“We walk and watch cartoons”: Chumakov revealed the secrets of communicating with his daughter. Yulia Kovalchuk showed the first photo of her newborn daughter Yulia’s late pregnancy, what is it connected with

36 year old Yulia Kovalchuk and 38 year old Alexey Chumakov- one of the most beautiful and harmonious couples in our show business. The couple have been happily married for more than five years and are raising a daughter. Amelia, who turned two years old in October. Alexey and Yulia carefully protect the peace of their family and extremely rarely share details of their private lives. They do not show photos of their daughter on their blogs and report information about her very sparingly.

Instagram @juliakovalchuk

However, Julia also very rarely posts footage of her parents on her personal blog. But yesterday the singer shared a photo with her mom and dad and admitted that walks around New Year’s Moscow have long become a family tradition.

Perhaps it’s already a tradition to go for a walk with the whole family on New Year’s holidays) Firstly, this very much reminds me of our joint outings in childhood, although back then we went either to the steppe or to the hill, but the main thing is the company)! And, secondly, now the capital is so beautiful that there is simply no point in going to Europe or anywhere else. To tell the truth, the number of people on the streets makes me think that everyone is now coming to us in Moscow))

Instagram @juliakovalchuk

Fans were delighted with the beautiful winter shot, showering the singer and her parents with compliments:

Julia, how much you look like your mother 😄 Cool family ❤️

Yulechka. You are lovely. Take care of your loved ones.

How wonderful!!!

By the way, this is not the first time that readers of Kovalchuk’s personal blog have noted how much she looks like her mother. Svetlana Vasilievna. This is especially evident in the touching photo that the star published last year on Mother’s Day.

Instagram @juliakovalchuk

Recently, the artist lifted the veil of secrecy and talked about her daughter. According to the star mother, when she and her husband had a daughter, they felt simply cosmic happiness. The baby completely turned their lives upside down. Amelia loves to draw most of all, and her favorite canvas is her parents' clothes. In addition, the baby loves to entertain her mother with songs and dances.

But she doesn’t yet have a penchant for foreign languages. Julia admitted that Amelia does not like it when people try to speak to her in a language other than Russian. The singer says that she and her husband do not set themselves the goal of raising their daughter to be a bilingual child and generally try not to burden the baby with any additional developmental activities. Kovalchuk is sure that when her daughter grows up a little, she herself will choose what will be truly interesting to her.

Instagram @juliakovalchuk

And recently Kovalchuk said that her and Alexey’s daughter listens to fairy tales, which Yulia herself loved as a child - just as before, on records:

“Masha and Vitya against the Wild Guitars” - this was my favorite audio fairy tale and not only before the New Year)) We create the mood for ourselves, in my opinion, I found a great way)!

They became the parents of their long-awaited first child. The couple had a daughter, whose name they hid from the public for six months. On the eve of an important date in the life of the baby, who turned six months old today, the singer revealed a secret and revealed the girl’s name: “I really dreamed about her... when she was still a tiny dot in my stomach... is it possible to find an explanation for such divine dreams...

We just knew even then that our baby would be called Amelia, although the gender was not yet known. And thanks to my beloved husband alexchumakoff for his complete support... I love you,” Julia wrote on Instagram.

The singer added to her story in an interview with 7 Days magazine: “I woke up and told Lesha: “Listen, honey, I saw her. It's a girl. Her name is Amelia." And he agreed: “Okay, let it be Amelia.” So then we didn’t have a question of choosing a name at all. And we didn’t even think about male names. We subconsciously felt that it would be a girl from the very beginning. I remember when they told us the gender of the baby during the ultrasound, we just looked at each other and smiled, because we were already sure of it.”

“There was a time when I had nothing to wear, nothing to eat and nowhere to sleep. But Zhanna Friske saved me,” famous singer Yulia Kovalchuk, a former member of the group “Brilliant,” once admitted. It always seemed that her real life was as brilliant as the name of the group. It’s hard to imagine that such a fragile and tender girl earned her own living from an early age...

Yulia Kovalchuk was born in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region. As a child, she studied rhythmic gymnastics and choreography, and one of the girl’s main hobbies was sewing. “We didn’t have the opportunity to buy new clothes, and my mother and our sewing machine came to my aid. I knew how to make patterns, and from the age of 14 I sewed dresses for myself. I even studied at a fashion design school for two years,” recalls the artist.

At the age of 16, Kovalchuk created her own dance group, graduated from school as an external student with excellent marks, and, without telling her parents, went to Moscow to enter the Institute of Culture. But that year there was no enrollment in the required department, and Yulia, on the advice of a friend, left for Saratov, where she entered the Socio-Economic University. The next year she came to the capital again, where she successfully passed all the exams and became a student at the University of Culture and Arts. “I wanted to engage in modern choreography, and Moscow is a place where the newest and most interesting thoughts and directions are concentrated,” noted Kovalchuk.

Julia got into the dance group of the group "Brilliant" through an advertisement. “This was my first serious casting, I was worried, but I decided to try. And out of 120 people they chose me,” said the singer. And after two months the girl became the lead singer of the group.

