Famous people who did not finish school. Celebrities who dropped out of school (10 photos). Head of Kering




Psychologists have long noticed that successful people often come not from excellent students and good boys, but from C students and hooligans. Bright, creative personalities are often rebels from childhood.

This was, for example, Marlon Brando. The son of a traveling salesman, despised by his classmates, tried to gain authority among his peers with his extravagant antics. One of them - when Marlon rode a motorcycle through the corridors of his alma mater - cost him expulsion from school. Brando subsequently never bothered to complete his secondary education, which, however, did not prevent him from becoming a great actor.

Gerard Depardieu was a juvenile delinquent. At the age of 12, he dropped out of school, traveling around Europe with money earned from selling stolen cars and trading in contraband goods. He, of course, did not return to school. Kevin Spacey also had a stormy childhood: he was kicked out of a military school for brutally beating a classmate.

Al Pacino, a top athlete and school bully, spent so much time on the baseball field that he had no time to go to class, much less learn anything. By the age of 17, he realized that he was simply wasting his time at school. He had to start his future brilliant acting career by working as a courier and dishwasher. And another careless student, Jean-Paul Belmondo, left school at the age of 16 to pursue a boxing career, which, however, lasted only two years.

Of course, among the two-star celebrities, not all were hooligans - some owe their “successes” to impenetrable laziness. For example, Quentin Tarantino was terribly lazy. He skipped classes and studied so poorly that his mother, tired of the constant complaints of teachers against her son, at the age of 15 allowed him to leave school with one condition - to find a job in return.

But Jim Carrey was a poor student not at all due to a lack of diligence. He just showed enough diligence and was in good standing in the class - until his parents fell on hard times and he had to get a job at a factory as a cleaner to help feed his family. But, after working eight hours at the factory (after school), he was so tired that no science could fit into his head. Jim spent three whole years in 10th grade before giving up. He realized that he would never overcome school wisdom in such conditions.

Demi Moore left school at the age of 16 not because of a good life. She had no choice - her divorced, alcoholic mother could not properly take care of her daughter. And Demi began her career as a collector - collecting money from debtors.

Nicole Kidman also had to leave school against her will. Her mother fell ill with cancer, and the girl decided: now there is no time to study, she needs to take care of the person closest to her. And she never returned to school... And the sex symbol of all times, Marilyn Monroe, decided at the age of 16 to marry worker James Doherty in order to escape from yet another foster family and become independent. Marilyn achieved her goal, but never completed her school education.

Some celebrities interrupted their studies not because of family problems or poverty. Children can sometimes be very cruel to those who are somehow different from them. Winona Ryder had to experience this herself, who was beaten at school because she was the daughter of free-thinking hippies, and even dressed like a boy. In the 7th grade, her head was smashed so badly that she had difficulty getting home. Of course, school was over.

Kate Winslet could not stand the constant bullying of herself and herself. Fat Kate (she was very plump at that time) could not come to terms with the fact that she was called at school not by her name, but by the offensive nickname Bubble. Proud Pierce Brosnan could not stand the ridicule either - snobs treated him at school as a “dirty Irishman.” He left his offenders, but was left without a certificate.

There are a lot of celebrities who are dropouts among those who have been diagnosed with dyslexia. The inability to quickly read and assimilate any significant amount of information has long been considered a sign of a weak mind. But it turned out that IQ had nothing to do with it. For example, director Guy Ritchie's IQ test results were excellent, but he could not study. Unable to withstand the constant ridicule, Guy dropped out of school, not yet knowing what his problem actually was. Doctors made an unpleasant diagnosis only when he was already an adult.

Tom Cruise, unlike Richie, knew that he suffered from dyslexia from the age of seven. He struggled for a long time - he changed 15 schools, but in the end he gave up school, deciding to become a priest. For the same reason, he did not become a clergyman. But dyslexia did not prevent Tom from becoming a star of the first magnitude. The illness did not become an obstacle in the career of Keanu Reeves, although because of this he also dropped out of school.

