Hvorostovsky biography personal life first wife. Dmitry Hvorostovsky's fatal illness could have been provoked by a personal tragedy. Sveta brought a deadly virus from Israel

One of the best opera performers is Dmitry Hvorostovsky. During his creative activity he received a large number of prizes and awards. The artist was applauded by numerous fans in leading opera halls. The man’s schedule was planned several months in advance.

Despite his illness, Dmitry did not cancel concerts. Fans hoped that he would overcome his dangerous illness. The disease, which had receded, returned again. This time Hvorostovsky could not cope with it. At the end of 2017, the greatest opera performer died.

The opera star was married twice. His wife Florence, children and numerous fans are deeply worried about his passing.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Hvorostovsky

A large number of documentaries have been made about the famous opera performer. Recently a new film about the artist was released. After watching it, you can answer the question of what the famous opera singer’s height, weight, and age were. How old is Dmitry Hvorostovsky at the time of his death can you really find out by turning to official sources. The man passed away in 2017 at the age of 55.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky, whose photos in his youth and now allow us to trace the creative path of the star, is incredibly tall. His height is 193 centimeters. All his life the artist swam in ice holes and skied in winter. In winter, the opera singer did not wear a jacket.

Most of all the man loved Russian cabbage soup and potatoes. He was unpretentious in food. Alcoholic drinks have never attracted the star. He had a cold attitude towards alcohol.

Biography and personal life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

The biography and personal life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, according to his own admission, given in one of the master’s last interviews, are happy. He was grateful to fate for every day he lived with his loved ones.

Dima was born in one of the Krasnoyarsk maternity hospitals in the early 60s. Mother - Hvorostovskaya Lyudmila Petrovna spent a lot of time at work, helping the babies to be born. Father - Hvorostovsky Alexander Stepanovich studied chemistry. It was he who contributed to the development of his son’s creative potential. From an early age, the boy amazed those around him with his vocal abilities. He sang and played the piano very well.

Dima did not like to read or write. He regularly found himself in unpleasant situations. The boy studied music with great desire. After school, yesterday's student becomes a teacher training student in his native Krasnoyarsk. Then the talented vocalist studied at the Institute of Arts, where his talent was noticed and developed in every possible way by E.K. Iofel. It was her who our hero considered his second mother.

Having received his diploma, the star performed as a soloist on the stage of the State Opera and Ballet Theater. In the late 80s, a man won one of the competitions. The best opera singers became his competitors. After the victory, everyone started talking about Dmitry Hvorostovsky. The public applauded the man on the stages of the best opera houses in the world. His tour schedule was scheduled several months in advance.

In the mid-90s, the opera singer settled in Great Britain, becoming a citizen. He had dual citizenship, without renouncing Russian. The man sang the most famous opera roles and received a large number of awards. He delighted the public by performing parts from La Traviata, Eugene Onegin, The Queen of Spades and others. In addition, the vocalist sang romances. He masterfully sang romances written by Glinka, Mussorgsky and many other Russian and foreign composers.

Hvorostovsky often came to his homeland to sing his best works in front of his fans. Already sick and aware of his illness, Dmitry did not cancel concert performances. He donated most of his fees to charitable causes.

In 2017, our hero passed away. At his request, the ashes were divided into two parts. One was buried in her homeland - in Krasnoyarsk. The other was buried in Moscow.

Family and children of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

The family and children of Dmitry Hvorostovsky have always meant a lot to him. And the death of the opera singer was a real blow for his loved ones.

The artist has four children who were born in two marriages. He paid attention to everyone. Despite living abroad, all the singer’s children know Russian and can speak it.

Our hero considered Maria, who was born in the first marriage of his first wife, to be his daughter. The girl was adopted by him as a child. She recently got married and became the mother of a girl named Aria. The grandfather never saw his granddaughter. He passed away, not knowing that Masha would soon become a mother.

His father had a great influence on the development of the future opera star. He studied chemistry. The man was playing the piano. He loved listening to opera arias performed by opera singers. When our hero became famous, his dad was proud of it. The man often attended his son’s premieres.

Mom was proud of her son. She worked in the gynecology department throughout her life. She has more than a million adopted children.

