Use of larch wood in construction and production of other products. Why larch is good - amazing facts you didn’t know about Larch as rounded logs

It is the most common material used in construction. The wood of this tree has many beneficial qualities and is absolutely universal in its use.
Due to its high resistance to moisture, temperature changes and excellent resistance to weather conditions, this material is used for the manufacture of ship parts, at hydroelectric power stations, for telegraph poles, and sleepers for railway tracks.
When burned, larch wood gives off a lot of heat, which is why it is considered the best material for heating.
It is interesting to note that the ancient burial mounds found in Altai contain items made of larch. Another 2 thousand years BC. e. Sarcophagi and even chariots were made from this wood. Ritual utensils were made from the root of this tree. A ladle made by an 18th-century master that holds 15 liters is still kept in Zagorsk.

A strong proof of the strength of this wood is the well-known fact: built back in the 5th century AD. e. The palaces and temples of Venice still stand on stilts made of larch wood. Examples closer to us are the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, St. Isaac's Cathedral and buildings in Arkhangelsk also have larch piles at their base. St. Basil's Cathedral and Cathedrals located on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin also have larch wood in their ceilings.
It is interesting to note that in the 17th century larch was used to build a church organ in Poland.
Since ancient times, people have noticed the medicinal properties of larch, and also used it to make soap. Larch resin - oleoresin - was used to cleanse the mouth and prevent gum disease. Larch bark is also used to obtain dyes and extract essential oils.

For ancient times, the widespread use of larch wood was common. And what role in modern life does this type of tree play? Today, just like many centuries ago, larch is popular and widely used. It is difficult to replace during construction country houses, interior or exterior decoration, when choosing flooring for indoor or outdoor terraces.
Excellent resistance to rotting allows the use of larch wood in construction, where the wood will be constantly in contact with water. For example, for pier construction, for pilings, for garden paths or for finishing swimming pools.
When arranging your home, remember that larch has excellent thermal conductivity, therefore it creates a pleasant microclimate and brings comfort to any place. In cold weather conditions, wood will help warm the room, and in hot weather it will keep it cool. Thanks to these qualities it is convenient to use when finishing balconies.

Since larch retains heat well, it is used to build a bathhouse. In addition, when in contact with water, this wood not only does not rot, but over time even petrifies. Therefore, larch is the most successful choice of raw materials for the construction and finishing of baths both inside and outside.
Larch occupies a special place in the manufacture of furniture. The texture of the wood is very interesting and looks great under the applied varnish. This wood is often used to make cladding panels for furniture.
Larch is often and justifiably used as a floor covering. This is a smart choice in light of the qualities listed above. The colors and texture of larch will not leave you indifferent. You will definitely find an option to your liking. By choosing a larch floor board, you will receive a durable, aesthetic and high-quality coating.
The last and most important aspect is the price of larch. When choosing this material, you will find a lot of advantages, quality and excellent appearance at a reasonable price.

Valuable strength and performance characteristics make it possible to use its wood in home improvement and construction of durable and environmentally friendly structures. The most popular use of the material is in the construction of log houses, installation of the rafter system and individual pieces of furniture.

To increase the service life, sustainable and durable types of wood are introduced into the design of most buildings. The spread of larch in mass construction is hampered by its significant cost, so its use is often limited to the most critical long-term and load-bearing elements. Let's consider the main construction structures in which they try to use larch wood.

Classic houses

Constructed from brick or stone blocks. In such buildings, wooden elements are usually used for the manufacture of rafters, ridge and interior decoration. Covering the inside of the house with hardwood clapboard reduces the thermal conductivity of the walls and makes living in the cold and summer heat more comfortable.

If the attic of the house is residential, then its load-bearing elements will bear a noticeable load from the mass of roofing and finishing materials. An additional impact is caused by increased humidity caused by the proximity of the roof. Beams and rafters made of larch can withstand significant weight and do not deteriorate in a humid environment.

The photo shows examples of such houses

House No. 1 House No. 2 House No. 3

Large diameter larch log houses

Due to the high cost of larch logs, they are usually used only in the lower crowns of a house. They give somewhat greater strength and do not collapse during floods and during the rainy season. A short-term stay in a flooded area does not cause harm to such a log house.

Log house designs often include a combination of larch and softer, lighter pine. A slightly weighted hardwood base provides stability to the home and reduces costs. The greater hardness of the wood increases the difficulty of processing due to numerous splits, increasing the overall cost of the house.


The abnormally low thermal conductivity of larch makes it a useful element in the construction of baths and saunas, as well as the installation of internal cladding. The natural antimicrobial properties of the material prevent the formation of fungus, and low hygroscopicity minimizes the processes of swelling and destruction. Larch wood is pleasant to touch even in a hot room.

Leafy bath tubs maintain the original water temperature for a long time, allowing you to quickly refresh yourself after leaving the steam room. The hot tubs are made from untreated wood and are distinguished by their durability.

Photos of finished baths

Bathhouse No. 1 Bathhouse No. 2 Bathhouse in Russian style

Interior elements made of larch wood

Unlike solid houses, furniture and interior decoration are made from this material much more often. Larch is used to make individual house structures and furniture, including floors, doors, stairs and windows.

