Interesting ways to hunt wolves: with flags and wolves. Why are wolves afraid of red flags? (2 photos) Relationships of young people - love and respect

It is a rather unique animal in appearance, which combines a wolf's build and a fox's coat. The red color of a wild animal can have more or less saturated tones, the intensity of the color depends on its habitat. Northern “residents” are distinguished by a muted coat color, while southerners have a truly red color. Today, the number of wolves is constantly decreasing, which became the basis for their inclusion in the Red Book of all ranks.

About red wolves: description and appearance

The world learned thanks to the famous Rudyard Kipling, who described animals as... The first mention of a wolf was documented in The Jungle Book, where the author described the animals as a large and very strong pack. By the way, Kipling’s idea of ​​the behavior and lifestyle of predators was very realistic, since the red wolf is the only animal that lives in packs of more than 30 individuals. In addition, wolves, hardened by harsh climatic conditions, are indeed very hardy.

The red wolf combines the external characteristics of a wolf, a jackal and a fox at the same time. The animal is quite large, its body length reaches 120 cm, and the height at the withers is 60 cm. The average weight of a male is 22 kg, females are smaller in size, and their weight reaches 17 kg. The lifespan of a wolf is about 13 years.

The red wolf differs from its “traditional” relative in color, a more voluminous coat and a long tail, which reaches up to 60 cm. The animal has a narrower and pointed head shape, high-set ears, which have visual curves on the top of the head.

The characteristic color of wolves is red, but it has some differences depending on the habitat of the animals. Distinctive feature at the end of the tail. Puppies are born blind with a dark brown coat, which turns into red fur by 3 months.

In winter, the coat of wolves becomes more fluffy and thick; in summer, the hair becomes noticeably coarser and shorter. A characteristic feature of the species is a smaller number of teeth than other wolves, as well as a larger number of nipples for feeding offspring (7-8).

Interesting facts about red wolves:

  1. in 2005, a commemorative silver coin was issued, depicting a red predator. At the same time, a more expensive coin was developed in Kazakhstan, made of gold, weighing almost 8 grams. It also featured an image of a wolf and an insert with diamonds;
  2. wolves make a sound unique to their group, reminiscent of a whistle. It is easy to imitate, which is what Indian hunters use to attract animals;
  3. there is a claim that while hunting, wolves blind the enemy with a stream of urine in the eyes;
  4. animals are extremely talkative, they constantly whine or howl to maintain sound contact with each other;
  5. The species comes from a mixture of gray wolf, coyote and eastern wolf blood. However, the animals did not acquire the red fur coat from their ancestors. Wolves got their unusual color during an evolution that lasted more than 2 million years;
  6. animals can read each other’s facial expressions, thanks to this, deeper and more sensitive communication occurs between members of the pack;
  7. the earliest drawings of red animals were found in caves in Europe more than 2,000 years ago;
  8. wolves have a very developed sense of smell, they are able to distinguish more than 200 million odors (by comparison, the human nose can “process” no more than 5,000 million aromas), they can smell prey from many kilometers away;
  9. hungry members of the pack can eat up to 10 kg of meat at a time, and this constitutes a significant part of their own weight;
  10. While chasing prey, red wolves can reach speeds of up to 58 km per hour. During a quick run, the animals' speed reaches 34 km per hour. The usual mode of movement of wolves is a trot, with which they move up to 10 km per hour;
  11. wolves are very smart, they do not fall into traps set for them, they cannot be taken by surprise. They can move like shadows: growing out of the ground and disappearing in an instant. Wolves are masters of virtuoso escape; they can jump up to 6 meters in length and dive even into icy water;
  12. animals have developed intelligence and can overcome serious obstacles: at the Moscow Zoo, a wolf was able to escape by overcoming a high fence, several ditches whose width exceeded 6 meters, as well as a wall 2.5 meters high.

