What an interesting man should look like. What a real man should look like: women's opinion. men's wardrobe items that irritate most women

Some men are as concerned about their appearance as most women. This is typical not only of metrosexuals, but also of ordinary representatives of the stronger sex. The aphorism that says that a man should be a little prettier than a monkey has long ago lost its relevance. In this article we will try to figure out what a real man should look like.

  1. Body.
  2. Shoes and clothing.
  3. Accessories.


A man's body should be in perfect order and in shape. To do this, you need to regularly exercise and visit the gym. At the same time, we should not forget about certain parts of the body that should never be used. If a man has any problems with his teeth, he should not put off visiting the dentist, because a healthy and beautiful smile is a powerful weapon. Nails should be trimmed and neat on the feet and hands. They should not be broken or bitten. Particular attention should be paid to the face. If there are any irritations, pimples, rashes or other problems, you need to get rid of them as soon as possible. It is recommended to visit a hairdresser once a month. Hair must always be clean!

Shoes and clothing

It is very important that clothes and shoes are clean. Representatives of the fair sex very often pay attention to the condition of a man’s shoes, no matter how strange it may be. For active recreation and sports, sneakers are suitable, not just any sandals or slippers. If a man wears sandals, then socks are not worn! The color of the boots must match the color of the trousers or be black (universal color). Socks must be plain and uniform, not having any ornament or pattern (with the exception of the kindergarten period). If there is a hole in the socks, this pair will have to be thrown in the trash. Jeans and trousers must be carefully ironed, reaching a length that reaches the beginning of the heel of the shoe. The belt should not be too narrow, but not too wide either. The color should be identical to the color of the shoes. Pockets should not be filled with small change; for this purpose, a representative of the stronger sex should have a cultural man's bag. If the jacket is buttoned, the bottom last button should be undone. The length of the tie should reach the belt buckle (not lower). The color of the tie should be harmonious with the suit.


Men's wristwatches should not be made of plastic; it is also unacceptable for them to be painted with all the colors of the rainbow, be overly gilded or overly massive. A watch, by and large, is a man’s only personal adornment; for this reason, representatives of the stronger sex do not spare financial resources for this purchase. If you wear glasses, take care of high-quality frames; the shape should suit you. Chains, rings and other jewelry do not particularly add beauty to a man. Perfume plays an important role. Underwear should be chosen with taste. It should not be childish (with drawings), with holes or patches.

Of course, a man’s appearance plays an important role. However, what is more important is good manners. The ability to properly and beautifully care for a girl, correct and athletic posture, confident demeanor, the ability to express one’s thoughts, a high intellectual level, physical and spiritual strength - this is what makes a man a real man! Therefore, we recommend paying attention not only to the appearance of the suitor, but also to what is hidden under it. Sometimes even the most unattractive young man can hide enormous potential, which, perhaps, is destined to be revealed to you!

It is impossible to control your genes or innate physical characteristics, but you can use them to the maximum. Whether you just want to slightly enhance the sex appeal you already possess, or you're completely lost and don't know where to start, a few simple tips will help you.


Personal care

The easiest and surest way to please others is to maintain personal hygiene. Cleanliness and a pleasant smell will automatically attract other people to you. Take the following steps every day:

    Use deodorant. Find a deodorant that suits your longevity and scent, and use it immediately after showering. If you sweat and start to smell bad during the day, keep deodorant in your backpack or briefcase and reapply as needed.

    • If you forget to use deodorant before leaving the house, take a hand sanitizer and wipe it under your armpits - it will kill the bacteria that causes the unpleasant odor. You may have to do this several times a day.
  1. Take a shower every day. Wash your hair thoroughly and use soap or gel with a fresh, unobtrusive scent.

    • If you shower in the morning, consider purchasing an anti-fog mirror so you can wash and shave in the shower.
  2. Use cologne (after shaving) or a scented body spray. Your scent throughout the day can determine your attractiveness, and the right scent will attract others. If you get the scent wrong, it will have the opposite effect. Follow the following general rules.

