Irina circle autobiography and personal life. Irina Krug: The birth of my third child completely changed my life. Exclusive interview with the Russian singer, widow of chansonnier Mikhail Krug. Children of Irina Krug

Irina Krug is perhaps one of the most famous female singers on the Russian stage. She is known, first of all, for being the widow of the famous Mikhail Krug. Irina won music awards several times, receiving various awards. She really became famous after the death of her husband, when she released her debut album, dedicated to her deceased husband.

The many difficulties that she encountered did not break her, but quite the opposite - they gave her strength and allowed her to gain fame not only in her native Russia, but also beyond its borders.

Height, weight, age. How old is Irina Krug

Since her musical debut, Irina has been able to win quite a large army of fans. And many of them are interested in all the details about this woman. Some even like to compare themselves with their idols, which is why they want to know her height, weight, age. How old is Irina Krug? This question is probably quite logical. Because at first glance it seems that she is older than she actually looks.

Now the singer is 41 years old, and she really looks younger. If you look at the photo of Irina Krug in her youth and now, you can see that the difference is very small. A good figure also helps her maintain her excellent appearance - with a height of 166 cm, Irina weighs only 50 kg.

Biography of Irina Krug

Irina's date of birth is March 29, 1976. The singer's hometown is Chelyabinsk. Her father was a military man, and her mother was a draftswoman.

The biography of Irina Krug has been of interest since an early age. Since childhood, Irina’s parents noted her interest in great art. Like most girls of those years, she dreamed of becoming an artist, acting or performing in the theater. To bring the girl’s dream closer, her parents sent her to study at a local theater club. In addition to acting, the future singer was very interested in figure skating and went to the skating rink quite often. Where she not only just skated, but also tried to perform some tricks or figures. But she did not become a professional figure skater - Irina did not pass the age selection. After graduating from school, Irina’s life turns upside down, making her forget about her career as a professional artist.

After graduation, Ira got married and gave birth to a daughter, Marina. Unfortunately or fortunately, this marriage was short-lived and fragile. The husband, who worked as a dentist, suddenly became interested in drugs. After the divorce, Irina had to earn money on her own so that she would have enough for both herself and the child.

At the age of 21, Irina began working in one of the most prestigious restaurants as a waitress. There there was a meeting that became a turning point in her life.

Mikhail Krug took her to work for him, and just a few years later, from a dresser she became first his lover, and then his wife. Mikhail adopted Irina's daughter. Before getting married, they lived without stamps for about a year.

And one summer, that well-known tragedy happened - Krug was killed by unknown bandits in his own house.

Irina found several unreleased songs of her husband and decided to publish an album where she would sing these songs herself. Irina has never studied vocals with anyone. Mikhail himself dreamed of a quiet old age, so he also did not want his wife to connect her life with show business.

Mikhail’s longtime friend, Vladimir Bocharov, helped in recording the album. In 2004, Irina Krug made her debut. Just a year later, the singer was awarded the “Chanson of the Year” music award. And two years later, Irina released another album.

In 2007, Irina married businessman Sergei Belousov. She continues to perform at music competitions and festivals, winning more and more awards and prizes. Her audiography consists of eight albums, with which she still performs, and all her concerts are sold out. An interesting point is that from time to time at her performances Irina performs songs that Mikhail Krug himself once sang. As if making it clear that the memory of him is alive.

Personal life of Irina Krug

The personal life of Irina Krug has been the subject of media discussion for quite some time. Among other things, when she walked down the aisle once again, she came under a barrage of accusations that she was betraying the memory of her ex-husband. Irina explains this as a way to return to a measured life and let love into her heart again.

Soon after the wedding, Irina and her husband move to Moscow, they have a son together. This is already Irina’s third child. Irina often says that she often dreams about Mikhail. Sometimes she asks him for advice when she finds it difficult to make a choice.

Irina Krug's family

As mentioned earlier, Irina Krug’s parents were in no way related to art. Both Irina’s father and mother belonged to working professions, but they supported their daughter’s craving for the world of beauty and helped to develop her talent at least a little. But her dreams of acting Olympus were hindered by her too early first marriage, which Ira’s parents were not happy with.

