How to determine your child's athletic inclinations. Choosing a sport for a child - testing children's abilities. Martial arts, team sports, all-around

What is analyzed in a molecular genetic study?

The human genome consists of 3 billion nucleotides (letters). As a result of the international Human Genome Project, all human sequences were deciphered and about 22 thousand genes were discovered. Currently, the function of approximately 20 thousand genes is known. But how much does genetic information differ between people?

How do these differences manifest themselves in humans?

determines his appearance, gender, hereditary diseases (such as cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, phenylketonuria and others).

The set of genes of a particular person predisposes (under the influence of relevant external factors, such as upbringing, nutrition, bad habits, lifestyle) to certain character traits, abilities in various fields of activity, to various diseases, to success in sports, bad habits, etc. .

Thus, by analyzing variations in genes whose functions are known, it is possible to determine a person’s propensity to play sports and predisposition to various diseases. You can also determine the type of sport in which you are more likely to achieve success, recommend a diet, adjust the training process, and prevent certain diseases.

Currently, about 150 genes are known that are, to one degree or another, associated with sports activity. Replacing just one letter in the gene sequence (this is called SNP-single nucleotide polymorphism) can affect the endurance, muscle strength, reaction speed of an athlete, and also increase the risk of various diseases, for example, cardiovascular, allergies and many others. Molecular research is aimed at studying such SNPs.

How is the analysis done?

Stage 1: Preliminary conversation with a geneticist. First, the geneticist collects the patient’s personal data, the results of laboratory and functional studies, interviews him about previous and existing diseases, and, based on the results of the conversation and questionnaire, determines the required range of genes for analysis.

Step 2: Blood or saliva collection. Typically, blood is taken from a vein for analysis. Some may take buccal epithelium (a scraping from the inside of the cheek) or saliva. What material was taken for research does not matter, since the genetic information is identical in every cell of our body.

Step 3: DNA analysis for various SNPs. DNA is isolated from the resulting material. Next, the isolated DNA is examined for the presence of various SNPs using the polymerase chain reaction method. This method is based on multiple increases in copies of the DNA region under study, followed by the use of various techniques to visualize the SNP variant.

Stage 4: Interpretation of the result. Summarizing the questionnaire data, the results of genetic, laboratory and functional studies, the geneticist compiles an athlete, which contains information about the detected SNPs and a detailed answer about the athlete’s inclinations for various sports, the risks of certain diseases, recommendations on diet and taking pharmacological medications.

Stage 5: Final conversation with a geneticist. During the conversation, he explains the results of molecular genetic research and gives appropriate recommendations.

The men's 100m final at the World Championships in Beijing once again featured only black athletes. “Where are the whites?” asked the TV commentator, knowing full well that they remained in the semi-finals. The clear leadership of blacks in the sprint is not an accident. “It’s all about genes,” say geneticists. It turns out that in order to achieve success in a particular sport, you need to know your “sports genotype.” And preferably from childhood.

“Our daughter is seven years old. We took her to tennis. My husband is very into sports. He himself has been playing for many years. And we really wanted the girl to take up tennis. But after a few lessons, the coach told us that our daughter would never advance beyond the amateur level. Of course, he is ready to continue working with her, but “within reason,” and then he openly advised us not to spend money. Not that, according to him, option. How can one explain his decision? Is it really true that a child is “programmed” this way almost from the cradle?”

From a letter from our regular reader

Why a child is not accepted into a sports section, and what sport is best for him to engage in - such questions regularly come to the editorial office. Is it possible to identify a child for sports? Zdravcom asked Anton Wilhelmi, a geneticist at the Helix Laboratory Service, to explain the situation.

It's no secret that many parents are hesitant about which sports section to send their child to. And many make a choice based on their own desires: some always dreamed of being a swimmer, while others were gymnasts themselves.

I would strongly recommend focusing first of all on the child’s abilities and capabilities. - different things, and they pursue different goals. Physical education is done for the sake of physical condition and, and sports is also done for the sake of victories, achievements, results. Therefore, if you want to develop in a child the abilities inherent in him by nature, you should pay attention to his genetic characteristics. And then, with his own desire, of course, he will be able to achieve good results.

Modern laboratory diagnostics have a reliable way to determine the optimal sports activity for a child. This is complex, revealing a predisposition to a particular sport. It is based on the peculiarities of the functioning of muscle tissue.

Geneticists already know more than two hundred genes responsible for endurance, speed and strength. The cause of gene differences is usually in the DNA molecule, leading to changes in the properties of the gene.

Based on their structure and function, there are two types of muscle fibers: fast and slow. Fast - capable of developing greater speed and force of muscle contraction, but they are not adapted to long-term stress. Slow ones, on the contrary, are able to work for a long time.

Fast muscle fibers synthesize the protein alpha-actinin-3, which is encoded by the ACTN3 gene. Alpha-actinin-3 stabilizes the contractile apparatus of skeletal muscles and is involved in various metabolic processes.

The main variant of the ACTN3 gene is designated as R, the rarer variant is X. The presence of the R gene variant gives its owner an advantage in explosive strength and speed, and the X gene variant contributes to the development of endurance.

Genotype R/R provides a significant advantage in sports that require explosive strength and speed (for example, shot throw, sprinting, football). The running success of black athletes is precisely due to the fact that most of them retain the non-mutated ACTN3 gene, which produces the ACTN3 protein.

