How to make your own protein shake. What are the benefits of a protein shake and how to drink it correctly. Protein shake with chocolate

Lately, all sorts of advice on taking protein shakes, of which there are a great many recipes, are increasingly flashing before our eyes. And more and more often the question arises: “What are protein shakes for?” Let's try to figure it out.

Oddly enough, such cocktails are suitable for both building muscle mass and losing weight. Taking a protein shake for those who want to increase muscle size is necessary due to the large amount of the main component - protein, which helps strengthen muscles. And the same protein is needed for weight loss. It speeds up metabolism, this property is especially noticeable when performing intense fat-burning workouts. I would like to note that such cocktails are very useful for women after 30 years, when muscle tone begins to weaken, especially if they contain.

The amount of protein needed in shakes varies depending on a person's physical activity.

  1. Low body activity(sedentary lifestyle)
    The required amount of protein is 0.86 g per 1 kg of weight
  2. Average body activity(regular training, pregnancy, stress, recovery from illness)
    The required amount of protein is 1.4 g per 1 kg of weight
  3. High body activity(bodybuilding, powerlifting, heavy physical labor)
    The required amount of protein is 2.4 g per 1 kg of weight

Homemade Protein Shake Recipes

For your convenience, the amount of protein in a particular cocktail is immediately indicated, but since dairy product manufacturers are now free to do whatever they want with the products, you cannot vouch for the exact amount of protein contained in the cottage cheese or milk.

Protein shakes for muscle growth

Protein shake with cocoa (option 1)


Cottage cheese: 300g;

Milk (low fat): 200 ml;

Water: 100-200 ml;

Cocoa: 1 tbsp.

Mix everything thoroughly (you can use a mixer, blender or a simple whisk). Bon appetit.

Cocoa cocktail contains:

Protein: 48 g;

Carbohydrates: 26 g;

Energy value: 320 kcal.

Protein shake with cocoa (option 2)


Cottage cheese: 300 g;

Soy milk: 300 ml;

Cocoa: 2-3 tbsp;

Walnut: 10 pcs.

Coconut flakes: on the tip of the knife.

Mix thoroughly and you can drink.

Cocoa cocktail contains:

Protein: 62.5 g;

Carbohydrates: 21 g;

Fat: 36.5 g.

Energy value: 730 kcal.

Spicy protein shake


Cottage cheese: 400 g;

Water: 200 ml;

Paprika (yellow, green, red - to choose from or a mixture): 15g.

Beat with a blender. Enjoy your drink :)

Paprika cocktail contains:

Protein: 54 g;

Carbohydrates: 16.5 g;

Energy value: 310 kcal

Strawberry protein shake


Cottage cheese: 200g;

Milk (1.5%): 200 ml;

Strawberries: 100 g.

Whisk - a delicious and healthy cocktail is ready.

Strawberry cocktail contains:

Protein: 34 g;

Carbohydrates: 26 g;

Fat: 3.8 g.

Energy value: 282 kcal.

For those who don’t want to bother with cooking, it’s better to buy ready-made protein:

Protein shakes for weight loss

Cocktail with kiwi and honey


Soy milk: 300 ml;

Kefir (1.5%): 200 ml;

Kiwi: 1 piece;

Honey: 1-2 tbsp.

Beat everything with a blender. The cocktail is ready!

Protein shake with kiwi and honey contains:

Protein: 21 g;

Carbohydrates: 17 g;

Fat: 10 g.

Energy value: 265 kcal.

Raspberry protein shake


Milk: 200 ml;

Yogurt (natural, sugar-free, 1.5%): 200 ml;

Raspberries (fresh or frozen): 100g.

Grind the raspberries and mix with milk and yogurt. You can drink it :)

Raspberry cocktail contains:

Protein: 17 g;

Carbohydrates: 23.8 g;

Energy value: 224 kcal.

Protein shake with tangerines


Soy milk: 400 ml;

Kefir (1.5%): 125 ml;

Tangerines: 2 pcs.;

Flaxseed oil: 1 tsp.

Mix everything and enjoy the unusual flavor combination.

Tangerine cocktail contains:

Protein: 21.5 g;

Carbohydrates: 18 g;

Fat: 11.5g.

Energy value: 280 kcal.