Our hero considered his family to be the family of the famous lawyer Pavel Astakhov. An opera singer baptized his friend's son.

Son of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Danila Hvorostovsky

The boy was born in 1996. He became the eldest of twins. Dad named him Danila. The boy was incredibly musical. From a young age he loved to sing and play the guitar. Later, Danila also mastered playing the synthesizer.

The boy studied at one of the best London schools. He looks incredibly like his father. The guy learned to speak English and French. But he did not deprive his native Russian of attention. The son of the singer speaks it without any accent.

After his parents’ divorce, Dmitry Hvorostovsky’s son, Danila Hvorostovsky, often saw his father. He consulted him on any issue. Currently the guy is into rock music. He organized a group in which he is the lead singer. Danila writes songs, which he then performs in one of the London nightclubs.

Son of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Maxim Hvorostovsky

Soon after registering his second marriage, the opera singer became the father of a little son. The boy was born in an elite London clinic. His parents named him Maxim. Already at the age of 5, the child spoke equally well in English, Russian, Italian and French.

The son of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Maxim Hvorostovsky, studies at one of London's elite schools. He is the best student in the class. In his free time, the guy plays music. He learned to play the piano.

Maxim came to Russia several times. He came to the country after the death of his father. After receiving his education, the guy decided to move to Moscow, where he will live and work.

Daughter of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Alexandra Hvorostovskaya

The second in twins was a girl. Her parents decided to name her in honor of our hero’s dad. Sasha loved to draw from a young age. She began attending art school at the age of 5. Teachers noted the artistic talent of the daughter of an opera singer.

The daughter of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Alexandra Hvorostovskaya, looks similar to her maternal grandmother. The girl often came to Krasnoyarsk.

Now Alexandra is engaged in her favorite drawing. She has her own art gallery, where she exhibits her best works. Soon the girl is going to hold an exhibition of her paintings in Moscow.

Alexandra is dating a guy. She regrets that she did not introduce her chosen one to his father.

Daughter of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Nina Hvorostovskaya

Our hero's youngest daughter was born in 2007. The girl was named Nina in honor of one of the popular opera singers. She devoted a lot of time to music. The opera singer himself said that his youngest daughter is incredibly similar to him in character, and in appearance - to her mother.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's daughter, Nina Hvorostovskaya, is doing well at school. The girl knows four languages. She can speak English, Russian, Italian and French.

Nina is very worried about the death of her beloved dad. She decided to follow in his footsteps and become a famous opera diva.

The ex-wife of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Svetlana Hvorostovskaya

Sveta was born in the late 50s. She was several years older than our hero. From a young age, the girl studied ballet. At the age of 20 she began dancing in the corps de ballet. Soon Svetlana got married and gave birth to a daughter, calling her Masha. But the first marriage did not work out. The woman filed for divorce.

The future spouses met in the mid-80s. Dmitry improved his relationship with his beloved daughter. The marriage registration took place in the early 90s in his native Krasnoyarsk. Relatives of the couple were present at the wedding. Soon they decided to move permanently to England. A son and daughter were born in one of the London clinics.

The ex-wife of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Svetlana Hvorostovskaya, devoted a lot of time to children. In the late 90s, the couple filed for divorce. For a long time, no one knew about the reasons for the divorce until Svetlana shared information. In 2009, it became known that the famous opera singer beat his wife, after which she filed for divorce. Dmitry Hvorostovsky himself did not comment on this. He paid large amounts of child support. The man did not communicate with his ex-wife.

On New Year's Eve 2016, Svetlana died. It happened suddenly. She is buried in one of the London cemeteries.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's wife - Florence Hvorostovsky

Even during his first marriage, the famous opera singer met his new love. At first they had friendly relations. They sometimes crossed paths at joint concerts. Florence performed on famous opera stages.

At the beginning of the new millennium, Dmitry proposed to a girl. Soon they got married. In 2003, Dmitry Hvorostovsky’s wife, Florence Hvorostovsky, gave her beloved a son, and a few years later the family was replenished with a beautiful daughter. The singer was proud of his wife and children. She supported him in all his endeavors.

