How to prepare food for weight loss. Delicious recipes for dietary dishes for weight loss. Soup "Cheese paradise"

If you decide to improve your health with separate nutrition, you need to be able to put theory into practice. But the theory, in general, is interesting. True, any scientific research in the field of nutrition must still be approached without fanaticism and taking into account the characteristics of national nutrition. For example, almost all theories of separate nutrition resolutely prohibit the consumption of meat and starchy foods at the same time. That is, traditional Russian dumplings are strictly prohibited... And pies too. And everyone’s favorite stewed potatoes with meat. But if you generally adhere to some general rules, sometimes giving yourself the opportunity to enjoy “regular” food, then it is quite possible to significantly improve your health.

Before creating a separate meals menu for the week, let's remember these rules.

Lean meat, poultry and fish are combined with non-starchy and green vegetables.

Legumes of all types are combined with vegetable oils and green vegetables.

It is advisable to use unrefined vegetable oils and not fry them.

Starchy vegetables only go well with each other. Combination with animal fats is strictly prohibited!

. Non-starchy vegetables, green vegetables and herbs are combined with vegetable and animal fats in small quantities.

Tomatoes and fruits with a sour taste go well with themselves. You need to eat them no later than 15-20 minutes before the main meal.

Bread is an independent dish. It can be eaten with a small amount of vegetable (preferably olive) oil, herbs and garlic.

Milk is not a drink, but a food. Moreover, it is not compatible with any product.

Cottage cheese is combined with other fermented milk products and herbs.

Eggs go well with green vegetables.

Mushrooms are combined with carbohydrates and proteins; it is a neutral product.

It is better not to combine nuts with anything.

The best thing about the separate nutrition system is that it limits and even excludes from the diet those foods that all nutritionists and doctors are united against: refined sugar and products based on it, sausages, pickles and smoked meats, refined oils, mayonnaise and margarines, canned food of all types, condensed and powdered milk, as well as carbonated drinks.

In addition, the creators of the theory of separate nutrition pay special attention to time digestion of certain foods in the stomach. Having an idea of ​​the digestion time, you can easily create your daily diet, remembering that it is better not to eat heavy, long-digesting food in the morning and at night.

1-2 hours are needed to digest cocoa, milk, tea, broths, and soft-boiled eggs.

It takes 2-3 hours for coffee with milk and cream, stewed fish, hard-boiled eggs, and wheat bread to be digested.

3-4 hours should pass to digest boiled chicken, boiled beef, apples and rye bread.

It takes 4-5 hours to digest fried meat, salted fish and legumes.

That is, the usual scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast for many is almost a crime. If you also think so, welcome to the club of followers of Shelton, Hay, Montignac, Malakhov, Zhdanov and Semyonova.


In the evening, rinse the buckwheat well in several waters. Pour hot water over the cereal in a ratio of 1:2, cover tightly with a lid and wrap in a blanket. The next morning, you just need to warm up the porridge and add salt, dried fruits or zero-fat milk to taste. If you are preparing porridge with milk, pour milk over the finished porridge, place on the stove and heat until hot, but do not boil.

Take unpolished rice, rinse it well in several waters until the water flowing from the grain becomes clear. Rice can be cooked in the usual way by dipping it in boiling salted water, cooking until done and draining in a colander, or simmering in a small amount of water (1:2 ratio) over low heat under a lid. A slow cooker is ideal for this method - your porridge will not burn, overcook or run away. Mix the finished rice with dried fruits to taste.

Wheat porridge with milk. Pour water into the wheat grits in a ratio of 1:1.5 and cook over medium heat under the lid until the liquid evaporates. Then pour in skim milk and heat until almost boiling. Let stand covered for a while, add salt to taste.

Oatmeal porridge with water and berries. Cook the oatmeal in water, adding a little salt to it. Serve with berries or dried fruits.

You can serve fresh juices with breakfast cereals, which should sometimes be diluted with clean water in a 1:1 ratio so as not to irritate the gastric mucosa.

