Game-quiz “Follow the traffic rules. Entertainment according to traffic rules. Toy library "Young pedestrian"

Belikova V.N., teacher additional education MUDO DDT

Every day new drivers and their vehicles appear on the roads of our city, thus, with each new day the flow of cars grows and increases, unfortunately, not all “new” and even “EXPERIENCED” drivers DO NOT ALWAYS know the rules traffic, particularly dangerous road users are teenagers whose parents gave them a scooter.
According to statistics, it is last years Teenagers and children are increasingly becoming involved in road accidents preschool age. Therefore, guys, today we will talk about the rules of the road. You often hear on the radio or watch on TV how drivers and pedestrians themselves suffer due to the fault of pedestrians, especially children who do not know the rules of the road.
We live today in an age of speed, in an age of scientific and technological progress. High-speed cars rush along modern roads, supersonic airliners fly in the air and spaceships, fast ships sail across the seas and oceans. Everyone around is in a hurry, in a hurry...
One second... Is it a lot or a little? For a pedestrian, one second is nothing, just a step. And for a driver, a second is a very serious thing. In 1 second, a car traveling at a speed of 60 km/h travels more than 16 m, and at a speed of 80 km/h – 22 meters.
As sometimes happens: the car is very close, and we are crossing the road. We have no idea that the driver will not be able to stop in time. The car skids even when the brakes are applied. And on an icy road the car will stop only after 400 meters! Remember this.

The competition is held for the following tests at stations:
Station “Hello, here we are!” (creative performance commands up to 3 minutes). Evaluated by the number of penalty points. The team with the fewest penalty points wins.
Station "Traffic Excellence" ( road safety situations). Stories on traffic regulations will be projected on the screen; teams will analyze situations: which traffic rules have been violated. For each correct answer, teams receive 0 points; for an incorrect answer or a delay of more than 10 seconds, they receive 1 penalty point.
Station “Tvorcheskaya” There are a lot of road signs, but there are still situations that are not reflected in the “alphabet of roads”. Help traffic police officers come up with and draw new road signs that may someday appear on our roads. Explain to which group of signs it belongs and what it means. Time to complete the task is 5 minutes. The team that spends more time receives penalty points. For each additional time ( 1 minute – 1 penalty point).
Station “Crossroads of Tricky Questions” For each correct answer, teams receive 0 points, for an incorrect answer or a delay in answering by more than 10 seconds, they receive 1 penalty point. At the end it is summed up total penalty points accumulated. The team with the fewest penalty points wins ( Annex 1).
Station “Knowledge of the basics of first aid” 20 seconds are given for an oral answer, 1 minute for a practical task.
For each correct answer, teams receive 0 points, for an incorrect verbal answer or a delay in response of more than 20 seconds, they receive 1 penalty point, for an incorrect answer to practical task or a delay in response of more than 1 minute – 1 penalty point. At the end, the total number of penalty points accumulated is summed up. The team with the fewest penalty points wins ( appendix 2).

Station "Historical Page" For each correct answer, teams receive 0 points; for an incorrect answer or a delay of more than 10 seconds, they receive 1 penalty point. At the end, the total number of penalty points accumulated is summed up. The team with the fewest penalty points wins
1. In which city did the first traffic light appear?
A) Paris
B) London
B) New York
2. In what year were the first traffic rules introduced in Russia?
A) 1683
B) 1765
B) 1917
3. In what year was the mandatory use of seat belts for passengers in passenger cars introduced in our country?
A) 1980
B) 1961
B) 1975
4.Who is called the grandfather of the Russian car?
A) M.V. Lomonosov
B) I.P.Kulibin
B) Peter the Great
5.Who was the first inventor of the bicycle?
A) Karl von Drez

