Changing the appearance of characters using Face Ripper and Fo4edit. Changing the appearance of characters using Face Ripper and Fo4edit How to change the face of fallout 4

You most likely hardly use the tilde button and consider it useless. However, in games from Bethesda studio on the Creation engine, this button (~) opens the console, which allows you to adjust the game to your desires. You can give your hero superpowers, create weapons and monsters out of thin air, speed up time, or even beat the game with one press of the Enter button.

You just need to open the console, enter the required command, close the console and check if the command worked. If the tilde (located to the left of the number 1 key) does not work, then try pressing the apostrophe key. This depends on the country in which your keyboard was released.

Finding Item IDs and NPCs

Most of these commands will require you to enter the exact ID number of an item, NPC, location, or faction. If you open the console and click on a character, you will see his ID number. Some commands work on selected characters - that is, on those you clicked on. Sometimes it is difficult to get the ID number you need to display on the screen, and in these cases the Free Camera (tfc) mode will help you. You can also search the web for the commands and ID numbers you need...

help[item name] - Search for items, characters, teams and more. Use the Page Up and Page Down buttons to scroll. Parameter 0 starts an advanced search.

For example: You entered the command “help “attack dog” 0” and it will show you that there is an NPC in the game named attack dog with ID number 000B2BF2. Be sure to use quotation marks if you are entering two or more words.

coc qasmoke- This command will teleport you to a room with boxes containing all the items found in the game. A little surreal, but it allows you to find out the ID numbers of all items. To do this, you need to open the console and click on the item, after which its ID number will be displayed. For example, Dogmeat's real name is 0001d162.

General commands

tgm- Good old god mode.

tcl- No obstacles. Walk through walls. Walk on air. Be free.

tfc- Activation of free camera.

tfc 1- The same as the command above, but only with freezing all animations.

tm- Turns menus and user interface on and off. This even turns off the console display. In order to return everything to its place, you need to blindly click on the “tilde” and enter the tm command again.

csb– Resets blood and damage effects.

fov- Switch between first and third person view modes.

set timescale to[insert required number] - Slowing down or speeding up time. The default value here is 16. 1 is real time, 10,000 is an insanely fast day/night cycle. If you decide to speed up time, pay attention to the sky - the sun and moon are literally jumping back and forth.

coc– Teleportation to the desired location.

For example: coc RedRocketExt

Character manipulation

showlooksmenu player 1- Opens the hero customization menu, where you can change the appearance of your character. It is recommended that at this moment the hero's face be strictly in the center of the screen.

player.setrace- Change race (for example, ghoul or mutant). Find the race ID number using the help command, but keep in mind that in most cases the game will simply crash after changing the race.

For example: player.setrace GhoulRace

player.resethealth- Restores health.

setgs fJumpHeightMin[insert desired number] - Increases jumping height. The higher the value, the higher your hero jumps, like the Hulk. But if you haven't turned on god mode, the landing will be fatal.

tdetect- Enemies don't notice you. You can steal everything you see.

player.modav[skill] [number] - Improves the skill by the selected number of points. For example, if you enter “player.modav strength 10”, your strength will increase by 10 points. If there is a terminal in the game that you need to hack, or an NPC that you need to convince, then use this command. And to open perks, the command below will be useful.

player.setav[characteristic name] [number] - Sets a new value for the selected characteristic. Unlike modav, this command allows you to unlock new perks by changing the character's characteristics.

player.setav speedmult[enter the required number] - The number you enter will be a multiplier to your movement speed. If you want to become a real superhero, then use god mode with this and the next command.

player.setlevel[enter number] - Increases your level to the specified level.

player/additem 0000000f[enter number] - Adds the specified number of bottle caps.

player/additem 0000000a[enter number] - Adds the specified number of hairpins.

player.additem[number] - As you already understood from the two previous commands, you can add ANY item to your inventory, knowing its ID number (at the beginning of the article it is written how to find out this number).