Orlando Bloom also did not receive a diploma, although his relatives tried to support him as best they could. “If you read at least five dozen books in your life, I will give you a motorcycle,” Orlando’s mother tried to motivate her son to read. But Bloom couldn’t get through even fewer volumes. He left school without earning the Harley his mother promised.

Oscar winner Anthony Hopkins also failed to complete his secondary education - at the time he was studying, dyslexia had not yet been heard of. He was simply considered a dull guy whose only talent was playing the piano well.

But, of course, most celebrities dropped out of school not because of illness or poverty, but simply because they did not want to wait. The ambitious stars were not going to waste time studying, deciding that it would be better to spend precious years finding their way. Among them are Julia Roberts, Drew Barrymore, Jude Law, Russell Crowe and others - who no longer wanted to return to their desks with their peers.

But won’t they one day regret that they never learned the wisdom of school? Who knows, for some reason the quite successful singer Beyoncé Knowles and actor Mark Wahlberg needed to work as adults to obtain a certificate. As a result, Beyoncé decided to prepare for the exam on her own and take it externally, while Wahlberg chose to study online.

September 1 is not only the beginning of autumn, but also World Knowledge Day and the first day of school. School is the first stage of education and, of course, the most important. After all, there we receive all the basic knowledge, and at the same time we decide what of this knowledge we want to use further in our life and work. School education is the basic minimum that is necessary for further advancement in studies and, of course, career.

However, in Hollywood everything is much simpler. To become famous, some celebrities didn’t even need school education. Let's meet celebrities who never bothered to finish school, but still went on to have successful careers.

Ryan Gosling

Ryan attended high school in Ontario, but when he turned 17, acting became his main priority. Leaving his native Canada, Ryan moved to the United States and appeared on the show “The Mickey Mouse Club” along with other future stars such as Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake.

Cameron Diaz

She left school at 16, but quickly switched to acting.

After signing a contract with the famous modeling agency Elite Modeling Management, Cameron decided to postpone her education until better times. She left school at 16, but quickly switched to acting.

Daniel Radcliffe

Although the filming schedule for the Harry Potter franchise left plenty of time for studying, Daniel chose to leave school. He studied with tutors from time to time, but eventually decided that going to college would interfere with his acting career.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Many celebrities dropped out of school because of acting, but instead of sitting behind a desk, Katherine took a three-year course in musicals at the School of the Arts in London.

Tom Cruise

Having spent his childhood in Canada, Tom began acting in films at the age of 14. And although he received a church scholarship to study at a Franciscan seminary, Cruz decided that acting was his true calling.

Charlie Sheen

Charlie was expelled from school for bad behavior and poor grades.

Just weeks before graduation, Charlie was expelled from school for bad behavior and failing grades. He still thinks that he was lucky, because he was able to switch directly to his career.

Gisele Bündchen

Few celebrities who didn't graduate from high school can boast the highest earnings in their field. Gisele has been the highest paid model in the world for several years now, and this year Forbes magazine included her among the hundred most influential women in the world.

John Travolta

John's acting career also prompted him to leave school. Travolta left school at 16 and concentrated on the stage until he became a global celebrity.

Drew Barrymore

At the age of 13, she was already undergoing a rehabilitation program for alcohol and drug addiction.

This actress not only dropped out of school, but already at the age of 13 she underwent a rehabilitation program for alcohol and drug addiction. And although she entered Hollywood life as a child, Drew eventually managed to find the right path and earn success.

Whoopi Goldberg

She is one of the few celebrities to have won every major award (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony). However, she did not graduate from school and, before becoming an actress, worked as an operator in “phone sex”.