B) Archimedes
B) Lionik Dalzel
Sobriety control station
The traffic police inspector has a large range of special tools in his arsenal. One such tool is a breathalyzer. Although this competition is a joke, before it starts it would be nice if the traffic police officer talked about the responsibility for driving while intoxicated and about the principle of operation of the breathalyzer.
Participants receive an inflatable balloon. When the whistle blows, they begin to inflate. Whoever has the biggest ball is the winner. The balloon burst - “drunk driver”, he will be fined. He must give the green card if he has it.
Station "Guess it!"
Competition for ingenuity and speed of reaction. The question needs a lot
quickly give the desired answer. 1 for each correct answer
point, for a response delay of more than 10 seconds - 0 points.
1. The most dangerous maneuver of a car is (overtaking).
2. Where is the Opel car produced - (Germany).
3. Car eyes - (headlights).
4. When a traffic light is faulty, who regulates the traffic? – (regulator).
5. Stopping movement for more than 5 minutes - (parking).
6. A bicycle with a small engine - (moped).
7. Device for stopping a car - (brake).
8. Sports that develop legs - (running).
9. Truck plant in Belarus - (MAZ).
10. Japanese car - (Mitsubishi).
11. Part of the truck intended for cargo - (body).
12. The battle cry of those going on the attack is (hurray).
13. African horse allowing a pedestrian to cross the roadway
- (zebra).
14. Number of pedestrian traffic lights – (three).
15. Compaction machine road surfaces- (ice rink).
16. A passenger car named after the great Russian river -
The winner (1st place) and runners-up (2nd and 3rd place) are determined by the sum of penalty points scored at stations. The team with the fewest penalty points wins.
Appendix No. 1
Station "Crossroads of Tricky Questions" The allotted time for each question is 10 seconds.
1) What should a pedestrian do if he begins to cross the roadway at an unregulated pedestrian crossing when he, not having time to complete the crossing, notices an approaching vehicle?
A pedestrian who does not have time to finish crossing the roadway at an unregulated pedestrian crossing must stop on the line dividing traffic flows in opposite directions. But in order to avoid getting into such a situation, the pedestrian, before starting to cross the roadway, must make sure that he will have time to cross it before the prohibitory traffic light turns on. Stopping in the middle of the road is extremely undesirable, as it is dangerous!
2) A car stopped at the pedestrian crossing. The driver shows with a hand gesture that it is okay to cross. What should I do?
Answer: You can start crossing the roadway only after making sure yourself that this standing car does not block other moving vehicles.
3) Why is it necessary to cross the road at pedestrian crossings?
Answer: The driver knows that pedestrian traffic is allowed in these places, he slows down and is more attentive. A pedestrian who crosses the road in the wrong place can get hurt and interfere with the flow of traffic.
4) Why is it dangerous to cross the road?
Answer: When a person runs, it is difficult for him to observe, to see the roadway, the approaching car.
5) What is the danger of going out onto the road because of a parked car?
Answer: When a car is stationary, it blocks the view of the road; a pedestrian cannot see another car that is driving behind the stationary one. We must remember: if the car is stationary, danger may be hidden behind it.
6) Why is crossing dangerous when one car overtakes another?
Answer: At the moment when one car overtakes another, the speed of the overtaking car is much greater. A pedestrian may not notice an overtaking car. The driver of an overtaking car may also not notice the pedestrian.
7) How many meters will the car travel when braking if the driver wants to stop?
Answer: Depending on the speed, it can move 36-46 meters. Much more in icy conditions. In addition, while the driver presses the brakes, the car will travel several meters without braking.
8) What should a person get off the bus remember?
Answer: The fact that a stopped bus makes it difficult to notice approaching traffic. You have to wait until the bus leaves the stop.
9) What is the danger of rushing on the street?
Answer: When a person is in a hurry, he is not so attentive; in this state it is easy to not notice a moving car.
10) Why can’t you cling to vehicles?
Answer: Because you can fall off and get hit by the wheels of the car you are attached to, or the car that is driving behind you.
11) How is pedestrian traffic regulated?
Answer: Traffic lights, road markings, signs, road signs, traffic controllers.
12) Where and why are metal fences installed?
Answer: They are installed in areas of heavy pedestrian and vehicle traffic and limit the possibility of crossing the roadway in the wrong place.
13) What cars are allowed to run a red light?
Answer: Ambulance, police, fire, city gas.
14) What are sidewalks for, and how should you move along them?
Answer: Sidewalks are used for pedestrian traffic. Pedestrians must move towards each other, keeping to the right in each direction. You are not allowed to play or jostle on the sidewalks.
15) Where should a pedestrian stop if he does not have time to finish crossing the roadway?
Answer: At the “safety island” or at the intersection center line with a pedestrian crossing line.

Target: activate and test knowledge about the purpose and types of road signs; consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and safe behavior on the street; develop the desire to study traffic rules, cultivate attention, skills in conscious use of traffic rules in Everyday life.

Preliminary work: reading fiction; viewing illustrations on the topic; watching the video “Road Signs”; Board games according to the traffic rules “Road signs”; dominoes with road signs; Domino "Road".

Methodical techniques: playful, visual, verbal.

