Spain in November - holidays and weather. Spain What you can and cannot take in hand luggage on a plane

The air temperature at the beginning of the month stays at 10 degrees, during the day it reaches 15 degrees, and at night it can drop to 6. The water temperature is 18 degrees.

Weather in Spain in the second half of November

At the end of November - beginning of December, the air temperature is 10 degrees, during the day it reaches 15 degrees, and at night it drops to 6. The water temperature is about 18 degrees.

Is it cold in Spain in November?

During the month of November, daytime temperatures in Spain usually hover around 15 degrees, but can reach 26 degrees (the maximum recorded temperature) and drop to -2 degrees at night (the minimum recorded temperature). Everyone perceives temperature differently, however, taking a hat and swimsuit with you will be the right decision.

Is it possible to sunbathe in Spain in November?

Not everywhere in Spain you can sunbathe in November. However, in Costa Del Silencio and Playa de Las Americas the daytime temperature rises above 21 degrees, and in Las Rosas it reaches 23. In these cities you can count on a tan.

Is it possible to swim in Spain in November?

The sea temperature in Spain in November is usually around 18 degrees. At the beginning of November, the water temperature is about 18 degrees, and at the end - 18.
Most people will find it chilly to swim in such water, but if you are hardy enough or lucky with the weather, swimming in the sea is quite possible.

Where is the best place to relax?

The month of November cannot be called very hot, so you should choose warmer regions for your vacation. Among them:

For people who do not tolerate humidity well, it is better to pay attention to places with a drier climate.

Where is warmer in Spain in November?

The warmest resort in Spain in November is Las Rosas. The average daily temperature in Las Rosas ranges from 19 degrees at night to 23 during the day.

Where is Spain dry in November?

The driest climate in Spain is in the city of Arecife. The amount of precipitation in it is only 16, and the relative humidity is 74.

Rain in Spain in November

On average, 0 mm of precipitation falls in Spain in November. The number of sunny days is 30, and rainy days are 8. Based on this, we can conclude that the probability of rain in Spain in November is 27%.

Holidays in Spain in November with children.

In November, it is better to go to Spain with a child only if you are focused on an excursion program, since the weather is not very suitable for a beach holiday.

Here you can find information about the weather in Spain by month: average air and water temperatures, average monthly precipitation.

Climate and weather in Spain are quite varied depending on what part of the country you are in. There are several climatic zones in Spain. This is the northern part of Spain, central and southeastern. The northern part of Spain has a fairly mild climate with mild winters. Summer, however, is not particularly hot here either. In general, everything is in moderation, both cold and heat. In the central part of Spain the climate is the harshest. In winter it is cold and frosty, in summer it is hot and dry. There is practically no rain. The south-eastern part of Spain is characterized by a subtropical climate. There are hot summers without precipitation and warm winters. In general swimming season in Spain opens in May and ends only in September. The peak months in every sense are from June to August. This also applies to the air temperature, it reaches +32°C. At this time there is also a high season: Europeans, as a rule, prefer August, in June-July there are more Russian tourists. The hottest climate is on the Canary Islands; there the air temperature rarely drops below +20°C. One of the most popular Canary Islands is Tenerife. Detailed description weather in Spain by month see below.

    Weather In January

    The Spanish winter is not capable of thirty-degree frosts and snowstorms. Weather in Spain in January quite warm and soft. The average January air temperature ranges from +8 to +14. And in the Canary Islands it’s even warmer, here it’s always +20 and above! In the central part of the country it is a little colder, here it is only 5 degrees Celsius, sometimes the temperature rises to 10-13 degrees Celsius. Rainy winter in Spain...

    Weather in February

    Weather in Spain in February the coldest and most changeable: sometimes the sun shines, sometimes it rains suddenly, and it can even snow! The average temperature is 10-13 degrees Celsius. It rains very often in Spain in February. However, in the Canary Islands it is still +21°C.…

    Weather In March

    Spain in March is the beginning of spring, the beginning of the renewal of nature. In March, everything around Spain begins to bloom, and weather in Spain in March pleases with the spring warmth. The air temperature rises to +17-19°C. Weather in Spain in March brings more sun and less rain. It’s still too early to open the swimming season, but in the Canary Islands in March the temperature already reaches +24°C, and the water temperature is +20°C...

