Interview with Ksenia Sobchak and Oleg Tinkov. “Behaves like a quarrelsome and market woman”: Oleg Tinkov spoke frankly about Ksenia Sobchak Tinkoff and Ksenia Sobchak

The founder of Tinkoff Bank, Oleg Tinkov, about great entrepreneurs, the attitude towards Abramovich, Friedman and Chichvarkin, the immorality of Apple and the impending failure of Russian startups.

The CPU selected the most interesting moments from the interview.

About great entrepreneurs

The conversation with Sobchak almost immediately turned to a discussion of Ukrainian business. According to Tinkov, there are no “great” entrepreneurs in the country, unlike Russia. Gennady Timchenko (investment company Volga Group) and Mikhail Fridman (Alfa Group) are not included in their account.

According to Tinkov, Roman Abramovich is also not an entrepreneur: “Do you know why I like Roma Abramovich? He, like you, has self-irony. When I called him to the “Business Secrets” program, he told me: “Oleg, what kind of businessman am I?”

Tinkov considers Sergei Galitsky (Magnit) to be “great” entrepreneurs. Natalia Kasperskaya (“Kaspersky Lab”), Yuri Milner ( Group and DST Global), Andrey Rogachev (X5 Retail Group), Oleg Leonov (“Dixie”).

About my son's business on the Internet

About startups and Russian Facebook

According to Tinkov, there are no successful startups in Russia due to the fact that the country does not have a stock market and an ecosystem for entering the stock exchange.

Some companies have slipped - I have no other word - into Western markets: this is Magnit, this is us, this is Yandex, this is the Etalon construction company in St. Petersburg. You can count the number of companies that have made IPOs on two hands. Accordingly, we gained access to capital. The largest capital market in the world is the stock market, it is tens of trillions of dollars.

The borrowing market, Eurobonds, etc. are tens smaller. You need to understand that in Russia there is a Eurobond market, but there is no stock market. There will be no Russian Facebook until the Moscow exchange functions like the Shanghai one. There is an ecosystem for going public in China, not to mention the US. There is no such ecosystem in Russia. Why isn't she there? Because there is no long-term money. There is no long-term money because there is no pension money, inflation and so on. That is, these are issues of a political nature, this is not an economic issue.

The entrepreneur does not believe in the success of Russian startups:

I don't believe any of these startups will survive, it's a complete illusion. In Russia, all startups must be profitable or designed exactly for the money they have. With this money, you must reach that level of business so that you start making a net profit. And if not, then you simply won’t survive.

About Chichvarkin

According to Tinkov, “nobody took anything away” from the founder of Euroset

This business was over anyway. This is not a business, this is a credit pyramid, because expenses exceed income. He had debts of nearly a billion dollars, and the question was: would the banks take it away, as they do now from Nogotkov, Petrov, Sidorov, or Mamut and Fridman. At the same time, they paid him good money. If you compare him with Nogotkov, he is simply a champion. Of course, it is beneficial for him to now sit in London and tell stories that someone took something from him.

About the fall in bank shares

The first major drop in the bank's shares occurred in November 2013. Due to the omission of the “or” clause in the amendment to the law, the capitalization of Tinkoff Bank almost halved in a few hours - the entrepreneur lost $1.2 billion in 20 minutes.

In Russia, not everyone still understands what an assessment of wealth is and what real money is. I didn't lose any real money. I received about $200 million in cash at the IPO - I didn’t lose it. But I lost track of the value of the business. I felt wildly unpleasant and offended; for a day or two there was terrible frustration. I even tried to initiate some kind of investigation, because it could have been planned in some way, but I think that this is all a little Russian stupidity. There they didn’t look, they didn’t think about it, then some junior lawyer brought it in. Hurry back, but it's too late.

American lawyers advised the entrepreneur not to comment on the situation, since after an IPO it is customary to maintain a silent period for two weeks. At this time, Western investors were interested in whether there would be a law that would prohibit online banks.

I did some research and it was, of course, the asshole factor. I think this prevails in Russia. I don’t believe in conspiracy theories: to plan such things, you need very serious resources.

About the immorality of business and Apple

In general, I think that business is inherently immoral. If a business is social, then it is not a business. I don't know social businesses.

Tinkov cited the example of Apple, whose business he also considers immoral: “Apple is a wildly immoral business because they hooked people on the brand, production costs $10 with delivery to Russia, and sells for $1000.”

When asked by Sobchak whether he considers the credit business immoral, Tinkov replied:

One option is when the collector calls, and a person sits on the other side and says: “Sorry, I lost my job, the Chelyabinsk plant was closed.” And another option is when a person took out a loan and says: “Go to ***, *****” - and hangs up. Unfortunately, there are a lot of scammers in this country, this is a rather unique situation.

Entrepreneur Oleg Tinkov, founder and co-owner of Tinkoff Bank, became a guest of the “vDud” program of sports journalist and video blogger Yuri Dud, and his interview became popular on social networks, although many did not like it. We have selected nine main and striking quotes from this dialogue.

How are chicks different from women?

