How to determine your child's athletic inclinations. Testing a child's sports abilities: what is needed, how to pass, help for parents. Genetic predisposition - myths and truth

What sport should I send my child to? How to avoid getting injured and, most importantly, enjoy the process, see the result and feel that it is “yours”!? Innate abilities are determined by genes, and our task is to reveal them.

The tendency towards strength or endurance, speed or acceleration, is determined by a combination of genes that regulate the basic processes of the human body. By studying this information, scientists have developed a special algorithm that allows one to take into account a person’s genetic characteristics in assessing the likelihood of success in various sports.

Anyone who plays sports or just plans always wants to achieve results. It is not for nothing that sprinters do not achieve great results when running long distances, and athletes-stayers do not receive gold medals in short races. The first path corresponds to long-term physical activity, the second to short-term, high-intensity exercise. This is influenced by the structure of muscle fibers, the level of blood supply to the muscles, and the rate of muscle mass gain. These differences are determined at the genotype level, so the DNA test for Predisposition to Sports shows in which sport the maximum results can be achieved.

DNA test sports genetics will help potential athletes, amateurs and professionals make the right choice and achieve their goals!

Genetic testing can help identify some injuries, allowing athletes to protect themselves from serious consequences.

The correct assessment of the probability of sports achievements is largely the merit of geneticists, which has been proven by scientists in statistics. research, but you need to understand that genetic tests do not exclude the need to take into account external factors and standard methods for selecting athletes, which, together with genetic research, will lead to success.

Choosing a sport for a child is not an easy task. Someone cannot give preference to one section, because their head is a mess of many attractive sports, and someone really wants to send their child, say, to hockey, but does not know whether it is suitable for the child. And it’s not just a matter of “likes” and “dislikes.” To correctly figure out where to send your son or daughter, you need to take other parameters into account.

What are testing centers and how do they work?

This Moskomsport project, which helps determine what sports a child is predisposed to, has been operating in the capital for about a year. There are 11 testing centers in Moscow where they will help you choose the right sport for your child completely free of charge. To undergo simple but very important tests, you will need to first obtain a certificate from your pediatrician stating that your child is allowed to engage in physical activity, as well as sign up for testing and grab a sports uniform for the child.

Testing lasts no more than 2 hours. Accepts children aged 6-12 years.

What does the procedure consist of?

The child performs physical and psychological tasks. At the end, you are given a large list of sports, from the most suitable to those for which your child, for some reason, is not yet ready.
There are two options for taking the test. In addition to contacting a specialized center, you can arrange a similar test yourself.

Professional testing.

A comprehensive examination at testing centers consists of psychophysiological, anthropometric, sports and functional studies. Let's figure out what's hidden under these names.

  • Psychophysiological testing

It includes tests for attention, reaction speed, memory, as well as the study of individual characteristics and determination of the type of temperament. The examinations take place quite quickly and are more like a game: click faster, find, build a sequence, and the like. However, the results of this stage are very important, because they largely determine whether the child will enjoy the chosen sport.

  • Anthropometric study

This is a measurement of physical condition indicators. You can often hear a phrase like this: “You don’t become a footballer, you are born.” Instead of the word “footballer” you can insert any other word. The fact is that the indicators laid down by nature directly determine the propensity for any sport. Here, your child will not only have his height measured and his weight determined, but also his blood pressure will be taken, body diameters will be measured, and the shape of the chest, back, and the thickness of the skin and fat folds will be determined.

  • Functional testing

Here components such as endurance, performance, and the ability to maintain balance are determined.
The test consists of the Ruffier test, Step test, PWC 170, Romberg test. Let's explain what this means.

  1. Ruffier test determines the performance of the heart during physical activity. The child's pulse is measured 3 times: at rest and lying on his back, immediately after performing 30 squats in 45 seconds and about a minute later (also in a lying position). Based on this, the endurance indicator is calculated.
  2. Step test determines the endurance of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. What it consists of: you need to climb onto the step platform for several minutes at a given pace and lower back down. It then measures how quickly the heart rate recovers.
  3. PWC 170- gradually increase the load until the heart rate reaches 170 per minute. This determines overall performance.
  4. Romberg test reveals the ability to maintain balance with eyes closed and shows the state of the vestibular apparatus and coordination abilities. Performed on a special platform.
  • Sports testing

At this stage, the child will perform key physical exercises: standing long jump, high jump, twisting straight arms back and forth (the child holds a gymnastic stick in his hands and tries to twist, placing his hands as close to each other as possible), bending forward from a sitting position, shuttle run (3 times 10 meters each), 15 meter run, throwing and catching the ball after the rebound in pairs, pull-ups on a high bar. The number of tests and their indicators, of course, depend on the gender and age of the child.