    Weather In April

    April truly warms you up after the moody winter months. Weather in April in Spain soft and warm. The air warms up to +23°C. There is practically no rain in April; as a rule, in Spain in April it is dry, warm and sunny. On average, the water temperature does not yet exceed +15°C, but in Tenerife, Gran Canaria and the Canary Islands it is already quite possible to swim in April. The water temperature here is about +22°C...

    Weather In May

    Spain this month will be remembered for its colorful holidays, for example, Madrid Day is celebrated on May 2 - a very spectacular event. At this holiday you will be able to see the Spanish military parade with your own eyes. There is no doubt that you will enjoy Spain in May. And not only because massive celebrations and fun await you.

    Weather In June

    Weather in Spain in June even hotter than in May. The temperature warms up to +27°-+29С. The vineyards are beginning to bloom, making the aroma wafting through the Spanish streets simply magnificent! Precipitation in Spain is infrequent in July. The rains are short-lived. At this time, the water temperature rises to +22°C, but in the northern part of the country about +18-+20 °С heat. Weather in June in Spain

    Weather In July

    July in Spain will undoubtedly please you if you love hot weather. Weather in Spain in July is a combination of a wonderful beach holiday with excursion programs. After all, there is a lot to see in Spain. Let's get back to the weather. With the thermometer reaching +30°C, we can finally say with confidence that full summer has arrived in Spain. The water in the sea becomes even warmer and reaches a temperature...

    Weather In August

    Weather in Spain in August still pampers you on hot days. The air temperature remains at +30 +35°C. Cities in Spain are so hot that locals find work more difficult than usual. The night coolness saves you from the heat; the air temperature drops to +26°C. And, of course, water is mainly refreshing. Its average temperature is +25°C. Coastal breeze...

    Weather In September

    Weather in Spain in September allows you to have a great time! In September it is still warm like summer, but the main flow of tourists has already left, so you can enjoy a wonderful holiday without fuss and inconvenience. The average air temperature remains at +28°C. The sea water is still at +24°C. The weather in Spain in November can no longer be called hot. However, November in Spain is the best time for sightseeing tours. In November, prices for trips are much lower compared to the summer period. At the same time, it is warm enough to make your stay comfortable. The average air temperature is +19°C, and the water temperature is 13°C. The swimming season is already closed...

    Weather In December

    Weather in December in Spain It’s no longer summer, to put it mildly. The air temperature at this time of year drops to +13°-+15°C, and the water cools down to +12°C. Tourists who especially want to continue the swimming season should go to the Canary Islands, but even there the water temperature is only +16 °C. But you won’t get bored in Spain in December. Spaniards celebrate Christmas in December, so this…

Spain is located on the Iberian Peninsula and occupies about 85% of its territory, as well as the Balearic and Pitius Islands in the Mediterranean Sea and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean.

The country also includes two coastal cities of Ceuta and Melilla, located in North Africa.

Climate and season in Spain

In the west, Spain neighbors Portugal, in the north with France and Andorra. The north of the country is washed by the waters of the Bay of Biscay, the extreme north-west and south-west by the waters of the Atlantic, and the east and south-east by the Mediterranean Sea.

One of the most beautiful places in Spain is the Botanical Garden of the Sea and Marimurtra in Blanes.

Most of Spain has a Mediterranean climate, except for the northern part, which is characterized by high humidity. The center will welcome its guests with a continental climate. And in some regions the weather can be like a desert. The mild and comfortable climate in Spain attracts lovers of beach, active and cultural recreation.

Spain is considered the hottest country, with warm winters and moderately hot summers. Every season in Spain can be considered a tourist season, since even in winter many people want to celebrate the New Year holidays in Andalusia on the Costa del Sol. In other regions, winter occurs with heavy rainfall and lasts from December to February, and the air temperature is not lower than +15°C. In summer, the sea water temperature warms up to +26°C and above, and the air temperature can rise to +37°C.

At any time convenient for you, you can fly to Spain from Moscow quickly and comfortably, as there are regular direct flights from Russia to most airports in Spain.

Weather and prices by month

Spain in winter

Weather in December. The air temperature shows about +17°C. In the center of the country it is a little colder +13°С…+15°С. In northern Spain it may snow and there may be frosts at night. The sea water temperature will be +15°C.

The price of tours during the New Year holidays is quite high and accommodation in a three-star hotel will cost from 40,000 rubles for two. A seven-day vacation in a four-star or five-star hotel will cost 60,000–80,000 rubles.

Weather in January. The average air temperature is +8°С…+14°С. In the central part, there are often temperature changes. The sea water temperature at this time ranges from +13°C to +17°C, depending on the region.

