Why do children dream? “Dream Interpretation A child dreamed of what a child dreams about in a dream. This means a child dreamed in a dream

This vision is considered quite controversial, because the image of a hungry child is usually interpreted as not a very good harbinger, while feeding him in a dream, on the contrary, can promise the dreamer the most wonderful events in reality.

What if you dream about a child wanting to eat?

When trying to understand why a child dreams of wanting to eat, a person should first of all pay attention to what kind of child we are talking about. For example, if your child wants to eat in a dream, then in reality the sleeper should be more attentive to his immediate needs, because it is not at all excluded that he lacks banal care and warmth. At the same time, the appearance of a hungry baby will be of enormous importance. So, seeing your child very thin in night vision is not good, since in reality the dreamer most likely will not cope with the responsibilities he has taken on.

However, you should not rush to rejoice if in a dream the sleeper hastened to feed a hungry child. “Feeding with empty promises” is how this night vision can be characterized, and it is not at all excluded that in reality the dreamer will never be able to fulfill what he promised, thereby provoking a serious conflict and misunderstanding within the family. At the same time, you should not project this interpretation onto a dream in which a young woman had the opportunity to breastfeed a hungry baby, since it, on the contrary, personifies prosperity and harmony. Full white breasts, from which rich milk flows, are generally considered a very good symbol.

For a young unmarried girl, a dream in which she had the opportunity to breastfeed a starving child prophesies an early birth of children and the incomparable joy of motherhood. This image is also a good harbinger for a married woman who already has children.

But for elderly ladies, this image does not promise anything good, predicting serious illnesses. For a sick elderly woman, a dream about breastfeeding a baby promises mortal danger. Feeding other people's babies with rich milk porridge in a dream, on the contrary, is considered a very good dream, and it does not matter at all to whom exactly it appeared in a dream. Usually it indicates that troubled times are left behind, giving way to the brightest and kindest events in the life of the sleeper.

Seeing other people's hungry children in your own night vision is not good. And it’s especially bad if these children were dirty, thin and ragged, because then the dreamer will have to witness some terrible tragic events. Wars, devastation, environmental disasters, crop failures, natural disasters, the victims of which are thousands of innocent people - this is what should be expected in the near future after dreams of this kind. The forecast will be less pessimistic if all the starving babies in the dream are fed, because then the dreamer and his loved ones have a unique opportunity to avoid the coming tragedy. A dream in which food literally brought a hungry child back to life, again making him cheerful, active and rosy-cheeked, is considered very good.

What does it portend?

A dream in which a person happened to observe a nursing mother who was able to satisfy the hunger of her own baby is also considered favorable. As for interpretation, most often such visions indicate that the sleeper is in the most comfortable conditions in order to create and move forward. However, you should not rush to rejoice, because most dream interpreters agree that this image promises unmarried girls fragile happiness, or rather its imitation. And it is possible that the dreamer will have a whirlwind romance that will never develop into something truly serious.

According to the Culinary Interpreter, a dream in which a person had to feed a hungry child suggests that soon the dreamer will have to help her needy loved ones, giving away all her material savings. Seeing yourself in the role of a starving baby in a dream means an acute need in reality, which will only be possible to cope with with the support of others. Seeing food, but never trying it, continuing to feel hungry, is also not good, because it means that the dreamer will never receive help from his own family and friends. Moreover, it is quite possible that they will not want to help someone in need quite consciously, realizing that this is not a way out of the current situation.

Eating everything that comes into your night vision in order to satisfy your hunger is a sign of indiscriminateness in reality, which will sooner or later backfire on the sleeper. Feeding your own baby all sorts of rubbish in a dream means deceiving your loved ones in reality, without thinking about the possible consequences.

Most often, newborn babies appear in dreams as harbingers of change. In ancient times, such a dream plot was considered a blessing from above. And why a small child dreams, according to modern dream books, is described below.

In Miller's dream book, a newborn child is a symbol of well-being. This is true for those stories in which the kids were beautiful and healthy. If a man or woman spends a pleasant time with a newborn baby in a dream, then in real life they will be able to achieve all their goals.