Equipment and materials: road signs (prohibitory, directional, prescriptive, service signs), red and green balls, hoops for the game “Light a Light for a Pedestrian,” a car for Dunno, posters on traffic rules.


The sun's ray blinds and teases us,
We're having fun this morning.
Spring gives us a ringing holiday,
And the main guest at it is the game!

Guys, today we will compete in agility, accuracy, dexterity. And all our games will be devoted to traffic rules, because on the streets and roads day and night, in heat and cold, vehicles move in a continuous stream. Every day there are more and more of them. The number of pedestrians and passengers on transport is increasing. The danger of road accidents is also increasing. And therefore, drivers and pedestrians need to be especially disciplined and attentive. Everyone should know and strictly follow the rules of the road, both adults and children.

So, we begin our competition!

Two teams are participating: "Traffic light" And "Road signs" .

Team "Traffic Light"

Our house is a traffic light.
We are three, siblings.
We've been shining for a long time
On the road to all the guys.
We are the Road Signs team
Helmet of fiery hello
And we sincerely wish
Know the correct answer.

1.To help you
The path is dangerous
We burn day and night -
Green, yellow, red.

2. Three traffic lights -
Obey without arguing.

3. Yellow light - warning
Wait for the signal to move.

4. The green light opened the way -
The boys can cross.

5. The red light tells us:
-Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!

6. Go ahead! You know the order -
You won't get hurt on the pavement.

7. Spare health, spare life,
Watch the movement.

Team "Road Signs".

We have come to you for the evening,
Let's not be lazy
Answer questions
Sing and have fun.
We are our rivals,
“We say to the traffic light:
We will fight with you
Let's not give up that easily!
Let's Traffic Rules
Carry out without objection.

1.This kind of sign is
He is on guard for the pedestrian.
Let's go with the doll together
We're on our way to this place.

2. Sign “repair work”
Appeared ahead
There will be potholes on the road
Walk carefully.

3.see, hanging
Prohibition sign!
To the crossroads
You won't get out.

4. Do you hear, it’s heard
The sound of wheels?
On steel rails
The locomotive is coming.
Here he beeped:
-I'm on my way, watch out!
You're at the crossing
Stop, stop!

5. And under this sign
no way
Don't ride, kids.
By bike!

6. Blue color from red
It's not hard to tell the difference on a bike.
You can ride here.

Games and competitions are judged by our jury.


Leading: Now we will check whether you know how to be attentive and know the traffic lights. I change the traffic light. When the light is green, you can tap your feet. On yellow - clap your hands. On red, keep quiet.

(Dunno runs in)


I bought a car
I will ride in it, friends!
Get in the car quickly
Come with me.

Leading:-Do you know the ABCs of traffic?
Dunno: Just think! I can do without this alphabet!

You need to obey without arguing
Traffic light instructions,
Need traffic rules
Carry out without objection!

Dunno: Well, here's another! I already know!
Leading: Then you and I won't go!
Dunno: Well, no need, I’ll go alone! (Dunno is driving a car)

The traffic light is red
Dunno, wait.
There is no way forward!

Dunno: You don't have it, but I do. I'm driving through a red light.

Dunno, where are you going?
After all, trouble can happen!
Stop, you don't know the rules of the road!

Dunno: I know! I know!
Leading: You know? Aren't you bragging? Come on guys, let's check how Dunno knows the rules and ask him questions.

1 team.– What parts is the road divided into? What do you know about them?
Dunno: On the sidewalk and roadway. Cars drive on the sidewalk, and people walk along the roadway. Dunno, how do you cross the street?
Dunno: How do I transition? I'm going and that's it.

Leading: You see, Dunno, you said everything wrong. So sit down and study the rules of the road with the guys.

1 competition should you behave at a bus stop?
2.What rules of conduct in city transport do you know?
3. What types of signs do you know?
4. when you walk along the sidewalk, who are you? And when you're on the bus, who are you?
5.Name the cars special purpose.
6.Where is it safe for a pedestrian to cross the roadway?
7.How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have?
8.After getting off the bus, which side should you cross from?

2 competition

Riddles about road signs.
Our streets know how to talk, and road signs help them do this. They indicate, prohibit, warn. Do you know the road signs?

(the presenter asks riddles to the teams in turn. Children guess and show the right sign).

1. A man is drawn
A man digs the earth.
Maybe they are looking for treasure here?
And old coins
In a large chest they lie/
They told me: “What are you, what are you!”
Here…(road signs).