House floors

Due to its high abrasion resistance, larch is optimal for the production of flooring. This board is perfect for covering floors in bathhouses and bathrooms.

Main types of hardwood floors:

  • parquet– is a mechanically resistant and durable coating that can be periodically disassembled, machined and cleaned. The cost of hardwood parquet is high, but long-term operation partially compensates for this disadvantage;
  • parquet board– is produced in the form of a three-layer product, the upper part of which is made of larch. The middle and lower parts are softer and easier to work with species - pine or spruce;
  • batten– produced in the form of a solid solid wood with grooves at the ends for laying. On one side, the groove is a regular recess (tongue), and on the other, a protruding rectangular profile (ridge).

In the photo - a floor board made of Siberian larch

Laying arrays of larch boards is carried out in several stages:

  • Stage 1– preparation of the floor surface, including insulation, waterproofing and laying a base (usually plywood);
  • Stage 2- laying boards. It is made from the wall and consists of matching the ridge and tongue of adjacent boards. The lower part of the floor is attached to the base using glue, and the boards are connected to each other with self-tapping screws;
  • Stage 3– installation of skirting boards and subsequent varnish treatment, carried out as necessary.

Photo of the floor laid in the apartment


The main use of this wood is in the manufacture of countertops, which are used instead of classic stone slabs in the kitchen. A wooden tabletop is easily damaged, but can also be easily restored by sanding and coating with protective compounds. The high resistance of larch to water extends its use right up to the space around the sink, which is subject to strong moisture.


It is partly an analogue because it has similar strength and anti-wear properties. Classic hardwood furniture is quite expensive, but is highly hypoallergenic, durable, sustainable and aesthetically pleasing. Wardrobes, tables, armchairs, chairs and chests of drawers are made from larch.

Hardwood tables have less weight than oak tables, therefore they are more ergonomic and retain their performance qualities. In furniture made from solid larch, wardrobe items and linen do not lose contact with fresh air, so they do not acquire an unpleasant odor.

Wooden windows and doors

Window frames have low vapor permeability and ensure heat retention even with large temperature differences between inside and outside the house. Tightly fitted doors made of larch wood are slightly susceptible to shrinkage and swelling, therefore they hardly change their geometric dimensions at different times of the year.

The low thermal conductivity of the material additionally helps to maintain heat and coolness in the room, reducing heating and air conditioning costs. The high strength of larch doors makes it difficult to break in, but requires more costs to obtain a uniform door, free of chips and cracks.

This is what larch doors look like in the photo

Solid wood doors Interior doors


Valued for their ability to retain their original properties for a long time. When using high-quality dried material, the staircase is practically not subject to destruction and will not loosen or creak after several years.

The steps are usually made from thick solid wood, since they directly bear the main load. Handrails and posts can be made by unraveling thick boards or thin beams. The string of the ladder is a durable board of medium thickness.

Photos of larch wood stairs

Ladder No. 1 Ladder No. 2 Ladder No. 3

What is made from larch for the household?

In a number of luxury houses, known for their environmental properties, it is used hardwood tiles. Resistance to moisture makes this roofing covering quite durable and stable for decades. The wood structure allows the room to “breathe” and reduces the likelihood of rot.

Larch gazebos They retain their aesthetic appearance longer and do not acquire a blue color. The better fire resistance of larch helps protect the structure during short-term exposure to fire. The complexity of wood processing leads to a significant increase in the cost of complex carved elements.

When making a fence, larch wood allows you to preserve its integrity and strength properties for a long time. Supports buried in the ground are less susceptible to rotting, which is minimized after treatment with resin protective compounds. Larch fence rarely painted, emphasizing the naturally beautiful texture with stain or oil.

Deciduous false beams They bring the aroma of wood into the room and have a sanitary effect. Increased fire resistance allows you to mount separate elements of wiring and lighting systems to them.

Larch facades are a successful alternative to plastering and give the building a special flavor. The wood base is usually treated with fire retardants and varnished to protect it from the abrasive effects of dust in strong winds.

You can watch a video on how to choose the right finishing material from larch below:

Application in natural economy

To improve the aesthetics and protect water bodies, the banks are strengthened with larch. For this purpose, a protective layer is erected, consisting of thin logs (up to 10-15 cm in diameter) or thick boards. Unlike other wood, strengthening with larch is a long-term event, since it does not collapse after installation for many years.

This protection measure is popular when maintaining artificial ponds. They look more aesthetically pleasing not only due to the wooden posts outlined around the perimeter, but also due to greater transparency. Improvement of the shore prevents the formation of persistent opaque suspensions in the lake water.

Larch wood is quite strong and durable. In terms of hardness, it can be equated to oak wood. Materials made from this wood are subject to little warping, and therefore retain their original appearance for many years. However, the qualities of larch make it possible to produce high-quality finishing materials that are quite durable, resistant to rot, damage by insects and resistant to stress.

Boards and beams made from this type of tree are extremely durable. Construction and larch timber is used in a wide variety of conditions: from the construction of bathhouses, piers, terraces to sleepers and mechanical engineering. Larch floors will serve for many years and delight you with the natural beauty of natural wood.

This building material is elite and has properties that distinguish it from other types of wood. The main advantages of wooden houses made of larch are fire resistance, resistance to damage by insects and microorganisms, high hardness of the material, enormous health benefits, expressive texture, as well as an acceptable cost of turnkey construction services.

