How is the healing of past lives in the chronicles. Healing Through Awareness Through Casting Out the Demon of Disease

After bathing in the waters of Siloam, the blind man received his sight. His neighbors and those who knew him before as a blind man were perplexed when they saw him with sight; some of them said that this was the one who sat near the temple and begged for alms; others, without denying this on their part, found in him a great resemblance to a former blind man. This misunderstanding was resolved by the healed man himself, and to the question - how did you open your eyes? answered: The man called Jesus made clay, anointed my eyes, and said to me, Go to the pool of Siloam and wash yourself. I went, washed and received my sight. Having clearly told everything that happened to him, he could not, however, point to his Healer, since he did not see Him, could not even say where He was, but called Him by the name that he probably heard from others. Those who listened to the explanation of the former blind man led him to the Pharisees, since the healing took place on Saturday, when, according to the teachings of the Pharisees, one should not even be healed. The healed one also told the Pharisees what he knew about his healing; There was a dispute between the Pharisees about this story. Some (probably the vast majority) brazenly asserted that This Man is not from God, because he does not keep the Sabbath. Others, in all likelihood, who had just believed in Jesus during His conversation in the temple, did not agree with this opinion and said: how can a sinful person perform such miracles?(). This dispute has gone in a feud and the embittered enemies of Christ, defeated by their comrades, turn to the healed man, hoping to find support for their opinion in him. They hoped that he would not dare to object to them, since, according to the decision of the Sanhedrin, anyone who recognized Jesus as Christ the Messiah must be excommunicated from the synagogue. What do you say about him? is a prophet, - answered the healed (). Finding no support for their opinion in the healed man, the evil Jews raised the question: was he still blind? And calling his parents, they asked: is this your son, of whom you say he was born blind? how does he see now?(). Fearing excommunication from the synagogue and the vengeance of the Pharisees, the parents of the healed man gave an evasive answer; they confirmed that this was their son, who was born blind, but why now he sees, they responded with ignorance. They answered that they were not at this healing, and therefore they do not know who opened his eyes; ask him; he is in perfect years and therefore can answer for himself.

Convinced in this way that the healed man was really blind from birth, the Jews call him a second time. During the interrogation of his parents, he was removed. The enemies of Christ are now trying to convince the former blind man that they have made a thorough investigation about the Man whom he does not know and has not even seen, and have come to the undoubted conviction that that man is a sinner(). Their hatred of Jesus was so great that they did not even call Him by His name. Trust us, they said give glory God and, for your part, recognize Him as a sinner, violating the law of the Sabbath rest.

Give glory to God- this is the usual form of a spell to speak the truth under an oath (Bishop Michael. Explanatory Gospel. 3, 299).

The healed man did not utter the oath desired by the Pharisees, but he said, not without mockery at them: whether He is a sinner, I do not know; I know one thing, that I was blind, but now I see.

What same did he do to you? how did you open your eyes? the Pharisees asked him again. This question irritates the healed. “You already asked me about this, and I answered you (he says), and if then you did not want to listen to me, then what do you want from me now? You are so carefully examining the details of the miracle performed on me, so interested in them, that one might think that you would not like to become His disciples?

To this obvious mockery, the Pharisees replied with pride: “Perhaps you are his disciple, This Sabbath-breaker, and we are the disciples of the one who gave us this law, we are Moses' disciples... God spoke to Moses; We don't know where he comes from()».

The leaders and teachers of the Jewish people, obviously, had to find out where Jesus came from, Whom the crowds of people follow and Whom many consider to be the Christ, but they say that they do not know Him, that is, they obviously lie. It is for this lie that the healed one reproaches them, saying: It's amazing that you don't know where He's from.(), who opened my eyes, performed a miracle unheard of from the beginning of the age; we know that God does not listen to sinners, but listens only to the one who honors Him and does His will, and if He were not from God, He could not work such a miracle.

Shamed by a simple, ingenuous person, the learned Pharisees are unable to continue arguing with him, and in order to somehow get out of the awkward situation in which the former blind man put them, they resort to the usual method in such cases: they point out the impossibility of continuing the dispute due to the inequality of the arguing parties . “You (they say) are a sinner, born all in sins, and for that punished with blindness; do you teach us, teachers of the people, exact executors of the law? And kicked him out() from the meeting in which the interrogation of him and his parents took place.

Jesus was told about all this, and He found it necessary to strengthen in the healed man the faith so boldly confessed by him. Finding him, Jesus asked : Do you believe in the Son of God?(). The healed man did not yet see the One Who healed him, therefore, he did not know Him, and therefore could not even guess that his Healer was now speaking to him. Expressing his complete readiness to believe in the Son of God, that is, the Messiah, he asks: who is he?(). And when Jesus revealed himself to him, he fell before Him, bowed to Him and exclaimed in tenderness: I believe, Lord! ().

The spiritual blindness of the learned Pharisees and scribes and the enlightenment of the man born blind gave Jesus Christ an occasion to say a few words about the consequences of His appearance into the world.

Rebuking the Pharisees in Blindness

Even Simeon, holding the Baby Jesus in his arms, said: behold, this lies for the fall and for the uprising of many in Israel and for the subject of controversy ... so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed (). About this division of people into followers and opponents of Him, as a consequence of His appearance in this world, Christ now speaks: I came into this world for judgment, so that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind. ().

Contemporaries of the earthly life of Jesus, seeing Him and hearing His teaching, and subsequent generations studying His teaching, judge Him, and these judgments lead them to the fact that those who exalt themselves with their learning, the ability to see and understand everything, sometimes turn out not to understand the most important thing - the truth of God, become blind to her; and those who seemed unenlightened by science and as if blind, felt this truth in their hearts and accepted it. This justified the words of Jesus, seeing, that is, able to see and understand what is seen, become blind, and those who did not have the ability to see everything at once and to know what they saw, that is, as if not seeing, saw.

Hearing this, some of the Pharisees, not all who were present in the temple, but only a few who accidentally appeared here, or who appeared on purpose, said to Jesus: “Are we also learned Pharisees, experts in the law, Are we blind too?

“No, you are not blind,” Christ said to them, “but so much the worse for you that you, not being blind, do not want to see what is happening before you: if you were really blind, then your unbelief, as a result of blindness, would not be imputed to you, and you would have no sin upon them; but how do you say that you are not blind that you can see then sin your disbelief stays on you for what you look and don't see."

These words of the Lord should often be remembered by all those enlightened by the light of His teachings. Those who have come to know through Him the will of God, that is, the truth, have thus acquired the opportunity to become free from error, from sin, and therefore can no longer excuse themselves by ignorance of this truth; they are not blind, they see everything perfectly, they understand everything; and if, in spite of this, they still do not live according to the righteousness of God, then there is no excuse for them in their sin, if they do not atone for it by repentance and good deeds.

Parable of the Good Shepherd

The Pharisees considered themselves the infallible leaders of the Jewish people and the interpreters of God-given law; That is why they mockingly asked Jesus: Are we blind too?? Having explained to them their responsibility for what they do not see, Christ in an allegorical form, not immediately understood by them, explains to them that they cannot be considered good shepherds of the people, since they think more about their personal benefits than about the good of those they flock, and therefore lead them not to salvation, but to destruction. For clarity, He compares the people with a flock of sheep, and the leaders of the people with the shepherds of this flock. In the eastern countries, herds of sheep were driven into caves or yards specially arranged for this purpose at night to protect them from thieves and wolves, and herds belonging to different owners were often driven into one yard; in the morning, the gatekeepers opened the doors of the courtyard for the shepherds, the shepherds entered them, separated their flocks from strangers, naming their sheep by name, and went out to pastures; the sheep recognized their shepherds by their voice and appearance, obeyed them and followed them. The thieves and robbers did not dare to enter the door of the courtyard guarded by the guards, but secretly climbed over the fence. All this was well known to the Pharisees. And so, taking such a well-known example, Christ says: whoever does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs some other way, that is a thief and a robber; but he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. The porter opens for him, and the sheep listen to his voice, and he calls his sheep by name and leads them out. And when he brings out his sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, because they know his voice. They don’t follow someone else’s, but they run away from him, because they don’t know someone else’s voice ().