2. Remember the sign, friends
Both parents and children:
Where he hangs it is impossible
Ride a bike!(cycling is prohibited)

3. Neither in the yard nor in the alley
Not in a deserted alley
There is no way to pass here - this sign will not allow it.
Remember! Mean he…(entry to cars is prohibited).

4. I walk in a blue circle
And it’s clear to the whole neighborhood, if you think about it a little, -

5. Hey, driver, be careful!
It's impossible to go fast
People know everything in the world -
Children go to this place…(children).

6. If you are going to the zoo or the cinema with your dad,
You will have to make friends with this sign anyway,
Without it you will not get on a bus or a tram,
So you will go on foot! Can you guess the road sign?(children)

7. A man walks boldly along black and white stripes
How many of you guys know what they're warning about?(crosswalk).

8. Wonderful sign -
Exclamation mark!
So you can scream here,
Sing, make noise, be mischievous
Or run barefoot!
Or go with the wind!
People answer strictly
Here…(dangerous road).

3 competition “Choose a sign”.

So many road signs! Help me, please, make out these signs. The “Traffic Light” command selects prohibiting signs, and the “Road Signs” command selects permissive or mandatory signs.

4 competition “Walk through the underground passage.”

We approach the crossroads.
Ah, the annoying problem!
What should we do? There is no progress - the red light comes on.
But the underground passage will not let us down.

5 competition “Allowed - prohibited”.

Turn to green light.
-Walk on the sidewalk, stick to the right.
-Be an exemplary pedestrian.
-Give your seat to elders in transport.
-At the bus stop stand next to mom.
-Play on the road.
-Cross the street at a red light.
— Cross the street in front of a car driving nearby.
- Make noise on the bus.
— Make noise on the roadway.

6. competition “Light a light for pedestrians.”

(One team collects red balls, the other - green ones into a hoop of the same color).

7th competition “Say the word.”

- Everyone be true to the rule:
Keep to the right...(side)
-The pedestrian must remember:
- If the traffic lights are
Obey them without...(argument).
- Yellow light - warnings,
Wait for the signal to...(move).
- Lesha and Lyuba go sometimes.
Where are they going? On the sidewalk).
- Getting on a bus or tram -
The elders have a place... (give way).
— Hockey is a game played on ice in winter,
But don’t play... (on the pavement).
— Exam of importance
Keep it by the rules...(movements).

Closing song"According to traffic rules."
(execute both commands)


Aerobics dance.

Team awards.


A ray of sunshine makes us laugh and teases,

We're having fun this morning.

Spring gives us a ringing holiday,

And the main guest on it is the game!

Guys, today we will compete in agility, accuracy, dexterity. And all our games will be dedicated to traffic rules, because on the streets and roads day and night, in heat and cold, vehicles move in a continuous stream. Every day there are more and more of them. The number of pedestrians and passengers on transport is increasing. The risk of road accidents is also increasing. And therefore, drivers and pedestrians need to be especially disciplined and attentive. Everyone should know and strictly follow traffic rules, both adults and children.

So, we begin our competition! Two teams are participating: “Traffic Light” and “Cars”. Let's welcome them.

Competition games are evaluated by our jury after each game.

1. Game "Traffic Light"

Two teams play. The presenter raises the green circle, the guys slowly begin to stomp their feet as if they were walking. When the yellow circle is raised, the guys clap their hands. With a red circle - silence.


Let's start a conversation

We're talking about an important traffic light!

He's standing on the road

Watches the movement.

2. Competition for captains “Cars to start!”(Who will be the first to bring the car to the finish line by winding a rope around a stick.)


Little houses

They're running down the street

Boys and girls

The houses are being transported.

3. Game "Bus".


There's a house going down the street

Everyone is lucky to get to work.

Not on chicken thin legs,

And in rubber boots.

4. Game “To your signs”(Children run around the hall; when the music ends, they should form a circle near their sign.)


I want to ask about the sign

The sign is drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They are running somewhere as fast as they can. (“Careful, children!”)

What are the names of those paths

On which the legs walk? (Crosswalk.)

Guys, who is a pedestrian?

5. Game “Happy Pedestrians”(Children stand in pairs. Each pair has one leg tied together. The pair that runs first around the chair wins.)

6. Game “Light the flame.”(One team collects red balls, the other - green ones into a hoop of the same color.)


The traffic light is not always kind.

Who can tell me when? (Green.)

Changing the light in the window,

He says: “There is no passage!” (Red.)

7. Game “Hit the Target”. (Whoever hits the target the most times with bags of a given color is the winner.)

8. Game "Trucks". Children run around a chair with a bag on their head and a steering wheel in their hands.)


The load is heavy so easy

Transports far.

