Why do you dream when you are in prison? Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Prison, what does it mean to see Prison in a dream. Dream Interpretation about Imprisonment

If you see a prisoner in a dream, in reality you will insist on granting privileges to people you trust.

A prison with brightly lit windows means that your insight will help you avoid trouble.

A young woman who sees her lover in prison in a dream will soon be disappointed in his decency.

If you saw yourself in prison, then you have events ahead that will have a bad effect on your affairs. Having avoided imprisonment in a dream, in reality you will take part in profitable business.

The jailer in your dream foretells that the treachery of others will hinder your interests.

A crowd trying to open the prison doors is a harbinger of evil. This dream may warn that someone you know will try to swindle money out of you.

The dream in which you saw the release of a prisoner is the most favorable of all possible dreams about prison. He foretells that you will avoid trouble or cope with it.

According to Nostradamus, prison is a symbol of lack of freedom, isolation and loneliness. This is how he interprets dreams about prison:

If you saw yourself as a prisoner in a dream, in reality you are under the power of your complexes, which will prevent you from realizing your plans.

If in a dream you look at the world through a prison window, perhaps in the near future a person will appear next to you who will have unlimited power over you.

A dream in which you are trying to break out of prison warns the dreamer about the consequences of his hasty decisions.

If you dreamed that you were breaking prison bars, you would try to free yourself from the influence of others.

If you see that one of your loved ones is in prison, you are too abusing the trust of your loved ones, who are beginning to see you as a tyrant.

If someone was released from prison, the problem of loneliness will have to be urgently solved.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga considered prison a sign of painful silence, fatal reticence. According to her predictions, dreams about prison mean the following:

If you dreamed of a prison building, then you will be entrusted with a secret, keeping which will be painfully unpleasant for you, you will be tormented and worried.

If in a dream you see yourself imprisoned in prison, then you will not be warned in time about the danger or threat. You will suffer for not talking about important things with someone you know.

And D. Loff interpreted dreams about prison as follows: “Being trapped is an interesting event in a dream. While this is a cause of concern for some, the upside of confinement is its relative privacy and protection from the threats of the hostile world on the other side of the walls. Typically, the security aspect is ignored due to our obsession with freedom.

The dream of being trapped contains a hint of introspection, as the old saying goes: “Wherever you go, take yourself with you.”

When applied to dreams, failure to escape may indicate failure to achieve something particularly desirable in life.

Confinement can be interpreted as either a lack of choice or an excess of it. The lack of choice is obvious in the case of a person sleeping in a one-room cell; an excess of choice is a multi-room mansion with no exits.

Another option: no matter where you go, you cannot find a way out. Such a dream may indicate that with many options, there is no single effective one for achieving those new freedoms and opportunities that you are striving for.

The path to escape from imprisonment is often encoded in the personalities of those who captured you, or the location of the dungeon. For a more accurate interpretation of the dream, try to find familiar features in your guards, the decoration of the house, as well as the reason for your desire to escape. Perhaps you feel discomfort from unwillingness to follow the orders of others or feel the presence of a real threat within the walls of a prison, mansion, or trap building?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Prison and what does it mean:

Prison - If in a dream you see yourself in prison, it means that you will suffer because you are being removed from conducting an important business.

In a dream, avoiding imprisonment means profit in business; seeing someone released from prison is a good sign, indicating a happy release from troubles.

Seeing a prison in a dream means new happiness, good changes, a successful outcome; escaping from it is a sign that obstacles in your path will be eliminated.

Seeing a prison cell in a dream means that you are subjected to strong pressure and injustice from influential people.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Prison in a dream?

Prison - Seeing yourself in prison - foretells you a struggle with life’s circumstances, in which you will win, bypassing all obstacles and the insidious plans of your enemies, if you act wisely.

For a woman, this dream portends darkness: with her imprudence, she will exclude herself from the society of respected people.

Seeing light in a dungeon means that you are in danger of a predicament about which your insight warns you.

If in a dream you are imprisoned, then in reality your profitable business will fall through due to the intervention of envious people. A dream in which you escape from prison promises you a bright streak in the business sphere.

