How to learn white magic quickly for beginners. White love magic for beginners at home. White magic rituals for beginners

In recent years, a large number of people have become “sick” with the ambitious desire to independently learn black magic. However, many of those who are attracted to the Dark Path abandon this activity in the very first months. The reason is banal - beginners expect immediate results, they want to immediately become rulers of the world and... If this doesn’t happen after a couple of black magic rituals, the newcomer hangs his nose and retires to the bench in disappointment.

Studying black magic - working with Dark spirits

The more persistent ones continue to go further in self-learning black magic. They study theory and at the same time take on the practical side of magic. Time passes, beginners gain some experience, and become less self-confident. The sorcerer never works alone, but always in conjunction with the Dark Ones. Dark entities are Power, and they, like any Power, need adepts. But they don’t grab just anyone, they need people without fear, not infected by religious ideology, and able to confidently move towards the goal, without throwing tantrums after several failures. Dark people need strong personalities. And if they choose you, you will have every chance to learn black magic at home, because there will be helpers and mentors.

It is dangerous to perceive witchcraft as a hobby, as a fashionable, non-binding fad. Black magic is a way of life, it is life itself. When you start studying black magic, take this matter seriously. If you turn to the Dark Force with requests and get what you want, you can no longer just turn around and leave without getting a kick in return.

Beginners foolishly harm themselves when teaching black magic at home on their own. And I will not tire of repeating: you can come to witchcraft from ambitious motives. But, if the Dark Forces, or the cemetery egregor chooses you and accepts you, you won’t be able to just give up everything. A series of troubles, loss of work and financial stability is not the worst thing that can happen to an apostate. It usually gets worse if you learn black magic on your own. And it’s not a fact that another Power, for example, a Christian egregor, will stand up for you.

How to learn black magic at home - about experience and fear

If you decide to learn black magic on your own, I advise you to prepare in advance for the fact that at the beginning of the journey there will be abrasions and wounds. You will receive all this in abundance while you learn to control the Force. But scars are needed, there’s no way without it. Pain will harden you, make you stronger and more resilient. It may happen that you will have to rethink everything, destroy it and start over. Perhaps more than once.

Watch the video about black magic

Trying to establish contact with the Forces and learn black magic at home, the beginner gradually begins to understand that the world is not the same as he saw it before. The worldview of the adept begins to change and rebuild. His consciousness is freed from unnecessary dogmas, perverted morality, which every now and then, in one form or another, is imposed on the individual by society. A person sheds everything that prevented him from finally becoming an integral person and successfully developing.

If you are afraid of learning black magic as a way of understanding the world, think about whether this is your path? There should be no uncontrollable fear. You must feel the energy of your Path. Your views in life must coincide with the philosophy of the black book.

Fear speaks of your uncertainty, and uncertainty is dangerous!

However, even experienced sorcerers cannot completely eradicate the fear of truly studying black magic. It cannot be overcome, but it can be done at the right time. Fear and a sense of danger are also your helpers. It is not always advisable to behave like a kamikaze; in some cases you need to be able to stop. The study of black magic involves not only action, but also reflection, constant analysis of what is happening.

Do you want to become a magician? We will tell you how to learn magic at home, and even without the help of a mentor. You will learn what qualities a person who practices witchcraft should develop in himself. You need to know this before you master magic and gain the opportunity to control powerful forces that can change your life and the destinies of other people.

Have you ever wondered why the same magical rituals work for some people and do not help others at all? The thing is that it is not enough to learn and mutter a couple of spells to achieve the desired effect. Like any other science, magic needs to be learned.

7 qualities of a true magician

You will definitely need to develop these character traits if you want to master magic at the professional level. Without these qualities, the magician will not be able to advance beyond simple love spells, hexes, etc. By the way, “black” magic is the easiest way to learn; evil spirits help a lot in such matters. If your ambitions go beyond “village” magic, then be sure to develop the following abilities:

1. Strength of will. This is the basis of practical magic. A magician without a strong will is not capable of any outstanding magical actions. To develop willpower, start small. For example, try to complete tedious but useful work on time. Avoid sweets and starchy foods if you are addicted to these foods and want to lose weight. Strictly fulfill your obligations, do not invent excuses.

2. Ability to concentrate. If you are an absent-minded person, then you will not get far in magic. You need to learn to fully concentrate on the task you are doing. Fortunately, you can practice concentration anywhere and everywhere - when you read the morning newspaper, wash the dishes, do housework. Try to focus on one thing and don't allow yourself to be distracted. It will be difficult at first, but over time you will develop the ability to concentrate.

