Why do you dream that a house exploded? What does an explosion mean in a dream? Ancient French dream book

Seeing an explosion in a dream means that the wrong actions and actions of your loved ones will lead you to irritation, which will become an obstacle in business and relationships with colleagues.

If a lamp explodes in a dream, your friends will unite with your enemies, wanting to take revenge on you for the insult they caused. Exploding grenade - you will be able to avoid danger thanks to random luck. Seeing explosion victims in a very serious condition in a dream means you will be accused of being too talkative, and circumstances will turn against you.

To see a building, car, plane, etc. flying into the air as a result of an explosion - you will suffer losses, luck will turn away from you. If you are seriously injured as a result of an explosion, it means that you will expect a lot of nagging from your family members and envious rivals.

Exploding something in a dream means that in reality two-faced friends will encroach on your rights and abuse your trust. For a young girl, this dream should serve as a warning to be more careful and picky in relationships with men, especially many older than her. Prepare an explosion, plant explosives - expect an important event.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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See explosions- portends that the wrong actions of people around you will be the cause of your dissatisfaction. Your affairs will also upset you.

If you dream that you were thrown up by a blast wave or that you were engulfed in flames- false friends, taking advantage of your trust, will infringe on your rights. Having seen such a dream, girls should be especially careful about their acquaintances with men.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Explosion- unexpected changes in life.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

There are dreams that immediately upon awakening seem very scary to us. But in fact, they come to us to reach us, to force us to correct ourselves, so that our wrong behavior does not cause catastrophic consequences. According to the dream book, an explosion in a dream performs exactly this function.

An explosion in a dream, interpreters say, is most often dreamed of because a person has accumulated emotions inside that are ready to “explode” at any moment. Any unpleasant action by relatives or colleagues can lead to a sharp emotional outburst in the dreamer. But seeing an explosion in a dream can also be a sign of pleasant surprises - it all depends on the details of the dream:

  • What exploded in your dream?
  • How bright was the picture?
  • Have you ever heard the sound of an explosion?
  • Were you afraid of what you saw in your vision?

The interpretation of night vision will depend on what answers are given to these questions. If you dreamed of an explosion, the details of the vision will help you turn it to your advantage.

Not a peaceful atom

An atomic explosion in a dream foretells that in reality news awaits you that will have a serious impact on your opinion about some people. An atomic explosion can also symbolize that something is about to happen that will seriously change your worldview. You're likely to realize positive things in your life that you simply hadn't thought about before.

If the atomic explosion in the dream did not have the slightest effect on you, this is a warning. Soon fate will give you a good chance, and your job is to be able to take advantage of it to change your life for the better.

A nuclear explosion, which is accompanied by flashes of light in a dream, warns: one must be vigilant in order to avoid serious deception in reality. But as the dream book says, a nuclear explosion, if you became a victim in a dream, can bring well-being to your real life.

I dreamed of a nuclear mushroom and terrible pictures of destruction - a reason to take my own health seriously. A nuclear explosion, after which you see devastation and devastation, dream books interpret, can indicate a serious illness, and it is better to identify it at an early stage.

Man-made accidents

Why do you dream of a helicopter explosion or? If in a dream you saw an airplane explosion from the outside, this may indicate that you have accumulated nervous tension and irritation in reality. But if you dreamed that you were inside a plane that exploded, this is definitely a sign to take care of yourself. The noble dream book, as a recipe for such dreams, prescribes rest - preferably outside one's native walls.

Why do you dream about an explosion? On the one hand, impressionable people may imagine such a plot after watching the news. But if you didn’t watch such TV commercials before going to bed, the vision suggests that high expectations can lead to disappointment. Try not to make excessive demands on those around you in reality.

If we talk about “explosive” visions, it’s worth figuring out why you dream about the explosion of a special device – a bomb. If, when a bomb explodes, houses collapse in your vision, says the Gypsy Dream Book, this symbolizes that you are afraid to take on obligations in the sphere of personal relationships.

The explosion of a bomb also foreshadows an explosion of emotions, and their range can be very wide. The noble dream book says that a bomb explosion in a dream means a scandal in the family, so in reality it is worth spending more time solving family problems. But if you managed to get back on your feet after the bomb exploded, you will be able to overcome all life's trials with honor.

