How not to and how to choose a military school for admission. How to enter a military school - procedure and conditions for admission Cadet Military School

In the Russian Federation, the military is in a special place with the state, and service in the armed forces is considered prestigious, highly paid and, in addition, provides additional preferences upon retirement. Many boys, already upon entering school, often imagine that when they grow up, they will definitely become military personnel, and if someone in the family is directly related to service, then in most cases the child’s future is predetermined. Let's consider what conditions exist for admission to a military school, and also find out what advantages and disadvantages such an education has.

When deciding whether to enroll in a military school, you should understand what the pros and cons of such a choice are.


  1. At 17-18 years old, a child gets the opportunity to feel completely independent. For the average resident of Russia, it looks quite wild when an adult man continues to live with his parents at the age of 30.
  2. Military service is an eventful and adventurous life, radically different from civilian life, especially when it comes to service in elite units, on a submarine or in the air force. Getting there is certainly difficult, but it is possible.
  3. This is one of the few areas of life that is guaranteed to allow you to climb the career ladder and achieve heights on your own.
  4. Free education. It is no secret that there are a lot of problems in the Russian education system, but in military educational institutions their manifestation is minimized. The narrow focus of training and the barracks regime make it possible to combine the theoretical program with its implementation in practice as much as possible.
  5. In military educational institutions, it will be necessary to master the taught material, regardless of the student’s desire, since limiting the influence of external factors contributes to the normal educational process. In addition, time for self-preparation is provided for in the daily routine.
  6. Increased scholarship compared to civilian universities.
  7. Free and balanced meals.
  8. The minimum officer salary exceeds the national average salary.
  9. Stability. During the period of establishing tense relations with countries near and far abroad, the country is increasing funding for the military and defense sector.
  10. Possibility of obtaining residential real estate in the future.
  11. Military pension, as well as a lower age threshold for retirement.


Military service is not without its negative aspects, which include:

  1. A specialized training system is not a challenge for everyone. If a strong person in spirit and body only becomes stronger, then such training can only break a weak person. Even at the selection stage, a professional psychological analysis is carried out, which makes it possible to weed out unsuitable candidates.
  2. Military service after graduation is literally dangerous to life and health. In recent years, the Russian Federation has been taking part in various military operations outside the country, which automatically implies a risk for the military personnel.
  3. Service in the army requires the employee to have high intellectual data, especially when it comes to working with complex military equipment.
  4. Irregular working hours, constant shifts in the vacation schedule, and the absence of full days off.
  5. Significant restriction of the right to free movement outside the country.

Types of military schools of the Russian Federation

The Russian Federation provides for 2 types of professional military education:

  1. Basic.
  2. Higher.
  • cadet;
  • Suvorov;
  • Nakhimovsky

The educational institution accepts male persons who have not reached 18 years of age at the time of admission. Training lasts from 2 to 4 years.

Higher institutions of professional military education include:

  1. Higher Command School.
  2. Academy.
  3. Institutes.

Training lasts from 2 to 3 years.

Each educational institution specializes in a specific military profession and focus:

  • naval service;
  • ground troops;
  • missile forces;
  • Airborne Forces;
  • railway troops;
  • VKS.

Important! In such educational institutions, the learning process is combined with practical exercises. This approach allows you to master your chosen military craft as quickly and efficiently as possible and become part of the elite team of the Russian Armed Forces.

Military schools for admission after 9th grade

The key parameter that the commission pays attention to is the health status of the applicant. An assessment of physical condition is provided by a number of specialists during the period when a 9th grade student undergoes a medical examination.

A visit to a surgeon, ophthalmologist, ENT specialist, psychotherapist, dentist, or therapist is mandatory. At the end of the examination, the student is provided with an appropriate medical report.

There is an extensive list of diseases that exclude the possibility of entering a military university or school. It includes:

  • severe infectious diseases;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • obesity 3-4 degrees;
  • blood diseases;
  • vision or hearing problems;
  • mental disorders;
  • diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular or respiratory systems.

This list is not exhaustive.

Important! The presence of one of the diseases does not always lead to a ban on enrollment, however, such an applicant becomes subject to control by medical workers who can predict the further development of the disease.


To become an applicant, the following requirements must be met:

  1. The candidate's age is from 16 to 22 years.
  2. Compliance with established standards for physical training.
  3. Availability of Russian citizenship.
  4. Successful passing of psychological testing.

Military universities for admission after 11th grade

After 11th grade, former schoolchildren have the prospect of entering the following universities:

Military educational institutions for admission of junior schoolchildren

Even after completing 4 grades, Russian students can enter schools with a military focus:

Rights and benefits when entering a military school

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a number of preferences for certain categories of citizens, giving the right to priority enrollment in a military educational institution:

  1. Prize-winners and winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad, as well as winners and prize-winners of international and listed Olympiads approved by the Ministry of Education.
  2. Orphans.
  3. Children left without guardianship.
  4. Persons under 20 years of age who have one disabled parent of group 1 with an income not exceeding the average subsistence level.
  5. Victims of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  6. Children of law enforcement officers.