2 breakfast

The second breakfast is always fruit, and followers of separate nutrition pay special attention to kiwi, recommending eating it straight with the peel. A snack between the main breakfast and lunch includes not only fruits, but also dried fruits and berries, as well as nuts. You can drink 1 glass of kefir or natural yogurt. If your body does not have enough protein, during the second breakfast you can feed it with a hard-boiled egg, 100 g of hard (this is important!) cheese or 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese without additives. You can prepare a green salad with vegetable oil and almost no salt.


Lunch in a separate food system usually consists of a protein product (fish, poultry, lean meat, seafood) and vegetables in the form of a salad or boiled or stewed. Here are some lunch options:

. ⅓ chicken boiled in salted water without skin, steamed broccoli and/or cauliflower, green vegetable salad with vegetable oil.

Steamed veal cutlets - 2 small pieces, side dish of stewed vegetables.

Vegetarian vegetable soup without potatoes, 100 g of boiled lean meat, green vegetable salad.

. 100-150 g salmon or pink salmon, boiled in a small amount of water or steamed, stewed vegetables.

. ½ boiled or baked skinless chicken, steamed or stewed green beans, 50 g feta cheese.

Sea fish baked in foil or a baking sleeve, without oil and with a minimum amount of salt, fresh vegetable salad with vegetable oil.

Boiled squid salad, stewed vegetables, a piece of hard cheese.

Steamed veal, green salad with vegetable oil.

Steamed cutlets, stewed cabbage, sweet pepper and tomato salad.

It is better not to fry meat or fish - this is very important. There are many cooking options, and all of them are absolutely time-consuming. Stewing in a small amount of water or vegetable broth, boiling, steaming, baking in foil, a baking bag or in the form of casseroles with vegetables - all these methods are much healthier than the usual frying. And the taste... For those who are accustomed to a golden-brown crispy crust, at first it will be difficult to perceive the taste of stewed or boiled meat or fish - it’s a bit bland and not crunchy... But over time, literally in a couple of weeks, your taste preferences will miraculously change, believe me.

Afternoon snack

For a snack between lunch and dinner, dried fruits, nuts, fruits or a glass of fermented milk product - kefir, acidophilus, natural yogurt without additives or a drink made from live cultures, sold in almost every pharmacy, are quite suitable. A yogurt maker is a fairly cheap device these days, it’s a pleasure to use, but fermented milk products can also be prepared in a slow cooker. Don't have a slow cooker or yogurt maker? Place the jar of milk and starter in the oven, heated to low (no higher than 40ºC), and leave overnight. A tasty and healthy drink is ready.


Nutritionists who advocate separate meals often recommend eating vegetable soups for dinner. This makes common sense, because for dinner it is advisable to eat foods that are easily digested and do not leave a heaviness in the stomach. In addition to soups, for dinner you can prepare vegetable casseroles with mushrooms or hard cheese and omelettes with vegetables.

Here are a few recipes for dishes from the separate food system. When preparing them, remember that you need to salt dishes immediately before eating, gradually reducing the amount of salt. Salt can retain up to 6 liters of water in the body, which is why it is so important not to add too much salt to food.

6 eggs
1 stack green peas,
3-4 carrots,
spices, herbs, vegetable oil.

Beat the eggs with a mixer, add spices and herbs to taste. Boil green peas in boiling water and place in a sieve. Cut the carrots into cubes and also boil in water or steam. In a frying pan with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, lightly fry the carrots and peas, pour in the eggs, cover with a lid and place in the oven. The vegetables in this recipe can be anything. Add salt to taste before serving.

500 g fresh mushrooms,
70 g hard cheese,
3-4 cloves of garlic,
¾ stack. low-fat sour cream,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
greens, pepper - to taste.

