Ilya Reznik: the long-awaited wedding and three years after. Biography of Ilya Reznik What is the name of Ilya Reznik’s wife

Famous composer Ilya Reznik is relaxing with his wife, Irina Romanova. The wife of the lyricist is a master of sports of the USSR in athletics and the general director of the theater of her 78-year-old husband. A woman shares photos from her vacation on social networks. Friends and acquaintances of Reznik’s wife noted that at 50 years old she does not look her age, as she still has toned, slender legs and a cheerful smile.

The greatest impression on Internet users was made by Romanova’s photo from the beach. She poses in a swimsuit lying on a sun lounger on one of the pebble beaches in Sochi. Next to the ex-athlete is a huge dish of fruit: watermelon and melon. “An unexpected surprise on the beach. Watermelon and melon from a mysterious admirer,” Romanova captioned the frame. Her friends suggested that it was Ilya Reznik who pleased his beloved with delicious gifts from the Krasnodar region.

Users of the social network admired Irina’s beauty, comparing her to the ancient Greek goddess. Among the pictures posted on her page, you can find joint shots with Ilya Reznik, as well as portraits of Irina taken by the songwriter.

Let us remember that Reznik and Romanova met 18 years ago, but were able to officially formalize the relationship only in 2012. The reason for this was problems in the divorce of the composer with his second wife Munira Argumbayeva, who lived in the USA. According to American law, he had to wait until his son turned 21. “I was waiting for my son to come of age, so I was in no hurry to get a divorce. But the time has come to document the absence of Munira and my family and consolidate my relationship with Irina, so I filed for divorce,” Reznik said in an interview.

According to Irina Romanova’s acquaintances, before she met Ilya Rakhmielevich, she worked as a masseuse in one of the beauty salons. “Ilya Rakhmielevich often came to pick up Ira, but did not go to her for procedures. Why, when there is such a craftswoman at home? Once I came to the salon with a huge bouquet of scarlet roses. Just like that - I wanted to please. We were all jealous!” Romanova’s colleagues said.

In her second marriage, Ilya’s mother immediately gave birth to triplets: Vera, Marina, Vova. Her stepfather set a condition under which she had to choose either him or her son. Mom made a choice in favor of a new family, leaving the boy. Then little Ilya was only six years old. Reznik was adopted by his paternal grandparents. By the way, they were not blood relatives for Reznik, since they were adoptive parents for his father.

Reznik recalls how his mother crossed the road to the other side as soon as she saw her son. The past of Ilya Rakhmielevich still evokes a lot of emotions in him. Instead, his faithful wife Irina Reznik tells the story of past years: “This story is difficult for me too. Ilya and a friend were returning from school. It was a sunny day. The boys are in a good mood. And suddenly he saw a mother with a nanny and a stroller in which the triplets were lying. Ilya was delighted: finally, mom! And when she saw him, she abruptly went over to the other side.”

Later, Reznik’s mother and her entire family moved to Riga and they did not see each other for a long time. Only when Ilya Rakhmielevich became a famous poet did his relatives remember him. Reznik admitted that he was able to forgive his mother and her children, who were not guilty of anything. He even started helping them. “My sisters and brother, they are good. So funny and noisy. We talked, I helped them as best I could. They also had a difficult childhood - with such and such a father,” said Ilya Reznik on the air of the “When Everyone is Home” program.

I wonder if Ilya Reznik’s mother knew that her son would become an outstanding person, would she have been able to abandon him in childhood?

The Soviet songwriter was born in 1938 into a family of political emigrants who came to the Soviet Union in the early thirties from Denmark. His early biography coincided with the war, and little Ilya had to endure many difficult trials. He lived in besieged Leningrad for a whole year, and then his family was evacuated to the Urals. His father was seriously wounded in 1944 and died of his wounds in a Sverdlovsk military hospital, and his mother soon got married and left for Riga, leaving her son to the parents of her deceased husband, who soon officially adopted their grandson, and therefore Reznik bears the middle name not of his own father, but of his grandfather .

Already during his school years, Ilya began to dream of the theater stage, took up dancing, took part in amateur performances, and, having received a diploma of secondary education, applied to the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema. However, the attempt to enter the university was unsuccessful neither the first, nor the second, nor the third time, and only the fourth time Reznik successfully passed the entrance exams and became a student in the acting department, and all the time between admissions, he not only prepared, but also worked either as an electrician, or as a laboratory assistant at a medical institute, or as a stage worker in a theater.