How to take a protein shake

Not sure when to drink a protein shake? It's very simple: take a protein shake half an hour before training and half an hour after training. You need to drink the cocktail slowly, without haste. For those who drink a cocktail without exercising, this is a great option.

Love yourself and your body. When there are such pleasant opportunities to help your body become more beautiful, you need to take advantage of them! Effective training + cocktail and you are on the path to perfection! Good luck.

Autumn fruits - in a glass! It tastes more like dessert, so it's no surprise that MyProtein athlete Chris Lavado has this recipe as one of his favorites. "This recipe is a far cry from the classic chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry flavors. Plus, the combination of protein-rich yogurt and mineral-packed spinach, plus quick carbs in the form of fruit and cereal, is an amazing morning pre-workout boost."


  • 1 cup milk (2%)
  • 2 scoops of salted caramel or vanilla flavored protein
  • half a peach
  • 1 cup spinach/spring salad mix
  • 3/4 cup cinnamon-flavored cereal
  • 5 g creatine
  • 3/4 cup crushed ice


Beat everything together in a blender. Enjoy!

Per serving: 561 kcal, 12 g fat, 56 g carbohydrates, 62 g protein.

Banana Nut Smoothie for Weight Gain

Are you in a hurry and need to throw something into the firebox very quickly? This morning shake is just what the doctor ordered. “This is a wonderful protein shake with a good ratio of protein and fat,” says fitness model Kirk Miller.

Pairing peanut butter with the quick carbs of bananas makes for a great post-workout shake. Drink within 20-30 minutes after training.


  • 1 -1/2 scoop vanilla protein
  • 1 large banana
  • 1 tbsp. l. peanut butter
  • 300 ml water


Place everything in a blender and blend for 15-20 seconds. Add ice and bon appetit!

Per serving: 350 kcal, 11 g fat, 34 g carbohydrates, 34 g protein.

Banana protein shake with cookies and cream flavor

Another Miller favorite is a smoothie that delivers maximum energy and a good dose of fruit. Oatmeal gives the smoothie texture, and spinach, yogurt and protein provide a good supply of microelements. This smoothie is perfect for a nutritious breakfast and can also replace any other meal when you don’t have time to cook. Just mix and drink!


  • 1/2 cup milk (2%)
  • 2 scoops of cookie and cream or salted caramel flavored protein powder
  • cup chopped banana
  • small package of Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1/2 cup instant (or regular) oatmeal
  • 5 g creatine
  • 3/4 cup crushed ice


Mix all ingredients and enjoy!

Funky fruit cocktail

Add some flavor to your protein shake with coconut water. This favorite of athlete Lewis Harrison not only tastes better than a water-based shake, but it's also richer in potassium (an electrolyte that helps keep the body hydrated and plays a key role in hydration). Coconut water contains 470 mg of potassium per 230 ml, which is more than the average banana. So it's the perfect end to a hardcore workout.


  • 2 scoops of strawberry protein
  • 1 handful frozen berries
  • 230 ml coconut water (ice fruit tea is a good substitute)


Mix together and drink!

Strawberry protein shake

Myprotein brand ambassador in the Netherlands Lieke Hemelaeer drinks a protein shake immediately after training or as a snack. To improve the flavor of the low-fat, low-carb isolate, she adds a secret ingredient: real berries. "Real strawberries and almond milk provide sweet flavor and energy," she says. "This is the perfect summer shake."


  • 1 scoop of strawberry protein
  • 10 strawberries
  • handful of ice
  • 230 ml almond milk


Mix everything in a blender, drink and enjoy.

Protein shake with peanut butter and jelly

When it comes to classic pairings, nothing beats peanut butter and jelly—or so says athlete Owen Harrison. We take these childhood favorites and take them to the next level by removing the bread and turning them into a drinkable option. A combination of healthy fats and complex carbohydrates (oatmeal) will keep you happy and full for the day ahead. What else is good? No crust!


  • 1 scoop of vegetable protein
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter
  • 20 g instant oatmeal
  • 230 ml water, milk or almond milk


Mix everything in a blender, drink and enjoy!