Cut the mushrooms into thin slices and steam them. Add chopped garlic and ground pepper to the prepared mushrooms. Place the mushroom mixture in a frying pan with vegetable oil, pour in sour cream and place in a hot oven for 15 minutes. Sprinkle the casserole with grated cheese and wait until it melts. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

300 g fresh mushrooms,
1.5 stack. rice,
4 stacks water,
greens, ground pepper - to taste.

Steam the chopped mushrooms. Place the rice in boiling water and cook until tender, place in a sieve and cool slightly. Place the rice on a flat dish in the shape of a circle, place mushrooms in the center, add salt to taste, sprinkle with herbs and spices.

300 g fresh champignons,
2 carrots,
500 g potatoes,
2 eggs,
1 tbsp. chopped greens,
2 tbsp. breadcrumbs.

Steam the carrots and potatoes, cool and peel. Grate the vegetables on a fine grater. Boil the mushrooms in boiling water, cool and chop using a blender. Combine the vegetable and mushroom mixture, add one egg and mix well. Roll into small balls, flatten, brush with beaten egg and coat in breadcrumbs. Place the cutlets on the steamer rack and cook until done. Serve with steamed vegetables.

Carrot-apple porridge for breakfast


2 carrots,
2 apples,
10 linden leaves (fresh or dried).

Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater. Peel the apples from the core and also grate them. Finely chop the linden leaves. Mix all ingredients, place in a small saucepan and place in a water bath for 10 minutes.
Serve warm for breakfast.

Pilaf with vegetablesspicy


1.5 stack. rice,
2 sweet red peppers,
1 large onion,
2 tomatoes
3 stacks water,
spices, herbs, ground pepper.

Cut the onion into cubes and pour over boiling water. Cut the pepper into cubes, tomatoes into thin slices. Place the vegetables in boiling water, add the rice, cover tightly and place in the oven over medium heat for 45 minutes. Serve sprinkled with ground pepper and herbs.


900 g green sweet pepper,
300 g unsalted cheese (if the cheese is salty, do not add salt to the dish),
900 g tomatoes,
3 onions,
½ cup chopped parsley,
350 ml low-fat sour cream,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
½ tsp. ground black pepper.

Cut the onion into half rings and sauté in vegetable oil until golden brown. Scald the tomatoes, remove the skin and pass through a meat grinder or chop using a blender. Cut the pepper into small cubes. Combine all the vegetables and simmer along with the onion over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Grind the cheese using a blender, add to the vegetables, add herbs, ground pepper and mix well. Place in a mold, pour over sour cream and place in the oven over medium heat. Bake until browned. Serve hot, straight from the pan.

Cheesecakes with carrotsyu

2 carrots,
500-600 g low-fat cottage cheese,
2 eggs,
2 tbsp. liquid honey,
½ cup low-fat sour cream,
¾ stack. flour mixed with fine bran,
2 tbsp. semolina.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Mix with cottage cheese, add eggs, honey and stir, gradually adding flour. Form into flat cakes, roll in semolina and place in a steamer rack. Serve hot with sour cream.

As you can see, all the recipes are simple and, in general, inexpensive. Separate meals on the menu are a good reason to resolve all digestive problems, lose weight and finally give your body a break from preservatives, dyes and other “chemicals”.

Eat varied and healthy!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Separate nutrition is not a diet, but a way of life. It is based on the fact that at one meal you can only consume foods with a compatible chemical composition. You cannot combine carbohydrate and protein foods. Over time, the body gets used to this diet.

Separate meals for weight loss

This method of losing weight is a four-day cycle. It must be repeated in strict sequence within 90 days of the course. For each day, a separate type of product is allocated, depending on its energy and nutritional value.

One cycle of separate nutrition consists of the following days:

  1. Protein. The menu should include sources of animal protein and non-starchy vegetables.
  2. Starchy. Only cereals, potatoes and legumes are consumed.
  3. Carbohydrate. The daily diet consists of foods with a high glycemic index. For example, it could be durum wheat pasta.
  4. Vitamin. During the day you need to eat fresh and dried fruits, nuts, seeds and fresh fruit. In this case, high-calorie bananas, peaches, avocados and grapes should be excluded.

