What is the best way to construct a defensive speech and presentation for the defense of a final qualifying thesis? How to write a speech to defend a term paper? How to write a defense speech

The speech prepared for the defense of the thesis is of great importance for the successful completion of the work. The article discusses how to competently prepare a report for a speech and defines the structure of the speech.

A report is a kind of hint for the speaker, which contains the main ideas of the work. If the speech is composed incorrectly, even with a good VKR, the defense will fail. The quality of the performance determines the success of the diploma.

How to prepare a speech for the WRC

About 15 minutes are allocated for the defense of the VCR. During this time, the graduate must describe the essence of the work, topic, and practical significance. To do this, you need to prepare in advance and write a report.

Before writing a report, the student additionally re-reads his work and highlights important points. It is necessary to identify the fundamental theses and combine them into one logically connected text. A well-prepared speech should include a smooth transition from one idea to another.

A correctly compiled and structured report contains the following parts:

  1. The text begins with highlighting. It should be briefly described in 2-3 sentences.
  2. The speaker then briefly describes the chosen object and subject of study, which are indicated in. You also need to prescribe the means to achieve it.
  3. The speech should contain brief conclusions. This is an important part of the speech. The results of each section are written separately. The best option is a demonstration.
  4. It is also important to talk about proposals that are developed to improve the topic being studied. This will confirm your competence as a specialist in the eyes of teachers.
  5. Describe the practical significance and justify the hypothesis that was put forward during the work.

There are some nuances that the speaker should become familiar with before defending the project:

  • on the eve of the performance you need to get a good night's sleep;
  • in the morning, take sedatives, drink warm tea;
  • come to the defense half an hour earlier than the appointed time;
  • Before leaving, check that you have taken everything;
  • during the defense there is no need to say too much, only to the point;
  • Do not answer “I don’t know” to questions;
  • statistics show that the introduction and conclusion are better remembered from a speech, so they need to be written as best as possible;
  • tell it interestingly, with intonation.

It is important to remember that protecting VKR is not a terrible procedure. What tips can you use to write a report:

  1. Don't forget about time. 5-7 minutes are allotted for speech. Don't rewrite all your work. The report should briefly describe the thesis, and not retell it.
  2. Before writing your speech, think about what questions the committee members might ask you and include the answers to them in your report.
  3. Be sure to apply the information from the introduction. Start with the problems, then tell how they were solved and explain what happened as a result of the research. The presentation should contain only the essence of the WRC. Therefore, it is advisable to include conclusions for each chapter.
  4. Highlight important points in bold so that when searching for the main information, they immediately come into view. These could be problems, methods.
  5. Practice your defense speech in front of a mirror, in front of friends or parents. This will give you confidence and you won’t be afraid of the commission. Another advantage is that you can meet the set time.
  6. Try not to be nervous during the performance. Don't be afraid of failure. Excessive worry will cause you to become lost and confused.
  7. Present your prepared speech clearly, without stuttering. It's better to memorize it. Reading the text indicates an irresponsible attitude towards your work.
  8. Use the presentation slides (16) for hints.
  9. You can format your speech in a Word document. Set the top and bottom margin to 2 cm, left margin to 3 cm, right margin to 1.5 cm. Select Times New Roman for font, line spacing to one and a half. But this is optional. You can write the text by hand if that is more convenient.

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How to start a report at the defense of the thesis

The defense speech begins with a greeting to the commission. You can say this: “Dear members of the State Attestation Commission! I present my final work on the topic: “Financial results of the activities of the enterprise CJSC Drilling Equipment Plant.”

Then comes the introduction, which should be devoted to just a few sentences.

Approximate plan for a report on the defense of the scientific research project

There are several points that must be adhered to:

  • introduction, introduction to the topic and explanation of the relevance of the topic is taken from the introduction of the project;
  • familiarization with the structure of the WRC - how many chapters, what the sections are devoted to;
  • the theoretical part - to identify the sources that were used in the process of writing the thesis project, methods, analysis of the problem;
  • a practical chapter devoted to calculations and expectations from work;
  • research results - conclusions can be duplicated from the conclusion of the WRC.


  • Diploma, master's, dissertation works;
  • Increasing the uniqueness of works (rewriting);
  • Materials for defense (report, presentation, handouts);
  • Solving tests and assignments in your personal account (answers to tests);
  • Tests, coursework, problem solving;
  • Essays, abstracts;
  • Delivery of turnkey sessions, assistance with training debts.