Carriers genotype R/X capable of achieving high results at medium distances and in sports that require a combination of speed, strength and endurance (sports games, martial arts).

Genotype X/X provides benefits in those sports in which endurance is important (race walking, long-distance swimming, marathon running).

In the Russian population, genotype frequencies for the ACTN3 gene are distributed as follows: R/R - 36.5%, R/X - 49%, X/X - 14.5%.

Trainers know very well that, for example, it is much more difficult to train for speed and strength than for endurance. An experienced coach can quickly determine a child’s abilities without genetic analysis. As a rule, his opinion can be trusted. But for parents, finding out the genotype of their child is useful in many ways. And it will be easier to decide on sports. Let's say your boy has the R/R or R/X genotype. There are no contraindications to physical activity. This means we can talk about a potentially high level of his speed and power capabilities. It makes sense to send such a child to the gymnastics, volleyball, sprinting, and football sections. If he has the X/X genotype, one can expect good results from him in sports that require endurance: race walking, swimming and long-distance running.

And please, dear parents, do not forget that the child’s mental health also largely depends on his success in sports. If he achieves results without spending a lot of effort, he will be much more interested and motivated to strive for more. He will be pleased with himself and confident in his abilities.

By the way, in physical education there are many areas in which a person can theoretically succeed, regardless of his genotype. So any child always has something to do in this regard. But having a “successful” genotype does not guarantee that a child will become a high-class athlete. In addition to the “work of genes,” this depends on a number of factors, including psychological and social.

A laboratory test to determine a suitable sports section can be taken from early childhood, since the genotype does not change throughout a person’s life. The results of the study are issued along with the conclusion of a genetic expert, as well as a list of sports sections that are suitable for your child based on the type of muscle fiber structure and, as a result, the most appropriate types of physical activity. Further, much will depend on the general state of health, the character of the child, as well as the qualifications of the trainer.

This article approaches the problem from a scientific point of view and pays attention to such topics as the physical qualities of the child and their sensitive periods, specialization and multi-sport strategy, and sports genetics. However, some problems in choosing a sport for a child will remain beyond the scope of this article.

So one of these questions concerns the health of the child. If a child has any developmental pathologies, congenital or chronic diseases, then in the matter of choosing a sport, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

If a child is overweight or obese, then before thinking about playing sports, you need to bring your body mass index to more or less normal levels. Some parents, when sending their overweight child to a sports section, think that they are solving the problem of excess weight. But this is not a solution to the problem, but an attempt to shift responsibility to someone else. It will be very difficult for anyone other than parents to solve this problem. There is no point in relying on the child’s consciousness yet. Often a similar situation is observed with poor posture - parents think that by sending their child to swimming or gymnastics, everything will improve. This is possible if the child gets to a good trainer, who is also a physical therapy doctor. But still, we would recommend not relying on chance, but making an informed choice in favor of qualified doctors and a targeted solution to a specific problem.

Health or gold?

The first and most important question that every parent should ask themselves when they are just starting to think about introducing their child to sports is the purpose of your child’s participation in sports. Why do you send your child to a sports section and what do you expect to get as a result? And you must answer this question for yourself honestly, since your future strategy and its success depend on it. Goals may be different. One of them is the highest sporting achievements, i.e. victory at the Olympic Games and/or a successful professional sports career as a football/hockey/tennis player, which will provide a comfortable life for both the athlete and his parents. For other parents, the goal may be prestige. In their environment, they may be pleased to boast that their son is involved in hockey, judo or football, and their daughter is involved in rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating or tennis. Gold medals in this case are also welcome, but we may not be talking about the highest sporting achievements, however, with good sporting success, the parents’ goals may change to the option discussed above. However, the most common goal is the child’s physical development, beauty and improvement of his health. Another goal, which is successfully combined with the previous one, is for the child to acquire useful skills and abilities that will be useful to him in later life, such as self-defense skills, self-insurance in case of a fall, the ability to run, swim, dance, somersault and do the splits, and lift a barbell. , skiing/skating/snowboarding and much more that can be useful in everyday life. Also, many parents hope that sport will help in acquiring such useful psychological qualities as courage, determination, willpower and the will to win, improve the child’s socialization and provide an opportunity to make new friends. We do not pretend to be complete and there may be other goals, but in this article we will mainly touch on the most popular one - sports for health and will try to offer the optimal strategy for achieving this goal. We will touch on elite sports at the end of this article.

Sports specialization

“Today it is customary to start early, too early specialization: in figure skating, in hockey. Smarter coaches, those who know children's physiology, devote a lot of time to general physical training. But not all. On the other hand, there are also parents who, for the most part, do not understand anything about this at all and only see that the child was sent to hockey, and instead of kicking the puck on the ice, he is doing some kind of exercises in the gym. But this is the most correct way into sports. I believe that in any sport the first year should be devoted to general physical training plus a gentle introduction to the sport and getting to know it. I think coaches involved in the early introduction of children into sports can argue with this. But compared abroad, people start playing sports not as early as here. And the results are no worse.”
Svetlana Zhurova, Olympic champion in speed skating.