The Pharisees did not understand Jesus; however, the idea underlying this allegory had not yet been fully expressed by Him, and therefore He, continuing His speech, said: Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door to the sheep... whoever enters through Me will be saved. ().

Now it has become clear that He is talking about the Kingdom of God founded by Him on earth, the Kingdom of people united by faith in Him and love for their neighbors. This Kingdom He likens to a court of sheep; but since it is necessary to go into the courtyard through the doors, and one can enter the Kingdom of God only by believing in Him, He calls Himself the door that leads to this Kingdom.

But He is not only the door, He is the Shepherd. He has brought His sheep out of the old fence of the Mosaic Law and is calling them to Himself; they follow Him, and He, like the Good Shepherd, leads them to the bliss of eternal life, and He proves His love for them by sacrificing His life for them. Jesus contrasts the good shepherd with thieves and robbers who think only about how to profit at the expense of sheep, as well as a hired hand, to whom sheep are not dear, who does not love them and thinks only of his own personal well-being. Thieves and robbers He calls all false prophets, false messiahs, hirelings - the Pharisees and similar imaginary leaders of the people, and the wolf - the devil.

But Christ did not come only to lead the Jews out of the fence of the Mosaic law and bring them into the Kingdom of God; He came to save the whole world, all people who are ready to believe, no matter what nationality they belong to, and to unite all of them with the new law of love. That is why, speaking of Himself as the Good Shepherd, He immediately found it necessary to dispel again the false notions of the Jews about the Messiah as the exclusive King of Israel. I also have other sheep that are not of this fold, and those I must bring, and they will hear My voice, and there will be one flock and one Shepherd ().

Before the coming of Christ, it was possible to divide all the peoples inhabiting the earth into Jews, who worshiped the True God and therefore constituted a chosen flock, and pagans, who worshiped idols. The words of Jesus, what will be one flock and one shepherd, prove that from now on the Jews cease to be the exclusive, chosen flock of God - that the Gentiles will be drawn into this chosen flock, sheep ... not of this yard, and in this way one flock of different tribes will be formed under the leadership of one Shepherd - Christ. This idea, contained in the above words of Jesus Christ, is clear and does not raise any objections.

But, the question is, is it possible to develop this idea more broadly? Should we assume that in time all mankind, without exception, containing all the peoples of the earth, will enter this one flock - that outside this flock there will be no other flocks, and that, consequently, all people will recognize Jesus Christ as their Shepherd?

The answer to this question must be sought in the Gospel, in the sayings of Jesus Christ. Speaking about the end of the world and His forthcoming second coming, Christ said: And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, as a testimony to all peoples; and then the end will come (; cf.). This saying of Jesus Christ leads to the conclusion that before the end of the world, all peoples inhabiting the earth will be preached the Gospel, that is, they will be given the opportunity to know the true God and His will, but will they all love God and will they all do His will, that is, whether all will be united in one friendly family, animated by love for God and for each other - this (according to some interpreters) cannot be deduced from the above words of Jesus; the forthcoming division at the final Judgment into the righteous and sinners, not only of all those resurrected for this, but also of those who will live to that time, leads these interpreters to the idea that even by the end of the world, all mankind will not form a single flock, the sheep of which would be obedient the voice of your Shepherd.

However, one cannot agree with such an opinion. The idea of ​​a single flock and a single Shepherd was, so to speak, in the hearts of people at their very creation and was maintained in the minds of the best representatives of the human race throughout the very long time of its existence. The idea that God Himself reigns over people, whose will they must fulfill as an unconditionally binding law, illuminates the entire history of the Old Testament. The basic laws of God (love God, love your neighbor and work!) were given to the first people; in them is all the truth of God, and all the mutual relations of people were to be determined by them. And if people were really governed by these laws, they would long ago have one flock with one Shepherd, that is, that earthly paradise, that Kingdom of God, which constitutes the purpose of the earthly life of mankind. But people are created beings free; they could obey the will of God, expressed in these laws, they could resist it. Understanding the freedom granted to them in the sense of resisting any alien will, and consequently, the will of God, people, without noticing it, began to blindly fulfill a different will, an evil will, restoring them against each other, dividing them and thereby preventing them from uniting into a single friendly herd. with one Shepherd. Without noticing this subordination, a person thought that he was doing his own will, doing what he himself wanted, and therefore began to consider his desires to be the highest law for himself, and their satisfaction - the meaning of his life. And so many years passed, and people fell morally lower and lower. Forgetting the will of God, expressed in His eternal and unchanging laws, they did not understand the purpose of human life and did not see any meaning in it; the best representatives of paganism reached despair and believed that the only happiness of a person lies in the possibility of ending his aimless and meaningless life by suicide. But a vague memory of that happy time when people were blissful, not needing anything (inherent in almost all peoples inhabiting the earth), sorrow for the loss of this bliss and dreams of a golden age, of the return of a lost paradise - all this brought people with a soul that is not mired in the minutiae of everyday life, to the realization that it is impossible to live like this any longer and that a Man must appear who will renew the fallen world; and waited for This Man from the east. God-inspired Jewish prophets foretold the imminent onset of this happy future. The prophet Isaiah, smashing the iniquities of his contemporaries in his fiery speeches, consoled them, however, that that blessed time would come when “the wolf will live with the lamb, and the leopard will lie with the goat; and the calf, and the young lion, and the ox will be together, and the little child will lead them; and the baby will play over the hole of the asp, and the child will stretch out his hand to the nest of the snake; they will not do evil and harm on the holy mountain ”(). The prophet Micah, speaking of the same happy time, predicted that when people “beat their swords into ploughs, and their spears into sickles; will not raise the people against the people of the sword, and will no longer learn to fight; but each one will sit under his own vine and under his own fig tree, and no one will frighten them ”(). In general, the best people of that time believed that happiness would be possible only when the swords were rusty and the plows shiny; when the granaries are full and the hospitals and prisons are empty; when the steps of temples and schools will be erased, and the road to the courts will be overgrown with grass.

And so, Christ came with the good news that a person is immortal, that his short-term earthly life is a preparation for Eternal Life, that for this Eternal Life people will be resurrected and after the final Judgment over them, some will be blessed, while others will suffer, which they will be rewarded with. the bliss of Eternal Life is possible only by fulfilling the will of God, that God requires people to love Him, the Creator, and to all people, that the good of a person is not in the oppression of neighbors, but in constant help to them, in love even for those whom we mistakenly consider their enemies, for there should be no enemies, everyone should be brothers, friends ...

Bringing such a message, Christ realized that “it was not peace that he brought to earth, but a sword,” and that His teaching would give rise to terrible strife among people, even members of the same family; but at the same time, He spoke to His Apostles in His farewell conversation, so that they should not be embarrassed by this, since victory is assured for Him: take heart: I conquered the world ().

Previously, He said that all the peoples of the earth would hear His voice (that is, His teaching), and then that happy time would come, about which the prophets prophesied and the pagans dreamed - then there will be one flock and one Shepherd.