Online testing

This is a very good option for those who do not live in Moscow. To get through this testing it will take about half an hour. You will need to enter the height, weight, age of the child, and, if desired, the height of the parents in order to predict what your child will be like in the near future. Next, you will see a list of sports tests that your child needs to complete. A description is attached to each item. Some tests come with short videos showing how to complete the exercise.

Your child will be able to do some simple exercises: squats, shuttle runs, bench push-ups, 15-meter run, bending over from a lying position, twisting straight arms, a speed test (click the mouse as quickly as possible when the sound signal appears), and you can also conduct the test yourself Ruffier. Again, the number of tests offered depends on the age stated.

The advantage of this option is that you can participate in it here and now. But a more complete, professional and versatile study, of course, is carried out in testing centers. You can only measure the child’s physical indicators on your own, but it is important to understand what he is inclined to purely psychologically and where he will be more pleased to exercise due to his physique.

Any human ability is determined by a set of genes. Their certain combination and correct development of the capabilities inherent in nature leads to the emergence of record holders and Olympic champions. How can you determine your predisposition to sports as accurately as possible?? There is a technique based on genetic research that allows you to determine the characteristics of a particular person’s genome and the likelihood of achieving success in specific sports.

DNA test for predisposition to sports also identifies the likely risks of certain injuries, which allows provide protection against complications and other negative consequences. The body’s ability to quickly recover from injury is an important criterion when choosing a type of sports activity.

Determination of predisposition to sports

Modern analysis of sports genetics involves the study of a complex of genes that determine a person’s propensity for certain activities and the risks that physical activity brings. This complex includes genes that are responsible for:

  • fast and slow muscle tissues;
  • insulin production and metabolic processes;
  • calcium metabolism in bone tissue;
  • supplying the body with oxygen.

Genes are also analyzed that make it possible to evaluate the likelihood of cardiovascular, thromboembolic and other complications caused by increased physical stress and injuries. Much attention is paid to metabolism and reactions to certain medications.

Today this technique is the most accurate and reliable, allows you to obtain objective information about the abilities of a particular person. This will help you work in the right direction, adjust the types and volumes of loads.

How to determine children's predisposition to sports

Physical activity and regular exercise have of great importance for a growing child's body. Parents strive to send their child to various sections and clubs, often expecting high results from him.

But in order not to waste precious time, it is best to determine a child’s predisposition to a sport by conducting DNA testing. find out exactly who is growing up in the family - an athlete, a marathon runner or a swimmer. By correctly using the abilities inherent in nature, you can achieve significant success.

The DNA testing laboratory "DTL" conducts modern research in this direction. By providing a sample of the child's buccal epithelium, objective information about his abilities can soon be obtained. The biomaterial is collected using a soft cotton swab, the procedure takes a few minutes and does not cause discomfort. How to properly take a smear at home and what is needed for this, you can find out from our specialists by telephone or at the laboratory department in Moscow.

DNA analysis for predisposition to sports

For those who decide to devote themselves to the sports field, it is extremely important find out your predisposition to a certain sport. Research shows that success and achievement depend 70% on a set of genes and only 30% on the characteristics of training.

The main advantage of DNA testing is the determination of a person's genetic predisposition to physical activity. The results obtained will help solve the following problems:

  • establish a hereditary tendency to athletics or weightlifting, swimming, etc.
  • develop or change a training plan;
  • apply preventive measures in a timely manner to prevent the development of occupational diseases;
  • ensure that workers in certain areas are properly trained.

The use of genetic research in various professional fields will improve the level of career guidance, make the most of a person’s abilities and preserve his health for many years.

How to determine predisposition to sports in the DTL Laboratory

Take DNA testing in Moscow and get an expert opinion, whose accuracy is 99.999999%, it is possible in our molecular genetic center. A modern certified laboratory and a staff of highly professional specialists in the field of genetics are available to clients.

A sample of buccal epithelium is sufficient for the study. You can donate biomaterial to comfortable conditions of our laboratory or its official representative offices. You can also collect the material yourself at home. Our specialists will provide detailed instructions over the phone and tell you how to properly take a smear at home.