Sports specialization means that out of many sports, an athlete chooses one on which all his efforts are concentrated in order to achieve the greatest progress and the highest results. It seems that the modern development of sports forces us to start systematic training early. Athletes from some countries want to participate in a sports race at any cost and sometimes there is a desire for the earliest possible sports specialization. In Russia, some sections of swimming, gymnastics, figure skating, football, and hockey accept children from 4-6 years old; martial arts begin from 7-10 years old. But how to distinguish early specialization from general physical training, which is almost always specialized for a specific sport? Doctor and coach, one of the authors of the magazine of the Russian Artistic Gymnastics Federation Oleg Vasiliev writes the following: “ If you just want to introduce your child to physical activity and sports, then classes twice a week are quite enough. And in just a couple of months, the muscle corset will become stronger, the child will become more fit, coordinated, and will learn basic gymnastic and acrobatic elements that will remain with him for many years. This is especially true for belay skills and falls. But if the goal is a sports result, then you will have to train every day, except for one day off. And preschoolers are already entering this regime».

However, research does not support the thesis about the advisability of early specialization. Analyzing the age of successful wrestlers who trained in various types of martial arts, researchers found that success was most often achieved by athletes who began systematic training relatively late. Most classical and freestyle wrestlers began training in these sports at the age of over 13 years. A similar trend was observed among the best judoka athletes. Many of them began training at the age of 10-14 years, and only a few (about 9%) began earlier. Quite a large number of the world's best athletes began systematic training over the age of 15. The results confirm the thesis: starting wrestling training too early is unfavorable. The Roman principle applies here: “Make haste slowly.” It is possible that the later start of systematic training is a specific biological protection for wrestlers and allows them to achieve success at the highest levels for many years.

No less interesting material was obtained by analyzing the age and experience of leading Polish athletes involved in rhythmic gymnastics. To achieve the 1st category in this sport, 3 years of training were required, and the optimal age for starting systematic training was 11-12 years of age. Girls starting gymnastics at 8 years old needed 5.4 years, and at 11 and 12 years old it took only 3 years. The decreasing relationship between age and the number of years required to obtain the 1st sports category seems to suggest that training sessions for a specific sport should begin not as early as possible (this trend is still in effect), but at the most optimal age.

There is a generally accepted opinion about the need for a very early start in systematic training in artistic gymnastics. Studies conducted on leading gymnasts from 9 countries indicate that they began training at different ages. Polish gymnasts most often began systematically training at the age of 9-11 years, and athletes from 8 European countries - at 7-11 years (some much later, even at 14-15 years).

Scientific research over the past two decades does not support the idea of ​​starting training at an increasingly younger age, and also shows that early specialization in sports carries great risks. The trend toward a decrease in the age at which systematic training begins is also not confirmed in biosocial conditions. It contradicts the idea of ​​“sports for children” and is an invention of people striving for success by any means necessary. The implementation of such ideas in practice is associated with experiments and exposes children to the risk of loss of health and reduces the likelihood of achieving high sports results.

Thus, no matter what goal you are pursuing, be it improving health and harmonious physical development or top sports results, early sports specialization is not recommended. The most correct strategy would be diversified sports development, with the determination of specialization by the end of school. This strategy includes not one, but several sports at different stages of child development (multi-sport strategy). This will also help the child master a large number of useful skills and abilities in life. When it comes to determining the most effective sequence of sports as a child grows up, we recommend sticking to the so-called sensitive periods.

Sensitive periods
Rice. 1 - Sensitive periods in boys and girls in relation to biological and chronological age (average statistical data). (Balyi & Way, 2014)
The red and blue curves show the average rate of rapid teenage growth (annual growth in centimeters), which characterizes the biological age of the child. The physical properties outlined by the dotted lines are positioned relative to these curves, and the arrows indicate that they should move with the curve. For qualities outlined by a solid line (flexibility and speed), such data are not available, so they are tied only to chronological age, plotted on the horizontal axis. PHV (peak height velocity) - the maximum of a growth spurt.

The human body develops unevenly (heterochromic). A child has special sensitive stages of development in which certain physical qualities develop better than others. They are called sensitive. If a targeted impact is made during these time periods, the effect will be significantly higher than in other periods. Experiences during the sensitive period have particularly strong or long-lasting effects on the formation of connections in the brain.

But why do these periods exist? Why shouldn't they last a lifetime? There is a neuro-physiological explanation for this. The human brain uses 17% of the energy received by the body. This is the highest rate among living beings. But this is nothing compared to the energy costs of developing a child’s brain. The brain of a five-year-old child consumes half the energy the body needs. Most of this energy is consumed by synapses, so maintaining additional synaptic connections is expensive. The sensitive period is characterized by the presence of the maximum number of such connections in the part of the brain that is responsible for this or that physical quality. After the sensitive period, in order to save energy, most of these connections disappear. However, neuron synapses that fire more often are more likely to be maintained and strengthened.

The periods of maximum energy consumption by the brain occur before the age of 6 years and are associated with the development of such vital qualities as vision, perception, and speech. Sensitive periods for physical performance begin at age 7, when the amount of energy consumed by the brain begins to decline, successively reaching “adult” levels in different areas of the brain as they mature. This process is completed between the ages of 16 and 18. Later, brain architecture will be less amenable to modification, either because additional axons and synapses are no longer accessible or because the biochemical pathways that determine synaptic activity change with age.

