Interesting summer riddles. Riddles about summer: months, sun, summer fruits and berries. How to work with your child using riddles

Riddles about summer with answers- This is a good way of entertainment for children. They will not contribute to the development of all cognitive processes, but will also expand children’s knowledge about this time of year. In the morning, you can play active games with your children in the fresh air, but in the daytime, when the strong sun is shining, hide in the shade and ask them riddles. It’s better to look through the answers in advance, because the riddles may have a trick...

A riddle is the wisdom of time, a storehouse of attentiveness and observation, questions and answers. This is a great opportunity to “exercise” your brain, become more attentive and wiser. If we talk about riddles about summer, they can be divided into riddles about natural phenomena, riddles about fruits and vegetables, riddles about the sky, summer sports, the sun, flowers, etc.

Riddles about summer for children

Sits right under the ceiling
And bites in secret
It will buzz slightly above your ear,
Like an annoying fly.

Who is this? Answer: mosquito

They talk about this mushroom
Why do they eat it raw?

What kind of mushroom is this? Answer: russula.

The rain decorated the sky
I mixed some water with the sun,
I took 7 colors of paints -
The colorful bridge is ready.

Answer: rainbow.

If it exists, we close our eyes.
If it is not there, we frown.

Answer: sun

This tree gives us “snowflakes”,
When summer is in full swing.

Answer: poplar

Children's riddles about summer

The linden blossoms
The sun is burning
Flowers are blooming
When does this happen?

Answer: in the summer.

Not a lantern, but it shines brightly.
Not fire, but it burns a lot?

Answer: sun.

Covers half the sky,
It happens immediately after rain.
The arc is beautiful, colorful.
No sooner has it appeared than it immediately disappears.

Answer: rainbow.

Brother and sister live together. Everyone hears him, but no one sees, but everyone sees her, but no one hears. What are the names of the brother and sister? Answer: thunder and lightning.

It brings warmth with it,
And woven from heat.
Warms all the rivers
Children are invited to swim.
You can't help but love him for this!
And we call him...

Answer: summer.

Not pilots, but they fly. Not motors, but they make noise. Not snakes, but they sting badly. Who is this? Answer: wasps.

And he is neither an animal nor a bird.
His nose is like a knitting needle.
It sits - it is silent, it flies - it squeaks.

Answer: mosquito

Oh, don't touch me! I will burn you without fire!

Answer: nettle.

The day is long, but the night is short,

Everything around is flooded with light.
A bee carries honey from a flower,
Thunder rumbles from afar.

What is this? Answer: summer.

Everything is warmed by the bright sun.
A wonderful thing has come...

Answer: summer

The bird sings merrily
A flower is blooming under the window.
How much greenery, how much light:
This has come to us...

Answer: summer.

A bright ball is shining at you from the sky.
Anyone will notice him.
He looks joyfully out the window,
This gentle sun...

Time for berries, mushrooms,
You can hear the singing of mosquitoes,
And everything around is warmed with warmth.
Welcome to the ….

Answer: summer.

Diamonds on flowers
On leaves and on hummocks.
Have you seen such miracles?
And this is the morning...

Answer: dew

Peas are falling on us from the clouds,
On the window, on the threshold.
It falls into the garden bed and into the garden.
And this miracle is called...

Answer: hail.

There is a yellow shirt in the sky, its sleeves open all over the sky.

Answer: sun.

Summer is one of the most pleasant times of the year. Time is very easy to measure at this time. It is usually hot and warm outside in the summer. There are green leaves around, and a blue sky above your head. Nature is bright and colorful - it gives us all a colorful rainbow. Let's look at a few more riddles about summer. With their help, we can easily understand why summer is called red, and not green and yellow. Children will also learn that the summer months are not warm in all countries of the world.

Short riddles about summer

It is woven from the heat, carries warmth with it, warms the rivers - invites you to swim. What is this? Answer: summer.

Grandma is old, she is all white. In the summer no one needs her, but in the winter everyone hugs her. Answer: stove.