This wood contains antiseptic substances that create a natural barrier against rot, mildew, blue stains, and pests.

A classic floor covering can be called larch deck boards. It is not tongue-and-groove and has rounded chamfers on the edges of the front side of the product. Most often it is laid with small gaps between the boards. It is ideal for installation both indoors and outdoors.

Deck boards, like garden parquet, can be used when arranging garden paths and covering areas adjacent to the pool.

Areas of application of larch

  1. Rounded log is obtained in the following way: tree trunks, having previously been cleared of bark, are passed through machines with a system of cutters, turning them into cylinders with a carefully processed surface. Then the logs are cut to size, and grooves, tenons and locks (crown cups) are made and antiseptic.
  2. Production glued profiled timber made of larch is carried out using the following technology: lumber is dried in drying chambers to a furniture humidity of 8-10%, the lamellas are calibrated on four sides to obtain the exact geometry, sorted and glued with special environmental adhesives on a powerful hydraulic press.
  3. Profiled timber natural humidity is used in the construction of any wooden houses, as well as baths.
  4. Larch floor board is a molded product tongue-and-groove on two opposite long sides, which is manufactured on high-precision woodworking equipment from selected boards of radial and tangential cuts. The humidity of larch floor boards does not exceed 10%.
  5. Name "lining" appeared at a time when car manufacturers used boards with double-sided grooves for cladding (so that there were no gaps in the walls of cars). Since then, the name has stuck, although it is more correct to call the lining a cladding board (that’s what it is called in technical documents). Lining can be called both traditional lining and blockhouse and board with a selected quarter.
  6. Terrace board(aka “anti-slip”, corduroy, modification of deck boards) has managed to establish itself as a practical and reliable material for outdoor flooring - terraces, balconies, verandas, as well as in baths, swimming pools, saunas.
Scientific classification Physical properties
Domain: Eukaryotes Average Density: 550—590 kg/m³
Kingdom: Plants Density limits: 400—850 kg/m³
Department: Plants Longitudinal shrinkage: 0,3 %
Class: Conifers Radial shrinkage: 3,3 %
Order: Conifers (Pinopsida Burnett, 1835) Tangential shrinkage: 7,8 %
Family: Pine Radial swelling: 0,14 %
Genus: Pine Tangential swelling: 0,30 %
International scientific name Bend strength: 93 N/mm²

Larix Mill. , 1754

Compressive strength: 48 N/mm²
Type species Tensile strength: 105 N/mm²

Larix decidua Mill., 1768, no. nov. — European larch

Fuel properties
4.4 kWh/kg

Types of larch

  • Larix gmelinii (Rupr. ) Rupr.— Gmelin Larch =
    • Larix gmelinii var. gmelinii =
      • Larix amurensis Kolesn.— Amur larch
      • Larix cajanderi Mayr - Cajander Larch
      • Larix kamtschatica (Rupr. ) Carriere— Kamchatka larch
    • Larix gmelinii var. japonica =
      • Larix kurilensis Mayr - Kuril larch
    • Larix gmelinii var. olgensis =
      • Larix olgensis A.Henry— Olga larch
      • Larix koreana NakaiKorean larch,nom. nud.
    • Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii
  • Larix komarovii Kolesn.— Komarov Larch
  • Larix maritima Sukaczev— Primorsky larch
  • Larix middendorffii Kolesn.— Middendorff larch
  • Larix ochotensis Kolesn.— Okhotsk larch

About one and a half dozen species are generally recognized:

  • Larix czekanowskii SzaferChekanovsky larch
  • Larix decidua Mill.— European larch, or Decaying larch
  • Larix gmelinii (Rupr. ) Rupr.— Gmelin Larch
  • Larix griffithii Hook.f.— Griffith's Larch
  • Larix kaempferi (Lamb. ) Carriere— Fine-scaled larch, or Fine-scaled larch, or Japanese larch, or Kaempfer's larch
  • Larix kongboensis R.R.Mill
  • Larix laricina (Du Roi ) K.Koch— American larch
  • Larix lubarskii Sukaczev— Lyubarsky larch
  • Larix lyallii Parl.— Lyell's Larch
  • Larix mastersiana Rehder & E.H. WilsonMasters Larch
  • Larix ×marschlinsii Coaz
  • Larix occidentalis Nutt.— Western larch
  • Larix potaninii Batalin— Larch Potanin
  • Larix sibirica Ledeb.— Siberian larch

Useful tables

Shrinkage coefficients of larch wood from different growing areas

Growing area

Shrinkage coefficient

Kt tangential Kr radial


Various areas

0,37-0,43 0,18-0,25


Various areas

0,31-0,34 0,16-0,18


Krasnoyarsk region

0,36 0,18 2,0


Novosibirsk region

0,43 0,18 2,38


Yakutia 0,40 0,19 2,11

Average statistical data on standing larch reserves in the Russian Federation

Region of growth


Forest area

% of total area

Reserves % of total forest stand Average growing stock m.cub./ha
Central Russia,

Vologda region, Arkhangelsk region, Komi Republic.