In the last century, many studies have identified sensitive periods relative to the chronological age of the child. Therefore, data on sensitive periods vary greatly. Some sources have completely abandoned the attempt to link sensitive periods to the child’s age with an accuracy of one year. Today, scientists have come to understand that chronological age is a poor criterion because all children mature at different rates. Therefore, they began to rely on the biological age of the child, which is determined by such maturation criteria as the beginning of the growth spurt, the maximum growth spurt (PHV - peak height velocity), the degree of ossification of bone tissue (the percentage of cartilage to bone tissue), menarche

in girls (see Figure 1). Modern studies of sensitive periods of such physical qualities as strength, endurance and coordination are no longer done in relation to chronological age, but in relation to maturation criteria, the main one of which is PHV - maximum growth spurt. We are talking about the annual increase in a child’s height (centimeters per year). On average, PHV occurs at 12 years of age for girls and 14 years for boys. However, other physical qualities such as flexibility and speed still lack research in relation to biological age and we are forced to rely on old data on chronological age. To make it easier for the reader to navigate, we will consider physical qualities and the corresponding sports according to the following sensitive periods. Physical qualities of the child

When analyzing a child’s physical data, you should pay attention to his physique. There are three main body types:
Thoracic (thoracic, ectomorphic). Characteristic features: thin figure, narrow bones, shoulders slightly wider than hips, long arms and legs. Strengths: endurance. Weak qualities - physical strength.
Muscular (muscular, mesomorphic). Characteristic features: athletic figure, wide bones, broad shoulders, arms and legs of medium length. This is a medium type in which strength and endurance are harmoniously combined.
Digestive (abdominal, endomorphic). Characteristic features: stocky figure, wide bones, shoulders no wider than hips, short arms and legs. Strengths: physical strength. Weak qualities - endurance.

In addition, there are physical qualities that are not manifested in the physique: speed, flexibility, coordination.
Parents should also pay attention to their physical qualities and the development of the skeleton (bones, tendons and joints). All this has a direct bearing on your child and should be taken into account when choosing a sport.
Body type does not impose restrictions on the choice of sport, but it limits the achievement of top sports results. The muscular body type is well suited for all sports. The thoracic type should give preference to cyclic sports, complex coordination sports, as well as sports games and all-around events. The digestive type should choose weightlifting sports and martial arts.

All sports can be divided into those where the development of one of the physical qualities reaches an extreme degree, and into those where a complex, versatile development of all these qualities occurs to a moderate degree. The latter include team sports, martial arts and all-around.

“I did gymnastics for 10 years. Having received the title of Master of Sports at the age of 15, I felt that I had reached the peak in gymnastics. Then the coach suggested that I try myself in pole vaulting. Although, of course, you need to study seriously from the age of 10-11, but since I had a certain preparation, everything worked out. My example can confirm the thesis that gymnastics is the key to all sports. I tell everyone: “If you don’t know which section to enroll your child in, send it to artistic gymnastics.” There you can lay an excellent foundation: pumping, stretching...”
Elena Isinbaeva, Two-time Olympic champion in pole vault.

Flexibility develops in absolutely all sports, as an element of general physical training. Muscle stretching is necessary to prevent sports injuries. But special (maximum) requirements for flexibility are imposed in those sports where judges subjectively evaluate the aesthetics of an athlete’s actions: gymnastics, acrobatics, figure skating, synchronized swimming, sports dancing, freestyle. In these sports, flexibility is directly related to complex coordination of movements. Although flexibility is not expressed in any way in the physique, it can be noticed from the first years of a child’s life.
Sensitive period for developing flexibility: from 6 to 12 years.

Coordination and balance
The greatest effect in developing coordination is provided by complex coordination sports such as sports acrobatics, artistic and artistic gymnastics, diving, trampolining, ski jumping, slalom, freestyle, figure skating, mountain biking and BMX. All these types place significant demands on the preparation of the neuromuscular and vestibular apparatus. The foundation for complex coordination movements is laid in childhood and requires many years of regular, systematic training.
The sensitive period for the development of coordination lasts before the start of the growth spurt: from 7 to 12 years.

Speed ​​is the ability to perform motor actions in a minimum amount of time. The development of the speed of integral movements is associated with the improvement of other physical qualities and techniques. Quickness and speed are different characteristics of human motor function. Speed ​​of movement is a general property of the central nervous system, manifested in motor reactions and movements with unloaded limbs. Speed ​​is the ultimate characteristic of sports movement. In sprint distances in running, skating, cycling, and swimming, the speed of muscle contraction plays a role, but is not decisive. In other sports (hockey, boxing, karate, fencing), the speed of muscle contraction is a key, but not the only necessary quality. In addition, in these species this quality is directly related to the speed of reaction. The greatest increase in speed as a result of training is observed in children from 9 to 12 years old, and maximum values ​​are reached at 14-15 years old.

Endurance is the ability to perform any activity for a long time without reducing its effectiveness. Endurance is based on the development of the cardio-respiratory system (heart, blood and lungs), so developing endurance is also the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in the future. Sports that require great endurance from athletes include all cyclic sports in which physical activity continues for a relatively long time: stayer and marathon distances in running, race walking, cycling, cross-country skiing and biathlon, swimming, speed skating, orienteering , triathlon and decathlon. When starting training in these sports, you must immediately tune in to a lot of hard work associated with cultivating the ability to willfully resist fatigue (patience) not only during competitive but also training activities. In accordance with the requirements, young athletes of these sports first of all develop general endurance and extraordinary willpower.
The sensitive period for the development of endurance begins with the onset of the growth spurt (see Figure 1). The sensitive period for aerobic capacity lasts until the onset of growth spurt maximum (PHV). For aerobic power, on the contrary, the sensitive period begins after PHV until the decline in growth rates.