Diet green smoothie

“When I have an early morning workout and I'm pressed for time, my diet green smoothie is perfect,” says IFBB bikini pro champion Nina Ross. The combination of powerful antioxidants and minerals along with the protein isolate is great, and Nina says it tastes like dessert.

“I like the taste,” she remarks. “Reminds me of a green Frappuccino, but much healthier!”


  • 1 scoop vanilla protein isolate
  • 1 tsp barley powder
  • wheatgrass powder, 1 tsp.
  • flaxseed powder, 1 tsp.
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla sweetener


Mix all ingredients with water and ice. Enjoy!

Protein shake for chocolate lovers

To help you resist the temptation to fall face first into a chocolate cake, we'll give you the recipe for this chocolate, banana, and peanut butter smoothie. "I love this shake because it has the perfect macronutrient ratio for a good post-workout snack, and it's also for those with a sweet tooth," says Ross. Repair your muscles after exercise and drink this smoothie. And don't be afraid to change the ingredients, like swapping peanut butter for almond milk.


  • 1 scoop chocolate protein
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 tbsp. l. peanut butter
  • 1 tsp. sweetener with chocolate flavor


Mix all of the above with water and ice. Enjoy!

Protein shake for breakfast

Imagine the morning, Starbucks, the smell of a Frappuccino... and make a caffeinated protein drink instead. This is the favorite recipe of bodybuilder and king of aesthetics Simeon Panda. The combination of complex and fast carbohydrates, as well as caffeine, make it the best pre-workout in the world.


  • 1 scoop vanilla protein
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 20 g instant oatmeal
  • 1 tsp. instant coffee
  • 230 ml milk, water or almond milk


Place everything in a blender. Bon appetit!

Watermelon protein shake

This simple, refreshing drink is a favorite of nutritionist and trainer Abby Pell. "It's the perfect combination of clean protein and simple, natural sugars," she says. "Great for quenching thirst after summer exercise in the fresh air."


  • 1 scoop protein isolate
  • 1/4 small watermelon
  • 1/2 cup ice


1. Place the protein, sliced ​​watermelon and ice in a blender. Add water and start whisking.

2. Separate the mixture from the watermelon seeds that will remain at the bottom. Pour into a glass and enjoy!

Banana Chocolate Protein Shake

“I usually drink this protein shake 30-60 minutes before training,” admits athlete Clarissa Littlejohn. “Protein is good for recovery, oatmeal provides energy gradually so that sugar enters the blood gradually, and banana is a fast carbohydrate that restores glycogen and helps the body recover faster. Add a little nut butter for a more delicate texture and, at the same time, a dose of healthy fats !


  • 1 scoop chocolate protein
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 cup ice
  • 5 almonds
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 tbsp. l. almond or peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup dry oatmeal


Place all ingredients in a blender, blend and serve.

Chocolate-almond pleasure

Do you want something sweet at night? You are not alone. Instead of eating something that will undo a whole day of healthy eating, mix up this sweet protein shake. The cocoa powder will satisfy your sweet tooth, and the protein will help with muscle growth and recovery. Want to take it to the next level? "Get the diet topping and garnish it with cinnamon to make it look like a cafe milkshake!" - advises Littlejohn.


  • 1 scoop protein (or casein)
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 cup ice
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 tsp. cocoa powder
  • 1 packet of stevia


Mix all ingredients in a blender. Bon appetit!

More interesting things

If you've ever been involved in strength training, then you probably understand the feelings of those who head home after training and feel a complete lack of strength. Or maybe you yourself felt weak while playing sports and did not understand what was causing it? Or maybe not only during classes? The thing is that a person needs a certain amount of nutrients every day: fats and carbohydrates. It is necessary that all health parameters be normal, by the way, read here about whether it is possible and. It is very important. You need to make sure that you get all of them at normal levels - yes, watch your diet. But anyone who is concerned about their weight and seeks to work on it (adding or losing it) should pay special attention to how much protein their body receives per day. To get enough of these elements, using a protein shake at home will help you. Let's look at what a protein shake is and how to make it at home.

Some may have been surprised to hear that you can easily make a protein shake at home yourself. Why? Because most people associate the word “protein” with inorganic chemistry, which professional strength athletes take. However, for such people, the surprise was that “protein” in translation from English means “protein”. Therefore, do not be alarmed: by making a protein shake at home, you are showing that you have control over the level of protein in your body, and that’s all. Before we talk about how to make a protein shake, let’s mention who will benefit most from this very protein shake .