In the photo - Reznik with his second wife Munira Argumbayeva

After graduating from the institute, Ilya Reznik’s work biography began - he joined the troupe of the Theater. Komissarzhevskaya and then began to write poetry, compose reprises and songs for performances. The poet’s first great success came in 1969, when the song based on his poem “Cinderella,” which instantly became super popular, was performed by the young singer Lyudmila Senchina. In the same year, the first book of poems by Ilya Reznik for children was published.

Poetry began to occupy more and more space in the life of Ilya Rakhmielevich, and in 1972 he finally left the theater to devote himself to this type of literary activity. He very quickly found recognition, including among pop stars, for whom he began writing songs.

In the photo - Reznik and Irina Romanova

The beginning of Reznik’s poetic biography coincided with changes in his personal life. He always enjoyed enormous success with women, and for the first time he gave up his bachelor status by marrying a nineteen-year-old student named Regina, who in 1969 gave birth to the poet’s son Maxim, and seven years later a daughter Alice. However, children did not guarantee a long family life - Reznik divorced Regina, while his son remained to live with him.

The second wife of Ilya Reznik was the Uzbek dancer and choreographer Munira Argumbayeva. In 1989, she gave birth to Ilya Rakhmielevich’s son Arthur, with whom they left for the USA when Reznik was offered to work there under a contract. The health of the child of Munira and Ilya Reznik required that he remain in the States, naturally, with his mother, and Ilya Rakhmielevich returned to Russia.

In 2012, he decided to radically change his personal life and divorced Munira, with whom he had lived for almost a quarter of a century, although mostly away from his wife, who lived most of the time with her son in the United States. He took this step for the sake of another woman, Irina Romanova, whom he met in the company of mutual friends. Irina is twenty-seven years younger than the maestro, and immediately captivated him not only with her beauty, but also with her indescribable charisma. Having met, they exchanged phone numbers, and after some time a whirlwind romance broke out between them.

When the official wife of Ilya Reznik found out that his husband had another woman, she immediately flew to Russia and caused a loud scandal, calling Reznik a polygamist. But, to Munira’s great surprise, it turned out that she and Ilya Rakhmielevich were already divorced. She began a long legal process to have the divorce annulled, but apart from lengthy proceedings and mutual recriminations, the courts brought nothing. One of the programs “Let Them Talk” was dedicated to Reznik’s divorce, in which his second wife was a participant, and after this talk show, due to strong emotions, Reznik had a stroke.

In the end, everything was resolved, and Ilya Reznik was left alone, and after fourteen years of civil marriage he became the legal spouse of Irina Romanova. Irina is not only the wife of Ilya Rakhmielevich, but also works as the director of the theater named after him.

Born on April 4, 1938 in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). During the Leningrad blockade he lived in evacuation in the Urals. After school, Ilya Reznik worked as a laboratory assistant at a medical institute, an electrician and a stagehand. Graduated from the Leningrad State Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinema. In 1972, Ilya Rakhmielevich Reznik left the theater and was engaged only in song poetry.

- Ilya Rakhmielevich, you always exude cheerfulness and optimism. Where do you get your strength from?

My biggest support and inspiration is my wife Ira. Without her, I would have gone sour a long time ago. And, of course, childhood under siege, hunger, early loss of parents - all these difficulties strengthened me and taught me to enjoy every day I lived.

- Please tell us how you met your wife Irina?

Ira and I met in the company of mutual friends at a birthday party. I really liked her right away - beautiful, charismatic. We exchanged phone numbers, although we didn’t get on the phone right away; there was a period of calm. But then everything went even very quickly!

-Have you won your wife? How did you look after her?

Well, what does conquered mean? I didn’t wear flowers or cakes. This was not the main thing for us. We just immediately gravitated towards each other. It rarely happens when at first glance you understand that this is your person. We have been together for 17 years and during this time we have not tired of each other at all, we still love and protect each other from all kinds of misfortunes.

- You have been together for so many years, but you officially married only two years ago. Why?!

We lived in a civil marriage for more than 14 years, because we are both sure that a stamp in a passport does not change anything.