Strength is the ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it with muscle tension. Strength abilities are divided into several types, the most important of which are maximum strength and explosive strength, as a subtype of speed-strength capabilities, characterized by maximum power. It is the maximum power that is most in demand in most sports - in athletics throwing (javelin, discus, hammer), shot put, jumping, weightlifting, and various types of wrestling. In sprint distances in running, skating, skiing, cycling, swimming. Slow (isotonic) and static strength are required in artistic gymnastics and rock climbing. The sensitive period for strength development begins after the maximum growth spurt: from 12 to 17 years.

Martial arts, team sports, all-around

The group of martial arts includes boxing, kickboxing, wrestling (classical, freestyle, sambo, judo), oriental and national martial arts (karate, kudo, wushu, taekwondo, Thai boxing, Brazilian jau-jitsu, etc.), fencing. This group of sports is characterized by direct contact opposition between competing athletes. Fights are a physical and psychological confrontation that requires the active manifestation of strong-willed qualities, initiative, and self-control. In the process of sports improvement, general and special endurance, strength qualities of the main muscle groups and their speed develop, especially in striking martial arts, the efficiency and productivity of sensory-motor processes, including reaction speed, increases. Combat sports develop self-confidence and provide basic self-defense skills. All types of striking martial arts are of practical importance in all power structures.

Sports improvement in gaming disciplines contributes to the harmonious education of all basic physical qualities among those involved. Under the influence of systematic training in team sports, the functions of the vestibular apparatus, coordination and balance are improved and rapid changes in body position are better tolerated, the accuracy of movements is improved, peripheral vision develops, and the ability to differentiate spatial perceptions increases. Team sports especially contribute to the development of such positive qualities and character traits as the ability to work in a team, mutual assistance, and conscious discipline. In addition, game sports contribute to the development of attention, memory and thinking.

All-around events have a multifaceted impact, require good psychophysical preparedness, instill in athletes the skills of rationally spending energy and time on various types of activities, and instill in them discipline, hard work, and perseverance.

Child's age

Russian state standards in their age standards for admitting children to sports sections are also based on sensitive periods. Until 2014, there was SanPin, where Appendix 2 contained a table of the Minimum Age for Enrolling Children in Sports Schools by Sports. But on July 4, 2014, it lost force and the new SanPiN N 41 came into force, where this table does not exist. The standards for the minimum age of children for enrollment in sports sections migrated to the Federal Standards of Sports Training from the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. Each sport has its own document. We looked at all the standards and compiled a summary table, as in the old SanPin, with the minimum ages for enrolling children in primary training groups.

Minimum age for enrollment of children in primary training groups
Age Kinds of sports
6 Artistic gymnastics (girls), Acrobatics (girls), Rhythmic gymnastics, Figure skating, Cycling-BMX
7 Water skiing, Artistic gymnastics (boys), Diving, Synchronized swimming, Freestyle, Table tennis, Swimming, Tennis, Acrobatics (boys), Trampoline, Dance sports, Aerobics, Darts, Shaping, Chess, Checkers, Wushu
8 Alpine skiing, Snowboarding, Basketball, Football, Badminton, Orienteering, Sports tourism, Golf, Curling
9 Biathlon, Athletics, Ski Jumping, Sailing, Baseball, Water Polo, Volleyball, Handball, Speed ​​Skating, Ski Racing, Short Track, Rugby, Softball, Ice Hockey, Bandy, Field Hockey, Taekwondo, Fencing
10 Cycling, Equestrianism, Modern pentathlon, Luge, Shooting, Boxing, Freestyle wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling, Rowing, Kayaking and canoeing, Judo, Weightlifting, Mountaineering, Ice buoy, Rowing slalom, Naturban, Polyathlon, Triathlon, Modern pentathlon, Armwrestling, Kettlebell, Karate-do, Kyokusenkai, Rock climbing, Crossbow shooting, Kickboxing, Contact karate, Powerlifting, Sambo, Hand-to-hand combat
11 Archery, Shotgun shooting
12 Bobsled

However, one important note should be made - the numbers presented in the table do not mean that you can do nothing until the specified age. Please note that the standards provide standards for general and special physical training for enrollment in initial training groups. For example, according to the standard, a boy can be enrolled in the initial training group in artistic gymnastics from the age of 7. But in order to be enrolled, he must complete the following exercises:

  • Shuttle run 2x10 m (no more than 7.1 s)
  • Run 20 m (no more than 4.7 s)
  • Standing long jump (at least 130 cm)
  • Pull-ups from hanging on the bar (at least 5 times)
  • Bending-extension of arms in support on parallel gymnastic benches (at least 8 times)
  • Raising the legs from hanging on the gymnastic wall to the “corner” position (at least 5 times)
  • Maintaining the “corner” position while hanging on the gymnastic wall (at least 5 s)
  • Starting position - sitting, legs together Bend forward, Fixing the position 5 counts
  • Exercise “bridge” from a supine position (distance from feet to fingers no more than 30 cm, fixation 5 s)
  • Mandatory technical program
Obviously, without special training, not a single child can perform this complex. Therefore, he should begin training at the age of 5-6 in general physical training groups in artistic gymnastics, the purpose of which is to prepare the child to pass these standards.