3. Courage. Due to the nature of his work, a magician has to interact with the other world; sometimes mystical things happen in his life. If the possibility of seeing a ghost, coming into contact with otherworldly forces, or even scares you out of your wits, then it is better for you not to practice magic. Unfortunately, there are no exercises that can help you learn courage. But this quality can be “grow” in yourself.

4. Awareness of responsibility. Magical abilities are a huge responsibility! As your power grows, you will realize that you can make dramatic changes in your life and in the lives of others. A magician must not give in to emotions. If an ordinary person, in the heat of a quarrel, says to his opponent, “May you die!”, then nothing terrible will happen. If a magician does this, he can cause colossal harm to his opponent. You must always remember this and learn responsibility.

5. Tendency to experiment. Of course, experiments involve certain risks. But if the magicians of the past had never experimented, then magic would not have existed at all! In short, if a conspiracy or ritual “doesn’t work,” then you can always try to change it slightly or use another ritual.

6. Ability to learn. A true magician never ceases to “improve his skills.” Not a single sorcerer can say about himself that he has reached the heights of mastery.

7. Sense of humor. Magic is a very serious science that requires a responsible attitude. A practicing sorcerer will very quickly exhaust his strength if he treats his activities like a sapper to a minefield. Besides, even a magician can make mistakes. The best remedy for stress is to learn to laugh at your failures. Develop it in yourself.

Listen to the world

The magician draws his powers from the natural elements - fire, water, earth and air. A resident of a modern metropolis has extremely limited contacts with nature. Unlike an ordinary city dweller, a magician must have “natural recharge.” Take walks more often, get out of town for a couple of days.

It will be just perfect if you can afford to take a walk in the forest at least once a month. The forest is a sacred place for any magician; it is here that unity with nature occurs in full. Trees and plants were worshiped by Celtic Druids and Slavic Magi, sorcerers of France and magicians of eastern countries.

Get out into nature whenever you have to perform an important magical ritual. Two or three days before the ceremony, try to reduce communication with people to a minimum. Instead, communicate with Mother Nature, ask her for help and support. Walk in the park, look at the stars, swim in the river, if the weather permits, meditate.

Don't waste your energy!

Ordinary people waste their strength and energy on a variety of things. More precisely, they “squander” them completely incompetently. Discussion of politics or the latest gossip, fuss over unimportant matters, squabbles with neighbors... All these seemingly insignificant events deprive a person of the energy so necessary to perform magical ceremonies.

Is it worth saying that only the person who conserves his strength and does not waste his time on such trifles can master magic? First of all, you need to get rid of such negative qualities as envy, jealousy and resentment. A true magician has no one to envy, since he himself is the creator of his life. And by being angry with someone, you are wasting your energy. And then, if you really want to “annoy” your offender, then you can send damage to him.

Start with meditation

This exercise will help you collect the universal energy prana, which magicians use to perform rituals and ceremonies (and the most capable - for telepathic communication). Sit comfortably, place your palms on the Manipura chakra - in the solar plexus area. Relax, try to free your mind from extraneous thoughts.

Begin to monitor your breathing, count each inhalation-exhalation cycle. If you get confused or distracted, start counting again. When you reach the number “100”, you can move on to the next stage.

Imagine that you are surrounded by a cloud of energy emanating from the Universe. This energy is absorbed by every cell of your body and then moves to the solar plexus area. You can imagine energy-prana in the form of rays of light or, for example, in the form of running ants. After a while, you will really be able to feel the movement of energy and its warmth. Continue accumulating prana for 5..10 minutes and then complete the exercise.

Is mastering white magic an art or a gift from God? In essence magic is the ability to control the energy of the universe, in order to influence otherworldly forces to fulfill the plan. Control of universal energy is achieved through magical rituals, conspiracies and witchcraft manipulations. It is known that magic is divided into black and white, depending on the goals pursued by the magician.

Science has proven that a thought put into words can materialize. To this postulate, experienced sorcerers add the need for strong faith in the words spoken in a conspiracy, skill and with convincing intonations. Having mastered various types of white magic spells, a person will help himself in any difficult life situation.

How to perform a white magic ritual

Every inhabitant of the Earth is naturally endowed with magical power, which is expressed in his energy, emotions, power of imagination and intentions. For most people this power is dormant., but anyone can awaken it with a strong desire or in certain life situations, using the power of a spell word. Magical techniques and rituals are based on the extreme concentration of emotions, emotions and feelings of the person performing the magic.