Without him, everyone cries, but as soon as he appears, they cry.

It nourishes in the fall, cools in the summer, and warms in the winter. What is this?

Answer: forest.

In winter he undresses, and when summer comes, he dresses up.

Answer : deciduous forest.

In the summer they grow, come winter they fall off.

In between asking riddles, you can play the following games with your children:

"Build a road." Invite the children to build a road out of sand. After construction, discuss with him what kind of road he has: short, long, wide or narrow. Which road can this or that car travel on and why.

"Vice versa". Offer the child words, and in response he should tell you the opposite in meaning. For example, hard - soft, sun - moon, day - night, etc.

"What do you see?". While walking outdoors, take turns naming with your child those objects of nature that fall into your field of vision.

"The fourth is odd."

Have an adult name four objects. 3 of them should be related to each other in some way, but the fourth should not. The child must name the extra item and explain his choice.


For this game, take a ball and start throwing it to your child, while naming the objects. If the object turns out to be edible, then the child must catch the ball, and if not, then throw it away.

"Butterfly and Beetle."

While walking through a park or forest, look at the insects that come your way. Try to compare them, finding differences and common features. For example, a butterfly and a beetle have wings, but the butterfly has thin wings, while the beetle has thick wings.

During games, make sure that children pronounce words correctly, construct sentences, and can justify their answer.

Riddles about spring and summer.

It's not fire, but it burns painfully.
It's not a flashlight, but it provides a lot of light.
This is not a baker, but he bakes...
Tell me, what is his name?

Answer: sun.

An artist walks across the sky, but he has no brushes. He paints people brown. Answer: sun.

In the morning the beads sparkled,
And they covered the grass with themselves.
We went looking for them during the day,
But we can’t find them.

Answer: dew

The fire arrow flies, but no one can catch it.

Answer: lightning.

He's green and bouncy
Absolutely not prickly
It chirps across the meadows all day,
He wants to surprise us with a song.

Answer: grasshopper

The flower was moving
As many as 4 petals.
We wanted to rip them off so bad
And they instantly flew away.

Answer: butterfly

Scarlet beads hang
They look out from the bushes
Loved these beads
Children, birds and bears

Answer: raspberry

He's a rocker and a bed,
It's good to lie on it,
It is in the garden and in the forest,
Will sway on the weight.

Answer: hammock

How delicious honey is
How red the blood is
How round the ball is
And quickly in the mouth it's easy

Answer: cherry

Riddles about summer for schoolchildren

First the shine
Then a crash
And again the crash
And shine again

Answer: thunderstorm

If you visit the field,
You'll probably recognize him
This little blue flower
They call...

Answer: cornflower

She hides in the leaves
Cheerful and green.
She has a lot of legs
But he still can't run

Answer: caterpillar.

On a green, thin leg
The ball grew along the path.
The breeze rustled
He tousled our entire ball.

Answer: dandelion.

Our Galochka has
A thread on a stick.
Only a stick in my hand,
A thread in the river.

Answer: fishing rod

His caftan is green,
And the heart is like red.
Try it - how sweet sugar is,
And it looks like a ball.

Answer: watermelon.

Low and prickly
Sweet and fragrant.
You'll pick the berries
You'll rip your hand off.

Answer: gooseberry

Two sisters:
In summer they are green.
And when autumn comes,
One is blushing
And the second one remains green.

Answer: currant

Round, rosy
It grows on a branch
Adults love him
And little children

Answer: apple

It smells fragrant and attracts.
He will give you tender flowers.
Reach out for the fence
It will be in your hands...

Answer: lilac

This little green violinist
The nose of the tailcoat is galloping.

Answer: grasshopper

golden sieve,
But it's full of black houses

Answer: sunflower

It’s better not to touch it, it can burn without fire.

Answer: nettle.

Flutters and dances over the flowers
Yes, he waves a patterned fan.

Answer: butterfly

Juicy, red, fragrant
Grows low, close to the ground: nettle

You can barely hug this berry,
If you are weak, you won’t be able to rise.
You cut it into pieces,
Eat scarlet pulp

Answer: watermelon.