Species and habitat

The red wolf is found over a wide area, but the number of packs in any of its habitats is critically small. The animal can be found in vast areas, from Altai to the Malay Archipelago. The main habitat is the mountainous and forest areas of South Asia. However, you can meet the predator in the following areas:

  • northern Indochina;
  • Sumatra;
  • India;
  • Mongolia;
  • Far East of Russia;
  • Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan;
  • Vietnam, Thailand;

The red wolf is not a permanent resident of Russia. It is often found in the Far East of the country, but most likely the animal comes there from the neighboring countries of China and Mongolia. There are no reliable facts that the animal lives in Russia permanently.

Although literally a century ago it was possible to meet the red predator in the territory from the Uda River in the Khabarovsk region to the Stanovoy Range. Animals also lived in the southern latitudes of Altai and were found in the wooded areas of Lake Baikal and Primorye.

Peculiarities of behavior of red wolves

Animals live in packs, the number of wolves in which exceeds 30 individuals. These are the largest packs of predators. There is hierarchy and subordination among wolves. This helps wolves clearly delineate their responsibilities, share powers, and hunt successfully. Relationships within the pack are strong and friendly.

The number of males in a flock is significantly greater than females. This is due to the fact that males are more resilient, show better qualities when hunting, and are able to defend the territory. The number of females is several times less, at least half.

The head of the pack is a dominant male and his female. Reproduction in a flock is allowed only to the dominant pair. The remaining members must take care of the offspring as if they were their own, obtain food and defend the territory. Responsibilities within a pack can vary significantly: some wolves only hunt game, others only look after puppies.

Red predators often roam. They do not have a permanent home and fight for territory. They lead a sedentary lifestyle only while raising puppies and during the female’s pregnancy. As soon as the wolf cubs are able to travel long distances, the pack leaves the “home”.

Red animals are “guests” of Russian zoos, including Moscow ones. They adapt well to confined spaces and reproduce well even in captivity. However, even constant contact with humans does not contribute to the taming of animals. The red wolf still remains a wolf and avoids communication with zoo employees.

Red predators create families for life and are distinguished by loyalty and devotion. During pregnancy, females and males take on the burden of hunting and provide their partner with food.

The main place of the animal’s “lair” is natural shelters, of which there are a lot in the mountain system: rocks, caves, depressions under stones. The female's pregnancy lasts about 65 days, after which 6-8 puppies are born. Parents take good care of their offspring, feed, warm and protect their babies. In addition to meat food, wolves also use plant products - mountain rhubarb, rich in vitamins.

At the 12th week of their development, puppies begin to open their eyes, their teeth are formed, and they are ready to move from mother's milk to meat food. At this age, kids are very active, eager to leave the expanses of their cave, and organize fun games.

At an early age, the puppies begin to fight for their position in the pack. This manifests itself in the form of light-hearted games, which, as they grow older, develop into serious battles. This is necessary in order to prove oneself to the alpha male and gain a higher position in the wolf hierarchy.

By the age of two months, stronger puppies begin to leave their shelter. After reaching six months, they can already take part in collective hunting. Wolves start a family at the age of 3-4 years. As a rule, a flock consists of several large families.


  • lives in the mountains, rises to 4500 meters above sea level, most of the time animals live in the alpine belt, mid-mountain forests and northeastern regions. A wolf will never settle in open areas; the animal gravitates to rocky areas and gorges. In search of food, it can sometimes appear in the forest-steppe;
  • The wolf hunts during the day and has a well-developed sense of smell and hearing. To better smell the scent of their prey, wolves often jump up to 4 meters in length. Predator prey can include a wide variety of animals: from rodents to large antelopes;
  • Wolves are capable of developing great speed and attack prey from behind. As a rule, predators do not kill their prey before they begin to devour it. It is enough for them to immobilize the artiodactyls, after which the wolves devour the intestines, liver and heart right in front of the victim’s eyes;
  • The breeding season occurs at the end of winter. By mid-spring, offspring are born. Wolves living in India can breed almost all year round.

Participation in the food chain

Their hunting style will help you learn more about red wolves. Like most predators, they attack prey in a pack. The participation of all members may be necessary only when hunting large prey - for example, antelope. To “capture” smaller game (hares, mice), animals resort to solitary hunting. The menu of red wolves also includes food of plant origin, but its share in the total diet does not exceed 15%.