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Sample speech for defense of final qualifying work

Dear members of the commission!

We present to your attention a diploma

Often students are asked to point to an example of a less successful speech in order to take it as a model. I'm posting it. Use it.

I’ll immediately make a reservation that I “pulled” this sample from the vastness of the World Wide Web. I have only slightly corrected the content and corrected grammatical errors.

The presented report was prepared for the defense of a thesis on civil law. But it is the scheme that is important to us, so speech is quite suitable for our purposes.

Dear Chairman, dear members of the state examination commission.

I present to your attention my thesis on the topic: “Legal regulation of relations for the protection of property rights in the Russian Federation.”

The relevance of the chosen research topic is due to the following circumstances.

Economic property relations form the basis of any society; their legal regulation in all civilizations was of paramount importance in comparison with other spheres of social relations.

In the conditions of modern Russia, property is of exceptional importance. This is explained by the fact that the institution of property rights is the basis of political and economic transformations, a source of democracy, and an indispensable condition for building a rule of law state.

At the same time, it can be stated that there are unresolved problems of legal regulation of property relations in our country, which makes this topic even more relevant.

The purpose of the thesis is to develop theoretical provisions and practical recommendations aimed at improving the legal regulation of relations for the protection of property rights in the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the stated goal, the following tasks were set:

  • determine the meaning and relationship between the concepts of protection and protection of property rights
  • reveal the content of civil law and other methods of protecting property rights
  • determine the relationship and differentiate between vindication and negatory claims as a means of protecting the property rights of the owner
  • identify legal problems that arise when applying civil law methods of protecting property rights in practice
  • develop proposals for improving the current legislation regulating relations for the protection of property rights.

Object diploma research are social relations arising in the field of protection of property rights when the owner exercises the powers of ownership, use and disposal of property.

Subject of study— legal and organizational aspects of the protection of property rights, the current state and ways to further improve this institution.

The thesis consists of an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references.

The first chapter examines the history of the development of the institution of property rights protection.

The second chapter provides a general description of methods for protecting property rights.

The third chapter is devoted to the analysis of proprietary methods existing in the current legislation for protecting property rights, in particular, a vindication claim, a negatory claim, a claim for recognition of property rights, and protection of the rights of an owner who is not the owner.

The fourth chapter discusses other methods of protecting property rights, namely: legal obligations methods, self-defense of property rights, invalidation of an act of a government body, invalidation of a contestable transaction.

Based on the study, the following conclusions were made:

  1. The essence of property as a social phenomenon lies in property, or rather economic relations between subjects of law regarding the assignment of material goods to them.
  2. The right of ownership is the broadest in content real right. In a subjective sense, property rights are the right of specific subjects, enshrined in law, to own, use and dispose of property with their own power, as well as to eliminate the interference of all third parties in the sphere of their economic dominance over such property, while acting at their own discretion, in their own interest, without contradiction with current legislation and without violating the rights and legally protected interests of third parties. In an objective sense, the right of ownership is defined as a set of rules of law regulating the relations of ownership, use and disposal by the owner of the thing belonging to him.
  3. The method of protecting property rights means methods of protecting the subjective right of ownership and methods of protecting the property interests of a person. The main, most effective methods of protection are those that provide for judicial protection provided to the subject of civil legal relations as a result of filing a claim in court to protect his violated or disputed property rights.
  4. Civil legal protection of property rights should be understood as a set of means provided for by civil legislation, applied in connection with violations committed against these rights and aimed at restoring or protecting the property interests of their owners.
  5. The system of civil legal remedies for the protection of property rights is a combination of four groups:
    — proprietary means. These include vindication, negatory claims and claims for recognition;
    — legal obligations. These include claims based on the protection of the property interests of the parties to a civil transaction, as well as persons who suffered damage as a result of non-contractual damage to their property;
    - funds arising from various institutions of civil law. These are, for example, the rules on the protection of the property rights of an owner recognized as missing or declared dead in the prescribed manner, in the event of his appearance (Articles 43, 46 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), on the protection of the interests of the parties in the event of a transaction being declared invalid (Articles 167-180 Civil Code of the Russian Federation), etc.;
    - means that are aimed at protecting the interests of the owner in the event of termination of ownership rights on the grounds provided for by law. These, in particular, include guarantees established by the state in the event that property owned by citizens and legal entities becomes state property (nationalization).

