How to lose weight at home. Symptoms and treatment of sore throat during pregnancy Sore throat in pregnant women 3rd trimester

During pregnancy, a woman can get sick with any infectious disease, including sore throat. Any illness caused by infection can adversely affect the development of the fetus. Obstetricians have long known that even with an asymptomatic or low-symptomatic course of the infectious process in a woman, the pathology in a child can be significantly pronounced. This is explained by the intensive reproduction of fetal cells, as a result of which they become more sensitive to the damaging effects of microorganisms and their toxins.

A feature of infectious diseases in pregnant women is the impossibility of using many medications, since they have a teratogenic effect (proven to affect the fetus) or have been poorly studied.

In its development, the fetus goes through stages corresponding to the formation of organs, their development and final differentiation. In terms of timing, these periods are conditionally correlated with the trimesters of pregnancy. Let's consider how angina can affect the fetus at different stages of its growth, as well as the features of treatment of this disease in each trimester.

First trimester

In the first months of pregnancy, a woman has a greater risk of developing a sore throat than usual. This is due to intense hormonal changes, behavioral changes, and pregnancy toxicosis. During this period, a woman more often visits medical institutions, where she is exposed to contact with patients.

At the same time, she continues to work, as a result of which she experiences additional stress. Her need for proteins and vitamins increases, which is not always met. As for immunodeficiency, it is not as common for pregnant women as is commonly believed. Immunity indicators in a healthy patient are most often within normal limits.

A woman’s symptoms are typical: the temperature rises quickly, a sore throat appears, and signs of intoxication develop.

The causative agent of the disease does not directly affect the fetus. Its toxins, released into a woman’s blood during inflammation, are dangerous. In addition, hypoxia (lack of oxygen and nutrients) develops during the illness.

If a woman gets a sore throat in the first days of pregnancy, the death of a fertilized egg or embryo cannot be ruled out. At a later stage, the formation of the placenta is disrupted, and primary placental insufficiency develops. Subsequently, it can transform into secondary failure, which is characterized by fetal hypoxia, delayed fetal development, premature birth and other pregnancy complications.

Fetal deformities may even develop if exposure to toxins occurred at particularly important times for the development of a particular organ. For example, there is a violation of brain development (micro- or hydrocephalus), intracranial calcification (“ossification”), heart defects, and disorders of the formation of limbs.

The first trimester is the most dangerous in terms of miscarriage, diseases and developmental disorders of the fetus due to illnesses in the mother.

Second trimester

If a pregnant woman gets a sore throat in the second trimester of pregnancy, the most common complication will be placental insufficiency. As a result, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus is disrupted, it grows more slowly and develops worse.

In some cases, under the influence of toxins, damage to the developing eyes of the unborn child, chorioretinitis, is observed; in the future, this complication can lead to blindness. The fetal liver also suffers, and the spleen enlarges.

Polyhydramnios often develops, and spontaneous termination of pregnancy cannot be ruled out, especially when several unfavorable factors are combined (for example, pregnancy occurring against the background of TORCH infections).

Third trimester

In the last months of pregnancy, sore throat has less of an impact on the developing baby. Firstly, his organs are already largely formed and are not so defenseless against toxic substances. Secondly, a well-formed placenta plays a protective role. Thirdly, the fetus itself is capable of responding to certain influences by developing its own protective factors.

However, tonsillitis suffered in the third trimester can lead to placental insufficiency, delayed fetal development and premature birth.

On the other hand, the woman herself suffers more. Early complications occur more often: peritonsillar abscess, otitis media, sinusitis and others. It is possible that late complications may develop: damage to the heart, joints, and kidneys.

Treatment of sore throat during pregnancy

Self-medication of sore throat while carrying a child is unacceptable. Having discovered the first signs of this disease, a woman should remain in bed and call a doctor at home. She is not allowed to visit the clinic.

Main events:

  • daily routine and diet;
  • local antiseptic drugs;
  • , antipyretics, painkillers;
  • vitamins.

Mode and nutrition

During the period of fever, strict adherence to bed rest is necessary. After the temperature dropped, her health improved, the patient can move around the apartment, but not engage in any active activity. You need to know that for at least 10 days after recovery, the woman is still a source of infection. Therefore, she should limit close contacts with children, the elderly, weakened people, or wear a medical mask.

It is advisable to drink more fluid. Green tea, rosehip decoction, unsweetened dried fruit compote, weak black tea with lemon, and warm milk are suitable. The diet should be sufficiently high in calories, especially during the recovery period. If a woman cannot eat because of a sore throat, she should eat broth and fermented milk products, but no more than 1 to 2 days, and then switch to regular food. It is better to steam or bake dishes; liquid porridges, pureed soups, steamed cutlets, and vegetable puree are useful.

Antibacterial therapy

Amoxiclav is approved for use

Not all antibiotics can be taken for sore throat during pregnancy. In the first trimester, their list is extremely limited. The doctor may prescribe drugs from the penicillin group (phenoxymethylpenicillin, ampicillin, amoxicillin), including amoxiclav, which is more resistant to bacterial enzymes. Cephalosporins of all 4 generations are approved for use, for example, cephalexin, cefaclor, cefotaxime, cefepime.

Macrolides, in particular azithromycin, can also be used when treating pregnant women. A short course of administration makes this remedy one of the drugs of choice for sore throat in pregnant women. In severe cases, with the development of purulent complications, carbapenems, for example, meropenem, can be used.

Treatment with antibiotics always carries a potential danger for the fetus and mother, so they should be prescribed by a good specialist who can see the line beyond which the undoubted benefits of antibiotics begin to become less than the harm caused by these drugs.

Unfortunately, the most studied and safest phenoxymethylpenicillin to date does not always help with sore throat. This is due to the development of microbial resistance to this drug.

Antiseptic preparations for topical use

To speed up recovery, relieve symptoms, and reduce the risk of complications, a pregnant woman with a sore throat should use local medications: sprays, inhalations, rinses. Here is a list of the most effective and safe medicines.

Furacilin– an antimicrobial agent active against staphylococci, streptococci and other most common pathogens. It is available in tablets and solution. To prepare a solution of furatsilin, you need to dissolve 2 tablets of the drug in a glass of boiling water, cool and gargle several times a day. It is more convenient to use a ready-made solution.


Chlorhexidine– antiseptic, cleanses and disinfects tonsils, removes purulent plaque from them. Available in the form of a ready-made solution. To gargle, you need to use a solution at a concentration of 0.05%. If a higher concentration is indicated on the package (0.2% or 0.5%), before use, such a solution should be diluted with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1:4 and 1:10, respectively.

Miramistin– a highly effective modern antiseptic, fully approved for use in pregnant women. It comes in a convenient bottle with a nozzle that sprays the drug deep into the throat. Such irrigation can be carried out several times during the day.

Ingalipt– an antimicrobial drug that also contains thymol, eucalyptus and mint oils. In addition to the antibacterial effect, it has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Available in a convenient spray form that can be easily applied to affected tonsils.

Chlorophyllipt– an extract from eucalyptus leaves, a natural preparation that has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral effects. Available in the form of a solution for rinsing, an oil solution for lubricating the tonsils, and also in the form of lozenges.

Local therapy can be supplemented by gargling with infusions of chamomile, calendula, linden blossom and other herbs with a disinfectant effect.

Such decoctions should not be taken orally, since their effect on the body of a pregnant woman can be unpredictable.

Other drugs

A pregnant woman can take paracetamol to reduce fever. For severe sore throat, severe inflammation and swelling, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, ortofen. And, of course, the patient must take the vitamins prescribed to her.

Sore throat during pregnancy in the third trimester is not as dangerous as in the early stages. This is due to the fact that almost all fetal organs are already formed. At the end of pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother is deprived of strength and vital energy, and the performance of the immune system is suppressed. Sore throat most often causes complications affecting the cardiovascular system. Also, sore throat in late pregnancy weakens labor.


Sore throat is an infectious disease that is caused by a certain type of microbe. Typically, the causes of the disease are the following factors:

  • airborne droplets (due to non-compliance with personal hygiene measures);
  • Often a sore throat appears due to the activation of opportunistic microflora of the oral cavity. At the same time, the overall performance of the immune system decreases;
  • The disease also manifests itself in existing inflammations of the ear, nose and mouth: caries, sinusitis, otitis media and others.

A sore throat or acute tonsillitis can only be diagnosed by a qualified doctor. He must confirm his diagnosis with laboratory tests, in particular a smear, as well as confirm complete recovery and ensure deregistration after 2 weeks.


First of all, you need to know that two different forms of sore throat have their own symptomatic characteristics:

  • the catarrhal form is characterized by redness of the tonsils and palatine arches, the appearance of mucous discharge;
  • the follicular variety is characterized by the formation of yellow or white ulcers on the surface of the tonsils;
  • The lacunar form is characterized by the formation of a film of yellowish plaque.