To create a white magic spell, you must be able to transform your desire into reality as much as possible. The result of the fulfillment of a wish depends on the more energy invested in certain words of the conspiracy. When creating a spell, try to clearly visualize your desire in your mind and believe that it will certainly come true, or even visually imagine how it has already come true.

For example, a person wants. Then, after the spoken words of a money conspiracy, he must behave as if he has a sufficient amount of money, imagine how much and where he has it, how he manages these funds. For a conspiracy to come true, you need to believe strongly, and if faith is not sufficient, then the person is not yet ready to practice white magic and fulfill his dream.

Requirements for performing magical rituals

All rituals of white magic have rules that must be strictly followed.

  • The ceremony must be carried out in a good mood. All thoughts and thoughts must be pure and directed towards creation, not destruction. Please note that you cannot be a supporter of white magic and at the same time use your spells with the aim of harming someone. If you intend to perform a love ritual, do not do it when you are offended by your loved one. Wait for the resentment to subside and leave your consciousness. Do not perform a ritual for money at a time when you feel the hopelessness of the current situation. Only when you bring your feelings to a calm state can you perform a magical ritual.
  • People who profess any religion at the beginning of the magical ritual they must turn to the Higher powers after reading the prayer. For Christians, such a prayer is the “Our Father.”
  • The ceremony should be carried out without the presence of strangers, alone, in a well-lit room where you will feel as comfortable as possible.
  • Say the magic spell in a calm tone out loud or in a whisper, the main thing is that it comes from the heart and your thoughts are maximally concentrated on the text being read and the request. It is unacceptable that while pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, your brain is occupied with extraneous everyday thoughts. After reading the words of the spell, you need to say them in your mind several more times, since thoughts are more powerful than spoken words. You should concentrate all your attention on the frontal chakra and make an effort to direct your thoughts precisely to this point, from where you can redirect your thoughts to the desired object (a loved one, money, and so on).
  • Faith in the words of the spell. If you admit the thought that nothing will work out for you as always, then it will happen. Faith in the cast magic spell must remain even after the end of the ritual.

Briefly, all the requirements for the ritual are concentrated in the following: clearly formulate what is planned, unshakably believe in one’s abilities, and be completely focused on the desired result. Only in this case can you begin the ritual and master all kinds of spells

Ritual for beginner white magicians

Rite of initiation into white magic designed to tune a person’s consciousness to perform white magic rituals. It must be carried out continuously for several months in complete solitude. To complete the ritual, you should put on loose clothes in muted colors, get rid of jewelry, shoes and anything that could interfere with the free movement of blood in the body. Then you need to place only a white candle on the table so that it is located at waist level and light it. Next, you should stand in front of a lit candle with your face looking south, spreading your arms to the sides and raising your head to look into the heavenly distance, concentrating on an imaginary star.

At this time, turn to higher powers, saying a cleansing prayer:

“Merciful God. Forgive me for the sins I have committed. Wash away all unworthy deeds from me. Free me completely from all sinful acts. After your cleansing, I will become pure, like the first snow. Give me a kind heart and a righteous spirit, just as you created the Crown.”

When saying a cleansing prayer, you need to imagine flowing streams of water that cleanse the body from head to toe and take away all problems and sorrows.

At the end of the prayer, you need to make a clockwise turn in a circle, drawing a circle of fire in your thoughts. Try to clearly imagine this flaming circle at the level of your heart and see with your inner eye the energy filling it. Mentally outlining a circle, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy: “From the depths of my heart I call forth a circle of fire. Neither chaos nor evil will be able to get into it."

Having completed the ritual, the novice magician must mentally imagine a scarlet cross in the center of his heart, which gradually rises from the heart, disappearing into infinity. Then, after taking a few deep breaths and exhalations, say: “I thank the All-Seer for the successfully performed ritual, designed to endow me with the perception of Spiritual Light.”

Items that help perform magical rituals

Any witchcraft ritual occurs with the use of various objects that have energy that can assist in the fulfillment of the plan. What are these items? They can be precious, semi-precious and other stones, minerals, flaming church candles, photographs and plants. Practically, any object imbued with positive energy can have witchcraft powers. The main thing is that the magician has strong faith in his energetic power, can concentrate extremely, be positively disposed and remain in a state of mind. Especially for a beginner in magic, it is recommended to use such objects, draw positive energy from them and use them for visualization.

All actions that the sorcerer performs with auxiliary objects affect the result. Eg:

  • a candle that burns out quickly - portends the fulfillment of a desire soon,
  • when it burns for a long time, the witchcraft will have its effect for a long time,
  • If the object used to perform the spell is buried in the ground, then the effect of the magic will occur gradually.