To dream of others in prison means that you will insist on granting privileges to people you consider worthy.

Seeing black people in prison means worries and losses due to negligence and weakness.

If a girl sees her beloved in prison in a dream, then she will not without reason be disappointed in him, since he will turn out to be a deceiver.

If you see that someone has been freed, then in reality you will overcome difficulties.

Being in a correctional prison is a harbinger that some event will cause you harm.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about going to prison?

Prison - imprisoned - obstacles in personal relationships, delay in personal growth.

Why do you dream about prison? Your loved ones or friends were put in prison - you use communication with them for your own selfish purposes, without giving them anything in return. This cannot continue.

Being in prison is an unfavorable symbol; it can mean anything: from a serious illness to infringement of rights.

Why dream of being in prison - you are very lonely, and this interferes with your progress in life. You need to communicate more with your loved ones and also make new acquaintances.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book of Prisons

  • Is prison a prison for a man? According to psychologists, this is a sign of internal lack of freedom. It is likely that some secret or omission with a loved one is haunting you. The dream suggests that you should not try to clarify the relationship. Finding out the secret will only make things worse for yourself.
  • To dream of a prison building means to keep someone else's secret in reality. This is not very pleasant information that I would like to forget about.
  • To be imprisoned in prison yourself, according to Freud, is to suspect the danger that hangs over your head. Prison is a symbol of loneliness. You remain in a painful captivity of complexes, you do not believe in your strength.

Romantic dream book

Dream about prison in a dream

  • A spacious, well-lit prison can be a dream for a girl to marry a wealthy man. If you feel good and nothing weighs on you, then you will enjoy living in a “golden cage.” If you experience negative emotions, you will be uncomfortable in your marriage.
  • A prison cell is a symbol of imprisonment. Why do you dream about such an image? It is likely that you are unhappy with your situation. You constantly sit at home and spend little time with your significant other. It is possible that you are somehow dependent on your loved one and because of this you feel trapped. Prison can also indicate a feeling of guilt.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

Analyzing the vision in which the Camera was dreamed

Prison - An image of the appearance of powerlessness in this. Restrictions on freedom, forced life, restraint in personal life or career. The desire to suppress, imprison certain feelings and drives (for example, a tendency towards aggressive behavior) or the expectation and fear of punishment for real or expected mistakes. This may be the enjoyment of power over others, punishing one's enemies if others are imprisoned, avoiding punishment for real or factual mistakes.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Prison?

Prison - Prison is a sign of painful silence, fatal reticence. If you see a prison building in a dream, this is a sign that you will be entrusted with a secret, which will be painfully unpleasant for you to keep. If you dream of a prison with brightly lit windows, your insight will help you avoid trouble. If in a dream you see yourself imprisoned in prison, this is a sign that you may not be warned in time about some danger. You will lose a lot if you don’t find time to talk about things that are important to you with someone you know. Happily avoiding imprisonment is a sign of your future participation in a profitable business. To dream of other people in prison means that you will insist on granting privileges to people whom you trust implicitly. If a young woman dreams that her lover is in prison, she will doubt his integrity and not without reason. A dream in which you see a prisoner being released from prison is very favorable for the dreamer. It means that trouble will pass him by or he will cope with it without difficulty.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing a prison, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream

Prison - Seeing yourself as a prisoner in a dream means the collapse of your plan, but if you had such a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, it means that after all the troubles you will be able to cope with your complexes. If you dreamed from Sunday to Monday that you were breaking prison bars, this is a harbinger of troubles associated with your rash actions and frivolous behavior. A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday or from Thursday to Friday, in which you are trying to free someone from prison, means that in the near future you will have to solve the problems of friends or relatives.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Prison?