This list is not exhaustive and may be expanded in accordance with current federal and regional legislation.

What subjects are taken?

Upon admission to a military school after 9th grade, the applicant takes exams in the Russian language and mathematics. Children who have completed 11 grades take the Unified State Examination in mathematics, Russian language, and physics. Additional exams depend on the chosen direction of military education and the profile of the school.


Passing the mandatory physical fitness indicators is a mandatory step. Its passage is possible in 2 ways:

  1. Based on the results of physical education assessments and documentary evidence of victories in sports competitions.
  2. Performing examination exercises in physical education. They include a 1 km cross, a 100 m and 3 km run, a swim over a distance of 50-100 meters, and pull-ups up to 17 times.

Attention! There is only one attempt to pass the standards.

What to do: step-by-step instructions

Military educational institutions accept documents much earlier than in secondary specialized schools. Therefore, preparations for entry should begin in advance.

It is proposed to consider an indicative plan of action for admission to a military school.

Stage 1: Passing a medical examination

The future student goes to the clinic at the place of registration or actual residence to undergo a medical examination by highly specialized specialists. In the conclusion on form 026u, the entry “Recommended for health reasons for admission” must be displayed, and then the full name of the educational institution to which admission is planned must be indicated.

Form 026у

Stage 2: Formation of a personal file

The following documents are filed in the personal file folder:

If necessary, additional documents may be required.

Stage 3: Submitting documents to the educational institution

Documents are submitted between April 15 and June 1. When entering the Suvorov Military School, documents must be submitted before April 1.

Stage 4: entrance tests

After submitting the documents, you should wait for a call indicating the date of the exams, or receive a refusal indicating the reasons. Entrance testing is carried out from July 1 to July 15.

Important! Even if the exams are passed with excellent marks, you should remember about the preferential category of citizens who have the right to priority enrollment.

Military education among young people is becoming more and more popular every year. This is also due to the changed status of military personnel and to changes in state policy regarding material support for the military. In this regard, many young people are looking for information about military schools that accept applicants after the 11th grade. Previously, there were more than 40 similar schools in Russia. But after the process of disbandment and restructuring, the situation with military schools in our country has changed radically. Some educational institutions retained the status of colleges. Currently, there are 7 such educational institutions in Russia. Below is a list of them.

List of military schools that you can enroll in after 11th grade

Popular materials

  • Moscow Higher Military Command School
  • Kazan Higher Military Command School
  • Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov
  • Moscow Higher School of Air Defense Radioelectronics (branch)
  • Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after Army General V.F. Margelov
  • Black Sea Higher Naval School named after Nakhimov
  • Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School named after Marshal of Engineering Troops A. I. Proshlyakov

Other military schools, which were entered after finishing 11th grade, were transformed and became either independent military institutes or became part of larger military educational institutions. Below is a list of 9 reorganized military schools indicating their current name:

List of military educational institutions that previously had the status of schools, but are currently restructured:

St. Petersburg Higher Military Topographical Command School named after Army General A. I. Antonov - currently a faculty of the Military Space Academy named after A. F. Mozhaisky

Balashov Military Aviation Institute (branch) - the former Balashov Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots named after Chief Marshal of Aviation A. A. Novikov - currently the 4th Aviation Faculty of the Krasnodar Military Aviation Institute

Far Eastern Military Institute named after Marshal of the Soviet Union K.K. Rokossovsky - former Far Eastern Higher Combined Arms Command School named after Marshal of the Soviet Union K.K. Rokossovsky

Volsk Higher Military School of Logistics named after Lenin Komsomol - currently a branch of the Military Academy of Logistics named after Army General A. V. Khrulev

Kurgan Border Institute of the FSB of Russia, formerly Kurgan Military Aviation Institute of the Federal Border Service, formerly Kurgan Military Aviation Technical School, formerly Kurgan Higher Military-Political Aviation School

Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School (NVVKU) is currently the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces “Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” (Novosibirsk branch).

Syzran Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots (military institute) - currently a branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force "Air Force Academy named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin" in Syzran

Chelyabinsk Higher Military Aviation Red Banner School of Navigators - currently Chelyabinsk Military Aviation Institute of Navigators

After completing the 9th grade of education, young men who decide to serve in the military can enter a specialized educational institution.

This article provides an overview of the most popular military educational institutions after 9th grade.

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How to apply after 9th grade

The most gifted young men who show good academic results and have fairly good physical fitness always enter such institutions. To enroll, the applicant will have to provide parental consent in writing.