And one more important detail for novice magicians: not a single auxiliary for magic the item will not have the desired magical power if the magician does not have good health or feel at least a little unwell during the ceremony.

Examples of white magic rituals

Ritual to attract love

This can be carried out for both men and women who long for the love of a certain person or, if there is no one yet, who want to meet him in the near future. The ritual can also be used in case of loss of reciprocity between two halves or cooling of feelings between spouses. A magical ritual for love must be carried out during the waxing month for 7 days, of which the last day is allowed to fall on the full moon, but not on the waning month.

At night, in a secluded place after 22.00, in the light of lit church candles, you need to cast the following spell:

“Everyone is destined by the forces of heaven to be in a couple, to share joy and sorrow, to experience happiness and misfortune! So let everything on the path destined for me be accomplished according to the highest laws! May love fill every moment of life, may it give happiness to me and the one who is destined to be with me. Let everything take its course"

After the words have been spoken, the candle must be extinguished, leaving it for the next ritual.

Ritual for better health

This spell for good health It is used most often to improve general well-being rather than to cure a specific disease. It takes place at dawn during the growing month and only for baptized people in the following way: place holy water in a glass in front of you and light a church candle. Looking at the candle fire, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:

“Fire and water are two strong elements, I am sending you my words, asking for help. Protect me from illnesses, protect me from illnesses. Direct your strength to my defense. I thank you for your help, I hope for your support!”

These words must be read three times and wait until the candle burns out. The charmed water remains on the windowsill all night, and in the morning you should drink it all in small sips. This ritual is performed solely for prevention purposes. If there are health problems, then a ritual is used to cure the illness. The effects of such rituals are characterized by gradualness and the absence of side effects.

Ritual to attract good luck

He carried out to overcome long-term financial difficulties on Wednesday on the waxing moon. The spell is cast early in the morning, before dawn. The magical action should take place with two church candles burning. In this situation, you should repeat the words seven times:

“I conjure Wednesday-Middle for luck and good fortune. I ask her for help, I call her to the rescue. Make sure that everything goes well for me, money rushes to money and grows so that there is enough for my existence, human happiness and worldly joys.”

When the spell has been pronounced seven times, the candles are extinguished, wrapped in a white napkin and put away in a secret place. The ritual is repeated a month later.

Daily rituals for good luck

It is advisable to cast magic spells programmed for success every day, because every day of the week is under the influence of special higher powers. So that luck becomes a constant companion in life, don’t be lazy to cast the following spells:

  1. On Monday: “I conjure the heavenly angels with the omnipotence and omnipotence of the names Ia, Kados, Adonai, Isiah, who created the sea. I conjure you in the names of those who rule the main legion, subject to Orphaniel. I conjure you to help me in my affairs and accompany me to success."
  2. On Tuesday: “I conjure by the power of the holy angels, by the power of the sacred Ai, Elohim, He, Va, Hi, Adonai, and by God, who created dry water, to help me in the fulfillment of all my desires.”
  3. On Wednesday: “I conjure the holy angels Ey, Azari, Adonai and God, who created the sun, I ask by the power of the name of the six-winged animal to help in the fulfillment of my will.”
  4. On Thursday: “I conjure the angels of God with all the strength and might of the names of Ia, Kados, Adonai, Isiah, who became the creator of the sea, I conjure in the name of Jupiter to bestow the appearance of good luck on me.”
  5. On Friday: “I conjure you, kindest angels of power, with the sacred names of Ai, Elohim, Va, He, Hi and the name of the planet Venus, to assist me in fulfilling my will.”
  6. On Saturday: “I conjure in the name of God, the powerful lord of change, light and warmth, luck and fortune, to help me in everyday affairs, coloring them with success.”
  7. On Sunday: “I conjure all the angels of heaven in the name of Almighty God to always help me, for without your participation I cannot cope and will not see success.”

The world of the mysterious has been attractive to humanity at all times. Control the elements and destinies, subjugate people and events, dominate, get what you want with a wave of your hand, become omnipotent and omnipotent, learn the secrets of nature and the beyond - who wouldn’t want this? Strange question, isn't it? And that is why to this day they arouse keen interest all over the world.

Awareness of responsibility

Remember the biblical expression that knowledge “multiplies sorrow”? In our case, when discussing how to learn magic, let’s paraphrase it somewhat. Knowledge related to the occult greatly increases a person’s sense of responsibility for his every step and action, for every action. After all, magic is, first of all, power. And it must be managed wisely.