Prison is a sign of painful silence, fatal reticence. If you dreamed of a prison building, this means that you will be entrusted with a secret, keeping which will be painfully unpleasant for you, you will be tormented and worried. If in a dream you see yourself imprisoned in prison, then this dream foretells that you will not be warned in time about danger or threat. You will suffer for not talking about important things with someone you know. In a dream, you were dealt a strong blow, you did not expect such a turn of events and therefore could not defend yourself - this dream means that in reality you need time to comprehend what is happening. A dream in which you hit someone foretells unexpected news for you. If in a dream you managed to dodge a blow, in real life you can always get out of any situation. No matter how hard it may be. In a dream, you tried to protect someone close to you, and therefore the full brunt of the blow fell on you - this means that in reality you will suffer great damage due to the carelessness and carelessness of your loved ones.

Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong

Interpretation of the prison

Prison - The prison is destroyed and collapses. - There will be an amnesty, fortunately. You go to prison and suffer. - Portends a brilliant career and nobility. You're in prison. - There will be mercy, forgiveness. Death in prison. - Foretells the decision of a business case. You help a person go to prison. - There will be wealth and happiness. You end up in jail. - Portends great nobility. Bandits and thieves enter the prison themselves. - A great misfortune. The stench and dirt of prison dungeons. - Good luck in all matters. A noble, noble man is hiding. - To recovery. You see the pursuit of a fleeing criminal. - Fortunately. They put stocks on you. - There will be illness. Pads and shackles break or fall apart. - There will be no quarrel. You enter your home in stocks and shackles. - A great misfortune. The body is tied with ropes. - Great happiness, benefit. Your body is entangled in a net. - The situation at work, a government matter. They cover you from above with a net. - Drinks and snacks. People determine your punishment. - There will be a promotion. People treat you demeaningly. - Portends great happiness. You determine your own punishment with batogs. - Portends humiliation, shame. Fear about shackles, stocks. - Foretells separation. You enter a public place and participate in litigation. - Great happiness. Field, vegetable garden, cereals, agricultural work, planting

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Why did you dream about Prison?

Prison – confinement – ​​Being trapped is an interesting event in a dream. While this is a cause of concern for some, the upside of confinement is its relative privacy and protection from the threats of the hostile world on the other side of the walls. Typically, the security aspect is ignored due to our obsession with freedom. The dream of being trapped contains a hint of introspection, as the old saying goes: "Wherever you go, take yourself with you." When applied to dreams, failure to escape may indicate failure to achieve something particularly desirable in life. When interpreting such a dream, it is useful to proceed from the ideas of JUNG, as set out in his theory of the primary INDIVIDUALITY. Confinement can be interpreted as either a lack of choice or an excess of it. The lack of choice is obvious in the case of a person sleeping in a one-room cell; an excess of choice is a multi-room mansion with no exits. Another option: no matter where you go, you cannot find a way out. Such a dream may indicate that with many options, there is no single effective one for achieving those new freedoms and opportunities that you are striving for. The path to escape from imprisonment is often encoded in the personalities of those who captured you, or the location of the dungeon. For a more accurate interpretation of the dream, try to find familiar features in your guards, the decoration of the house, as well as the reason for your desire to escape. Perhaps you feel discomfort from unwillingness to follow the orders of others or feel the presence of a real threat within the walls of a prison, mansion, or trap building? Some trap buildings are for safety, others are for punishment. What state are you in in your dream? When you wake up, what feelings do you have about the place that in your dream served as a safe hiding place and did not contain anything mysterious?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Prison - wealth, prosperity.

Semenova's lunar dream book

How to understand Prison in a dream

Prison is a disease.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Prison - Your living space will be limited. If you break the law, you can end up in jail. You may not be allowed to leave the state, or evil fate will limit you to the walls of your home.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

If you dream about Prisons

Prison - if it happens that you dream of a prison, a prison, then this, they say, will actually bring some kind of change to this person. Prison - sadness; wealth, peace.

Modern dream book

What does being afraid of prison mean for the dreamer?

Prison - peace, wealth.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream about Prison?