The price of tours for the New Year holidays will not be very lenient, but by the middle of the month the prices will drop noticeably. For example, moving will cost about 12,000 rubles, housing for two for a week from 46,000 rubles.

Weather in February. Precipitation is possible in the northern part. Daytime air temperature +14°С…+15°С. At night the air will cool down to +7°C. The water temperature in the sea warms up to +13°C - +17°C and higher, depending on the region. You can swim mainly in the southern parts of Spain.

The price of tours this month is significantly reduced and you can even find inexpensive last-minute tours. The price for accommodation for two will depend on the level of the hotel from 40,000 to 80,000 rubles for two per week.

Spain in spring

Weather in March. The air temperature in the south and center of the country is +18°C - +19°C. at night it drops to +10…+12°С. The water temperature warms up to +15°C - +16°C.

The price of tours at this time may gradually increase, but you can also find last-minute tours, or purchase them at a favorable price in advance. The average cost of a holiday in a three-star hotel for two will be from 50,000 to 90,000 rubles per week, depending on the type of resort. Accommodation in a five-star hotel will cost from 80,000 to 170,000 rubles.

Weather in April. At this time, the amount of precipitation decreases, and the air temperature at lunchtime rises to +20°C and drops to +10°C at night. In the north of the country it is still cool and the thermometer does not rise above +16°C during the day and +8°C at night. Sea water temperature is +17°C and above, depending on the region.

The price of tours remains the same, and a seven-day vacation in a five-star hotel will range from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles and above.

Weather in May. The air temperature in the center and south of the country will be about +25°C during the day. In the north - +20°С. At night it drops to +14°C.

The water temperature is about +20°C, but in the north the sea has not yet warmed up and the temperature is +16°C.

The price of tours in early May will increase several times due to the holidays. At the beginning of May, a vacation for two in a four-star hotel will cost from 70,000 rubles per week. And at the end of the month in the same hotel the price will drop to 50,000 per week.

More information about weather and prices in Spain in May.

Spain in summer

Weather in June. The air temperature reaches +30°C. In the Canary Islands the temperature goes beyond +35°C. And even at night it is very hot and the temperature does not drop below +20°C. Water temperature is at least +20°C.

The price of tours will increase significantly due to the beach season. At this time, a lot of tourists come to the country, so it is worth booking a tour in advance. At this time, you can buy a trip for two people for 80,000–120,000 rubles for a vacation in a five-star hotel.

More information about weather and prices in Spain in June.

Weather in July. A dry and warm month, the air temperature warms up to +32°C during the day and up to +20°C at night. The water temperature in the sea warms up to +25°C, off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean +23°C.

The price of tours at this time reaches its maximum, since this month you can relax in a five-star hotel for 180,000 to 250,000 rubles in Barcelona. The flight will cost approximately 50,000 rubles.

More information about weather and prices in Spain in July.

Weather in August. The air temperature at lunchtime rises to +28°C, and in some areas it can reach +32°C during the day. Sea water temperature +25°C.

The price of tours at this time is quite high, but you can already purchase a tour with a 50% discount. For two, a seven-day tour can be purchased for 90,000 rubles.

Spain in autumn

Weather in September. The air temperature at midday reaches +26°С…+28°С. The weather may worsen by the middle of the month. The water temperature is +25°C.

The price of tours at the beginning of the month may please vacationers. A tour for two can be purchased for 40,000 rubles without meals. But on average, a holiday in a good hotel will cost 50,000–100,000 rubles for two.

Weather in October. Closing of the tourist season. The average air temperature has already reached +20°С… +23°С. But in the south of the country it is still quite warm and the air can warm up to +28°C. The sea water temperature ranges from +20°C to +22°C.

The price of tours is starting to gradually decrease, and a trip for two will cost about 60,000–80,000 rubles per week.

Weather in November. The air temperature heats up to +15°C during the day and drops to +6°C at night. The weather is mostly cloudy and rainy, but not throughout Spain. It is still warm in central Spain and the thermometer shows about +20°C. Sea water temperature +18°С…+19°С.

The price of tours at this time will please tourists, because a vacation for two in a five-star hotel will cost 60,000-80,000 rubles. In a three-star hotel a week's holiday will cost about 40,000 rubles.