Many people think about how to learn magic in order to get a loved one, great wealth, and easily deal with ill-wishers. What a wonderful life, it would seem, will come then! Alas, this point of view is too superficial and short-sighted. After all, you have to pay for everything, including secret knowledge. More precisely, for their use.

Knowing how to learn practical magic, not all people can resist the temptation to use it for not very plausible purposes or to avoid looking into places where the human eye and consciousness should not go at all. In this case, the Law of Karma may turn on, and not only the curious person will suffer, but many representatives of his family, close and loved ones. Therefore, when trying to find out how to learn magic, first of all think about whether you have enough endurance, seriousness, a cold, sober mind and basic decency to carry this heavy burden of knowledge with dignity. For for a real practicing magician the same covenant applies as for a doctor: “Do no harm!”

Elemental magic

Modern people, who more or less know the history of earthly civilization, remember how during pagan times people deified the forces and elements of nature. It was believed that they were controlled by spirits who could help in witchcraft. The energies possessed by the 4 most important elements - water, earth, fire, air - are truly limitless in their power. Primitive shamans and medieval alchemists knew how to subjugate the forces of nature and put them at the service of their own needs. And with their help they did the seemingly impossible. Causing a thunderstorm, taming a typhoon, incinerating from a distance - these are not fairy tales, but the very “miracles” that magicians associated with the elements are capable of. In order to manage them, it is important for you to remember several universal rules.

Firelord: Step One

How to learn fire magic?

  • In addition to special knowledge, you must absolutely firmly believe in yourself, in your capabilities and in the fact that you are achieving the desired result (without faith, any knowledge is dead).
  • Be able to do it, that is, give your thoughts and desires a strong energy impulse.
  • Have a well-developed imagination, visualize the development of events that you need.

First, try to develop your skills in these areas. And only then can you move on to the next stage of how to learn the magic of fire, air, etc. This is the first step that brings you closer to your desired goal - getting closer to the elements.

Firelord: Step Two

The next stage that initiates of the occult sciences go through is establishing direct contact with the elements. How should this happen? In the case of fire, do this: when left alone in the room, light a candle. First, just look at the flame, absorb its warmth, study the shades of the glow, feel the element the way you feel someone close to you. You must tune in to the fire, just as a receiver's antenna tunes to radio waves. Feel the vibrations of the flame. This is necessary especially in cases where you are interested in how to learn magic at home, on your own, and not under the guidance of a mentor.

The element of fire is all-consuming, cleansing and destroying at the same time. Subdue her, tame your fear of her - then everything will work out for you. Stretch your hands as close to the flame as possible. Closing your eyes, imagine how you merge with the fire, become one, how it begins to live inside you. When you feel complete identity, cast a spell, putting into it the maximum of your will, desire, and faith. Its text can be different - read from books or invented by you. For example: “Sacred fire, eternal source of heat and light, enemy of darkness, spark of life and renewal! Give me knowledge of the truth, illuminate the path of life, become a reliable companion in business, so that I can conquer unconquered spheres! So be it, my word is strong and tenacious!”

Lord of the Waters

Let's move on to the next stage with the elements and talk about how to learn to master water magic. To some extent it is similar to the previous one. Water is the source of life and energy information. With its help it is good to remove negativity, because it is the first purifier not only of the body, but also of the soul. Water is also an almighty healer, especially holy water. Therefore, almost all healers and healers charm her for a variety of needs: for beauty and the attention of others, for love, repayment of debts, for death - yes, and they also do such dirty tricks.

Where should you start when joining the water element? Perhaps from contemplation, from an attempt to find in oneself some similarity with its eternal fluidity and renewal. No wonder Leo Tolstoy noticed that a person is like a river: always the same and every moment different. And you should turn to the elements with the following spell: “The transparent surface of the boundless sea, the fundamental principle of all living things, become my help, give me the strength to conquer the rebellious! So be it, my word is strong and tenacious!” As already written, in order to achieve real results, you must work hard on yourself!

Perseverance and determination

Even if you know how to learn how to use magic, you shouldn’t think that you will succeed the first time. Only long, persistent training, using all your mental strength, will ultimately lead to the desired result. It is important to achieve harmony with at least one element. Then it will become simpler and easier to interact with other forces of nature. And your power will truly be limitless.

Magic white and black

Let’s assume that you are a good person, you don’t accept evil by definition, you want to do magic, but you don’t want to have anything to do with dark forces. That is, you are concerned about how to learn white magic. Alas, we will disappoint. Magic - and the synonym is the word “witchcraft” - is only one, and whether it is black or white depends on who uses it and for what.