Prison is a symbol of lack of freedom, isolation and loneliness. Seeing yourself as a prisoner in a dream means that in reality you are under the power of your complexes, which will prevent you from realizing your plans. If in a dream you look at the world through a prison window, perhaps in the near future a person will appear next to you who will have unlimited power over you. A dream in which you are trying to break out of prison warns the dreamer about the consequences of his hasty decisions. Seeing in a dream how you break prison bars is an attempt to free yourself from the influence of others. If in a dream you saw one of your loved ones sitting in prison, it means that you are too abusing the trust of your loved ones, who are beginning to see you as a tyrant. To release someone from prison - in reality you will have to urgently solve the problem of loneliness.

Ancient Russian dream book

I dreamed about Prison

Prison – See a dream with the word prison.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Prison - Serving a sentence is the hardships of fate (the number of years may indicate the end of everyday troubles); a false path in life, a false occupation; to be arrested in custody - family happiness, family life.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see the Prison:

Prison – Ambivalent symbol of concealment and autistic fantasy. The desire to limit one’s feelings, career, expectation of punishment. Enjoying power over others, punishing your enemies. Be limited. One part of the personality can limit another. Warden, jailer. Conscience. Public opinion can limit personal initiative and independence.

Ancient French dream book

Why do you dream about prison, interpretation:

Prison - Seeing a prison in a dream means that some secret will be revealed to you, which will bring you suffering.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Prison, what does it mean?

Prison – Symbolizes restrictions in life, isolation of other people or oneself. Being in prison yourself is a danger, a disease. Seeing another in prison means a desire to interrupt communication with this person.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Interpretation of Prisons

Prison – Disability, disability.

Vedic dream book of Sivananda

The meaning of the dream about Imprisonment

Prison - If you dreamed that you were in prison, then this means that you will be a successful person.

Idiomatic dream book

Why do you dream about prison?

Prison (captivity) – “Like a prison guard” - a cruel, power-hungry person; “to be in prison or in captivity of one’s illusions, feelings, views”, “captivated by someone’s beauty.” “not life, but prison” - pressure, strong dependence, harsh influences on a person.

Intelligent dream book

What to Expect If You See Yourself in Prison

Prison Why see Prison - Disease.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Prison (zone) - To marriage for a girl or a debt obligation for others.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Prison - To a violation of your rights soon.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Prison - Seeing yourself in prison is an empty dream for you: everything will be fine.

Personal dreams and their interpretations

Prison is a sign of painful silence, fatal reticence.

If you dreamed of a prison building, this means that you will be entrusted with a secret, keeping which will be painfully unpleasant for you, you will be tormented and worried.

If in a dream you see yourself imprisoned in prison, then this dream foretells that you will not be warned in time about danger or threat. You will suffer for not talking about important things with someone you know.

Interpretation in other dream books

Loff's Dream Book

Prison, imprisonment

Being trapped is an interesting event in a dream. While this is a cause of concern for some, the upside of confinement is its relative privacy and protection from the threats of the hostile world on the other side of the walls. Typically, the security aspect is ignored due to our obsession with freedom.

The dream of being trapped contains a hint of introspection, as the old saying goes: “Wherever you go, take yourself with you.” When applied to dreams, failure to escape may indicate failure to achieve something particularly desirable in life. When interpreting such a dream, it is useful to proceed from the ideas of JUNG, as set out in his theory of the primary INDIVIDUALITY.

Confinement can be interpreted as either a lack of choice or an excess of it. The lack of choice is obvious in the case of a person sleeping in a one-room cell; an excess of choice is a multi-room mansion with no exits. Another option: no matter where you go, you cannot find a way out. Such a dream may indicate that with many options, there is no single effective one for achieving those new freedoms and opportunities that you are striving for.

The path to escape from imprisonment is often encoded in the personalities of those who captured you, or the location of the dungeon. For a more accurate interpretation of the dream, try to find familiar features in your guards, the decoration of the house, as well as the reason for your desire to escape. Perhaps you feel discomfort from unwillingness to follow the orders of others or feel the presence of a real threat within the walls of a prison, mansion, or trap building?

Some trap buildings are for safety, others are for punishment. What state are you in in your dream?

When you wake up, what feelings do you have about the place that in your dream served as a safe hiding place and did not contain anything mysterious?