Manipulating NPCs

tai- Disables AI, causing all characters to simply stand still with calm faces.

tcai- Disables combat AI. There is peace and tranquility in the game. Incredibly boring peace and quiet.

killall- Kills everyone in the area, except for companions and several plot-important characters. They will simply fall down with injuries, and only your stimulant can return them to normal.

kill[enter ID number] - Kills the creature corresponding to the ID number. If you enter "kill 0017fda3", the feral ghoul on which I tested this function will die, no matter where it is. There is another way: you can click on the NPC with the console open and simply enter kill.

resurrect[enter ID number] - Revives a creature with the entered ID. The command "resurrect 0017fda3" will bring the wild ghoul back to life! He's having an incredible day. You can also click on a dead NPC with the console open and enter the resurrect command. If you resurrect a headless NPC, keep in mind that they will remain headless.

recycle actor- Reboots the character.

setscale[number from 1 to 10] - Makes you or your enemy HUGE. The results can be seen in the screenshot at the beginning of the article.

sexchange- Yes, yes, this is a gender change. Works on anyone, but may have difficulty with unique characters.

getav CA_affinity- Shows the trust level of the current companion.

setav CA_affinity[number] - Sets the companion's trust level to the specified number.

modav CA_affinity[number] – Increases the trust level by the specified number. Personally, I did not notice the effect.

unequipall- The selected NPC loses all of its items.

Faction Commands

player.AddToFaction- Will make you an ally of the faction. If you hover over an NPC and remove the word player from the command, then this character will either become an ally (0) of the selected faction, or join (1) to it.

For example: The command "player.AddToFaction 00028670 1" will make you a member of the bug faction.

player.RemoveFromFaction- Will remove you from the selected faction. If you remove the word player from the command and target an NPC, you will remove him from the faction.

removefromallfactions- Removes the selected character from all factions.

setally- Makes two factions friendly (0) or allies (1).

setenemy-Make two factions neutral (0) or enemies (1).


completeallobjectives- Completes all current tasks in the quest.

resetquest– Restarts the quest.

completequest- Completes the quest.

caqs- Completes each step of the main quest, essentially bringing the story to an end. WARNING: Do not use this command if you do not want plot spoilers.

A new addition for , called Vault-Tec Workshop, added to the game, in addition to new items for arranging settlements, unique workstations. They will allow The hero can change his face and hairstyle absolutely free. And all that is required is to assign settlers to work and something else.

Please note that all items in the new expansion can also be used on the surface in the Wasteland in any settlement, so it is not necessary to install workstations in Vault 88. You can, for example, go to Sanctuary Hills and open hairdresser and surgical.

In addition, now you don’t have to constantly run to Diamond City to change your appearance, and besides this city there is no other way to change in the game. But the opportunity appeared with the release of the add-on Vault-Tec Workshop. And even a bonus will be given.

Your own hairdresser and surgeon in Fallout 4 Vault-Tec Workshop

New stations can be found in the workshop menu:

  • Resources -> Miscellaneous -> Operating Chair
  • Resources -> Miscellaneous -> Barber Chair

The barber chair further increases settler happiness, but only if a settler is assigned to the job. If you use a hairdresser's chair, then Charisma bonus you will not receive it immediately, but only after you choose a new hairstyle and confirm it.

For new stations to work you need:

  1. Build barber/surgeon chairs
  2. Assign settlers to work.
  3. Wait a little while the settler will stand at the station and only then take the form of a worker with a tablet in his hands. Make sure that there is plenty of free space around the chairs and that settlers have room to walk and stand freely.
  4. Talk with settlers and choose an option: change your hairstyle or change your appearance.
  5. Sit down in a chair and choose a new nose, hairstyle, eyes, tattoo, etc.

Important: If you move the station to another location, it is more convenient to reassign settlers to work. It often happens that they do not return to their places, although at the station itself it is noted that the settler resource is assigned.

To ensure that the surgeon and hairdresser have started their work,wait about 12 hours . Sleep or sit and wait, or take a walk. Stations are not activated immediately after assignment.

Only the Hero can change his hairstyle and appearance. The settlers are left with default faces and hair styles.