Until the end, the woman supported her beloved during his struggle with a dangerous illness. She did not doubt for a minute that Dmitry would soon recover. She was the only one to whom our hero addressed his last words. Florence cherishes the memory of her husband. She tries to raise her children as worthy people.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky latest health news: cancer is progressing

In 2014, the famous opera vocalist began to feel unwell. He chalked it up to fatigue. Dmitry was in no hurry to see doctors. Only to reassure his wife Florence, he underwent an examination, which revealed that he was developing brain cancer. Hvorostovsky interrupted his tour for some time. After some time, the disease slightly subsided. The artist immediately resumed his performances. He sang on the leading stages of the world. But the miracle did not happen. The disease has returned.

The media reported in sufficient detail how Dmitry Hvorostovsky was feeling and the latest news about his health. The cancer is progressing – this information was met with concern by fans. They hoped that the artist would be able to overcome the disease. And he understood that a terrible illness had taken hold of him. Dmitry visited Russia, giving two concerts. One concert performance took place in his native Krasnoyarsk, the other in Moscow. Despite his weakness, the man sang for his fans while standing, refusing the offered chair. He wanted to be remembered as a strong and courageous man.

Our hero spends the last days of his life in a London hospice, where he dies of cancer. The singer did not want to scare his children, so he chose to stay in a hospice.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky died. Cause of death and funeral of the singer

For several years, the greatest opera performer battled brain cancer. The illness subsided for several months and then returned again. In 2017, Dmitry Hvorostovsky died. The cause of death and funeral of the singer were covered in detail in the media.

The first to report the artist’s death was his colleague Dmitry Malikov, who was told this news by one of the friends of the Hvorostovsky family. Hvorostovsky's death was officially announced on November 22. Farewell to the artist took place in the Russian capital a few days after that. According to the will of Dmitry Alexandrovich, his ashes were divided into two halves. Some were buried at the capital's Novodevichy cemetery, the second was taken to their native Krasnoyarsk.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky, whose last photos before his death were published only in January 2018, became a posthumous Grammy Award winner. The theater in his native Krasnoyarsk received his name.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Hvorostovsky

Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Hvorostovsky are still actively replenished, despite the departure of the star of the opera stage from life. Here you can find out a lot of interesting information from a man’s life.

Wikipedia provides the most verified information about our hero. Here you can find out how he began to sing, how he became famous. The page tells about the man's parents, his wives and children.


It was hard for Dmitry to think that his life was hanging by a thread from death. With such a serious diagnosis, you should not be nervous, because any mood swings can affect the general condition of the body.


When his first wife found out about the illness, she immediately dialed his number. The couple talked, but not for long, as they disliked each other. No one thought that this would be their last conversation. A 56-year-old woman died on New Year's Eve 2016.


Tamara Grida, Dmitry's friend, suggested the death of his wife. She reported that Svetlana fell ill with meningitis, but received almost no treatment. The advanced disease led to sepsis (blood poisoning). The disease overcame her in just a couple of days. If she had immediately taken the right measures, she might now be living and taking care of her children. She was buried in London at Highgate Cemetery, where only her closest relatives were present.

Dmitry and Svetlana met in 1986, then she was a ballerina. They lived together for about 10 years, but their happiness was prevented by Svetlana’s betrayal. She had everything, but what guided her when she left home for other men is unknown. Due to constant scandals with his wife, Hvorostovsky developed an ulcer, he began to abuse alcohol and drown his grief in it. Later, Dmitry, thanks to his friends, was able to pull himself together. But now he communicated with Svetlana only through lawyers.

It is worth noting that it was unpleasant for him to even talk to her. The artist appeared on stage less and less often - he developed serious memory lapses. Perhaps this was the first signal that something was wrong with the brain. His wife’s infidelity and alcohol could well have caused Hvorostovsky’s cancer. The couple divorced. According to the court decision, Dmitry paid his ex-wife 17 million rubles every year.

Antonov says that Dmitry was a kind person, loved life, helped everyone. He left his ex-wife and children a house in one of the best areas of London - Islington. He paid monthly, in addition to 17 million, alimony for their common twin children Alexander and Danila. To be honest, he could not communicate calmly with her. In addition, she did not allow us to see the children and in every possible way prevented them from meeting. Even with her daughter Maria, who was born from Svetlana’s first marriage, the ex-wife did not allow her to communicate.