Few people know that at the very beginning of Kovalchuk’s career there was not enough money even for food. For the first six months at Blestyashchiye, she was not paid a penny, and it was Zhanna Friske who she is grateful to for lending her a helping hand at that difficult moment. “Zhanna Friske - that same beauty from “Brilliant” - seemed to me at first arrogant, unattainable. But she became my close friend, sister. Zhanna gave me clothes, I spent the night at her house,” the artist told Boris Korchevnikov. But Kovalchuk found out about her friend’s illness quite by accident: “At some point, Zhanna disappeared. I congratulated her on her birthday, but did not receive an answer. I could not even imagine that the reason why she did not answer was so global. We We were flying on tour with Kolya Baskov, and he said: “Listen, you know, what’s the story with Zhanna.” I was at a loss and answered: “What are you talking about?” And he told me.”

Many girls from the group were credited with having affairs with oligarchs and influential businessmen. Yulia Kovalchuk herself admits that in her life there were many incredible deeds related to love. For three and a half years she lived in a civil marriage with businessman Sergei Anisimov, and then left him for the then aspiring artist Alexei Chumakov. “At some point I realized that I couldn’t live with a person I didn’t love. Sergei is a very good man, but absolutely not my person. We don’t communicate, but if we meet, we’ll be happy to find out how each other is doing Even our parents are still friends, they call each other periodically,” the singer admitted.

Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov carefully hid the singer’s pregnancy. For greater secrecy, when Julia’s rounded belly became difficult to hide, the couple flew to Spain, where they have their own apartment. However, shortly before the birth of the child, the couple nevertheless announced that they were having a baby - Kovalchuk and Chumakov starred in an exclusive photo shoot for a popular weekly magazine.


The artists became parents on October 12, 2017. “The 12th is our family number. I myself was born on November 12, Lesha – on March 12. I remember how during pregnancy I told my doctor that I really wanted to give birth on the 12th, to which she replied: “Yulechka, everything is fine.” hands of God. But keep this information in your head, and it may very well be that everything will be exactly the way you want." And so it happened!" – Yulia Kovalchuk said in a fresh interview.

Only six months after the birth of her daughter, the singer revealed her name - Amelia. “I dreamed of this name when she was still a very, very tiny dot in my stomach. And the gender was not yet known. I woke up and told Lesha: “Listen, honey, I saw her. It's a girl. Her name is Amelia." And he agreed: "Okay, let it be Amelia." So then we didn’t have a question of choosing a name at all. And we didn’t even think about male names. We subconsciously felt that it would be a girl from the very beginning. I remember when they told us the gender of the baby during the ultrasound, we just looked at each other and smiled, because we were already sure of it,” Yulia Kovalchuk is quoted as saying

Yulia Kovalchuk became the mother of a girl. This information was confirmed by the singer herself, publishing the first photo of her newborn daughter on her Instagram.

Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth to a girl

34-year-old singer Yulia Kovalchuk and her husband, 36-year-old musician Alexey Chumakov, became parents for the first time.

Rumors about this spread a few days ago. The couple was actively congratulated on social networks with the addition to the family. They themselves did not comment on the event.

The fact that Yulia Kovalchuk was expecting a child became known in July. Let us remind you that the couple recently celebrated their 4th wedding anniversary - they got married on October 1, 2013. On the occasion of the date, Julia posted a wedding photo on social networks.

The couple decided in advance that Yulia would give birth in one of the Russian perinatal centers. Despite the fact that the singer spends a lot of time in Spain, she trusts domestic medicine. Shortly before the baby was born, the artist flew home.

What did Yulia Kovalchuk name her daughter?

Until the christening, Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov will not name their daughter or show her face. But in the studio of the “Secret to a Million” program, the singer told who the baby looks like.

On October 13, a daughter was born into the family of artists. The couple, who had been together for about 10 years, were even suspected of some kind of health problems - they had been dating for 6 years, married for 4 years, but no children.

Yulia Kovalchuk, extract: first photo on Instagram

For many days there have been rumors circulating online that Yulia Kovalchuk allegedly became a mother, but tonight this information received official confirmation.

Kovalchuk wrote touching words that she dedicated to the baby, and also from the bottom of her heart thanked the medical staff who delivered the birth and her husband, Alexei Chumakov, who was present with her during the birth of her daughter.

“...there are no words in the world...there are no emotions that can describe this new feeling...now it’s as if there is no time...there is inexplicable love and dependence...thank you to God, my beloved and all the doctors who were there for my daughter,” the photo is captioned.

Kovalchuk chose one of the capital’s clinics for childbirth. Chumakov doubted for a long time whether he should participate in the birth of the baby, but at the last moment he decided to support his beloved.

Alexey Chumakov spoke about the birth of Yulia Kovalchuk

“We prepared for this event, tried and put ourselves in order. This is a physiologically pure story, we had a good rest and passed all the tests. After all, God gives children when people are really ready for this,” admitted Alexey. - How did Julia announce her pregnancy? She said she felt something was wrong. Like an alarmist, I immediately decided that it was time to see the doctors. And it turned out that an interesting creature was waiting for us!”

They decided to keep the interesting situation a secret for everyone, only the doctor knew. They even hid it from their relatives until the last moment - they were afraid to upset them if something went wrong. Throughout her pregnancy, Julia swam, relaxed, and did yoga. There was no toxicosis, no whims. And when the time came to go to an elite perinatal center in the Moscow region, Chumakov was on the set and for the first time disrupted the work process. He left everything and went to his beloved.

“Yes, I was present at the birth. Any man should have seen this. Otherwise, I would have deprived myself of a huge layer of memories. I came to the discharge myself, without a driver. He put them in the car and drove away. All. No tra-ta-ta for show, I really don’t like it,” the singer admits.

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