He'll knock him down again,

No need to unload. (Truck.)

9. Game “Passing the Wand”. Children pass the baton to each other over their heads.)


Look, guard

Stood on our pavement,

He quickly extended his hand,

He deftly waved his wand.

10. Game “Who will take the baton first?”(Children run to the music; as soon as the music ends, you need to sit on a chair and raise the baton.)

(Summarizing the results of the competition. Awarding the teams.)


Thank you all for your attention,

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the fire of competition,

Guaranteed success.

Now the moment of farewell has come,

My speech will be short.

I tell everyone: “Goodbye!

See you happy next time!”

(for older children)

Target. Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules, signals and traffic lights in game form. Clarify children's ideas about the purpose of road signs. Cultivate attentiveness and the ability to navigate when crossing the street.

Visual aids and hall equipment:

illustrations on the topic; pictures: traffic light, traffic controller; poster “City Streets”;

subject corners: school, hospital, Zebra image, bicycle path - bicycle;

4 empty stands, 2 stands for traffic lights; circles for traffic lights: red, yellow, green, 2 pieces each;

“Traffic light” - 2 double-sided cardboard circles with handles: 1 – red, yellow, 2 – green, yellow;

2 hoops; ball, book;

Road signs at the stand: “Children”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Pedestrian path”, “Bicycle path”, “No cycling”, “Underpass”, “Medical aid station”, “Bus stop”, “Railway crossing” with a barrier";

Easel with sheet and team names for scoring; marker.

Preliminary work.Reading fiction on the topic: N. Nosov “Car”, B. Zhitkov “Traffic Light”, V. Klimenko “Bunny Cyclist”, “An Incident with Toys”, “Who is Most Important on the Street”; Memorizing poems on the topic;

Conversations on the topic;

Guessing riddles; Excursions to the road;

Design of corners in the “Observe traffic rules” group.

Progress of the game - quiz

Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle. Inspect the decoration of the hall.


Guys, now in kindergarten You are led by adults: mothers, fathers, grandparents, but soon you will go to school, and you will have to walk the streets and cross the road on your own.

We have a big one beautiful city with wide streets. There are many cars and trucks moving along the roadway and highway, as well as trams and buses. And no one bothers anyone, because there are clear and strict rules for drivers and pedestrians.

What are these rules called?

Children. Traffic Laws.


Around the city, down the street

They don't just walk around like that.

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time

And remember in advance:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian.


Now I propose to divide into 2 teams and compete, test your knowledge.

Children go to their places

We choose team captains and team names based on riddles:

1 riddle:

Here it is on the street

In a black boot -

Three-eyed stuffed animal

On one leg. (Traffic light)

Riddle 2:

Look, what a strong man:

On the go with one hand

I'm used to stopping

Five ton truck. (Adjuster)

Teams are given names. The teams greet each other.

They take their seats.


1 competition: “Which team knows the rules of the road better”

1. What do you call people walking down the street?


2. Where should pedestrians walk?

(On the sidewalk)

3. Where do cars go?

(On the way to)

4. Where is it legal to cross the street?

(At a traffic light, at a pedestrian crossing)

5. How to determine where the pedestrian crossing is?

(The road has zebra stripes and a pedestrian crossing sign)

6. How should you cross the street?

(With a calm, firm step, holding an adult’s hand; you cannot run, ride a scooter...)

7. What pedestrian crossings do you know?

(Underground, above ground, above ground)

8. What should you do if the ball rolls out onto the road?

(Ask an adult to get it)

10. Name the rules of behavior in transport.

(You must not: touch the doors with your hands, distract the driver, lean out of the window, stand on the seat with your feet, talk loudly; you must be polite: give way to girls and elders)

11. What regulates traffic on the street?

(Traffic light)

12. Which side of the street or sidewalk should you walk on?

(You have to stick to the right side)

13. At what traffic light can you cross the street?

(On green)

14. And if the traffic light is broken, who regulates the traffic at the intersection?


Additional questions if necessary:

15. Is it possible to run and jump on the sidewalk?

(No. You need to walk calmly, as you may stumble upon some obstacles and end up on the roadway)

16. If you meet friends on the sidewalk and you want to talk or play, what will you do in this situation?

(You cannot walk in a group on the sidewalk - this interferes with other pedestrians. With friends you need to step aside so as not to disturb passers-by)

The results of the 1st competition are summed up.