Losing weight using this nutritional system occurs against the background of a constant restructuring of metabolic processes. Along with the separation of products, the usual portion and total calorie content of the daily diet decreases.

If you need to get rid of a small amount of excess weight, the duration of the diet can be reduced to 60 days. Once completed, you must exit the split power system correctly. Otherwise, you can suddenly gain extra pounds.

Rules for maintaining separate meals

In order for separate meals to be effective and useful, it is necessary to fulfill some requirements and recommendations.

Basic Rules:

  1. Acids and starches need to be eaten at different times. Bananas, dates, bread and potatoes should not be combined with pineapples, oranges and sour fruits.
  2. Proteins and carbohydrates should not be mixed. Porridge and pasta should not be consumed on the same day as cheese, eggs and meat.
  3. You should avoid drinking while eating. Tea and coffee stimulate appetite, so a person may eat more than he needs.
  4. Food must be chewed thoroughly. Pieces that are quickly swallowed will take longer to digest.
  5. The diet should contain only lean meats. Smoked meats and fatty meats are prohibited.

Particular attention must be paid to the cooking process. Fish, poultry and meat are best stewed, baked or boiled. You only need to cook for one meal, so as not to eat heated food.

This diet involves reducing the amount of salt, pepper and seasonings consumed. They inhibit the process of food absorption, promote overeating and distort the original taste of the product.

Results of separate nutrition

Separate meals allow you to lose excess weight without feeling a constant feeling of hunger. In a month of such a diet you can lose 4-6 kg. In addition to normalizing weight, there is an improvement in skin condition and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sample menu for the week

A separate diet requires a varied menu. The optimal number of meals is 5 times.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday broccoli omelette green apple meatless soup with carrots and potatoes skim cheese boiled fish with green beans.
Tuesday cabbage salad with cucumber, steamed buckwheat cottage cheese with natural yogurt lean vegetable soup some hard cheese green salad and stewed chicken liver
Wednesday oatmeal on water bread with cheese stewed vegetable stew melon steamed salmon and cucumber salad
Thursday oatmeal on water with dried apricots green apple spinach cream soup and boiled chicken breast banana seaweed and boiled veal
Friday spinach and omelette grapefruit steamed turkey fillet and broccoli cottage cheese with dried apricots baked pumpkin and prunes
Saturday porridge with different grains nuts creamy soup with pumpkin watermelon steamed turkey fillet and green peas
Sunday It is recommended to have a fasting day. You can choose any product: kefir 1%, buckwheat or apples.

For drinks, tea without sugar or herbal infusion is perfect.

Pros and cons of this diet

A separate nutrition system is used not only for weight loss, but also for improving the health of the entire body. It helps to form correct eating habits. This diet contains a large amount of fiber, which improves the functioning of the digestive tract and removes toxins. Small portions help speed up metabolism.

Benefits of the diet:

  • high efficiency;
  • weight loss occurs without harm to health;
  • improvement of skin condition;
  • eating only healthy foods;
  • lack of hunger.

This nutritional system is suitable for hypertensive patients, as it helps lower blood pressure and strengthen the cardiovascular diet. As a result, the quality of the body, general psycho-emotional state improves and vital activity increases.

Despite the large number of positive qualities, such a diet has its drawbacks. In addition to separating proteins and carbohydrates, you need to reduce calories and increase the amount of physical activity.

Main disadvantages:

  • difficult addiction;
  • difficulty of compliance;
  • risk of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Such a diet can be effective and varied, but not balanced.

Drinking regime with separate meals

Particular attention must be paid to water balance. You should drink water or other drinks 15 minutes before meals or 1.5 hours after meals. If you drink during meals, the digestion process will take longer. As a result, weakness and drowsiness appear.