Currently, we can say that Irina Krug’s family is her third husband and three wonderful children born from each husband. From Mikhail Krug, Irina also gave birth to a son.

Children of Irina Krug

In total, Irina Krug has three beautiful children - an adult daughter and two little sons. It is also impossible not to add that during his second marriage, the singer’s own son, Dmitry, also lived in Krug’s house. Irina gave birth to Mikhail another son - Sasha. Irina was glad that at least her second child would have a calm and well-fed life, because the woman remembered how in the late nineties she had to constantly look for a better job in order to raise little Marina.

All of Irina Krug’s children found a common language with her third husband, which could not but please her.

Son of Irina Krug - Alexander

Irina Krug’s son, Alexander, was born in 2002, in Irina’s second marriage to Mikhail Krug. It’s sad, but newborn Sasha was not able to sufficiently get to know his daddy, and he didn’t really have time to take up raising his own son. Sashenka was only a month old when Mikhail died.

After the tragic death of Mikhail, Alexander remained with his mother, and when Irina walked down the aisle again, he quickly became close to his stepfather, so there were no problems with upbringing.

Son of Irina Krug - Andrey

Irina Krug’s son, Andrei, was born in Irina’s third and final marriage to Sergei Belousov. He was born only in 2013 and is almost four years old. On the Internet you can find several pictures of the whole family.

According to the singer, Sergei picked her and Andryusha up from the maternity hospital in a luxurious limousine and with a bouquet of flowers. It is not surprising that the woman was in seventh heaven. It is noteworthy that Irina was almost never on maternity leave with her youngest child, and returned to work at the end of the year.

Daughter of Irina Krug - Marina

The daughter of Irina Krug, Marina, became the first-born of the then future singer. She was born into her first marriage, which also quickly broke up, leaving Irina with a baby in her arms and without a penny in her pocket. The woman took on any job just to feed her daughter.

When Irina moved to live with Mikhail, she took Marina, which the singer himself was only too happy about. There is information that Krug even officially adopted Marina. Now Marina Krug has already grown up

Former husband of Irina Krug

Irina actually got married for the first time only after school. Although the girl’s parents were not happy with such haste, this marriage seemed very successful to Irina herself. Irina Krug’s ex-husband, although his name remains unknown, came from a decent family and worked as a dentist. But very soon after the birth of his daughter Marina, the man began to use alcohol and drugs. This was the reason for the breakup of a short and unhappy marriage.

Relatives said that the early age of the future singer was partly to blame for this. There is information that this person is currently dead.

Irina Krug's ex-husband - Mikhail Krug

Even many of those who did not listen to chanson still at least once heard the name of the recognized king of chanson. They met at the prestigious Malachite restaurant, where Irina worked as a waitress at that time. The meeting excited Ira very much, because she heard that Mikhail is quite picky when it comes to food, and can even throw a scandal if he doesn’t like something.

Then Mikhail decided to invite Irina to his position as a costume designer. Of course, she didn’t believe it, and about a month passed before she finally agreed. Moreover, it is worth noting that even the director of the establishment himself contributed to this.

Irina's second marriage again did not last long. After living in a civil marriage for about a year, they finally decided to legalize their relationship in 2001. And almost a year later, Mikhail was shot by bandits who snuck into his house at night.

It is impossible not to mention that Irina Krug’s ex-husband, Mikhail Krug, was previously married and has another son.

Irina Krug’s husband – Sergei Belousov

Irina Krug’s current husband, Sergei Belousov, is a fairly famous and successful person. She and Irina got married five years after the death of the Circle. Of course, many immediately began to accuse the singer of insulting the memory of her ex-husband. But Irina herself tried to present it in a different way. She will remember Mikhail, no matter who she is with and no matter what last name she bears, but she needs to try to move on with her life and try to open her heart to new love.

Sergei Belousov quickly managed to find a common language with Irina’s children, and for many years now they have been living in Moscow as one family.

Irina Krug nude

It is impossible not to mention such a topic as “Irina Krug naked.” I must say that this topic was quite actively discussed on the Internet, and not even only by Irina’s fans. However, we immediately note that even the most skilled hacker will not be able to find such pictures of naked Irina.