A sick baby from a dream suggests that soon a person will face serious anxiety, which will knock him out of his usual rhythm of life for a long time. Fears about what happened would haunt and torment him for several more years.

In Vanga’s dream book, children in large numbers turn out to be harbingers of minor troubles that need to be sorted out as soon as possible. Otherwise, they will accumulate behind his shoulders and eventually fall on him like a huge snowball. While the troubles are still small and insignificant, they need to be eliminated.

If the newborn from the dream turns out to be disabled, then such a plot becomes an important warning for the sleeping person. He needs to pay special attention not to his addictions. Bad habits harm not only the dreamer himself, but also his loved ones.

Freud’s dream book notes that cruelty in a dream towards a child of the same sex as the dreamer is a sign of his non-traditional sexual orientation.

Seeing a girl or boy in a dream

When you dream about children, you first need to remember what gender the characters in the dream turned out to be.

  • A breastfeeding baby wrapped in diapers, which a representative of the fair sex sees in a dream, promises the latter a strong, sincere feeling towards a new acquaintance.
  • For men, the birth of a daughter portends success in business. It can be expected in a variety of areas of life.
  • For an elderly person, a newborn girl from a dream becomes a harbinger of improved health or the retreat of a long-standing illness.
  • A pale, sickly boy from a dream promises minor financial losses, while a strong and handsome boy promises material wealth.
  • A laughing boy dreams of unpleasant gossip. But you shouldn't pay attention to them. Rumors will in no way affect the dreamer's reputation.

Hold in your arms

It happens that in a dream a woman or man holds a small child in her arms. This means that in real life a person has been making grandiose plans for the future for too long and constantly putting off their implementation until later. If you continue in the same spirit, the sleeper will never be able to achieve real success.

If a man experiences discomfort while rocking a baby in his arms, it means that in reality he is afraid of responsibility. Perhaps it is for this reason that the representative of the stronger sex does not yet have his own family and children, and at work he does not occupy the most prestigious position. There is no need to change anything only if this state of affairs completely suits the dreamer.

In his night dreams, does a person watch how a newborn sleeps peacefully in his arms? Such a plot does not at all symbolize peace in reality. On the contrary, he warns of a possible stab in the back from a loved one. Betrayal will be very unexpected and this makes it especially painful.

Feed, bathe, rock a small child

Did you have to not only hold the baby in your arms, but also feed him? This means that a person, after long internal conflicts, finally managed to accept and love himself. Now it will be much easier for him to build his life and implement his plans. If the baby smiles while feeding, in reality the sleeping person’s close people are always ready to help and support him.

Bathing an exhausted, sick child warns the dreamer about possible health problems for himself. It is advisable to go to the doctor as soon as possible, at least for a preventative examination. A similar plot can become a harbinger of a serious unpleasant trial with unfamiliar people. The cause of the conflict will be the inattention and/or naivety of the sleeper. If, while bathing, the baby suddenly chokes and dies, then troubles will bypass the person. In general, a dead newborn is a symbol of receding trouble.

If you need to wash a pooped baby, then this is a great sign. It promises a man or woman wealth in reality or a decent income.

Newborn baby

A newborn baby can foretell a variety of events and changes to a person, and also suggest what problems in real life actually weigh on him the most. For example, a baby with an uncut umbilical cord symbolizes the impossibility of extricating himself from the circumstances that constrain him. The same plot, under certain conditions, becomes a symbol of excessive parental care. If the dreamer, already at a conscious age, continues to live with his parents, then he needs to move out as soon as possible and become independent.

If a child has just been born and already has teeth, then such a plot suggests that the sleeping person has enormous creative talents. You just need to create suitable conditions for their development.

Had to carry a newborn in a stroller? For a woman, such a plot becomes a harbinger of imminent marriage. But a crying child promises prosperity in reality.