The question is: is it possible to doubt the truth of what the Lord said about one flock with one Shepherd after He said that He conquered the world? In what other way could this victory be expressed, if not in the unification of all people inhabiting the earth into one flock, into one Kingdom of God, in which God Himself reigns, and which Christ came to restore? Of course, such a unification of people into one Kingdom of God will take place very slowly, but it is already taking place and, according to the word of the Lord, it will certainly take place. Many tares are growing even now in the field of Christ, but, with the concerted efforts of all the true disciples of Christ, these tares will be less and less. Many lands are not yet occupied by this field; but the Word of God is sown now even where there are no favorable conditions, and it gives sprouts. And let it not be said that the tares will choke the wheat! Although at times the tares can grow vigorously and oppress the wheat with their growth, one should not forget that the Word of God, like a mustard seed, has the miraculous power to grow into a luxurious tree, under whose branches there will be no place for tares. Of course, if we preach that people will never unite into one friendly family that loves God and each other, then by this we will delay the return of the lost paradise to people; we will alienate, but we will not hinder the fulfillment of the will of God and the fulfillment of what Christ said. Let us not doubt the truth of the words of the Lord; let us try to warm our hearts and our neighbors with love, so that the God of peace and love reigns in us; let us, to the best of our ability, expand the boundaries of the Kingdom of God; let us all unite in prayer and pray to the merciful Creator: may the spirit of malice, enmity and misanthropy, now reaping a plentiful harvest, be silent! May our hearts be inflamed with love for Him, the Heavenly Father, and for each other! May He help us to recognize our spiritual poverty, our moral impotence and insignificance in comparison with the perfection to which we should strive! May He grant us the strength to expand the boundaries of His Kingdom! May we all be one, and may we be one with Him! Yes, we will One flock with one Shepherd!

Speaking of Himself as the Shepherd who gives His life for His sheep, Jesus said that He gives His life voluntarily, that no one takes it from Him and cannot take it away, that He has the authority to give it and to take it again, and that He received this authority from His Father. With these words, He pointed to His forthcoming death, and so that His disciples could not fall away from Him, seeing Him on the Cross, He explained to them in advance that without His will no one can take His life and that giving it voluntarily, He has the power again accept it. He had already told his apostles more than once that he would rise again; With the same words, He explained that He would not be resurrected, but He Himself would resurrect, by the power of His power to again accept the life given for His sheep.

From these words again there was a strife between Jews, that is, among the Pharisees, among whom, as said above, some believed in Jesus as the Messiah. Embittered enemies of Christ said: He is demon-possessed and mad; why are you listening to him?(). The Pharisees, who believed in Jesus, did not agree with their comrades: these are not the words of a demon(they said); Can a demon open the eyes of the blind? ().

This is where the Evangelist John ends his story about Jesus' stay in Jerusalem at the Feast of Tabernacles.

In the late 1980s, we did a study to see if healers had anything in common. We have observed the work of many healers, most of whom used different methods or techniques. We have considered almost all known methods of healing. Everyone was there: healers using the laying on of hands, and psi-surgeons, Reiki masters, prana healers, healers and healers, shamans, sorcerers and black magicians, psychotherapists and others. We have studied the energies emanating from the body of healers and found that almost everyone has an identical sinusoidal wave signature: the same pattern with three high waves and one low wave that repeats constantly, and the source of this pattern is located in the universal heart chakra.

Our discovery is very interesting from a geometric point of view, because even the breathing tube is precisely divided by the heart chakra into one male part above and three female parts below. There was one quality that was common to all healers, at least when they worked. At the moment of healing, they were centered in the Christ chakra, exactly above the xiphoid process - in the main chakra of universal unconditional love!

From this research and other experiences I've had, I now know that it doesn't really matter what technique(s) a person uses to heal. The technique simply gives the healer the opportunity to focus on a certain structure of the spirit of the healed, and real healing comes through the love that the healer gives to the patient. Not knowledge, but the healer's love restores a person. Therefore, talking about healing without talking about love does not make any sense.

Healing people, healing populated areas or the whole planet is one and the same. It just takes more love - that's the difference.

The mind has the knowledge to manipulate matter, and in love there is a power that not only controls matter, but effortlessly creates matter itself out of nothing. No matter what problem needs to be healed, love will always find a way. True love knows no boundaries.

What is the veil that keeps us from seeing and living this great truth? We are limited by our beliefs that we cling to. What we accept as truth always limits us. If our doctors tell us that a certain disease is incurable, and we believe them, we cannot heal ourselves. We are stuck in this belief. And as a result, we will have to live with it, spending the rest of the days in great pain and discomfort. Only a miracle, something much bigger than us, can cope with this negative attitude. Thus, our mind is able to hold back our healing. When the mind and not the heart governs us, we will almost always suffer.

Let me tell you the true story of one woman's triumph over her mind and her beliefs. Her name is Doris Davidson (Doris Davidson).

Doris had polio, and when I met her she had been in a wheelchair for twelve years. The doctor told her that she would never be able to walk again, and she resigned herself to this "fact". She lived alone with her son, who sacrificed himself while caring for her.

One day, Doris caught the eye of Katrina Raphael's book on crystal healing. She was excited by Katrina's words that absolutely all diseases are curable. For the first time in years, Doris had hope. She called Katrina and asked her advice, but for some reason Katrina advised her to call me.

When Doris called and asked for help, I explained that in order to help her, I had to get permission, and promised to call back. (A little later in this chapter, we will talk about the importance of getting permission.) I spoke to the angels, and all the channels for this healing were opened. The angels told me not to do the work that I usually do, but to work only with Doris' belief system. When she really believe that healing is possible, she will heal herself.

I called Doris back, and the rest of the time we did nothing more than talk on the phone. Once a week for many months we talked, and each time the conversation was conducted in such a way that she allowed herself to believe that she could heal herself. We didn't do anything else.

But one day Doris called me, and from her voice and determined tone, it became clear to me that she had changed. Doris told me about her decision. She is no longer going to sit in a wheelchair. So she sold it and had her doctor make special props that covered her hips and legs. Her muscles atrophied from sitting for a long time and became very weak, so in order not to fall, she needed a four-legged walker. For many months she lived with such inconvenience.

And then one fine day she felt that her legs were strong enough, and switched to ordinary crutches. A start was made, and Doris became even more confident.

Over time, Doris's legs became so strong that she no longer needed hip braces, and she began to use braces to keep her knee joints in place. She walked so well and felt so confident that she asked her son to leave so that he could arrange his life in a new way. Now she could do without outside help.

Then the big day came. Doris was able to walk without crutches, using only supports. She was so aroused that it was difficult to talk to her on the phone. A few days later, she drove to the California Department of Highway Traffic. (Motor Vechicles), where she managed to get a license to drive a car. Right after that, she sold her house, bought a brand new car, drove it to Taos in New Mexico, where I was then living, and took one of my Flower of Life seminars. I remember Doris walking into the auditorium unaided and with such a big smile on her face that it looked like she was about to take off from the ground and fly. It was a completely different woman. Nine months later, I was walking down the street in Taos when Doris suddenly ran up to me. Then I saw her for the first time after the end of the seminar. She began working for Katrina and disappeared for a while. Doris turned around to show me that the props were gone. She looked at me and said, “Drunvalo, I am completely healed, 100 percent. I'm so happy. I love you." And she walked away dancing. I watched her jump off the pavement lightly, and no matter how I looked, I could not find the slightest sign that she had ever had polio and spent twelve years in a wheelchair. For five or six years, she sent me Christmas greetings every year as a token of her gratitude. But I didn't do anything, she healed herself. She understood her problem and to the depths of her soul believed that can actually heal itself - and of course it did. Your limits are always what you are into believe. If you believe there are no limits, then you are free. "Heal Yourself" First of all, it should be noted that there is healing of oneself and healing of others. You must always start with yourself. If you are unable to heal yourself, how can you heal others? So let's start with your own energy field, your Mer-Ka-Ba field. As far as Mer-Ka-Ba breathing and meditation is concerned, I believe that if you do this breathing every day, passing prana through your body, then eventually you will be healthy. However, this "eventually" can be largely approximated by the understanding that the Mer-Ka-Ba is a living field and that it only responds to the conscious intentions of the spirit within the field. Due to the fact that when breathing in the Mer-Ka-Ba, the flows of female and male prana are absolutely balanced, some diseases are already eliminated thanks to breathing. Using this technique, you should quickly feel significant changes in some health problems, but not all. There are other problems, and they can be healed only with a deeper study of the nature of the very concept of "disease". The next story will focus on the nature of diseases. Sometime in 1972, my wife and children lived in the forests of Canada. My wife and I were studying hypnosis at the time. We have learned, leaving the body, to fly from one room of our house to another. We even