In this material we will try to figure out how to make a beautiful (or not so) character in Fallout 4, what influences and how to choose the initial characteristics of S.P.E.S.I.A.L., and in the end, we will offer several options for the distribution of initial “stats”. By the way, take a look at, where all the main aspects of the game are discussed.

Fallout 4: choice of appearance and gender

Through the eyes of the main character (who is now called the Survivor), we will see the pre-war world: or rather, only a quiet, cozy, bright town. Alas, the acquaintance will be very brief and very soon (according to subjective perception) we will see him not so beautiful.

But now it’s a calm Saturday morning, October 23, 2077. The character shows off in front of the mirror, and meanwhile the player chooses his appearance, gender and figure. To configure, just touch the desired part and literally “blind” the required face. However, it is quite possible to use one of the standard models: they are quite diverse here.

Alas, the “random generation” button was not there, so you will have to rely only on your own sense of beauty.

Things are a little worse with body tuning - here you have to be content with varying between three points - slim, muscular, plump. You can move the slider between them, choosing, for example, something in between. However, the natural shyness of the married couple does not allow them to walk around in front of us in their underwear - and the clothes do not particularly allow us to fully appreciate the body customization.


By the way, you can choose the appearance and spouse - and spend a short time with your soulmate that matches the player’s taste. By the way, what the parents will look like directly affects the face of the Survivor’s son, Sean.

However, although you won’t be able to play with height, long arms and legs, breast size and the nuttiness of your butt, face customization is undoubtedly the best of all Arbor games. For example, let us show what the character of the famous game reviewer Ilya Maddison looks like.

Fallout 4: Character Creation

And here is a small selection of faces of famous people and characters in Fallout 4.

Fallout 4: how to change a character's appearance and gender

If, after the character leaves the Vault, the player suddenly realizes that he does not like his appearance or gender, then he can use codes (tilde “~” to call the console)

SexChange – changes gender

Showracemenu – appearance customization menu

Well, or use honest methods - plastic surgery and the services of a hairdresser.

Fallout 4: selecting initial S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system has been featured in the game since the very first part of the series. Fallout 4 has some special features. Decoding: Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck.

During a conversation with a representative, we are given 21 points. They can be distributed to any characteristics that initially have a value of 1. The value can only be increased to 10.

28 final distributed points is significantly less than in previous parts, but don’t be upset. Before creating a character there are some changes you need to understand:

  1. Now we can directly “download” only S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and only abilities. That is, skills such as science, repair, etc. either ended up in abilities along with “perks”, or were hidden from us, or were completely removed.
  2. Now any characteristic of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. can be upgraded with a level - when we take it, we are given a point, which is spent not only on acquiring Abilities, but also on Strength, Perception, etc. Thus, theoretically, we can develop all characteristics up to 10.
  3. Each S.P.E.C.I.A.L. characteristic, depending on its value, unlocks abilities. In each branch (for example, in Intelligence) there are exactly ten of them and they open sequentially. That is, if the value is 10, then you can choose any of the ten abilities.
  4. Abilities also have their own levels.
  5. S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat values It also has a direct impact on the character - for example, for every 1 strength, the character is able to carry 10 more loads. However, for example, there is no restriction on the use of weapons depending on the same strength. Perhaps with these words the reader will remember the initial quest, where we have to pick up a minigun, which is only possible with 8 in the strength value. However, in that case we “tear it off”. At other times, you can safely use it even with one.
  6. Values ​​are occasionally checked directly in some quests.
  7. We are not limited in the level of the character, which means we do not have to sacrifice an interesting part of the gameplay - rather, the choice is in what sequence these parts will be revealed to us.

Next, to create a character and further development, you should carefully familiarize yourself with each stat, what it affects, what abilities it opens. If you are too lazy to read, Besedka created a funny cartoon for each characteristic with Pip-boy in the title role, which clarify everything. Having found out which aspects of the game are most valuable to us - whether we play as a secretive sniper, terminator, diplomat, etc., or even focus on city planning - we will also find out how to initially distribute the points.

Below are some popular "builds"

Fallout 4. How to distribute pointsS.P.E.C.I.A.L. at the beginning?