All that is available to the eyes of fans and other sophisticated users is photoshop, retouched photographs and other similar fakes, which, one way or another, show naked Irina Krug to her fans and not only. Moreover, you don’t need to be a professional to create such fakes.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Krug

Like most artists of our time, Irina Krug does not want to lag behind fashion, so she created a personal profile on the popular social network Instagram. There fans will be able to find many photos and videos from Irina’s everyday and other life.

Of course, her profiles on social networks contain a fairly large amount of data that can tell fans about the singer’s concert and personal life, as well as her biography. Irina Krug’s Instagram and Wikipedia are mainly aimed at helping new fans get to know their idol better.

Irina Krug is a successful Russian performer of chanson music. The singer is the widow of the no less popular Mikhail Krug, who was killed in 2002.

After the death of her husband, Irina began her own solo career to provide for herself and her children. Today the girl is one of the most recognizable singers in Russia.


Irina and Mikhail Krug

She was repeatedly nominated for prestigious awards and several times received the most prestigious award among performers of her genre - the “Chanson of the Year” statuette, the last of which she received in 2011.

Where does the singer live now and what real estate does she own?

Years of life in Tver

Irina and Mikhail Krug

Irina moved to Tver after her wedding with her second husband, Mikhail Krug. It was he who gave the start to the career of the then aspiring young singer.

Initially, the girl planned to connect her life with the career of an actress, however, under the influence of her husband, she changed her views.

After the wedding in 2001, the newlyweds moved to Tver - that’s where the husband lived. Their house was located at 172 Osvobozhdeniye Street. At first glance, the building looks like an ordinary cottage.

It is equipped with several bedrooms, bathrooms, a large spacious living room, a kitchen and a guest area. In the backyard of the mansion there is a small garden and a cozy gazebo.

The house where Irina Krug lived with Mikhail and children

After the tragic events of 2002, in particular, after the sudden death of Mikhail Krug, the girl with her children and the singer’s mother continued to live in the mansion.

Today no one lives in the house of Mikhail Krug; it functions as a museum dedicated to the life of the singer.

After experiencing grief, she began to think about possible ways to earn money to support her family.

Thanks to her husband's connections, she began a solo career. While living in her mansion with Mikhail, she wrote several songs that became the basis of her debut solo long play.

Irina Krug

In addition to working on her career, Krug received higher education at Tver State University, from which she graduated with honors in 2005.

Life after the death of her husband

After the death of Mikhail Krug, Irina was offered to record several songs in memory of her famous husband. This idea was suggested by singer-songwriter Vladimir Bocharov. As a result, in 2004, the first album of Irina the singer was released. It was called “The First Autumn of Separation.”

However, there the artist sings a duet with a close friend of her late husband, Leonid Teleshov. A year later, Irina Krug became the laureate of the “Chanson of the Year” award. The girl was nominated as “Discovery of the Year”. A year later, in the spring of 2006, the singer released her second album, “To You, My Last Love.” The album with songs based on poetry and music by Mikhail Krug was produced by Vadim Tsyganov.

Irina Krug on video Video not working? It is worth noting that Mikhail did not teach Irina to sing and did not even think about her as a singer. The couple dreamed of children and a peaceful old age. “If you want to sing, I’ll buy you karaoke,” Krug told his wife.

And after Mikhail’s death, the widow found recordings from the unfinished album and took up vocals. In the same year, Irina Krug received a diploma of higher education with honors. The artist graduated from Tver State University, where she studied at the Faculty of Management. In 2006, Irina Krug married again.

Her chosen one was now a man not from the creative circle, but with a more mundane profession - a businessman named Sergei. “Many people condemned me after my next marriage. But these people had no idea how hard it was for me to lose my loved one and live alone with two children! But I managed to fall in love again

With colleague Alexey Bryantsev My husband and I bought an apartment in Moscow (it became impossible to live in the house where the crime happened, everything reminded us of the tragedy), we earned a bit of money for it, however, we still had to go into debt. My children like the person who is next to us.

It is very important for me. I did not betray either Misha, or, moreover, the memory of him. Mikhail is the best thing that happened in my life.