Pregnant women experience the following symptoms of acute tonsillitis:

  • general weakness and chills;
  • headaches and very rapid fatigue;
  • temperature rises to 40 degrees;
  • increased sweating;
  • pain when palpating the lymph nodes;
  • redness on the tonsils and throat;
  • pain when eating;
  • swelling of the tonsils.

Since the performance of the immune system sharply decreases due to hormonal changes, bacteria quite easily penetrate the body of a pregnant woman.

If you have a sore throat, it is necessary to undergo treatment to avoid serious complications. You should also know that other infections often occur against the background of this disease.


Treatment of sore throat in a pregnant woman should only be adjusted by a doctor. If you start therapy before the formation of purulent inflammation, you can avoid many complications that affect the fetus in the womb.

The doctor most often prescribes a very gentle treatment, combining the use of vitamins, certain medications and traditional methods, if these are required for a quick and optimal recovery.


If you have a sore throat during pregnancy, you should eat light, low-calorie foods. It should provide the expectant mother’s body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements. In such situations, doctors advise drinking broths made with chicken or vegetables with the addition of white bread croutons. It is also recommended to eat porridge and fermented milk products. The following foods should not be eaten:

  • too cold or hot;
  • spicy and sour foods;
  • products containing coarse fibers;
  • fatty and fried.

If a woman has lost her appetite, then you should remind her of the need to replenish nutrients in the body. This is due to the presence of the mother’s fetus in the womb, which is fed only through the placenta, that is, it is completely dependent on the mother.

Drink plenty of fluids

If you have a sore throat, you should drink as much liquid as possible, especially boiled warm water and broth. This is especially important in the first days of infection. However, a pregnant woman should take into account swelling or kidney problems, if any.

If there is a lot of liquid, then you can quickly bring down the high temperature. Lukewarm milk with honey, cranberry juice, and lingonberry juice will help. But under no circumstances should you drink hot drinks, as well as sweet and sour juice-containing liquids and lemonades.

How to bring down a high temperature?

Treatment for sore throat involves several aspects, but reducing the temperature as quickly as possible is very important. This is due to the fact that temperatures above 37 degrees can cause fetal abnormalities. Treatment should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, since independent selection of medications can even lead to a worsening of the condition and disastrous consequences for the fetus.

Going to the doctor for a sore throat should not be delayed. Before visiting a specialist, you can alleviate the condition in the following ways:

  • warm tea with raspberries, linden or cranberries;
  • You should drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration during fever;
  • wear light clothing, ventilate rooms;
  • you can wipe the skin with a solution of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice;
  • Gauze applied to the forehead and soaked in camphor alcohol also works well.

It is often necessary to use antipyretic drugs made on the basis of paracetamol (for example, Cefekon). But these drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor. Depending on individual characteristics and the course of pregnancy, they sometimes cannot be taken.

It is possible to reduce the temperature with the help of medications only in situations where it is recommended by a specialist, and not with any increase in body temperature. When an antibiotic is prescribed during pregnancy, additional fever-control medications are most often not required.

Antibiotics for sore throat during pregnancy

Antibiotics are often needed when sore throat develops in pregnant women. They allow you to stop the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity and prevent the appearance of purulent processes. Typically, in such situations, experts recommend using the following drugs:

  • penicillin group drugs, for example, Amoxiclav;
  • groups of macrolides, for example, Rovamycin;
  • group of cephalosporins, for example, Suprax.

You should know that even these drugs approved for use during pregnancy are harmful. Although their harmful effect on the fetus is reduced to minimal limits, there is also no benefit. In addition, for catarrhal tonsillitis, after consultation with a doctor, you can use local drugs like Bioparox.

Homeopathic treatment

During pregnancy, some doctors advise taking homeopathic medicines to avoid negative effects on the fetus. Homeopathic remedies are: Tonsilgon, Angin-hel. If the performance of the immune system is greatly reduced, then such drugs are unlikely to have any therapeutic effect, but on the contrary, they will only do harm. Also, this treatment cannot be used for the purulent form of the disease, as complications and fetal abnormalities can occur.


Most dissolving tablets and lozenges relieve symptoms, but do not cure the disease completely. Based on this, experts recommend taking only those products that bring quick results. This allows you to avoid unnecessary stress and maximize the safety of the fetus. You can take the following drugs: Lizobakt, Faringospet, Travisil, Imudon.

Lubricating the tonsils

In the treatment of sore throat, the irrigation method is widely used: Chlorhexidine bigluconate and Miramistin are used for this. They are antiseptics that destroy pathogens and prevent inflammation. However, even such harmless remedies can only be used with the permission of the attending physician.

To treat the tonsils with solutions of these drugs, you can use cotton swabs. When processing, you should not put too much pressure on the tonsils, as you can damage the mucous membrane and introduce the infection even deeper.


Rinses should be used in the first days of the disease approximately every 2 hours. There are several options for preparing solutions:

  • a solution of hydrogen peroxide in water;
  • alcohol tincture of calendula, dissolved in water;
  • Rotokan diluted in water;
  • infusions of medicinal plants in water: oak, sage, chamomile, calendula;
  • Furacilin dissolved in a glass of water.

This procedure can reduce the plaque that forms on the tonsils, which as a result reduces the risk of intoxication. Also, when rinsing, pathogenic microorganisms are removed from the tonsils, pain is reduced and medications are practically not absorbed into the blood. That is why this method is safe in the treatment of sore throat in pregnant and nursing mothers.

Folk remedies

There are several methods to cure sore throat during pregnancy, excluding the negative impact on the fetus and the mother’s body as a whole. The most effective methods of traditional medicine are as follows:

  • You should mix flax seeds, linden, chamomile and eucalyptus. This mixture is poured with boiling water and infused for 2 hours. The infusion should cool down. It is recommended to gargle for about 2-3 minutes;
  • Sucking on lemon drops helps a lot. This method allows you to get rid of pathogens through the action of citric acid;
  • you can make the following mixture: onion, apple, honey. This improves the performance of the immune system. This medicine is recommended to be taken several times a day after meals;
  • For a sore throat, gargling with beet juice helps a lot. Freshly squeezed juice should be diluted with apple cider vinegar. It is recommended to rinse several times a day.

Traditional methods of treatment, although safe, should be consulted about their use with your doctor in order to avoid unexpected negative consequences.

Prohibited methods of treatment

There are some treatments that have a negative effect on fetal development, causing improper bone formation and various abnormalities:

  • Do not take antibiotics belonging to the tetracycline group;
  • Under no circumstances should you take a drug such as Aspirin;
  • Do not gargle with preparations that contain iodine;
  • It is not recommended to take hot foot baths, as they most often provoke a miscarriage;
  • Do not apply alcohol compresses, pepper plasters or mustard plasters. They cause the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and do nothing to improve the situation.

A doctor should warn a pregnant woman about such treatment methods and protect her health by giving clear recommendations on medications and preventive measures.

Consequences and complications

The consequences of sore throat during pregnancy in the third trimester are very varied and all are severe. This is due to the fact that a woman’s body provides two organisms with nutrients. With sore throat in the last stages of pregnancy, the following complications may occur:

  • myocarditis;
  • purulent inflammation of the larynx;
  • meningitis;
  • intoxication caused by pathogenic bacteria;
  • inflamed lymph nodes;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • heart failure;
  • weak labor activity.

All consequences and complications of angina can only occur if the disease was initially neglected. At the first sign of a sore throat, you should immediately contact your doctor. He will advise traditional methods of treatment, if necessary, and also adjust the intake of the necessary medications.


First of all, it should be said that you should not take medications without a doctor’s recommendation - this can seriously affect the health of the mother and child. Only a specialist can say exactly which medications will ensure the safety of a pregnant woman and help her recover quickly.

To ensure protection against sore throat, the following preventive measures should be taken before and during pregnancy:

  • improve breathing through the nose;
  • prevent oral diseases and cure possible diseases;
  • increase the performance of the immune system (you can take mineral and vitamin complexes prescribed by your doctor);
  • it is recommended to get rid of chronic diseases;
  • You should take water procedures as often as possible (swimming pool, warm shower if there is no temperature);
  • you should not smoke, abuse alcohol, or take drugs;
  • It is recommended to rest as much as possible and monitor physical activity;
  • eat healthy low-calorie foods, fruits, vegetables;
  • it is recommended to ventilate living spaces;
  • you should absolutely not be nervous;
  • During pregnancy, walks in the fresh air and light physical activity and exercise are encouraged.

When carrying a child, you should regularly rinse your mouth with warm water with the addition of antiseptic drugs. It is not recommended to drink cold drinks, eat ice cream and overcool the body in any way - this has a negative impact on health and often causes a sore throat. In addition, pregnant women should avoid contact with possible carriers of the infection. This will significantly reduce the risk of developing the disease.

At the first symptoms of a sore throat, you should consult a doctor. He will be able to advise on the most optimal treatment and conduct the necessary examination, and will also tell you about the possible teratogenic effects of certain medications on the fetus.