Spain weather and prices by month for 2018

MonthDaytime °CNight °CWater °CTours for two
December+17 +13 +15 from 40,000 rub.
January+12 +11 +13 from 46,000 rub.
February+14 +7 +13 from 40,000 rub.
March+18 +12 +16 from 50,000 rub.
April+20 +10 +17 from 50,000 rub.
May+25 +14 +20 from 70,000 rub.
June+30 +20 +22 from 80,000 rub.
July+32 +20 +25 from 180,000 rub.
August+28 +21 +25 from 90,000 rub.
September+26 +20 +25 from 50,000 rub.
October+22 +15 +20 from 60,000 rub.
November+15 +6 +18 from 40,000 rub.

Holidays and weather in Spain in November: water temperature, photos of tourists and reviews

The end of autumn is a time when you definitely don’t expect warmth and the warming sun. But you don’t expect it unless you’re in Russia. But in some European countries it is still quite warm and it seems that autumn is just beginning there. For example, the weather in Spain in November 2019, although changeable, was mostly sunny and warm during the day up to +20 degrees. Unfortunately, the water temperature in the sea is no longer the same as it was in the summer or even a month earlier, so you won’t be able to swim in the sea. But is this a problem? In addition to beach holidays, the country has many other entertainments that the November weather definitely won’t interfere with.

When tourists fly to Spain, it is assumed that they are flying to the sea. In the last autumn month this is not entirely true - the weather is not very good for beaches and swimming in the sea. But it is more than suitable for excursions and simple walks through beautiful Spanish cities and nature. So if you have a vacation this month, then do not despair - Spain is not limited to the sea and beaches, there are hundreds, or even thousands of entertainment that will make you fall in love with the country, and you will fall in love with it.

In any weather and in any month of the year, Barcelona has the most tourists. City streets, parks, the embankment and in general the whole city are constantly filled with tourists. In November the weather is quite favorable to visitors. During the day the sun shines and the air warms up to +16 degrees. At night it becomes cooler and no higher than +11 Celsius. The sea off the coast of Barcelona is still warm, but no one is swimming anymore. The water is heated to +18 degrees.
As for the rains, there are 4-5 days of them throughout the month. And the amount of precipitation is 50-55 millimeters. So on a trip, an umbrella may come in handy.

You will also need an umbrella if you are going to the capital of Spain, beautiful Madrid. There are still the same 4-5 days with rain, and up to 60 millimeters of precipitation can fall.
As for the air temperature, it is already quite cold in the capital. If during the day there may still be warm days with temperatures up to +12 degrees, then at night the air cools down to +5, and sometimes to +2 degrees.
There is no sea near the capital, so tourists come here only for excursion holidays, and it is beautiful here.

But there is a sea around the island of Mallorca, and in November it is very warm, not lower than 21 degrees plus. Some tourists attempt to swim in it, but such daredevils are few. The thing is that during the day it is no longer so hot and only about +18 degrees, and at night it is around +10 degrees. Coming out of the sea at this temperature is not easy, and if there is a breeze, it will seem as if you have stepped straight into winter.
It also rains on the island and there is more rain here than on the mainland. According to forecasters, there will be 5-6 rainy days, and the amount of precipitation will be at least 60 millimeters.

The least rain is expected in the resort of Santa Cruz, there are 2-3 of them, the amount of precipitation does not exceed 40 millimeters. The air temperature at the resort is also high and sometimes resembles summer. The average temperature during the day is +23 degrees, at night +18 degrees.

Where is the best place to go in Spain in November?

The following table will be of interest to those who are deciding which resort in Spain to go to at the end of autumn. See, compare and choose.

Always sunny and cheerful, Spain is a real fairy tale for travelers who want to instantly find themselves in a unique country with a variety of entertainment and attractions.

For fans of this trend, fascinating walks through the cultural and historical places of cities familiar from childhood are available all year round -, Madrid, Seville, Valencia And Navarre. Tourists go to the mountains for adrenaline and thrills, and for a beach holiday to the island part of the country.

Spain in November

The weather in Spain in November is fully exposed to all the winds and currents of the Atlantic - the scorching heat is instantly replaced by coolness, but not in all areas. Famous Gulf Stream and the special marine ecosystem of the Mediterranean do not allow the water and air to cool even in the harshest weather conditions.

Air and water temperature

An autumn trip to Spain is a great opportunity dispel the blues, arranging one of the best trips to an amazing country, thereby extending the “summer”.

November is quite warm. This weather is reminiscent of early autumn in those very countries where a temperate climate reigns.