Based on the results of the study, we consider it advisable to make some changes to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. Competition between vindication and restitution claims is unacceptable. Such competition (although this problem has been resolved in a certain way by the highest judicial authorities), as aimed at circumventing the rules of the law on the protection of bona fide purchasers, should be expressly prohibited in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. To eliminate it, it is necessary to amend the articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on vindication, namely, to supplement Art. 302 with a new part, as follows: “In the cases provided for in Part 2 of this article, (the owner or other person entitled to the thing) does not have the right to bring a claim for the application of general rules on the consequences of invalid transactions against a bona fide purchaser.”
  2. The legal status of the long-standing owner under our legislation cannot be considered satisfactory. In this regard, it would be necessary to recognize, in the presence of the conditions provided for in Art. 302 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the immediate emergence of ownership rights in the acquirer by adding, for example, Art. 223 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation with a new paragraph 3 with approximately the following content: “The acquirer who received property from a person who did not have the right to alienate it becomes the owner if, in accordance with the rules of Article 302 of this Code, the property cannot be claimed from him.”
  3. Due to the fact that currently state registration authorities can refuse to register property rights on applications based only on documents confirming acquisitive prescription, since this is “an order not established by law,” a judicial procedure for recognition of the right may be a way out of this situation carried out in accordance with Articles 11 and 12 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If the claims are satisfied, the right of ownership will arise on the basis of the court decision itself, which, in turn, is the basis for registration by the authorized body of the plaintiff’s ownership of the real estate.
  4. It is necessary to expand the conditions for vindication of Art. 302 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, giving the owner the right to file a claim against a bona fide purchaser when he is deprived of property due to the presentation of forged documents (forged certificates and extracts from the Unified State Register, etc.). To protect the rights of a bona fide purchaser, it is necessary to provide in the civil code such a basis for the emergence of property rights as the paid acquisition of property by a bona fide purchaser from an unauthorized alienator.

Thank you for attention.

The above speech is not ideal. I emphasize once again that I present it only as a layout of the report.

I would like to point out an obvious drawback. The report completely lacks reference to the practical part of the study.

  • How are the author’s conclusions confirmed in practice?
  • What can be said based on the analysis of judicial practice?
  • What are the author’s proposals not only for changing legislation, but also for issues of law enforcement?

The report does not answer all these questions.

Do you have any questions? I will be happy to answer them in the comments to this article (at the bottom of the page). I do not guarantee answers to questions through the contact center of this site or by e-mail.

Be sure to check out the article " "

Successful defense.

Andrey Nesterov:: 05/15/2010

is a report that is compiled on the basis of the most important theses of the thesis and the conclusions of the thesis.

For many this is a serious problem. Sometimes a well-written and prepared thesis receives a low grade only because the graduate felt insecure while defending the thesis.

This article will allow you to independently prepare for defending your thesis. Remember that defending a thesis is no less important than writing the thesis itself, and preparing a report for the defense is quite a difficult task.

The defense of the thesis is organized in the form of a report by the thesis student, in which he sets out the main points of his thesis and the conclusions obtained as a result of the thesis.

After graduation members of the commission ask questions on the topic of the thesis, to which the graduate answers.

So how to defend your diploma? For this you need.


Many special books are devoted to the rules for writing reports and speaking in defense. Therefore, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with such publications. For example, with the book by D. Lewis “The Language of Effective Communication”.

Cooking speech for thesis defense, you should always start with three questions to ask yourself:

What purpose do I set for myself in conveying this message; what do I want to achieve?

What do my listeners need to learn for this goal to be achieved?

How long will it take me to present my ideas?

Schematically presented below defense speech sample can be divided into three parts: introductory, main and conclusions.

The introductory part is the greeting, relevance, purpose and objectives of the study.

The main part contains the basic theses that were made during the writing of the thesis.

The defense report ends with the main conclusion, which is presented to the defense.

It should also be noted that the defense speech should not be limited to thesis statements in the main part. It is also necessary to describe the main work done during the study and the conclusions that were formulated.

Usually defense speech is designed for approximately 5 minutes of speech. You should adhere to approximately this period of time, if a different time for speaking is not accepted at your university. The commission rarely listens for more than 5 minutes; usually, after this time, the speaker is stopped or asked to move on to conclusions. Therefore, there is no point in overloading speech with unnecessary information. Only the most basic and important.