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Sore throat during pregnancy is quite common. This is due to a decrease in the woman’s immune defense during pregnancy. The body of the expectant mother undergoes some changes in the endocrine, reproductive, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems, which leads to a partial malfunction of the name system.

A woman becomes more susceptible to infectious pathogens, so acute respiratory viral infections and exacerbations of chronic diseases are observed more often. In the third trimester of pregnancy, negative factors of an exogenous and endogenous nature affect the fetus to a lesser extent compared to the first months. This is due to:

  • practically complete formation of organs and systems of the fetus, so they are not so susceptible to mutations;
  • good protection of the placenta;
  • the production of some protective factors in the fetal body.

The listed types of protection do not guarantee the absence of complications. There is still a high risk of fetoplacental insufficiency, fetal hypoxia, and premature birth.

The progression of sore throat contributes to the formation of abscesses and phlegmon in the oral cavity with spread to the tissue. As a result, the risk of neck swelling with difficulty breathing and the development of hypoxia increases. Bleeding is possible from the blood vessels that feed the tonsils when they melt purulently. The condition requires immediate medical attention.

Generalization of streptococcal infection leads to systemic complications. The infection predisposes to the development of rheumatic fever with damage to the valve apparatus of the heart, joints (migratory polyarthritis), and kidneys (glomerulonephritis). In sepsis, foci of infection can have different localizations, for example, in the lungs, kidneys, and skin.

With cardiac damage, a woman is worried about angina pectoris and shortness of breath. An electrocardiogram and ultrasound examination record changes characteristic of valve covers, myocarditis, endocarditis, and pericarditis.

Renal dysfunction is manifested by pain in the lumbar region, dysuric disorders. In laboratory urine tests, bacteria, increased levels of leukocytes, red blood cells, and protein are recorded. Ultrasound diagnostics reveals damage to the calyces, pelvis, and glomeruli of the kidneys.

How to suspect a sore throat?

The appearance of a sore throat is one of the first clinical signs that allows one to suspect the presence of an inflammatory process in the tonsils and posterior pharyngeal wall.

Usually the next day you begin to feel unwell, your appetite decreases, and body aches appear, which is a sign of intoxication syndrome. The fever initially does not exceed 37.5 degrees (with catarrhal tonsillitis), but can reach 39 degrees in the case of the development of purulent tonsillitis. As the disease progresses, the pathological process spreads to the structures surrounding the tonsils, and the process of chewing, swallowing, and opening the mouth becomes difficult.

  1. The catarrhal form is characterized by an increase in almonds due to infiltrative processes and swelling. They turn red, but have no plaque.
  2. Follicular, lacunar forms develop with suppuration of the follicles, which are visualized in the form of grains, with the accumulation of purulent masses in the lacunae. Purulent films appear on the surface of the tonsils. As a result, a pronounced intoxication syndrome develops.
  3. The ulcerative-necrotic form is manifested by the formation of ulcerative lesions on the surface of the tonsils. The plaque takes on a dull, gray color, and when you try to remove it, a bleeding wound is left. The process gradually covers the posterior pharyngeal wall, palate, uvula, and arches.

There are also secondary forms of tonsillitis, which develop as a complication of the underlying disease, for example, scarlet fever, infectious mononucleosis, enterovirus infection. Among the specific forms of tonsillitis, it is worth highlighting the fungal type, Simanovsky-Vincent tonsillitis.

Treatment of sore throat

Complex therapy for tonsillitis allows you to achieve good results in a short time, thereby preventing the occurrence of undesirable consequences. In order to minimize the load on a woman’s body, eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and reduce the severity of clinical symptoms, it is recommended to adhere to the following directions in treatment:

  1. adherence to a certain daily routine and diet;
  2. fight against streptococcus;
  3. reduction of the inflammatory process, damage to the tonsils;
  4. prevention of febrile hyperthermia;
  5. strengthening the immune system.

Now we will analyze in detail what is included in each treatment point.

Compliance with the regime

Due to the fact that a pregnant woman’s immunity is weakened, it needs strength to recover, so sore throat during pregnancy requires bed rest for up to 10 days. During this period, the pathogen circulates through the bloodstream, so there is a high risk of complications.

Adequate antibiotic therapy allows you to cope with the pathogen in a shorter time, but the body still needs time to recover.

During the acute period, a woman can infect others around her, so the use of a medical mask is recommended.

Drinking plenty of fluids allows you to speed up the elimination of toxic substances released by pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, the concentration of toxins decreases, the severity of the intoxication syndrome decreases, which leads to a decrease in hyperthermia.

The drinking regimen may include compotes, juices, jelly, and fruit drinks. The enveloping properties of jelly prevent further damage to the tonsils and stimulate regenerative processes. In addition, it is worth noting that a proper drinking regime prevents dehydration associated with increased sweating and shortness of breath.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the drinking volume should be calculated by a doctor to avoid the appearance of edema.

The “pregnant” period, especially after 6 months, is quite often characterized by edema syndrome. This is due to compression of the veins and lymph vessels by the enlarged uterus, which makes the outflow of blood from the lower extremities difficult. The size of the uterus shifts the intestines, causing a woman to experience constipation, and pain in the lumbar region is caused by an increased load on the spine.

As for a nutritious diet, a woman is prohibited from following strict diets, since the body must receive sufficient nutrients to replenish energy reserves and increase immune defense.

In addition, a pregnant woman must:

  • avoid stress;
  • devote enough time to sleep and rest;
  • Ventilate the room regularly.

The following is prohibited in treatment:

  • independently remove films from the surface of the tonsils, which predisposes the spread of infection and the formation of an open wound;
  • apply procedures associated with high temperatures, for example, hot compresses, showers, foot baths;
  • the use of antibacterial agents without prior consultation with a doctor, as well as premature termination of antibiotic therapy.

Early cessation of taking antibacterial agents leads to reactivation of pathogenic microorganisms, which is manifested by the return of clinical symptoms. It is worth noting that in this case it is advisable to prescribe antibacterial agents from a different group, since the pathogen could already have developed resistance to previous medications.

The danger of incomplete antibiotic therapy lies in the persistence of streptococcus in the body, the risk of developing serious complications against the background of mild symptoms.


Treatment of sore throat involves the use of antibacterial drugs necessary to eliminate the infectious pathogen. In the case of catarrhal tonsillitis, it is possible to do without systemic antibiotics, subject to early diagnosis and initiation of an intensive therapeutic course.

If a pregnant woman experiences a sore throat, she should immediately begin gargling with antiseptic solutions.

Timely initiation of therapy allows you to stop the spread of infection and reduce the inflammatory process. Even if it turns out that this is ordinary pharyngitis, rinsing will only bring benefits.

Purulent forms of tonsillitis require antibiotic therapy, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen. Usually the cause of sore throat is streptococcus, so drugs are used that have a detrimental effect on it.

  • Penicillins, for example, Flemoxin, Augmentin, Amoxiclav. They are quite widely prescribed to pregnant women, as they do not have a negative effect on the fetus.
  • Cephalosporins (Cephalexin, Cefepime, Ceftriaxone, Cefuroxime). Prescribed in the absence of effect, intolerance to penicillins. Not toxic to the embryo.
  • Macrolides (Sumamed, Erythromycin) are used for a short course in the absence of the possibility of using the above antibiotics. There is a low risk of side effects, however, they can be prescribed in consultation with a doctor.

We emphasize that not all antibacterial agents are approved for use in pregnant women in the 3rd trimester:

  1. Doxycycline, tetracycline - easily penetrate the placenta, disrupt the exchange of minerals, and are deposited in tooth buds, bones, and liver.
  2. Fluoroquinolones (norfloxacin, ofloxacin) after overcoming the placental barrier damage articular structures (cartilage, ligaments, bones).
  3. Macrolides (clarithromycin, roxithromycin) have a toxic effect on the embryo.
  4. Aminoglycosides (streptomycin, gentamicin) when penetrating the fetus affect the kidneys and hearing organs, which leads to deafness.
  5. Co-trimoxazole (Biseptol), when taken in high doses, overcomes the placental barrier, leading to the formation of heart defects and mutations.

Local treatment of affected tonsils

You can act directly on the pathological focus using solutions for topical use. Thanks to regular rinsing and irrigation of the surface of the tonsils, it is possible to prevent the spread of infection and reduce inflammation.

Rinsing must be repeated every 2 hours, alternating with irrigation of the tonsils, resorption of tablet forms of drugs with antimicrobial action. Of the safest, widely used antiseptic solutions, we highlight the following.