Dream about child abduction and ransom demand

If a small child was stolen in a dream, it means that in reality the person is in a difficult difficult situation. While the sleeper cannot find a way out of it. Perhaps the clues from the dream will help him with this.

The abduction of a child also symbolizes the loss of the childish principle in the soul of a man or woman. Most likely, some serious unpleasant events occurred that forced the person to grow up, to lose all his naivety, childishness and spontaneity.

If a girl dreams that a man stole a child and demands a ransom for him, it means that in real life she will meet a gentleman whose intentions towards her will be selfish.

In a dream, did criminals steal a baby and kill him? In reality, the sleeping person or one of his close people may become a victim of a scammer. You need to be careful in such a situation.

What do dreams about your child mean?

In a dream, did the dreamer’s child appear as a small child in reality? There will be a need to help him in solving difficult life problems. We will have to re-explain all the lessons given to the heir and teach him how to cope with difficulties.

Does a son or daughter stretch out their hands to their parent in a dream? In reality, the child needs support and understanding from his mother or father. True, the dream character cannot admit this. The sleeper needs to be active himself, start asking questions, demonstrate care and participation.

If your own child is seen as a newborn and the dreamer looks at it with joy, then in real life you can expect a lucrative offer from business partners. This same dream (especially for the fair sex) can become a symbol of reciprocity and fidelity in a love relationship.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Child - Dreamed of a child - this is a symbol of hope, the future. Seeing yourself as a child in a dream is a sign that you have reached a point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

If you dreamed of a crying child, then you are endangering your future.

I dreamed of a child picking flowers - this means spiritual enlightenment.

Holding a child in your arms in a dream, a newborn baby in your arms - you are trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.

See also: why do you dream about children, why do you dream about a baby, why do you dream about pregnancy, why do you dream about a boy and a girl child.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Why does a Child dream according to the dream book:

Child - Dreamed of a small infant - this is a symbol of troubles, anxiety, capriciousness, inconstancy, so if you dreamed of a child, then you can say with confidence that you are very worried about what is happening around you, something is not giving you peace, and how a child appears as a signal of your state of mind in a dream.

If you dreamed of a child crying, this is a sign that, despite all your efforts, you will not get what you want.

Whether the child is a girl or a child is a boy, holding a newborn baby in your arms in a dream, rocking him to sleep, putting him to sleep - you will need a lot of work, because the path to success will be very difficult.

Big dream book

Why do you dream about a Child - dream analysis:

Child - Dreamed of a cheerful, cute little child - this means mutual love and strong friendship.

Dreamed of a crying child - this means poor health and disappointment.

Why dream of seeing a child walking alone is a sign of independence.

If a woman dreams that she is nursing a child, then she will be deceived by the person she trusts most.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream about a Child?

Child - To see that you have met somewhere an illegitimate child, a newborn child without a father, then soon your sworn enemies will entangle you in gossip and various intrigues.

If you see that you have allowed yourself to be mischievous, then you will have to dispel the gossip that your sworn enemies are spreading about you.

See also: why children dream, why a child dreams, why a baby dreams.

Dream Interpretation of A. Pushkin

Why do you dream about a Child? Interpretation of sleep:

A child, even someone else’s child, in a dream is a good sign, always indicating positive changes. If in a dream you saw a girl child, this means an amazing event in reality. You will be pleasantly surprised by the upcoming events in the near future. Positive emotions will overwhelm you, which will give you an incentive to engage in activities that will change your way of life. Child Boy in a dream also foreshadows changes, but concerning the material side of life. Apparently luck will smile on you, and your income will increase. It’s good if you had such a dream on the night from Thursday to Friday. The brighter the vision, the more significant the event that will happen in your life.

If a small child gets hurt in a dream, expect uninvited guests, most likely relatives. The meeting will be as pleasant as it is unexpected. Guests will also bring good news. Pay attention (remember) what the child said in a dream; this is always an important moment in a dream. Perhaps such a dream is a warning against rash actions. A child playing in a dream means that you are taking a long time to make a decision, it’s time to make a decision. Whatever option you choose, it will turn out to be correct, just be brave and you will succeed. Sometimes it is better to take the wrong step than to do nothing at all.