There is also no need to summarize the entire thesis. Ideally, the speech includes the main elements of the introduction, formulates thesis for each chapter (in some cases, each paragraph) and concludes with the main conclusion for the entire thesis. Prepared according to this scheme defense speech sample which is presented below.

Structure of a speech to defend a diploma

Consists of three parts:

  • introduction;
  • main part;
  • conclusion.

The introduction of a speech to defend a thesis includes, first of all, the relevance of the topic of the thesis, the goals and objectives of the thesis. In addition, at the beginning of the thesis defense report, you should definitely contact the members of the commission.

Three main functions of joining diploma defense speeches:

  • the introduction should attract the attention of the audience;
  • the introduction should create a feeling of mutual trust and sympathy between the speaker and the audience;
  • The introduction should give the audience a reason to listen to the speaker.

The introduction should take 10-15% of the total time of the thesis defense.

The main part contains the main theses of the thesis. Thesis defense report should not be overloaded with detailed consideration of theoretical aspects. You just need to outline the basis and express your opinion on the theoretical provisions of the thesis. After this, one should proceed to the analysis of the object and subject of the thesis. The speech at the thesis defense gives a brief description of the object of research and presents the main results of the analysis of the subject of the thesis. After which a transition is made to the recommendations and/or project activities developed in the diploma. The main part takes up approximately 70% of the total time of presentation in defense of the thesis.

The conclusion contains the main conclusions obtained in the thesis. The conclusions of the thesis defense are presented in brief form.

Three main functions of confinement diploma defense speeches:

  • summing up the speech (a brief summary of the main points of the speech);
  • conclusion of the speech (the conclusion should give the listeners the feeling that the speech is coming to an end. People feel a psychological need for a clearly defined end to the speech);
  • creating a last impression (it must end on a positive note, it must carry an emotional load).

The conclusion of the thesis defense report allocates 5-10% of the total speaking time. Typical mistakes in concluding a speech at a thesis defense:

  1. No need to exceed the time limit.
  2. There is no need to go into details.
  3. You cannot raise new problems at the end of your speech.
  4. You should never admit that you forgot to say something.

Speech at thesis defense

For effective speeches at thesis defense you need to have three qualities:

  • awareness of audience needs;
  • attention to the structure of your message;
  • ability to cope with anxiety.

Having composed the text of your report or speech to defend your diploma, before speaking, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. Is the structure of my thesis defense speech logical? Does it have a beginning, middle, end?
  2. Is it written in such a way that it will be easy and convenient for me to present it? Have I avoided words and phrases that would be difficult to pronounce or difficult to understand?
  3. Are my proposals supported by accurate facts and figures?
  4. Will my audience understand the terms used?
  5. Is every word in my message correct and accurate?
  6. Does my message lead to a clear and memorable conclusion?

Rules for speaking at the thesis defense

  1. Take your time. Rapid speech promotes shallow breathing and increases anxiety.
  2. Avoid pitching too high. The lower the voice, the more convincing it sounds.
  3. Don't speak too quietly. Before performing in an unfamiliar room, check how you can be heard in the back rows.
  4. Breathe through your belly so that the air penetrates deeper into your lungs.
  5. Vary your voice. Change the pace, tone and volume of your speech. Avoid monotony.
  6. Slow down and lower your voice to signal that you are about to say something important or interesting.
  7. There should be excitement and enthusiasm in your speech. To convince others, you need to demonstrate your own conviction.
  8. Never read texts - only if there is no other way out. Your attention should be focused on the audience, not on the text in front of you. If you must read from paper, print your speech in large font, triple spaced.
  9. Don't turn the pages. Carefully move them to the side.

Thesis defense: nonverbal messages

  1. Be sure to maintain eye contact with the entire audience.
  2. Avoid fussy movements - this distracts listeners.
  3. Remember that a person usually appears more confident than he thinks.
  4. If possible, perform while standing. Standing speakers are listened to more attentively than seated ones.
  5. At the beginning of your speech, tilt your head slightly, smile, and slowly look around those present.
  6. Take a stable position, evenly distributing your body weight on both legs.
  7. The back should be straight, but not tense, so that air can flow freely into the lungs.
  8. Raise your chin slightly so that the sound of your voice goes towards the audience and not towards the floor.
  9. Don't give up gestures if you're used to them.