  1. Furacilin is an antimicrobial drug that has a detrimental effect on streptococci and staphylococci. To prepare the solution, dissolve 2 tablets in a glass of hot water, cool, and use for gargling. The medicine is also sold in a ready-to-use form.
  2. Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic that allows you to cleanse the tonsils of germs, purulent films, and reduce inflammation. For rinsing, a ready-made solution of 0.05% is used. If a different concentration is indicated, dilution with boiled water is required before use.
  3. Miramistin is a modern antiseptic that is highly effective. For the convenience of irrigating the tonsils, the bottle is equipped with a special nozzle.
  4. Ingalin is available in the form of a spray or solution, consisting of an antiseptic, eucalyptus oil, and mint. In addition to the antimicrobial effect, it has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
  5. Chlorophyllipt is an extract from eucalyptus leaves. Has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect. Produced in the form of a solution, spray, tablets.
  6. Lizobact and Faringosept tablets are prescribed for resorption.

Traditional recipes use a solution of soda and salt (1 tsp each) per glass of water. If there is no allergic reaction to iodine-containing drugs, you can add 2 drops of iodine. Rinse twice a day.

Fighting fever

Sore throat during pregnancy is often accompanied by hyperthermia. If the temperature reaches 37.5 degrees, the woman is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, take a warm shower, and wipe the body with a diluted vinegar solution.

When the temperature exceeds 38 degrees, in addition to the listed measures, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs. Antipyretics should not contain aspirin.

Prolonged febrile/hectic hyperthermia leads to hypoxia, fetal growth retardation, fetoplacental insufficiency, and premature birth.


Prevention of tonsillitis involves strengthening the immune system, preventing a decrease in immune defense even at the stage of pregnancy planning. Sore throat during pregnancy is quite common, but women should try to avoid it. What is needed for this?

  • A preventive course of treatment for chronic diseases before pregnancy, which will reduce the risk of exacerbation of the pathology, which reduces immune defense.
  • Treatment of infectious diseases at the stage of pregnancy planning.
  • A healthy diet ensures sufficient intake of vitamins, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into the body of the expectant mother and fetus. Thanks to this, the embryo develops according to the gestational age.
  • Good rest, sleep.
  • Reducing the impact of stress to prevent hormonal fluctuations.
  • Regular ventilation of the room, wet cleaning, use of a humidifier.
  • Walks in the park area, trips to the forest, to the sea to change the climate and strengthen the immune system.
  • Dosed physical activity, for example, water aerobics.
  • Clothing must be appropriate for the weather, which will avoid hypothermia, the negative effects of drafts, and getting wet in the rain.
  • Compliance with culinary technologies, which prevents the development of toxic infections, dysentery, and salmonellosis. It is also recommended not to visit unverified eating places.
  • Maintain personal hygiene, frequent hand washing.
  • Using a medical mask when talking to a sick person.
  • It is necessary to avoid large gatherings of people, especially during periods of epidemic.

Finally, I would like to note that regular preventive examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist allows for timely diagnosis of pathology. Timely treatment is the key to a mild course of the disease and prevention of the development of severe complications.

Sore throat during pregnancy is one of those dangerous diseases, complications from which can affect the developing fetus.

It is no secret that during pregnancy a woman’s immunity is significantly reduced and the female body is susceptible to various ailments, including inflammatory processes.

As soon as the expectant mother begins to experience discomfort in the throat: soreness and soreness, headaches, exhaustion, inflammation and swelling of the tonsils, intense fever, joint and muscle pain, then this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

The essence of the problem

Sore throat (tonsillitis) is an infection of the tonsil mucosa caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus viruses.

They can be infected by airborne droplets or through household contact, through dirty food, dishes or hands.

There are the following types of tonsillitis:

  1. Bacterial tonsillitis, caused by an adenovirus, is the most common and easily treatable type of throat infection. Accompanied by fever, redness of the tonsils and pain when swallowing. With timely treatment, recovery occurs within a few days and does not affect the development of the child.
  2. With catarrhal tonsillitis, high fever, joint and muscle pain, headaches, lack of appetite, fatigue, and sore throat when swallowing and talking are noted.
  3. Purulent tonsillitis causes the development of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the tonsils. It has 3 subtypes: follicular - with pustules on the tonsils; lacunar, when a yellow film envelops the tonsils; necrotic - a complicated form of purulent tonsillitis, accompanied by necrosis of the mucous membrane of the tonsil epithelium, is treated by removing the affected tonsils. Purulent tonsillitis during pregnancy is the most dangerous, as it can cause the development of bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis and have a negative impact on both the mother and the fetus.

Tonsillitis during pregnancy occurs somewhat differently than in an ordinary person. This is due to the hormonal changes that occur in the body during pregnancy.

During this period, the woman’s entire immune system is aimed at preserving the fetus and reacts in a special way to the entry of a harmful virus into the body.

For example, the temperature can rise to 40 °C. Reactions to medications may also vary.

Symptoms of the disease

Infectious lesions of the tonsils in the initial stages are very similar to a cold or other ailments. To do this, it is necessary to clearly classify the symptoms of the disease:

  • temperature rises to 39-40 ºC;
  • increased sweating;
  • headaches and joint pain;
  • the lymph nodes are enlarged, painful swallowing is noted;
  • lack of appetite, impotence;
  • redness of the throat and whitish pustules on the tonsils (with purulent sore throat).

The earlier treatment for tonsillitis during pregnancy is started, the more favorable the outcome of the disease. Lack of proper therapy can lead to complications in the heart or renal system, or damage to the joints.

Sore throat during pregnancy can have undesirable consequences for the mother and child.

The greatest danger is angina in the early stages of pregnancy, since the 1st trimester is an important period for the fetus, during which the development of many organs of the baby occurs.

Possible consequences of sore throat during pregnancy

The medical literature contains detailed descriptions of the dangers of tonsillitis during pregnancy:

  • a woman develops severe toxicosis, accompanied by frequent, up to 5-7 times a day, bouts of vomiting and dehydration;
  • purulent sore throat during pregnancy in the first trimester can cause fetal developmental disorders;
  • physiological pathologies of fetal development;
  • stoppage of fetal development (fading);
  • sudden miscarriage and open bleeding.

Tonsillitis and pregnancy in the later stages can cause the development of the following pathologies in the expectant mother:

  • inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis);
  • brain damage;
  • damage to the entire body by toxins;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • difficult labor due to weakness.

If you know how to treat tonsillitis during pregnancy, all these problems can be avoided, but it is important not to waste time.

Treatment of sore throat during pregnancy

It is important to clearly know how to treat sore throat during pregnancy. First of all, adherence to strict bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids.

The food should be soft so as not to injure the already inflamed mucous membrane of the tonsils.

Due to the fact that most medications prescribed for sore throat are contraindicated during pregnancy, treatment of sore throat in pregnant women is somewhat different from traditional therapy.

Treatment of tonsillitis in the first trimester

In the first 3 months, the embryo develops the heart, blood vessels, digestive organs, and nervous system.

During this period, if a sore throat is detected during pregnancy, treatment is complicated by the fact that many medications cannot be taken due to the risk of harming the developing fetus.

Antibiotics are prescribed of a certain type, harmless to the baby, but after passing an analysis to determine the type of virus and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

It is important to remember that you should not stop using the antibiotic when improvement occurs for fear of harming the child.

The course must be completed to kill all germs. Otherwise, harmful microorganisms develop resistance to the drug.

Treatment can be carried out at home. It should consist of the following aspects:

  • strict bed rest;
  • the diet should be dominated by foods containing proteins and vitamin C;
  • drink plenty of fluids (at least 100 g of warm water per hour) - tea with honey and lemon, juices, dried fruit compote, still warm mineral water. Chicken broth is very useful during this period, as it saturates the stomach and at the same time replenishes fluid loss;
  • relieve fever without using medications - wipe with warm water, apply cold compresses to the forehead, wash your face with cool water; only Panadol and Paracetamol are antipyretics;
  • 4-5 times a day, gargle with a decoction of chamomile or sage, or a soda-salt solution;
  • inhalation with a decoction of chamomile and sage, mint, pine buds, potatoes, but take with caution for no more than 3-4 minutes.

Treatment of sore throat in the 2nd trimester

Sore throat during pregnancy in the second trimester is treated with the same methods as indicated above. The 2nd trimester of fetal development makes it possible to use drugs with local effects directly on the affected areas.

These drugs include Furacilin, Antiangin.

Furacilin is the safest and most effective medicine with antibacterial, antiseptic and regenerating effects.

Rinsing with Furacilin solution for 5-6 days completely kills pathogenic microorganisms (add 2 powdered Furacilin tablets to 1 glass of hot water until completely dissolved, rinse for 4 minutes every 3-4 hours).

However, this remedy in rare cases has side effects - allergies, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, bleeding.

Antiangin lozenges have a good antimicrobial and analgesic effect.

The antiseptic Chlorhexidine contained in the drug destroys the viruses of pneumococci, staphylococci and streptococci. The effect is felt a few minutes after administration.

Therapy for tonsillitis in the 3rd trimester

Treatment of sore throat in pregnant women in the third trimester is much easier to treat, since almost all organs of the fetus are already formed.