Psychological qualities of the child

If your goal is the health and harmonious development of your child, then when choosing a sport based on psychological qualities, you can start from the opposite. If your child is an introvert, withdrawn and unsure of himself, unsociable or overly sensitive to the opinions of others, then team sports will help him open up and become more sociable. Various types of martial arts also require the ability to find a common language with teammates, while in cyclic sports, especially cycling, swimming, and triathlon, there is no time for communication at all. These sports involve long, monotonous work alone, so they are better suited for hyperactive children who are easily distracted from work and have difficulty sitting still. Cyclic activities will help them become calmer, more disciplined, and develop willpower and patience.

Highest sporting achievements

Canadian journalist and sociologist Malcolm Gladwell analyzed a number of studies in the field of arts and sports and came up with a rule of 10,000 hours and 10 years. In his book, Geniuses and Outsiders, he writes: “The picture that emerges from numerous studies is that, no matter what the field, it takes 10,000 hours of practice to achieve a level of mastery commensurate with world-class expert status. Whoever you take - composers, basketball players, writers, speed skaters, pianists, chess players, hardened criminals and so on - this number occurs with amazing regularity. Ten thousand hours is approximately three hours of practice per day, or twenty hours per week for ten years. This, of course, does not explain why some people benefit from exercise more than others. But no one has yet come across a case where the highest level of skill was achieved in less time. It seems like it takes exactly that long for the brain to absorb all the necessary information.”

However, the future champion will face a lot of obstacles on this long path that may not allow him to complete his 10,000-hour journey. These are primarily injuries, health problems of a different nature, psychological problems and a number of others. Therefore, when choosing the highest sporting achievements as a goal, parents should think responsibly and take on all the risks associated with achieving this goal. For example, in Canada, the birthplace of ice hockey, only 1 child out of 4000 (0.025%) will ever make it to the NHL, and only 5 out of 4000 (0.1%) young hockey players will receive a higher sports education in the future. Comprehensive testing and identification of your child’s strengths will reduce the likelihood of mistakes, the price of which is quite high.

If you consciously decide to raise a future world champion, then you must understand that success on the world stage cannot be achieved without talent. At the beginning of the last century, when competition in sports was low, it was possible to become a champion only through “ploughing” in training. And now no one has canceled the labor factor, but we must understand that millions of people involved in this sport are vying for one place as an Olympic champion, and all of them are not kicking ass during training. Consequently, genes come into play, determining up to 70% of the future champion in individual sports, and up to 50% in team sports. The combination of ideal genetic parameters that indicate the development of physical and mental qualities can predetermine the emergence of a champion in a particular sport.

Coaches and sports scientists have long noticed that parents of elite athletes are usually more developed both physically and functionally than others around them, and often have experience in elite sports. A child in a family where one of the parents was seriously involved in sports is 50% predisposed to becoming an outstanding athlete. Provided that both parents were professionally involved in approximately the same sport, the likelihood that their child will be successful in sports increases to 75%.

Genetics of sports

The activity of many genes that influence behavior depends on external circumstances, so your child's heredity does not program his fate. In response to various environmental influences, the body carries out so-called epigenetic modifications, which can block or unblock a section of DNA, producing chemical changes (methylation), so that the protein encoded in this gene cannot be formed or, on the contrary, begins to form. When DNA is copied during cell division, epigenetic modifications are also copied, so all subsequent generations of cells retain this information. These changes can even be inherited. In this way, life experience can be transformed into permanent genetic modification.
For example, prenatal and early postpartum nutrition can influence a child's fat metabolism and the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and cancer in adulthood. We dare to suggest that sensitive periods also have an epigenomic nature. This means that although outstanding physical qualities can be programmed in the genome, changes in the activity of the genes involved in them occur through external influence. In other words, your child’s genetic talent must be activated during a certain sensitive period, otherwise the “brilliant genes” may become covered with “rust” and never wake up.

With the help of modern genetic analysis, you can understand which sport your child is predisposed to. According to experts, every healthy young person is capable of achieving level I of the adult sports category, at least if his genetic predisposition to the sport has been correctly determined. Today, genetic technologies have reached such a level that such analysis has become available to everyone.

At the moment, more than 50 genetic markers have been discovered, which are used to evaluate four physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance and muscle mass) and a person’s predisposition to certain diseases and developmental pathologies caused by increased physical activity. The analysis makes it possible, with a certain degree of probability, to evaluate people according to the degree of predisposition to various types of motor activity and, based on this, to recommend one or another sport.

Any genetic analysis is comparative. In our country, it is done specifically for the Russian population. To determine the upper level, studies were conducted in a group of elite Russian athletes from different sports. To determine the average level, the average score for the Russian population in general was calculated. The development potential of a specific physical quality is scored by comparing a person's genetic analysis data with the performance of elite athletes and the general population. “High predisposition” means that the genetic analysis found values ​​similar to elite athletes. "Above average" - a score lower than that of elite athletes, but higher than the general population. “Average propensity” is a match with the population average. “Below average” - lower than the population average.