What to wear for protection

The basic principle: you need to look presentable in defense. That is, it is better to do without miniskirts, short dresses, ripped jeans, sweaters and shirts of poisonous colors. In general, the color scheme of clothing should be strict tones.

You should compare defending your thesis with an important meeting, event, negotiation - try to dress the same way you would dress for such a meeting.

What girls can wear to defend their diploma:

  • formal dress,
  • dark skirt and white blouse,
  • trouser or skirt suit,
  • dark trousers and a white blouse,

Even in the hot summer, it is advisable to wear tights (thinner ones) if you plan to wear a skirt.

It is extremely important to avoid deep necklines and combat makeup. Save that for another occasion. The studs and platforms will have to wait, too.

For guys, choosing a look is, in principle, easier. For your thesis defense you can wear:

  • in winter and cool weather - a classic suit,
  • if it’s warm - dark-colored trousers and a short-sleeved shirt,
  • As an alternative to a suit, you can wear trousers, a shirt and an elegant vest.

It is extremely important for guys to avoid sportswear, sneakers and shorts, and it is also advisable not to wear jeans.

Girls and boys should not overdo it with perfume and cologne. A light scent is enough.

Speech to defend a diploma: sample speech or report

Approximate structure thesis defense report

  1. Presentation of the thesis topic.
  2. Relevance of the problem.
  3. Subject of study.
  4. Object of study.
  5. The purpose and objectives of the work.
  6. Research methodology.
  7. Brief description of the object under study.
  8. The results of the analysis of the object under study within the framework of the diploma topic (for example, if the diploma is in an economic discipline, then the results of the analysis of the production system, financial and economic activities, organizational culture, problems of personnel management of the organization, organization of marketing activities, the sales system of the enterprise, advertising activities, PR should be mentioned -campaigns, etc.).
  9. Reasons that interfere with the effective functioning of the object in question.
  10. Conclusions based on the results of the problem analysis.
  11. The main directions for improving or solving a problem in accordance with the chosen topic of the diploma.
  12. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed activities as a result of the implementation of the solutions developed in the diploma
  13. Measures to implement the proposed measures.
  14. Prospects for the development of the direction.
  15. Scientific and practical significance of the diploma research.
  16. Responses to reviewer comments.
  17. Answers to questions from the state commission.
is compiled on the basis of the main elements of the diploma: introduction, conclusions and conclusion. In addition, you should briefly add the main theoretical provisions and results of the analysis of the subject and object of the diploma.

Order a speech to defend your thesis


Speech for thesis defense - sample

Below is sample speech for defense of diploma. Instead of dots, you need to fill in the data from your thesis.

1. Introductory part

Hello dear members of the SAC. The topic of my thesis is "..."

The relevance of the chosen topic is that "..."

Based on this, the purpose of the thesis was determined: "..."

The object of the study is: "..."

The subject of research in the diploma is "..."

2. Main part

Theoretical theses regarding the thesis topic are presented briefly in the form of one or two sentences. The optimal number of abstracts is 3-4. For example, the topic of the diploma is “Creditworthiness of Bank Clients.” Then in speeches for thesis defense The following theoretical theses are given.

  • Today, the problem of assessing the borrower's creditworthiness is very important. A high percentage of the risk of loan non-repayment in Russian banks leads to a strong rise in the cost of loans.
  • The creditworthiness of a commercial bank client is the borrower’s ability to pay off his debt obligations (principal and interest) in full and on time. A creditworthiness assessment is a bank's assessment of the financial condition of a potential borrower from the point of view of the possibility and feasibility of providing him with a loan and determines the likelihood of its timely repayment in the future.
  • To establish the creditworthiness of an individual or organization, various methods are used. Such as financial analysis, scoring systems, etc.

After which in speeches for thesis defense You should move on to the practical part. It is necessary to briefly describe the object of research, and then provide conclusions on the study of the subject of research. For example:

The diploma was written on the basis of the enterprise OJSC "...", which deals with "...". The main factors that influence the further development of the enterprise are "...".

As a result of studying the enterprise, the following results were achieved:

  1. "..."
  2. "..." etc.

Based on the work done, the following recommendations/suggestions/actions were proposed (depending on the topic of the thesis) to improve "...".

It is impossible to limit oneself to a simple listing of recommendations in speeches for thesis defense. A brief explanation and expected results should be provided.