The gates have risen, and the world has beauty

Children really like summer riddles. They tell about summer itself, as well as about nature, animals, plants, and natural phenomena. In children's riddles you can hear a lot of new things about rain, sun, rainbows and those natural phenomena that occur in the summer. Summer riddles are riddles about heat, heat, berries and mushrooms, about lightning and thunder, about fishermen and fishing. Riddles about summer will teach children to work and help them understand the plants that grow in the country house and garden. They can be solved not only by curious children, but also by their parents. Joint exploration of the world and exercises in ingenuity will help families unite and become more friendly.

And this place is called...

Answer: beach.

Painted rocker
It hung over the river.

Answer: rainbow

As you can see, summer riddles can be very diverse. In our article we presented only a few of them. In fact, there are a huge number of them. Inspired by our puzzles, you can come up with your own riddles. We are sure that children will definitely help you with this. You can even make your own book in which you will write down your own riddles. When a child grows up, he will probably be interested in what he did as a child. At first you can write simple riddles, and then move on to poetic forms. Who knows, maybe your baby has literary talent!

Children's riddles about summer:

for preschoolers 4-5 years old

That season we slept for a long time;
We swam, sunbathed,
Traveled somewhere...
Does this only happen? .. (in summer)

A flower grows under the window,
And there is a leaf on the tree.
The ant carries luggage
I stroke him with a blade of grass.
And warmth and a lot of light!
So it has arrived...! (Summer)

How good it is to live freely!
Play - and there's no rush!
Tired of playing on the street -
Go swim, sunbathe. -
Everything in the world is warmed by the sun,
It has come, it has come...

The sun is cheerful
Warms in the morning
And the days are warm
Sends it to us.
But only three months
This miracle lasts.
There is a name for it.
Tell me. ..? (Summer)

A. Popova

Lots of sun, lots of light,
Because it... ( summer)

V. Struchkov

Wonderful weather
Nature smiles!
Emerald time
Happy, happy kids!
The sun is rosy,
The morning is foggy.

L. Kusturova

The gentle sea foams with waves,
The blackberries are ripening and the flowers are blooming.
Warm rain dripped - a rainbow arc.
What time are we talking about here?

N. Shemyakina

So beautiful
There is a time of year
To swim in the river,
Go on hikes
Everything is warmed by warmth
And sunlight.
When? Did you guess it?
Of course … (in summer).

V. Marakhin

There is a lot of greenery, and sun and light,
There is no more beautiful time of year,
If the sunset became the neighbor of the dawn,
So the real thing has come ( Summer).

A. Izmailov

The day is long, the night is short
The sun is shining hotly.
Thunder threatens from afar.
A bee carries honey from a flower.
It's hot, stuffy - it's ( Summer)

T. Lavrova

We play and sing
We live a very fun life.
Sunbathing on the sand
And we swim in the river.
We love it very much for this
Our camp...( summer)

E. Karpenko

Butterflies flutter in the fields.
The bunches of berries are ripening.
The sky is wonderfully clean.
It's green all around. Flowers.
More sun. More light.
So it has arrived... (Summer).

M. Shapovalova

The raspberries are ripe,
And the basket is full of mushrooms!
You can swim in the river
And ride a bike!!
Everyone needs a Panama hat then
And mom makes jam...
It is dressed in a sundress
Well, of course it is...( Summer) !!!

A. Makarova

The sun is shining, everything is blooming.
The forest sings like a bird's trill.
Everything is dressed in greenery.
It's sunny... ( Summer.)

R. Andreychuk

Sun, sea and sand,
He calls you into the woods,
Mushroom and strawberry.
The poppies bloomed in the field,
White daisies.
Cornflowers turn blue in the rye.
Bugs are crawling.
Everything is warmed with warmth,
What's my name? ( Summer.)

S. Kurdyukov

Lots of light and warmth
The sun warmed the earth,
Ears of bread
And the raspberries are ripe,
They go fishing
Fishermen until dawn.
This time is called
Tender name...( Summer)

E. Pankratova

The cities are empty.
Everything is by the sea, by the pond.
Even in the evening it is light.
What time has come to us?

