquisitive reader: “What about your relationship with the Greatest and Most Powerful? How about the audience?” But no way. We met once by chance in the hall and he got ahead of my question with a quick, casual: “There’s no time.” To which I hurried.

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Chapter 17. Falcons of General Vlasov Found guilty of treason: 1. Hero of the Soviet Union (1943) Captain Bychkov Semyon Trofimovich (1918–1946) - born on May 15, 1918 in the village of Petrovka, Khokholsky district, Voronezh province. In the Red Army from January 1939. Studied in Borisoglebsk

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Chapter 15 “Falcons” Today is the eighth of December, one thousand nine hundred and eighty-six. Warm autumn morning. Do not be surprised! In the Union, at least in Volgograd, the weather is like this in August-September. Wow, it’s already December! My second December in Afghanistan. How fast

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Chapter 11 Stalin's Falcons The year 1937 became a fateful year for the twenty-three-year-old squadron commander. And first of all, because Valery Chkalov, whom the enthusiastic pilot imitated in everything, introduced Vanya closely to Mikhail Gromov. Without considering it necessary to shake hands with each

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Chapter 9 “Stalin's Falcons” Look for the enemy! Don't ask how strong it is, ask where to find it. The motto of Stalin's fighter pilots Quite quickly at the very beginning of his career, Erich Hartmann surpassed the achievements of the best British and American aces. As we already

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XVI. “Stalin's Falcons” against Luftwaffe experts I will not leave this square of heaven, The numbers are not important to me now, Today my friend is protecting my back, Which means the chances are equal. Vladimir Vysotsky. Air combat After 1991, a whole collection of books about aces was published in Russia

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XVI. “Stalin's Falcons” against Luftwaffe experts I will not leave this square of heaven, The numbers are not important to me now, Today my friend is protecting my back, Which means the chances are equal. Vladimir Vysotsky. Air combat After 1991, a whole collection of books about aces was published in Russia

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Chapter twenty. KONEV’S “BREAKING FALCONS” On May 10, 1942, in pursuance of the order of the People’s Commissar of Defense of the USSR, an order was issued to the troops of the Kalinin Front: “... in order to build up the strike force of aviation and the successful use of massive air strikes

Businesswoman. Founder of the brand of exclusive fur products DeNoVo


She was born into a family of mountain Jews named Grill, in the Azerbaijani city of Baku.



Married to a billionaire: secrets of happiness from Irina Agalarova and other wives of rich men

Irina believes that the main secret of family well-being is sincerity and kindness. And also the ability to compromise, which she often has to do.

From the outside it may seem,” she told HELLO! Irina Agalarova - that Araz does not know how to express his feelings. But he is very attentive to my wishes. For example, when my son was still little, I once said: “It would be nice to have a dacha by the sea,” and Araz built it. He also helps his friends: if someone gets sick, he will raise the whole city to its feet.

What kind of mixed marriages do we know among the stars?

Araz Iskanderoglu Agalarov is an entrepreneur, president and owner of the Crocus Group of companies. In 2012, he took 61st place in the Forbes ranking. Azerbaijani by origin. His wife Irina Agalarova is a Mountain Jew. They have a son, Emin, and a daughter, Sheila. By the way, the son of singer Emin Agalarov is married to the daughter of Azerbaijan, Leila. They have twin sons.

Irina Agalarova: “When Emin was little, I dreamed out loud about a dacha by the sea”

The wife of the famous Russian billionaire of Azerbaijani origin, Aras Agalarov, told the Starhit website some interesting moments from the life of a businessman, Vesti.Az reports.

“We studied in the same class, and got married when we graduated from college: I am a pedagogical student, Aras is a polytechnic student,” says 59-year-old Irina.

Billionaire Aras Agalarov: “Instead of import substitution, we need to do... export substitution!”

Our correspondent spoke frankly with the president of the Crocus company, who knows how to work in a crisis

Emin Agalarov: “I found my happiness”

Emin Agalarov prepared for recent concerts in the USA with particular excitement. Firstly, because success in a country where show business has reached unprecedented heights is worth a lot, and secondly, it is also nostalgia for his youth, which passed in the suburbs of New York - New Jersey. It was here that Emin came to study in 1994, here he took his first steps in business and music - once in this area of ​​the Big Apple, Emin’s first performance in front of the public took place as part of Open Mic Night. Later he bought a house here - next door to his mother Irina and sister Sheila.

Russian oligarch sold an apartment in Manhattan for $2.8 million

As it became known from documents on the municipal property of New York, Irina Agalarova, the wife of a billionaire, entered into a deal to sell a two-room apartment on 52nd Street. The oligarch's family received about $2.8 million for the sale of this home.

The public is always interested in women who live with very wealthy men for many years. One of these ladies is Irina Agalarova, whose biography, date of birth, details of her personal life constantly attract the attention of journalists and the general public. Let's talk about some details of her life path and her worldview.