    • Don't go overboard with the quantity. It is very important. Too much smell is never good. Even the smell of roses can make you feel sick if you inhale concentrated rose oil for a long time. Two or three sprays of cologne or spray is enough. Remember that you will quickly get used to the smell, but people around you will still smell it.
    • Find a scent that matches your natural body odor. Everyone's natural scent is different, and not every scent is right for you. There are scents that “work” with some scents and smell bad on others. If possible, try applying cologne or spray before purchasing it. Wear the scent all day and then ask your friend if the scent suits you.
    • Try to choose a scent that goes well with your shower gel. The smells do not have to be the same, but there must be something similar, otherwise the result will be “overwhelming” in the bad sense of the word.
    • Apply cologne to your pulse points. Those parts of the body where the blood flows close to the surface are warmer. This means that the cologne you apply will have a less lasting scent. Common areas on the body include the wrists, neck, and lower back.
  3. Wash your face morning and evening. Men produce more testosterone than women, making their skin more prone to acne and breakouts. Take care of your face. Make sure it is always clean.

    • Identify beauty products that suit your skin type. Here are the most common skin types:
      • Sensitive/dry skin. If your skin is prone to breakouts, dryness, or irritation frequently, use a facial cleanser. Don't use toner, just a light moisturizer.
      • Combination skin with a pronounced T-zone. If the skin around your forehead, nose and chin is oily and the rest of the area is dry, you have combination skin. Most people have this skin type, so use a cleanser for normal or combination skin. Apply toner to your T-zone and finish your cleansing routine with a moisturizer.
      • Oily skin. If your skin tends to be oily, use a clay-based cleanser. Apply toner to your face and moisturize it. If your skin is oily only during the day, buy special mattifying wipes at the pharmacy and wipe your face with them throughout the day.
    • If you have acne on your face, use salicylic acid or apply a cream containing benzene peroxide to the affected areas. If this procedure does not help, consult a dermatologist.
  4. Shave your facial hair. It doesn't matter whether you have a beard or shave, you need to take care of your face every day.

    • For a smooth face, shave every morning before work or school. Moisturize your skin first. Use a well-sharpened razor and shaving cream. Shaving against the stubble (from the jaw to the cheek) makes the skin smoother, but causes irritation. If you're struggling with ingrown hairs, it's best to shave in the direction of the beard growth.
    • Make sure your beard, mustache or goatee looks neat. The edges should be clean and neat. Comb your long hair. When you moisturize your face, pay special attention to the skin, which is most often found under the hairline.
  5. Tidy up your eyebrows (optional). There is no need to pinch your eyebrows, but their good shape will make you look attractive. Here are some tips for caring for them:

    • Invest in a pair of quality tweezers. Their parts should be symmetrical - then there will be much less pain and the result will be better.
    • Use the rest of the face for basting. Take a pencil and draw a line to the edge of the nostril so that the line intersects the eyebrow. Hair that is below the line should be removed. Do the same on the other side of your face.
    • Trim the arches. If your eyebrows look bushy after plucking, try trimming your brow ridges. Only pluck hair under the eyebrows, not above them.
  6. Tidy up your nails. Every two to three days after showering, pay attention to cleaning your nails. After a bath, your nails become softer and easier to care for. Fingernails and toenails should be cut short, so that only a small white stripe remains above the base.

    Brush and floss your teeth. Fight bad breath. Let a snow-white smile demonstrate the health of your teeth!

    • Refresh your toothbrush. It should be changed every three months and in case of a cold or infectious disease.
    • Floss your teeth every night. Flossing not only removes stains and food debris from your mouth. Dental floss is also said to help prevent heart disease.
    • Clean your tongue. Your teeth should be snow-white. But don't forget that if your tongue is dirty, your mouth will smell bad. Swipe the toothbrush along your tongue several times each time you brush your teeth (don't overdo it, or you'll damage your mouth).
    • Rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth and tongue. Swish for 20 seconds, then spit out.


    1. Brush your hair regularly. Even if you grow your hair, you need to trim it regularly to remove split ends. You can visit a professional stylist or do it yourself. In any case, keep the following in mind:

      • If you prefer a short haircut, trim your hair every two to three weeks. Make sure your barber shave off any hair that falls down your neck.
      • If you're growing your hair out, trim the ends every 4 to 6 weeks. Even if you have long hair, shave off the hair that covers your neck.
    2. Wash your hair often. For many guys, the best option is to wash your hair every day, but you can wash your hair every other day if your hair is dry.