Dmitry loved all children equally, so he did not want them to need anything. But fate decreed otherwise. The children lost not only their mother, but also their father. Hvorostovsky bravely fought brain cancer, but the disease overcame him. The prayers of his loved ones did not help him either.


But just recently Hvorostovsky told everyone that he was getting better, he was grateful for the sincere words of support.

The country cannot come to terms with such a loss; he was the idol of millions. The whole world listened to his concerts. He was a brilliant man. His profession, thoughts, surroundings - everything was wonderful.

On October 16, the famous opera singer, who bravely fought cancer for several years but lost the battle, would have turned 56 years old.

more on the topic

“I wouldn’t wish on anyone, not even an enemy, what I and my children experienced,” Dmitry Hvorostovsky’s widow, Florence Illy, admitted not long ago. The legendary singer passed away on November 22, 2017, a little over a month after his 55th birthday, leaving behind five children. The youngest, daughter Nina, was 10 years old at the time of her father’s death. The website tells how the heirs of the famous artist live today and how they lived through this very difficult year for them.

Hvorostovsky and the main women in his life

Photo: Global Look Press

The first wife of Dmitry Hvorostovsky was Svetlana Ivanova, a ballerina from the Krasnoyarsk theater - the hometown of the opera star. They met back in the 80s. Dmitry also adopted Svetlana’s nine-year-old daughter from a previous marriage, Maria.

Many dissuaded him from this marriage, and Elena Konstantinovna Iofel, Dmitry’s teacher, who became his “godmother” in the world of music and looked after her talented student, also expressed her displeasure. They said that the couple often quarreled. Svetlana was not only a very bright woman, but also, as they said, a rather flighty person. One day Hvorostovsky returned from a tour earlier than usual - and found his wife with another man. Then the artist could not stand it and beat both of them - both his unfaithful wife and her lover; they even wanted to open a criminal case against him.

However, despite all the difficulties, the marriage did not break up; when Hvorostovsky was offered a job in London, Svetlana left with him. In 1996, the couple had twins Alexandra and Danila.

However, the birth of children did not save the marriage: in 1999, the artist announced that they had decided to separate, and in 2001 they officially divorced. At that time, the opera singer already had an affair with the beautiful Florence Illy, half Italian, half French; they worked together at the Geneva Theater, where Dmitry performed the role of Don Juan. As the famous baritone later said, the meeting with Florence saved him in the literal sense of the word: at that time he was experiencing a severe mental crisis, began to seriously abuse alcohol, and he developed an ulcer...

The divorce was difficult. Dmitry Hvorostovsky left his first wife all his London property - house, apartment, cars. Svetlana remained to live in the UK, was a housewife, the artist paid her 170 thousand pounds sterling a year for maintenance, then this amount almost doubled. Hvorostovsky’s ex-wife died on the eve of 2016 from sepsis resulting from untreated meningitis; the disease developed unexpectedly; according to friends, it “ate” the woman in a few days - they did not have time to save her. They said that shortly before her death, she and Dmitry finally made peace.

I didn't want to die in front of my children.

The artist always did everything possible so that his children from his first marriage did not feel abandoned and did not need anything. The difficult relationship with their mother did not affect his relationship with his children. Dmitry constantly participated in the lives of Maria, Danila and Alexandra, supported them very much, surrounded them with attention and care.

When he and Florence Illy had a son, Maxim, and a daughter, Nina, the artist made every effort to ensure that his children from both marriages became friends. As Florence always said, the older children often visited them at home, and they often went on vacation together. Friends said that Hvorostovsky was a very gentle and loving father, not being able to spend as much time with his sons and daughters as he would like, the singer loved to pamper them.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky with children from his first and second marriages. Photo: Instagram

Before death, the artist most of all. According to relatives, already realizing that his days were numbered, Dmitry Hvorostovsky himself asked to be taken to the clinic - he did not want to die at home, in front of his younger children (the older ones were already living separately at that time). I understood that it would not be easy for 10-year-old Nina and 14-year-old Maxim to see their father leave.