Psychology of a Champion

When considering the physical qualities and abilities of a child, one should not lose sight of his psychological characteristics. Psychology plays a huge role in sports performance. Personality traits will impose their own limitations and will guide you in choosing a sport. In the case of the highest sporting achievements, it is recommended to look for a sport that does not cause psychological discomfort in the child. If a child is easily distracted from work and then quickly gets involved in it, if he is sociable with others, emotional in conversation, game sports or martial arts will be preferable for him. If he is diligent, concentrated in his work and prone to homogeneous activities without constant switching of attention, if he is able to perform physically difficult work for a long time, then long running, skiing, swimming, and cycling are suitable for him. (For example, the outstanding modern swimmer Michael Phelps is just such an introvert. He was diagnosed with autism as a child). If a child is withdrawn, uncommunicative, unsure of himself, or overly sensitive to the opinions of others, he should not study in groups all the time. Team sports are probably not for him. Or he should choose a suitable role, for example, a goalkeeper. All sports associated with competition in speed and endurance (athletics, skiing, swimming, cycling) allow the athlete to retire and withdraw into himself during the distance. It is typical for introverted people to create a narrow circle of close people around themselves, so such children can also be recommended sports with the choice of one permanent partner (sport dancing, pair skating, pair synchronized swimming, pair diving, etc.).

Psychology is closely related to physiology. For example, high anxiety is physiologically expressed in the fact that such people release adrenaline into the blood very quickly and efficiently. This makes them the best at running. It is known that sprinters immediately at the start use various psychological techniques to induce a state of fear in themselves. Those who do this more efficiently are able to achieve truly fantastic speeds. For martial arts, on the contrary, such a quality will not allow a person to achieve significant success. In a word, there are no bad physiological qualities, only their misinterpretation and application.

One must be able to distinguish healthy aggressiveness, characterized as the physiological ability of the nervous system to quickly enter a state of excitement, which is useful in martial arts, from hostility, which manifests itself in aggressive behavior in society. Children with signs of hostility especially need proper physical education, orientation towards a humane and extremely respectful attitude towards their opponents. It is not for nothing that so much attention is paid to these issues in martial arts.

Sports training of a successful athlete

Genetics is not the complete guarantee of success. A competent system of long-term sports training is necessary. If you entrusted your child to a good coach who will not strive to make a champion out of the child here and now, but will be focused on long-term results, then he will consistently develop the physical qualities of the future champion in accordance with sensitive periods. However, this approach is not common. Perhaps one of the reasons lies in the system of remuneration for coaches, when salary bonuses are awarded for the achievements of students here and now, which does not allow them to work for the long term. In this case, we can recommend that parents use a multisport strategy. Let's say your child plays football, you understand that now he needs to develop the qualities of endurance, but the football coach does not do this. Alternatively, you can additionally send him to the athletics section, where they will work on his endurance and teach him how to run correctly, which will be very useful for a football player. Or your child is engaged in martial arts, the time has come to develop strength and power. You can take him to the weightlifting section, where he will not only develop the necessary qualities, but also master the correct technique for working with a barbell for the rest of his life. Again, try to avoid early sports specialization, where possible and justified, do not rush to load your child with his chosen sport 5 days a week. In the initial stages, variety is necessary to prevent professional burnout and injury. For example, if you plan to raise a judo champion and have been thinking about this since the birth of your son, this does not mean that he should be sent to a martial arts school from the age of 6. It is better to spend this time on other sports (gymnastics, swimming, athletics), which will harmoniously develop your son and he will come to judo already physically prepared and in a few years will catch up and surpass his peers who have been practicing since the age of 6.

From all of the above, it follows that the successful choice of a sport is a task with several variables. You should decide on the purpose of these classes, and then, based on your capabilities and the availability of sections, develop the most effective program for practicing various sports in accordance with the sensitive periods, psychological characteristics and preferences of your child. Be prepared to try more than one sports section before you find one that suits you and your child.

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Any human ability is determined by a set of genes. Their certain combination and correct development of the capabilities inherent in nature leads to the emergence of record holders and Olympic champions. How can you determine your predisposition to sports as accurately as possible? There is a technique based on genetic research that allows you to determine the characteristics of a particular person’s genome and the likelihood of achieving success in specific sports.

DNA testing for sports predisposition also identifies the likely risks of certain injuries, which can provide protection against complications and other negative consequences. The body’s ability to quickly recover from injury is an important criterion when choosing a type of sports activity.

Determination of predisposition to sports

Modern analysis of sports genetics involves the study of a set of genes that determine a person’s propensity for certain activities and the risks that physical activity entails. This complex includes genes that are responsible for:

  • fast and slow muscle tissues;
  • insulin production and metabolic processes;
  • calcium metabolism in bone tissue;
  • supplying the body with oxygen.

Genes are also analyzed that make it possible to assess the likelihood of cardiovascular, thromboembolic and other complications caused by increased physical activity and injuries. Much attention is paid to metabolism and reactions to certain medications.

Today, this technique is the most accurate and reliable; it allows you to obtain objective information about the abilities of a particular person. This will help you work in the right direction, adjust the types and volumes of loads.

How to determine children's predisposition to sports

Physical activity and regular exercise are of great importance for a growing child's body. Parents strive to send their child to various sections and clubs, often expecting high results from him.

But in order not to waste precious time, it is best to determine a child’s predisposition to a sport by conducting DNA testing. find out exactly who is growing up in the family - an athlete, a marathon runner or a swimmer. By correctly using the abilities inherent in nature, you can achieve significant success.

The DNA testing laboratory "DTL" conducts modern research in this direction. By providing a sample of the child's buccal epithelium, objective information about his abilities can soon be obtained. The biomaterial is collected using a soft cotton swab; the procedure takes a few minutes and does not cause discomfort. How to properly take a smear at home and what is needed for this, you can find out from our specialists by telephone or in the laboratory department in Moscow.