For a woman, a frank warning is a dream in which she dreams of exploding. This is a signal to take a closer look at your partner’s behavior: it is possible that he is not behaving entirely honestly. It is not for nothing that ancient dream books said that fire and destruction of buildings are seen on the eve of a break in relations.

Why do you dream of an explosion if, in addition, there is an explosion in your dream? A war in a dream, during which you see shells exploding, tells the sleeper that relations in his home are tense to the limit. War - in the figurative sense of the word - can step from a dream into reality, but if effective measures are taken, this can be avoided.

An explosion, after which the dreamer is engulfed in fire, indicates that the person trusts others too much, and some may abuse this. If you only heard the sound of a shell exploding, but at the same time you did not experience fear, this means that life’s “thunderstorm” will bypass you, you will only hear its echoes.

Hearing an explosion, but not seeing it in a dream, and at the same time being afraid of possible consequences - dream books say that soon after such a vision the sleeper may need help and support from relatives and friends. Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it.

Find out from the online dream book what the Explosion means in dreams by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about an Explosion in a dream?

Explosion - Seeing explosions foretells that the wrong actions of people around you will be the cause of your discontent. Your affairs will also upset you. If your face or the faces of others are blackened or mutilated by the explosion, this means that you will be unfairly accused of being talkative, and circumstances will be against you.

Seeing smoke and fragments from an explosion means failure in business and disagreements in society. If in a dream you are engulfed in the flames of an explosion or lifted high up by a blast wave, the dream predicts that your unworthy friends will violate your rights and abuse your trust. Young women, having seen such a dream, should be careful in communicating with unfamiliar men.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about Explosion?

Explosion - Seeing explosions in your dream foretells that the people around you will do something that will displease you. Smoke and flying fragments from the explosion mean failure in business. If, as a result of an explosion, you are engulfed in flames or thrown up by a blast wave, your trust may be abused by your loved ones. A young woman who has such a dream should be careful with unfamiliar men.

A blackened or blast-damaged face means you may be unfairly accused of being a talker and will have a hard time proving your case.

Lewis Encyclopedia of Dreams

An explosion can mean a powerful breakthrough of unconscious feelings, in particular suppressed anger, into the conscious sphere. More generally, an explosion may reflect a change in the dreamer's life. As a more positive image, it represents the destruction of obstacles.

Dictionary of Dreams / Stern Robinson and Tom Corbett (Russian translation)

Let's figure out why we dream about the Explosion?

  • If you see an explosion or a flash accompanying it, this means that someone is making insidious plans against you. Or someone you know is being disingenuous with you, wanting to use you for their own purposes.
  • If you dreamed of any flash, not necessarily from an explosion, for example, a light bulb flashed and went out - this also warns of deception on someone’s part. You should trust others less.
  • If we are talking about an outburst of laughter, the dream foretells disappointment.
  • The explosion of an atomic bomb - in reality, news awaits you that can change your understanding of some people you know. Moreover, after such a dream, some large-scale events may contribute to a change in your worldview.
  • If you not only saw a nuclear explosion, but also became one of its victims, then new benefits await you. Perhaps, as a result of a reassessment of values, you will realize that you have good things in your life that you did not notice before.
  • If you see that the atomic explosion passed without a trace for you, then the course of life will flow on the same course, although you were given the chance to change a lot in it for the better.

The newest dream book of Georgy Ivanov

Why do you dream and what does the Explosion mean for the dreamer?

An explosion in a dream usually symbolizes global and unexpected life changes. If you dreamed of a nuclear explosion, this speaks of some tragic accident in your life, which will lead to a break in relations with a loved one. The thermonuclear explosion that you saw also predicts a break in relationships and separation, but this time because of the betrayal of the chosen one.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

How does the dream book Explosion interpret it?

Explosion - Hearing or seeing an explosion means illness, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Explosion?

Explosion - If you dream of explosives, an explosion, then you will be highly appreciated; news. Explosion - information, news.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of an explosion from your dream

Explosion - Glory, recognition; incredible news; displeasure (additional idiom: “explode with anger”).

Esoteric dream book

Explosion in a dream:

Explosion – Disconnection. The death of a loved one, a blow to a relationship, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Ancient French dream book

What does an explosion mean in a dream, interpretation:

An explosion in a dream warns you of someone’s deceit and hypocrisy. An explosion of light also portends deception. An explosion of laughter promises you disappointment.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why you hear the sound of an explosion in a dream?