Life goes on

In the summer of 2018, the 35-year-old adopted daughter of Dmitry Hvorostovsky became a mother for the first time. Her husband, Felipe Meggiolaro Marx, a Portuguese by birth, works as a photographer and they live in London.

Maria constantly shares family photos, as well as archival photographs, with followers of her blog on Instagram. She also communicates with her biological father, musician Anatoly Ivanov; in 2017, Maria visited him in Siberia, in Abakan, with her husband.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's adopted daughter Maria with her husband.

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Hvorostovsky is an opera singer known in every corner of the globe, whose soft baritone makes the hearts of women melt and admire his talent.

An unremarkable, but very talented and persistent Krasnoyarsk boy was able to make himself on his own, forcing all of Europe and America to applaud him.

Having learned about his fatal diagnosis, Dmitry Hvorostovsky managed to pull himself together and defeat it, continuing to perform and give joy to people, as well as supporting young talents in Russia.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Hvorostovsky

Fans from all over the world are rushing to find out everything about their favorite opera singer, including such parameters as height, weight, age. You can find out how old Dmitry Hvorostovsky is by checking his date of birth.

Dmitry Alexandrovich was born in 1962, so he recently turned fifty-four years old. According to his zodiac sign, Hvorostovsky is a modest, polite, reasonable, friendly, indecisive, but incredibly creative Libra.

The eastern horoscope gave him the sign of the Tiger, endowing him with such character traits as attentiveness, nobility, willpower, and determination.

Hvorostovsky's height is very impressive, as he is one meter and ninety-three centimeters. After his illness, Dmitry weighs only eighty-eight kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

The biography and personal life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky are in great demand as a request on the Internet. It is worth clarifying that little Dima was born in Krasnoyarsk, he was a very talented boy. Already at the age of six he played the piano under the guidance of his father, and began singing even earlier - at the age of 4.

The boy did not study very well at school, and sometimes behaved simply disgustingly, so he received a terrible graduation report. Many teachers advised the talented guy to study at the local art school, but he amazed everyone by applying to the pedagogical school. Dmitry wanted to become a music worker at school, but fell in love with rock music and began performing in a band.

Then the guy finally transferred to the Krasnoyarsk College of Culture, and then graduated from KGII. Here he met his teacher and second mother, Ekaterina Iofel, who recognized in him the qualities of an opera singer.

From 1985 to 1990, Hvorostovsky shone on the stage of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater. The talent of the guy who performed in the operas “Faust” and “Pagliacci” was noticed, so he constantly won all-Russian competitions and toured all countries of the former USSR.

Already in 1989, Dmitry was noticed in Europe, in particular in Italy and England, so for a long time he performed in Covent Garden, the Vienna and Berlin Operas, and the famous La Scala in Milan.

He supports young opera singers and pianists, releases albums with his songs and tours around the world. By the way, he is the first singer in the world who was allowed to perform on Red Square.

The personal life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky was not a success the first time, since everyone considered his first love and wife to be a woman of easy virtue. Hvorostovsky did not pay attention to fans, but he was able to find happiness in his second marriage. He considers his second wife his savior and muse.

Family and children of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

The family and children of Dmitry Hvorostovsky are quite interesting to fans who are eager to find out who raised such a brilliant singer. Dmitry Hvorostovsky was born into an intelligent family where they loved to sing and admired music.

His father, Alexander Hvorostovsky, was a talented chemist, but this did not stop him from loving music and completely surrendering to it. He sang almost constantly in a pleasant baritone voice, played the piano masterfully and collected rare records. However, it was his father who taught the boy to play the piano and instilled in him a love of music.

The guy endlessly respected his mother, who raised him and helped him find himself in music. She turned a blind eye to her son’s tricks and devastating performances from school and believed in her son.

Hvorostovsky is a father of many children who adores his children. Many sources close to the baritone’s first wife claim that the royal twins were the result of IVF, since Dmitry, in a fit of jealousy, beat Svetlana, and she became infertile.

The children in the Hvorostovsky family speak Russian, French, English and Italian, so the offspring speak them thoroughly. Dmitry supports his children, does not divide into his own and others, and is always ready to see them in his home.