The daily water intake is calculated depending on body weight. For 1 kg of weight, take at least 30 ml of clean drinking water. In this case, the level of physical activity, age and other individual characteristics should be taken into account.

During the day you need to drink water in small portions - up to 100 ml at a time.

Many nutritionists are quite skeptical about separate meals as a diet that will help you lose weight. To get a good result, you need to take a comprehensive approach - lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

It is quite difficult to follow such a system. To have a varied diet, you need to spend too much time at the stove. If it is monotonous, the risk of failure increases.

Separate nutrition helps normalize weight and cleanse the body. It will be effective only if you completely abandon bad habits and systematically exercise. It is recommended to consult a nutritionist first.

​Have you tried many fad diets but still haven’t lost weight? In this case, everyone who is losing weight wants to know why even strict restrictions and sports do not bring good results.

The problem may be the compatibility of the foods you eat in one meal. The menu implies, for example, eating porridge (complex carbohydrates) and cheese (protein) for breakfast together.

Meanwhile, studies by some nutritionists have shown that such combinations negatively affect the process of food absorption: to process proteins and carbohydrates, the stomach needs gastric juices that are slightly different in composition.

Otherwise, food of different types will remain in it for a very long time, which leads to disturbances in certain functions of the gastrointestinal tract and, as a consequence, metabolic disorders. This is why weight loss occurs.

Weight loss with separate nutrition occurs as a result of the intake of food into the body with an incomplete amino acid composition. That is, in one meal you ate some kind of vegetable protein, and its absorption requires other components that are borrowed from the body’s reserves.

In order to lose weight competently and help the digestive system cope with stress, a separate nutrition system for weight loss was developed. It involves eating different food groups at different meals.

At first it seems very difficult, but special compatibility tables will help you quickly determine whether the products on your table are compatible.

Separate nutrition table for weight loss

The compatibility table contains a list of products and their compatibility according to the canons of separate nutrition for weight loss.

Principles of separate nutrition

The separate nutrition system has several main principles, the observance of which ensures correct and fairly rapid weight loss.

The main thing in this diet is that if you want to prepare lunch, look at the table and see if the foods you have chosen are combined.

Products for the week

To purchase food for the week to maintain separate meals, you will need this list:

  • lean fish;
  • chicken meat (turkey is acceptable);
  • oranges, grapefruits;
  • apples;
  • pears;
  • greenery;
  • vegetable oil (preferably olive);
  • cucumbers;
  • potatoes (can be added to soups);
  • chicken eggs;
  • Hercules;
  • broccoli;
  • White cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • tomatoes.

Menu for separate meals for a week

The most interesting thing about separate meals for weight loss and its main difference from numerous diets is the ability to eat carbohydrates at night.

However, it is more advisable to “load” with them at the beginning of the day to provide yourself with energy. Below is a sample weekly menu with a large number of products.


  • breakfast: oatmeal with water, a couple of kiwis, 200 ml of tea without sugar;
  • second breakfast: green apple/green vegetable salad with vegetable oil;
  • lunch: boiled chicken, boiled broccoli (150 g);
  • afternoon snack: pear;
  • dinner: vegetable soup and omelette with tomatoes.


  • breakfast: buckwheat porridge, tea without sugar, orange/grapefruit;
  • second breakfast: green apple;
  • lunch: fish, vegetable salad with butter/stewed vegetables;
  • afternoon snack: natural yogurt;
  • dinner: green vegetable salad.


  • breakfast: any porridge with water, orange juice;
  • second breakfast: pear/apple;
  • lunch: beef, fresh vegetables;
  • afternoon snack: any nuts;
  • dinner: cauliflower with cheese.


  • breakfast: porridge with 1% milk without sugar, kiwi/tangerines;
  • second breakfast: a couple of apples;
  • lunch: a piece of boiled fish, vegetable salad with butter;
  • afternoon snack: sun-dried tomatoes/tomato juice with salt;
  • dinner: boiled vegetables, omelet.