Miller's Dream Book


To dream of others in prison means that you will insist on granting privileges to persons whom you trust implicitly. If you dream of a prison with brightly lit windows, this means that your insight will help you avoid trouble. If a young woman sees her lover in prison in a dream, she will, not without reason, be disappointed in his decency. Seeing yourself in prison portends events that will have a bad impact on your affairs. Happily avoiding imprisonment promises you participation in several profitable businesses. The most favorable dream about prison, foreshadowing that you will avoid trouble or cope with it, is a dream in which you see the release of a prisoner.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus


Prison is a symbol of lack of freedom, isolation and loneliness.

To see yourself as a prisoner in a dream means that in reality you are under the power of your complexes, which will prevent you from realizing your plans.

If in a dream you look at the world through a prison window, perhaps in the near future a person will appear next to you who will have unlimited power over you.

A dream in which you are trying to break out of prison warns the dreamer about the consequences of his hasty decisions.

Seeing in a dream how you break prison bars is an attempt to free yourself from the influence of others.

If in a dream you saw one of your loved ones sitting in prison, it means that you are too abusing the trust of your loved ones, who are beginning to see you as a tyrant.

To release someone from prison - in reality you will have to urgently solve the problem of loneliness.

Conclusion is not the best thing you can see in a dream. A spectacle that reeks of sadness, hopelessness and danger. If you dreamed of a prison, dream books tell you not to get upset ahead of time, because the sign may well turn out to be good! You just need to figure out what the vision is about.

What to think if you dream about prison?

The meaning of prison strictly depends on the emotional state. A person who has achieved harmony is unlikely to dream of a place of imprisonment. Look within yourself for answers - perhaps you are tired of working, have long dreamed of freeing yourself from the burden of responsibility and, without warning anyone, go on vacation?

Or do you ask: are you where you should be? Authoritative dream books repeat in unison: you cannot run away from what is destined; it is only permissible to make adjustments, knowing the future in advance. To understand the hint, remember what you saw about prison in a dream?

  • escape - the collapse of stereotypes;
  • execution is inevitable;
  • pardon - endless attempts;
  • the threat of prison is a wrong decision;
  • a date with a prisoner is a return to the past.

Interpretation of the Enigma dream book

A prison threatens to appear in a period of doubt, longing for the past, and helplessness. I want to give up everything and go with the flow, without being burdened with obligations. Deep down, you realize that this will only make your problems worse.

Serving a prison sentence in a dream means eking out a routine existence without a single glimpse, getting bogged down in everyday life. Get out of prison - the Enigma dream book is encouraging: soon the situation will change, you will find the strength and desire to change what is happening.

Seeing yourself sitting behind barbed wire - a dream represents a taboo on your own opinion, a company of people who are not interested in you.

You visit a prisoner in a dark cell, sympathize, feel pity - in vain you are providing a service to a person who is not accustomed to being grateful. Feeding the unfortunate, bringing food - warming the snake on your chest.

Muslim or Islamic dream book

According to the Muslim interpretation, the dream promises the sleeper good, enviable health and a life filled with virtue. Serving the allotted time is the path to humility and knowledge of the world. In a dream, you endured hardships, hunger, cold, physical torture - the Muslim meaning is this: in reality you will be generously rewarded and elevated to the rank of great people.

Seeing yourself naked in shackles on a stone floor means making a sacrifice for a good purpose. Crying, bursting into tears according to the Islamic dream book - atone for misdeeds. If you are in prison:

  • took a shower - sins will be forgiven;
  • got into a fight - you are resisting higher powers;
  • are going to eat soup, gruel - you are using a trick;
  • tried to escape - you are afraid of change;
  • gnawing on the bars - the soul is full of resentment.

What does Vanga say about this?

Vanga believes that those who are going on a trip should put their suitcases aside, their plans will be disrupted. Why do you dream of escaping from prison according to Vanga’s interpretation? The dreamer will have to fight a strong opponent, but victory will not be long in coming.

In a dream, leaving prison and running, looking back, along a deserted road going into the distance - you will stop focusing on those around you, abstract from their opinions, and go your own original path. One of your relatives was imprisoned - what has long been expected will happen at the most inopportune moment and will become an unbearable burden for you.