Daytime temperature in November it is quite different - in resort areas the air warms up to +23-25°C, and in mainland Spain it drops sharply to +10-14°C.

Water temperature in the island resorts of Spain in November it reaches +17-20°C, but swimming is almost impossible due to constant winds. But there are enough sunny days to get a nice tan.

Features of weather conditions

The cool weather in November in Spain is largely due to... strong winds And raininess, rather than temperature indicators. Even if the air warms up to +20°C, it will feel no more than +15°C. At night it becomes very cool - only +10°C.

For this reason, the optimal solution for a holiday in Spain in the last autumn month is to exclude visiting the continental part and immediately go to one of the fabulous islands. Island resorts countries remain protected from rain - they are covered by mountains.

Weather at popular resorts

Island resorts differ from the mainland in their milder climate.

Costa Brava

On this resort coast of Spain, the air warms up a little less, so during the day the average temperature is +18°C, and at night – +7°C, while the sea water is unsuitable for swimming, since its temperature is +17°C.


One of the Canary Islands will greet travelers with a special microclimate - a unique place with comfortable year-round weather. Even the autumn temperature here is not inferior to the summer months and is +21°C during the day and +14°C at night, so tourists will find hot sun and warm sea in this part of Spain. The water temperature on the sea coast will pleasantly surprise guests, warming up to +21°C.

To enjoy the warm sun and enjoy a beach holiday at the very end of autumn, travelers go to the Canary or Balearic Islands, as well as to Catalonia.


It is quite comfortable for tourists to be in one of the most popular resorts in Spain, since the water and air here have same temperature– +23°C. Even if the weather in this part of the country turns bad, there is always the opportunity to enjoy the developed entertainment industry.

Holidays in Spain

The main conditions that should be observed during the November trip to Spain are to know exactly purpose of the trip, and also have a wardrobe appropriate for weather conditions. Thanks to this, visiting the country will be more eventful.

Benefits of holidays in November

A trip to Spain in the last month of autumn is the best option for travelers who want good and have a good rest even in the fall, since the fabulously warm and pleasant weather is simply conducive to leisurely walks around the city or the sea coast, exciting excursions, as well as recreation at incredibly attractive prices.

How to dress in autumn?

If the trip is planned in southern part countries, then it is best to take the usual resort things to Spain - a T-shirt and shorts, and also do not forget to grab a windbreaker or a couple of light sweaters to throw over them. IN other regions It’s a little colder, so a light coat, warm shoes, a jumper and an umbrella will not hurt.

Where to go and what to see?

Travelers who did not have time to visit Spain a little earlier should know that this country is treasure trove excursion, natural and gastronomic riches.


On the first day of November, an official holiday begins in Spain, since on this day the whole country celebrates All Saints' Day. For this reason, many cities hold special events that attract people with their unusualness and colorfulness.

Every day after 10 pm in Spain the famous “marcha” begins - trips to restaurants and bars, celebrations and trips to discos.

Olive Festival, which is held on November 9, is a good reason to go to Andalusia, namely to the city of Baena. During this event in the city, watch how dishes are prepared with olive oil, take part in concerts, and visit an exhibition and fair.

In November, Spain hosts the Jazz Festival for 20 days, which is sold out every year. Basically, this holiday is held in Madrid and Granada.

Beach tourism

The beaches of Spain, located both on the continental and island parts of the country, are the real pride of Spain. Almost all of them are marked with a distinctive sign - blue flag.

In this weather, the beach season in Spain is already closed, but tourists still have a chance to experience mild and warm weather. To do this, just go to Ibiza, Mallorca, Costa Bravo or Tenerife– islands where you can combine a beach holiday, see the sights and try delicious and healthy Spanish cuisine.


Considering that every major city has own airport, tourists have an excellent opportunity to get to any of the places that attract with their attractions in a short time.

The greatest concentration of excursion riches of Spain is collected on the mainland, mainly in Barcelona or Madrid. Cool weather is conducive to visiting museums, temples and monasteries located in these cities.

Every city from Madrid to the Canaries is ready to show a lot of interesting and exciting places, and the fun holidays that the locals love so much will make your vacation even brighter.

Every traveler in the fall should definitely visit places associated with the creations and Dali, And Gaudi in Barcelona, ​​of which there are countless numbers. This season they look even more beautiful than usual.