  • breakfast: oatmeal with water, a little later natural yogurt;
  • second breakfast: apple;
  • lunch: stewed cabbage with tomato paste, chicken;
  • afternoon snack: orange/banana;
  • dinner: vegetable soup.


  • breakfast: buckwheat, orange;
  • second breakfast: apple/banana;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, a piece of boiled fish;
  • afternoon snack: nuts;
  • dinner: omelet, green salad/grated carrots.


On this day, it is advisable to do an unloading on apples, kefir, oatmeal with water or buckwheat. Choose the product you like best and cleanse your body.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


The separate nutrition system is based on taking carbohydrate and protein foods at different times. Digestion of proteins requires an acidic environment, carbohydrates require an alkaline environment, and when mixing foods, there is discomfort in the stomach and unpleasant consequences. Separate meals menu for a week - the beginning of a healthy lifestyle. By consuming carbohydrates separately from each other, you will help the body quickly absorb the beneficial substances contained in them. Separate nutrition is not a diet, but it improves health.

Diet for weight loss with separate meals

If you want to lose excess weight, you can use a nutrition system aimed at burning fat in the body. It is possible to get rid of unnecessary kilograms through the right combination of products, and not by limiting their quantity. The break between taking protein and carbohydrate-containing foods should be 2-3 hours. Fruits should not be eaten immediately after eating any food; they are consumed either 20-30 minutes before meals, or an hour and a half after.

For blood group 2

Peter de Adamo (an American doctor) came up with a theory about the genetic relationship between a person's blood type and the food he needs to eat. The same foods consumed by people with different blood types will have different effects on the body. Some people will lose weight, but for others the same food will have a neutral effect, not causing harm, but not eliminating excess weight. The second blood group is considered common, 30-40% of the world's population has it, so we will focus on it specifically.

The most ideal set of foods for people with blood type 2 will be those that contain a large amount of carbohydrates. The problem areas for such people are the hips and legs, where excess fat is deposited. For those with blood type 2, it is not advisable to consume dairy products, which are poorly absorbed by the body. They can get calcium by introducing low-fat fish into their diet. To lose weight and reduce volume, it is better for people with blood type 2 to avoid or limit as much as possible the consumption of the following foods:

  • fat meat;
  • fish species with a high fat content;
  • dairy and fermented milk products, including ice cream;
  • nuts;
  • potatoes, eggplants, cabbage;
  • bananas, oranges;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise.

For raw foodists

By eating only raw foods, if you form your diet incorrectly, you will not only not benefit your body, but will also cause harm. Low-calorie raw foods can lead to malnutrition, and the vitamins and minerals received will not be enough because they cannot be fully absorbed. In this case, separate meals will help. The body will need a small amount of incoming raw foods to produce energy, because they will be easily and quickly absorbed.

It is especially important during a raw food diet to follow the order of consuming fresh foods. In the future, the ideal option would be a mono-raw food diet, when you need to eat one product at one meal. When switching to a separate nutrition system, raw foodists should adhere to the following order when eating:

  1. all berries, sour fruits (citruses, plums, kiwi);
  2. sweet fruits (apple, pear, melon, watermelon);
  3. green juicy vegetables (cucumbers, sweet peppers, cabbage, herbs, broccoli);
  4. dense starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn, zucchini, peas);
  5. nuts.

Product Compatibility Chart

To make it easier at first to navigate the products suitable for separate meals on the weekly menu, you can create it using the following table:

Sample menu for the week

In order for separate meals to bring not only a healthier body, but also a reduction in unwanted weight, eat fermented milk products and fruits in the first half of the day, during the day - the main calorie diet, and in the evening - carbohydrate dishes. The process of losing weight will begin faster if the diet consists of 2/3 vegetables and fruits, and 1/3 protein foods. Fruits are good as a snack before lunch. Use the sample weekly menu below, which you can adjust to suit your taste preferences.