Why do you dream about early release? Receive a nice gift from a stranger, you will be surprised by the visit of a rare guest. To hear the news that someone has managed to be released - in reality, also expect a letter or a phone call.

Gustav Miller's predictions

In a dream, finding yourself in places that are not so distant means it is not unreasonable to suspect your neighbor of dishonesty. Miller believes: a well-equipped, comfortable prison is a symbol of the fact that the sleeper lives with his eyes closed and does not want to look beyond his nose.

A dirty and neglected area predicts, according to Miller’s dream book, a dirty trick, a vile trick. Stop blaming gullibility, nothing could have been avoided.

Seeing the blue sky from a barred window means enlisting the support of strong people. Gray clouds promise a bad deal. Playing cards in prison for money means getting involved in a murky story, making an empty promise.

Meaning in other popular dream books

Freud associates staying in a state house with physical health - check your kidneys. To a woman, the author of the dream book hints about the inattention and selfishness of her sexual partner. It prophesies for a young girl to become dependent on a confident, powerful man, older in age.

Tsvetkov’s dream book states: there is no negative sign in conclusion - on the contrary, you occupy the niche assigned to you, feel comfort and confidence in the future, enjoy what you have acquired and do not envy those who are more successful. The esoteric dream book interprets a dream as a loss of direction, confusion in thoughts, and a creative crisis.

Arrested relatives in a dream

Sometimes we worry more about our relatives than about ourselves. Is it worth ringing bells if in a dream your loved ones go to prison? And, if not, then why do you dream of such passions?

Often a dream does not bring anything catastrophic, despite its by no means safe appearance. Put aside the worry that one of your relatives will get into trouble; dream books are more likely to warn you about troubles. To understand the meaning of the whimsical, remember what crime in the dream the family members were punished for?

  • theft - a friend will let you down;
  • murder - unintentionally offend a person;
  • scam - believe false facts;
  • there is no guilt - answer for the misdeeds of others.

Brother or sister

Why do you dream about your brother or sister being arrested? Dream Interpretations strive to protect you from a slippery person who appears to be a faithful comrade. The person under discussion constantly lives nearby, obsessively offers help, and is ready to do everything for the sleeping person. These impulses are insincere and calculated.

To see your twin, who does not exist, on the other side of the bars - to doubt the correctness of actions, to rush about.

Parents in prison

If your son sees his mother or father in prison, he will be able to avoid trouble if he sees through a tempting but false offer in a timely manner.

The daughter will see a similar sad dream about her parents - dream books promise misfortunes in the family sphere, conflicts with her beloved man, vulnerability, softness, inability to defend her position.

Spouses in the zone

Why does a lady dream about her husband in prison? Dream Interpretations are sure: the dreamer is tired of pulling the burden of everyday life on her own, and her beloved is a bad helper and owner. I dreamed of a husband in a women's prison - his wife was jealous, but not without reason. There is reason to suspect the betrothed of excessive attention to the weaker sex.

A wife in prison implies the fact that the family is in turmoil: renovation or moving.

Why do you dream about all the prison horror?

Not only does the theme of the vision itself not give joyful associations - people are often visited by such chilling nightmares that it is scary to imagine what events such dreams could mean! For example, running away from guard police dogs is a reminder of the existence of karma. Having done evil yesterday, you will definitely taste the return blow tomorrow.

To be sentenced to life imprisonment without trial indicates a burdensome duty imposed on the sleeping person. Don't let yourself be driven into a corner.

See the dead

Why do you dream of a dead person in prison? The dream reminds you of unfinished business that the deceased did not have time to settle, and the responsibility is now placed on you.

A living person dreamed of dying in prison - show compassion and sympathy in reality. His personal tragedies are now bigger than your problems.

Be a suicide bomber

Why dream of living out your life on death row? The dreamer is escorted to execution - the action has been completed, it is too late to make corrections. Go to the chopping block - leave your homeland.