Main wolf prey:

  1. Manchurian deer is a type of red deer. Males are quite large and reach up to 3 meters in length. Every year the animal sheds its horns and acquires new ones. Their size reaches up to 80 cm. The horns are covered with “twigs”, with the help of which you can determine the age of the animal. The horns of juveniles are often used in medicine;
  2. The mountain sheep is one of the largest representatives of wild sheep, growing up to 2 meters and weighing almost 200 kg. They move well on rocks, have a cloven hoof, with which they cling to smooth surfaces, like the “crampons” of climbers. Rams have fairly long horns twisted into a spiral. They are present in both males and females;
  3. musk deer - lives in coniferous forests, instead of horns it has an equally formidable weapon - sharp fangs protruding from its mouth. Uses them as a dueling projectile. The main food of the animal is lichens of various types. The musk deer is famous for its male musk gland, which is often used in perfumery and medicine;
  4. Rhubarb is a large plant that reaches up to 3 meters in height. Juicy rhubarb leaves contain large amounts of vitamin A, ascorbic acid, essential trace elements and sugar. Rhubarb is an excellent helper for digestive problems and is used as a general tonic.

Red wolves rarely attack livestock. They do not cause damage to agriculture and do not pose a threat to humans.

Number and causes of extinction. Red Wolf and the Red Book

The red wolf Red List is an endangered species. Already in the 19th century in Russia they began to talk about a sharply declining number of animals. However, the reasons for this phenomenon remained a secret for a long time, since the animals were practically not studied. One of the fundamental factors was a sharp reduction in the habitat of animals.

The sharp decline in the number of wolves is also related to humans, who for a long time fought against the predator, exterminating it. The red wolf, unlike its gray counterpart, almost never annoyed humans. He did not attack cattle, did not cause damage to houses and surrounding areas, trying in every possible way to stay away. However, the notoriety of the gray brother led to a negative attitude towards wolves in general, so a hunt was announced for some time for rare animals.

In addition, red wolves competed with their gray counterparts, who forced predators to leave food-rich regions and migrate to distant spaces. A reduction in the heads of artiodactyl animals was also discovered, which reduced the food supply of wolves.

The inclusion of predators in the Red Book made it possible to slow down the extinction of the species. Some individuals were taken to the best zoos in the country, where the wolves mated with each other and gave birth to healthy offspring. The record holder was a couple from the Moscow Zoo, which gave birth to more than 30 puppies over 9 years of life.

Another reason for the extinction of the species is the recent discovery of American scientists who discovered a close relationship between the sound signals used by red wolves and coyotes. The fact is that, thanks to similar intonation, red predators accept coyotes as “their own” and willingly mate with them.

This leads to mixing of blood and the disappearance of red wolves as a biologically separate species. Scientists are already developing measures for the natural separation of the two species to preserve “pure” offspring.

Natural enemies

Red wolves are not at the top of the food chain, so they have various enemies in the animal kingdom. Their main competition is gray wolves, which are large in size and strong. Therefore, red predators are forced to migrate to places “free” from other predators, constantly changing their location.

Not the least important factor in the sharp decline in animal numbers is played by dangerous diseases - plague and rabies. The rapid spread, which affects the entire flock, leads to a sharp reduction in the number of animals.

In addition to their gray relatives, the cat family – lynxes, leopards, pumas and tigers – poses a danger to the species. It is known that wolves and cats do not like each other. Since the second type of predator has a large size and strength, red wolves have no chance to resist and fight for territory.

The situation is further aggravated by the fact that wolves and felines hunt the same game. There have been cases when a pack of red wolves fought back against a tiger, for example. The predator was forced to flee to a tree, but even a flock could not hold the territory for a long time.

Security measures

The wild animal is listed in the Red Book, and conservation efforts to save the wolf are of an international nature. In addition to the Red Book, the wolf is included in the Appendix to the CITES Convention. In Russia, this animal has been protected since the moment the wolf was listed in the Red Book of the USSR.