      • Choose a shampoo and conditioner for your hair type (dry, oily, etc.).
      • Buy shampoo and conditioner separately - 2-in-1 products are not as effective.
      • Talk to your hairdresser - they know everything about hair! If you decide to buy professional shampoo and conditioner from a hair salon, they will likely cost more than regular products, but the quality will be higher.
    3. Use hair styling products (optional). You don't have to use these tools, but many people do. When using styling products, hair looks healthier and more beautiful; become strong and obedient. Here are the basic hair styling products:

      • Serums or creams. They will help smooth stray hair or tame unruly curls. Their advantage is that the hair will not become stiff and immobile.
      • Mousse. Use mousse to add volume and shine to your hair while minimizing its texture. For best results, apply the mousse to damp hair and let it dry.
      • Pomade, wax or hair clay. Use these products if you want to do a complex hairstyle, for example, comb your hair or curl curls (for naturally straight hair). Keep in mind that these products do not wash off immediately. It may take multiple washes to get them off, so don't over apply them. A pea-sized amount of mousse will be enough for short, medium or fine hair. Use pomade or hair wax for shiny hair. For a natural matte tone, use hair wax.
      • Gel. Unlike lipstick, the gel contains alcohol, which dries out the hair. As a result, they will be disobedient. For best results, apply the gel to damp hair.
      • Hair glue. Have you ever wondered how some people manage to rock a mohawk? Maybe they use a different version of hair gel that holds the style better. Use styling products carefully and rinse thoroughly.
      • Consult your hairdresser! He will tell you what suits you and what doesn't.
    4. Style your hair the way that suits you. It may take some experimenting to figure out what suits you and your style, but over time you'll develop your own style for every day. There are several options:

      • Find a suitable parting. You can part your hair in the middle, to the side, or not at all. Try several options. This way you can figure out what's right for you.
      • Comb your hair to one side instead of parting it. You can try combing your hair in one style. If they are very short, comb them forward. If they are long, you can comb them back or lift them up. Try several options.
      • If you have long hair, try combing it back into a ponytail with some hair falling into your face, or combing it back and tying it into a knot.
    5. Fight hair loss (if necessary). If you are balding, the best solution is to cut your hair short or shave it so that the difference between the hairy and balding parts of your scalp is less noticeable. Wash your hair after exercising. They say that neglecting this rule contributes to baldness. Wash your hair in the shower using massage movements.


    They say that clothes make a person a person! You don't have to wear expensive clothes to feel the essence of this saying, but clothes can say a lot about you.

      Always dress well. Yes, every morning! Even if you have an ordinary day ahead of you, don’t wear the first thing that comes to hand. Choose things that combine with each other and are appropriate where you are going.

      Go shopping with a friend. Perhaps, when buying clothes, you are not entirely sure whether they suit you - if only because you cannot examine yourself from all sides. Plus, what looks good on a celebrity or fashion catalog model may not necessarily look good on you! So, if you have a friend with good taste and an eye for fashion, ask him to join you on a shopping trip.

      Wear clothes that suit you and fit well. You can wear the most expensive suit in the world and still look bad if it doesn't fit at all. Clothes should fit you as best as possible.

      • The bottom of the trousers should touch the shoes. The long sleeves of the shirt should cover your wrists and the bottom of the shirt should reach your hips. Even your underwear should fit correctly!
      • Don't try to hide your figure. If you are afraid that you are too fat or thin, do not hide this lack of figure with baggy clothes, otherwise it will be even worse. You don't need to wear tight clothes, but at the same time they shouldn't hang and leave a lot of space.
      • If you can't find the right size for ready-made clothing, find a seamstress or tailor who won't have to pay much. Perhaps you have skinny thighs but long legs and are having trouble finding a pair of jeans that fit. Buy clothes that are a little larger than you need and take them to a tailor to have them altered to fit you. Many dry cleaners also undertake such changes at a reasonable price.
      • Throw away donated clothes that no longer fit. You might love that old T-shirt you wore in high school, but don't wear it if it no longer suits you.
    1. Find out how to highlight your strengths. Here is the basic rule for choosing clothes: light colors emphasize your figure, while dark colors, on the contrary, hide it. For example, if you like your shoulders but don't like your legs, try wearing dark-colored jeans and a light-colored T-shirt.