2nd competition: “Captains”

Task: “Who can assemble a traffic light faster and correctly?”

Captains assemble paper “traffic lights” on stands. The winner is the one who assembles the traffic light faster and correctly.


Children, your traffic lights are in a vertical position, but could they hang differently?

Children's answers.

Educator. I want to tell you about the traffic light.

The word “traffic light” consists of two words: “light” and “for”. The meaning of the word “light” is clear to everyone. But the word “for” comes from Greek word“foros” - bringing light. For the prohibitory traffic light, red is chosen, because it is clearly visible both during the day and at night, and even in fog. The green signal is less visible, but in the spectrum it is further from the red one and cannot be confused with it.

The teacher and children read a poem about a traffic light:

If the light turns red, -

This means moving is DANGEROUS.

Green light says:

Come on in - the way is OPEN!

Yellow light warning:

Wait for the signal to move.

The results of the 2nd competition are summed up.

Competition 3: “In the land of road signs”

A stand with road signs is pulled out.

Educator: There are many road signs on the streets. Road signs - best friends drivers and pedestrians. Each sign has its own name. Road signs tell you which road you should take, what you should do, and what you shouldn’t do. There are warning signs (show), prohibitive, indicative.

Now I will ask riddles, and you must guess and find the sign, show it to all the children and place it in your place. (The hall is equipped with play corners with stands). Children can name some of the signs without riddles. (You can choose only 4 riddles, the remaining 4 signs - the children explain themselves)

1. What kind of sign is this?

Stop - he tells the cars.

Pedestrian, walk boldly

Striped black and white. ("Crosswalk")

2. Look, boy Fedya

Riding a bike

Guess why

Dissatisfaction among passers-by? (“Bicycles are prohibited”)

3. Show the road sign,

Where can Feda ride? ("Bike Lane")

4. Tom’s stomach hurts,

He won't make it home

In a situation like this

Need to find a sign, which one? (Medical aid station)

5. In this place, oddly enough,

They are constantly waiting for something.

Some are sitting, some are standing

What kind of place is this? ("Bus stop")

6. Pedestrian in the blue circle -

Take your time, go!

The path is safe

He's not afraid here! ("Footpath")

7. This sign is a great friend to us,

Saves you from trouble

And right on the pavement,

Drivers are warned:

"Careful, children!" ("Children")

8. In rain and in clear weather -

There are no pedestrians here.

The sign tells them one thing:

"You are not allowed to go!" (" No Pedestrians").

The results of the competition are summed up.

4 competition for attention: “Game”.

The children get up.

1 game “Red, yellow, green”

Teacher (explains the rules):

When I raise the red circle, you freeze;

Yellow - clap your hands;

Green – moving, marching.

Children complete tasks.

2 game "Taxi"

Two teams (two columns) taxi driver - takes the hoop, stands in it and transports the children - passengers (one at a time) to the other end of the hall at the traffic light. The team whose driver transports all the passengers the fastest wins.

The winner is announced. The results of the competition are summed up.

Competition 5: “Allowed or prohibited”

The teacher begins the phrase, and the children continue with the words “allowed” or “prohibited.” Teams answer in turns.

Walking in a crowd along the sidewalk... (prohibited)

Cross the road... (prohibited)

Helping older people cross the street... (allowed)

Run out onto the roadway... (prohibited)

Cross the road when the light is green... (allowed)

Respect traffic rules... (allowed)

Educator: I see the rules of the road, you know them well, well done.

6th competition “Right - Wrong”

Now let's play. The guys on one team will act out a little story, and the guys on the other team will have to decide who did the wrong thing in this situation and vice versa!

Children cross the road at a zebra crossing and at a traffic light (the teacher shows the circles)

The situations may be the following:

Crossing the road:

Reading a book

Look left, then right

Playing ball


They walk holding the hand of an adult


Dancing, etc.

Summarize the competition

Educator: Well done! Now you know exactly what not to do on the road!

I invite everyone to line up and sum up the overall result of our game - a quiz.

The “Traffic Light” team earned ... points, the “Traffic Controller” team ... points.

All children take part in the general roll call:


Follow the simple law:

The red light came on -

Children: Stop!

Educator: Yellow flashed -

Children: Wait!

Educator: And the green light -

Children: Go!

Educator: Well done! That's right! So we competed, tested our knowledge of the rules of the road, which we will definitely follow and implement!

And for your active participation - accept gifts!

Children receive gifts and leave the hall.