I dream about him very often. And he always appears in a white suit with the words: “Irina Viktorovna, I love you.” I think he wouldn’t want me to be alone and I’m sure he’s happy for me. By the way, in a difficult situation, I always ask him: “Mikhail Vladimirovich, help, and I believe that before concerts Misha helps me and gives me strength,” says Irina Krug.

Third marriage and move

Irina Krug with her husband Sergei Belousov

At the end of 2005, Irina met Sergei Belousov, a famous businessman.

Now she lives with him, her two children from previous marriages and their joint son in Moscow, where the couple owns their own house and apartment.

Apartment. As you know, Sergei Belous insisted that Irina and her children change their situation and move them to live in Moscow.

There, the businessman purchased a spacious apartment in the Kurkino district. In the photo below, Irina and her children are walking in the courtyard of an apartment building.

Irina Krug with children

Vacation home. It is known that the family also owns its own country house in the Moscow region. Irina herself mentioned this in one of her interviews. However, the exact location of their home is unknown to the public.

According to the popular singer, she lives with her husband and children in a country house mainly in the summer.

Real estate in Tver

In one of the television programs, Irina invited the film set to her own apartment in Tver.

The address and location of the apartment building, unfortunately, are unknown. There is only information that the building is located in the very center of the city.

In the program, several views of the apartment were filmed, which show that the interior and arrangement of the housing are quite simple.

Irina Krug in the kitchen of her apartment in the city of Tver

According to the singer herself, she has always been attracted to the classic version of home improvement. No fancy or expensive elements. Everything should be practical and create comfort.

Singer Irina Krug came to visit Boris Korchevnikov. On the air of the program “The Fate of a Man,” the artist spoke about her difficult life path. 15 years ago, the poet and bard Mikhail Krug was killed. The attackers broke into the man's house and attacked his relatives. Mikhail died from his gunshot wounds the next day.

"This is scary. God forbid someone else experiences what I experienced. These people are always before my eyes. I will never forget their eyes - there was fear in them. At that moment I put the children to bed, wanted to go to Misha and heard knocking. Then it turned out that it was the sofa that was knocking when they strangled my mother. They closed her mouth and said: “If you make a sound, we’ll kill you.” And then I came in and saw this picture. Misha was sleeping in his bedroom, he didn’t know what was happening, he came out in response to my screams. And they were already shooting from above indiscriminately. It was just a mess... I thought that everyone was killed, Misha, the children, and the mother,” the woman said.

Mikhail's relatives did not think that his life could suddenly end. The wounded singer was able to move and talk. Relatives took Krug to the hospital, he underwent surgery. However, as a result of the shooting, important organs were hit, and the man died.

“We know who did it, but we can’t talk. Those who did this are no longer alive. One piece of evidence is missing to make this public. They wanted to intimidate, they didn’t think it would happen,” the woman noted.

It was extremely difficult for Irina to come to terms with the sudden death of her husband.

“I learned to live again. These are the scary years of my life, very scary. I remember him very often. After Misha, it was difficult to build a relationship and start a family, because you’ll never find someone like him again. Nowadays, even more so...” said the performer.

After some time, Irina met with businessman Sergei Belousov. The future spouses met in Tver at a hairdresser. Many tried to court the spectacular woman, but only Belousov managed to achieve reciprocity from her. Sergei and Irina liked communicating with each other - they began to spend a lot of time together, and in 2006 they got married.

During a conversation with Korchevnikov, Krug admitted that she began to experience difficulties in her relationship with her chosen one.

“Sergei and I have been together for 13 years. This is a complex story, now I can’t say that we have any good ones... Now we have a crisis in our relations. Whether this marriage will survive, I don’t know. But it was also the same story, he was younger than me, I didn’t dare, I was joking,” Irina shared. “We are going through a difficult period, and it’s very difficult for me.”

According to the artist, she has always been a family man. Their common son Andrei, who was born in September 2014, became a welcome child for her. Irina shared her assumptions about the reasons why her relationship with her husband went wrong.

  • One can have different attitudes towards the work of this singer, the genre of songs she performs, and her vocal abilities, but it must be recognized that she worthily continued the work of her famous husband, the idol of millions. We bring to your attention an article on the topic: biography and personal life of Irina Krug.

