How to accustom a baby to drinking water. How to teach a child to drink water: maintaining the water balance in the child’s body, advice from experienced parents and recommendations from doctors. Should I give water to my baby?

If a child doesn't drink enough water, many mothers become concerned. From the moment complementary feeding is introduced, all children must be taught to drink water. After all, water is very useful and necessary for the proper growth and development of a child and the normal functioning of the body. But, having tasted sweet breast milk or formula, children refuse to drink a drink without taste, color and smell. So what is the right thing for parents to do in this case? How to teach a child to drink plain water?

Before you teach your child to drink water, you need to find out. However, it is necessary to remember that all children are different - some need to drink a lot of water, others less. If the child feels well, is active, smiles, has regular bowel movements, but drinks little water, then there is no need to force the baby to drink more. But if the child has dry skin and mucous membranes, cracked lips, little saliva, and the baby urinates less than once every 3 hours, then you need to sound the alarm - the child does not have enough water.

It is best to start getting acquainted with water with bottled “baby water”, and not with juices, compotes and sweet water. Having tasted sweet juices or compotes, the child will not want to drink regular water. If your child already drinks juices and sweet compotes, then gradually dilute these drinks with regular water, bringing the sugar concentration in the drink to a minimum.

If there is a tendency to, then the child needs to establish a good drinking regime.

Physiologists have proven in their studies that the human body consists of 70-90% water, and its lack is fraught with dehydration, which leads not only to diseases, but also to malfunctions of organs.

Thanks to open access to information, every year more and more people become aware of the need to maintain water balance. But it’s one thing when an adult consciously sets this goal. But how to teach a child to drink water in the right amount? After all, to achieve the desired effect, you will have to monitor the process daily for at least a month.

What is water balance and why maintain it?

The water balance of the human body is the ratio of the amount of fluid that the body received with the amount that it removed. All processes occurring in the body are somehow connected with water. A person cannot even breathe without water, because it is water that dissolves oxygen and carbon dioxide, which allows the lungs to function normally.

Forms of water imbalance

At the moment, there are several forms of water imbalance: dehydration and swelling. Each should be considered in more detail.


Symptoms of dehydration are:

  • increased body temperature;
  • low blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • weight loss;
  • constant desire to drink water;
  • feeling of nausea and others.

The causes of dehydration include the lack of the required amount of water and an increased amount of salts. Dehydration is possible in case of heat stroke, burns, vomiting, loose stools, and so on.


Violation of water balance in the form of swelling manifests itself through the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the arms and legs first;
  • gagging;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • bad feeling;
  • fainting and other symptoms.

Swelling occurs when the body does not function well. For example, in the case of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and liver. Some people, striving for a healthy lifestyle, completely exclude salt from their diet. Such diets can also lead to water imbalance and swelling. In addition, swelling may indicate late toxicosis, preeclampsia in a pregnant woman.

Restoring water balance

To restore water balance in case of dehydration, doctors recommend, in addition to water, drinking certain medications that help restore fluid levels. Electrolytes also cope with this task; they can be purchased at any pharmacy. But if your child becomes dehydrated, you should definitely seek professional help from a doctor. The doctor will help neutralize the symptoms in record time and prescribe exactly the medications that are suitable for the baby. Of course, it is better to prevent both dehydration and swelling. And to do this, you should teach your child to drink water as if it were the most delicious drink in the world, and help him maintain a drinking regime.

Unfortunately, many children, accustomed to drinking tea, carbonated drinks, and juices, do not like to drink water. So how can you teach your child to drink water? To answer this question, you first need to determine the required amount of daily water dose, according to doctors.

Volume amount of water per day

The daily amount of water is calculated according to age and weight:

  1. From the moment of birth to six months, a child, if he is breastfed, receives everything he needs, including water, from his mother’s milk. So, as a rule, there is no need to take additional water. But if for some reason the child is bottle-fed, then the pediatrician discusses with the mother the amount of water necessary for the baby (15-20 ml of water 3-4 times a day).
  2. From 6 months to 7 years, doctors recommend giving children water based on the child's weight. The required amount is calculated as follows: per 1 kg of child’s weight, 50 ml of water.
  3. Children over 7 years of age already need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, depending on the physical activity of the fidget and the time of year.

How to teach a child to drink water correctly? The most important point is that water should be drunk on an empty stomach. More specifically, at least 20 minutes before meals and 40-60 minutes after meals (during this time the stomach will have time to digest the food and empty, sending food to the intestines). It is better not to consume food and water at the same time; water will dilute the gastric juice, and this will lead to indigestion.

You should definitely drink water before meals, because it will be needed to digest food. And if there is not enough water, then the body will have to get the required amount in the intestines, which is not beneficial.