With kids

Spain is rich not only in excursion tours, but also in diversity children's recreation, especially in November when the scorching weather gives way to a pleasant climate. Among children's entertainment, the most popular water parks are:

  • Port Aventura near Barcelona;
  • Aqualandia on the Costa Blanca;
  • Aqua Brava on the Costa Brava;
  • Siam Park in Tenerife.

Spain also has a lot of children's cafes, excursions to port cities and educational programs with the study of local culture and language.

Despite the cool weather, holiday in Spain in November is still relevant and incredibly interesting, as it brings a lot of positive emotions.

From the following video you will learn interesting facts about Spain:

Weather in November in Spain - details

November is the last autumn month before the start of winter. in November it gradually decreases. So, if the average temperature at the beginning is +15°C (day +18°C, night +13°C), then the average temperature at the end in Spain is +12°C (day +13°C, night +9°C ).

The average in November is 75%. At the same time, the humidity at the beginning of the month is 77%, at the end of the month - 77%.

Weather in November in Spain in different years

The coldest day was in 2016. The average temperature was only −3°C. It was November 24, 2016 in the city of Sierra Nevada.

The warmest day was in 2016. The average temperature reached +22°C. It was November 4, 2016 in the city of Costa del Sol.

The temperature for every day in November in Spain in different years is presented in the graph below:

Average monthly temperature in November in Spain

The coldest was in 2014. The average temperature was only +13°C.

The warmest year was in 2018. The average temperature reached +13°C.

The graph of average monthly temperatures in Spain in November for different years clearly demonstrates this:

Weather records in Spain in November

Monitors the weather in Spain since 2014. Every year, every month and almost every day in one city or another, nature sets climatic records. Below is information about the minimum and maximum temperatures in Spain in November.


Holidays and weather in Spain in November: water temperature, photos of tourists and reviews

The end of autumn is a time when you definitely don’t expect warmth and the warming sun. But you don’t expect it unless you’re in Russia. But in some European countries it is still quite warm and it seems that autumn is just beginning there. For example, the weather in Spain in November 2020, although changeable, is mostly sunny and warm during the day up to +20 degrees. Unfortunately, the water temperature in the sea is no longer the same as it was in the summer or even a month earlier, so you won’t be able to swim in the sea. But is this a problem? In addition to beach holidays, the country has many other entertainments that the November weather definitely won’t interfere with.

When tourists fly to Spain, it is assumed that they are flying to the sea. In the last autumn month this is not entirely true - the weather is not very good for beaches and swimming in the sea. But it is more than suitable for excursions and simple walks through beautiful Spanish cities and nature. So if you have a vacation this month, then do not despair - Spain is not limited to the sea and beaches, there are hundreds, or even thousands of entertainment that will make you fall in love with the country, and you will fall in love with it.

In any weather and in any month of the year, Barcelona has the most tourists. City streets, parks, the embankment and in general the whole city are constantly filled with tourists. In November the weather is quite favorable to visitors. During the day the sun shines and the air warms up to +16 degrees. At night it becomes cooler and no higher than +11 Celsius. The sea off the coast of Barcelona is still warm, but no one is swimming anymore. The water is heated to +18 degrees.
As for the rains, there are 4-5 days of them throughout the month. And the amount of precipitation is 50-55 millimeters. So on a trip, an umbrella may come in handy.

You will also need an umbrella if you are going to the capital of Spain, beautiful Madrid. There are still the same 4-5 days with rain, and up to 60 millimeters of precipitation can fall.
As for the air temperature, it is already quite cold in the capital. If during the day there may still be warm days with temperatures up to +12 degrees, then at night the air cools down to +5, and sometimes to +2 degrees.
There is no sea near the capital, so tourists come here only for excursion holidays, and it is beautiful here.

But there is a sea around the island of Mallorca, and in November it is very warm, not lower than 21 degrees plus. Some tourists attempt to swim in it, but such daredevils are few. The thing is that during the day it is no longer so hot and only about +18 degrees, and at night it is around +10 degrees. Coming out of the sea at this temperature is not easy, and if there is a breeze, it will seem as if you have stepped straight into winter.
It also rains on the island and there is more rain here than on the mainland. According to forecasters, there will be 5-6 rainy days, and the amount of precipitation will be at least 60 millimeters.

The least rain is expected in the resort of Santa Cruz, there are 2-3 of them, the amount of precipitation does not exceed 40 millimeters. The air temperature at the resort is also high and sometimes resembles summer. The average temperature during the day is +23 degrees, at night +18 degrees.

Where is the best place to go in Spain in November?