Son of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Danila Hvorostovsky

The son of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Danila Hvorostovsky, is the other half of the royal twins, who was born to the baritone by his first wife, Svetlana Hvorostovskaya, in 1996.

The guy at home was called in a foreign manner - Daniel, he adored his father and supported his mother. The boy studied at a London school, lived in a prestigious area, but really missed his father.

Danila accepted the news that his father had married a second time calmly. He adores his little sister, and is on an equal footing with his brother. At the same time, the guy grew up a long time ago and followed in his father’s footsteps, however, he did not become an opera singer, because he gave his heart to rock music and playing the guitar.

Son of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Maxim Hvorostovsky

The son of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Maxim Hvorostovsky, was born in a London maternity ward in 2003. His mother was the second wife of his famous father, Florence Hvorostovsky.

The boy is his father’s pride; he is incredibly similar to him both in appearance and in character. The guy is very calm and sociable, but he can explode if something doesn’t go as he planned.

Maxim is very photogenic, so he often participates in photo shoots; he studies at school and is fluent in three foreign languages. The boy loves cars, music and travel.

Daughter of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Alexandra Hvorostovskaya

The daughter of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Alexandra Hvorostovskaya, was born in 1996, she was one of the royal twins. The baritone's first wife, Svetlana Hvorostovskaya, gave birth to a girl.

Little Sasha adored her father; she drew and sang beautifully. The girl had a hard time with her parents’ divorce, but often visited her father and stepmother with her brother.

Currently, Alexandra is seriously engaged in painting, her paintings constantly appear in art galleries around the world. She permanently resides in London.

Daughter of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Nina Hvorostovskaya

Dmitry Hvorostovsky’s daughter, Nina Hvorostovskaya, was born in 2007, and her father’s second wife, Florence Hvorostovsky, became her mother. The girl is growing up to be a very smart child; she speaks three languages ​​fluently.

Little Nina sings great, she takes vocal lessons and studies music. At the same time, Dmitry never raises his voice to the baby and sincerely rejoices at her successes. He often cries when he hears how beautifully his daughter sings and predicts her future as an opera diva.

Nina is an excellent student at school and takes part in school amateur performances.

The ex-wife of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Svetlana Hvorostovskaya

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's ex-wife, Svetlana Hvorostovskaya, appeared in the opera singer's life back in 1986; she was an actress in the corps de ballet in Krasnoyarsk. The stormy romance lasted five years and ended in marriage.

At the same time, many people from Dmitry’s inner circle begged him not to get married. The man adopted Sveta’s daughter from her first marriage, Masha, and then became the father of twins.

Many envied the beautiful couple and considered them ideal, so everyone was shocked that they broke up. In 2001, Hvorostovsky, while intoxicated, beat his wife, who had repeatedly cheated on him.

At the same time, he got into a fight not only with his ex-wife, but also with her lover, so he was forced to leave her property in London, and also pay her $195,000 annually.

In 2016, Svetlana Hvorostovskaya died suddenly from meningitis, which developed into an acute form of sepsis.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's wife - Florence Hvorostovsky

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's ex-wife, Florence Hvorostovsky, appeared in the baritone's life back in 1999, when they performed an opera role together in Geneva. The man raised two children and suffered from alcoholism, but his beloved Flosha began to support him in everything.

The talented pianist and opera diva also learned Russian and learned how to cook borscht. After the wedding, the woman left the stage for her beloved and became a caring mother.

The couple has been together for fifteen years, they support each other and do not separate, going on tour with the whole family around the world.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky latest health news: cancer is progressing

Dmitry Hvorostovsky The latest health news is increasingly attracting public attention. The fact is that the man is seriously ill; he was diagnosed with brain oncology.

At the same time, fans were shocked when they learned in June 2015 that the great opera singer was seriously ill and dying of cancer. Hvorostovsky underwent chemotherapy and rehabilitation at a London clinic.

Already at the beginning of autumn 2015, Dmitry returned to touring in tandem with Anna Netrebko. In October of the same year, Hvorostovsky performed at the Kremlin Palace on a large-scale concert tour.