O. Volokhov

It burns us with heat
And everything is warmed by its warmth,
It interrupts our studies.
What time of year is it?


I am made of heat,
I carry the warmth with me,
I warm the rivers
"Take a bath!" - I invite you.
And love for it
You all have me. I - …

The sun is burning,
linden blossoms.
The rye is ripening
when does this happen?

The meadows are turning green,
There is a rainbow-arc in the sky.
The lake is warmed by the sun:
Everyone is invited to swim...

The long-awaited time!
The kids shout: Hurray!
What kind of joy is this?
It's here...

Guess the time of year:
The weather is hot,
The sun rises early,
During the day it warms and bakes,
The river beckons us with coolness,
You need to go to the forest to pick berries,
Ripe the strawberries
Don't be lazy, collect it.
In the field, the rye makes a noise like the sea,
The nightingales sing at dawn,
the herbs stand juicy,
Mowers are rushing to the meadows.

I don’t feel sorry for warmth for you,
From the south I came with the heat.
Brought flowers, fishing,
A ringing swarm of mosquitoes,
Strawberries in a box
And swimming in the river.

Long, long day.
At noon
- Tiny shadow.
The ear of corn blooms in the field,
The grasshopper gives a voice,
Strawberries are ripening.
What a month
Tell me?

This is the first month of summer,
The whole earth is warmed with warmth.
And the rose hips bloom.
Who, tell me, doesn’t know about him?

Hot, sultry,
Stifling day.
Even chickens seek shade.
The mowing of grain has begun,
Time for berries and mushrooms.
Its days are the peak of summer.
What, say
Is this in a month?

Oh, and it’s hot this time of year!
And it’s not for nothing that the crown of summer
This month is called.
Well done, whoever guesses
What a month it is,
When is the kids free?

The maple leaves have turned yellow,
Flew to the countries of the south
Swift-winged swifts.
What month is it, tell me?

At the door, at the window
There won't be any knocking
And it will rise -
And it will wake everyone up.

We cry without him
And how will it appear?
We are hiding from him.

What is higher than the forest,
More beautiful than the world
Does it burn without fire?

Well, which one of you will answer:
It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,
Not a lantern, but shining brightly,
And not a baker, but a baker?

walks across the sky
Painter without brushes.
Brown paint
Makes people beautiful.

Planted a seed -
We raised the sun.


Golden sieve
There are plenty of black houses.


Chop it - there will be a grain,
Plant it and there will be sunshine.


The summer rain has passed since the morning,
The sun came out.
The child was surprised
Looking out the window, -
Seven-color arc
Covered up by the clouds!

It happens after the rain
covers half the sky.
The arc is beautiful, colorful
It will appear, then melt away.

What a wonderful beauty!
painted gate
Showed up on the way!..
You can't drive into them,
Neither enter!

Painted rocker
It hung across the river.

The gates rose -
beauty all over the world.

It is sandy, waiting for us in the summer,
Warm rays shine.
And on the warm shore
Children make Easter cakes.

I'm sure guys
They heard my rumbles.
After all, they always happen
If lightning flashes.
I'm her best friend -
A very menacing booming sound.

There was a ringing heat in the morning.
The sun's ray has just disappeared,
The rain came down like a wall
From huge black clouds.
The sky has darkened menacingly,
It sparkled and thundered.

Sister and brother live:
Everyone sees one
Yes, he doesn’t hear
Everyone hears the other
He doesn't see it.

(Lightning and thunder)

Look: from the sky in summer
Ice floes flew!
Refreshed with white color
Grass and paths.
A black cloud has arrived
I brought these pieces of ice.

I sparkle here and there in the stormy sky. And thunder follows on my heels.

Fluffy cotton wool
Floating somewhere.
The lower the wool,
The closer the rain comes.

In the morning the beads sparkled,
They covered all the grass with themselves,
And we went to look for them during the day,
We search and search, but we won’t find it.