Using rituals and conspiracies, sorcerers and healers, shamans and sorcerers turn to “that” world, to demonic forces. And even if Christian symbols are used - prayers and icons - the texts of the spells and the actions of the sorcerer themselves have far from religious significance. After all, all these rituals are associated with paganism, communication with the dead, spirits, and the use of energy on a completely different plane than human energy.

Why the magician needs them is another matter. If it is to treat the sick, remove damage, love spells, to improve the life of someone who turned to him for help (but not to the detriment of others!) - yes, such magic has a positive effect. In a different situation, the occultist spoils his karma so much that his soul will have to pay for everything over the course of many reincarnations.

What to study, how to study

Along the way, the following question arises: “If damage, love spells, spells and curses are bad, then should an esotericist know this, does he need such magic?” How to learn to cast magic - yes, you should know! And be able to. Otherwise, he will never be able to fight evil, no matter what forms it appears in. Without mastering the love spell technique, you cannot remove it. Getting acquainted only in theory with the cemetery will never help the patient save his life. And so it is in every matter connected with “that” world. However, being able to do this does not mean practicing! You should hone your skills only through good deeds and actions. And under no circumstances even think about how to quickly learn magic. This matter is so delicate and complex, multifaceted, that it does not tolerate fuss. As well as serving the muses.

Talents and inclinations

In any type of activity, there are two types of attitude towards one’s work: amateur and professional. For those who are thinking about how to learn to master magic, the first is unacceptable. However, magic, by and large, requires talent, inclinations, and a special gift from a person. Mozarts and Salieris are not only in art. If a person is not marked by anything significant from birth, then you can memorize the texts of spells by heart, know by heart all the subtleties of magical rituals, but still not become a true sorcerer.

Magic, more than any other area of ​​application of our strength and knowledge, requires dedication, discipline, hard work, responsibility and Talent. Yes, Talent with a capital T. A true healer must combine the genius of Mozart with the hard work of Salieri. Only then will he be able to achieve something.

And finally, some practical advice. The most correct way to learn magic is to find a master who would pass on his knowledge to you. These can be village “grandmothers” and “grandfathers” who inherit their power and join the sacraments from representatives of their own clan (they receive it by inheritance) or other practicing magicians. First-hand information, as well as practical lessons, can become an invaluable treasure for you on the path to mastering this complex science. And, what is very important, only a practicing healer will tell you and teach you not only magical wisdom, but also how to protect yourself from negativity when communicating with “dark forces.”

Naturally, try to purchase specialized literature, preferably publications from the beginning of the last century or even older. There you will find texts of spells, descriptions of rites and rituals, explanations of how to use magical objects, talismans, etc. Why ancient books? Because their contents are the fruit of the work of ethnographers and folklore collectors. In modern publications, such information is very doubtful.

Study the lunar calendar, learn how to use it. Read prayers, delve into their texts, study religious symbols. Try to broaden your horizons as much as possible. Also, be observant, develop intuition, listen and take a closer look at what is happening around you. When a person takes the path of practicing magic, the world around him begins to give him hints.

The ability to perform magic is similar to the ability to sing. Almost everyone can cast a spell, perhaps not reaching dizzying heights, but anyone can use ready-made spells and rituals and get a stable result. It’s better to start with simple rituals of white magic - with their help you can improve your financial situation, health and personal life without negative consequences. It is possible to provide magical assistance to your loved ones: family and friends. Many successful sorcerers started with this.

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      Where to begin?

      The first step is to acquire the necessary tools. You can use whatever comes to hand in your work, but objects that are specially selected and used only for witchcraft will become imbued with power over time and will themselves help in performing magical actions. Need to purchase:

        • Knife. Medium in size, with a wooden handle and sharp enough to cut a small branch from a tree or plan wood chips.
        • Candlesticks. Candles are a necessary attribute of many rituals; two or three candlesticks would be useful.
        • Bowl. Many rituals use spoken water; it is better to have a permanent container for it than to use the same utensils that are used for cooking. The material can be any - except plastic.
        • Flat dish. A large, flat porcelain or metal plate. Salt and other bulk materials for slander will be placed on it.

        You can buy a supply of candles and incense in advance - they are used in most rituals and ceremonies. Other things can be purchased as needed. When starting to perform the ritual, you should carefully study all its details, memorize all the spells and conspiracies. Choose a suitable day. Unless specifically stated in the description of the ritual, the day is chosen based on the following rules:

        • Day of the week. All rituals affecting men are carried out on Monday or Thursday. They cast spells on women on Wednesday and Friday. Saturday and Sunday are unfavorable days for practicing magic.
        • Lunar cycle. Rituals aimed at increasing something: increasing well-being, love, improving health, are done on the growing moon. Rituals for reduction: for getting rid of a specific disease, for losing weight, removing damage, are performed on the waning moon.