      Find out what colors look good on you. The right color highlights the skin delightfully, but a poorly chosen color makes the skin look yellowish and dull. Here's how to determine “your” color:

      • Decide whether you are better off in white or colored. Hold a snow-white and then a colored T-shirt to your face. If you are a person with an average figure, you will noticeably like this or that color. Once you decide on the colors, stick to them in your clothing.
      • Decide whether you are better off in brown or black. This situation is not as simple as in the first case, but brown or black definitely suits some people. Once you settle on one, don't mix colors—for example, don't wear brown boots and a belt with black pants. Wear black boots, black shorts, a black belt, or vice versa, pick up everything in brown.
      • Decide which colors you like best - cold or warm. Cold colors usually include blue, violet, dark green and bluish-red. Warm colors include yellow, orange, brown and yellowish-red. It is very easy to determine the appropriate color with clothes that are bluish or yellowish red - just hold them up to your face. What clothes highlight your complexion best? (If you need help choosing between warm and cool colors, look online for a color palette).
    2. Fill your wardrobe with things that never go out of style. They are usually made from quality materials and last for several years. Choose, for example, solid-color sweatshirts, solid-color plaid button-downs, dark blue jeans, black-and-white T-shirts (no graphics), a solid-color sweater, dark pants, a dark jacket, lace-up boots, and white sneakers. You can always look presentable by combining these things correctly.

      Wash things regularly. Some items can be worn several times in a row without needing to be washed (jeans and jackets), but shirts, underwear and socks should be washed every time. Create a schedule for washing your clothes so you won't spend all morning searching for a clean item.

    Attractive behavior

      Practice walking with a straight back. You may think that such a small thing has nothing to do with it, but good posture will emphasize your confidence and control over the situation. Many people like this behavior. Straighten your shoulders, back and try to keep your hips parallel to your shoulders when walking. Walk with confidence. Don't shuffle or drag your feet. Try not to look at the floor.

      Smile. A sincere smile is the simplest thing that people find attractive. Smile more often and try to be in a good mood where it is easy to smile.

      • Develop a positive sense of humor. A joke and a smile are the cheerful sides of life. Don't be afraid to show them to other people. Try not to make jokes about bodily functions, sexual expression, or disparage certain groups of people.
    1. Look people in the eye. If you're talking to someone (especially someone you care about), show your interest and keep the other person's attention through eye contact.

      • Use eye contact to flirt. Take a few glances at the person sitting next to you or opposite. Look at this person until he catches your eye. Maintain eye contact for a few seconds, smile and look away.
    2. Be a gentleman. You don't have to be a pompous jerk to show your care and attention to other people. Say “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me.” Show courtesy, such as opening doors for people walking ahead of you.

      • Respect others. You can't despise anyone's views on life. You can't be rude to others. If someone gets into an argument with you, calmly step aside. This way you will show your unwillingness to stoop to the level of an argumentative person.
      • Don't swear or make rude remarks in public places. It's okay to get a little heated with friends or family, but never speak rudely to strangers.
    3. Know how to have a conversation. A competent interlocutor brings calm and ease to the conversation. Be able to casually ask someone about their actions and give them the opportunity to move the conversation in a certain direction. Ask open-ended questions (for example, instead of asking, “Do you have plans for the weekend?” which can only be answered with a “yes” or “no,” ask, “What are you excited to do this weekend?”). Stay away from controversial topics like politics or religion.

      • To improve your conversation skills, try striking up a conversation with a stranger in a public place. This could be at a bus stop or in line at the grocery store. If you can get a response in the form of a sincere smile and a few phrases, you are doing something right.
    4. Speak clearly and thoughtfully. When talking to other people, try not to mumble or swallow your words. Use complete sentences and think carefully before you speak. This way you can avoid potentially awkward situations.

  7. Learn to cook. Start small - fried eggs, salads and sandwiches, hamburgers and steaks, frozen vegetables, cooked rice and pasta. Knowing how to cook will help you save money, improve your health and amaze others!
  8. Play sports. Regular physical activity will not only help you look attractive, but will also improve your mood and reduce the risk of colds. Create a personal study schedule and stick to it. Here are some tips for beginners:

    • Do exercises, squats and lunges every day. Determine the number of repetitions. As your muscle condition improves, increase the number of repetitions and you will soon see results.
    • Try doing weight exercises. Do as many times as you can, but don't overexert yourself. Give your muscles time to rest and recover. Exercising every day is ruining your health! But don't be afraid to become a muscleman. Bodybuilders in magazines look like that because that's what they do for a living. This is not a threat to you.
      • Basic exercises include barbell bench press, squat lift, military press, deadlift, and bicep curl. If you need to work on your chest, do bench presses with dumbbells. If you decide to work out with a barbell or kettlebells, do barbell cleans with a final position in a half-squat or quarter-squat, as well as a partial squat with kettlebells in your hands. If this doesn’t seem enough to you, do snatch, clean and jerk exercises, barbell presses and other exercises with dumbbells. If you have a membership to a sports club, that's great. To get started, do exercises on the bar and use lat pull-down machines.
    • Walk, jump, bike or run a kilometer or two in half an hour (biking, running, jumping, walking to work or school will provide sufficient exercise while walking, cycling or running; exercise has beneficial effects on the work of the stomach, legs and back). Sports will also help the body to be more flexible and less susceptible to change.
    • Don't forget about morning exercises. It will help tidy up your skin and keep you looking good throughout the day. After charging, be sure to take a shower. During an intense workout, a lot of sweat is produced. The smell of it cannot be pleasant. Showering after charging will help you stay clean and eliminate bad odors.
  9. Train not only your body, but also your mind. For many girls, intelligence is the most attractive male trait. If you are still studying, complete all assignments and try to get good grades. Read something every day and follow the news to stay updated on current events.

  • Don't draw too much attention to your defeat, otherwise you will look like an obsessive person. Talk to the others. If they don't like you, leave it as is. Why waste your precious time on something that, in principle, cannot be obtained? If you behave with dignity and leave people alone and become interested in other people, perhaps your rivals will appreciate you a little later.
  • When trying to show your personality, never, under any circumstances, point out your mistakes, especially if no one remembered them. Your mistakes will go unnoticed. By talking about them, you will worsen the opinion of others about yourself.
  • Always consider the feelings of others. If you constantly talk only about yourself, you will turn others against you.
  • Don't spit on the ground while walking.
  • Be brave with women. In case of danger, they love it when men bravely protect them and demonstrate fortitude.
  • Don't try to be someone else. It's great that you are discovering new facets of your personality, but don't try to change yourself into something opposite. Originality attracts people and they sense the pretense of others. If someone doesn't respect you for who you are, they aren't worthy of your time.
    • If you don't find your personality attractive, think about the aspects of your personality that you don't like. You need to find out what it is about you that others may not like. Observe in what situations your shortcomings appear and try to eliminate them.
  • Blow your nose. Nobody likes it when a person sniffles, and many people are disgusted when they see a booger in someone's nose. Try to avoid such situations. Carry a handkerchief with you and use it regularly.
  • Never be rude or humiliate anyone in front of other people. Your behavior will automatically bring your reputation into question.
  • Under no circumstances should you immediately switch to fashionable clothes, otherwise you will be perceived as a dandy. Make such a transition gradually, for example, over the course of a month. Make sure your friends don't change their attitude towards you because of your clothes.
  • If you have a couple of pimples on your face, you don't need to draw attention to them. Everyone experiences acne while growing up. If you don't pay attention to them, no one will notice them. Use anti-inflammatories or apply a tissue soaked in hot water to the pimple every couple of hours. Most pimples will disappear within a day if there is no irritation or inflammation.
  • Don't be afraid to be confident! This isn't always a bad thing. But don't overdo it. Self-confidence can affect your self-confidence and make you more attractive to women!
  • Play sports, such as football or baseball, to meet new people and learn new things.

Never go to cheap stores, second-hand stores or clothing markets. Cheap clothes not only look bad, but also quickly become unusable, emphasize low income levels and make you blend in with the people around you.

Good quality clothing can highlight a man's strengths and hide his weaknesses. In addition, high-quality clothes can look like new for a long time. This means that you can look good in the same suit for several years in a row.

Don't forget to take care of your clothes: wash them, iron them, steam them and take them to dry cleaning if necessary. Dirty and wrinkled clothes automatically become cheap items.

Don't chase fashion and copy clothes from celebrities. The purchased items, first of all, should be in harmony with the figure, hair and eye color, emphasize the advantages of the physique and hide flaws.

Good stores always employ professional stylists, whose services you can use for free. The advice of these experts will help you choose the right things, create an individual image, and dress stylishly and harmoniously.

Try to have at least one expensive suit in your wardrobe. It is desirable that it be a classic single-breasted version with 2 buttons in dark gray or blue. To go with it are several white or blue cotton shirts.

Pay attention to shoes

Make it a habit to always have several pairs of shoes on hand for a formal occasion. Considering the fact that shoes wear out faster than clothes, you will have to buy them at least once every season.

Shoes should not only match the suit, but also always have an ideal appearance. Sneakers must be cleaned and washed regularly, shoes must be cleaned to a dazzling shine. Deformed shoes must be replaced immediately with new ones.