But the 3rd trimester of pregnancy when infected with viruses is dangerous because the disease can lead to the development of a weakening of labor.

Inflammatory processes of the mucous tonsils in the last stages are treated as follows:

  • antibiotics are prescribed (Penicillin, Erythromycin, Sumamed, Gentamicin);
  • local antiseptics - Anti-angina;
  • gargling and inhalation with pharmaceutical herbs, with the addition of fir, eucalyptus oil, soda-saline solution, Furacilin, Miramistin;
  • diet therapy - foods high in various vitamins, irritating foods - salty, spicy, sour - are excluded.
  • To flush out toxins from the body, drink plenty of fluids.


If a woman is pregnant and has tonsillitis suddenly, there are traditional medicine recipes that are effective and safe for expectant mothers, aimed at relieving pain, inflammation and destroying pathogens.

In any case, all folk remedies are used after consultation with your doctor.

Some methods of alternative treatment for pregnant women with sore throat:

  1. Grind a few peeled lemons with sugar. Take the infused mixture 1 tsp. 5 times a day. This is a good anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, strengthens the body, saturates it with vitamin C.
  2. Add a finely chopped head of garlic to 1 glass of apple juice and boil for 5 minutes. Drink warm up to 3 glasses per day.
  3. Add 2 tbsp to the grated pulp of 1 apple and 1 onion. l. honey Take 0.5 tsp. 3 times a day.
  4. Decoctions for inhalation - from unpeeled potatoes (with the addition of a few drops of turpentine), a soda-salt mixture with the addition of 2 drops of iodine.
  5. Gargling - chamomile and sage decoction, propolis solution (1 tbsp propolis in 1 glass of warm water, gargle every hour), marshmallow infusion (2 tbsp pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours), beer mixture ( Mix 1 liter of hot beer with 1 glass of yarrow juice, gargle and drink 1 glass 3 times a day), 1 glass of beet juice with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. vinegar (rinse 5 times a day), etc.
  6. Treatment of the throat - with an alcohol-saline solution (mix 100 g of vodka with 2 tablespoons of coarse salt, lubricate the tonsils 6 times every half hour), a mixture of 1.5 g of novocaine, 100 ml of alcohol, 2.5 g of menthol, 1.5 l lubricate the neck with anesthesin 3 times a day and wrap it with a warm scarf.

Prevention of sore throat in pregnant women

To avoid contracting a sore throat, pregnant women must perform the following procedures and adhere to certain rules:

  • regularly ventilate and humidify the room;
  • Use individual utensils for eating and drinking;
  • do not communicate with sick people;
  • strengthening the immune system by taking special vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women, drinking more fresh fruit juices;
  • when visiting crowded places, lubricate your nose with oxolinic ointment and put on a gauze mask;
  • maintaining oral hygiene;
  • timely treatment of diseases of the teeth and oral cavity (stomatitis, caries, gingivitis, etc.);
  • use of antibacterial personal hygiene detergents;
  • if there is a family member with a sore throat in the house, regularly fumigate the air in the room with aromatic oils of tea tree or fir, eucalyptus, orange;
  • When using heaters, place containers of water in the room.

If the first signs of a sore throat appear during pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor without delay.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, much less let the disease take its course, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and the loss of the child.

During pregnancy, a woman can get sick with any infectious disease, including sore throat. Any illness caused by infection can adversely affect the development of the fetus. Obstetricians have long known that even with an asymptomatic or low-symptomatic course of the infectious process in a woman, the pathology in a child can be significantly pronounced. This is explained by the intensive reproduction of fetal cells, as a result of which they become more sensitive to the damaging effects of microorganisms and their toxins.

A feature of infectious diseases in pregnant women is the impossibility of using many medications, since they have a teratogenic effect (proven to affect the fetus) or have been poorly studied.

In its development, the fetus goes through stages corresponding to the formation of organs, their development and final differentiation. In terms of timing, these periods are conditionally correlated with the trimesters of pregnancy. Let's consider how angina can affect the fetus at different stages of its growth, as well as the features of treatment of this disease in each trimester.

First trimester

In the first months of pregnancy, a woman has a greater risk of developing a sore throat than usual. This is due to intense hormonal changes, behavioral changes, and pregnancy toxicosis. During this period, a woman more often visits medical institutions, where she is exposed to contact with patients.

At the same time, she continues to work, as a result of which she experiences additional stress. Her need for proteins and vitamins increases, which is not always met. As for immunodeficiency, it is not as common for pregnant women as is commonly believed. Immunity indicators in a healthy patient are most often within normal limits.

Manifestations of a sore throat in a woman are typical: the temperature rises quickly, a sore throat appears, and signs of intoxication develop.

The causative agent of the disease does not directly affect the fetus. Its toxins, released into a woman’s blood during inflammation, are dangerous. In addition, hypoxia (lack of oxygen and nutrients) develops during the illness.

If a woman gets a sore throat in the first days of pregnancy, the death of a fertilized egg or embryo cannot be ruled out. At a later stage, the formation of the placenta is disrupted, and primary placental insufficiency develops. Subsequently, it can transform into secondary failure, which is characterized by fetal hypoxia, delayed fetal development, premature birth and other pregnancy complications.

Fetal deformities may even develop if exposure to toxins occurred at particularly important times for the development of a particular organ. For example, there is a violation of brain development (micro- or hydrocephalus), intracranial calcification (“ossification”), heart defects, and disorders of the formation of limbs.

The first trimester is the most dangerous in terms of miscarriage, diseases and developmental disorders of the fetus due to illnesses in the mother.

Second trimester

If a pregnant woman gets a sore throat in the second trimester of pregnancy, the most common complication will be placental insufficiency. As a result, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus is disrupted, it grows more slowly and develops worse.

In some cases, under the influence of toxins, damage to the developing eyes of the unborn child, chorioretinitis, is observed; in the future, this complication can lead to blindness. The fetal liver also suffers, and the spleen enlarges.

Polyhydramnios often develops, and spontaneous termination of pregnancy cannot be ruled out, especially when several unfavorable factors are combined (for example, pregnancy occurring against the background of TORCH infections).

Third trimester

In the last months of pregnancy, sore throat has less of an impact on the developing baby. Firstly, his organs are already largely formed and are not so defenseless against toxic substances. Secondly, a well-formed placenta plays a protective role. Thirdly, the fetus itself is capable of responding to certain influences by developing its own protective factors.

However, tonsillitis suffered in the third trimester can lead to placental insufficiency, delayed fetal development and premature birth.

On the other hand, the woman herself suffers more. Early complications occur more often: peritonsillar abscess, otitis media, sinusitis and others. It is possible that late complications may develop: damage to the heart, joints, and kidneys.

Treatment of sore throat during pregnancy

Self-medication of sore throat while carrying a child is unacceptable. Having discovered the first signs of this disease, a woman should remain in bed and call a doctor at home. She is not allowed to visit the clinic.

Main events:

  • daily routine and diet;
  • antibacterial therapy;
  • local antiseptic drugs;
  • anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, painkillers;
  • vitamins.

Mode and nutrition

During the period of fever, strict adherence to bed rest is necessary. After the temperature dropped, her health improved, the patient can move around the apartment, but not engage in any active activity. You need to know that for at least 10 days after recovery, the woman is still a source of infection. Therefore, she should limit close contacts with children, the elderly, weakened people, or wear a medical mask.

It is advisable to drink more fluid. Green tea, rosehip decoction, unsweetened dried fruit compote, weak black tea with lemon, and warm milk are suitable. The diet should be sufficiently high in calories, especially during the recovery period. If a woman cannot eat because of a sore throat, she should eat broth and fermented milk products, but no more than 1 to 2 days, and then switch to regular food. It is better to steam or bake dishes; liquid porridges, pureed soups, steamed cutlets, and vegetable puree are useful.

Antibacterial therapy

Amoxiclav is approved for use

Not all antibiotics can be taken for sore throat during pregnancy. In the first trimester, their list is extremely limited. The doctor may prescribe drugs from the penicillin group (phenoxymethylpenicillin, ampicillin, amoxicillin), including amoxiclav, which is more resistant to bacterial enzymes. Cephalosporins of all 4 generations are approved for use, for example, cephalexin, cefaclor, cefotaxime, cefepime.

Macrolides, in particular azithromycin, can also be used when treating pregnant women. A short course of administration makes this remedy one of the drugs of choice for sore throat in pregnant women. In severe cases, with the development of purulent complications, carbapenems, for example, meropenem, can be used.

Treatment with antibiotics always carries a potential danger for the fetus and mother, so they should be prescribed by a good specialist who can see the line beyond which the undoubted benefits of antibiotics begin to become less than the harm caused by these drugs.

Unfortunately, the most studied and safest phenoxymethylpenicillin to date does not always help with sore throat. This is due to the development of microbial resistance to this drug.