However, protective measures today are ineffective, since the animal practically does not live on the territory of the country, only occasionally roaming its expanses. To restore the wolf population, it is necessary to identify the regions of Russia where the animal lives. Next, these territories must be populated with ungulates so that wolves do not have a shortage of food.

Russian authorities are already taking measures to reduce the gray wolf population. For this purpose, drastic measures in the form of shooting are not used. The authorities use more humane methods - relocating packs to other regions where the red wolf does not live, capturing animals for keeping in zoos, etc.

Modern measures are aimed at creating attractive living conditions for red wolves in those places in Russia where they periodically migrate. Extensive outreach work is also being carried out among the population, which will prevent accidental shooting of red animals by local residents.

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Over the centuries, people have come up with different ways of hunting. There is an opinion that wolves are afraid of red flags and therefore become prey in a hopeless situation. Let's figure out whether this is really true and what role the mentioned color plays in this story.

Researchers of Russian hunting traditions believe that the flag method was known back in medieval Novgorod and Pskov. These days it is popular in a number of northern regions of the country. The peculiarity of this species is that hunters conduct collective actions aimed at catching several individuals. Usually they attack the entire flock at once.
Their tactics are as follows: surround the animals with a cord stretched on tree trunks with red flags attached. At the same time, people leave a small gap - a free area that is used for an ambush. This is where wolves run to save their lives. And here they find their death.
This hunting principle is based on understanding the instincts of this animal. Wolves are smart, cunning and careful. If they encounter a stronger opponent, they move away from open confrontation. It is the innate caution of the beast that plays into the hands of man. For a wolf, a cord with red flags is an unknown object that arouses suspicion. Therefore, during a panic, the animal will rush to a safer place, which will turn out to be a deadly ambush.
There are cases when a wolf, driven into a corner, jumped over the cord and went into the forest. In this case, he gained invaluable experience and no longer fell into a similar trap, leading his flock with him.

For a long time, hunters used pieces of fur and dried leather instead of flags, and sometimes spruce bushes, which were placed around the perimeter. The task for the person remained the same: to create an unusual environment for the victim, leaving a loophole for escape.
It is believed that wolves are afraid of red flags, but in reality the color does not matter. Wolves are colorblind. Red is more needed by the hunters themselves in order to clearly see the location of the flags in the twilight or against the background of white snow.
What repels the animal is the smell of the flags - they smell like humans. Today, special fabrics with a similar smell are produced to instill fear in animals.
Experts emphasize that the area into which hunters drive wolves should have the shape of an ellipse without sharp corners. The animal should not get into a dead end, but rather run in a circle in search of a way out. If the animal comes across a corner and feels cornered, it may break through the fence.
By the way, as experts in the field of hunting note, large forest animals (wild boars, elk, deer) are not afraid of flags and can easily break the cord, giving wolves a chance to escape.

Not every hunter can boast of having hunted a wolf. It is very difficult to catch such an animal. He is incredibly smart, cunning and cunning. That is why he can easily fool anyone.

Wolf behavior

Wolves constantly roam in winter. Their habitat area, when compared with the summer one, increases significantly. Animals have to constantly search for food. To do this, they travel tens of kilometers during the night. They can appear in one place of the land, then in a completely different one. In this case, a certain feature of the behavior of wolves helps: they stay in one place for the day. If you take this into account, you can determine where they are.

In mid-winter the snow cover is already sufficiently deep. Animals move less. They often stay for days in the most unusual places. This could be a plot next to a road or clearing. When the sun begins to warm up well, wolves lie down in clearings, clearings, and swamps with sparse vegetation.

Why are wolves afraid of flags?

There are different ways to hunt wolves. A popular option is to surround the area where the wolves were driven at night with red flags. The wolves try to escape from the circle by any means, but shy away from pieces of fabric and begin to walk along to find a way out. Hunters can only wait and shoot these scouts.

Weird enough? Wolf hunting flags look completely harmless. These are ordinary twigs with rags. But the wolves are afraid of them and try to escape. Why is this happening?