And I decided to get married in order to protect my beloved from insults: they said a lot of nasty things about Ira related to the fact that we are not officially married. Although I don’t understand, who cares? In general, our painting was a kind of protection.

Ilya Rakhmielevich, a little over a year ago your name appeared in a scandal - you drove into the oncoming lane, and the inspector just let you go...

Made a mountain out of a mountain! I’ll tell you: I wasn’t driving on the oncoming lane, but on a dividing strip where motorists with special permits can drive. Yes, I didn’t have one, but I only drove 200 m at a speed of 60 km/h. This was all recorded on a video that went online.

They made a whole scandal out of this minor incident! As if famous people haven't done worse things on the road! Everyone turned on me. I was very upset. And I am sure that this is a custom-made campaign of my ill-wishers...

By the way, shortly before this, Ilya Reznik had a stroke. Is it true that it was provoked by one of the talk shows dedicated to you?

Is it true. It was terrible, a real disgusting provocation! The people who came to this program all lied about me! (Reznik’s ex-wife and the witnesses she brought accused Reznik of leaving her without a penny, and much more.) Let this remain on their conscience. But I believe that I am not worthy of such persecution. People of average ability take pleasure in humiliating outstanding individuals. It's just disgusting.

- How did you manage to restore your health?

Whenever possible, primarily financially, I go to sanatoriums. I love Soviet-style sanatoriums; they have very caring nurses. I do all sorts of therapeutic and health-improving procedures. And, of course, my beloved wife and friends helped me get back on my feet. My friends are mostly military men and doctors. Faithful people who will not let you down or set you up, but will lend a helping hand at the right time. Thanks to this environment, I don’t lose faith in people!

Interviewed by Victoria Kalinina

Russian songwriter, People's Artist of Russia Ilya Reznik was born on April 4, 1938 in Leningrad into a family of political emigrants from Denmark who came to the Soviet Union to build a happy future in the early thirties. The poet's childhood included difficult years: he survived famine in besieged Leningrad, evacuation to the Urals along the Road of Life, and the death of his father, who, having been seriously wounded at the front, died from his wounds in the hospital. Ilya was 6 years old then.

The mother quickly got married and left for Riga, leaving her son to his adoptive parents - his paternal grandparents - Riva Girshevna and Rakhmiel Samuilovich Reznik.

Boys of the post-war years grew up romantic, they united in secret musketeer societies, and loved to play “Cossack robbers”. Ilya Reznik was involved in ballroom dancing, gymnastics, went to the club of young entertainers at the Palace of Pioneers, and attended the “Skillful Hands” club.

In the fourth grade, Ilya Reznik dreamed of entering the Nakhimov School in order to become an admiral in the future, and after the 10th grade he applied to the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema. He failed on his first attempt, or on his second, or on his third. 1958 turned out to be a happy year - on the fourth attempt, Ilya Reznik finally became a student at the acting department.

A year before entering the university, in 1957, the main breadwinner of the family, Ilya’s grandfather, Rakhmiel Samuilovich Reznik, died. To support his family, Ilya took on any job: he was an electrician at a metal plant, a laboratory assistant at a medical institute, a stagehand at the theater, washing his hands bloody, rowing a boat for 2 rubles 50 kopecks in the Leningrad Culture Park.

The theatrical path of Ilya Reznik

After graduating from university in 1965, Ilya Reznik joined the troupe of the V.F. Theater. Komissarzhevskaya. There he was lucky enough to play diverse roles. At this time, Reznik was in constant creative search: he worked on words, wrote songs for student and theater performances, reprises, and participated in theatrical skits.

In 1969, Reznik wrote his first song, “Cinderella,” which was performed by Lyudmila Senchina. The song brought the poet all-Union popularity. In 1972, Ilya Reznik left the theater and devoted himself to song poetry.

International recognition of Ilya Reznik

The first international success was brought to Ilya Reznik by the song “Apple Trees in Bloom,” performed by Sofia Rotaru. Then there were awards for the song “Elegy” to Feltsman’s music, and for the song “Prayer” by Zhurbin.

The poet's popularity grew every year. Songs based on the poems of Ilya Reznik are recognizable and loved. They entered the repertoire of many famous Russian pop singers. Laima Vaikule performed such hits as “Fiddler on the Roof”, “It’s Not Evening”, “Charlie”, and in a duet with Valery Leontyev - “Vernissage”. Vladimir Presnyakov’s calling card was the song “A Stewardess Named Zhanna.”