Mark Wahlberg

Most celebrities who drop out of school never return to school, but Mark decided to complete his education at 42. In 2013, he finally received his certificate. “Now I can look at my children every day and understand that I did this not for myself, but for them,” Wahlberg said in an interview with one of the newspapers, commenting on his return to school.

September 23, 2013, 00:23

Amancio Ortega

Founder of Inditex

Net worth: $57 billion

Place on Forbes list of billionaires: 3

Spanish entrepreneur Amancio Ortega is a member of the ranking of the richest people in the world according to Forbes. He became one of the three richest people on the planet after his fortune grew by $19.5 billion in 2013. The current owner of the Zara, Massimo Dutti, and Oysho brands dropped out of school at the age of 13. His father worked on the railroad, his mother was a maid, and the family was sorely short of money.

At first, Ortega served as a messenger for a tailor, then got a job in the La Maja haberdashery store. Gradually learning the basics of fashion, Ortega realized that the luxury clothing market was too small, and a simple guy from the slums was unlikely to be able to become a big player in it.

The future billionaire decided to rely on accessibility: he purchased inexpensive materials and sewed things that almost everyone could afford to buy. Entrepreneurial flair and hard work turned out to be more important than education: in 1975, Ortega and his wife opened the first Zara store - and soon their income began to grow rapidly.

Li Ka-shing

Head of Cheung Kong Group

Net worth: $31 billion

Forbes list of billionaires: 8

One of the richest people in Asia was born into a poor teacher's family. When Li Ka-shing was barely 14 years old, his father died of tuberculosis, and the boy had to leave school and find a job. At first he sold watch straps, and then got a job in a factory that produced plastic flowers.

Li Ka-shing worked 16 hours a day and accumulated a small start-up capital in seven years. There was enough money to open a plastic production plant. Using the proceeds from it, Li Ka-shing began to buy real estate in Hong Kong that had fallen in price due to political instability. He soon entered the first echelon of Chinese businessmen. The charitable foundation founded by this Chinese donates millions of dollars to support educational institutions, although Li Ka-shing himself was able to become a billionaire without a formal education.

Francois Pinault

Head of Kering

Net worth: $15 billion

Forbes list of billionaires: 53

François Pinault once admitted that his only certificate of study was his driver's license. The French billionaire dropped out of school at the age of 16 and never thought about continuing his education.

Pinault's father, a poor timber merchant, was ready to part with his last franc if only his son would receive a diploma. However, Francois did not appreciate this sacrifice. First of all, he didn't really like studying. Secondly, he suffered deeply from the ridicule of his classmates about his low origins. Thirdly, he already understood then that no school could instill in him an entrepreneurial spirit. Following his principles, Pinault became one of the most influential people in France.

Richard Branson

Owner of Virgin Group Corporation

Net worth: $4.6 billion

Forbes list of billionaires: 272

Richard Branson has so many shocking antics that the lack of a completed secondary education seems like a trifle against their background. He was expelled from school at the age of 16 for poor academic performance. Branson was inclined to attribute his poor grades not to laziness, but to dyslexia - a reading disorder. He made no effort to overcome this illness and was not particularly upset when the director admonished him with the words: “Farewell, Richard. You will either go to jail or become fabulously rich."

By that time, Branson already had some entrepreneurial experience: he tried to grow Christmas trees and breed budgies for sale. While his classmates were poring over textbooks, Branson was developing his first large-scale project - the youth magazine Student.

Joe Lewis

Founder of Tavistock Group

Net worth: $4.2 billion

Forbes list of billionaires: 308

Briton Joe Lewis grew up in east London, in a flat above a noisy pub. His father owned a small catering company and, when his son was 15 years old, decided to take him into business. So Joe Lewis ditched his books and put on his waiter's apron. Subsequently, having taken the reins into his own hands, the entrepreneur sold the family business and switched to foreign exchange transactions and investing.