Ural 0.04 0.05 159
Western Siberia 1.9 2.15 131
Eastern Siberia 78.5 77 102
Far East 19.4 20.6 110

Physical and mechanical properties of coniferous wood of various species at a humidity of 10 - 12%

Breed Density kg/m. cube Compressive strength along the fibers, MPa Bending strength, MPa Tensile strength along the fibers, MPa Shear strength, MPa Hardness, MPa Modulus of Elasticity, GPa
640 56.7 98.5 119.5 8.7 24.9 13.8
Daurian larch, growing region Primorye 650 57.3 106.2 7.7 13.0
Daurian larch, growing region Yakutia 620 52.2 93.2 9.1 24.9 12.9
Siberian larch, growing region Western Siberia 660 61.5 97.8 120.5 8.5 14.9
Siberian larch, growing region Eastern Siberia 640 55.3 96.4 118.6 9.3 14.6
Spruce 450 39.0 70.3 100.3 6.3 16.5 9.3
Fir 380 34.4 60.3 65.6 5.8 15.5 8.7
Pine 470 39.6 71.8 84.1 6.2 11.9

The influence of geographical and natural conditions on the physical and mechanical properties of larch wood

(wood moisture content 10 - 12%)

Relative volume of parts of a growing tree





Resistance of wood of various species depending on service conditions


Duration of existence, years

In the moving air In still air and indoors For constant dryness With constant humidity
90 150 1800 600
Pine 80 120 1000 500
Spruce 50 25 900 70
Fir 45 20 900 60
Oak 120 200 1800 700
Elm (Ilm) 100 180 1500 1000
Ash 20 3 500 10
Hornbeam - 30 1000 750
Maple 10 5 1000 10
Beech 10 5 800 10
Birch 5 3 500 10
Alder 5 2 400 800
Willow 5 4 600 20
Aspen 3 1 500 10
Linden 3 1 400 10

Biostability of larch wood


And the green pine forest quietly slumbers
And in the silver of forest lakes -
Even slimmer are his columns,
Even fresher pine crowns
And delicate larches pattern!
I. Bunin.

Because, like all deciduous trees of temperate forests, they shed their needles. In this way, it saves energy, which in coniferous trees is lost to the evaporation of moisture through the needles. The loss of needles is a protection against freezing in the harsh winters of Siberia.

Young larch plants retain needles in winter, which apparently indicates that their ancestors were evergreen.

In total, about 20 species of larches are known, growing in the cold zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Mostly these are rocks that do not tolerate stagnant water, but there are species growing in the swampy forest-tundra of Arctic Asia and Alaska, in the taiga and forest belt. Larch dominates the forests of most of Russia.

Larch is one of the most light-loving tree species. Its love of light is the reason that pure tree stands are formed only in conditions unfavorable for the growth of other species. Therefore, larch forests are common both in swamps (in the north) and on barren soils of steep mountain slopes (in the south).

Larch forests are called light taiga. Its crown is sparse, openwork, raised high on the rapid shoots of the trunk.

Larch is called northern oak for its unusually strong and durable wood. The legends of many peoples say that the gods preferred to create the first people from wood.

This is how the Mansi peoples talk about it. In order for people to be long-lived, healthy and strong, the gods chose larch wood. Seven figurines carved from larch wood could only be revived, but due to the machinations of evil spirits, clay figurines were revived instead. Well, clay, as you know, is a very fragile material, it crumbles easily and is afraid of dampness. How can it compare with larch, strong as a stone! That is why people are weak and their lives are short.
Of course, this is a poetic fiction, but it makes it possible to judge how highly valued larch was among the northern peoples. Especially its wood.

A mighty tree, sometimes reaching a height of forty-five meters with a diameter of about one and a half meters, larch was revered by many peoples as a symbol of power, longevity and ever-renewing life.

They worshiped not only individual trees, but also entire groves. The Yakuts had protected sacred groves. During the period of spring awakening, when the first greenery appeared on the larches, people went to the grove, as if to a temple, to hang offerings to the forest deities on the branches of sacred trees. Here, under the shade of mighty trees, songs dedicated to them were performed.

The epic tales of the Mansi peoples tell of a sacred grove of seven hundred-year-old larches, to which the heroes of the epic made great sacrifices in the name of love, happiness and peace on earth. But the worship of the taiga inhabitants reflected not only sacred awe of the mysterious power of nature, but also simply human gratitude to the mighty tree, which gave them much they needed for life.

Knowing the durability of larch, during the construction of St. Petersburg, which was to be built on a swamp, Peter I ordered larch logs to be driven into the ground. One of the most beautiful cities in the world was built on larch piles.

Larch wood also never warps. Therefore, during the construction of the Winter Palace, where the most valuable varieties of trees were used, window frames and doors were made of larch.
Almost all the interior details of the Moscow Kremlin cathedrals and St. Basil's Cathedral were built from its wood. Many canals, dams, and mills in the 17th and 18th centuries were built mainly from larch wood.

In Russia, larch was considered the best tree for building ships, especially during the time of Peter I, when intensive construction of the Russian fleet was underway. Naturally, a huge number of trees were destroyed in this case. However, it was Peter I who initiated the establishment of larch groves, one of which is now located near Zelenogorsk, not far from St. Petersburg.

Special mention must be made about larch root wood. Its strength is much higher than that of stem wood, and its curled texture gives it special expressiveness. If peasant craftsmen tried to use softer wood to make everyday utensils, then for festive and ritual utensils they used durable and hard wood.