How to teach a child to drink water if he doesn’t want to? First, maintain discipline and set an example. As they say, it takes 21 days to form a habit. Make a rough schedule and drink water together. You can add an element of the game by inviting the child to drink water at speed, see who is faster, and reward the winner. You can use tubes or other elements that diversify the process.

How to teach an infant to drink water? After all, babies are accustomed to milk, and the taste of water may be unpleasant to them at first; children may spit out the water and refuse to drink it. Experienced parents advise feeding your child with a teaspoon, doing it often and not despairing. Over time, the baby will stop resisting the process. You need to force your baby to drink water only if he sweats, is capricious, has dry lips, is sick or the weather is very hot, and also if the child pees up to 4-5 times a day, and the process is painful due to that the concentration of acid in the urine is higher, and the color of the urine itself is pronounced. In all other cases, if the baby does not want to drink, this means that he has enough water in his body. You can offer water, but don't force him to drink it.

If patience and discipline do not help, then when asked how to teach a child to drink water, Komarovsky advises trying to use a syringe or bottle. At the same time, you should choose water for babies not boiled from the tap, but well-filtered, melted water or special water for children.

When asked how to teach a child to drink water from a bottle, if the baby categorically refuses, try making the drinking holes a little wider. After all, the problem may lie in the fact that perhaps it is simply difficult for the child to suck out liquid from a hard and uncomfortable nipple.

And a few more tips on how to teach your child to drink water from a bottle:

  1. Choose a softer pacifier.
  2. Make sure there is no odor from the bottle and pacifier.
  3. The water temperature should be up to 37 degrees.
  4. At first, give the baby water from a bottle, simulating breastfeeding: put the baby in your arms and touch your chest to the cheek, but instead of the breast, give a bottle of water.

Water is a source of life that influences the processes occurring in the body. It leaves it during life, so its reserves must be replenished.

From birth, babies are fed breast milk, which contains 86% water.

Therefore, in the first months of life, children can do without additional drinking.

When you start introducing complementary foods, the question arises of how to get your baby to drink water.

The benefits of plain water

  • With the help of water, the baby’s body is cleansed of toxins, metabolism improves, and it helps cope with constipation;
  • It is necessary to teach your child to drink water in order to improve brain function and speed up the process of growth and cell division in the body;
  • When it’s hot outside or when the air in the room is dry, you should give your child water more often to avoid dehydration.

Children who drink a lot of pure water do not suffer from constipation, and they are more able to tolerate viral diseases.

  • Water promotes better digestion of food and makes stools softer;
  • It improves attention and maintains alertness.

Know! Lack of water in the body can cause headaches, fatigue, allergic reactions, metabolic disorders and bad breath.

You may come across the opinion that in some cases it is recommended to teach a child to drink water, even if he is fed breast milk. For example, in cases such as:

  1. constipation;
  2. colic (for information on how to cope with colic without medication, see the Soft Tummy >>> seminar);
  3. infantile jaundice, when bilirubin is increased, which is washed out of the body with water;
  4. elevated temperature (read the article How to measure the temperature of a newborn?>>>);
  5. dehydration of the body.

Important! There is no need to stop breastfeeding if the baby is poisoned, has a high fever, vomiting or diarrhea - this can lead to active dehydration, which is very dangerous.

For children older than 6 months, water is already a necessity and you need to gradually teach the child to drink water.

By the way! To determine whether a child is dehydrated, you need to pay attention to his lips. If they are dry and cracking, it means there is not enough water in the body.

There is another sign of dehydration.

This is hard feces that comes out in small pieces and looks like sheep.

Attention! If the child is lethargic, his skin is dry and pale, if he has no saliva and his voice is hoarse, there is no urination for more than 6 hours, and in children under one year old the fontanelle sinks, then this indicates a lack of fluid in the body. Call a doctor!

Some parents give compote, juice or soda instead of water.

  • These liquids contain sugar and their consumption can lead to the development of dental caries;
  • Also, they contain a lot of calories, they do not help quench thirst, but, on the contrary, increase it and disrupt appetite.

Therefore, such drinks are not considered drinking; children’s diets should still contain water.

How to teach a child to drink water

A child should be taught to drink water from a spoon, from a cup or from a sippy cup, but not from a bottle, which will then be difficult to wean off.

The water temperature should be room temperature.

Sometimes parents, in order to teach their child to drink, add sugar to the water so that it is sweet and the child wants to drink it.

Remember! This should not be done, since sweet water has a harmful effect on the baby’s still fragile kidneys.

How to teach a child to drink water if he is not yet a year old?

  1. Babies are taught gradually, starting with a few spoons every hour;
  2. An older child can be taught to drink by offering to drink from a straw if he does not want to pick up a cup or sippy cup at all. Read a useful article on how to choose a sippy cup >>>;
  3. Some people find it interesting to drink from a cup from a children's set. You can even play “Restaurant” or “Shop”, and also give water to bears, bunnies, dogs or dolls.