A dream in which a baby is crying should make you think that there is a person next to you who needs your help and support. You can help, but for some reason you stubbornly don’t want to notice the hardships of people close to you. A child who is a student in a dream is a sign that you do not have enough time to study for yourself, to pursue your hobbies. Pay attention to your family, they need your care and warmth. It's good if you get out of town or just spend time together. For example, organize a family holiday.

Small child - Seeing yourself as a small child indicates your progress on the path of self-improvement. You will be noticed and appreciated. For you, such well-deserved attention will become an incentive for self-development with even greater zeal. Such a dream says that everything is fine with you, everything is going according to your plan and this, of course, makes you happy. And yet you should not relax, it is your efforts that bring you satisfaction with yourself and give you the opportunity to enjoy life.

Dream Interpretation of D. Mendeleev

If you dream about a Child, what is it for:

Child, someone else's child - Seeing a child crying is a warning about a sharp deterioration in health. Seeing a joyful, plump child bursting with health in a dream means that true love and strong friendship will never leave you. If in a dream you saw a child walking alone down the street, then such a dream speaks of your independence, self-sufficiency and independence from others.

Seeing that you see that your infant child is sick means that all your days will be filled with indelible sadness and remorse. Small child - I dreamed of a child who looks small, pale and thin, i.e. not entirely healthy, then such a dream predicts strong heartache for you when you love a person, but the current life situation will require you to forget him completely or at least throw him out of your head for a given specific period of time. Try to do this, although it will be very difficult, but it is necessary for you. No one told you or promised that it would be easy, that there would be no problems or misunderstandings. Now the only thing you can do is to calm down and continue to live, and time, which is the best doctor, will definitely put everything in its place. By the fact that you are currently worried, worrying and tormenting yourself with all sorts of speculation, you will not change anything and will not help yourself in any way, you will only lose strength and health, completely weakening your nervous system, which is already weak in you.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why does a Child dream according to the dream book:

Child - If you dreamed of a strong and beautiful baby, then the dream symbolizes mutual love and strong friendship. If a child cries in your dream, then this portends problems, including health problems. A dream in which a child takes his first independent steps means that in real life you can fully rely on your own strength and not rely on the opinions of others. Babysitting a child means deception on the part of a loved one.

Punishing a child in a dream is a sign that you should repent of your mistakes. Without this, you will not be able to succeed. If a mother dreamed that her newborn child was sick, then in reality he, on the contrary, will be given good health, but other troubles cannot be avoided.

Why do you dream of a baby in your arms? - Taking a sick infant in your arms is an unfavorable sign. Deep sadness and mental anguish await you. Dead Child - Seeing a dead child in a dream means that problems and disappointments await you in the near future.

A dream in which you see an adopted child means that you will owe your success to the help of strangers.

If you see that you have decided to adopt a child, then a serious conflict is brewing in your family. Seeing a newborn in a dream is a favorable sign. If the baby is desired, then this is a harbinger of health, success, and prosperity. To see that you are sitting by the crib of a newborn, then in real life you will have pleasant troubles associated with changes within your family.

Newborn child - To see that a newborn is crying, and you cannot calm him down, then in reality you are frightened by the problems that have arisen on your way. However, everything is not as scary as it might seem. Why dream of seeing that the baby will be wrapped in swaddling clothes, then after such a dream he may get sick. For pregnant women, such a dream portends premature birth.

If you see that you are trying to wrap an adult child in diapers, then in real life you are inadequately assessing some situation. If you dream of a nurse with a baby in her arms, then family well-being awaits you. For a pregnant woman to see a child with a wet nurse means that she will give birth to a daughter who will be very weak, or that she will soon lose her husband. Small child - If in a dream a woman is breastfeeding her small child, then in real life pleasant activities await her. If a mature man dreams of an infant, this means that he will soon have a lot of trouble, but he is guaranteed success.