Explosion - Anger; fear. Seeing explosions - people’s actions cause anxiety and anger; your face or the faces of others are blackened or mutilated - an unfair accusation; seeing smoke and fragments means failure in business; to be engulfed in flames or tossed by a blast wave - one’s own aggressiveness will lead to mental suffering.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about an Explosion in a dream?

What does it mean to see explosions:

An explosion in a dream represents the release of energy by force, which will allow changes in our self-expression. Usually, before the explosion, emotions are more negative, which are suppressed for some time.

A strong outburst of anger, fear, or sexual release can be cathartic. The dream is a safe place for this. An explosion in the spiritual sense implies some kind of revelation.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why do you dream about Explosion?

Explosion - Seeing an explosion in a dream means that the wrong actions and actions of your loved ones will lead you to irritation, which will become an obstacle in business and relationships with colleagues. A lamp exploding in a dream means your friends are uniting with your enemies, wanting to take revenge on you for the insult they caused. A grenade explosion means you will be able to avoid danger thanks to random luck.

Seeing explosion victims in a very serious condition in a dream means you will be accused of being too talkative, and circumstances will turn against you. To see a building, car, plane, etc. flying into the air as a result of an explosion - you will suffer losses, luck will turn away from you. If you are seriously injured as a result of an explosion, it means that you will expect a lot of nagging from your family members and envious rivals.

Exploding something in a dream means that in reality two-faced friends will encroach on your rights and abuse your trust. For a young girl, this dream about an explosion should serve as a warning to be more careful and picky in relationships with men, especially many older than her. Prepare an explosion, plant explosives - expect an important event.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why do you dream about an Explosion by day of the week?

Explosion - Hear an explosion from afar. A dream about an explosion on Monday night warns that you are about to commit a rash act that could have bad consequences; an explosion on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you will receive unexpected news; If you dreamed of an explosion on Saturday or Sunday night, the dream means that you are being remembered by people whom you have not seen for a long time and about whom you have almost forgotten.

Seeing the explosion at close range. A dream on Monday night means that you will receive a warning that is worth paying attention to; this dream, an explosion occurring on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, means great danger; a dream about an explosion on Saturday or Sunday night means running around and troubles.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation: Explosion:

Explosion - Major news that could change your life dramatically. If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream (you do not want any changes), imagine that the explosion occurred somewhere far away, no one was hurt and nothing was destroyed.

Great modern dream book

Explosion - why does the dreamer dream?

An explosion in a dream means your dissatisfaction in real life; your loved ones will do something that will make you upset and reproach them. Another interpretation of a dream about an explosion: enemies are threatening you. You see in a dream that someone’s face or your face has been damaged by an explosion - get ready for the fact that circumstances will not be in your favor; you will be accused of fraud, or, at best, of talkativeness; it will be unfair; you will feel that it is always much more difficult to justify yourself than to slander someone.

You see smoke, hear the whistle of fragments from an explosion - such a dream foretells failure in business; another interpretation of the explosion: you lead a too independent lifestyle; you attach a lot of importance to your rights and often ignore your responsibilities; Because of this feature of yours, a scandal may break out. It’s as if you’re being hit by a blast wave - some unworthy people will try to gain your trust in order to take advantage of your capabilities.

A young woman dreamed of an explosion - in reality, let this woman not be too trusting; dishonest people targeted her as a sacrifice; She should especially be wary of communicating with unfamiliar men.

If quiet, pleasant dreams after waking up leave good impressions, then night dreams with fiery flashes and strong roar can ruin your mood for the whole day. Why do you dream about an explosion? Any dream book classifies an event as a warning about catastrophic consequences. A terrible dream scenario warns of an impending surge of emotions; behavior should be changed so that emotions do not explode in reality.

Working through the details of the dream will help you decipher the symbolism of the frightening illusion in more detail. After all, the result of a surge of emotions can be surprises, but not only of an unpleasant nature, but even pleasant ones. What to pay attention to:

  • what exactly exploded according to the scenario of your dream;
  • how vivid the catastrophic event was;
  • did you hear the roar of the explosion itself;
  • did the night vision scare you?

If you accurately recall in your memory the details of how you happened to see an explosion in a dream, and remember your feelings, you will receive an accurate interpretation of the dreamed event. Moreover, in reality, the details of the night picture will help to cope with the complexities of the upcoming situation. What details might there be?