3. Conclusion

Briefly list the conclusions drawn at the conclusion of the thesis. Draw a general conclusion based on the results of your thesis research. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this is a positive result that will be achieved after the implementation of all the proposed measures.

Then complete your speech at thesis defense. In general, these are generally accepted expressions, there are no pitfalls here - everything is simple. Speech at thesis defense can be concluded with the following words:

Thank you for your attention!

Order a speech to defend your thesis


Defense of a thesis is not the best place for improvisation. Of course, you may well refuse to prepare a thesis speech, preferring a free retelling.

But this approach is fraught with dangers:

  • You may overestimate your strength before the presentation, and then forget important aspects of the thesis or simply get overexcited.
  • It is difficult to calculate in advance how long it will take diploma speech. The thesis defense speech lasts less than ten minutes.
  • There is a high probability that your speech may not coincide with the demonstration of the presentation slides if you suddenly forget to mention something.
    In the process of preparing a speech, the student rereads the text of his thesis project many times, highlighting important points, and he carefully works on presenting the material. Telling all the most important things, but at the same time investing in the allotted time, is not an easy task.

How does protection work?

If you do not complete the presentation, your thesis will not be defended. This means that without public announcement of the results obtained, even the most perfect project will not receive a grade, and the student will not receive the title of master.

Let's consider what stages the thesis defense includes:

  • Speech;
  • Answers to questions from commission members;
  • Listening carefully to their opinions and comments;
  • Meeting of the commission members regarding the assessment for the completed project.

The performance is accompanied by presentations, distribution of illustrative material, and abstracts. The presence of unauthorized persons is not allowed. The defense is considered completed after the questions posed have been answered.

10 simple rules for preparing a speech for a diploma

  1. Start your speech with the relevance of the research. The information given in the introduction to the diploma project will help you justify its relevance. The introduction usually begins with the relevance of the topic and gives there the final goal of the work carried out. This goal can also be announced by adding information about the subject or object. To ensure that the purpose, subject, object and relevance are initially formulated correctly, use the sample given in the manuals for writing a thesis.
  2. In the introduction, you also previously provided a list of tasks set and completed during the analysis. Keep it in front of your eyes while preparing your speech. The speech for the defense of the diploma should contain a brief conclusion on all completed tasks. Otherwise, questions will certainly follow about the findings that you forgot to disclose. There is no need to completely skip those parts of the diploma that you do not fully understand. Better take the time to sort them out. This will help you better prepare for questions from members of the admissions committee. No defense is complete without these questions!
  3. Outline the range of issues that were considered in the first, second or third chapter. It is best to write them at the same time as reading the diploma. You must understand that due to limited time it is impossible to tell everything. Therefore, look through the resulting list and cross out the least important ones. Your defense should not be lengthy; specify your conclusions, support them with facts and logical arguments.
  4. Ask your academic advisor to model what a great thesis speech should look like. If you don’t even know approximately what a thesis speech should look like and what it should contain, an example will help a lot. Discuss with him about which chapters of information you need more and which ones you need less. It is believed that the analysis performed in the second and third chapters should occupy the maximum possible amount of defense time. At the same time, do not forget to highlight the answers to the main questions of the theoretical part.
  5. When writing a report, actively use the conclusions from your thesis project. In conclusion, brief results of the work and answers to the tasks posed in the introduction are given. They can be used as a basis for a future report, complemented by more detailed analysis. The defense lasts from seven to ten minutes, followed by a stage of questions.
  6. Write your speech and let it sit for one or more days. After this, read the speech carefully and flip through the thesis. Think about whether there is anything superfluous in it, or whether they forgot to mention something. The final report will consist of an introduction containing a rationale for its relevance and purpose; the main part containing information about the analysis performed; conclusion, where the final conclusions will be stated and information about your proposals for improvement will be provided.
  7. After writing your speech, prepare your speech. During it, note the time spent. If you have exceeded the time limit, then you should start working on shortening the report.
  8. To shorten your report, highlight the most important points, and then consider rephrasing or crossing out the rest. It is advisable to begin the reduction by talking about the results of the theoretical research carried out in the first chapter.
  9. Use a presentation to condense your talk while making it interesting and easy to understand. This way the protection will become more informative. There is no need to repeat the material already presented on the presentation slides; it is enough to indicate that members of the commission can see more detailed information on the slide.
  10. Rehearse your speech until you feel that you can convey the most important points of your thesis project without hesitation. Use your presentation. This way you can remember at what point in your speech you need to switch slides. It is worth noting these passages in the original version of the report.