  • Breakfast. Oatmeal, kefir.
  • Fruits.
  • Dinner. Low-fat boiled fish with vegetable stew.
  • Afternoon snack. Fruits.
  • Dinner. Vegetable stew.
  • Breakfast. Barley porridge. Green tea.
  • Fruits, berries.
  • Dinner. Boiled poultry, cheese, cabbage salad.
  • Afternoon snack. Fruits.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup.

  • Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge. A glass of milk.
  • Berries.
  • Dinner. Boiled lean meat, vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
  • Afternoon snack. Fruits.
  • Dinner. Boiled egg.
  • Breakfast. Rice porrige. Yogurt.
  • Fruits.
  • Dinner. Stewed beef with vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack. Fruits.
  • Dinner. Vegetable salad, cheese.
  • Breakfast. Muesli, kefir.
  • Berries.
  • Dinner. Cream soup, boiled meat.
  • Afternoon snack. Fruits.
  • Dinner. Omelette.
  • Breakfast. Cottage cheese. Green tea.
  • Fruits, berries.
  • Dinner. Boiled fish, vegetable salad, cheese.
  • Afternoon snack. Fruits.
  • Dinner. Nuts.


  • Breakfast. Cottage cheese, yogurt.
  • Fruits.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup, stewed vegetables with meat.
  • Afternoon snack. Fruits.
  • Dinner. Omelette.

Recipes for healthy eating

Many dishes with separate meals are prepared quickly and simply. Salads are dressed with vegetable oil; you can use lemon juice instead of salt. Eat bread baked from rye flour. Limit the amount of sugar, spices, and exclude canned food. Here are some simple recipes:

  1. Beef in foil. Pour soy sauce over a lean piece of meat and let stand for about fifteen minutes. Wrap in foil, place onion rings on top, place in the oven and bake at 200 degrees. 10 minutes before the end of the process, remove the top part of the foil to form an appetizing crust.
  2. Berry pudding. Grind oatmeal and pour boiling water for 20-30 minutes. Beat the berries in a blender. Add a spoonful of honey, yogurt, berry puree to the resulting oatmeal and mix. Garnish with a mint leaf.
  3. Salad. Cut cucumbers, tomatoes, cheese into cubes. Tear lettuce leaves with your hands. Season with a mixture of oil and lemon juice.

In the desire to achieve an ideal figure, in the desire to lose weight, we often drive ourselves into very strict limits: fasting, strict, mono-diets and other restrictions. In pursuit of quick results, we also often forget that this is a lot of stress for the body, and grueling hunger strikes have a short-term effect.

But everything must be balanced: proper nutrition and suitable physical activity. The word “correct” means separate meals , that is, a combination of products in which the body will absorb them very easily and quickly.

Basic principles

What does separate nutrition mean? It is essentially eating certain types of foods at certain times.

We have prepared several for you golden rules of diet .

Thus, by consuming products of homogeneous chemical composition, we simplify the body’s work, saturate it with useful substances, do not pollute it, and improve metabolism.

Moreover, separate nutrition implies the use of simple foods that are produced and grown in the area where you have lived since birth. These are the main principles of this system.

Combining everything correctly

Of course, the important question is: what can you eat with what? First, let's look at product groups:

  • fats: lard, vegetable oil, butter, cream, sour cream;
  • carbohydrates: baked goods, potatoes, various cereals, legumes, pasta, sweet fruits;
  • proteins: nuts, cheese, eggs, fish, meat, soy;
  • starches: pasta, potatoes, peas, cereals, baked goods;
  • vegetables, fruits with high acidity: lemon, grapefruit, tomato, orange, pineapple, grapes.