Plenipotentiary Plenipotentiary of our State
In the fall of 1960, the 5th World Forestry Congress met in the United States in the small town of Seattle, not far from Washington. After the end of the congress, scientists decided to plant trees - to create a People's Friendship Park. In this park, a representative of each delegation had to plant a “national tree” of their country.

And 96 young trees were planted on American soil as a sign that the foresters of these countries want peace. Among these seedlings was our “national tree”.

It was not easy to choose it, because in the former Soviet Union there were about four thousand species of different trees, and many of them could rightfully be considered national. What tree should become the representative of the USSR - the largest power in the world? The foresters did not hesitate for long...

The anthem of the Soviet Union sounded, a red flag fluttered in the wind in the hands of an American young man who stood to the right of the Soviet representative, and in the hands of a girl who stood to the left, a tree seedling appeared, which has since represented our state in the Peoples' Friendship Park - a larch seedling.

In Eastern Siberia there was once a children's joke: “Sunny, sunshine, look out the window! Your children are crying, they’re picking at brimstone, they’re not giving us anything, the black bear has a spoon, not a crumb for us!” Sulfur is a water-soluble larch resin, or gum, that protrudes from the cracks of wood.

Transparent as amber, larch resin is a unique taiga delicacy. While in the taiga, experienced tourists and geologists love to chew the pleasant-tasting, aromatic, and most importantly healthy resin. Replacing toothpaste and brushing, the resin refreshes the oral cavity and strengthens the gums.

Larch bark is also a valuable raw material. Taiga residents obtained red-brown paint from it. Durable textile dyes are also produced industrially from larch bark, simultaneously extracting essential oils and tannins from it. They also make floats for seines from the bark.

If you happen to be in a larch forest, take a close look at the trunks of old larches, and then perhaps you will be able to find the answer to the old Russian riddle: “Not a twig, not a leaf, but growing on a tree.” The riddle is about a tinder fungus. The larch tinder fungus is white with a yellow tint; it is most often called the larch sponge.

In the old days, the Evenks, residents of Northern Siberia, used a sponge as ordinary laundry soap for washing and washing clothes. Rich dye for fabrics was also prepared from it. The sponge has helped hunters and travelers to the rescue more than once. Having become interested in the cleaning properties of the sponge, after numerous experiments, scientists obtained liquid and bar soap from the sponge. Larch soap lathers perfectly and gives abundant foam, easily washing away dirt. The technology for making larch soap is much simpler than that used in the production of regular soap.

Larch sponge has long been used as a medicinal raw material. Since the 17th century, it has been exported in large quantities to Western Europe. In folk medicine, a decoction of the mushroom is still used to treat tuberculosis, various febrile diseases, neurasthenia and diabetes. The decoction is used as a hemostatic and mild hypnotic.

Larch wood is especially famous. It is very heavy (freshly cut larch trunks sink in water), elastic, resinous, and has exceptionally high strength, especially in underwater structures.

It is used in construction, where strength and durability come first. It is used to prepare the lower crowns of buildings, mine frames, mine stands, poles for telephone and electric lines, piles and bridges. The boards are used for sidewalks, exterior stairs, cladding, carpentry and cooperage.

Larch blocks are the most durable material for end paving.
They can now still be found perfectly preserved under a layer of asphalt in some northern cities. Larch firewood is characterized by a high specific heat of combustion of wood. The disadvantages of larch wood include its high cracking and extreme hardness, especially after drying.

It is often impossible to hammer a nail into larch boards. So builders are refusing larch. But larch wood has a great advantage - it is resistant to damage by wood-destroying fungi.

The history of woodworking knows cases when larch wood was successfully used for the manufacture of large musical instruments, characterized by high acoustic properties and unusual durability. At the beginning of the 17th century, in the Polish city of Kazimierz, an organ was made entirely of larch. And only the keyboard was made of ebony and polysander wood.

Long straight trunks of larch with roots - turnouts - were used to make scaffolds that fastened the plank flooring on the roof slopes. Folk sculptors processed the root part of the ohlupnya in the form of animal heads. Solid wood did not allow the master to overly detail the sculpture, especially if it was intended to be viewed from a great distance. Therefore, traditional decorative ridges, towering above the gables of peasant huts and made of larch, were distinguished by their particularly laconic and monumental form.

Larch has high aesthetic properties in landscape plantings and landscaping in large and small settlements. But it is especially good in alley plantings along roads in the spring, during the greening period, and in the fall, when the needles acquire a fiery golden color and the trees seem to be in a golden robe. Larch, unlike other evergreen conifers, due to its deciduous nature, perfectly tolerates urban conditions: dust and air pollution. This is explained by the fact that a large amount of dust, soot and other products settle on the long-lived needles of evergreen plants, which form a film impenetrable to gases and water. But this film greatly disrupts the normal life processes of the tree, especially respiration and photosynthesis.

In its natural state it grows only in the Altai Mountains, in its central and southern parts as separate trees. Without forming large tracts, larch is found in the Ob pine tracts.