there were tests by which we checked the correctness of our perception. One of the tests was quite simple. When my wife was in a trance, I went into another room and changed something there, and what exactly was known only to me alone. When I came back, I encouraged her to fly into that room, and then tell me what she saw there. The wife described everything exactly. It was then that I began to understand that life on Earth is different from the ideas that I had at that time. We did a lot of tests, some of them were quite difficult. For example, during one of the tests, the wife had to fly (astral projection of herself or clairvoyance) to a bookstore and select a book that none of us had read. She then had to open a certain page of the book and read it to me. I had to write down everything, including the page number. The next day we checked what was written in the book on that page. Always got great results. As time went on, we felt that we were learning more and more about the nature of Reality and how consciousness fits into this larger picture. Once I was drying a cast-iron skillet on the stove. I forgot about it for fifteen minutes, and it was almost red-hot. At this time, my wife entered the room and, without thinking, grabbed the handle of the pan. I tried to warn her, but it all happened so fast that I didn't have time. The wife took the frying pan with her left hand and walked about a meter with it. (about three feet) before the body reacted to the pain. She threw down the frying pan, screamed piercingly, and instantly went into a state of shock. Immediately, without thinking, I ran up to her and looked at her hand. The burn was really very strong, I did not know what to do, but put her hand under a stream of cold water. This went on for several minutes, then something stirred in me. I looked at my wife and said that I wanted to try hypnosis. She agreed. The first thing I told her was that the pain was going away. And immediately the pain stopped. Now the wife's eyes were closed and she relaxed. I decided to go further. I looked at the burned palm, holding my wife's hand. Under hypnosis, I told her that the palm would be completely healthy on the count of three. The moment I uttered the word "three" - after two or three seconds - the hand returned to its normal state. I saw it with my own eyes and it changed my whole life. I knew in that moment that everything ever told to me about Reality by society and parents was not true. The body is light and it responds to consciousness. It responds to everything one really believes in. After that day we did many experiments, which undoubtedly proved that Reality is light, it is not solid and is held in a certain state by consciousness. This was the first important lesson of healing in my life. It took me many years to understand that what happened to my wife's hand applies to all healings in this Reality. A diseased, almost destroyed organ can be completely restored by consciousness alone. I have a girlfriend Diana Gayzis (Diana Gazes) for a while she had a television show in New York called "Future View" (Gazes into the Future). She filmed everything

effective cases of healing to show them in his show. After many years of working in television, Diana left her show, but in one of the last programs she was going to show (although she never did) the incredible healing of an eleven-year-old boy. Diana videotaped the boy's progress for almost a year, but her show was canceled just before the patient's recovery.

When the boy was very young, he did a lot of salamanders. You know that a salamander can have a leg or tail torn off, and it will simply grow another organ to replace the one it has lost. Parents did not tell their son that only salamanders have such a wonderful ability. They didn't tell him and he didn't know about it. And the boy believed that all living beings could do this, including humans. When the boy was about ten years old, he lost his leg above the knee. What did he do then? He grew himself another leg.

All this was recorded on videotape by Diana. In the last part of the movie, the boy was growing his toes. It took him a year or so to recover everything. How is this possible, you ask? It all depends on your belief system - everything that you believe in is possible, and you impose restrictions on yourself.

Once you heal yourself and know the nature of what I am talking about, the spirit may ask you to heal others. If you are asked to be a healer, there is something else you need to understand.

Healing others

You have no right to heal whoever you want, even if you can completely heal any person by barely touching them. It's illegal. The place where we live is a school, and the experience of each of us is his personal experience, which he needs. You cannot heal someone just because you want it or because someone needs or deserves healing. You must first obtain permission to heal.

Why is permission needed? We can't see very well from where we are, in the third dimension. We may think that we are doing a great good by healing a person, when in fact we are harming him. We all live in the space school of memory recovery. Perhaps it was precisely in order to cope with this disease that man came to Earth. Through his illness, he can learn compassion, and by healing, you will deprive him of this opportunity. Get your ego out of the way and healing will come naturally.

This is how I begin healing. First I ask my own higher self if this is in accordance with the divine will. (We will talk about what the higher self is in chapters 16-18.) If the answer is yes, then I verbally ask the person (if possible) if they want me to heal them. Having received consent, I must call his higher self, and ask if there is a divine will. Sometimes I get permission, sometimes I don't. If permission is not granted, I simply apologize for not being able to help and let things take their course. With permission, I do the following.

I want to make it clear that when I say "I am doing the following", it does not mean that you must do the same. I am by no means saying that this is a dogma, I am offering my approach as a guide to help you figure it out.

The higher self of a person knows absolutely exactly what is wrong in the body, down to the smallest detail, so continuing the conversation with the higher self of the person being healed after permission for healing has been received will give a complete picture of his illness. I found that the higher self of a person, if I ask him, will even tell me exactly what needs to be done for healing. Sometimes this is the usual way, and sometimes something completely incomprehensible to your mind can be used. Your Higher Self, for example, might ask you to draw a red star on your forehead. It will be incomprehensible to your mind, and in a person who sees a red star, something suddenly stirs inside, and immediate healing occurs. Turn to the higher self of the person you want to cure, for it knows everything.

The ideas that follow may be different from what you know. Try to just be open. People have many different ideas about what illness is, but as I said above, for me the body is just light and changes can happen very easily once the mind can accept the healing. Based on this, I see the whole body as just energy, including disease. I do not care about the history of the disease, which, according to the person himself, was the cause of the disease. For me, both the body and the disease are just energy.

I have found that the easiest way to heal is to remove the old negative "sick" energies before trying to bring positive energies into the body. Any energies, both negative and positive, respond very well to human intentions. Suppose a person has cataracts in both eyes, and he sees nothing at all. Doctors would say that in this case nothing can be done, except for surgical intervention.

From my point of view, it is only energy. I would touch my eyes with my fingers and with my intent I would get to the old diseased energy and draw it away from the body. Each healer has his own vision of what to do with sick energy when it is removed from the body. It is quite obvious that it cannot be left just like that somewhere nearby, otherwise it may enter someone else.

Prana healers in the Philippines visualize a bowl of violet light that burns and destroys diseased energy. Everyone has their own tricks. The angels told me to simply send the negative energy to the center of the Earth and Mother Earth would receive and transform it into positive energy. For me it works great.

Everyone has their own vision of how to generate healing prana or positive energy to channel into the body. Qigong masters draw energy from nature. Filipino prana healers draw it from the sun. You have a special advantage, because since you became acquainted with the Mer-Ka-Ba, you have the opportunity to take unlimited quantities of pure prana from the fourth dimension for this purpose. As shown in chapter 13, a sphere of prana two palms in diameter surrounds the heart chakra where the two pranic currents meet. On the tenth breath, this sphere expands, covering the human body, but the original, small sphere also remains. It is from this source that prana can be taken for healing.