Some are sure that this is due to the fact that the flags on the wolf are red, so the animals mistake them for fire. This is actually not true. These animals see everything in gray because they have black and white vision. Therefore, the flags can be of absolutely any color. They are red only to make it convenient for hunters.

These pieces of fabric smell like a hunter. Wolves know that humans can destroy them. Even if the animal is unfamiliar with such a smell, in any case, it is inherently dangerous.

Hunting with flags was invented a long time ago. Previously, twigs and other objects were used. Gradually the technique was improved. As a result, flags of the specified size and shape appeared. Now you know why wolves are afraid of red flags.

This method is not always effective. The most desperate of the wolves risk breaking out of the circle. They jump over the line marked with red flags. Even two rows of flags cannot stop such animals.

Flags: how to make and hang

You can make your own wolf hunting flags. To do this you need to take a rope. It is best if it is made of natural material.

It is in this case that it will perfectly absorb the smell of a person and a home. This smell will scare away wolves, and they will be afraid to approach them. Rectangular pieces of red fabric are tied to the rope.

Ideally, the width of the material should be at least 15 cm, while the length should be 20 cm, the fabric is secured to a rope. The distance between the flags is 50 cm, and the cord is pulled at a height of 25 cm above the ground. We told you how to make flags on a rope.

Another option is twigs with nylon fabric. They are stuck into the ground at a distance of 80 cm from each other.


Daylight hours in winter are quite short. It is often difficult to find animals and place flags. The bait will allow you to detain the wolves.

It is extremely difficult to hunt an animal that is constantly moving. Hunters are not always able to use bait. To successfully carry out the campaign, it is necessary to make trial rounds in order to catch the wolves resting during the day.

To increase the efficiency of hunting, bait is used. Usually animal carcasses are taken for it.

Predators will visit it only if it is laid out according to certain rules:

  1. When choosing a location, you should avoid dense forest, buildings and other shelters. The thing is that wolves are very careful animals. They may not approach such bait. The best option is a large clearing, the edge of a field, a swamp or a clearing.
  2. When transporting food to the chosen location, be sure to leave an odorous trail on a forest or country road.
  3. It is important to leave a minimum of traces at the place where the carcass is unloaded.
  4. There should be no housing nearby. Otherwise, all the dogs will steal away.
  5. When you check the bait, approach it at least 200 meters.

Even very hungry predators do not immediately approach the bait. They visit it only when magpies and crows are already actively feeding on it.

As soon as you notice that wolves have begun to visit the bait, you can begin preparing for the hunt.

Hunting tactics

Hunting for wolves with flags begins with the hunter following the trail of a wolf and following it to the place where the animals are expected to be located. It is important that the payer’s gun is loaded with buckshot. An encounter with wolves, especially in bad weather, is not excluded.

When the area of ​​land where the animals stopped for the day is planned, it is worth finding out whether they are there. To do this, you should walk around the proposed area in a circle. In this case, you need to use roads and clearings. When it turns out that there are predators in sight, you can hang up the flags.

No smoking or talking!

If the circle is too large, when unwinding, you can partially cut off sections of the forest using roads or clearings.

In those places where the animal can leave the cage, numbers are placed (some of the hunters). When afraid, wolves can jump over hanging flags. You also need to understand that predators prefer to leave, hiding in the folds of the terrain or dense vegetation. Animals usually avoid open spaces

The rest of the hunters line up. Some of the flags are removed and shooters are placed in these places at a distance of 70 cm.

Then the rut begins. The beaters start it from a line opposite the line of shooters. Wolves are afraid to go with the wind. But you shouldn’t drive them against the wind either, as they can sense the shooters. It is best to drive them “to the wind.”

Beaters must be careful. Excessive noise will encourage wolves to leave through hanging flags. It is worth shooting at animals with buckshot at a distance of 50 meters. It is worth aiming for the area under the shoulder blade.

Wabu hunting

The best type of wolf hunting in summer is wabu hunting. Another name is for howling. This method requires 3 people.

Before the hunt, they find a den of predators with wolf cubs, which themselves come out of the hole. Next, they look for the trails and holes of the animals. The object of hunting for wabu is wolf cubs.