        Before the ritual, it is better to undergo a short fast, reduce meat consumption for several days, and not smoke or drink alcohol.

        Practicing magic while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is dangerous.

        You should approach the rituals confidently, suppressing your anxiety with an effort of will, without worrying about the possible result. There should be no fear or hatred in the soul, only love for the world and the desire for self-knowledge. Over time, having mastered the basics of magic, you can learn to cast magic at home, while undergoing training, you should not hesitate to ask for advice, there will always be an experienced magician who will suggest rituals for all occasions.

        Setting up magical protection

        In order to protect your home and yourself from outside magical interference, robbers and thieves, the following ritual is performed.

        They fumigate the whole house with incense, then go around all the windows with a lit candle in their right hand. Standing in front of the window, you should cross it three times with candle fire with the words:

        • “Our heavenly Father, protect this house from every enemy, from his thoughts, from his words, from his deeds. Amen.”

        This protects every window and all ventilation openings. The last thing to do is install protection on the front door. The entrance should be additionally protected. This is done using a knife. They stick a knife into the threshold and read a prayer to Archangel Michael:

        • “Oh, great Michael the Archangel! With your strength, with your sword, by God’s permission, protect my house from every enemy, from the evil one, from the thief and robber, I thank you. Amen.”

        In order to ensure protection for themselves outside the home, they purchase a cross on their body, hold it in their left hand and say the following:

        • “Lord, Savior and Deliverer, save and deliver me from an evil word, a bad deed, a dashing person. Protect me from demons and temptations, demons and illnesses, from all troubles and from mistakes, prevent and save me. Thank you. Amen.”

        The spell is repeated three times and a cross is hung on one’s neck.

        Why do you dream of salt - famous interpretations of dreams

        For good luck

        If you urgently need luck in some matter, there is a ritual to make your wish come true. For it you will need:

        • dish;
        • candle;
        • salt;
        • sugar;
        • pin;

        They take him to the waxing moon. After sunset, having stripped naked, light a candle and place it on a dish. A handful of salt is poured next to it, a handful of sugar is placed on top of the salt, and the same amount of rice is poured on top of it to make a small mound. A pin is stuck into the top. Read the plot:

        • “Behind the seven mountains, behind the seven valleys, there is a stone mountain, on that mountain sits the bird Gamayun, a bird that is not simple, a magical one. Whatever I do, everything will work out, whatever I want, everything will come true, whatever I want will come true! Chu!”

        They blow out the candle and go to bed without getting dressed. In the morning, the pin is removed from the slide and pinned to the inside of the garment. In these clothes they go to do things that require luck.

        Love spell

        Girls can cast a spell on a guy's love, and men can bewitch the girl they like. To do this, they take candles: one thick one is placed in a candlestick, on the other two they scratch their name and the name of the one who needs to bewitched with a knife. After sunset, they sit down in front of a burning candle and begin to twist two thin candles, so that the candle with their name remains straight, and with the name of their loved one wraps around it. Read the hex:

        • “Wax to wax, thread to thread, soul to soul. Like a candle to a candle, so (the name of whom they bewitch) (his name) has become attached to me, attached. To live together, to burn together, but not to die. It will be so. Amen.” .

        You need to arrange it so that the tips of the candles match together. Two candles are lit from a large burning candle literally for a moment and immediately blown out. They put it in a secret place and store it until the love spell is needed to work. If you need to remove the influence, it will be enough to simply light the candles and let them burn out completely, after which the bewitched person will be free.

        You can also make a runic love spell. To do this, you will need to get a photo of someone you like. If the photo was taken on a phone, you need to print it on paper first. On the face of the one who is being bewitched, a runic symbol is drawn:

        With words:

        • “I attract you to me, you will love me forever, that is Odin’s gift.”

        If the love spell is no longer needed, just burn the photo and the spell will be broken. There is no need to say anything.

        For money

        Purchase the following ingredients in advance:

        • 7 thin red candles;
        • sea ​​salt with large crystals;
        • 3 coins of 10 rubles;
        • incense "sandalwood";

        The candles are placed on the table in a circle, a pile of salt is poured into the center, and three coins are placed on top of the salt. Read the plot:

        The candles are allowed to burn out completely and go out, the salt is collected and poured into the ground outside. Coins are placed in a wallet and carried with you at all times. The ritual allows you to increase your well-being and attracts money from everywhere.