So, you deliberately visualize that energy from the sphere surrounding your heart chakra is flowing to a person who needs healing. This energy is inexhaustible, because as you use it, it is replenished with new. You can see how positive energy goes down the hands to the palms of the healer, and then flows to the person in the place where it is needed. And it does not matter where, in what place on the globe a person is located. You can send energy to him with your intention, and it will be received.

Once you have removed the diseased energy and replaced it with prana energy, your last step is to mentally see the person being healed and also (extremely important) to see him healthy for about the next three months. You you know that it will.

This is a very simple form of healing, but it works. Remember that it is really love that makes it possible for healing to take place.

Now let's turn to a slightly different topic. In most cases where healing does not occur despite the healer's best efforts, the reason for the failure is that there is something in the person himself that prevents healing. It's about something other than his belief system. Many healers would like to avoid this problem, but if a person has it, then it must be resolved.

What is an essence? This is a living being belonging to another dimension, but somehow came to our world. In their home world, they are necessary and useful for the entire universe as a whole. But here they are a problem.

There are entities of a different kind - for example, the human spirit, which, out of fear, did not leave the third dimension, but chose life for itself in the body of another person. Entities such as extraterrestrial spirits are also possible, which may or may not be from this dimension, but they are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

To better understand, let's draw an analogy with the cellular level of the human body. Each cell is unique and exists in a specific part of the body. It does work for the benefit of the whole body. The cells of different organs are different from each other: the cells of the brain are not the same as the cells of the heart, and those, in turn, are different from the cells of the liver, and so on. As long as the cells are in place, there is no problem. But if you make, for example, an incision in the stomach, then it will be filled with blood cells. They don't have to be there, so healing is required to remove these foreign cells and stop their further influx.

What is a dysfunctional thoughtform? It is the thought of another person or being that has entered someone. Usually it is brought in from the outside deliberately. A spell, a curse directed by hatred, and the like - all this can enter a person and dwell inside him. Once in a person, a thought usually takes almost any form and requires the energy of the life force of this

person. The resulting form gives the impression of being alive. It is retrieved in the same way as entities.

All this has a certain, as a rule, negative impact on human health, with the exception of "good" entities. Yes, rarely, but there are spirits of a higher evolutionary nature that are beneficial to humans. When such a spirit is found, I usually do nothing to remove it. At the right time, he will leave.

Ask your Higher Self if you should go into this area of ​​healing. If not, then forget about it, but be prepared for the fact that sometimes you will not be able to do anything while there is an essence living inside the one you intend to heal.

I'll explain how I extract them, but please remember: it's not the technique that matters, it's the love. And my path, of course, is not the only way that can help in healing. If you are just starting out, then some of what I am talking about may not make sense to you. I will try my best to make you understand.

In the past, the Catholic and other churches resorted to exorcism to remove the essence from the human body. At the same time, they usually did not understand well what was happening on the spiritual plane, and for the most part they used brute psychic power. The priest simply wanted to banish the entity and didn't care what happened to it next. Few people knew that the exiled possessor, as soon as he had the opportunity, would enter another body; as a rule, this will be the first person he meets. Essences necessary live inside the human body. It cannot stay out of any form for long.

So what is good about this form of exile? The disease, that is, the essence, still remains within humanity. She is still out of her world. She is scared and very unhappy. Entities are like little children, but in order to protect themselves in this hostile world for them, they have learned to take on a frightening appearance and make frightening sounds so that a person stays away from them. If you approach the entities with love, honestly and directly, and can convince them that you are really going to send them home, then they will stop resisting and even help you. Therefore, I suggest that you treat these entities like little children, no matter what they do.

Now let's see what they can do. If you understand that Reality is just light and that it aligns with your intentions, then you know that you can remember and create intentions that will heal everything around you. Don't be afraid of entities or dysfunctional thought forms. They cannot do anything to you as long as only love connects you with them. In this special state of consciousness, you

you have immunity. If you connect with them in fear, through sexual energy, in a state of drug intoxication, or in any other state that helps them enter your inner world, then they can possess you.

In love, I begin by asking the person's higher self if there are entities or dysfunctional energies within them. If it says “yes”, I immediately mentally set up an octahedron-shaped field around this person (two pyramids connected at the bases) and usually include myself in this field as well. I do this for two reasons: the octahedral field prevents the entity from jumping out and moving into someone else's body, and it also provides a dimensional window at the top of the octahedron through which that spirit travels back to its home dimension.

Then I call on Archangel Michael to help me. He likes to do this kind of work because it brings a little more order to the universe. Archangel Michael is behind me, watching over my shoulder. We work together as one. He will work with you if you just ask him to.

I put my hand on the person's navel and ask the essence that lives in it to come out to me. Then I establish telepathic contact with the spirit(s). As I have found, there is no need to force the entity to speak through the patient's mouth. (This may frighten him and only complicate things.) After establishing a telepathic connection with the spirit, I send him love so that he knows that I am not here to "capture him", I am also interested in his well-being.

All spirits in existence are created by God for a reason and serve some sacred purpose in the overall program of life. Nothing ever happens by chance. I tell the entity that my goal is to return it to the world from which it came. And I mean it seriously. Once the obsessor is convinced that I really intend to do it, everything is simplified.

Then I feel and see the essence with my inner vision. Entities have many shapes and forms that may seem very strange to a beginner. As a rule, they are in the form of a snake or insect, but they can appear in almost any form. At the right time, I begin to draw the obsessor out of the body. As soon as he shows up three feet (about a meter) I hand it over to Michael, and he takes it to the top of the octahedron and sends it through the dimensions back home. Michael knows exactly what to do.

As a result, the situation becomes win-win for both sides - for the person and for the obsessor. The spirit returns home, for him it's like going to heaven. There he can fulfill his life task and be happy. And a person, being healed, remains alone inside his body, on his own, sometimes for the first time in millennia, and can begin to function in a reasonable way, in a new way. Often, many diseases go away on their own, since it was the essence that was the main cause of the disease.

A small note: I put my hand on the navel because, as I found out, it is easiest to remove the obsessor from here. They enter the body of the entity usually through the chakra at the base of the skull, in the place that we call the back of the head. As a rule, entities settle in a person for various reasons: because he used hard drugs or alcohol and became vulnerable to them, or because

the fact that the entities were able to detect the passage at the moment a person used sexual energy, or when he fell into a terrible fear and became helpless. There are other ways, but the three above, as I found out, are the main ones.

As soon as one spirit leaves the body, showing other obsessors, if any, that the return home is real, then almost always, in order to also get home, they join the “pioneer” without resistance and help you do everything you need.

Of course, we touched on an unusual topic, but all this is absolutely real. I have seen results on thousands of people and seen how it helped them become whole and healthy again.

I will give a few examples. Last year in Mexico, after a seminar, a young man I didn't know approached me and said he needed help. It turned out that for about a year in many cases he could not control himself. He had a feeling that there was an entity inside him, and he asked me to check if this was true.

After getting permission, I spoke to his higher self, who said that there was only one possessor in the body, and that I could function normally. The obsessor appeared and began to speak to me in English, but with a strong Italian accent. I chuckled inwardly as I had never heard the entity have an Italian accent before. We talked for fifteen minutes. Finally, she told me that she would leave, and in a few minutes it was all over.

The young man felt much better, and we started talking. I asked him how he thought he could open up to the possessor. He said he didn't know how, but he knew exactly where it happened. I asked where. He replied: "In Italy." I said to myself, "Of course." It was the spirit of a man, and until now he was simply afraid to leave.

Another example from Europe. A woman came to the seminar with her husband. They were married for a long time and loved each other deeply, but as they got older, the woman began to have sexual fantasies about an "imaginary" man. This was not due to the fact that sexual relations with her husband did not satisfy her. It was just imagination.