Children's riddles about summer. Interesting and funny riddles for children about summer. Riddles for children from 8 to 10 years old. Riddles about summer flowers, about the summer months.

Riddles about summer with answers

Rainbow bouquet

I'll collect flowers in a bouquet,

Like a rainbow hello:

Yellow, blue, cyan,

Red with delicate fringe,


And orange-burgundy.

I’ll press the green stems,

I'll breathe in the scent of spring!

Bouquet of flowers

Proud MAC blossomed in the valley

A scarlet drop on the plain.

The petals are caressed by the wind,

What is more beautiful in the world?

BELL blue,

Come play with me!

Ring your bell for me

A modest meadow flower!

Whose tender head is there?

Are you awkwardly reaching for the sun?

BUTTERCUPLE, sweet creation, -

A poem about you.

Even the evil THISTLE

It doesn't look too bad,

And the prickly heads

So beautiful, so awkward!

Beautiful summer flowers!

Do you agree with me?

All nature is a marvelous color!

So thank you, SUMMER!

We waited for spring and May -

All nature is blooming

The aroma filled the day -

What smells wonderful? (Lilac)

Near the river on the lawn

In a blue openwork T-shirt

Delicate like a moth

What kind of flower? (Cornflower)

Love does not love, -

Natasha is guessing,

What is she holding in her hands?

Flower - ... (chamomile)

Yellow sun eye,

Snow-white petal.

It's not a rose or a porridge,

What kind of flower? (Chamomile)

There is a bright light in the field,


What is this flaming flower?

Red clove)

The petals are simple,

Baby blue,

Just admire it for a minute -

What will you remember? (Forget-me-not)

After the winter cold

The aroma of flowers attracts.

What kind of flowers are so good?

In the spring forest... (lilies of the valley)

From two names a flower was formed,

And he was very proud of this.

Both Margot and Rita are proud

What bouquet? (Daisies)

The head is a red flashlight -

Suddenly she turned into a yellow ball,

And your green fashionable tailcoat

Who gives autumn? - Ours...(poppy)

Flower on the edge -

Lilac ears,

Oh! I'll be sorry

Rip what? (Violet)

The stem wriggles

Trying to crawl up.

White and pink flower

What will you call it? (Convolvulus)

What kind of yellow flower?

Don't want to be poisonous?

The stalk is like a whip!

Love... (buttercup)

What kind of flowers are they: like daisies,

Although in orange shirts?

The petals shine like satin.

They are simply called - ... (marigolds)

They ran deftly into the field,

Heads like suns,

Little yellow boys.

What are their names? (Dandelions)

The long-awaited time!

The kids shout: "Hurray!"

What kind of joy is this?

It's come... (summer)

The birch trees are scraggly

And they forgot about the frosts,

Flowers bloomed in the garden,

Ducks quack in the pond

We planted a vegetable garden.

What month is it? (June)

The sun is burning,

Everyone is suffering from the heat,

What month is this

In the middle of summer? (July)

The night is longer, the day is shorter,

The rain wets the ground more and more often,

Apples and pears are ripe,

The berries are boiled and dried -

Prepare for future use -

Summer is coming soon!

What month? Guess,

And then see September! (August)

Inseparable from the menacing cloud,

He is her best assistant

He is the leader of her tears,

If you touch a cloud, it cries... (rain)

The birds sing joyfully
Flowers are blooming in the meadow,
Lots of greenery and light
(Summer) has come to us.

We are sad without him, but when he appears, we want to run away from him. (Sun)

Everything warms up
and does not know fatigue,
smiles through the window,
and everyone calls him (Sunny).

It makes loud noise on the street,
but it won’t get into the house,
and I won’t go for a walk again,
as long as he goes. (Rain)

Not pilots, but they fly. Not engines, but they make noise. Not snakes, but they sting. (Wasps)

The day is long and the night is short. Fills everything with sunlight. Bees carry nectar from a flower. Guess what it is? (Summer)

The earth is warmed by the warm sun.
The magical (Summer) has arrived.