Seeing yourself as a baby in a dream means that you will have to do a lot to get back on your feet after a long period of failure.

If you see that you are holding someone else’s child in your arms, it is possible that your friends will try to take advantage of your kindness - try not to succumb to provocation. Why dream of seeing that you have lost and cannot find your baby - be prepared for the fact that life may again pose intractable questions to you, for example, about the meaning of life, about good and evil, etc. A dream in which you swing a child on a children's swing, which means that luck will smile on you.

If you see a cradle with a wonderful baby, then fate will give you prosperity and beautiful children. A dream in which you are rocking your baby in a cradle means that you should be prepared for an illness that will befall your loved ones.

For a young woman, a dream in which she rocks an empty cradle means that her behavior is causing too much gossip. To see many children running around the house in a dream is a harbinger of troubles for those who do not have children, but for those who have children, this dream reminds you to take more care of their upbringing. Such a dream portends pleasure, joy and prosperity. A dream in which you see many beautiful children promises well-being and prosperity.

Children busy with studying or other quiet activities mean a peaceful life. Seeing children playing means good news, family peace and joy. If you play with children, then this is a sign of success in love and business. A dream in which you see sad children warns of troubles that your enemies will cause you.

Crying children in a dream are a sign of deception and trouble through deceitful friends. Dirty and unwashed children mean big problems, lawsuits that will suddenly fall on your head.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about a Child, what does it mean:

Child - If a child cries in your dream, then this portends problems, including health problems. If you dreamed of a strong and beautiful baby, then such a dream symbolizes mutual love and strong friendship.

A dream in which a child takes his first independent steps means that you can fully rely on your own strength and not rely on the opinions of others. Babysitting a child means deception on the part of a loved one. Holding a sick child is an unfavorable sign. Deep sadness and mental anguish await you.

Everyday dream book

Seeing a Child in a dream:

Child - Children are our future, and at the same time, they require special care and attention every hour, and seeing a child in a dream is a dream that means that you will have to work hard to achieve your goals.

So, if you dreamed of a small child crying, then in reality you will be disappointed, the fault of which will be the people close to you. If you had a dream in which a clean and cheerful child plays with toys or with other children, then in reality you will meet your old friends, as well as meet many interesting people.

I dreamed of a child who went for a walk on his own - in real life you openly despise the opinion of the majority, sometimes fundamentally taking the side opposite to society (even if deep down you agree with this opinion). Remember that your whole life can go by in pursuit of independence.

If a woman has a dream in which she is nursing a capricious child, then in reality she will be disappointed, the fault of which will be a loved one.

If in a dream a woman takes a child in her arms and realizes that he has a fever, this is a bad sign, which indicates that in the near future this woman will receive sad news that will cause her many minutes of mental suffering and torment.

Universal dream book

What does it mean to see a Child in a dream?

Child boy or child girl (Children) - Brief interpretation: playfulness; naivety; immature judgments.

Popular expression: child's play; fool; innocent child; be appropriate for your age; road to the young

One thing I know for sure: we were all children. Think of the children you saw in your dreams as the beginning or outline of the shape your life will take. The most obvious concepts associated with this symbol are playfulness, innocence and openness to the world. Perhaps this is how you perceive life at the moment. Do you feel like a cheerful and innocent creature? Are you surprised by everything you see in life?

What is the child (or children) doing in your dream? If you play with him/her, this indicates your desire to calm down, relax and learn to take life less seriously. Or do children irritate you and you think that they distract you from your work?

Children also symbolize blissful naivety. Perhaps you are naive about something or someone in life and are getting into trouble because of it.

Perhaps such a dream speaks of your immature behavior towards someone or something. Perhaps in a certain situation you behave like a child, when you should remember that you are an adult. What people did you see next to you in your dreams? What is your relationship with them like in real life?

Perhaps something in your life is developing more successfully than you expected. For you, is this matter solved easily, like child's play?