As time went on, the imaginary partner took more and more of the woman's sexual energy until she stopped having orgasms altogether, other than with him. She no longer made love to her husband and thought that the situation was hopeless. The new "partner" forced her to have sex two or three times a day, when the itch to him, not to her. She was not in control of the situation.

Theoretically, this could be a mental or emotional problem, but in this case we were dealing with a real "imaginary" man from another dimension. The woman opened the way for him through drugs. Although she only took them twice in her life, it was already too late. The man got inside her.

Having received permission, I had a long talk with her higher self. The obsessor turned out to be a highly intelligent being. It was impossible to fool him. When I made contact with him, he already knew what I was going to do. A meaningful conversation continued for about twenty minutes, after which he wanted to see the Archangel Michael. I suggested that he stick his head out of the woman's belly and see for himself.

When he saw Mikhail, I could see from his expression that he was impressed. He immediately went back into the woman's body, looked at me and said that he needed time to think about all this. He asked me to contact him tomorrow.

The next day the lady told me that they had been talking almost all night. He said that he loved her and did not want to leave, but decided that it would still be better for both of them if they "broke up." And after that, of course, they had sex again.

That evening I placed my hand on the woman's stomach and made contact with the possessor as he requested. He simply said, “Good evening. I really liked you, and I want to thank you for the way you help." Then he said he was ready to leave. I took him out, and Michael put him on his shoulder and led him to the world from which he had come. Without any resistance whatsoever.

When I told the woman that everything was over, she was surprised. She didn't feel anything. Then she looked at me and said: "He asked me to tell you that he liked you."

That evening, the couple made love for the first time in a long time. The next morning they were so happy that they decided to have a second honeymoon. Life began anew for them.

Clarification: make sure you remove from the body all leftovers. Many of the entities lay eggs or leave some sort of debris behind. Ask where the masonry or "dump" is, or feel where this place is, pull out the whole thing and send it along with the entities. If you leave the remnants, then the person can get sick because of them, or the disease that the obsessor caused will not be curable.

And the last remark. I personally, if I get sick or something goes wrong, which is rare, I wait a little before starting to heal the situation. Why? Because I want to know how I caused disharmony in my life. I explore my life. I try to understand what I thought, felt, said, did, or how I lived caused the disease, so that I can make a correction and the disease would not return to me in any other form. In a word, I wait for wisdom to overshadow me.

Common situation. A person really believes in his healing, goes out to pray and nothing happens. Comes out the next time, strongly believes, and nothing. Comes out next time and nothing. And then such a person says, why did I really believe, but healing did not happen? Let's talk about these situations today.

At the Father's Blessing spiritual center, we have seen many miracles since our revival (in 2011). We have watched many people and the ways people have been healed and what is interesting is that different people are healed in different ways. What does it mean? This means that people should not expect to be healed by one or more of the methods they know. One must focus and activate one's faith for all the ways in which God works.

I've heard and seen people get frustrated because their faith didn't work, "their faith didn't work," and worse, then those people gave up and gave up. But I have also seen other people get healed in ways they "didn't bet on." All the ministers prayed for the man, and nothing happened, but then he goes home, drinks the anointed water and is immediately healed. Another person tried different methods on himself and was not healed, then he asked another person to pray for him and after the prayer of another, this person was immediately healed.

That is, a person should not focus and activate his faith on some healing methods, but should be open to everything. Then, having come to the healing service, such a person will be open to everything. When a person enters a meeting room and believes: that he has entered into an atmosphere of miracles; believes he hears the healing word of God; believes in the power of the words of the man of God; believes in the laying on of hands; believes in anointed things; believes in the strength of the faith of others; believes in the mercy of the Lord; believes in the power of forgiveness, etc., then such a person is most open to receiving his miracle.

When I understood this, I decided to find the main ways how the Lord can heal us. It happened:

10 Ways We Can Get a Miracle of Healing

1. According to the word of the Lord

We can receive miracle healing through the power of the creative Word of God.

Is. 55:10 As rain and snow come down from heaven and do not return there, but water the earth and make it capable of bearing and growing, so that it will give seed to the one who sows and bread to the one who eats - Isa. 55:11 so is my word that proceeds out of my mouth; it does not return to me empty, but does what pleases me and accomplishes what I sent it to do.

Certificate. A 21-year-old woman confined to a wheelchair was completely healed. During the sermon, she simply got up and began to walk, thus being healed. Then she ran out onto the platform to show everyone that she could run and even jump. The Word of God already has power in itself, and we need to learn to listen and hear it.

2. According to our faith

We can receive miracle healing through our faith.

Mat.9:27 When Jesus came out of there, two blind men followed Him, crying: “Have pity on us, Son of David!” Matthew 9:28 When He entered the house, the blind men came up to Him, and He asked them, “Do you believe that I can do this?” “Yes, Lord,” they replied. Mat.9:29 Then Jesus touched their eyes and said: “Let it be with you according to your faith.” Matt.9:30 And immediately they received their sight.

Certificate. One sister who was carrying a child found out after an ultrasound that her baby would be born with terrible abnormalities. Multiple ultrasounds showed that the child's organs were incorrectly located, various deformities and deviations. She was offered to have an emergency delivery and get rid of the defective fetus. But the sister decided to believe God to the end and refused to have an abortion. God showed a miracle during childbirth, the child was born completely healthy without a single deviation.

3. By the faith of others

We can receive miracle healing through the faith of others.

Matt.9:2 Several people brought to Him a paralyzed man lying on a mat. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralyzed man: “Do not be afraid, My son, your sins are forgiven you!” Matt.9:7 The man got up and went home.

Certificate. A poor woman whose husband was completely paralyzed came to the service carrying her husband on her back. But because of the crowd, she could not get to the stage. Then she found a place on the street where no one could see her, threw her husband over the fence, climbed herself, put her husband on her back again and began to squeeze through the crowd to the entrance. Finally she reached the platform and stood in line for prayer. The preacher, seeing her faith, commanded her husband, "In the mighty name of Jesus Christ!" He began to walk, being healed.

4. By the grace of the Lord

We can receive miracle healing because the Lord shows mercy to us.

Matthew 8:2 Then a man with leprosy came up to Him, bowed to Him and said: “Lord, if You want, You can cleanse me. Matthew 8:3 Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, saying: - I want to, cleanse yourself! At that very moment the man was healed of leprosy.

Certificate. In 1993, after suppuration, my right kidney was removed. After the removal, I lived with one kidney for 10 years. It was very hard. I constantly felt that the load on the remaining kidney had doubled. A year after repentance, I felt that the usual load on the remaining kidney decreased. Renal pressure and general pressure returned to normal. So I lived for 3 years. In August 2003, I nevertheless decided to go (for the sake of order) to the diagnostic center. The doctor during the examination on special equipment showed me that my second! the right kidney looks much fresher, cleaner and new than the left one. She said so: "Looks like new." When I looked at the screen, I cried out loudly, and this greatly alarmed the doctors. They asked what happened? I said: “Well, here it is, the second kidney, I can see it!” The doctors said: “Well, yes, kidney, what of it?” And I say: “The fact is that 10 years ago it was removed for me, I have all the documents preserved.”

5. Through the laying on of hands of others

We can receive miracle healing because believers will lay their hands on us.

Mark 16:17 Those who believe will be accompanied by signs: they will cast out demons in My name, they will speak in new tongues; Mark 16:18 they will take snakes in their hands, and even if they drink a deadly poison, it will not harm them; they will lay hands on the sick and they will get well.