An artist without brushes floats across the sky,
Stains people with brown paints. (Sun)

At this time, everything grows - every fruit ripens. (Summer)

A flower grows under the window, and a leaf grows on the trees. It's a hot day with a lot of light. Finally! This summer).

Two girlfriends. Green in summer. And in the fall one turns red and the other turns black. (Currant)

Above the flower
Flying, dancing,
He draws patterns with bright wings.

Brother and sister live:
Everyone sees her
But no one hears
Everyone can hear him
But no one sees.
(Lightning and thunder)

You can dive into the water
Or play in the sand.
Create big castles!
What kind of place is it?

Shaggy, green,
She hides in the leaves.
Has a lot of legs
But he cannot run at them. (Caterpillar)
He's green and bouncy
Absolutely not prickly
It chirps on the grass all day long,
He wants to amaze us with a song. (Grasshopper)

It happens after the rain
The sky covers everything.
The arch is beautiful, colorful
It will appear and melt again. (Rainbow)

The sun is hot
Flowers are blooming.
The berries are ripening
When does this happen? (In summer)

The rivers warm and invite you to swim.
And everyone loves him for it.
Because it's (Summer).

Peas are falling from the clouds,
He jumps onto our doorstep.
He rolls briskly into the garden.
What's happened? This is (Grad).

Snow white cotton wool
Floats somewhere.
The lower the wool,
The closer the rain comes. (Clouds)

Green, striped ball, sweet in the middle. (Watermelon)

Dies in the fall
Comes to life again in the spring.
It will emerge into the light with green needles.
It grows and blooms all summer long. (Grass)

Turns white in a clean field.
All the yellow suddenly became fluffy.
The breeze blew -
A stalk remains. (Dandelion)

The girls are standing in the field:
Yellow eyes, white eyelashes. (Daisies)

Hot, sultry, stuffy day.
Everyone is in a hurry to get into the shadows.
These days are in the middle of summer.
What month is this, tell me? (July)

My frisky iron horse,
takes me anywhere.
On a summer day, riding it -
the most popular sport. (Bike)

Riddles on the theme Summer

This time is sunny. This is a fabulous time and it brings everything joyful to everyone: a basket full of warmth, a jug of fragrant flowers and a heap of sunny, radiant smiles! This time of year is (summer)

After spring came, it brought even more warmth. Nature also brought gifts: flowers, berries and mushrooms. This summer)

A butterfly flutters, bathing in the sun's rays. She still doesn’t know that this won’t last forever. What warmth will leave, leaving the meadow, will come after the cold. But all this is not important now, because while it’s hot and everything around is blooming and growing! And it's so wonderful! After all, it’s in full swing (summer)!

Happens only in summer: it descends from the sky after rain and its two ends connect the far edge of the earth and this one. What is this? (Rainbow)

Rays of warmth walk along the sky bridge. The passing rain refreshed everything around. Now the earth is fresh, the sun is fresh and shining again. The smell of herbs is fragrant and the owner of this time is frolicking in the air. When does this happen? ()

Longer days, shorter nights. The three month brothers came into their own by firmly prohibiting the invasion of cold weather during the reign of warmth. What months are these? (Summer months – June, July, August)

At this time of year you can pick mushrooms and berries. Everything grows, everything blooms and everyone is happy about it! What time of year is it? (Summer)

You can swim in the river, then lie in the sun. You can listen to bird songs and pick a bouquet of flowers. Can you catch a butterfly, or maybe better yet, a fish? Yes, guess what? After all, this is not the last day of warmth and I will still have time! What time of year can you do this? (In summer)

The time of year, the shortest, but the most beloved and lively! In a short period of time, try to do so many things: grow flowers and herbs, harvest in the beds, in the forests, in the meadows - things are different. We need to scatter berries and plant mushrooms! We need to warm everything and everyone. And there’s no time for sleep at all - you have to do it in less than a night in order to get everything done before autumn comes. What time of year are we talking about here? (About summer)

What else to read