Typical structure of a speech for a thesis defense

  1. Greetings.
    For example, “dear members of the commission.”
  2. Indication of the relevance of the topic.
    For example: “The relevance of this thesis is due to the shortening of the product life cycle with an increase in the number of product categories, varieties of goods and brands, at the same time, there is a tendency for the consumer to easily switch from one product to another. Therefore, in modern conditions in the markets of goods and services, the position taken is of paramount importance for the successful commercial activities of any enterprise. Now domestic enterprises should pay special attention to positioning and realize that correct positioning is a guarantee of the value of a given product (service), which makes it different from other products. All this will strengthen the competitiveness of domestic enterprises. To support this statement, the beauty salon market was selected to analyze the nature and importance of positioning.”
  3. The purpose of the thesis is determined.
    For example: “The purpose of the diploma project is to study the features of the formation of the corporate image of an enterprise in the insurance market using the example of OJSC IC Speir.
  4. The tasks and results obtained are discussed in chapters.
    For example: “The first section examines the essence of a corporate image, its types, and the main stages of formation. The features of its formation in the insurance services market are revealed. The main assessment methods are defined.

The following conclusions were obtained:

The second chapter provides an analysis of the enterprise's marketing activities and determines its competitive position in the market. The system for forming the corporate image of IC Speir LLC in the domestic insurance market is analyzed and its assessment is carried out.

The following conclusions were obtained:
The third section examines promising areas for improving the main elements of the system for forming a corporate image of an enterprise. For this purpose, an integrated marketing communications program was developed and the effectiveness of the proposed measures was assessed.

The main provisions of the section are as follows:

  1. The value of the work is analyzed.
    The theoretical value of this work is determined by the fact that it can be used for further research into the problems of forming a corporate image of an enterprise. The applied significance of the results obtained lies in the possibility of using the research results to improve the corporate image of IC Spare LLC in the insurance services market.
  2. Talk about publications on the research topic, if any.
  3. The speaker thanks the commission members for their attention.

What is the best way to construct a defensive speech and presentation for the defense of a final qualifying thesis?

Our articles have repeatedly talked about the importance of correct writing. However, it is important not only to take the work seriously, but also to properly organize protection.
Ideally, you are required to understand in detail the problem of researching your work, be able to operate with a fairly wide range of knowledge, and outline the concept of the thesis presented for defense.

Despite such frightening prospects, being unprepared for defense is not so difficult and, with the right approach to the problem, is very easy to implement.

This article should help the student to safely protect his/her.

So, you have already gone through the stages of writing and preparing your work. In front of you lies a document checked by the teacher, approved for defense with all the necessary papers: review, feedback, annotation (! Look carefully at the department’s instructions on this matter. Consult with the methodologists. The formatting of the work is fundamentally important for its successful defense). The most difficult stages: the stages of preparing the work and resolving the issue of the completeness and quality of the presented material (working with a supervisor) - you have already passed. Now there is a small matter to be done, but no less responsible.

A responsible approach to composing a well-constructed defense speech is a guarantee of successful defense of the thesis.

The first thing that is required of the student is to carefully read the diploma a couple of times (we are talking primarily about students who, due to their busy schedules, do not have the opportunity to prepare a diploma themselves, i.e., who actually do not know the diploma). Of course, no one better than the author of the work can make a defense speech. Perhaps you already have a speech to defend your work; if not, then the proposed diagram below will allow you to competently construct a defense. However, if you no longer need to write a defensive speech, still take a look at the proposed diagram - perhaps something needs to be corrected?

Typically, the system for preparing a defense speech for a diploma is as follows:

1. Appeal (I usually write “Dear Chairman and members of the commission”), we present to your attention a work on the topic (dedicated to the problem, covering issues, etc., etc.)

2. relevance

3. object of study

4. subject

7. basics of writing a work (what works were used, legal framework (if relevant))

8. elaboration of the problem

9. methods used in revealing the topic of the work (research problems; work issues; used to solve the tasks assigned to the work, etc.)

10. I usually put a summary of the work and conclusions in the conclusion, and then, if necessary, distribute it in the order of constructing the chapters of the thesis.

Let's say this:

This work has a traditional structure and includes: introduction, three chapters of the main part, conclusion, list of references.