Testimony: The man of God went out the back door to go home quietly after the service, when all of a sudden a poor old woman grabbed onto him. Despair was visible on her face. "Please don't leave without praying for me," she began to plead. “I know that if you just touch my eyes, I will be completely healed. I'm completely blind. Oh, I must be healed today. I know God will heal me." The man of God replied, “Excuse me, but I am very tired. We have already prayed for hundreds of people today. I want you to try to come tomorrow night, then we'll pray for you." She cried and said, “I can't come tomorrow. I am a poor woman and my friend brought me here. I have to heal today." The man of God took her by the hands and asked, “Do you believe with all your heart that if I touch your eyes in the name of Jesus, He will give you sight?” The woman replied, "I know the Lord will heal me now." After that, he laid his hands on her eyes and said, "Woman, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, whom God raised from the dead, I command your blind eyes to open and see." Suddenly the woman exclaimed, “Oh, thank God! Yes, I can see! I can see everything! I knew He would do it!”

6. By the prayer of others

We can receive miracle healing through someone's prayer.

Matt.18:19 Once again I tell you that if two of you here on earth agree to ask for something together, then My Heavenly Father will certainly do for you everything that you ask.

Certificate. The 37 year old woman had four surgeries. According to the women's style, half of her tube was cut out, one ovary completely and half of the other ... On the part that remained, a huge tumor about a kilogram formed and the woman was being prepared for surgery. On Sunday she was prayed for at church, and on Tuesday she went for an ultrasound as she felt well. The doctor looked, and said that he found nothing, said that she could give birth. The woman said to the doctor: “I have everything removed there.” And he got angry: "Don't fool me, you have all the organs in place." Then another examination was carried out, but nothing was found either.

7. According to the word of the man of God

We can receive miracle healing through the released word of the man of God.

1 Samuel 1:17 Eli answered, “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel give you what you asked Him for.” 1 Samuel 1:20 After some time Anna conceived and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, saying, "I called him that because I asked the Lord for him."

Acts 9:33 There was a man called Aeneas, he was paralyzed and did not get out of bed for eight years. Acts 9:34 Peter said to him, “Aeneas! Jesus Christ heals you. Get up and make your bed. At the same moment Aeneas stood up.

Testimony: In a healing service, a man of God commanded a new organ to form in a woman's body. A month later, she came back and said that after we prayed for her, she went to the hospital to have an operation, but the doctor told her: “You don’t need an operation because you have a NEW uterus!”

8. Through anointed objects (liquids)

We can receive miracle healing by touching anointed objects or liquids.

Acts 19:12 The sick were allowed to touch the handkerchiefs and aprons that Paul had previously touched, and their illnesses passed away, and evil spirits came out of them.

Testimony: There was a time in Lake's ministry when he came to a village in Africa and he couldn't find a place to rest. He saw that he would not be able to rest in this village either. Too many people needed prayer. He realized that he could no longer pray with the employees and saw in the middle of the village there was a pole to which horses were tied. He said they needed to go away to rest, but he laid his hands on the pole and gave him the anointing. He said that everyone who touches this pillar will be healthy. In one week, 70,000 were healed.

9. Through the exorcism of the demon of disease

We can receive miracle healing through the exorcism of the demon that caused the disease.

Mat.17:18 Jesus ordered the demon to come out, and he came out of the boy; at the same moment the child became completely healthy.

10. Through the forgiveness of sins

We can receive miracle healing through repentance and forgiving of our sins.

Mark 2:5 Jesus, seeing their faith, said to the paralyzed man: “My son, your sins are forgiven you!
James 5:16 Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed. The fervent prayer of the righteous can do a great deal.

Testimony: John Lake reports: At the healing meeting, 65 people came forward in need of healing. Having lined them up in a row, the ministers prayed for each. 60 people were healed at once. They decided to interview the remaining 5 people. Each of them was asked the same question: "Do you know the reason why you didn't get healed?" One man confessed to adultery. When he repented before God, they prayed for him again, and he was immediately healed. The woman confessed to stealing. She swore to God that she would go and confess what she had done to the people she stole from and, as far as possible, make amends. This woman was healed as soon as she confessed her sin and repented before God. It took the ministers little time to heal 60 people, but it took them four hours to deal with those five, and when they repented of their sins, they were also healed.

Miracles of Orthodoxy - the treatment of diseases

Hello, my dear guests and regular readers of the medical blog! In the heading "" today I decided to write a new article about the miracles of healing the sick who visit the temples of the Lord. The topic of the article is " Miracles of Orthodoxy»

Miracles of Orthodoxy - how my sister was healed (a true story)

● Many years ago my sister moved to live in Zadonsk. Elena (that's her sister's name) works near the Zadonsky Monastery, and she often goes to the temple of God to communicate with the novices. Through this, she finds peace there and acquires vitality. No wonder she called this monastery a piece of paradise. By the way, Elena's acquaintance with this monastery began much earlier, when she lived in another city and came as a pilgrim to Zadonsk.

● She moved to Zadonsk with the hope of healing. For many years she had index, middle and thumb fingers on her right hand. The doctors of the district and regional clinics shrugged their shoulders, not being able to explain the cause of the pathological changes that had occurred on the fingers. Once Elena was at the shrine with the relics of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk and prayed earnestly. A group of pilgrims were then placed for the night in a room that is located not far from the temple with the relics of the saint.

● Late at night, Elena suddenly clearly felt someone's touch on her sore fingers. And when she woke up, to great joy she found that the fingers on her right hand were easily bent.

The Healing of My Friend (False Story)

● You can talk or talk for a long time about miraculous healings, happening to Orthodox people. The main truth is that no one has canceled official (traditional) medicine, but where it is powerless, the relics of saints or a miraculous icon can sometimes help. Any information about some kind of miraculous healing, about what we call a miracle - gives hope to a doomed person! It means a lot! That's what happened with my girlfriend.

● My friend Tamara lives in Solnechnogorsk. She had a "women's disease" at the time. She was scheduled for an operation, but she was very worried and was afraid to go under the scalpel. Shortly before the appointed day of the operation, she went to the Danilovsky Monastery, in which there is the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God - miraculous, bringing healing to many. Tamara arrived early before the opening of the monastery, but there were a lot of people there. She asked the priest to let her skip the line to the miraculous icon.

● She was allowed, and for a long time she asked for help from the Mother of God, touching the miraculous icon and with tears in her eyes. After that, the priest approached her and said: “What grace has descended on you ...”. Returning home, to her native Solnechnogorsk, her friend immediately went to the hospital, where she was assigned a ward and sent for an additional examination. Several doctors have examined the patient and cannot understand anything. They invited the head of the department, who, after carefully checking Tamara, said: “There are no indications for surgery. You are healthy!"

● A friend was also surprised and asked the attending physician: “How is it, because it was you who a few days ago claimed that you can’t do without an operation! What changed?". To which the doctor replied: “It is difficult to explain what happened during these few days, but I assure you that you are healthy!”. Tamara entered the room, took her things and went to the house. She walked and with deep joy and gratitude thought about the Mother of God, her miraculous image, Fr.

Priest Healing

● In honor of St. Michael, the first Metropolitan of Kyiv, a very beautiful church was built in Kyiv. This temple is located on the territory of the central city clinical hospital. They told an amazing story about the healing of a sick priest. Archpriest Roman Baranovsky, dean of hospital churches in Kyiv, was healed himself from the icon " Nicholas the Comforter».

● This icon is miraculous. It once belonged to Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. After long wanderings, the permanent place of the icon became the city of Munich, in a small chapel. This icon was brought to Kyiv for one month. During the move from Germany, Father Roman was assigned to accompany the icon, who received healing from, during the transportation of the miraculous image.