    Height, weight and age

    Many people are primarily interested in such information about a famous person. Well, let's satisfy your curiosity. So, in order:

    • 167 centimeters;
    • 50-52 kilograms;
    • 42 years.

    And as a bonus: 90-63-93.

    Childhood and youth

    Ira Glazko was born on March 29, 1976 in Chelyabinsk. Her father at that time served in the army with the rank of officer, and her mother worked as a draftswoman in one of the design bureaus. Like most Soviet girls, Irinka loved watching melodramas since childhood, fell in love with beautiful and noble movie characters and dreamed of becoming an actress herself. And this was not just a whim, a whim of a young lady, but a truly serious hobby. As a schoolgirl, she entered the theater group of the Chelyabinsk House of Culture, where she selflessly played in many performances.

    In her youth, Irina (then still a brunette, as can be seen in the photograph), a romantic and enthusiastic person, easily won the sympathy of men. One of her next loves ended with a trip to the registry office - the girl was not even 20 at that time. Soon the couple had a girl. The daughter was named Marina.

    However, family life did not work out for the young parents. Ira found out that her husband is addicted to drugs, alcohol and also goes to the left. It got to the point that during a quarrel he almost rushed at her with a knife. There could be no question of further life together.
    To support herself and her daughter, Ira got a job as a waitress at the Malachite restaurant. It was in this establishment that the fateful meeting of a modest catering worker and a singer of the tavern genre, which was gaining popularity, took place.

    Meet Mikhail Krug

    In the second half of the nineties, the most popular song genre in the country became the so-called chanson - a style based on criminal prison lyrics, coupled with simple pop melodies. It was approximately in this vein that the former milk tanker driver Misha Vorobyov, who took the creative pseudonym Krug for his performances, composed his songs. To be fair, it should be admitted that Krug’s song material stood out somewhat from the general concept of “thieves’ song,” since the performer’s baggage included compositions with an emphasis on bard song and even with claims to be philosophical and serious.

    Once the singer was on a tour of the cities of Siberia (it was 1999), and naturally he could not pass by Chelyabinsk. After one of the concerts, Mikhail stopped by the Malachite restaurant to have dinner and have a good rest. It was Irina who served his table that evening. The man immediately liked the pretty and clever waitress (photo by Irina Krug from that period).

    Without thinking twice, he invited the beauty to come work for him as a costume designer. The offer turned out to be so unexpected that the pretty woman was confused and initially refused. However, the persistent chansonnier was not going to give up. A few days later, the concert director of the Circle called Irina and, on behalf of his friend, called her back to their team. This time the woman did not push herself too hard by giving her consent. Soon she left her daughter in the care of her parents and followed the troupe to Tver, where she was contracted for the promised position.

    Video: About love for Mikhail Krug

    At first, the loving gentleman did not show his feelings in any way. Both were emphatically intelligent, polite, and addressed each other as “you” and by their first and patronymic names. From the outside it seemed that Mikhail Vladimirovich was assessing his chosen one, taking a closer look at her before taking a responsible step and declaring his love.

    After some time, the man gathered his courage, explained himself and offered his hand and heart to the lady who had charmed him. By that time, Irina also already had tender feelings for her boss, but, of course, she was waiting for the first step from him. And she waited.
    In 2001, Mikhail and Irina got married (and it happened very spontaneously: the bride and groom showed up at the registry office in jeans and T-shirts) and without any hesitation they held a wedding celebration in a narrow circle of relatives and friends. Irina’s daughter calmly took what was happening and quickly found a common language with her mother’s new partner. After a short period of time, the girl was already calling her stepfather dad. And, I must admit, Mikhail treated his wife’s child from his first marriage with all the warmth.

    The new wife tried to create family comfort in the house and surround her loved one with tenderness and care. And she did it well. Irina managed the housework herself, living in a fairly large house without a servant.
    In May 2002, Irina made her husband happy with the birth of her son. The parents spent a long time choosing a name for the baby, but in the end they settled on the name Alexander. But the musician was not really able to enjoy the joy of communicating with his heir.