To beg the guard for mercy is to commit meanness with your hands. Sitting on an electric chair in a dream - dream books ask you not to make rash decisions. Before death, seeing a way out, but not taking advantage of it, means you will suffer from your own laziness.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

In a dream see Prison

  • Obstacles and limitations that you have created yourself. The key is always in your hands. The only person who can imprison your spirit is yourself.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

In a dream see Prison

  • Do you feel limited in your freedom or that your life is being controlled and you cannot be the master of your own destiny? Reassure yourself: “I feel free in all aspects of my life.”

Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation

In a dream see Prison

  • Good value
    If you dreamed that you were a security guard, then very soon you will find peace in your soul. Just try not to do anything special.
  • Bad value
    If you dreamed that you were a prisoner, then nothing will work out for you in the near future. To prevent this from happening, hang a sun symbol above the entrance to your apartment.

Dream Interpretation: Russian Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Prison

  • Spill the beans

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Why do you dream about Prison?

  • Seeing a prison means new happiness, good changes, successful business progress / chronic illnesses and the peace associated with them.
  • To be in prison - beware of taking on a new business / serious illness, difficulty, danger.
  • Run from it - obstacles in your path will be eliminated.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Prison

  • If you see a prisoner in a dream, in reality you will insist on granting privileges to people you trust.
  • A prison with brightly lit windows means that your insight will help you avoid trouble.
  • A young woman who sees her lover in prison in a dream will soon be disappointed in his decency.
  • If you saw yourself in prison, then you have events ahead that will have a bad effect on your affairs. Having avoided imprisonment in a dream, in reality you will take part in profitable business.
  • The jailer in your dream foretells that the treachery of others will hinder your interests.
  • A crowd trying to open the prison doors is a harbinger of evil. This dream may warn that someone you know will try to swindle money out of you.
  • The dream in which you saw the release of a prisoner is the most favorable of all dreams about prison. He foretells that you will avoid trouble or cope with it.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

In a dream see Prison

  • Dreaming that you are in prison indicates feelings of guilt due to a wrong action that you committed, hoping that you would not have to answer for it.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Why do you dream about Prison?

  • Someone or something greatly restricts your freedom, forces you to live in a compulsory regime, holds you back in your personal life or career. This image can also speak of a desire to suppress, to “imprison” certain feelings and drives. This may be the enjoyment of power over people, the desire to punish your enemies (if you see that others are behind bars), as well as the fear of responsibility for your actions.

Dream book: Ancient French dream book

Dream Interpretation Prison

  • Seeing a prison in a dream means that some secret will be revealed to you, which will bring you suffering.

Dream Interpretation: Ancient English Dream Book (Zadkiel's Dream Book)

Dream Interpretation Prison

  • This dream has the opposite meaning. if you dream that you are in prison, then this means favorable circumstances for businessmen, absence of financial difficulties, family happiness.
  • Quineas Pipatus says that if a virgin dreams that her lover is in prison, it is a sign that she has a strong place in his heart and will remain with him until death do them part.
  • If a young man sees a prison in a dream, this dream means that success in life awaits him, he will marry the one he has chosen and whom he is afraid of losing. He will always be a living idol for him. This is a good dream for widows as well, as it gives them hope.
  • Escape from prison is a dream that promises a change in circumstances for a person in a difficult situation. The time of misfortune is over. This dream also portends recovery for all patients.

Dream Interpretation: Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Dream Interpretation Prison

  • The prison is destroyed and collapses. - There will be an amnesty, fortunately.
  • You go to prison and suffer. - Portends a brilliant career and nobility.
  • You're in prison. - There will be mercy, forgiveness.
  • Death in prison. - Foretells the decision of a business case.
  • You help a person go to prison. - There will be wealth and happiness.
  • You end up in jail. - Portends great nobility.
  • Bandits and thieves enter the prison themselves. - A great misfortune.
  • The stench and dirt of prison dungeons. - Good luck in all matters.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Prison

  • A symbol of painful silence, fatal reticence. A dream in which a prison building appears warns: you will be entrusted with a secret, which will be painfully unpleasant to keep. Seeing yourself imprisoned is a sign that you will not be warned in time about danger or threat.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Prison

