How to eat king prawns. What do shrimp eat with, what dishes and drinks do they go best with?

Shrimp is one of the most common seafood products in our country, although some eight or ten years ago shrimp was not very popular. Today they are sold in almost any store, hypermarket or shopping center. In this article you will learn how to eat shrimp correctly and with what.
Shrimp are often used to make salads, and a variety of them also make good salads. We are all sure that we know how to eat shrimp, but still, a few tips on this may be useful to someone.
fried? The shell must be removed, leaving it only at the tip of the shrimp's tail. It is by this tip that the shrimp is taken to dip it in the sauce, and the peeled part of the shrimp is bitten off. If shrimp are part of a seafood cocktail, then they are eaten with a dessert fork.
How to eat shrimp that are not peeled? These shrimp can be eaten with your hands. The shrimp itself must be cleaned and the shell placed on a special plate prepared for this. It is also necessary to take care of a cup of water and lemon in advance for rinsing your hands. If the shrimp are large, you can use a special lobster fork - it can easily remove the meat from the tail fin.
If you eat shrimp broth, you can eat them whole, since the broth is usually made from small specimens. Large shrimp should be cut exclusively with a fork; according to the rules of etiquette, a knife is not used for this.
The Spaniards love to boast that they have their own way of eating shrimp the Spanish way. First, they need to be prepared according to the appropriate recipe - the shrimp are boiled in a frying pan in olive oil, then crushed garlic, parsley and finely chopped hot pepper are added to them. Then you need to put the tomato paste in a frying pan and boil for five minutes. The shrimp should not be swimming in the sauce, but should be soaked in it. Spaniards most often consume the product prepared in this way with beer or as a snack.
Now let's figure out what shrimp eat with. In our country, this product is most often one of the components of the salad, but it can also be used much more widely. Various pates and soufflés are made from shrimp. In Italian cuisine they are often added to paella, pizza and pasta.
If shrimp are served as an independent dish, then peas, rice, cauliflower, asparagus and other vegetables that have a pleasant mild taste are perfect as a side dish.
Shrimp go perfectly with avocado, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and other seafood. It is recommended to season with olive oil or tomato sauce.
Orange and lemon zest harmonize very well with shrimp; a paste made from butter or olive oil, garlic, and ginger is also great for shrimp. An integral part of shrimp are seasonings such as cumin and coriander; in Japan, it is customary to pour soy sauce over fried shrimp directly during eating. The combination of olive oil and chili sauce also adds an original spicy flavor to the shrimp.

Of course, it is also important to know which wines to drink with shrimp. Various dry and semi-dry wines are perfect for drinking; it is better to cool the wine to 12 or even 8 degrees before drinking. Semi-sweet wines are also very good with shrimp; they should also be cooled to a temperature of 8-12 degrees. It is better not to use fortified wines with shrimp, since the delicate and pleasant taste of shrimp will not be revealed and will be overwhelmed by the taste of fortified wine, and not complemented.

Many people around the world simply love shrimp. This seafood is known for the variety of its names among the menus of the peoples of the world. Science has identified several thousand species of shrimp. But the world's population consumes only about four hundred of this entire multitude. Let's talk about how to choose the most delicious shrimp, how to serve them correctly and use them deftly.

Helpful information

What useful information is important about these amazing crustaceans? It is believed that shrimp are warm-blooded by nature, they are caught in the waters of warm seas, and cold-blooded (caught in cold seas). You can distinguish them from each other by eye - those that grew up in cold seas are much smaller in size compared to warm-water mollusks (only 5-7 cm versus 20-25 cm, respectively). Gourmets should know this, since it is generally believed that cold-blooded shrimp have the most intense taste compared to warm-blooded shrimp. Of course, everyone has different tastes.

There are as many types of shrimp as there are so many ways to prepare them, and there are even more in cooking. They can act as a self-sufficient dish, which is grilled, steamed, fried or boiled, or be a component of a complex culinary masterpiece. Shrimp are added to salads, hot dishes, served as a side dish, and tender soups are made from them. Crustaceans go well with almost all fruits or vegetables, and they are also used to prepare very unusual sauces with exotic flavors.

Shrimp is a delicacy for those watching their figure. They belong to the category of low-calorie dietary products. The proteins they contain are more difficult to digest by the human body than those found in fish, but satiety comes faster and lasts longer.