    Alexander – Son of Mikhail Krug

    Sashenka was barely a month old when his mother lost her peace. She began to have nightmares in which she lost her husband. Mikhail laughed at his beloved’s bad premonitions. It seemed to him that nothing could happen to him, because the entire criminal world listens to his songs with pleasure - who would dare raise a hand against their favorite performer!
    Misha brushed off his wife’s requests to hire security. In general, during the life of the owner, their house resembled a passage yard. Someone was always staying in it, the doors practically did not close.

    On the night of July 1, 2002, unknown masked people snuck into the singer’s home. They took refuge on the third floor, where Irina’s mother was staying with the couple at the time. When the bandits attacked the elderly woman, Ira and Mikhail were on the second floor. Hearing the sound of a struggle, the couple hurried upstairs. The robbers opened fire on them with pistols. Mikhail, shielding his wife from bullets, received mortal wounds. Unable to withstand the tension, the attackers fled. The wounded man had to be transported in a neighbor's car. On the way to the hospital, the dying Krug encouraged his beloved, but it was not destined to save the singer...

    Life after Mikhail's death

    Irina could not get over the shock for a long time. Relatives, family friends and Mikhail’s creative colleagues came to support her. The investigation into the criminal case related to the murder of the singer, without delay, led to nothing. It was not really clear: whether the actions were professional raiders, or amateurs who did not intend to open fire, but after the incident they hastened to leave the crime scene. Later, it was assumed that members of the Tver Wolves gang were involved in the murder. Allegedly, they did not intend to rob Krug’s house, but carried out an order to eliminate the “king of chanson.” In 2012, the media reported that the murder of the chansonnier had been solved and one of the killers had been detained. It turned out that Krug refused to pay “tribute” to one Tver crime boss, for which he paid.

    When the widow came to her senses, the comrades of the deceased offered to honor the memory of Mikhail by recording several songs. The works were written by Krug’s colleague, Vladimir Bocharov. It should be noted that Irina sometimes loved to sing in a small circle and jokingly asked her husband to record some joint number. Krug was skeptical about the singing talent of his other half and did not get involved in this adventure.


    The woman responded eagerly to Bocharov’s proposal. And some time later, in 2004, the first album of the newly-minted singer Irina Krug, entitled “The First Autumn of Separation,” was released. To call the work solo would be incorrect. Irina was assisted in the recording by a second vocalist - another friend of Krug - Leonid Teleshev.

    Subsequently, the performer used the practice of a duet album more than once. In particular, while listening to Radio Chanson, Irina heard a song by the then little-known Voronezh singer Alexei Bryantsev. The timbre of the guy’s voice seemed to Ira very reminiscent of Mikhail Krug’s vocals. The guys met, talked and recorded a joint opus, “Hello, Baby.”

    Irina Krug and Alexey Bryantsev

    In addition, Irina had joint projects with Viktor Korolev and... Mikhail Krug. Yes, yes, in 2011 a disc was released with previously unreleased recordings of the chansonnier, on which the vocals of his beloved woman were recorded using the overdubbing method.
    Selected discography of the singer:

    • "Pretty Boy" (2008);
    • “I can read it in your eyes” (2010);
    • “Love is not scary” (2012);
    • “Mother Love” (2015).

    Singer Irina Krug has repeatedly received the “Chanson of the Year” award, and in 2017 she received the MUSICBOX prize in the “Urban Romance” category.

    New husband

    In 2006, the public learned that Irina Krug’s personal life had received a new development - the widow was dating a certain Sergei Belousov. And a little later it became known that the young people got married. Fans of Mikhail Krug initially regarded this step as a betrayal of the memory of their favorite performer, but gradually everything returned to normal. After all, if you think sensibly, life does not end with the death of one of the spouses, and Irina was only 30 years old, and she did not intend to imprison herself in a monastery. In addition, according to the woman, on the eve of the wedding, the image of Misha appeared to her in a dream, and he allegedly blessed her for a new marriage. Relatives treated the situation with understanding. Irina Krug’s third husband is far from music; he is a businessman.