What kind of child do you think you were? Did you excel at school and in your hobbies from an early age, were you always active, or were you an underdeveloped “ugly duckling” who blossomed as an adult? In other words, do you think that a person receives all the joys of life in his youth or do they still come to those who are willing to wait?

Describe your dream:

Today (7/8 night, 8 in the morning) I dreamed that I had another child. In my life I already have 1, and then I had an abortion with the second (they told me there was no fetus there anyway, just shells). In the dream, I am in the center of our city - there is a store - and in the dream it’s like someone’s house, I While visiting, I find out that I have a second child, a boy of 5-6 years old. Then it’s as if they didn’t give me an abortion, but took the embryo, raised it in a test tube, the doctors want to raise it for experiments, no lethal experiments, but still one grows as different from all over the world, alone. It’s dark, evening, I go out and walk along the road along the curb to digest the news, a car drives by. Then I see - I come to that hospital with my husband, boyfriend and girlfriend. A friend works as a nurse, knows everything and takes me there. On the floor between the flights of stairs I stop and take a step higher up the stairs, then I get seized - my lower back hurts, my head hurts, I don’t have enough air, my blood pressure drops. (I don’t feel pain in my sleep, I just see what’s happening like this) A friend tells me: “When you first get to this hospital, everyone here doesn’t have this, special low blood pressure for some reason.” And only I understand that such conditions are specially created because my boy lives here, and as someone who grew up in a difficult way, he needs special conditions; I see him, from afar at first - he doesn’t look like us at all, red-haired with freckles, wearing a big fur coat like the village children wore 100 years ago, or maybe he looks like us, he just looks very lonely, I look at him closer, he has eyes, eyebrows and the nose is the same as her husband. I kiss him, he says to me: “But our aunties are not mothers, I was told that if one day you come for me and say that you are a mother, don’t believe me, I recognized you, in the sense I understood that you came to tell me that you are a mother.” . I hug him, quickly inspire love, trust, he didn’t have any of that, and he immediately hugs me - a child of 5-6 years old, in principle, is already big, but also kind of small, everything can be explained to him and changed. I take him in my arms and spin him around, my husband stands next to him and (with joy, of course, that the child believed and understood) and laughs: “How gullible you are!” We all go down those stairs, we went down, half a floor left. Me, my husband, my girlfriend, my friend, I ask them: “Does he have a name?” The husband answers: “Seva and Zeva.” I say: “oh, yes, Seva is such a name, or maybe Zevran (where does that name come from).” We pass the rest of the stairs, go to the exit. I'm still confused -<>My friend answers me: “Do you think he’s going that far? Now they have all gone forward together.”
We're going out too. The last stage remains, the son must be disconnected from his invisible “thread”-connection with that test tube so that he can live in this world without it and far from it under normal human conditions. And we launch him into some room, friends, husband doubt it, this is a risky crazy idea in their opinion, only with my maternal instinct I transfer power to the boy and hope. When he comes right next to him, it will be necessary to throw a load from the ceiling, or it might fall on him.. We are all watching the monitors as if what is happening, Sevochka enters the room, it is dark, his friend has a particularly tense face, he is worried, with huge eyes in the computer is watching. The load falls right behind him (the boy) and cuts the thread, he is all free, everything turned out very well, but the risk was great. And now my son can live in our world calmly, like an ordinary person, without low blood pressure, and he is no longer suitable for scientists to observe. At the end of the dream, I try to find out and calculate his birthday - then at the end of May I became pregnant, which means I was born on January 24-26, which coincides with his birthday, which means it’s definitely him!) Thank you in advance for the interpretation. (in my life I didn’t even have such thoughts that there could be a child there, when I had an abortion and didn’t think about it)

Softness in men and durability in women.

Seeing an unfamiliar child in a dream- a sign that your new plans will come true, but will require a lot of effort.

See your child- relationship with him.

Freud's Dream Book

Child- is a general symbol of the genital organs, both male and female.

Taking care of the child- symbolizes your caring attitude towards your organs.

Crying baby- symbolizes orgasm.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

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