Criterias of choice

Live shrimp can only be purchased where they are caught. They are supplied to store shelves in our latitudes in fresh frozen or boiled-frozen form. An indicator of the quality of a seafood product is the color of the clam head. The head darkens as it grows. Hence the conclusion: The darker the color of the head, the older the shrimp. You can also slightly crush it - an old mollusk is softer, since with age its body seems to shrink in its shell and decrease in size.

Avoid those shrimp that have an icy glaze on them because you can't tell exactly how many times they've been defrosted and re-frozen.

When choosing, you should carefully study the product packaging. Seafood from European countries undergoes strict selection and quality control is at its best. Asian manufacturers cannot boast of this and often neglect the norms. Most of the complaints come from Asian seafood.

Pay attention to the tails of the clams in the pack - they should be bent inward. If the clam is straight, it means it died before it was frozen. If you come across shrimp with black heads, then throw them away without hesitation - these are diseased shellfish. There is no need to be afraid of the green color of the heads - this happened because they fed on a special kind of plankton. This does not affect the taste.

The most delicious shrimp are those that are brownish-gray in color when frozen, and pale pink when boiled. Crustaceans should be boiled with their skins on to preserve their taste and benefits. These contain the highest content of beneficial vitamins and minerals.

How to skillfully peel a shrimp

Eating shrimp correctly is a whole science. To easily clean a clam, you need to pinch its tail with your thumb and forefinger and begin to slightly rotate and twist. As a result, the head should separate from the body. The shell is removed from the head to the tail.

When setting a decorative table, the tails are left in the shell. They are simply removed by lightly pulling and tugging on the tip of the shell.

A shallow cut is then made in the belly of the shrimp to remove the entrails. It is performed along the outside of the mollusk. The most delicious tender pink meat should remain on the fork.

Housewives should take note: do not throw shrimp skins in the trash - they make a delicious broth, suitable for preparing soups and other seafood dishes.

How to eat shrimp

As you understand, you need to clean the shellfish with your hands. But the correct way to eat it is with a fork. According to etiquette, on a properly set table you will find a plate for cleaned shells, and next to it a bowl of lemon water for washing your fingers (lemon water removes the smell of seafood from your hands).

Fried shrimp are usually served without the head, but with tails. You need to take them by the tail and dip them in the sauce. After biting off the part without the shell, place the rest on the edge of the plate.

It is appropriate to eat shrimp cocktail with a fork intended for dessert or oysters. The very shape of the plates in which the cocktail is served does not imply the use of a knife.

If the shrimp have already been peeled (they are given the name cocktail) and served as an independent dish, then it is appropriate to eat them with a knife and fork.

Many gourmets have a question: is it possible to eat raw shrimp? Of course, no one will stop you from taking risks, but you still shouldn’t do it. If you dare to eat raw shellfish, make sure there is a toilet nearby.

The risk of getting poisoned by eating raw seafood is very high. The lack of heat treatment of the product gives free rein to bacteria and microorganisms to multiply.

What foods go well with shrimp?

Seafood goes with just about anything you can find in the fridge. It is appropriate to combine shrimp with fruit; they produce the most beautiful presentation, from an aesthetic point of view. They are especially good with fruits that are exotic to our area. For example, avocado or lemon or orange zest and shrimp are an ideal combination. Boiled vegetables, fresh cucumber or tomatoes are also good in seafood dishes.

In salad cocktails, crustaceans are combined with other types of seafood or fish. Salads are usually seasoned with olive oil or sauces.

Shrimp are good in traditional Italian dishes - pizza and pasta. They are often found in paella.

Shrimp can be served with any vegetables that have a mild taste (for example, cauliflower, asparagus, green peas go well with them). The taste of seafood will become brighter and more refined if you flavor it with cumin or coriander.

Delicious and tender soups are cooked from shellfish, pate and soufflé are prepared. No less tasty are shrimp, which are simply fried in oil with the addition of garlic and herbs and hot pepper.

As an appetizer, shrimp are served with different types of wine. The exception is fortified varieties of the drink. And you just can’t imagine a tastier snack to go with beer.

Shrimp are a very popular product, despite the fact that they are not caught in our latitudes. Healthy and nutritious seafood is present not only on the holiday table, but also as an everyday delicacy. The wealth of minerals and vitamins in this product has made it one of the delicacies for those who are losing weight and simply taking care of themselves. Many cooking methods, exquisite taste, and relatively low cost have made shrimp a popular and beloved delicacy by many.