The following table will be of interest to those who are deciding which resort in Spain to go to at the end of autumn. See, compare and choose.

In November in Spain, weather conditions resemble early autumn in our country. The heat is rapidly disappearing, and the sun begins to warm less and less. Those who love beach holidays do not have to go to Spain for this. However, those tourists who want to visit historical sights, various cultural events and stroll along the streets with a unique flavor and atmosphere can well enjoy the beauty of this country at this time of year. Spain in November is the perfect place for a romantic holiday. In this publication we will talk about what tourists can do in the fall in Spain and how to plan their vacation correctly.

Weather in Spain in November

There are very few sunny days this month. It's raining more and more throughout the country. If you believe meteorologists, November can please travelers with only nine to ten sunny days. In addition to precipitation, a strong wind blows on the seashore. Moreover, the latter is the main characteristic of Spanish late autumn. This is especially true for coastal cities. Thus, the weather in Spain in November is relatively cold (of course, when compared with the usual heat in summer). Reviews from tourists indicate that due to low temperatures and cold water, it becomes impossible to relax on the beach at this time of year. The air warms up slightly.

Temperature in Spain in November

In late autumn, daytime temperatures here can reach 15-17 degrees. For example, in Madrid these figures are somewhat lower. Usually from 14 degrees during the day and only up to 6 at night. The eastern and northwestern parts of Spain have the same temperature indicators, but in the north it is much colder due to rain and frequent cyclones and gusty winds also dominate the southern regions. In sunny weather, of course, the temperature can reach 19 degrees Celsius. However, this does not happen very often. The water on the coast sometimes warms up to 20 degrees, but due to the general air temperature and wind at sea, as mentioned above, you cannot relax on the beach. On the coast, tourist centers remain empty until the start of the next season, awaiting summer. In this situation, the Canary Islands attract tourists who crave warmth and comfort, as the weather there remains excellent at any time of the year.

Prices in November

Those who were lucky enough to purchase in November may feel that during this period their vacation will cost them almost several times cheaper when comparing summer and autumn prices. You can significantly save your money on hotels and hotel services. According to reviews from tourists, food at this time will also be cheap. This situation arises due to the fact that in the summer there are a lot of travelers in restaurants, respectively, compared to the warm season, in the fall there are practically no travelers, so catering establishments welcome every visitor. The owners are reducing the prices of dishes, thus trying to “lure” tourists who still like a holiday in Spain in November.

Thus, a full lunch can cost only 10 euros (while in July you would have to pay 15 euros for the same set of dishes). Therefore, you can use these circumstances to spend your holidays in this country and feel as comfortable as possible. The weather won't stop you from walking around the city or attending cultural events. It is worth noting that prices for basic entertainment in cities are the same at all times of the year. Excursions in Madrid are quite expensive (minimum price - 25 euros), entrance to the museum can cost about 7-12 euros. If you don’t want to walk around the city on foot, you can get to the main attractions by public transport. The average fare is 2 euros.

In November?

Spain is never boring in November, and this is confirmed by the reviews of tourists who have visited here. At this time of year, a large number of young people and retirees come here, for whom prices for accommodation and comfortable conditions for walking are important. Various excursions, museums and concerts remain popular pastimes. Granada is the site of the traditional Jazz Festival, and Seville - the International Film Festival. In addition, the beginning of November in Spain is the time of olives, which every tourist coming at this time should visit.

Olive Festival

On November 9, Spain begins to celebrate Olive Day. This is a traditional event, in particular for the Andalusian region and the city of Baen. The next few days become a time of festivals, exhibitions and fairs for these places. This region is one of the leading regions in the production of olive products. It will be difficult for you to resist tasting the oil and participating in various celebrations. If tourists go on excursions, they are told about how olives are grown, collected and prepared. You will be able to learn secrets about how oil is produced. After the olive festival, you will not remain indifferent to this product. For a true Spaniard, this is one of the national symbols that feeds a significant part of the country.

Madrid in late autumn

As you can see from the above, tourists who enjoy a cultural pastime will enjoy Spain in November. The prices are conducive to a budget holiday that you will not be able to forget for a long time. Madrid is no exception. This is where you can appreciate all the attractions (of which there are quite a lot) in a calm environment, without suffering from the summer heat.