Antiseptic preparations for topical use

To speed up recovery, relieve symptoms, and reduce the risk of complications, a pregnant woman with a sore throat should use local medications: sprays, inhalations, rinses. Here is a list of the most effective and safe medicines.

Furacilin– an antimicrobial agent active against staphylococci, streptococci and other most common pathogens. It is available in tablets and solution. To prepare a solution of furatsilin, you need to dissolve 2 tablets of the drug in a glass of boiling water, cool and gargle several times a day. It is more convenient to use a ready-made solution.


Chlorhexidine– antiseptic, cleanses and disinfects tonsils, removes purulent plaque from them. Available in the form of a ready-made solution. To gargle, you need to use a solution at a concentration of 0.05%. If a higher concentration is indicated on the package (0.2% or 0.5%), before use, such a solution should be diluted with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1:4 and 1:10, respectively.

Miramistin– a highly effective modern antiseptic, fully approved for use in pregnant women. It comes in a convenient bottle with a nozzle that sprays the drug deep into the throat. Such irrigation can be carried out several times during the day.

Ingalipt– an antimicrobial drug that also contains thymol, eucalyptus and mint oils. In addition to the antibacterial effect, it has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Available in a convenient spray form that can be easily applied to affected tonsils.

Chlorophyllipt– an extract from eucalyptus leaves, a natural preparation that has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral effects. Available in the form of a solution for rinsing, an oil solution for lubricating the tonsils, and also in the form of lozenges.

Local therapy can be supplemented by gargling with infusions of chamomile, calendula, linden blossom and other herbs with a disinfectant effect.

Such decoctions should not be taken orally, since their effect on the body of a pregnant woman can be unpredictable.

Other drugs

A pregnant woman can take paracetamol to reduce fever. For severe sore throat, severe inflammation and swelling, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, ortofen. And, of course, the patient must take the vitamins prescribed to her.

Which doctor should I contact?

If a pregnant woman gets a sore throat, she needs to stay at home in bed and call a therapist or family doctor to her home. If necessary, an infectious disease specialist or an ENT doctor is consulted. It is also necessary to inform the observing obstetrician-gynecologist about your illness.

Watch a video about how medications are prescribed during pregnancy and how to take them correctly:

Medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding - School of Dr. Komarovsky

Article evaluation.

Sore throat during pregnancy can develop at any stage. The danger of the disease lies in the development of early and late consequences for the mother and child. There is also a risk of the pathology becoming chronic. The method of therapy should be determined by the doctor. Early diagnosis is extremely important when choosing management tactics for a pregnant woman.

Due to the hormonal and physiological changes that occur in the body during pregnancy, if the disease occurs, pregnant women are at greater risk of developing complications.

The greatest danger from viral or bacterial infection is in the period up to 12 weeks, when the laying of the organs and tissues of the unborn baby occurs.

Viral tonsillitis, suffered in the second half of pregnancy, is a risk factor for the development of intrauterine infection due to transplacental transmission of the virus to the fetus. Respiratory viruses that cause perinatal damage can persist and multiply in 11% of cases in the placenta, fetal brain and choroid plexuses of the lateral ventricles of the brain.

When an infection occurs during pregnancy, the embryo and fetus are affected not only by pathogens, but also by toxic products that are formed as a result of the mother’s metabolism during the breakdown of the infectious agent.

Enterovirus infections are quite common. Enteroviruses are transmitted to pregnant women through direct contact with a patient with an intestinal infection or damage to the upper and lower respiratory tract.

When a sore throat develops in the early stages of pregnancy due to influenza or parainfluenza, miscarriages occur in 25–50% of cases. The frequency of defects is small.

With herpetic sore throat, heart defects, developmental anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract, hydrocephalus, pneumonia, jaundice, and anemia may occur. Also, infection of the fetus with the herpes virus leads to spontaneous abortion and premature birth.

The most common cause of sore throat is a bacterial infection: staphylococci, streptococci, diplococci, Haemophilus influenzae, anaerobes, spirochetes, chlamydia, mycoplasma and others.

Among bacterial pathogens, group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus, or streptococcus pyogenes, is of great importance.

The source of infection is a sick person during an exacerbation or a bacteria carrier. Transmission mechanism: airborne, contact, food. The pathogen can penetrate the fetus through the placenta and cause pathological changes in developing organs.

Symptoms of sore throat in pregnant women

Clinical manifestations of sore throat in pregnant women include:

  • sore throat that gets worse when swallowing and talking;
  • increase in body temperature to 38 °C and above;
  • headache, chills, joint pain, weakness;
  • fibrinous or purulent plaque on the surface of the tonsils and in the lacunae;
  • enlargement and tenderness of the lymph nodes in the area of ​​the angle of the lower jaw.

Sore throat is especially difficult to tolerate in late pregnancy. Oxygen absorption progressively increases in the second and third trimesters. The growing fetus puts pressure on the diaphragm, which makes breathing difficult, especially during physical activity or movement. Therefore, any inflammatory changes in the upper respiratory tract can affect the general condition, leading to the development of tissue hypoxia of the mother and fetus.

Physiological immunosuppression in pregnant women may contribute to the generalization of inflammation and increase the risk of bacterial complications.

How dangerous is streptococcal sore throat for an expectant mother? The danger lies in the development of early (abscesses, neck phlegmon, otitis) and late (acute rheumatic fever, myocarditis, polyarthritis, glomerulonephritis) complications, as well as the risk of transition to a chronic disease.

The effect of sore throat on the embryo, fetus, consequences for the child

When an infection occurs during pregnancy, the embryo and fetus are affected not only by pathogens, but also by toxic products that are formed as a result of the mother’s metabolism during the breakdown of the infectious agent. Hyperthermia and hypoxia, which occur during an acute inflammatory process, also have an effect.

The consequences of sore throat in the 1st trimester of pregnancy depend on the gestational age: in the first 6 days after fertilization, the zygote may die or completely regenerate; During the period of embryo- and placentogenesis (from the 7th day to the 8th week of pregnancy), fetal death, the development of deformities, and primary placental insufficiency are possible.

Sore throat in the 2nd trimester is dangerous due to the development of sclerotic changes in organs and tissues. The formed pathology of various organs and systems of the fetus with angina in the second trimester of pregnancy can be determined using ultrasound.

The third trimester is characterized by the fact that the fetus acquires the ability to specifically respond to the introduction of an infectious agent with leukocyte infiltration, humoral and tissue changes.

The use of antibiotics in pregnant women is possible only in cases where the indications or expected effect of therapy outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

If there is a purulent-inflammatory focus in the mother's body, for example an abscess, hematogenous infection of the fetus is possible. In this case, bacterial infection of the placenta with subsequent disruption of the placental barrier leads to the spread of bacteria through the bloodstream and the development of intrauterine sepsis.

In severe cases, the outcome of an infection that affects the fetus may be:

  • death of the fertilized egg;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • prematurity (for example, premature birth at 37 weeks due to fetal hypoxia);
  • intrauterine growth restriction;
  • antenatal death;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • violation of the newborn's adaptation;
  • various manifestations of local and generalized infectious process.


During the examination, pharyngoscopy is performed. The pharyngoscopic picture of acute inflammation of the tonsils is characterized by hyperemia and tissue edema. Purulent plugs are visualized in the lacunae.

In the diagnosis of tonsillitis, the main method is bacteriological culture of discharge from the mucous membrane of the tonsils and oropharynx with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics. In some cases, an additional PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method is required to identify certain fragments of DNA or RNA of the pathogen cells.

There is also a method for rapid diagnosis of streptococcal infection, based on determining the antigen of group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus, without first isolating a pure culture of the pathogen. The test allows you to determine the presence of bacteria within 5–10 minutes. But in parallel, a classic bacteriological culture is prescribed to confirm the preliminary diagnosis and possible correction of treatment.

How to treat a sore throat and with what, only a specialist can decide. After examining and taking material for research, the doctor assesses the severity of the patient’s condition and determines what can be prescribed at this stage of pregnancy, because not all medications are safe for the fetus.

A pregnant woman with acute tonsillitis can be observed simultaneously by several specialists: an obstetrician-gynecologist, an infectious disease specialist, an otolaryngologist, a cardiologist, and a rheumatologist.

The greatest danger from viral or bacterial infection is in the period up to 12 weeks, when the laying of the organs and tissues of the unborn baby occurs.

Treatment of sore throat at home is carried out after consulting a doctor, as a rule, in the absence of elevated body temperature, which can be regarded as a mild course of the disease with minimal risk to the mother and unborn child.

When body temperature rises above 38 °C, an antipyretic drug that can be taken at any stage of pregnancy is Paracetamol. It can be taken 500 mg no more than 4 times a day.

The use of antibiotics in pregnant women is possible only in cases where the indications or expected effect of therapy outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. At the same time, it is safe to prescribe penicillins, inhibitor-protected penicillins, and cephalosporins. Tetracyclines, doxycycline, fluoroquinolones, co-trimoxazole and sulfonamides are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Considering the dire consequences a sore throat can have, it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner to select adequate treatment and prevent complications.