Reznik's songs are performed by Edita Piekha, Tatyana Bulanova, Irina Allegrova, Philip Kirkorov and, of course, Alla Pugacheva, with whom Reznik has developed friendly relations.

Ilya Reznik and Alla Pugacheva

Ilya Reznik has been collaborating with Alla Pugacheva for many years. The poet wrote the best songs for her, which are still considered hits.

Pugacheva at one time insisted that Reznik and his wife move to Moscow. They lived with the singer for nine months until they settled down. Their joint work includes such songs as “Without me, you, my beloved”, “Singer’s Monologues”, “Maestro”, “Antique Clock”, “Return”, “Anxious Path”, “Starry Summer”, “Ballet”.

Books, poems and scripts by Ilya Reznik

In 1969, Reznik’s first book for children, “Tyapa Doesn’t Want to Be a Clown,” was published in Riga. In 1972, Ilya Reznik became a member of the Leningrad Union of Writers. Ilya Reznik writes poetry, fairy tales, funny fables with musical rhythm, filled with humor, love and tenderness for children. Reznik published books from the series “Cuckoo”, “The Fidget Named Luka”, and a collection of poems and fairy tales “Here!” In the “Little Country” series, books by Ilya Reznik were published: “Forest Tales”, “The Cow from Komarovo”, “The Sperm Whale”.

Ilya Reznik Love must be kind

In 1999, Reznik became a member of the Moscow Writers' Union. He wrote such books as “Monologues of a Singer”, “Two Over the City”, “Favorites”. The poet wrote 600 quatrains, many epigrams, then distributed them to people and they chose the best. So another book came out, for which the poet will not be ashamed, since it passed all the tests. In 2000, Ilya Reznik opened the publishing house “Ilya Reznik Library”.

Reznik has written many poems, scripts, and plays. His opera-mystery “Black Bridle on a White Mare” was staged on the stage of the Film Actor’s Theatre. He also wrote the script for “Olympic Moscow” and the fairy tale-musical “Little Country”. In 1991, Ilya Reznik created his own theater, at the premiere of which the musical play “The Game of Rasputin, or Nostalgia for Russia” was shown. After that, Reznik toured the theater in the USA, and in Russia he delights the public with Ilya Reznik’s Vernissages on the stage of the Rossiya concert hall.

Poems by Ilya Reznik and films

Ilya Reznik appeared in cinema for the first time as a songwriter in the credits of the film “The Adventures of Prince Florizel.”

Ilya Reznik wrote the script for the film “I came and said” directed by Naum Ardashnikov, created on the basis of documentary material about the singer Alla Pugacheva. The main role in this film was played by the singer herself. Ilya Reznik also starred in this film as himself. The film featured songs based on poems by Bella Akhmadulina, Boris Vakhnyuk, Alla Pugacheva, and Ilya Reznik himself. In 2004, another film “Diamonds for Juliet” was released, in which the poet participated.

Personal life of Ilya Reznik

The first wife of Ilya Reznik was the deputy director of the Variety Theater in Leningrad, Regina Reznik. This marriage produced a son, Maxim Reznik, who works as a journalist, and a daughter, Alice. The son participated in the program “Sharks of the Feather”.

Ilya Reznik met his second wife Munira Argumbayeva, who is an Uzbek choreographer and dancer, in Tashkent while recording a program for the Sado group with Aziza and Mila Ramanidi. Reznik believes that the main thing in a woman is femininity, affection, obedience, and respect for a man. He finds all this in his Eastern woman. Munira gave birth to Ilya Reznik's son Arthur. Ilya Reznik also has an illegitimate son, Evgeniy, who lives in Odessa.

“Let them talk” - I. Reznik about divorce

At 74, Ilya Reznik married again after 14 years of civil marriage and a scandalous divorce. His third wife, Irina Alekseevna Romanova, is a Master of Sports of the USSR in athletics. There are no children from this marriage.

Ilya Reznik now

People's Artist of Russia, honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts Ilya Rakhmielevich lives in Moscow. He actively creates and participates in television shows. Reznik loves Russian classics. He is especially close to the works of Alexander Pushkin, Alexander Blok, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, and among composers Sergei Rachmaninov.

The love story of Ilya Reznik

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