Be sure to purchase at least one pair of expensive dress shoes. Without them, not a single good suit will look expensive and stylish.

Throw away old things regularly

As soon as an item stops looking new, you should get rid of it. Lumps on a sweater, fraying on the cuffs of a jacket, yellow stains on a shirt - all these are signs of outdated clothing. Shabby, torn and elongated items that are fashionable these days, unfortunately, do not give their owner a chic appearance.

Learn to choose clothes

The ability to match clothing items to each other will allow you to have a very small wardrobe, but at the same time often surprise others with your style. Several high-quality items and accessories can simply be swapped around, while simultaneously creating a new look for every day.

Try to have different outfits for different occasions. One outfit is for a party, the other is for a business meeting.

Don't skimp on wardrobe items. It is better to have a few expensive and high-quality things than a lot of cheap ones. In winter, it makes sense to spend money on an expensive warm jacket, fur coat or coat. It is this outerwear that you will most often wear in public places. In addition, good outerwear has excellent frost-resistant properties and is able to maintain its appearance for many winters.

At the same time, never buy clothes with pronounced logos and brand names. In the eyes of others it will look pretentiously bad taste. Expensive clothing is distinguished not by its name, but by its cut, style and finishing.

Various shiny monograms, embroidery and large logos create the image of Kirkorov and look very theatrical.

Jewelry and accessories

One of the accessories that can change your entire look is a scarf. Choose a warm, but not very voluminous scarf for yourself and learn how to wear it beautifully. This will help “make” almost the entire image.

Men's jewelry should not be too shiny. To create a noble style, you need jewelry with a good, but not flashy appearance. Complete a business suit with cufflinks, a sweater and jeans with a leather bracelet, a shirt and trousers with a pendant around your neck.

When choosing a wristwatch, buy models with a metal strap. Rubber and fabric straps always look cheap.

Don't forget the buttons. Plastic and shiny buttons can give a cheap look to even expensive clothes. Stylish buttons should not shine. It is best if they are pearlescent or dark wood color.

Check the appearance from all sides

Don’t be lazy, look in front of the mirror when choosing clothes. This is especially true when choosing jeans or trousers. When trying them on, carefully inspect the item from all sides. Jeans and trousers should not be tight at the back of the legs or buttocks, but they should not hang down to form a diaper at the back.

Any clothing should be ideally suited to the size and shape of a person. Therefore, many high-status men, after purchasing a suit, go to a tailor to have this suit tailored to their figure individually. Only then will it sit perfectly.

Choose color and fabric

Things in pastel and berry colors almost always look expensive and noble, especially items made of wool, drape and corduroy. Instead of brown things, buy things the color of café au lait, and instead of asphalt ones, buy light gray ones. Dark and gray colors go well with cherry, dark green and lilac flowers.

Choose clothes made from natural fabrics, suits in gray and dark tones. Shirts and ties should have regular patterns. Everyday clothing should be monochromatic and consist of no more than 3 distinct colors.

The company's specialists surveyed several thousand men and women on what an ideal man should look like. One who is not a sin to marry and have children with.

Here are the results:

What kind of man do you think? drew“in the computer program are women, and what kind are men?

In general, this may surprise you, but the guy on the right is the real ideal of beauty for a woman.

And the guy on the left is what men themselves think an ideal guy should be in the minds of women.

Experts from Jacamo say that when it comes to long-term relationships, 72% of women prefer their man to look like " a simple guy living next door" .

Less than 10% of girls surveyed need athletes with an ideal figure!

All in all, this is quite an unexpected twist, isn't it?

Men themselves believe that women want guys with hair like Justin Bieber, the face of Gerard Butler and the figure of Cristiano Ronaldo.

Here is the ideal guy from the point of view of the guys themselves:

This study has once again proven that men have no idea what women really want.

And here is the ideal guy from the point of view of women who are committed to long-term relationships:

They want to see simple but educated guys with a sense of humor next to them.

“Women admire guys with a perfect figure, but only when it comes to casual sex or movie characters. But they will still marry “ordinary” guys who do not suffer from narcissism and excessive self-care,” say the study authors.

And they add: most women are afraid to build relationships with people who devote most of their lives to caring for themselves, because these selfish people are unlikely to make caring fathers!

However, the same sociological experiment showed that 62% of British men still believe that they will be more successful with women if they can build muscle in the gym and “ tighten your figure«.

In general, the issues of the “Apollo torso” can be treated without much fanaticism. No one will appreciate this anyway...

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