Today Lewis has stakes in more than 150 companies and is the owner of 135 restaurants and the Tottenham Hotspur football club. The lack of education does not prevent the rich man from having a great understanding of art: he has collected an impressive collection of paintings, which includes paintings by Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Lucian Freud and Francis Bacon. According to experts, its cost is about a billion dollars.

Kirk Kerkorian

President of Tracinda Corporation

Net worth: $3.3 billion

Forbes list of billionaires: 412

Armenian-American Kirk Kerkorian dropped out of school when he was in eighth grade. At the encouragement of his older brother, he began to actively engage in boxing and seriously dreamed of becoming an athlete. However, Kerkorian did not have a long love affair with professional sports: on the eve of World War II, he became interested in aviation and enlisted in the Royal Air Force. There was no time for education then, and even more so after returning from the front.

The future billionaire bought a small airline and plunged headlong into entrepreneurship. Now Kirk Kerkorian is 96 years old, he bears the proud title of “King of Las Vegas” and is still interested in boxing - this time as a spectator.

David Murdoch

Head of Dole Food Company,

Net worth: $2.4 billion

Forbes list of billionaires: 613

Although David Murdoch heads the world's largest fruit and vegetable company, his first job was not in the food industry. After dropping out of school in the ninth grade, he went to work at a gas station, and in 1943 he enlisted in the US Army. When Murdoch decided to settle in Detroit, Ohio, after the war, he had neither a roof over his head nor a penny in his pocket.

The future billionaire could well have ended his life in a gutter if he had not met a good Samaritan who took pity on the front-line soldier and agreed to lend him some money. Murdoch bought a small diner, and 10 months later he sold it at a significantly more favorable price and confidently embarked on the path of real estate trading. He studied mathematics by calculating profits from a rapidly growing business.

Karl Lindner

Founder of American Financial Group, head of Uninted Dairy Farmers

Net worth: $1.7 billion (as of 2010)

Forbes list of billionaires: 582

Karl Lindner's childhood occurred at the height of the Great Depression in the United States. His parents owned a small dairy farm and thanks to this they were able to feed their family in such difficult conditions. However, they needed help, and fourteen-year-old Karl dropped out of school in order to transport tanks of milk.

In 1940, when the United States was almost out of the economic crisis, Lindner, along with his two brothers and sister, took out a loan for $1,200 and opened a tiny shop selling homemade ice cream. The humble beginning grew into the United Dairy Farmers network; today it has about 200 grocery stores throughout the country. And although Lindner made most of his fortune through investments, it was the family business that provided the impetus for his career.

Ahmet Nazif Zorlu

Owner of Zorlu holding company

Net worth: $1.4 billion

Forbes list of billionaires: 1031

Turkish entrepreneur Ahmet Nazif Zorlu left school when he was 15 years old. Brother Zeki suggested that Zorl take up a more useful and profitable business. After consulting, the brothers decided to try to get rich in textile production and opened a small factory in the city of Denizli.

A few years later they moved to Istanbul, and by the early 1990s the company, led by Ahmet Nazif Zorlu, had become one of the largest players in the global polyester fiber market. Today, the textile tycoon is building wind power plants in Palestine, traveling in his personal, custom-designed helicopter and does not regret at all that he chose entrepreneurship instead of education.

James Clark

Founder of Netscape Communications

Net worth: $1.1 billion

Forbes list of billionaires: 1268

The American James Clark did not have a good relationship with the school due to troubles in the family: his parents came together and then diverged, and the children were actually left to their own devices. As a result, young Jim was first suspended from school and then expelled altogether. However, unlike most ignorant billionaires, Clark did not accept this.

When he joined the Navy, he found himself surrounded by people who, at 25, didn’t know what two were. The young man quickly enrolled in evening courses at the private Tulane University, and was later able to enroll at the University of New Orleans. The university management accommodated the talented student, despite the fact that he did not have a high school diploma. Later, Clark even received a degree and became a legend in Silicon Valley.