Why does my child sometimes not drink water?

It may just be that glasses or sippy cups with water are in a place inaccessible to him.

Know! They must be placed where the child can always see them and can reach them to drink. Sometimes he may simply forget to drink water if he doesn't see it.

Pay attention to your behavior:

  • If you drink water regularly and offer it to your child, he will drink out of imitative interest, and then the water will become a child's habit and will not cause controversy;
  • If the child is accustomed to sweet drinks and categorically does not want to drink water, you should start diluting them;

Water should be added more and more each time. Thus, the child will get used to the mildly sweet drink and will gradually switch to regular water.

  • When going for a walk, you should take water, not juice. So, a child, seeing that there is nothing else, will at least drink it;
  • Older children can be taught to drink water by offering to choose the cup from which they will drink it;
  • If your child is already a year old and still does not drink water, you can buy children's drinking water, which is now sold in pharmacies and stores.

The bottles feature various cartoon characters, which may be more interesting to children than water in a cup.

  • You can provoke a child’s desire to drink water using a playful method, for example, through a competition to see who drinks the most water. Or who can empty a cup of water faster.

But the main point is always your personal example!

If no one in the family drinks water, then there is no need to demand this from the child.

If you suddenly have problems with stool, constipation, and you understand that the reason is a lack of fluid, then put water everywhere and don’t forget to come up and take a couple of sips every day, inviting your baby with you.

For children over one year old who do not eat well and drink little water, a course has been developed to restore a healthy appetite. Eat with pleasure >>>

Water is the source of life. Therefore, from infancy, parents teach their children to drink water in the required quantity. With its help, a person is saved from thirst and dehydration. It protects against mental overload, relieves fatigue and refreshes. But you need to consume it almost like a medicine - following the regimen and the correct dosage. Lack or excess of fluid in the body leads to irreparable consequences for health.

Why do babies need water?

There are a number of reasons why a person cannot live without water:

  • water is involved in the digestion process and is a component of gastric juice;
  • thins the blood;
  • removes toxins, preventing the development of infection;
  • maintains tissue elasticity, cartilage and joint strength;
  • slows down the withering process;
  • Helps control the amount of fatty tissue.

Scientists are divided into two camps. Some are ardent opponents of feeding a child before complementary feeding is introduced. In their opinion, breast milk contains enough liquid. The exception is for bottle-fed babies - they are recommended to be given water from birth. Another group of experts is convinced that water should be given to children as early as possible. When your baby has a fever, give him something to drink more often to avoid dehydration. It is unwise to urgently accustom a sick child to water - it is easier to introduce the baby to water in advance.

Liquid intake norms

A baby who was born in the warm season can drink 1 teaspoon of baby drinking water in the first month of life. If the baby was born in winter or autumn, offer him the same dosage at 4 months.

There are several methods for calculating the required amount of liquid.

  • For breastfed children.

The basis is a constant unit: 100 ml of liquid per 1 kg of baby’s weight. All fluid intake is taken into account, including breast milk. So, if a baby weighs 7 kg and consumes 700 ml of milk per day, there is no need to supplement it.

  • For bottle-fed babies.

The calculation formula becomes more complicated. Please note that the mixture contains only 75% water. The amount of water used in the mixture is subtracted from the total amount of liquid required. For example, a baby weighs 10 kg; he eats 300 ml of the mixture per day. He needs 10*100-300*0.75=775 ml of water.

  • General information for older children.
  • Special calculation formula.

If you prefer an individual approach, we offer you a special calculation formula. The child’s weight is multiplied by 2.205 and divided by 2. The result is divided by 8 and multiplied by 240. For example, a child weighs 20 kg, which means he should consume 20*2.205/2/8*240=662 ml of water per day.

  • You need to start feeding your baby with small doses of a few drops. For convenience, you can use a pipette or syringe without a needle.
  • Don't force your child to drink against his will.
  • Avoid adding sugar or food coloring as this puts extra stress on your kidneys.
  • Pay attention to your baby's mood. If he is not in a good mood and refuses water, try again the next day.
  • Buy a colorful sippy cup. First, make it a toy, then pour some water into it. Offer the sippy cup regularly, one day the baby will become interested in it.

Act out an exciting scene. For example, let the sippy cup become your flying ship, imitate the sounds of flight. The main thing is that the baby is comfortable and happy. Then he will begin to look forward to the next time you take out this toy.