        Training assistance

        In order to make studying easier, improve the memorization of material and the assimilation of knowledge, you need to do the following to successfully pass exams.

        Buy a new pen and give away the change as alms. The pen should be blue and should be purchased on Wednesday. On the same day, when it gets dark, you need to put a spell on it:

        • “The head is clear, the tongue is dexterous, the memory is strong, the work is sculpted. As it is said, so it will come true, it will be so.”

        Then take a piece of blank paper and write three runes on it:

        These runes are called Ansuz, Kanu and Mannaz. You can read them as “magic gives clarity to a person.” It is important that these runes be the first thing written with this pen. When drawing them, say:

        • “There will be a lot of strength, the mind will be clear, the memory will be strong.”

        The sheet is folded and, when going to study or an exam, put in your pocket. They take the pen with them and do not give it to anyone else, so as not to disrupt the work of the spells.

        For health and beauty

        Beauty and health are forces that support and strengthen each other. This ritual eliminates diseases, makes congenital defects less noticeable, and gives a charge of vigor, health and beauty. You need to take a bucket of cold water and say to it:

        • “Clean water, wash away without a trace all illness, all pain, all evil illness. Like water off a duck’s back, thinness is off me.”

        Then they say a handful of coarse sea salt, holding it in their left hand:

        • For men: “I’ll go out into the sun, bow to Mother Earth, say, Mother Earth, give me your salt, take away everything worthless from me, give me stature, give me vigor, give me daring. My face will be bright, my hair will be thick, I will be a good article. Amen."
        • For women: “I’ll get up in the morning, walk around the yard, start collecting grains, counting and chanting. This is for scarlet sponges, this is for pearl teeth, this is for lush breasts, this is for steep hips, the skin will be clear, the eyes will be clear, the voice will ring , long hair. Amen. Amen. Amen."

        Pour this salt into a bucket of water and say “God bless!” pour it on your head. This ritual is performed on the waxing moon for three days in a row.

        Apply for a job

        This plot is read in order to get a good job. Before going directly to a job search or an interview, you can stand in front of the mirror and say:

        • “I’m going to the bar, neither young nor old. I’m going to make a contract and take a look at the owner. My face is sweet, my soul is not hateful. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile, they would be touched by my words. They would not drive away a baptized soul. Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us at all times. Amen. Amen. Amen."

        It’s good to whisper or say these same words mentally just before entering the office where the hiring process will take place. The employer will have a desire to hire the person who read the conspiracy and will only have to calmly answer questions and not make any serious mistakes. If the ritual did not work, there is a high probability that there is damage or an evil eye that has closed the road to a good life. In this case, you need to clean and repeat the ritual.

        Removing negativity

        Damage or the evil eye can be removed by taking a bath with spoken salt. To prepare it, you should take:

        • coarse sea salt or bath salt with large crystals - three large handfuls;
        • candle;
        • incense.

        The spell room and bathroom are fumigated with incense. A dish with salt is placed on the table, a lit candle is taken in both hands. Looking through the candle light at the salt, they read:

        • “The power of salt, the power of the earth, according to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, I want to cleanse me from evil words, bad deeds, dashing witchcraft, driving anger, envious glances. Amen. Amen. Amen.”

        Repeat these words three times and blow on the salt, while blowing out the candle. They fill the bath with water and turn off the water so that it doesn’t flow. Take three handfuls of salt one at a time and pour it out, scattering it over the surface so that the crystals pass through the water column and fall to the bottom of the bath. Lie down in the bath on top of the salt and lie there until you begin to feel discomfort. After this, you can turn on the water, rinse and empty the bath. Repeat for three days in a row, every day before bed. Negativity can accumulate again; with regular practice of magic, cleaning must be done at least once a year.

        For the garden

        To ensure that everything grows in the garden and pests do not appear, you can take a kilogram of any salt and say it:

        • “Salt burns, bites, does not allow creeping reptiles or flying vipers to come to the ground, I will put one seed in the ground, in time I will take a hundred from the ground, just as everything grows on earth according to God’s providence, so will it grow in my garden.”

        After this, they take dry earth from the middle of the plot, mix it with salt and walk around the perimeter of the plot, clockwise, throwing a little mixture at their feet. At the same time they say:

        • “I’ll go around my land, nurse, grow onions, carrots (they list all the plants that are going to be planted), rise, take root, grow. And the weeds and wheatgrass will dry up from the salt, and then die. Amen.”

        Having walked around the entire area in this way, you can begin planting useful plants, the harvest will be good.

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