From one cubic meter of it they make two thousand pairs of stockings or one and a half thousand meters of artificial silk, two hundred kilograms of cellulose or six thousand meters of cellophane, seven hundred liters of wine alcohol, and so on. From the products of larch wood processing, dozens and hundreds of valuable substances are obtained, such as turpentine and rosin, paints, acetic acid and sealing wax, tannins and essential oils, and much more.

Larch is not demanding on soil fertility and can grow on permafrost. The roots of the tree do not go deep into the soil, but are located in the surface layer. New roots grow higher than the previous ones.

Larch is a long-liver, it lives 5-6 times longer than pine. Of the Siberian tree species, larch is the most durable, living up to 300–400 years, and some trees up to 800–900 years.

Larch can withstand severe frosts that metal cannot withstand.

In Venice, the foundations of houses have been standing in water for decades, and they are made of larch.

The covering of the bicycle track in Krylatskoye, which is considered the best in the world, is made from Siberian larch wood.

Larch is a type of coniferous wood. It combines the perfection of useful qualities and longevity. This tree has a wide range of uses, but has especially proven itself in construction. The valuable properties of this tree are not comparable to any other type of wood, which is why the cost of larch is slightly higher than that of pine, but significantly lower than that of many other types of wood. The world of the Forest is truly amazing, and larch occupies the main place in it.

Description of the breed. Larch is a coniferous tree.

Larch - coniferous tree

Many people wonder whether larch is a coniferous or deciduous tree. Also, some believe that larch is a deciduous tree. Larch is a coniferous tree. In favorable conditions, an adult tree can reach a height of 50 m and a trunk diameter of up to 1 m. The average lifespan of the species ranges from 300 to 500 years. Cases of plant lifespan reaching 800 years have been recorded. The tree has a loose crown of a cone-shaped or ovoid shape. Well illuminated by the sun. The needles have a bright green color and a flattened shape. Its arrangement is single or spiral-shaped, and on short shoots it is bunched. The branches are arranged in a chaotic order, without any pattern. If the area is windy, the needles can be located on only one side of the tree.
It is worth noting that in the fall the tree sheds its “leaves” before the onset of spring. The plant tolerates winter quite easily, this is evidenced by the absence of frostbites even at a temperature of -60 degrees. Therefore, this tree can be found in harsh northern regions, further than any other vegetation. In Russia, the plant occupies large areas of Siberia, the Far East and the south of Primorye. Outside our country, the larch breed is common in Northern and Western Europe. The soil on which a valuable tree grows does not have any special qualities. The tree grows in mossy Siberian swamps, as well as mountain slopes. Of course, this location affects the growth and size of the child. In favorable areas, the tree can coexist with species such as spruce, pine, and birch. The strong root system does not have a pronounced trunk, has a branched shape and deep lateral roots. This position of the root system allows you to hold on tighter and withstand strong gusts of wind.

Breed reproduction. Larch cone.

Plants begin to bear fruit when they reach 10-15 years of age. And good seed years are repeated every 5-6 years. Natural reproduction of a tree occurs with the help of seeds. Male ears are small in size and yellow in color, while female ears are red, pink or green. Pollination occurs in spring or summer, depending on the region. So, in the southern part pollination begins at the end of April, and in the northern part - in June. The buds ripen in the fall, so they begin to open either immediately or after overwintering. The seeds of the tree are small, with tightly fitting wings. Despite the strength of the plant, the seeds have a low germination rate, which is due to the absence of air sacs in the pollen, so many seeds are “idle”.

Artificial breeding of the breed has two options:

Growing larch from seeds is much easier than using cuttings. To do this, mature cones are collected and dried until they open. The seeds are removed and one month before the upcoming planting, they are soaked in water for one day and mixed with wet coarse sand. The finished mixture is placed in special wooden boxes and placed in a cool place or refrigerator. It is important to take into account some nuances here: firstly, the boxes must have holes for natural ventilation, and secondly, it is necessary to correctly calculate the settling time so that planting in the ground occurs at the end of April - beginning of May. It is recommended to plant seeds no more than 1.5 cm deep, and it is strictly prohibited to specifically compact or sprinkle seedlings with heavy soil. To do this, you can use a sand-peat mixture, which has sufficient porosity to provide good oxygen access. To insulate the seedlings, you can use a film that can be removed after the first shoots. Seedlings should be transplanted to a permanent location after they reach two years of age.
Growing larch using cuttings is a labor-intensive process and requires many conditions. This is explained by the small percentage of rooting of cuttings. The good growth and development of seedlings is affected by humidity, temperature, soil composition and light. To comply with all requirements, special nurseries are used, where experts can provide them with the necessary temperature and humidity conditions and care. It is worth noting that this approach is also explained by the poor rooting of cuttings in open ground.

Varieties of larch

Depending on the location and characteristics of the tree, several types of larch are distinguished:

– she is also common, and is a wide representative of the breed in Western and Northern Europe. It reaches a height of up to 50 meters, has a slender, strong trunk and a dense crown of irregular shape. In our climatic conditions, an adult average tree reaches a height of 25 meters. The crown of a coniferous plant has the shape of a cone and is bright green in color. Mature cones have a brown tint, and their length reaches four cm; the tree begins to bloom in May. This tree is recognized as the fastest growing among its relatives. It is not afraid of cold weather, has a long service life and aesthetic qualities. It grows well in any soil, but does not tolerate places with stagnant water. Larch lives well on calcareous, chernozems, podzolic soils and loams. In addition, well-drained soil will create an excellent basis for the strengthening and development of both the root system and the entire plant.