  • To dream of others in prison means that you will insist on granting privileges to persons whom you trust implicitly.
  • If you dream of a prison with brightly lit windows, this means that your insight will help you avoid trouble.
  • If a young woman sees her beloved in prison in a dream, she will, not without reason, be disappointed in his decency.
  • Seeing yourself in prison portends events that will have a bad effect on your affairs. Happily avoiding imprisonment promises you participation in several profitable businesses.
  • The most favorable dream about prison, foreshadowing that you will avoid trouble or cope with it, is a dream in which you see the release of a prisoner.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Prison?

  • serving a sentence means the hardships of fate (the number of years may indicate the end of everyday troubles);
  • a false path in life, a false occupation;
  • to be arrested and imprisoned - family happiness, family life.

Dream Interpretation: Vanga's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Prison?

  • Prison is a sign of painful silence, fatal reticence.
  • If you dreamed of a prison building, this means that you will be entrusted with a secret, keeping which will be painfully unpleasant for you, you will be tormented and worried.
  • If in a dream you see yourself imprisoned in prison, then this dream foretells that you will not be warned in time about danger or threat. You will suffer for not talking about important things with someone you know.

Dream Interpretation: Vedic Dream Book of Sivananda

In a dream see Prison

  • If you dreamed that you were in prison, then this means that you will be a successful person.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Why do you dream about Prison?

  • Prison - sadness; to be in it is a loss.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

In a dream see Prison

  • Your living space will be limited. If you break the law, you can end up in jail. You may not be allowed to leave the state, or evil fate will limit you to the walls of your home.

Dream Interpretation: Italian Dream Book by Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation Prison

  • Symbolizes In-se's state of powerlessness.

Dream Interpretation: Loff's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Prison?

  • Being trapped is an interesting event in a dream. While this is a cause of concern for some, the upside of confinement is its relative privacy and protection from the threats of the hostile world on the other side of the walls. Typically, the security aspect is ignored due to our obsession with freedom.
  • The dream of being trapped contains a hint of introspection, as the old saying goes: "Wherever you go, take yourself with you." When applied to dreams, failure to escape may indicate failure to achieve something particularly desirable in life. When interpreting such a dream, it is useful to proceed from the ideas of JUNG, as set out in his theory of the primary INDIVIDUALITY.
  • Confinement can be interpreted as either a lack of choice or an excess of it. The lack of choice is obvious in the case of a person sleeping in a one-room cell; an excess of choice is a multi-room mansion with no exits. Another option: no matter where you go, you cannot find a way out. Such a dream may indicate that with many options, there is no single effective one for achieving those new freedoms and opportunities that you are striving for.
  • The path to escape from imprisonment is often encoded in the personalities of those who captured you, or the location of the dungeon. For a more accurate interpretation of the dream, try to find familiar features in your guards, the decoration of the house, as well as the reason for your desire to escape. Perhaps you feel discomfort from unwillingness to follow the orders of others or feel the presence of a real threat within the walls of a prison, mansion, or trap building?
  • Some trap buildings are for safety, others are for punishment. What state are you in in your dream?
  • When you wake up, what feelings do you have about the place that in your dream served as a safe hiding place and did not contain anything mysterious?

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

In a dream see Prison

  • Prison is a symbol of lack of freedom, isolation and loneliness.
  • To see yourself as a prisoner in a dream means that in reality you are under the power of your complexes, which will prevent you from realizing your plans.
  • If in a dream you look at the world through a prison window, perhaps in the near future a person will appear next to you who will have unlimited power over you.
  • A dream in which you are trying to break out of prison warns the dreamer about the consequences of his hasty decisions.
  • Seeing in a dream how you break prison bars is an attempt to free yourself from the influence of others.
  • If in a dream you saw one of your loved ones sitting in prison, it means that you are too abusing the trust of your loved ones, who are beginning to see you as a tyrant.
  • To release someone from prison - in reality you will have to urgently solve the problem of loneliness.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Azar

Why do you dream about Prison?

  • To freedom

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