Today it is known that Dmitry Alexandrovich underwent several courses of chemotherapy, he repeatedly canceled concert tours. At the same time, the man was hospitalized with pneumonia in 2016.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky died. Cause of death and funeral of the singer

Dmitry Hvorostovsky was already ready to perform constantly. He appeared at City Day in St. Petersburg and performed in Krasnoyarsk, where he became an honorary citizen of the city. The opera singer recently suffered a shoulder injury.

Tragic news came from London, where opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died suddenly on November 22. It happened in a British hospital at 3:36 UK time.

Fifty-five-year-old Dmitry was conscious, so he managed to say goodbye to his parents, wife Florence and loved ones. According to Dmitry Malikov and Joseph Kobzon, the cause of his sudden death was brain cancer.

The news of the opera singer's death was confirmed by Hvorostovsky's official representative, Mark Hildrew. Fans, politicians and colleagues expressed condolences to the family and friends, calling the death the greatest loss.

Now relatives are deciding where and when Dmitry Hvorostovsky’s funeral will take place.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Hvorostovsky

Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Hvorostovsky are available and official, but it is worth clarifying that all the information posted on their Internet is reliable and relevant.

The Wikipedia page, which is dedicated to Dmitry Hvorostovsky, contains all the information regarding his parents and children, personal and family life, career growth and health problems, discography and awards.

The Instagram page indicates what Hvorostovsky’s hobbies are, while it is filled to the brim with photos and videos from the family archive. They are provided with comments by Dmitry Alexandrovich himself.

Life should be appreciated while you have it. There are so many stories in the world when people complained about life, having everything they needed for a normal existence. And only when they suddenly found out that they were terminally ill did they begin to cherish every minute.

He was born into an ordinary family in Krasnoyarsk. Mom was a gynecologist, and dad was a chemical engineer. My father was fond of music, and apparently this love was fully manifested in Dima.

His parents sent him to a music school. By the way, here he had much better results than in a regular school. But the guy entered the pedagogical institute to become a music teacher.

But he already received his second higher education at the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts. At the same time, Dmitry began working part-time at the Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theater.

By the way, it was here that the future opera singer met his first love. She was the corps de ballet dancer Svetlana Ivanova. Dmitry’s teacher, the talented Ekaterina Iofel, spoke unflatteringly about this girl more than once.

He was warned that Svetlana's first marriage did not work out because of her infidelity. But the guy didn’t listen to anyone, love eclipsed everything. After two years of relationship, he took his lover and her daughter from his first marriage to his small room in a communal apartment.

A year later the couple got married. One day, returning home with a bouquet, Dmitry found his wife in bed with his own friend. But he found the strength to forgive. And already in the 90s he was offered a job in the UK, he took his family and left for London.

He wanted his wife to be his director, but she refused to learn the language and wanted to lead only a secular lifestyle. Dmitry decided why not Sveta be at home and support the family hearth? In 1996, they had twins - a boy Danya and a girl Sasha.

However, the singer saw that after the birth of children, his wife’s character did not change. There were constant scandals at home, and he developed an ulcer due to nervousness. Dmitry began to abuse alcohol due to constant nervous tension.

One day he went to Geneva for a performance. There he was to perform the part of Don Giovanni with a charming 29-year-old Florence Illy. The girl immediately liked the man, and she began to take action. On stage they had to kiss, which is where she started. Dmitry immediately felt the girl’s concern; she was not even embarrassed by the fact that Dmitry officially had a wife.

Returning to London, the singer started talking about divorcing Svetlana. This was a surprise to her. In a rage, she sued him for all his real estate, cars, and also demanded a huge amount of alimony.

But Hvorostovsky already had Florence, with whom it was much easier to survive all this. With her appearance, the singer’s life began to improve: he stopped drinking alcohol and began giving more concerts. His new wife followed him everywhere. She learned Russian, learned how to cook borscht and dumplings.

In 2003, the couple had a son, Maxim, and four years later, a daughter, Nina. “With Flosha, my life has radically changed, sparkling with bright colors! I think, breathe, and sing easily. I have always been looking for inner balance and thanks to this woman I found it. Everything fell into place. Flosha allows me to be myself", - said the singer.

In 2015, it became known that Dmitry was seriously ill: he was diagnosed with brain cancer. He suspended his tours and underwent chemotherapy. For some time I began to feel better.

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