Siberian larch covers 50 percent of the forest area in Russia and reaches 45 meters in height. This breed is distinguished by a straight trunk, thickening towards the lower part. The plant is covered with thick, light brown bark. The needles of young shoots have the shape of a narrow pyramid and are sparse; in adult trees they are wide, pyramidal in shape and raised high. The branches of the Siberian beauty are at an angle of 90 degrees with respect to the trunk, and their ends are bent upward. The leaves of the Siberian larch are light green in color and narrow and range from 13 to 45 mm in length. When ripe, the cones acquire light brown and yellow shades. Pollination occurs in late April - early May and lasts for 1.5 weeks. The seed dispersal itself occurs in the fall, preferably in October. How long does larch live? Siberian larch lives on average 200-300 years, but there are trees over 500 years old.

3. Daurian larch

grows in the Far East and, under good climatic conditions, reaches 30 meters in height. The difference between this breed is the red bark, which becomes much thicker as the tree matures. Young shoots are straw-colored and can often be seen bare and drooping. The needles are light green and reach 30 mm in length. The cones of such larch are small, only 20 mm long, and have the shape of an egg or oval. It is worth noting that the needles of the plant are light green in spring, bright green in summer, and golden in autumn. Flowering begins in late April - early May, and dispersal occurs in early autumn. The breed grows both on high mountain slopes and river valleys. Due to its undemanding requirements for soil, Dahurian larch grows in wetlands, rocky slopes and areas with shallow permafrost.

4. American larch

distributed in the northern hemisphere and reaches only 25 m in height. The trunk diameter is usually from 30 to 60 cm. It is mainly found in Canada and the northeastern United States. The cone-shaped crown is formed by serpentine branches that hang down. The trunk has a dark brown or gray color. The tree's needles are light green in spring and darker in summer. The leaves reach 30 mm, and the cones are only 10-20 mm. They have a purple tint until completely dry and turn brown after opening. Flowering begins in mid-May, and fruiting occurs once every 4 years. It is worth noting that the growth of this larch is much slower than its sisters.

The varieties of larch do not end there, but unlike those listed above, most of them have decorative uses due to their small size.

Common larch pests

As with all plants, there are pests on this breed that can cause harm to the plants.

- a sucking insect that lays larvae that feed on plant juices. This insect is very small, but adults are able to fly from one tree to another.

The kidney gall midge lives and feeds on plant tissue, the affected shoots begin to suffer from infection and soon die. Various fungi on the bark of a tree can cause the spread of putrefactive formations and pests.

Many people often wonder how to distinguish larch from pine. In fact, it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main difference between these two trees is the needles. Larch is the only plant that sheds its needles for the winter. Therefore, if a coniferous, bare tree appears before your eyes, it is larch. Pine only changes the color of its needles. You can also distinguish trees by their crown - larch has a conical frame, while pine has a more round frame. Pine leaves are hard and more like spruce needles, while larch leaves are flattened and soft to the touch. Plant cones have different sizes; pine cones are larger and round in shape, while larch cones are smaller and oval. The difference can also be found in color - mature pine cones have a rich brown color, while those of larch are brown.

Trees can also be distinguished in the form of finished lumber.
Larch bark is much thicker and has a rich reddish hue inside. A sliver of larch will sink much faster than a pine tree. The structure of larch will clearly appear under the influence of water. The marble pattern with a pinkish tint will stand out strongly against the background of the pine product. The smell of pine cannot be confused with anything else, while larch will not express such an incense with its needles. Using a log, it is also easy to distinguish larch - the core and dense one-year-old rings will clearly stand out on the cut. All doubts will be dispelled by setting fire to torches made of both materials. Larch lights up for a long time and very slowly, unlike pine. The strength of larch is much higher, so running a nail through the material is unlikely to leave deep marks on it.

Pine and larch are different trees. Larch has significant advantages over pine, despite their common coniferous species. The main characteristic of larch material is its density. Compared to pine, it is 1.5 times higher. The indicator of this property in larch is 670 kg/m3, while the density of pine is 440 kg/m3. Due to this, the tree has a higher hardness, which is 400 kg/cm2, the same indicator for pine is 200 kg/cm2. These two qualities already indicate the advantage of larch lumber. The building elements are stronger and can withstand significant loads.
Resistance to rot is another quality that is relied upon when choosing between two plants. So, pine has a 3-4th degree of resistance, and larch 2-3. This shows how a tree can behave when threatened. Pine has a low degree of resistance to rot, while larch has a moderate degree, and therefore is less susceptible to this risk. Fire resistance is an important indicator of wood's resistance to fire. Due to its resinous content, pine does not have high fire resistance, while larch is difficult to ignite and burns very slowly when ignited. The moisture resistance of pine is undeniably inferior to its sister, for which water is a way to increase its strength. The appearance of larch in comparison with its friend is noble and aristocratic. The surface of the material has a marble pattern with a pinkish tint.