Used Books

Saulina T.F. Three traffic lights: Familiarization of preschoolers with the rules of the road: For working with children 3-7 years old. –

M.: - Mosaic-Sintez, 2009. - 112 p.

Goals: In a playful way, introduce children to the rules of the road, teach them to quickly react to a traffic situation, and consolidate the knowledge acquired during theoretical classes.

Participants: 3rd grade students.


  1. 2 relay batons, a traffic police inspector’s baton;
  2. Scoreboard with certain points – 20 pieces
  3. Rules poster.
  4. Balloons or balls of red, yellow, green.
  5. Road signs.
    a) Tunnel;
    b) Overpass;
    c) Rough road;
    d) Road works;
    e) Circular motion;
    e) Low-flying aircraft.
  6. Pedestrian crossing strips – 6 pieces;
  7. Traffic light cubes – 6 pieces;
  8. Cap, vest, baton, whistle;
  9. Triggers – 2 pieces, bandages – 2 pieces;
  10. Road signs:
    1. Bicycles are prohibited;
    2. The movement of trucks is prohibited;
    3. Movement of passenger cars;
    4. Pedestrian traffic is prohibited;
    5. Bicycle path;
    6. Overhead pedestrian crossing.
  11. Pictures: truck, car, bicycle, pedestrian.
  12. Road signs:
    - prohibiting – 6 pieces;
    - warnings – 6 pieces;
    - mixed signs – 12 pieces.
  13. Toy cars – 2 pieces.
  14. Certificates of honor, prizes.
  15. Music for competitions;
  16. Phonogram of songs.

Progress of the relay

The relay race is carried out like fun starts, but with tasks dedicated to traffic rules. All relay participants take turns running a given distance at which they perform certain tasks.

Two teams enter the hall

Captain of the 1st team: ONE, TWO,


Captain II team: THREE FOUR


Captain of the 1st team: Who walks together in a row?

ALL: Our Yuid squad

Captain II team:

With us we are all in the same ranks
Roads lead us forward.

Our motto: - “Always forward!”
Violator - get out of the way,
Get off your feet quickly!

Captain of the 1st team: Stand still, ONE, TWO

Forming teams in one line.

Leading: Good afternoon Dear Guys! Dear guests! Today two teams are taking part in the “Road ABC” game. Our competition begins with a greeting to the teams.

So, the first competition: “GREETING”

Team captains must submit reports.

Captain Team, come to attention!

Teams : Comrade teacher!


Captain: for conducting a sports relay race "Road ABC" built.

Our motto:

To live without knowing sorrows,
To run, swim and fly
You need traffic rules
Always and everywhere comply.
We are the team "Traffic Light"
We send our warmest greetings.
And with all our hearts we wish
Give them the correct answer.
Know the traffic rules -
Great achievement.

Our song:

Let run clumsily
Pedestrians through puddles
Well, I’m waiting for the green light!
There's no rush here
This is where I will cross the road!
Chorus: And I’m walking towards the green,
I am an example to everyone passing by,
I know the traffic rules
I do not have problems!

Team captain____________. The report has been submitted.

The report has been accepted, at ease!

Team captain: Team, at ease!

Captain II team: Team, come to attention!

Comrade teacher!



The captain for the “Road ABC” sports relay race has been built.


Follow the simple law:
The red light turned on "STOP"!
Yellow flashed - WAIT!
A green light- GO!

Team "Pedestrians"

We will fight with you
But we just won't give up
Let's have traffic rules
Carry out without objection.
May good luck be with you.
Become literate pedestrians -
This is our task.

Our song "Bremen Town Musicians"

    There is nothing better in the world,
    Why friends can wander around the world.
    For those who know the rules of the road,
    There is no threat of grief on the road (2 times)

    Traffic rules taught
    Friends are not afraid of cars,
    Let it be above us sky is blue,
    No misfortune threatens you and me (2 times)

    Everyone should know without exception
    Traffic rules,
    If you know the rules of the road,
    We are not afraid of any anxiety (2 times)

Team captain: _____________________ The report has been submitted.

The report is free to accept!

Team captain: Team, at ease!

The teams greeted each other, it's time to meet the judges!

Presentation of the judges.

Competitions are assessed using a 5-point system. Each jury member raises a scoreboard with a certain score. Before the start of our “Road Relay Race”, I also want to draw attention to our rules. (The rules are written on the poster).

So, I ask the team captains.

  • We play not for self-interest, but for the pleasure of ourselves and others.
  • Let's play fair!
  • Be persistent. Don’t be discouraged by failures and don’t gloat.
  • If you win, be happy, but don’t get arrogant.
  • Stay calm no matter the outcome of the game.