The nature of the destruction of the night scenario

  • If the blast wave resulted in global destruction, it is important to remember the details of the dream. Then it will be possible to predict in which area of ​​life the dreamer can expect strong emotional turmoil.
  • If in a dream a blast wave turned a city into smoking ruins, in reality a major scandal awaits with a break in relations with loved ones. The contemplator of the night illusion will have to start a new life.
  • According to the dream book for family people, the destruction of one’s own home from an explosion is an impending conflict with a scandal. For lonely people - a warning about the need to release emotions.

It is important to understand that night visions with catastrophic events are considered harbingers of serious events in real life. Therefore, the dreamer should pay attention to his emotional state, because emotions can explode.

Getting injured during the dream

  • An unpleasant vision of a charred head in a dream warns that others consider the dreamer to be a gossip. Most likely, a person will not be able to regain his good name.
  • If, according to a night scenario, an explosion in a dream turns into a lot of fragments for a person that are stuck in the body, the result of the conflict in reality will be loneliness. Changing the opinions of others about yourself will not be easy.
  • A particularly strong sign is a huge fragment stuck in the body. It is with this part of the body that there may be problems, and there is a need for a medical examination.

Among the frightening transcripts of the events of the night disaster, there are pleasant moments of interpretation. This refers to the contemplation of a bright glow during an explosive event, which prophesies to the dreamer an explosion of tremendous success. It's time to implement long-cherished plans, the finest hour is near.

How famous dream books interpret a terrible sight

Miller's Dream Book

The psychologist believes that a disaster promises drastic changes in life, and the vision of an explosion with a fire is a difficult situation, at work it will end in dismissal. Why do young women dream about explosions? The night illusion warns that you need to be careful when communicating with unfamiliar men. If a bomb exploded in a dream, this is a harbinger of dizzying passion that deprives one of reason.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The famous soothsayer's interpretations of night dreams are associated with explosions on a ship, which in those days was associated with happy changes in life. Therefore, the dream book interprets the explosion as follows:

  • a disaster with the destruction of an old ship warns of the collapse of hopes for happiness, it is necessary to change the country or change the political system in the country of residence;
  • the soothsayer associates seeing the explosion itself with an impending catastrophe on a global scale; for the present time it could be a threat from space, an environmental crisis, the beginning of a nuclear war;
  • a fire on a ship will result in a sudden collapse of prosperity, a declaration of war, or a powerful natural disaster that brings grief and suffering to the dreamer’s native country.

The illusion of a nuclear explosion is a fairly rare event for a night scenario. This is a warning sign to the viewer of the dream picture about his future wrong actions, which may turn negative with radical changes in worldview.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • an explosion of a lamp seen in a dream promises the sleeping person the revenge of friends and enemies; in reality they will act together;
  • if in a night scenario you happen to see a grenade explosion, real dangers can be avoided by chance;
  • a sleepy picture of especially injured victims of an explosive event foreshadows accusations of talkativeness and the emergence of fatal circumstances.

You cannot avoid losses; fortune will turn away from you if you happen to see planes, buildings, cars, etc. taking off from an explosion. If you yourself had to blow something up while contemplating a dream, your rights will be trampled upon by two-faced friends. Preparing an explosion and planting explosives in reality promises a very important event.

Women's dream book

A collection of interpretations, specially compiled for modern women, deciphers an explosion in a dream from the point of view of female psychology. What do dreams portend for the fair sex:

  • seeing explosive events leads to future discontent;
  • a disaster with smoke and flying fragments - to failures in business;
  • A dreamer engulfed in flames on the crest of a blast wave in reality should expect troubles from loved ones.

Interestingly, the majority of dream books are made up of men. The dream book of a modern woman is compiled taking into account the subconscious messages of the female psyche, which help ladies correctly interpret the dream.

Why do you dream of an explosion if the dreamer is at its epicenter? This is a warning about a deadlock situation, even illness. Running away from bomb explosions is a direct hint that you should get rid of rose-colored glasses, otherwise disappointment is inevitable. If the dreamer happened to be a passenger on an airplane that exploded in a dream, such a sign reinforces the negativity of the dream.

Although there is nothing pleasant in dreams with explosions, you should not be frightened by night images and be disappointed. By correctly deciphering dream images together with popular interpreters, you can prevent troubles and protect yourself from fatal mistakes in real life.

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