We guarantee each client:

  • personal approach;
  • short deadlines for analysis;
  • accurate and reliable result;
  • attractive prices;
  • confidentiality and protection of personal information.

In the life path of a boy or girl, in his physical development and personality development, sport plays a big role. Usually parents think about the question: should I send my child to the section? When a child goes to a preparatory group in kindergarten, or starts attending primary school. Here mom and dad are faced with a choice. After all, there are a lot of sections, and sometimes it can be difficult to decide. In these cases, teachers, coaches, and psychologists come to the rescue. Or you can use a new modern method - determining by the child’s blood type his or her aptitude for sports.

Young athletes who have blood flowing through their veins are destined by nature itself to become leaders not only in life, but also in sports. Their distinctive feature is determination and perseverance. Such children are often confident in their abilities, so mastering any exercise or sports element will not be difficult for them. Often, children with this blood type achieve sports victories and real records.

Along with these characteristics, the owners are sensitive and sensitive to losses and falls, they have inflated ambitions, and envy the successes of others. All this is because these children want to be first always and everywhere. When sending these children to sports, they should be taught to respect their opponents in sports and to have an adequate attitude towards competition.

It is better to send such children to gymnastics, single figure skating, weightlifting, and wrestling. All these sports are individual.

For these children, contact sports will be preferable. Children feel comfortable in a group, in a close-knit team, they are able to wholeheartedly worry and “cheer” for others, they have a strong “team spirit”, they know how to be part of a team. They are not leaders, they are excellent and responsible performers. Although, of course, there are winners among them.

To achieve success in sports, such children need a leader, an authority figure to lead them. They will be a professional and objective coach.

Children with the second blood group are contraindicated in sports with heavy physical activity, where there is fierce competition.

You can send such a child to sports dances or pairs figure skating, football, volleyball, hockey. In general, where the ability to work in a team is important.

Here the parents' decision may be initially wrong. Children who have it are unpredictable in their behavior. They are individualists. Their behavior can often be original. These qualities manifest themselves not only in sports, but throughout their lives. Such children can suddenly, without warning, let down the entire team by not showing up for important competitions, or when no one expects anything good from them, they can bring a brilliant victory, giving their all.

Running, jumping, skiing, and swimming are suitable for such children. Those sports in which victory depends only on a specific performer, that is, singles.

Adults, and even children who possess, have such distinctive features as balance and self-control. Along with a slow reaction, such children experience increased mobility.

For them, you should choose sports that do not require quick reactions. Children of this group should not be sent to badminton, fencing, or tennis. Such children are also unlikely to become football goalkeepers. Speed ​​is not their thing.

Also, when choosing a sport, you need to focus on the degree of physical activity of the child. It should be moderate and appropriate for the child’s age. Otherwise he will become overtired. As a result, neither the child nor the parents will receive joy and benefits from playing sports.

When choosing a section for a child, one should not forget about the diseases that the baby has. For example, team sports: football, volleyball, hockey are contraindicated for children suffering from myopia and flat feet. Horseback riding and swimming are suitable for these children. Riding a horse does not involve much physical exertion; at the same time, the muscles of the back and thighs are massaged. Horseback riding can treat mental disorders. This sport is used as therapy for children suffering from cerebral palsy. Children with spinal problems should not engage in sports in which only one half of the body is involved - fencing, rhythmic gymnastics, table tennis.

It should be added that it is possible to determine a child’s propensity for sports by his blood type in specialized laboratories that collect tests. For this it will be necessary. This analysis is based on identifying genes that are associated with different types of physical activity. According to research results, in order for a sports career to develop successfully, one chooses the type of load that is most suitable for individual indicators. Hereditary genes for endurance, strength, and speed are being studied. A hereditary predisposition to a particular sport may be detected in the blood.

When choosing one section or another, we must not forget that children are ready to engage in sports professionally only at the age of twelve to fourteen.

This is when they begin to be more physically resilient. Until the child reaches the specified age, sports activities should be enjoyable for the child, bring joy and positive emotions.

Determining a child’s propensity for sports based on a child’s blood type is a very good approach. In this case, parents do not select a section out of thin air, but base their decision and make their choice wisely, having test results and proven scientific support before their eyes.

Vide - Which sport should I send my child to:

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