To have a clear understanding of product compatibility , we invite you to clearly familiarize yourself with these rules:

  1. Meat can be eaten with all green vegetables, but do not eat it with vegetable and animal fats, milk, sour fruits, vegetables, potatoes, pasta;
  2. Eggs and cheese are also compatible with green vegetables, but are incompatible with carbohydrates, fats, sweets, and sour fruits;
  3. Green vegetables are suitable for protein and starchy foods, but they are incompatible with milk;
  4. Potatoes, beloved by many, as well as cereals and bread, can be eaten with vegetable or butter, legumes, cheese, sour cream, feta cheese;
  5. Dried fruits and sweet fruits in general are best consumed with non-starchy vegetables, tomatoes, sour cream, cottage cheese, and nuts.

And below is table food compatibility and basic rules that can be printed and hung on the refrigerator, for example:

For some it will be more convenient like this Product compatibility table for separate meals:

How to prepare for separate meals?

When studying the system of proper nutrition, again, the question arises: where to start?

Firstly, you should not perceive such a regime as a diet, as something very strict and tormenting the body.

Separate nutrition is just a way to absorb the right food in a healthy way.

Secondly, the transition should be smooth: gradually reduce your usual portions, introduce more vegetable salads and fruits into your diet, switch to green tea, stop frying meat in a thick layer of oil, forget about side dishes, reduce the dose of sugar.

And here are some more tips on how to gradually introduce the body to an unusual regime and diet:

  • sometimes arrange easy fasting days for yourself;
  • drink more, but it is better to abstain from liquids while eating;
  • eat only when you really want it;
  • No matter how funny and banal it may sound, chew your food very carefully;
  • play sports or continue to lead an active life.

Let’s add that you don’t need to stock up on certain products in any special way, just review all your supplies in the refrigerator and drawers and start combining them correctly.

Menu for 7 days

The “Separate Meals” diet suggests a menu for a week that does not require any serious effort or restrictions from you. You can continue to consume your favorite dishes, but taking into account the correct combination of products.

Day 1: breakfast - oatmeal with dried fruits, green tea; or banana, oatmeal after 20 minutes and tea without sugar;
second breakfast - fruit of your choice;
lunch - boiled chicken and grilled vegetables; or Chinese cabbage and chicken salad;
afternoon snack - a glass of kefir or an apple;
dinner - omelet with vegetables; or boiled fish and boiled egg; Second day: morning - buckwheat porridge with water and unsweetened tea;
second breakfast - dried fruits of your choice;
lunch - vegetable stew or baked fish;
afternoon snack - an apple and some nuts;
evening - cottage cheese and non-sour fruit. Day 3: breakfast - boiled rice, tea without sugar, preferably green;
second breakfast - fruit salad;
day - vegetable broth, scrambled eggs with tomatoes;
afternoon snack - one of the fruits;
dinner - steam cutlet. Day 4: breakfast - banana and muesli, seasoned with kefir;
second breakfast - 2 pcs. kiwi;
lunch - vegetable salad and seafood;
afternoon snack - a little dried fruit;
dinner - salad with tomatoes, mozzarella and herbs. Fifth day: morning - cereal with kefir;
second breakfast - a small grapefruit;
lunch - boiled meat, vegetable soup;
afternoon snack - nuts, juice;
dinner - vegetable salad. Sixth day: breakfast - wheat porridge;
second breakfast - some yogurt;
lunch - fish soup;
afternoon snack - nuts;
dinner - omelet.

On seventh day It is advisable to “sit” on fermented milk products, cucumbers and apples.

Diet of separate nutrition for 90 days, whose menu is quite simple, is that on a certain day you can eat certain foods.

For example, in protein a day you can only eat eggs, seafood, cottage cheese, and non-starchy vegetables. On the second day - he starch, you can eat legumes, vegetables, grains. On the third day - carbohydrate, we eat crackers, bread, pasta, bread, buckwheat porridge, etc. On the fourth day - vitamin or fruity, we eat fruit.


To fully understand the idea of ​​separate nutrition, we invite you to try some dish recipes :

Note that after a short time, you will probably get the hang of it and develop recipes for yourself for every day that will correspond to the day of the separate meals diet.

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