We offer you to watch a video on the topic of the article.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to spend the entire pregnancy period without illness. Sometimes, a decrease in immunity makes itself felt, and the body cannot provide adequate resistance to viruses and bacteria. Sore throat is considered one of the most unpleasant diseases.

Treatment of sore throat during pregnancy is associated with many nuances, in particular, a particularly scrupulous approach to choosing an antibiotic is required, and if necessary, taking a drug from this group.

Causes of sore throat

Where does sore throat come from in a pregnant woman?

The cause of inflammation of the tonsils is always a bacteria or virus. Reduced immunity during pregnancy cannot cope with protective functions and, as a result, illness occurs.

Sore throat during pregnancy develops due to ingestion of:

  1. streptococci or staphylococci (bacterial or purulent);
  2. Coxsackie virus (herpetic);
  3. rhinovirus, influenza virus (viral).

Sore throat in the first trimester of pregnancy

Sore throat in the early stages of pregnancy is especially frightening, because the baby is still very tiny and it is not known what can harm him more: illness, high fever or antibiotics during treatment.

But fears, if you seek medical help in a timely manner, are groundless, even without knowing about your delicate condition, but by carrying out classical treatment with medications under the supervision of a doctor, a woman overcomes tonsillitis without harm to the child. The danger lies in ignoring the disease or placing unjustified hope in traditional medicine. The consequences of sore throat during pregnancy can manifest themselves:

  1. in placental abruption;
  2. threat of miscarriage;
  3. frozen pregnancy;
  4. transmission of infection through the bloodstream;
  5. and, as a result, delays and disturbances in the formation of internal organs.

Accordingly, tonsillitis is a serious disease that cannot be treated with gargling alone. Remember, a sore throat can take your baby’s life due to your negligence!

Purulent tonsillitis is especially dangerous during pregnancy, if the thermometer is steadily rising, it is better to immediately call an ambulance and go to the infectious disease ward of the maternity hospital so that the treatment of purulent tonsillitis is truly effective and eliminates disastrous consequences.


How to treat sore throat during pregnancy?

Sore throat in the first trimester of pregnancy is treated depending on the type of disease detected. For example, the bacterial form that is most common in pregnant women is treated with antibiotics. The selection of the drug and its dosage should be carried out only by a doctor, in accordance with the list of permitted drugs.

Approved antibiotics for pregnant women with sore throat:

  • Flemoxin;
  • Cefazolin;
  • Sumamed;
  • Clarithromycin.

Local agents must be added to the antibiotic treatment of sore throat during pregnancy. These can be sprays (Tantum-Verde, Chlorophyllipt, Ingalipt), gargling solutions (Miramistin) or lozenges (Faringosept, Lizobakt).

The only generally accepted factor in treatment is bed rest; everyone should adhere to it, regardless of the form of inflammation.

Sore throat in the second and third trimester

The situation with the treatment of sore throat in pregnant women in the second and third trimester is no less difficult. Here it is also important to select the correct course of medications and to endure the entire course of treatment so that the provocateur of the disease does not have a chance to advance throughout the body. In addition, sore throat during pregnancy can not only bring discomfort to everyday life, but also provoke late toxicosis.

There is an opinion that a sore throat during pregnancy in the second trimester cannot bring absolutely any harm to the baby, because all his organs and systems are already formed. But this is not entirely true, because it is increasingly difficult for the mother’s body to bear a child, the load on organs, bones, joints and immunity is constantly growing, and tonsillitis, unfortunately, takes a lot of strength. A timely visit to a doctor can not only cure inflammation of the tonsils, but also save energy for the decisive period of gestation.

Why is sore throat dangerous during pregnancy in the second and third trimester?

Sore throat in pregnant women in the second and third trimester can provoke premature birth, placental abruption, or reduce labor if the due date is reached.


Sore throat during pregnancy and its treatment rely exclusively on medical care.

The 2nd and 3rd trimesters exclude heavy drinking, which is so strongly recommended for the treatment of infectious diseases. The reason is the existing threat of edema. In the case of bacterial tonsillitis, the same antibiotics are required, but if the expectant mother has a sore throat of viral etiology, antiviral drugs are usually not prescribed.

The most popular local remedy of this period is called Stopangin. Stopangin during pregnancy is allowed from 14 weeks. Can be used in the form of both a rinse solution and a spray.

It is customary to gargle for a sore throat twice a day; the solution is not diluted with water. You only need a tablespoon and 30 seconds of time.

During pregnancy, Stopangin spray is used three times a day, pressing the aerosol applicator twice.

How to treat sore throat in the third trimester? Often, the expectant mother is offered temporary hospitalization, because at the end of pregnancy it is quite difficult to cure any disease at home. And it’s better not to refuse such an offer, because the body has already devoted almost all its strength to bearing the baby.

Prohibitions in treatment

The attending physician will certainly tell you what medications you can take during this period in a personal meeting, however, it is guaranteed that there will be no such drugs on this list:

  1. Acetylsalicylic acid. The temperature is brought down only by paracetamol-containing products.
  2. Streptomycin
  3. Medicines containing iodine, such as Lugol.
  4. Solutions containing alcohol.
  5. Tetracycline
  6. Levomycetin
  7. Biseptol
  8. Septrin
  9. Streptocide
  10. Sulfadimezin (Sulfacyl)

Under no circumstances should you lower the temperature in cold or even cool water, or use wiping with vinegar and alcohol. It is forbidden to put compresses on the throat and perform “rubbing”. I would like to remind you once again: you should not take on self-medication, your child’s life is at stake.


What to do to avoid getting sick?

Because Inflammation of the tonsils is a contagious disease; the main preventive measure is to avoid contact with patients with tonsillitis. Also, the only thing that can be done is to strengthen the immune system: eat rationally and regularly, take special vitamin complexes, avoid passive (not to mention active) smoking and lead an active (if there are no obstetric prohibitions) lifestyle. It won’t hurt to avoid large crowds of people during the autumn-winter-spring period and use protective masks during epidemics.

Sore throat during pregnancy is quite common. This is due to a decrease in the woman’s immune defense during pregnancy. The body of the expectant mother undergoes some changes in the endocrine, reproductive, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems, which leads to a partial malfunction of the name system.

A woman becomes more susceptible to infectious pathogens, so acute respiratory viral infections and exacerbations of chronic diseases are observed more often. In the third trimester of pregnancy, negative factors of an exogenous and endogenous nature affect the fetus to a lesser extent compared to the first months. This is due to:

  • practically complete formation of organs and systems of the fetus, so they are not so susceptible to mutations;
  • good protection of the placenta;
  • the production of some protective factors in the fetal body.

The listed types of protection do not guarantee the absence of complications. There is still a high risk of fetoplacental insufficiency, fetal hypoxia, and premature birth.

The progression of sore throat contributes to the formation of abscesses and phlegmon in the oral cavity with spread to the tissue. As a result, the risk of neck swelling with difficulty breathing and the development of hypoxia increases. Bleeding is possible from the blood vessels that feed the tonsils when they melt purulently. The condition requires immediate medical attention.

Generalization of streptococcal infection leads to systemic complications. The infection predisposes to the development of rheumatic fever with damage to the valve apparatus of the heart, joints (migratory polyarthritis), and kidneys (glomerulonephritis). In sepsis, foci of infection can have different localizations, for example, in the lungs, kidneys, and skin.

With cardiac damage, a woman is worried about angina pectoris and shortness of breath. An electrocardiogram and ultrasound examination record changes characteristic of valve covers, myocarditis, endocarditis, and pericarditis.

Renal dysfunction is manifested by pain in the lumbar region, dysuric disorders. In laboratory urine tests, bacteria, increased levels of leukocytes, red blood cells, and protein are recorded. Ultrasound diagnostics reveals damage to the calyces, pelvis, and glomeruli of the kidneys.

The appearance of a sore throat is one of the first clinical signs that allows one to suspect the presence of an inflammatory process in the tonsils and posterior pharyngeal wall.

Usually the next day you begin to feel unwell, your appetite decreases, and body aches appear, which is a sign of intoxication syndrome. The fever initially does not exceed 37.5 degrees (with catarrhal tonsillitis), but can reach 39 degrees in the case of the development of purulent tonsillitis. As the disease progresses, the pathological process spreads to the structures surrounding the tonsils, and the process of chewing, swallowing, and opening the mouth becomes difficult.

  1. The catarrhal form is characterized by an increase in almonds due to infiltrative processes and swelling. They turn red, but have no plaque.
  2. Follicular, lacunar forms develop with suppuration of the follicles, which are visualized in the form of grains, with the accumulation of purulent masses in the lacunae. Purulent films appear on the surface of the tonsils. As a result, a pronounced intoxication syndrome develops.
  3. The ulcerative-necrotic form is manifested by the formation of ulcerative lesions on the surface of the tonsils. The plaque takes on a dull, gray color, and when you try to remove it, a bleeding wound is left. The process gradually covers the posterior pharyngeal wall, palate, uvula, and arches.