    Children of Irina Krug

    We have already mentioned the daughter from her first marriage, Marina, in the biography of Irina Krug. However, as well as about Sasha, Mikhail’s son. The Vorobyov couple also had Dima, a son from his previous wife Svetlana, and before that tragic incident he lived with his father’s family. Then he was accepted to study in the cadet corps. Dmitry graduated from the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and now serves in the police.

    In September 2013, Sergei and Irina had a boy, who was named Andrey.
    At the beginning of 2018, rumors appeared that not all was well in the Belousov-Krug family, the guys were on the verge of divorce. Fortunately, the couple resolved all the problems in their personal lives and managed to save the family.

    10 interesting facts about the singer

    1. In the late eighties and early nineties, Irina’s favorite performers were Tatyana Bulanova and the group “Tender May”. The adult Irina is impressed by singers such as Sofia Rotaru and Ani Lorak.
    2. In general, she listens to different music - from pop to jazz.
    3. Irina Krug’s children have never heard lullabies performed by her.
    4. She loves to cook, and by her own admission, if she had not become a singer, she would have gotten a job as a cook. Even as a child, I dreamed of becoming either a dentist or a figure skater.
    5. Before meeting Krug, I was lukewarm about chanson.
    6. She met her third husband, Sergei, at a hairdresser when he was getting a haircut and she was dyeing her hair blonde.
    7. Before working as a waitress, Irina worked in the fashion department of the central department store in Chelyabinsk. From time to time she had to advertise expensive cars.
    8. Mikhail was 14 years older than Irina.
    9. Son Sasha is officially registered under the surname Krug.
    10. After the release of the film “Legends of the Circle,” the widow filed claims against the creators for distorting historical facts.

    Irina Krug now

    Over the past few years, Irina has turned into a confident woman and a real pop star (photo now). It is possible that at first she took advantage of the popularity of her husband’s surname and the people’s love for his songs. But over time, the woman proved her originality.

    In 2017, the singer’s latest album, “I’m Waiting,” was released.

    This is the biography of Irina Krug - quite suitable for making an interesting movie based on it.

    Video: The Fate of Man – Iria Krug

Irina Krug is a popular pop singer who performs songs in the chanson style, the widow of the famous bard and chanson singer Mikhail Krug.

Irina Viktorovna Glazko was born on March 29, 1976 in Chelyabinsk into an ordinary military family. Her mother worked as a draftsman, her father as an officer.

Childhood and youth

From a very early age, Irina had great artistry and, like many girls her age, dreamed of becoming an actress. But the girl did not want to act in films; she was drawn to theatrical performances. It was for this purpose that little Ira was taken to the theater group of the Chelyabinsk House of Creativity.

In childhood

Ira also wanted to learn figure skating - after school she went to the skating rink and learned all kinds of figures on her own. But they didn’t take her to the figure skating section, since the girl’s age was inappropriate - only very young children were taken there. But Irina’s life turned out completely differently, and she had to give up her dream of becoming an artist.

Immediately after graduating from school, Irina married her first husband and gave birth to a daughter, Marina, from him. However, the first marriage was unsuccessful - the husband's passion for drugs and alcohol destroyed their marriage. As a result, the marriage broke up, and young Ira was forced to raise her little daughter on her own.

It was necessary to get money from somewhere to support the family. Therefore, again putting aside her desire to become a theater actress, at the age of 21 Irina got a job as a waitress at the Malachite restaurant. It was there that her first meeting with Mikhail Krug took place, which changed the girl’s life forever.

Meeting with Mikhail Krug

In 1999, already famous at that time, came on tour to Chelyabinsk and decided to have dinner at the restaurant where Irina worked at that time. The girl was told to serve the star's table. Mikhail immediately noticed Ira and invited her to work on his team.

But to Krug’s great surprise, the girl immediately responded with a firm refusal, deciding that it was just a joke by the artist. But Mikhail Krug was serious. He asked the restaurant director for help, repeated his offer several times, but was always refused. The girl’s colleagues were amazed at her steadfastness. But in the end, Mikhail’s persistence won, and Ira agreed to the proposal.