Women in general and specific women who met Tinkov became the leitmotif of the entire conversation (the men managed to talk about Ksenia Sobchak and Ksenia Solovyova, the wives of Andrei Kirilenko, Alexei Smertin and Tinkov himself, about video bloggers and even about Angela Merkel).

To the first question, “What is the most delicious thing you have eaten in your life?” the entrepreneur replied: “I wanted to say “pussy,” but I didn’t, otherwise the PR service would scold me.”

Tinkov also condemned the commercialism of modern girls who allegedly hang out with people who “God forbid have a used Ferrari.”

If they have a lot of silicone, of course they need to be offended. In general, today's girls are chicks, naturally. There were girls in our time, in the 90s. Now they are all wearing tattoos, ***, with silicone tits, with lips, this is pure, ***, chicks. I don’t even consider them women.

Tinkov likes tattoos on women least of all, because, in his words, he “grew up among criminals,” meaning that the village of Polysayevo in the Kemerovo region, where he was born, was located near the camps, and many former prisoners lived there.

Why will it be worse under Navalny?

After Dudya’s traditional question, “Is Putin handsome?” the conversation turned to politics, and Tinkov, talking about the fight against corruption, called Alexei Navalny a populist.

Navalny is an unconditional populist, in my opinion. If he came to power, it would only be much worse, there would only be more corruption. I'm practically convinced of this. […] If he comes to power, he will make his brother prime minister and *** even more than *** now.

The entrepreneur, he says, is convinced by the example of Ukraine that when Putin is replaced by Navalny, the level of corruption will increase.

Why make Putin king?

Tinkov explained that democracy is not for “this country.”

Democracy will never take root in Russia, I am convinced of this. I know this people, they need a king. I think Putin needs to be anointed and put in St. Petersburg, where, thank God, there is still a whole Winter Palace. His daughter should become empress, and so on.

The entrepreneur is personally ready to swear allegiance to Putin as an emperor. He cited Peter I and Catherine the Great as positive examples of royal rule in Russia.

Why Amiran is bad for YouTube

Tinkov explained the essence of the conflict with one of the top video bloggers on Russian YouTube, Amiran Sadarov (“Diary of a Khach”).

How bad is it for Russian YouTube if a person like Amiran became the main person in it. […] I offered to cut the [Alfa Bank] card to him, but I didn’t mention any price for it. He told me, I charge half a million for something. I asked him: “Do you want to earn five?” His eyes immediately lit up. Well, hach...

Amiran claimed that the entrepreneur offered him one and a half million to give up Alpha and switch to Tinkoff. Tinkov says that this is a lie: he really offered the blogger to cut the Alpha card, but claims that he did not name a specific amount.

How much did Tinkov pay to Urgant?

It turns out that Ivan Urgant worked part-time at Tinkov’s restaurant in St. Petersburg in the late 90s.

When I opened the restaurant in 1998, he worked part-time for us there. Then, I remember, he worked part-time at the Luna club. He was the presenter there on a daily basis. […] This club was such a hotbed of drug addiction. This had nothing to do with Vanya, he was just a presenter! I paid him $200 for management. His dad led more than he did.

In December 1998, 200 dollars cost approximately 4,500 rubles. The average salary in the country was about 1500-2000 rubles.

What did the Jews do to Tinkov?

In response to Dudya’s question “Oleg, what did the Jews do to you?” the entrepreneur said that he personally didn’t care, and then said a phrase about where, in his opinion, they should live.

I am a deep Zionist. I believe that all Jews should live in Israel.

Tinkov believes that if he were a Jew, he would be richer, since as a Russian he is “less rational.”

Why Sobchak is a horse

How exactly did Ksenia Sobchak suddenly upset Oleg Tinkov? The fact is that she accused him of greed several times in different interviews, asking why he didn’t buy his wife a Lamborghini.

I know her circle of friends, we are from the same city, it’s all such leftist... mishpuha. And all this mishpuha is always saying something ***, ***, and she asked me once, twice, three times. And I decided it ***, said: “Yes, I bought my wife a Lamborghini after 20 years.” [Sobchak] is stuck on this, she has some kind of complex. I tell her: “Listen, you’re already a ***, how long can you chew on this topic?”

Tinkov also didn’t like that Sobchak tried to persuade him to give her an interview when she lost airtime, but at the same time she still tired him with the same questions about greed.

Billionaire, billionaire, billionaire

Tinkov is very annoyed when the word “billionaire” is added to his last name as some kind of title. He described this irritation in textured terms.

Billionaire, billionaire, billionaire... Well ***. There used to be Oleg Tinkov, now he is a billionaire. Here *** there is no other word - a billionaire, that’s all, ***. Well, some kind of ***, ***. Well, well ***.

He doesn't understand why he can't be called "the man in the hoodie" or "the entrepreneur."

What is the Spartak championship?

Tinkov commented and, in a peculiar way, noting the origin of the football players.

Someone recently came to me and said: “Spartak won there.” I told him this thought: “Fedun’s blacks beat Miller’s blacks.”

For those interested - the entire interview:

Trolling with Emperor Putin is not the first time for Tinkov. Not long ago he wrote about this on Instagram. According to the entrepreneur, Putin is an excellent candidate for this.

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