● When the priest went to Munich, the illness suddenly worsened, and he forgot to take medicine with him. He usually needed at least a month of antibiotics in the hospital to treat a flare-up. He could, of course, buy medicines in Munich, but so many worries piled on him that there was no time for this. As soon as Father Roman entered the chapel where the image was placed, the swelling on his face disappeared as if by hand - the maxillary sinuses were completely cleared. Since then, sinusitis no longer appears.

● St. Nicholas the Wonderworker showed the miracle of Orthodoxy to the priest so that he would confirm someone's healing not only theoretically, but so that he could say: "Such a miracle of healing happened to me too ..."

● The miraculous icon "Nicholas the Comforter" is known throughout Bavaria: with its help, many people are healed of serious ailments. Batiushka told about the healing of a German woman who spent two nights at the icon in a row - she was literally lying under it. After that, her tumor disappeared, as evidenced by German doctors. As you know, medicine is at a high level there - you can't mislead it.

● A case of healing of one woman during the stay of "Nicholas the Comforter" in Kyiv was noted. One patient was in a coma in the intensive care unit. Her relatives went to the temple and attached a small icon to the miraculous image of "Nicholas the Comforter"; returning to the hospital, they put her under the pillow of a sick woman. And then a miracle of Orthodoxy happened - the patient immediately woke up - came out of a coma.

These are the ones miracles of Orthodoxy. Stay healthy and God bless you!!!

Past life healing in Chronicles is similar to energy healing in that both methods are based on the same three levels: telling your story, looking for causes and circumstances, and recognizing soul level truth. However, past life healing is different in that while searching for the causes and circumstances of the problem on the second level, your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones will help you meet with your past incarnation (the person) that you were in that life when this problem arose. This past incarnation will explain how and why the problem started and how you can fix it now. Then, having seen the truth of the soul at the third level, you will have the opportunity to ask your past incarnation to either merge with the consciousness of your soul, or return to the Light of the Chronicles.

As you can imagine, this work with the Chronicles takes place on a deep level. Try to do it only if you feel comfortable and ready to hear this information. When you are ready, you can use the following exercise to familiarize yourself with the past life healing process in the Chronicles. Depending on your experience during this exercise, you may or may not need to personally go through all three levels of healing. However, to understand this process and understand how to use all levels for yourself and others in the future, you should read the exercise in its entirety. When doing this exercise for another person, all three levels and the process itself will be exactly the same, only you will lead the session and facilitate its proper development.

Exercise: Healing Past Lives in the Akashic Records

Level 1: Tell your story from your point of view

1. At this level of healing, you will work with your problem and its physical manifestations. So think of a problem in your life that you couldn't solve. Then use the Opening Prayer to open your Akashic Records.

2. First, tell your story to the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones. (Write it down or say it out loud, whichever makes it easier for you.) When describing the problem from your point of view, don't forget the details: how and when it all started, who is involved, what consequences this problem has already had, and what difficulties it has caused.

3. When you speak or write, pause frequently to check if your description is judgmental. If so, remind yourself that you don't understand the whole problem right now. And then finish the story without judgment.

4. After finishing the story, you are likely to experience a shift. It can manifest itself as a relief, as if looking at the problem without prejudice helped to lift a stone from the heart - literally clear the heart space of heavy energy - and breathing became a little easier. You will also begin to see yourself and the problem from an expanded and more compassionate perspective.

5. If all you needed to do was speak out to get rid of an energetic blockage, use the prayer on page 84 to close the Akashic record.


If you still do not feel that the problem has been resolved, leave the Chronicles open and proceed to the second level.

Level 2: Ask about causes and circumstances from a past life

1. To begin, ask your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones to help you set up a pillar of Light that will enable you to meet your soul in your previous incarnation. This pillar of Light will serve as your meeting room. You will be connected to this pillar through a bridge of Light leading to it from your heart center about 45 centimeters in front of you.

Your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones will maintain this space during the entire session so that a distance is maintained between the current (you) and past incarnations of your soul. This distance will contribute to calm and clear work. Once the pillar of Light is in place, your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones use it as a conduit for energy, information, questions and answers.

2. Recall the problem described in the first level. Then ask your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones to place in the column of Light the person you were when the problem arose. In the presence of your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones, talk to your past incarnation. (Remember that your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones keep this person in the Light and keep a distance between you so that you can do this work.) If you find it difficult to start a conversation, ask this person for his name. And then ask him some or all of these questions to get to know your problem better:

What happened in your life that caused a problem in mine?
How and why did you have this problem?
What was this problem supposed to teach you?
Why was it so difficult for you?
Why am I still unable to deal with this problem in real life?
Can you tell me something that will help me look at the problem differently in order to heal it?
What else would you like to tell me?
I know I can't change what happened in your life, but is there anything I can do for you now? Do you need something?

3. During the conversation, constantly ask yourself if the information you receive is practical, useful and relevant. If not, ask the person to focus on your problem. If so, keep listening until you have an insight that changes your perspective and helps you start healing.

4. Feeling a change in perspective, you may feel that you have learned everything you need and are ready to close the Chronicles. Before saying the Closing Prayer, thank your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones for helping you explore this past life in order to find the cause of the problem. Also thank the person from your past life who came to help you heal. Say goodbye and count out loud: “One… Two… THREE!” When you say "THREE!", clap your hands once. This is how you release that person and dissipate the blocked energy that has arisen in your soul in connection with this problem. Cotton will also scatter the pillar of Light and the bridge to it.


If you find it difficult to come to terms with the person you were or what they did during a past life, leave the Chronicle open and move on to the third level.

Level 3: Know the truth of the soul

1. Remember that you are still in the Chronicles and the pillar of Light set up by your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones at the beginning of the second level is still in place. Now ask them to help you shift your height of consciousness until you can view your past incarnation from the perspective of the Akashic Records. Whatever the person may seem to you, ask them to show their true nature in the Light of the Chronicles. Ask to replace the condemnation of this person with love for his - for your - eternal soul. Ask to replace the illusion of your separation from this person with an acknowledgment of your unity. Ask for an opportunity to stop rejecting that part of your soul and accept it with compassion.

2. If necessary, talk to your past incarnation a little more. Ask him to show you that he tried his best, and love him for this human effort. Accept his Divine spark as the truth of his essence and stop rejecting his earthly form.

3. Now ask your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones to expand your heart center so that you can invite your previous incarnation into your heart. Make space within yourself for this expression of you and wrap it in the arms of your heart. Then ask your past incarnation if he wants to stay and become part of the consciousness of your soul or leave and return to the column of Light. Whatever it decides will be the best way for you to achieve healing, so trust that its choice is for the highest good of all.

4. If your past incarnation decides to stay, ask your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones to help in this process. If it decides to return to the Light, say goodbye to it and let it go by counting to three and clapping your hands. When you are done, the energy of your problem will dissipate, as will the pillar of Light and the bridge leading to it.

5. Use the Closing Prayer to close the Chronicles.

Usually a three-level past life healing is enough to get rid of most problems and remove their energy barriers. However, if you have a particularly difficult problem, you can return to Chronicles and repeat this process as many times as you like until you find clarity and peace.

It is also possible that other past lives were involved in the development of this particular problem. In this case, on the second level, you must ask to be shown another life in which this problem also existed, and talk to another incarnation of your soul in order to understand his point of view.
As always, make sure the information you receive is practical, useful, and up-to-date. If this is not the case, you can end the session at any time by counting to three, clapping your hands, and closing the Chronicle.

Most importantly, during a healing session, you should not forget that you are in control of the entire process. In other words, it is up to you to decide whether you got rid of the problem or should continue to work on it. You'll also know what else you need to deal with at a given time, so you can set your own pace. There is no need to rush the process. In fact, if you do this, it can have negative consequences and only complicate the situation. So be your own spiritual guide. Take the information you receive from the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones and use it to determine the best healing strategy.

What else to read