Additionally, you will need to present the following documents:

  • Application written by the applicant.
  • Autobiographical sketch.
  • Certificate from the hospital.
  • Identification.
  • School certificate.
  • Characteristics from the educational institution.

A complete bank of documentation must be checked on the website of the relevant educational institution. Internal entrance exams are often held for applicants. You definitely need to prepare for such a turn.


An environment close to that is organized for the cadets. In such institutions, the daily schedule is always strictly observed. Get up at a specific time. The cadet is given approximately 10 minutes to get ready.

After this, the young men go to exercise, start eating and go to classes. After lunch, they are given time for self-study. During this period they have little personal time.
The state provides students with food, uniforms, and educational materials, as well as free education. Detailed information about living conditions must be obtained specifically from those institutions where the applicant plans to enroll.

Russian citizenship is the main condition for admission to the Suvorov Military School. Such establishments are open to boys and girls under 15 years of age. Different schools put forward their own specific requirements for the age category of applicants. However, the rules regarding age are the same for everyone. After 15 years, no one will be accepted into Suvorov.

There are the following reasons for withdrawal:

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Endocrine system, blood poisoning, poor immune system.
  • A variety of skin diseases such as psoriasis, neurodermatitis, and vitiligo.
  • Poor eyesight.
  • Digestive system disorders.
  • Disorders of the genitourinary system.

Each case must be considered separately and a specific decision must be made regarding it.

Nakhimov School

After the 9th grade, the Nakhimov School also trains future sailors. Shipboard practice is considered an integral element of training at this institution.

The Nakhimov School accepts boys and girls who have not yet turned 18 years old. They must meet certain selection criteria. Applicants enter this institution based on the results of an annual competitive selection. Documents from candidates are accepted daily during business hours.

Cadet Corps

Peter I founded the Cadet Corps on the territory of our country. The main criteria for selecting students for the cadet corps are good psychological or physical data. Good health is needed in order to endure heavy physical activity and a rigorous study schedule.

It should be noted that cadets are trained in closed institutions or boarding schools. Therefore, they are allowed to visit their relatives only on weekends. Strict discipline is considered the most significant factor in the educational process.

Also, all cadets wear a military uniform, learn to march, stand watch and are required to address their elders only by rank. The main advantage of such education is considered to be conditions that are as close as possible to real army life.

Military Music School

At the military music school, young men can receive secondary education. This institution accepts only boys under 16 years of age on the basis of general education, as well as preliminary musical training in a class at an ordinary children's music school. To enroll, you must be proficient in some kind of wind or percussion instrument. You also need to meet certain health and psychological requirements.

The duration of training is 3 years and 10 months. After graduating from college, children are given a national diploma of secondary specialized education. After this, graduates can undergo training at a military institute.

Specialized cadet corps in our country played a significant role in the issue of training a professional officer corps in Russia. These educational institutions have always instilled in young men love for their homeland, morality, character, will, physical fitness, perseverance and endurance.

Cadets were constantly distinguished by in-depth specialized knowledge, sufficient erudition, feelings of increased patriotism for their homeland, officer honor, valor and military camaraderie. Students have always actively participated in the cultural development of society.

In this cadet corps, educational programs have been established that imply professional training in the direction of the development of the Space Forces for subsequent admission to schools for higher education.

Military school for girls

Today, even for underage girls who want to devote their lives to serving in the armed forces, the opportunity to receive an appropriate education opens up. For this purpose, special military schools for girls are opening in the country.
In such institutions, graduates have a secondary education and after graduation can enter the military field.

It is prestigious to study at military institutions - on video:

Submit your question in the form below

Admission to military schools is carried out in accordance with the Admission Procedure, which is approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 185 of April 7, 2015.

Let's consider the procedure for completing the receipt and find out for ourselves how to enter a military school, in accordance with the Admission Procedure.

Choosing a military school and specialty

According to clause 84 of the Procedure and Conditions for Admission to Military Schools, the official website of the school must, no later than October 1, publish information relevant for admission to the next year, which should disclose the following questions:

  1. Rules for admission to the school.
  2. List of specialties for which training is provided at this university.
  3. List of exams required for admission.
  4. Test forms and programs.
  5. Determining the professional suitability of candidates.
  6. Rules and forms in accordance with which the level of professional suitability of candidates for admission is determined.
  7. Rules for determining the level of preparedness of candidates.
  8. Procedure, conditions and terms of admission to the school.
  9. The procedure for concluding a contract for military service.
  10. Information about recording the individual achievements of candidates and their special rights.

Before July 1, the following information should be published on the official website of the military university:

  • Conditions for professional selection.
  • Schedule of professional selection of candidates for admission.
  • Information about special rights and benefits provided to incoming training candidates.