Madrid in late autumn becomes one of the centers of European culture. The capital is the venue for the Autumn Arts Festival, where you can enjoy performances by dance, theater, circus and music groups from different parts of the world. Performances and concerts are mainly held at city venues. Most often these are theatrical scenes. Guests at the festival also attend various performances and go to galleries, in addition, there are meetings with celebrities and artists.

Since Spain in November is not conducive to a beach holiday, if you are tired of walking and cool weather, you can go to a performance at the Royal Opera House. Those who have already been here warn that it is best to book tickets beforehand or purchase them online. They are printed and paid for at theater terminals, in specially designated ticket halls.

In addition, at the beginning of November (9th), residents of Madrid celebrate the day of the city patron - Our Lady of Almudena. During this time, parades, feasts, dance and music events can be observed. Also in Madrid, on these dates, a week of watching experimental films begins, and in Alcala de Henares, which is located nearby, the days of the annual film festival begin.

Weather in Madrid

Temperatures reach approximately 13 degrees Celsius. Therefore, it is best to wear warm clothes. If the sun warms the air, it can rise to 20 degrees. Experienced travelers say that it can be especially cold at night, so take jackets for your vacation. In addition, the weather can often be disappointing with rain, so it is best to take an umbrella for a walk, and also try to wear shoes that will not get wet.

- Vacation with great pleasure

Pros: great weather, no crowds of tourists, many attractions

Disadvantages: the sea is already cold

Spain is Barcelona!

As a tourist, I can safely say that going to Barcelona on your own or with your friends or family is much better. The downside of excursion trips that take a group of people is that you have to wait for each person at stops while they go to the toilet, etc. When you relax alone, there is no longer any need to take pictures in front of a crowd of people and now you can go wherever you want, as long as you need and stop.

The capital of Catalonia is pleased to welcome visitors to the city all year round.

And, if in the summer the townspeople are tormented by the hot climate and scorching sun, then in the fall the weather is pleasant for those who want to take a break from the heat. Of course, the weather in Russia at this time, that is, in November, cannot be compared with the weather in Barcelona. Russians are already wearing down jackets and sheepskin coats to keep warm. But the weather spoils the residents of Barcelona.

Be sure to visit the fabulous place of Port Aventura.

From Barcelona you can get to it from the train station by train to Tortosa.

All Saints' Day in Barcelona. On November 1st, after Halloween, all of Barcelona celebrates All Saints' Day. On this day, it is customary to go to the cemetery and leave flowers for the dead.

Spain is the pearl of European civilization. The soul of Spain plunges into a colorful dance to the sound of heels. The guitar is an integral part of the dance. This is a real holiday for local residents and guests of the city.

Dance for the Spaniards is their second self. They express themselves and their culture with their dance, show passion and love, and also charge the audience with their energy and rhythm. Be sure to go see Spanish Flamenco, where charming ladies in long red dresses beckon, and passionate Spaniards look like real machos. There are a lot of flamenco clubs in Spain where you can admire this spectacle live and take away a piece of flamenco from here. Barcelona is no exception. It hosts many flamenco performances, each of which is unique. This is a real show for lovers of rhythmic music and passionate dancing of a couple in love.

In November in Barcelona the average daytime temperature is +18 degrees. The climate here is subtropical, which means the weather can be very changeable. Indeed, the temperature can drop sharply to +13, or vice versa, be really hot, up to +20 degrees. At night, the average temperature in Barcelona is +11.

There can be up to 8 wet days in November. This should give you the idea that before you go on holiday to Barcelona in November, take care of your wardrobe. Clothing should be impermeable and water-repellent. In addition, you need to be aware of strong winds. Clothes should not be blown through.

Water temperature +18 degrees.

Beach trips are the most relevant.

Since the water and air temperatures do not allow swimming in the Mediterranean Sea, walking excursions become popular. In addition, the absence of heat and miles-long queues will make your educational holiday even more enjoyable.

Swimming in the Mediterranean Sea is impossible not only because of the cooling temperatures. The fact is that the winds are increasing and the waves are becoming extremely dangerous.

And if you still decide to swim and cheer up, keep in mind that there will be no rescue services nearby.

Undoubtedly, the Sagrada Familia is the pearl of Barcelona. The famous Antonio Gaudi was its builder and architect.

This is the most visited site in Spain. More than 3 million visitors come to it every year.

Construction of the Cathedral continues to this day. It is known that by 2026, most likely, the construction of the Cathedral will be completed. The fact is that all construction costs are taken from donations for the temple. The cathedral has geometric shapes, and since Gaudi was a believer, all church norms and standards were observed.

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