For an older child, such tricks will not be enough. To teach a child to drink plain water, experienced teachers suggest adding the following techniques to your arsenal.
  • Provide your little bully with constant access to water. He should always be able to take a bottle and drink. Often children do not realize that they are thirsty, but a familiar object will create the necessary association.
  • Enter the 5 sips rule. If the little one is convinced that he doesn’t want to drink, offer him only 5 sips. As a rule, children drink more.
  • For a baby older than one year, it is permissible to add a couple of tablespoons of freshly squeezed juice to the water. The child will be attracted by the color and smell.
  • Instead of a sippy cup, buy a themed cup. For example, if a boy loves cartoons about superheroes, give him a cup with their images. Tell me, if you drink ordinary water from it, you will become smart, like fixies, etc.

Difference between water and other drinks

Young parents should know that our body perceives juice, compote, tea and other drinks as food. Filtered boiled water is a thirst quencher for humans. If you constantly drink drinks other than water between meals, your stomach will work without rest. Its constant work leads to disturbances in the digestive system. That’s why it’s so important to give your baby water on demand and take a bottle with you on walks.

If your little one doesn't want to drink water because he prefers something sweeter, try making his favorite drink less concentrated. Dilute it with water: first by one-fifth, then by a quarter, then by a third. Gradually you will teach your baby to drink water.

Drinking plain water is a healthy habit for life. There are no calories, nutrients or vitamins in the water. But it maintains fluid balance in the body. Remember this and do not put off teaching your child to drink water for too long.

If you feel unwell, make sure you have enough water in your diet - any doctor will confirm this. Lack of water in the body affects almost all systems, from the skin and joints to the heart of the gastrointestinal tract. An adult may understand that he should drink more, but a small child may have problems with this.

Drinking water is just a habit; it can be developed from childhood. We talk about how to teach a child to do this.

About the importance of water

  • Water provides energy because it participates in the production of enzymes. The first sign of dehydration is lethargy and fatigue.
  • Water is involved in digestive processes. It is needed for the production of gastric juice - that's about 7 liters per day! If you drink little, less juice will be produced, which will lead to a slower metabolism.
  • Water makes blood less viscous. Dehydration leads to a decrease in blood volume, making the blood thicker, which leads to increased blood pressure. The heart has to work harder to push the thick fluid around the body.
  • Water heals and preserves the skin. Together with sweat, toxins are removed from the body. If you drink little, sweat becomes concentrated, many toxins are retained in the skin layer - this leads to eczema, rashes and irritation.
  • Water helps the kidneys work. The same as with the skin: the kidneys remove toxins, and the less water, the greater their concentration. Poorly diluted harmful substances in urine irritate the genitourinary system, creating an environment suitable for the spread of infections.
  • Water strengthens cartilage and joints. Without enough fluid, the ligaments become fragile and are more easily damaged even with minimal stress. Dehydrated joints are also prone to painful inflammation.

And that's not all. Water slows down aging, helps control weight, makes us more active and cheerful.

How can you tell if your child is dehydrated?

Not all adults can understand that they are dehydrated, let alone children. But there are some symptoms that will help you figure it out:

1. Activity decreases, the child becomes lethargic and apathetic, refuses to play.

2. The skin and mucous membranes become dry and pale.

3. The fontanelle sinks - if we are talking about very young children.

5. No urination for 4–6 hours - for newborns who must urinate after every meal.

How to teach a child to drink water?

We offer 5 proven methods:

1. Keep water accessible. The child should be able to reach out, take the bottle and drink. Often children themselves do not realize that they want water, and the usual container reminds them of this

2. Follow the five-sip rule. The child may say that he does not want to drink. Invite him to take five sips - and in the process the baby will understand that he really wants water. Works in many cases.

3. Use cunning. Drinking plain water is boring. Try throwing a couple of ice cubes in there, which will click funny against the walls, or squeeze out a few drops of orange. Some mothers add a couple of spoons of juice to the bottle: the liquid remains 90% water, but acquires a smell that is attractive to the baby.

4. Buy your child a separate cup. For example, your daughter loves princesses. Buy her a cup! And tell them that only real princesses drink from such cups - and not just any ordinary water, but magical “royal” water. Another option: invite your child to choose a cup himself.

5. Limit the number of drinks. Small children don't need soda. Of all the liquids in the house, there can be milk, juice diluted with water, compote, water itself, sweet weak tea. Invite your child to choose from this list - and do not give the next drink until the previous one is finished.

How much water does a child need per day?

Until six months, a breastfed baby does not need water at all - it is only important that the mother drinks well. Another issue with artificial formulas: they are usually quite “wet”, but additional water is still needed, it is given in between meals.

The baby gets about 75% of the liquid from the mixture. If we proceed from the calculation that a child under one year old needs about 50 ml of liquid per kilogram of weight, then the formula for a conditional 10-kilogram child can be calculated as follows:

10 kg × 50 ml = 500 ml (daily fluid intake for a child)

300 ml × 0.75 = 225 ml (the amount of liquid a child receives from 300 ml of formula)

500 ml – 225 ml = 275 ml (the amount of liquid that a child should drink daily in the form of water)

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