They only come out when the wolves go hunting. The cubs are left alone. This is usually early in the morning or late in the evening. The hunters approach the den at 300 meters and position themselves next to the jacker. Then he begins to howl, calling the wolf cubs. You need to try to shoot all the predators that come out to hear the voice.

The wolf cubs may not come out. They may sense a change. This is why it is worth using a wolf decoy. Another explanation: they don't want to leave the hole. In this case, you need to change the hunting place and try to lure them again.

Hunting for wabu is also possible for males. It is necessary to approach the den from the leeward side at a distance of 300 meters. After this, you should howl, imitating the voice of the male. The wolf will come out to protect his own domain. After this, you need to come closer to the den and wait for the wolf to appear. On such a hunt you cannot make noise or make a lot of movements. Otherwise, you will scare the wolf. When the animal appears, you should shoot, smoothly raising the gun.

For any wolf hunt you need to prepare in advance. It is labor-intensive and complex. The best teachers are experienced hunters who are well acquainted with the habits of animals, their daytime places and possible movements.


You will find some more useful tips on hunting with flags in our video.

When hunting a wolf, hunters use a rather interesting method. They find the habitat of predators and fence it off with red flags. Despite the fact that the wolf is a strong and fearless animal, capable of surviving in any, even the harshest conditions, it cannot leave the fenced area and therefore becomes vulnerable.
And so, we came to the conclusion that during the winter wolf hunt, hunters fence off their habitat with red flags. The distance between them should be no more than 70 centimeters. Why red? There is no clear answer to this question. As for the wolf, he does not have color vision, and therefore he does not care what color the flag is. For a predator, what is more important is not the color, but the smell that comes from this object. It is he, in all likelihood, who scares off the wolf, preventing him from approaching such a mysterious fence. Well, the red color is important not for the animal, but for the hunters. Such flags are perfectly visible among the trees, and it is impossible not to notice them.
There is another opinion, which boils down to the fact that predators mistake red flags for fire. But now we know that this is not so, because wolves do not have color vision. It turns out that the culprit is the smell, and the fact that flags in the forest are a foreign object, and therefore have a deterrent effect on wolves. After all, these predators are very careful and will never voluntarily take risks.
Now let's try to figure out what is actually happening in the area fenced with red flags. Hunting is based on understanding wolf instincts and the behavior of predators in certain conditions. Hunters are well aware of the cunning of this animal, and that it will never make contact with a stronger opponent. The wolf will definitely try to avoid such a collision. Innate caution takes over, which, in the wild, allows the wolf to survive. It is this caution that gives a person an additional bonus. If you fence off the territory where the wolf pack is located with a cord and mark it with red flags, then seeing foreign objects, predators will try to avoid them. As soon as hunters cause panic in a pack of wolves, they will immediately rush to a place where there are no such flags and, as a result, will fall straight into an ambush.
Instead of flags, pieces of leather, pine and spruce branches are sometimes used. This all works great. Only a predator driven into a corner and in a hopeless situation can take the risk of jumping over the fence and hiding in the forest. But this rarely happens. Mostly he becomes a victim of hunters. But a wolf that escapes from the fence is called seasoned. He is unlikely to fall into such a trap again.
As for the flags, they are made from pieces of fabric measuring 25x15 centimeters. They are hung at a height of 10 centimeters from the ground. The length of the fenced area should be no more than three kilometers. Free passage (ambush location) – 50 meters.
Before starting a hunt, hunters spend several weeks studying the terrain and the behavior of the pack. The main thing is that there are no animal trails in this place. After all, deer and wild boars are not at all afraid of a stretched rope with red flags. By tearing it, they enable the wolves to escape from the hunters.

(V.S. Vysotsky)

For many centuries, the method of flag hunting for wolves was considered the most effective by Russian hunters.

According to experts in the history of Russian hunting traditions, this method dates back to ancient times - medieval Pskov and Novgorod. In a number of northern regions of our country, it is very popular today.