The beginning of the way

Most ladies, especially those who have crossed a certain age limit, try not to advertise their age. Irina Agalarova is no exception, whose date of birth is classified as classified information. However, simple arithmetic operations allow us to determine the approximate time of her birth; this is 1955-1956. A girl was born into a family of mountain Jews named Grill, in the Azerbaijani city of Baku. Irina Agalarova, whose nationality was never a reason for her to think about, grew up in an international environment and the Azerbaijani traditions are closest to her in life.


While still at school, Irina Agalarova (photo attached) met a classmate and a strong mutual sympathy arose between them. After school, each of the young people went their own way. Irina entered the Pedagogical Institute, Araz entered the Polytechnic Institute. However, this did not destroy their feelings for each other. And in their last year of university, the lovers got married. And for almost 40 years now, the Agalarovs have been happily married.

This, of course, is the great merit of a real woman - Irina Agalarova. She says that the secret of family longevity is “sincerity of feelings and a little intelligence”; she believes that you should not conflict on any issue, but should always strive for compromise and harmony. Irina has put her family first all her life, although she cannot sit idle.

Agalarova’s husband is today a major entrepreneur, owner of the Crocus Group company. He began his career at a research institute, then worked in the city party committee. In 1983, he was sent to Moscow, and Irina, without hesitation, went with her little son to pick up her husband. With the beginning of perestroika, Irina’s husband began doing business - selling souvenirs in the USA. In 1989, he and his father-in-law created the Crocus Group company, and later the family decided to move permanently to America.

In the early 2000s, the husband’s business required his constant presence in Russia, and a period began when the family lived in two countries. Irina alternates her stay in the USA with life in Russia. She says that the separation only strengthened her and her husband's feelings for each other. Although he admits that it was very difficult. She missed her husband and was jealous of him, but she also couldn’t be separated from her children for long. When the children grew up, Irina packed her things again and moved to Moscow to be with her husband.

Irina says that her husband is a democratic and sensitive person. He always listened to her wishes and did not put pressure on her. As an example, she gives a story about how she dreamed of having a house by the sea, where she could relax with her little son. And Agalarov built such a house, although the family did not yet have excess funds.


Irina Agalarova, a biography whose nationality is of such interest to the public, has always considered her family Azerbaijani. In the traditions of this culture, children are the most important thing in the family. Therefore, Irina always considered raising children to be her main task. The Agalarovs had two children: Emin in 1979 and Sheila in 1987. The family tried to give the children the best, but at the same time they did not spoil them, but raised them seriously. When the Agalarovs realized that it was difficult to find a good education for their son in perestroika Moscow, they sent him to Switzerland. And after moving to the USA, they sent me to an American school. Since 2001, Emin has been working in a family business. Since 2006, he has been engaged in a singing career. Irina notes that her son has always been musical, so it is not surprising that he began to study vocals.

Daughter Sheila studied at the American School of Fashion and Design. And Irina lived in two countries. She lived on constant flights, as she was needed by both her husband in Moscow and her daughter in the USA. When Sheila grew up, Irina moved to Moscow.

Irina Agalarova is a wonderful mother, she is friends with her children, knows well about their problems and difficulties, and always supports them in any situation. Emin Agalarov always speaks very tenderly and reverently about his mother.


Every woman experiences three main roles: wife, mother and grandmother. They say that the third role is the most conscious and deep, and Irina Agalarova is proof of this. Biography, nationality, income - all this does not play any role when we talk about grandmothers. Irina passionately loves her two grandchildren Ali and Mikail. They were born in the first marriage of her son Emin with the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan Leyla. This marriage has already broken up, but Irina continues to communicate with her grandchildren. She also considers Emina’s adopted daughter, Leila’s daughter, Amina, her own granddaughter. Despite being very busy, she spends a lot of time with her children and they often visit their grandmother.


Modern women often cannot imagine their lives completely idle, and so is Irina Agalarova. A woman’s biography, nationality, and family are often studied, but few people know that she is also a working lady. At the beginning of her family life, Irina did not consider it necessary for herself to stay at home, and went to work at a school where she taught English. Later in Moscow she got a job as a translator at the Ministry of Consumer Services. Only when a second child appeared in the family did she become a housewife for some time. But later she decided to go into business. Together with a friend, she opened a beauty salon in the USA, and then two more Olivia beauty salons in Moscow. But she soon parted ways with the American business. In 2015, Agalarova decided to try her hand at trading and opened a fur store where exclusive fur coats will be sold.


The wife of a wealthy entrepreneur, Irina Agalarova, whose biography, whose nationality is always viewed through the prism of her husband’s success and fame, always says that her main concern is family. In addition, she devotes quite a lot of time to sports. She enjoys tennis and swimming. Unlike many women, she does not like shopping, although she knows how to appreciate beautiful things and always follows fashion trends when choosing clothes for herself. Despite the fact that Irina often has to take long flights, she does not like traveling. Just like her husband, she is a homebody. For her, there is nothing better than a family evening when her husband and children are nearby. All her dreams are always connected with children; she wants their life to turn out no worse than hers.

Life principles

Irina Agalarova, whose nationality implies special wisdom, says that her main slogan is: “No one can change, but everyone can become better.” She believes that every person should constantly work on themselves and expand their horizons. By the way, she also sees this as a guarantee that the husband will not lose interest in his wife.

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