Now get ready to warm up!

Warm up. "ADJUSTER"

At the signal, you need to run to the hoop, stand in the hoop, take the baton and raise it up, put it in the hoop and run back, passing the baton to someone else. Then the next one runs, and so on the whole team. The team that completes the task first and without violations wins.

So, word of the jury.


Captains get 3 hot air balloon(you can have balls) of red, yellow, green color and, at a signal, throw one over your head further to the last player. When the ball reaches the last player, he lifts it up - the first red signal is lit. The captain can pass the next ball. The team that lights up all three signals the fastest will win.

We give the floor to the jury.

2. Competition “ROAD SIGNS”

Run in compliance with road signs. The team that completes the task first wins.

(Road signs attached to the back of a chair).

  • TUNNEL - climb through a hoop;
  • OVERHEAD PASSAGE - run along the bench;
  • ROUGH ROAD - run across the mat;
  • MEN AT WORK - first collect the scattered pieces of paper in a bucket, and scatter them on the way back;
  • ROUNDABOUT CIRCULATION - run around the chair;
  • LOW-FLYING AIRCRAFT - run under the rope (the rope can be pulled between the chairs)

I ask the jury to evaluate the competition.

3. Competition “INSTALL A ZEBRA”

This competition is for time and accuracy of execution. The winner is the team whose zebra crossing and traffic light are made faster and smoother.

1 participant- carries 2 strips from the pedestrian crossing, puts down the strips, walks along them and returns to the team;

2nd participant- carries 2 stripes from the pedestrian crossing, walks strictly along the stripes of the first participant, puts down his stripes and walks along his stripes and the stripes of 1 participant and returns to the team;

3rd participant- carries 2 stripes from the pedestrian crossing, walks strictly along the stripes of the first and second participant, puts down his stripes and walks along his stripes and the stripes of participants 1 and 2 and returns to the team;

4th participant red, walks strictly along the stripes, places the cube on the right side and returns to the team; (the second team places the cube on the left side)

5th participant- carries a cube for a traffic light - yellow. Places a die and returns to the team;

6th participant - carries a cube for a traffic light - green. Places a die and returns to the team.

Then the teams run around this structure with a train.

Jury ratings, please, for this competition

Music "DPS"

3a. Competition "TRAFFIC INSPECTOR"

On command, one representative at a time runs to a chair on which the clothes of a traffic police inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate are laid out.” Cap, vest, baton, whistle. You need to quickly get dressed, blow the whistle loudly, undress and run to the team, passing the baton to another participant.

And again we turn to the jury members.

4. First aid relay race.

  1. The participant (team member) sits on a chair at the end of the hall opposite the team.
  2. Participant - runs to the first one, brings a jacket and puts on the jacket and returns to the team;
  3. Participant - runs to the first one, brings a bandage and returns to the team;
  4. Participant – bandages his leg;

5th and 6th participants - help the first participant to jump to the team on one leg.

The jury's word.

5. Competition: “Attention! Road"

At the end of the distance, road signs are folded.

  1. Bicycles are prohibited.
  2. Truck traffic is prohibited.
  3. Movement of passenger cars.
  4. No Pedestrians.
  5. Bike Lane.
  6. Overhead pedestrian crossing.

And at a distance there are pictures: a truck, a car, a bicycle, a pedestrian (it is best to attach them to the back of a chair so that it is visible, and put the signs on the chair). The participant, having reached the end, takes one sign and on the way back leaves it at the drawing of that vehicle for which this sign is intended.

  1. Truck - 2 vehicles
  2. Passenger car - 3 cars
  3. Bicycle - 1; 5
  4. Pedestrian - 4; 6

The jury's word.

6. Competition “ROAD SIGNS”

Task: you need to run to the hoop, take the sign and the name of the sign. Bring it to your team. Then the second participant runs and does the same. It is necessary to collect one group of signs: Team I - prohibition signs; Team II - warning signs.

7. Competition. I am a driver

Several obstacles are set up along the course, and participants need to guide a car tied to a rope between the obstacles as quickly as possible.

Forming teams in one line.

Our “Road Relay Race” has come to its finale. The final word for the award is presented to the jury. Presentation of certificates and prizes.

Before I say goodbye to you,
I want to wish you
Good health
Smile more often
And obey traffic rules
And there will be no accidents!

AND last question everyone: What should we not forget?

About traffic rules!
Green light to you guys!
Goodbye! See you again!

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