There are also secondary forms of tonsillitis, which develop as a complication of the underlying disease, for example, scarlet fever, infectious mononucleosis, enterovirus infection. Among the specific forms of tonsillitis, it is worth highlighting the fungal type, Simanovsky-Vincent tonsillitis.

Complex therapy for tonsillitis allows you to achieve good results in a short time, thereby preventing the occurrence of undesirable consequences. In order to minimize the load on a woman’s body, eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and reduce the severity of clinical symptoms, it is recommended to adhere to the following directions in treatment:

  1. adherence to a certain daily routine and diet;
  2. fight against streptococcus;
  3. reduction of the inflammatory process, damage to the tonsils;
  4. prevention of febrile hyperthermia;
  5. strengthening the immune system.

Now we will analyze in detail what is included in each treatment point.

Compliance with the regime

Due to the fact that a pregnant woman’s immunity is weakened, it needs strength to recover, so sore throat during pregnancy requires bed rest for up to 10 days. During this period, the pathogen circulates through the bloodstream, so there is a high risk of complications.

Adequate antibiotic therapy allows you to cope with the pathogen in a shorter time, but the body still needs time to recover.

During the acute period, a woman can infect others around her, so the use of a medical mask is recommended.

Drinking plenty of fluids allows you to speed up the elimination of toxic substances released by pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, the concentration of toxins decreases, the severity of the intoxication syndrome decreases, which leads to a decrease in hyperthermia.

The drinking regimen may include compotes, juices, jelly, and fruit drinks. The enveloping properties of jelly prevent further damage to the tonsils and stimulate regenerative processes. In addition, it is worth noting that a proper drinking regime prevents dehydration associated with increased sweating and shortness of breath.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the drinking volume should be calculated by a doctor to avoid the appearance of edema.

The “pregnant” period, especially after 6 months, is quite often characterized by edema syndrome. This is due to compression of the veins and lymph vessels by the enlarged uterus, which makes the outflow of blood from the lower extremities difficult. The size of the uterus shifts the intestines, causing a woman to experience constipation, and pain in the lumbar region is caused by an increased load on the spine.

As for a nutritious diet, a woman is prohibited from following strict diets, since the body must receive sufficient nutrients to replenish energy reserves and increase immune defense.

During illness, chicken broth, vegetable and fruit juices, and light salads are recommended. Hard, fatty, fried, spicy foods, coffee, and carbonated drinks should be excluded from the diet.

In addition, a pregnant woman must:

  • avoid stress;
  • devote enough time to sleep and rest;
  • Ventilate the room regularly.

The following is prohibited in treatment:

  • independently remove films from the surface of the tonsils, which predisposes the spread of infection and the formation of an open wound;
  • apply procedures associated with high temperatures, for example, hot compresses, showers, foot baths;
  • the use of antibacterial agents without prior consultation with a doctor, as well as premature termination of antibiotic therapy.

Early cessation of taking antibacterial agents leads to reactivation of pathogenic microorganisms, which is manifested by the return of clinical symptoms. It is worth noting that in this case it is advisable to prescribe antibacterial agents from a different group, since the pathogen could already have developed resistance to previous medications.

The danger of incomplete antibiotic therapy lies in the persistence of streptococcus in the body, the risk of developing serious complications against the background of mild symptoms.

Treatment of sore throat involves the use of antibacterial drugs necessary to eliminate the infectious pathogen. In the case of catarrhal tonsillitis, it is possible to do without systemic antibiotics, subject to early diagnosis and initiation of an intensive therapeutic course.

If a pregnant woman experiences a sore throat, she should immediately begin gargling with antiseptic solutions.

Timely initiation of therapy allows you to stop the spread of infection and reduce the inflammatory process. Even if it turns out that this is ordinary pharyngitis, rinsing will only bring benefits.

Purulent forms of tonsillitis require antibiotic therapy, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen. Usually the cause of sore throat is streptococcus, so drugs are used that have a detrimental effect on it.

  • Penicillins, for example, Flemoxin, Augmentin, Amoxiclav. They are quite widely prescribed to pregnant women, as they do not have a negative effect on the fetus.
  • Cephalosporins (Cephalexin, Cefepime, Ceftriaxone, Cefuroxime). Prescribed in the absence of effect, intolerance to penicillins. Not toxic to the embryo.
  • Macrolides (Sumamed, Erythromycin) are used for a short course in the absence of the possibility of using the above antibiotics. There is a low risk of side effects, however, they can be prescribed in consultation with a doctor.

We emphasize that not all antibacterial agents are approved for use in pregnant women in the 3rd trimester:

  1. Doxycycline, tetracycline - easily penetrate the placenta, disrupt the exchange of minerals, and are deposited in tooth buds, bones, and liver.
  2. Fluoroquinolones (norfloxacin, ofloxacin) after overcoming the placental barrier damage articular structures (cartilage, ligaments, bones).
  3. Macrolides (clarithromycin, roxithromycin) have a toxic effect on the embryo.
  4. Aminoglycosides (streptomycin, gentamicin) when penetrating the fetus affect the kidneys and hearing organs, which leads to deafness.
  5. Co-trimoxazole (Biseptol), when taken in high doses, overcomes the placental barrier, leading to the formation of heart defects and mutations.

You can act directly on the pathological focus using solutions for topical use. Thanks to regular rinsing and irrigation of the surface of the tonsils, it is possible to prevent the spread of infection and reduce inflammation.

Rinsing must be repeated every 2 hours, alternating with irrigation of the tonsils, resorption of tablet forms of drugs with antimicrobial action. Of the safest, widely used antiseptic solutions, we highlight the following.

  1. Furacilin is an antimicrobial drug that has a detrimental effect on streptococci and staphylococci. To prepare the solution, dissolve 2 tablets in a glass of hot water, cool, and use for gargling. The medicine is also sold in a ready-to-use form.
  2. Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic that allows you to cleanse the tonsils of microbes, purulent films, and reduce inflammation. For rinsing, a ready-made solution of 0.05% is used. If a different concentration is indicated, dilution with boiled water is required before use.
  3. Miramistin is a modern antiseptic that is highly effective. For the convenience of irrigating the tonsils, the bottle is equipped with a special nozzle.
  4. Ingalin is available in the form of a spray or solution, consisting of an antiseptic, eucalyptus oil, and mint. In addition to the antimicrobial effect, it has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
  5. Chlorophyllipt is an extract from eucalyptus leaves. Has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect. Produced in the form of a solution, spray, tablets.
  6. Lizobact and Faringosept tablets are prescribed for resorption.

Traditional recipes use a solution of soda and salt (1 tsp each) per glass of water. If there is no allergic reaction to iodine-containing drugs, you can add 2 drops of iodine. Rinse twice a day.

Fighting fever

Sore throat during pregnancy is often accompanied by hyperthermia. If the temperature reaches 37.5 degrees, the woman is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, take a warm shower, and wipe the body with a diluted vinegar solution.

When the temperature exceeds 38 degrees, in addition to the listed measures, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs. Antipyretics should not contain aspirin.

Prolonged febrile/hectic hyperthermia leads to hypoxia, fetal growth retardation, fetoplacental insufficiency, and premature birth.

Prevention of tonsillitis involves strengthening the immune system, preventing a decrease in immune defense even at the stage of pregnancy planning. Sore throat during pregnancy is quite common, but women should try to avoid it. What is needed for this?

  • A preventive course of treatment for chronic diseases before pregnancy, which will reduce the risk of exacerbation of the pathology, which reduces immune defense.
  • Treatment of infectious diseases at the stage of pregnancy planning.
  • A healthy diet ensures sufficient intake of vitamins, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into the body of the expectant mother and fetus. Thanks to this, the embryo develops according to the gestational age.
  • Good rest, sleep.
  • Reducing the impact of stress to prevent hormonal fluctuations.
  • Regular ventilation of the room, wet cleaning, use of a humidifier.
  • Walks in the park area, trips to the forest, to the sea to change the climate and strengthen the immune system.
  • Dosed physical activity, for example, water aerobics.
  • Clothing must be appropriate for the weather, which will avoid hypothermia, the negative effects of drafts, and getting wet in the rain.
  • Compliance with culinary technologies, which prevents the development of toxic infections, dysentery, and salmonellosis. It is also recommended not to visit unverified eating places.
  • Maintain personal hygiene, frequent hand washing.
  • Using a medical mask when talking to a sick person.
  • It is necessary to avoid large gatherings of people, especially during periods of epidemic.

Finally, I would like to note that regular preventive examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist allows for timely diagnosis of pathology. Timely treatment is the key to a mild course of the disease and prevention of the development of severe complications.

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