DNA analysis for predisposition to sports

For those who decide to devote themselves to the sports field, it is extremely important to find out your predisposition to a particular sport. Research shows that success and achievement depend 70% on a set of genes and only 30% on the characteristics of training.

The main advantage of DNA testing is the determination of a person's genetic predisposition to physical activity. The results obtained will help solve the following problems:

  • establish a hereditary tendency to athletics or weightlifting, swimming, etc.
  • develop or change a training plan;
  • apply preventive measures in a timely manner to prevent the development of occupational diseases;
  • ensure that workers in certain areas are properly trained.

The use of genetic research in various professional fields will improve the level of career guidance, make the most of a person’s abilities and preserve his health for many years.

How to determine predisposition to sports in the DTL Laboratory

You can undergo DNA testing in Moscow and receive an expert opinion, the accuracy of which is 99.999999%, at our molecular genetic Center. A modern certified laboratory and a staff of highly professional specialists in the field of genetics are available to clients.

A sample of buccal epithelium is sufficient for the study. You can donate biomaterial in the comfortable conditions of our laboratory or its official representative offices. You can also collect the material yourself at home. Our specialists will provide detailed instructions over the phone and tell you how to properly take a smear at home.

We guarantee each client:

  • personal approach;
  • short deadlines for analysis;
  • accurate and reliable result;
  • attractive prices;
  • confidentiality and protection of personal information.

In the life path of a boy or girl, in his physical development and personality development, sport plays a big role. Usually parents think about the question: should I send my child to the section? When a child goes to a preparatory group in kindergarten, or starts attending primary school. Here mom and dad are faced with a choice. After all, there are a lot of sections, and sometimes it can be difficult to decide. In these cases, teachers, coaches, and psychologists come to the rescue. Or you can use a new modern method - determining by the child’s blood type his or her aptitude for sports.

Young athletes who have blood flowing through their veins are destined by nature itself to become leaders not only in life, but also in sports. Their distinctive feature is determination and perseverance. Such children are often confident in their abilities, so mastering any exercise or sports element will not be difficult for them. Often, children with this blood type achieve sports victories and real records.

Along with these characteristics, the owners are sensitive and sensitive to losses and falls, they have inflated ambitions, and envy the successes of others. All this is because these children want to be first always and everywhere. When sending these children to sports, they should be taught to respect their opponents in sports and to have an adequate attitude towards competition.

It is better to send such children to gymnastics, single figure skating, weightlifting, and wrestling. All these sports are individual.

For these children, contact sports will be preferable. Children feel comfortable in a group, in a close-knit team, they are able to wholeheartedly worry and “cheer” for others, they have a strong “team spirit”, they know how to be part of a team. They are not leaders, they are excellent and responsible performers. Although, of course, there are winners among them.

To achieve success in sports, such children need a leader, an authority figure to lead them. They will be a professional and objective coach.

Children with the second blood group are contraindicated in sports with heavy physical activity, where there is fierce competition.

You can send such a child to sports dances or pairs figure skating, football, volleyball, hockey. In general, where the ability to work in a team is important.

Here the parents' decision may be initially wrong. Children who have it are unpredictable in their behavior. They are individualists. Their behavior can often be original. These qualities manifest themselves not only in sports, but throughout their lives. Such children can suddenly, without warning, let down the entire team by not showing up for important competitions, or when no one expects anything good from them, they can bring a brilliant victory, giving their all.

Running, jumping, skiing, and swimming are suitable for such children. Those sports in which victory depends only on a specific performer, that is, singles.

Adults, and even children who possess, have such distinctive features as balance and self-control. Along with a slow reaction, such children experience increased mobility.

For them, you should choose sports that do not require quick reactions. Children of this group should not be sent to badminton, fencing, or tennis. Such children are also unlikely to become football goalkeepers. Speed ​​is not their thing.

Also, when choosing a sport, you need to focus on the degree of physical activity of the child. It should be moderate and appropriate for the child’s age. Otherwise he will become overtired. As a result, neither the child nor the parents will receive joy and benefits from playing sports.

When choosing a section for a child, one should not forget about the diseases that the baby has. For example, team sports: football, volleyball, hockey are contraindicated for children suffering from myopia and flat feet. Horseback riding and swimming are suitable for these children. Riding a horse does not involve much physical exertion; at the same time, the muscles of the back and thighs are massaged. Horseback riding can treat mental disorders. This sport is used as therapy for children suffering from cerebral palsy. Children with spinal problems should not engage in sports in which only one half of the body is involved - fencing, rhythmic gymnastics, table tennis.

It should be added that it is possible to determine a child’s propensity for sports by his blood type in specialized laboratories that collect tests. For this it will be necessary. This analysis is based on identifying genes that are associated with different types of physical activity. According to research results, in order for a sports career to develop successfully, one chooses the type of load that is most suitable for individual indicators. Hereditary genes for endurance, strength, and speed are being studied. A hereditary predisposition to a particular sport may be detected in the blood.

When choosing one section or another, we must not forget that children are ready to engage in sports professionally only at the age of twelve to fourteen.

This is when they begin to be more physically resilient. Until the child reaches the specified age, sports activities should be enjoyable for the child, bring joy and positive emotions.

Determining a child’s propensity for sports based on a child’s blood type is a very good approach. In this case, parents do not select a section out of thin air, but base their decision and make their choice wisely, having test results and proven scientific support before their eyes.

Vide - Which sport should I send my child to:

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