The key feature of this type of hunting is the collective actions of hunters aimed at catching several individuals at once. As a rule, hunting is carried out on the entire flock.

The tactics are simple: a group of hunters carries out the so-called pack hunting, which consists of surrounding a wolf’s bed with a cord stretched on tree trunks with red flags attached to it.

The flashing involves leaving a small “gap” - a free area not covered by the flashing line, used by people for an ambush. It is through this gap that, driven by the persecutors, the predators make a fatal attempt to escape.

The principle of hunting with flags is based on knowledge of the basic wolf instincts - caution and non-conflict. The wolf is a smart and cunning animal. Therefore, in case of contact with a stronger enemy, this predator moves away from open confrontation.

In this regard, innate caution, designed to protect animals from potential dangers in the wild, plays into the hands of humans. A stretched cord with red flags for wolves is an unknown object, causing suspicion and wariness.

In case of panic provoked by the beaters, the wolf rushes in the direction of the safest and most free, as it seems to him, place - an ambush set up by a person.

Only in the case of a hopeless situation, an animal driven into a corner will break the line and simply jump over the stretched rope, transgressing through fear of this unknown object.

In this case, the wolf escapes from the environment into the open forest, gaining salvation and... invaluable experience. Such a wolf, having escaped death, becomes “seasoned.”

Preparing for the hunt

For a long time, instead of red flags attached to a long stretched cord, pieces of dried leather and fur were used. There are known cases when the material for the frame was young spruce bushes, which were exhibited along the perimeter in a position not typical for their natural state.

The hunter’s task is to create an environment that is unusual for the victim, while always leaving a loophole for escape. Wolves are colorblind and can only distinguish shades of gray, and therefore red is more needed by hunters who need to clearly determine for themselves the location of flags against the background of a dark forest or white snow.

Currently, flags are made from various materials, but most often from cotton or hemp fabrics - materials that can absorb the smell of a person, which has a frightening effect on wild animals.

For this reason, the manufacturing and storage process is an important detail, since the factor of human odor during a hunt can become decisive.

The size of one flag should not exceed 15 x 25 cm. On a stretched string, the flags are located at a distance of 40 - 70 cm from each other and 5 - 10 cm from the ground/snow level. The total length of the salary line must be at least 2.5 - 3 km.

The “exclusion zone” should take the form of an ellipse, in order to prevent the formation of sharp corners, which could act as “dead ends”, into which the wolf would be forced, in a desperate attempt, to overcome the cordon.

The length of the uncovered section of the frame, near which there is an ambush of hunters - shooters, is at least 50 m.

Flag hunting, despite its initial apparent simplicity, is preceded by serious preparation, which consists of a thorough study of the terrain and the nature of the behavior of the flock. The period of direct observation of the life of the flock can last up to several weeks.

Also, an important factor when choosing a hunting location is the presence of animal trails. Large forest animals - deer, elk, wild boar - do not experience the slightest sense of fear in front of a stretched rope and, at the first contact, easily tear it, giving the driven wolves a chance to escape.


The actions of the team of hunters must be coordinated, fast, but accurate and at the initial stage as silent as possible. After setting up a cordon made of a stretched cord with flags, beaters are located along the perimeter of the zone.

At a signal from the team leader, the beaters “cross the flags,” causing noise, and push the flock into the fire zone. The shooters are required to do only one thing – hit.

It is important to achieve the destruction of 100% of all members of the wolf pack because the wolves that survived and escaped persecution will have the opportunity to “teach” their relatives, dragging them along with them, in case of repeated raids in the future.

As a conclusion

Every year in Russia, the damage to private and collective farms from wolf attacks on livestock is measured in millions of rubles. In winter, in conditions of seasonal hunger, wolves come out to people. There are known cases of attacks on people.

In this regard, in order to “regulate the number” of wolf packs, local governments authorize the shooting of animals. In Yakutia and a number of other regions of Siberia and the Far East, the wolf hunting season operates year-round.

Despite its antiquity, flag hunting is the most effective and widespread method of mass shooting of wolves, helping people protect their farms from visits from uninvited taiga guests.

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