And now we present to your attention a list of celebrities who at one time dropped out of school for various reasons. Among them there are those from whom you did not even expect such an act.

More than one scientist has said that many successful individuals have incomplete education in their biographies. Read more about the stars who dropped out of school and went to conquer Hollywood.

Jim carrey

The life of actor Jim Carrey did not go very well at the very beginning. Before becoming one of the highest paid actors, he even lived in a campervan for a time, and his first performance at a comedy club was a disaster. Kerry had to leave school because of money: he simply went to work at a steel mill.

Kate Winslet

Who would have thought that the smart and beautiful girlfriend of Leonardo DiCaprio had to leave school because of bullying from her classmates. According to the actress, she was called names because of her weight problems and, unable to bear the insults, she left the GCSE school.

The Oscar, Grammy, Emmy and three Golden Globe winner had learning problems in school. Due to dyslexia (impaired reading ability), she had to leave school at age 15. But Cher succeeded as a musician.

Demmy Moor

The sultry brunette was also left without a school certificate, but this did not happen at the request of the future star. The fact is that Demi's mother abused alcohol and could not provide for her daughter. Therefore, from the age of 16, she had to earn money herself. After leaving school, she got a position in a collection office, where she collected money from debtors.

Quentin Tarantino

One of the most famous directors in the world, Quentin Tarantino, left school at the age of 15. During the day he worked as an usher in one of the cinema halls, and in the evenings he attended acting classes. His labors were not in vain.

Britney Spears

Life reminds many of us of a fairy tale. The young girl went to New York and soon conquered the whole world with her voice and energy. To get serious about her career, she left school at 16. Note that she was not an outsider, but studied well and even led the women's basketball team.

John Travolta

The famous actor left school at the age of 16 to devote himself to a modeling career and studying acting.

Nicole Kidman

The actress once had to leave school to care for her mother, who had cancer.

Johnny Depp

The actor also did not immediately ride the wave of success. He dropped out of school in the eighth grade, but not at all for an acting career, but to study music and even managed to found his own group. Johnny Depp has repeatedly recalled that he simply hated school and does not regret dropping out of school at all. But this does not prevent him from now actively engaging in self-education. It is no secret that the man helps his own children with homework, whom he categorically does not allow to leave school.

Charlize Theron

The famous actress and Oscar winner dropped out of school when she was 16. After winning her first modeling competition, Charlize Theron participated and won several more until she signed a lucrative contract with a modeling agency in Milan. She had to quit her studies to pursue modeling.

Robert DeNiro

Legendary actor, Oscar and Golden Globe award-winning American actor Robert De Niro made his stage debut at the age of 10, playing the Cowardly Lion in a school production of The Wizard of Oz. At 16, he left school to pursue acting professionally.

Uma Thurman

Quentin Tarantino's favorite actress dropped out of school at age 15 to devote herself to acting.

These famous people became established as individuals without even graduating from school!

It is not necessary to have two higher education degrees to become successful. Movie stars, businessmen, athletes and singers prove by example that talent cannot be acquired at the desk - you need to be born with it or achieve it through hard work. Today we are talking about those who left school without receiving a certificate of secondary education, and at the same time became successful and famous.

Jim carrey

Jim Carrey left school at age 15. The reason was the unstable financial situation of his family. With his father out of work and his mother chronically ill, the teenager had to work eight hours as a janitor at a factory to help his parents and his three siblings. Jim's natural talent for comedy gave him a chance to start his career as a teenager. He was making people laugh in Toronto with his stand-up when he was noticed by famous comedian Rodney Dangerfield. After their joint tour, the whole country learned about Kerry, and when three cult films with his participation were released in 1994 (“The Mask”, “Ace Ventura” and “Dumb and Dumber”), he won the status of the most popular comedian of our time .

Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman can be called Jim Carrey's sister in misfortune. She, too, was forced to leave school to help her ailing mother. Nicole worked part-time as a masseuse, while studying art and working in the theater. This bore fruit - at the age of 15 she starred in a big movie for the first time (“Bandits on Bicycles”). We are sure that since then Nicole has never regretted her decision.

Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe began acting in films when he was six, and at ten he received a role that changed his whole life. Of course, we are talking about a brave and gifted student at the Hogwarts school of wizards - Harry Potter, in the Harry Potter films. Daniel never had a desire to study, since from the first days of filming he realized that cinema was his calling. During the filming of Harry Potter, which started in 1999 and ended in June 2010, for some time the young actor studied externally, did his homework in the filming trailer, and at the age of 17 he took his documents from school and never returned there again. . Did you win or lose from this decision? This can be judged by the number of his fans and the number of zeros in his fees.

Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling's studies did not work out since childhood: due to his father's occupation, the family constantly moved, and the boy did not stay in one school for long. Due to attention deficit disorder, Ryan had difficulty learning to read and the curriculum was difficult for him. At the age of 12, he began working with the Mickey Mouse Club, where Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake began their careers. The teenager then continued to star in various television shows, including the famous series “The Youth of Hercules.” At the age of 17, Ryan dropped out of school and devoted his life to cinema. And, as the editors of UznaiVse.rf want to point out, it’s not in vain! You've probably seen the romantic musical "La La Land" and the heartbreaking melodrama "The Notebook", but this is only a small part of the actor's impressive filmography.

Keanu Reeves

This favorite of women has never been an exemplary student. He was expelled from art school for being loud and chatting during class. As a teenager, Keanu Reeves lived in Lebanon, Australia, New York and Toronto, changing five educational institutions during this time. The last school he attended was a regular public school, where he became the star of the hockey team. But in the end, he took the documents without receiving a certificate, and began acting in films to forever enter the annals of cinema thanks to “Speed”, “The Matrix” and “The Devil's Advocate”.

Gerard Depardieu

French womanizer Gerard Depardieu began to make a living not by filming films. He always had problems with school, largely due to his stuttering, of which he was terribly embarrassed. In addition, the family did not have enough money: the father drank, the mother babysat 5 other children. At the age of 14, Gerard dropped out of school, began drinking and smoking weed, selling contraband goods, sleeping with men for money, and at 16 he went to prison for stealing a car. But today, Depardieu, who was brought up by the streets, does not regret one bit about how his fate turned out: the number of lines in his filmography exceeded a hundred, and his multimillion-dollar fortune guarantees that his children and grandchildren will not grow up as street children.

Al Pacino

Al Pacino skipped school for a different reason: he was fond of baseball since childhood and spent a lot of time on the playground. At seventeen, he realized that he was wasting his time in school, so he dropped out without receiving a high school diploma. He also started working early, but he had to start as a courier and dishwasher. Only then was he offered to act in films, where he was able to reveal his talent as an actor. Many readers of the site will agree that he played his best role in the film “The Godfather”.

Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron left school when she was 16 years old. She had no desire to study, but after her mother invited her to take part in a beauty contest, she was inspired by the idea of ​​becoming a model. As a result, she came to the most important thing - a modeling agency in Milan signed a contract with her. Today Charlize is a world-famous film actress with an Oscar for her role in the drama “Monster.”

Robert Downey Jr.


Tom Cruise

This actor was born and raised in a problem poor family. Tom Cruise often changed schools, and the only outlet in the gray everyday life was sports. For some reason, he saw his future as a clergyman. Tom even entered the seminary, dropping out of high school, but quickly left his studies to pursue a career as an actor. New York gave him his first and very important chance: a small role in the film “Endless Love.” And later Tom Cruise became famous for his filming in “Top Gun”, “Risky Business”, “Magnolia”, “Interview with the Vampire” and “Mission Impossible”.

And the heroes of our next selection may not have dropped out of school, but they couldn’t boast of good academic performance. Who did these inveterate losers become?
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