We study the requirements for candidates for admission to a military school

According to clauses 45-48 of the Procedure, the main mandatory requirements for candidates for admission are:

  1. Completed secondary education of the candidate.
  2. Compliance with entry age.
    • For persons who have not served in the military – from 16 to 22 years.
    • For persons undergoing military service by conscription or who have already completed it - up to 24 years of age.
    • For contract military personnel, with the exception of officers, up to 27 years of age.
  3. Compliance with the candidate's level of physical fitness.
  4. Absence or punishment by court verdict.
  5. Successful completion of selection for medical and psychological-professional indications, applied separately for each military specialty.
  6. Knowledge of the state language.

We submit prepared documents for admission to the university

How to enter a military school and what is the procedure and deadlines for submitting documents? The deadline for submitting documents to the military registration and enlistment office of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is until April 20 of the year of admission, in accordance with clause 56 of the Procedure. The candidate submits the following documents:

  1. A copy of the birth certificate.
  2. Application for admission to a university as a cadet. The application must indicate the candidate's full name, date of birth, citizenship, details of the candidate's identity document, educational documents, residential address, if the applicant comes from service or after service in the armed forces - military rank and position held. The name of the school and the specialty in which the applicant plans to study is also indicated.
  3. Autobiography of the candidate.
  4. Positive, work or service.
  5. Copy of the passport.
  6. A copy of the education document (qualification).
  7. Consent to the processing of personal data. If consent is not provided, then, according to Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 (Article 9) and Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 08-PG-MON-1993, the education document may not be issued.
  8. Three photos 4.5 by 6 cm.
  9. A certificate of training, if a student is transferred to a school, if a military personnel - a military personnel card.

When submitting documents to a school, selection for which is made only after obtaining security clearance, you must have time to submit documents before April 1.

We are undergoing preliminary selection for military school

The procedure for passing the preliminary selection is disclosed in clause 53 of the Admission Procedure.

Thus, candidates from those who have not served in the military are pre-selected by military registration and enlistment offices of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and conscription commissions of municipalities.

During the pre-selection process, the suitability level is checked against certain criteria, in particular:

  • According to the level of education of candidates.
  • According to the age.
  • According to their citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Based on health and fitness levels.
  • By categories essential for determining the degree of professional suitability.

Admission to professional selection is carried out by the school's admissions committee.

Its decisions on the admission of each candidate come to the military commissariats, which, in turn, notify candidates about the conditions for passing professional selection in accordance with Art. 60 Order.

It is worth noting here that the priority for admission to a military school is completion or completion of military service.

We are undergoing professional selection for a military educational institution

Those candidates who have passed the preliminary selection are sent by military registration and enlistment offices to military schools for further selection and testing (see paragraph 61 of the Procedure).

Professional selection of candidates takes place at military universities in accordance with clause 76 of the Procedure, from July 1 to July 30.
To undergo professional selection, the candidate must submit the following documents to the admissions committee of the school in accordance with clause 63 of the Procedure:

  • Passport (military ID) and original certificate of secondary education and qualification document.
  • Documents confirming the existence of special rights to study at the school, if any.
  • Information about existing individual achievements with supporting documents.
  • Information about the results of passing the Unified State Exam.

The procedure for passing professional selection is defined in clause 65 of the Procedure and includes:

  1. Determination of health status and determination of fitness level.
  2. Passing socio-psychological, psychological and psychophysiological testing to determine the degree of professional suitability according to these indicators.
  3. Passing mandatory entrance tests: assessing the level of education, assessing the level of professional and creative readiness and testing the level of physical fitness.

Clause 68 of the Procedure determines that each entrance test for successful completion requires the minimum required number of points that the test taker must score.

The school conducts tests in general education subjects independently. Tests are carried out in Russian in written form (see clause 72 of the Procedure).

We receive the results of professional selection for military school

Information on the admission of candidates for training is posted by the admissions committee of a military university on the stand of the admissions committee in the public domain. This information is also duplicated on the official website of the Ministry of Defense, in accordance with clause 84 of the Procedure.

If candidates scored the same number of points, then, according to clause 92 of the Procedure, they are included in the list in accordance with preferential rights and points in specialized subjects. If candidates do not score the required number of points to pass the professional selection, they are included in a separate list of candidates who are denied admission. The reason for the refusal is recorded in accordance with clause 91 of the Procedure.

The admissions committee of the university reviews the competitive lists and decides to recommend the number of candidates for enrollment in the university in accordance with the number established by recruitment calculations (clause 93 of the Procedure). Finally, in accordance with clause 94 of the Procedure, an order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on personnel is issued, according to which, from August 1, candidates who have received a recommendation from the admissions committee for enrollment are enrolled in schools and appointed to military positions as cadets.

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