Option: “Quick start”

Strength - 2

Perception - 2

Endurance - 8

Charisma - 2

Intelligence - 10

Agility - 2

Luck (Luck). – 2

On the one hand, the option greatly limits the character at first - many interesting abilities will be closed. On the other hand, in this way we will get a lot of health (94% of the maximum possible) and the maximum speed of character development, since Intelligence affects the number of experience points received.

In addition, the “Nerd's Rage” ability (requires 10 intelligence) is very useful in battle, especially in the early stages.

Later there will be several links to builds of various archetypes. The reader can help other players by describing his initial choice in the comments.

Changing the appearance of characters using Face Ripper and Fo4edit.
Many people, including me, don’t like the appearance of some Fallout4 characters; it is for this reason that a huge number of replayer mods have appeared on the Internet that change either one or two NPCs (most often companions), or even the entire population of the Commonwealth.
Below I will try to explain in an accessible form how to make such a mod on your own.

As an example, let's try to change Piper's appearance; this lady probably becomes the object of cosmetic restyling more often than others.

In order to do this, we need to download and install two programs. Firstly, .

The preparation is complete, you can begin to solve the main problem. Launch Fo4edit, right-click in the Master/Plugin Selected window and select Select none from the drop-down menu, this operation will remove the “daws” from all files. Check the box next to the Fallout4.esm file and click OK. When the download is complete, open this Fallout4.esm by double-clicking LMB and find the Non-Player Character (Actor) category in the list and open it too. In the Name column, click on the title to sort the characters and creatures in alphabetical order, after which it will be quite easy for us to find Piper. Here she is:

Click on Piper RMB and select Copy as override into... from the drop-down menu. The program will ask if we really want to change something, we answer in the affirmative. After this, a window will appear where we will be asked to copy the entry from Piper to a new esp file (you need to check the box there), and in the next window, enter the name of the new file. I called it a1PiperRestyle:

Fo4edit will inform us that Fallout4.esm will be the mother master file for our esp, we will agree with this and close the program.

Now we need to create a new appearance for Piper. To do this, we can either use a save already made by someone; on the Nexus website there is a fairly large selection of such files:
or start the game and type slm player in the console, thus opening the character editor. We press the “B” key and then “Escape” to be able to edit the face of our character, after which we create a new appearance for him, for example, like this:

Save the game and exit it.

Now we need to port the character's appearance from the save to our esp file. Launch the Face Ripper program, click the Browse button next to the top window. A folder with saves will open, where we need to select the one we just made. After that, click the Browse button next to the bottom window and look for our a1piperRestyle.esp in the Data folder (now there is only one entry in it, so there will be no problems finding the right character, but if we want to change the appearance of several NPCs, we will need know their FormID, this information can be obtained by opening Fo4edit). Click the Transfer Face button, and then when the window with the Done message appears, click OK

The job is done, but there is one nuance: Face Ripper does not port the appearance to our esp, it creates a copy of it with a changed name, here it is, located in the Data folder:

We rename this copy to a1newPiper.esp, mark it with a “daw” in NMM and launch the game to see the result of our labors. Here's what I got:

Using the method described above, you can change the appearance of any character in the game, using not only saves as an “appearance donor,” but also esp files, if they contain NPCs whose appearance you like, and with the help of Fo4edit you can also change the gender and race. If you are interested in how to do this, ask, I will try to answer.

Fans have discovered a way to clone any characters in the game. As the site learned, cloning could not be done without the use of the notorious console commands, which are also popularly called cheat codes.

The console offers PC users unlimited possibilities for interacting with any objects in the virtual world. And a new command has recently been discovered that allows you to completely change the appearance of any non-player character anywhere and at any time. The same can be done with the main character of the game.

If desired, players can make non-player characters an exact copy of the main character. To do this, just open the console and type the showlooksmenu command and the identification number ref id of the character whose appearance you want to change. To change the main character, you can type showmenu player. After entering the command, a menu for changing the appearance of the characters will appear at the bottom of the screen.

The only limitation is the inability to change gender. However, here gamers have found an opportunity to circumvent the restrictions. The gender of non-player characters cannot be changed, but the main character can be changed using the sexchange command.

What else to read