To learn how to properly clean shrimp, watch the following video.

Shrimp is a healthy and, most importantly, vitamin-rich seafood product. They contain a huge amount of fatty acids (omega-6, omega-3), amino acids and vitamins (A, E, D, PP, B12). For humans, shrimp are useful for containing the following substances: sodium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, selenium, manganese, iodine and potassium - they are vital for the normal functioning of the body.

Distinctive advantages of this type of product:

Low calorie;

A large amount of nutrients;

Preventing the formation of blood clots in blood vessels and their regeneration.

How to choose shrimp

To choose the right shrimp, first of all, you need to know their varieties:

Warm water (live in the seas of the Northern Hemisphere);

Cold-water (live in tropical seas).

Their differences are visible to the naked eye; the inhabitants of cold waters are much smaller in size (5-7 cm) than their counterparts from warm seas, they reach sizes of up to 20-30 cm, which, by the way, is due to the high cost of the latter. However, many experts argue that the level of healthfulness and taste of cold-water shrimp is much higher. The best shrimp will be those whose habitat was along the coastline of the North Atlantic, the coast of Brazil or the Baltic.

Avoid purchasing if:

The shrimp are encased in an ice crust or simply with a large ice content;

The shrimp meat is soft, slightly cloudy or yellowish - this indicates the considerable age of the shrimp. Choose only individuals with elastic flesh of a soft pink color;

The shrimp's tail is unbent. This sign immediately makes it clear that the death of the crustacean occurred even before the heat treatment procedure.

If you purchase this type of seafood in packaging, then pay attention to the information provided by the manufacturer (place of fishing, where it was produced and packaged, and most importantly when), as well as the numbers 60-90 or 90-120, they indicate the approximate number of shrimp in the package , accordingly, the higher the number, the smaller the shrimp themselves.

How to cook shrimp

Shrimp are famous for their ease of preparation. Most often they are consumed boiled; to do this, you must first defrost the product and then rinse it in cold water. Place the required amount of crustaceans in boiling salted water and cook until they float to the surface (3-5 minutes). The main thing in this matter is not to overcook the product, otherwise the taste will suffer.

There are a huge number of recipes for preparing shrimp, and here a lot depends on the options for serving the finished dish, whether it will be a salad, an appetizer, or maybe a soup. For example, you can fry shrimp.

The simplest option would be to pour lemon juice over the (pre-defrosted, washed and peeled) shrimp and sprinkle with herbs (dill, parsley, etc.). Let marinate for half an hour, and then, in a preheated frying pan, fry in oil (3-5 minutes). There is a more complex recipe. Pour vegetable oil into a large frying pan and heat it up, add the shrimp (you don’t need to peel it) and fry slowly. In a deep bowl, mix 75-100 ml of beer, salt to taste, finely chopped garlic and seasoning, and then pour the resulting mixture into a frying pan and cover it with a lid. Leave everything to simmer for 2-3 minutes. Remove the lid, evaporate the excess liquid, stirring the dish constantly, and serve; you can sprinkle the finished dish with herbs to taste.

How to eat shrimp

If you are served shrimp as an appetizer, and not as one of the ingredients of the dish, then you should eat them with your hands. To quickly get rid of the shell and not damage the meat, you need to do the following:

1. With one hand, grab the shrimp by the head, turning the carcass belly up.

2. Remove the paws (the paws may contain caviar, it is also edible, like meat).

3. Tear off the head and pull the shell by the tail.

How to properly and quickly peel shrimp

4. You should still have a soft pink piece of meat in your hands, bon appetit!

When eating shrimp in its pure form, be sure to place a deep container with water and lemon juice diluted in it on the table. This liquid is necessary for rinsing your hands while eating; lemon juice perfectly removes the smell of seafood.

Shrimp salad recipes

Today, there are hundreds of salads with shrimp. The tender meat of these crustaceans goes well with most types of greens, vegetables and even fruits. Salad "Coral" (with shrimp and tomatoes), salad "Yolochka" (with shrimp and smoked meats), salad with shrimp and melon - this is only a small part of the huge number of salads, recipes for which can be found on the World Wide Web and any housewife can do them. . We will focus on the most popular, recently, and most delicious.