Due to its properties, larch is widely used in construction. A tree has the following decisive factors:
The strength of larch wood is comparable to oak. On the Brinell scale, the hardness of wood is 109 units, when oak has this indicator 1 unit higher. Density contributes to strength - this is undoubtedly the advantage of the material, which reaches 660 kg/m3 at 10% humidity. This figure is 1.5 times higher than that of pine. The plant has high values ​​for compression along the fibers, modulus of elasticity, impact and static bending and chipping. Due to these characteristics, larch is used to make parquet boards. Fire resistance is one of the important factors when choosing a material. Larch has good fire resistance, an indicator several times higher than other tree species. Resistance to fungal diseases allows the tree to live for quite a long time. Insects also appear on larch, which can cause harm to the tree, but due to the plant’s poor susceptibility to pests, they often change their preferences. Water resistance is always a consideration when building with larch lumber. Due to this property, larch is used for external structures. A distinctive characteristic is that when water is absorbed, the plant becomes even stronger. Therefore, this particular rock was previously used in the construction of bridges.

Environmental properties

Environmental safety is the key to quality of life, so any wood carries safety and health. The aesthetics of the breed allows you to create various materials that not only fulfill their direct duties, but also decorate the room. The thermal conductivity of larch is much less than that of other wood, this is due to its density, which is why floors are mainly made from larch.

Transportation of larch

In order to deliver wood to its destination, alloy and other types of transportation are used. The peculiarity of larches is that they acquire greater strength after being in water, so our ancestors tried not to float deciduous wood on water. After all, as the wood gained excess weight, it sank. Nowadays, this plant is floated using cargo ships, this increases the efficiency and speed of timber delivery. For transportation, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the wood with natural moisture, which will be much greater than dried wood. Lately the rivers have been busy with shipping, so more and more timber is being delivered by rail and road transport.

Deciduous plantings occupy a large area in Russia, while in other countries there is a shortage of this species. The need for high-quality larch lumber is especially great in countries with desert areas and plantings unsuitable for construction purposes. Regular buyers of wood are Iran, Israel, Iraq, CIS countries, the European Union and China. The latter country prefers larch, because it serves as an excellent material for houses on the water. Lumber in the form of , , and is in demand. Abroad, larch is mainly used for finishing premises and houses, and for the production of furniture of excellent quality.
The Austrians prefer Siberian larch as building materials for the construction of houses. It combines all the heat and sound insulation qualities, so the houses turn out to be solid. The appearance attracts foreigners and allows for the creation of delightful design complexes. The qualities and characteristics of this material allow it to be used in shipbuilding, railway construction and many other areas. The possibilities of this tree are great, and with the help of modern technologies it is possible to achieve unique results in various fields of application.

Application of larch in construction. Larch lumber.

Larch as rounded logs

The high cost of the rock and thermal conductivity are the reasons why entire log houses are rarely made. The strength of wood and its lifespan are an excellent solution for the construction of a durable structure, but the thermal conductivity indicator requires additional insulation of the walls or their thickening. Therefore, it is advisable to use rounded logs for the lower crowns of the house. This will serve as an excellent support for subsequent crowns and will not allow the logs to sag too much. Also, the first crowns of larch will protect the further tree from moisture, taking the entire “blow” upon themselves, which will only make them stronger.

This finishing element is highly popular due to its qualities and design features. The material is solid larch, well dried and processed. This preparation helps avoid cracking and other deformations. The outer side has a convex surface, and the inner side has a flat surface. Using a tongue-and-groove connection, a tight fit of the boards to each other is achieved, which creates a strong, integral structure. With the help of processing, a perfectly flat surface is achieved, and the gutters on the inside of the element serve as ventilation passages. Coating the finished element with varnish emphasizes the aesthetic appearance, making the structure look beautiful.
The appearance of this material allows it to be used for finishing interior and exterior spaces, regardless of the wall material. Usually frame houses are sheathed with it, but it is possible to finish walls made of brick, concrete, timber or panels. A block house is not only a beautiful finishing material, but also protects the building from adverse conditions, physical influences, humidity and frost. With its help, the thermal insulation properties of the walls increase, the level of sound from the street decreases, and the building acquires a full-fledged aesthetic appearance. Designers can use a block house to create a complex of original buildings.


The use of larch boards began long before the advent of modern technologies. Larch was used for shipbuilding, mainly military, so it did not immediately come into use in homes. Bridges, piers and all buildings close to the water were made exclusively from this rock. Larch flooring has a long service life, good wear resistance and moisture resistance. Natural ingredients help maintain environmental safety and warmth in the house. This element is made from solid wood, which explains its longevity and quality. Parts of the required dimensions are cut, processed, and thoroughly dried at a very high temperature. The edges of the outer side have a rounded shape, which creates the integrity of the picture and good appearance.

Floorboards play a special role in the construction of open areas. Due to their good moisture resistance, the elements serve as a material for covering terraces, garden areas and paths, and gazebos. The specifics of manufacturing a floorboard are simple; a special feature is specially made grooves on the outside of the covering. Serves as a constructive solution to drain water from the floor and prevent slipping. Particular attention is paid to processing boards in open areas. To avoid fading in the sun, dust and dirt getting into the pores, special protective work is carried out with various compounds. The goal of the process is to obtain a film that resists sunlight and dirt penetration. With its help, the material does not lose its aesthetics over many years and pleases the owner with its beauty and sophistication.

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