In the first chapter, the following problems are analyzed... In accordance with the above, the following conclusions can be drawn (corresponding conclusions from the conclusion)

Chapter two reveals the questions:...... Conclusions on the second chapter.

11. I usually formulate problems that require solutions (trends in the development of legislation - the specifics of legal work) - as a rule, I try to formulate such problems in the conclusion.

If the introduction and conclusion were correctly constructed, then you can put together the introduction and conclusion and at the same time get a high-quality defensive speech - naturally, you will have to change and rearrange something. But no mental effort is required as such.

A defensive speech, for your own benefit, must either be understood and be able to state everything in your own words, or “memorized” (whoever does it better). Keep in mind that the commission has the right to interrupt you at any time by asking a related question: this does not happen often, but it is acceptable. You should not get lost in this confluence of events, be prepared.

Now about the volume of defensive speech. When preparing a defense speech, I do not focus on volume, I focus on how the entire work is revealed and, of course, the most concise formulation of the material. I focus on approximately my own pace of conversation for 10-15 minutes (it turns out to be about 6-8 pages).

A good opportunity to “not get into trouble” before the qualification commission is pre-defense. Sometimes, unfortunately, this stage is shortened completely or is not carried out at all - this is exactly what happened at our University. The teacher (the so-called supervisor) approved the possibility of defending my thesis, allowing me to put a stamp in the educational section stating that my work was approved for defense).

It is recommended to conduct a pre-defense of your thesis 1-1.5 months before the defense. Pre-defense most often takes place at the graduating department. The author must be well versed in the theoretical and practical material of the chosen topic, and reasonably answer questions from the teachers and students present. Based on the pre-defense and the statement of the supervisor, the list of students who did not pass the pre-defense is also drawn up in the protocol of the department and submitted to the dean’s office.

So, you are facing the crucial moment of protecting your work. It is permissible to have before your eyes during defense:

1. Your defensive speech (but! It’s not nice to constantly refer to it, you must show knowledge of the work! Defensive speech is needed in order to “not get lost” in moments of excitement and not lose your train of thought).

2. A draft version of your work (again, I emphasize that you must know it, so that you don’t end up searching for any statistical data, calculations, or conclusions on the work for a long time. You can refer to the work, this is permissible. Under such conditions, handling the materials of the work is a huge plus ).

Usually the defense is carried out either when the defendant stands “on the carpet” in front of the commission, or, what I like better, sits opposite the commission. Don’t forget about appearance (“you’re greeted by your clothes”).

The defense of the thesis takes place at a meeting of the State Attestation Commission, whose members are approved by order of the rector.

Organizational matters

The following are submitted to the state certification commission:

1. text of the thesis;

2. text of the supervisor’s review;

3. text of the review with the signature of the reviewer, certified by the personnel department of the enterprise or institution in which he works.

The defense of the thesis takes place publicly and has the character of a scientific discussion. The defense procedure begins with the announcement of the chairman of the State Attestation Committee about the defense of the thesis, indicating its title, surname, first name, patronymic of the author and reporting the availability of the necessary documents.

Then the floor is given to the author of the work to report the main results of the thesis research. The author is given 9-12 minutes for the report, so the report should highlight the main provisions and results of the study. The presentation should be based on pre-prepared abstracts or the full text of the presentation, the content of which has been discussed with the supervisor. Structurally, the speech can be divided into three parts. The first part, in an abbreviated form, represents the introduction of the work - the relevance of the chosen topic is noted, a description of the problem is given, a formulation of the goals and objectives of the study, the object and subject of the study are determined, as well as the methods by which the factual material was obtained, and a description of the general structure of the work. The second part describes each section of the work, with special attention paid to the results of independent research. The third part of the speech is based on the text of the conclusion. The author presents the conclusions and practical recommendations contained in his work.

Thus, if you have thoroughly approached the preparation of the opening speech, there should be no “mistakes” until then 100%.

Then a scientific discussion begins, in which everyone present at the defense has the right to participate. Orally, the author may be asked questions that do not go beyond the scope of the research problem. Answers to questions asked must be clear, logical, and reasoned.

At a closed meeting, a member of the State Attestation Committee sums up the results of the defense and makes a decision on its assessment. The decision is made by a simple majority of the commission members; in case of an equal number of votes, the chairman’s vote is decisive. The Chairman of the State Attestation Committee announces the assessment of the defense to all those present and closes the meeting.

With wishes for a successful defense

Contact me if you have any questions

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