Beer shrimp recipe

We present to your attention the recipe for Caesar salad with shrimp:

1. Fry defrosted, washed and peeled shrimp in olive oil.

2. Cut the loaf into cubes (2x5 cm approximately) and also fry in olive oil.

3. Take lettuce leaves, wash them, let the water drain and cut them as desired.

4. Take tomatoes and cut into slices.

5. Serving the salad.

6. Place chopped lettuce leaves, sprinkle croutons, shrimp and tomato slices on top; then the next layer using the same technology (lettuce leaves, sprinkle croutons, shrimp and tomato slices on top) and so on until the ingredients run out.

7 Sprinkle everything on top with finely grated cheese.

8. Prepare the sauce.

9. 2 Art. Mix tablespoons of olive oil with mustard, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar.

10. Salt and pepper the resulting mixture to taste.

11. Add 30 grams of finely grated cheese and mix. The sauce is ready.

12. Pour the sauce over the salad or serve separately.

Bon appetit!
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Shrimp can be served as an appetizer with sauce. Fried shrimp are served without the head and with the unpeeled end of the tail, by which you should take the shrimp and, after dipping it in the sauce, bite off the peeled part. The scaly tail is deposited on a separate plate or on the edge of its own.

If the shrimp are served unpeeled, you should take the shrimp with your hands, separate the head with your thumb and forefinger using a twisting motion, and remove the shell. The shell is placed on a separate plate. It is better to eat peeled shrimp not with your hands, but with a fork.

Cocktail shrimp are small and served in a deep dish on a serving or appetizer plate. They are easy to eat with a fork. There is no need to cut the shrimp. Cocktail shrimp are also often an ingredient in salads, soups, and toppings.

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Shrimp, like other inhabitants of the sea, are increasingly occupying a position in our daily diet every day. You need to be able to taste this unique product and know what to eat shrimp with, so that their taste is not lost, but only improved by accompanying products.

It is better to eat shrimp not as an independent dish, but with vegetables, which go very well with seafood and allow all the beneficial substances contained in shrimp to be absorbed. It is vegetables that will help you feel full and not overeat on shrimp alone, which have a bad reputation as a product containing large amounts of cholesterol. Experts do not recommend eating shrimp heads, which contain most of the cholesterol. Shrimp are often served with herbs and lemon slices to squeeze out the juice. Shrimp, like other seafood, goes well with onions, raw or scalded, as well as boiled carrots, spinach and asparagus, broccoli and apples, cucumbers and zucchini, as well as lettuce. Shrimp go very well in salads with avocado and cucumbers, cherry tomatoes and other seafood. These salads are seasoned with olive oil, lemon juice, mayonnaise or tomato sauce.

In order not to increase the calorie content of a shrimp dish by 900 kcal, it is best not to fry them in oil, but to lightly boil them so as not to lose valuable nutrients. It is quite justified to use shrimp in making sandwiches. These famous seafood are used in soups and salads, added to omelets and pasta, and used as an ingredient for pizza. Dishes that include shrimp go well with side dishes of all types of rice; for example, everyone knows the combination of shrimp and rice in sushi, served with soy sauce. Mild-tasting vegetables such as asparagus and cauliflower, green peas and spinach also go well with shrimp.

When eating shrimp, sauce plays an important role. Mayonnaise lovers who cannot do without it should at least dilute it with water. An interesting sauce is made from cottage cheese, mayonnaise and mustard. But the best sauce for shrimp is a mixture of lemon juice, pepper and herbs. Lemon juice, good vinegar and various oils, for example, mustard and olive, as well as many salad dressings, including soy sauce, are often recommended for shrimp. All these sauces are served separately and added to seafood at the time of consumption.

Ginger, lemon and orange zest go very well with shrimp. A paste made from butter and olive oil, garlic and ginger goes well with shrimp dishes. In Spain, cooking shrimp with garlic, olive oil and chili is popular, and in India, shrimp are cooked with seasonings such as cumin and coriander; in Japan, shrimp are often fried in oil and seasoned with soy sauce while eating.

For shrimp appetizers, various dry and semi-dry wines are recommended, which are cooled to a temperature of 8-12 degrees. Semi-sweet wines also go well with shrimp. Lovers of cold beer may well enjoy it with shrimp.

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