The girl moved to Tver and worked there for more than a year as a costume designer for a chanson star. According to Irina’s stories, at first the famous singer was in no hurry to show his sympathy for her and looked closely for a long time, watched Ira’s behavior and tried more to get to know her.

He had been divorced for eight years and therefore was wary of starting a new relationship. Therefore, all this time, Mikhail kept his distance from the girl and behaved very reservedly. But a year later, the singer finally decided to reveal his feelings to the girl and revealed his desire to live with Irina.

One day he came to her and proudly declared: “That’s it, we’ll live together!” She happily agreed, and the couple began dating, not even paying attention to the big age difference - when they met, Ira was 23 years old, Mikhail was already 37 at that time.

The couple lived in a civil marriage for more than a year, only then the young people decided to legalize their relationship. As Irina says, the idea of ​​marriage arose spontaneously. The young people simply went to the store to buy groceries; they were dressed in ordinary tracksuits.

On the way to the store, Mikhail saw the registry office and was inspired by the idea of ​​signing Ira here and now. The registry office immediately recognized the famous bard and quickly signed the couple. Mikhail and Irina Krug got married in 2001. Mikhail happily accepted Ira’s daughter from his first marriage into the family, and later the couple had a child together. His parents decided to name him Alexander.

But Mikhail was not destined to babysit his son for long: when the baby was just a month old, Mikhail Krug was shot dead in his own home. As Irina says, she sensed something was wrong a week before the tragic events and asked Mikhail to hire security.

But her husband only laughed at his wife’s request. The poor widow was left alone with two children. It was after these tragic events that Irina decides to start a musical career.


After the death of her husband, Irina decides to move to Moscow to find a way to somehow feed her two children. There, Mikhail’s friend Vladimir Bocharov invited Ira to sing a couple of his husband’s songs. Irina agreed, although during Mikhail’s life she did not show herself as a singer and only sometimes sang along with her husband.

Irina Krug's debut turned out to be incredibly successful. After this, the newly minted star sang several more songs from her husband’s repertoire, which were intended for the singer’s next album. In 2004, Irina released her debut album, “The First Autumn of Separation,” recorded in a duet with a friend of the murdered bard, Leonid Teleshov.

A year later, Ira was presented in the “Discovery of the Year” category at the “Chanson of the Year” award. In 2006, Irina released her second album entitled “To You, My Last Love,” produced by Vladimir Tsyganov. In the same year, the singer graduated with honors from Tver State University with a degree in management.

Since 2007, the singer has been singing in a duet with Sergei Bryantsev. The star duo already has two albums. At the moment, Irina’s discography already includes eight albums, while the star continues to tour throughout the country, performing both her own songs and famous songs from her husband’s repertoire.

Her concerts are often attended by fans of Mikhail’s work. In 2012, the star received the “Chanson of the Year” award for the song “To You, My Last Love.”

After the death of her second husband, the singer stopped her vigorous pop activity for some time, but having survived the loss of a loved one, Irina returned to the stage in 2014 and immediately received the “Chanson of the Year” award for the song “It’s not scary to love.”

Before this, in the summer of 2013, the singer shared her painful situation with her fans on the program “Let Them Talk.” Apparently this became a turning point in the singer’s life, when she finally decided to let go of the situation and start not only her personal, but also her creative life over a new leaf.

Already at the end of 2014, the singer’s creative website appeared on the Internet, where the best tracks of the performer for all the years of her work were posted. In addition to songs and videos, the site also contains information about the singer’s biographical information and a schedule of upcoming performances and tours.

In 2016, the singer began her active creative work. In 2016, she again received the “Chanson of the Year” award, but for the song “Chanel”, and in 2017, Irina Krug performed one of her songs live on Channel One. And already in September 2017, the singer went on tour to several cities of Russia, and in the capital she gave her concert in the Meridian hall.

Personal life and husband of Irina Krug

Irina grieved for a long time for her murdered husband. But 5 years after Mikhail’s death, Irina’s personal life improved again, and the singer got married for the third time. The chosen one was the famous businessman Sergei Belousov. Many began to condemn Irina and accuse her of allegedly betraying her husband’s memory. Ira answered these reproaches honestly: “Mikhail is the best thing that happened in my life. I often dream about him."

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