Who needs a protein shake?

If, for one reason or another, you decide to limit your intake of fats and carbohydrates, then you need to make up for it with proteins so that the body has strength. A protein shake, the recipe for which will be given below, will help with this. In general, the level of protein consumption depends on how much stress and stress we are exposed to.

Strength athletes, such as powerlifters, bodybuilders, weightlifters, and those who engage in heavy physical labor, need protein the most. During exercise, the muscles of our body are damaged, but within 1-2 days they are restored, becoming larger and stronger. But where does the body get building materials? Protein is a muscle builder. In fact, muscles are made of it. Therefore, strength athletes are advised to make a protein shake so that the body has something to build up damaged muscle fibers. So, as we see, protein is needed both by those who passionately want to lose weight and by those who build muscle. Now let's talk about how you can make a protein shake at home.

How to make a protein shake at home?

Before you start mixing the ingredients, calculate how much protein you need. How to determine this? Depending on your goal and load, count from 1 to 2.5 grams per kilogram of weight. That is, if a person weighs 100 kg and does strength sports, then he needs to make a protein shake so that it contains 250 grams of protein. Drink all this not at once, of course, but throughout the day. I think this is clear.

Now for the protein shake recipe: there isn't one! It's really just a matter of knowing what ingredients to use and mixing with whatever suits your taste. Personally, I bought protein powder, mixed it with milk and a raw egg. Then I added some flavoring and it was done! You can also use other products containing protein: cottage cheese, soy milk, and so on. By mixing them, we get a wonderful protein shake that is suitable for a variety of purposes!

Recipe 1

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • cottage cheese (1 pack or 180 g)
  • milk (600 ml)
  • bananas (2 or 3)
  • nuts (50 g)
  • honey (2-3 tbsp or to taste)

Bring to a smooth consistency with a blender. Don't forget that a protein shake is a complete meal, so drink it between meals.

Recipe 2


  • milk or kefir (250 ml)
  • banana (half)
  • oatmeal (2-3 spoons)
  • cinnamon.

You can also add natural yogurt and ice cream.

Grind with a blender and drink in the morning. Also experiment with adding other products: cottage cheese, strawberries and other berries, kiwi, cocoa, natural yogurt, coconut flakes, vanilla and even coffee.

Recipe 3


  • kefir (500 ml)
  • cottage cheese (250 or 300 g)
  • cocoa powder without additives (5 tsp)
  • water (100 ml)
  • sweetener.

Dilute cocoa and sweetener with water and bring to a boil. Cook for a minute, stirring constantly, then cool. Add the chocolate mixture to the mixed mixture of cottage cheese and kefir and beat until smooth. Drink after cooling.

Recipe 4


  • milk (250 ml)
  • egg (1 pc.)
  • sugar (1 tsp)

You can beat it in a blender with a whisk attachment. As always, replace sugar with honey and milk with kefir if desired. If you want to make your protein shake more filling and healthy, add chopped walnuts.

Recipe 5


  • cottage cheese (200 g)
  • juice (100 ml)
  • kefir (100 ml)
  • persimmon (you can also use banana)

Combine, turn into a cocktail and enjoy.

If you are serious about training and want to get results, then in matters nutrition You don't have to be a layman. Anyone who wants to progress in mass-gaining training is objectively obliged to follow the laws of conservation energy. To put it simply, muscle size simply cannot appear out of nowhere; it is the result of a reasonable combination of weight training and an adequately balanced diet. Moreover, an athlete’s nutrition is no less important than the training itself.

In order for an intensively working body to receive all the necessary substances along with food, athletes have to eat frequently and at the same time absorb increased doses. squirrel, which, in turn, are able to cover the costs of training and ensure future gains in muscle mass. Naturally, eating one and a half to two times more often than is usually customary, it is quite difficult to organize the required amount of food, including the required percentage of protein in it. In this case, they come to the rescue protein shakes, protein concentrates, and they can be prepared without much difficulty from the most common products sold on the regular shelves of our stores.

Basic Protein Shake Products

  • Milk, kefir or other fermented milk drinks (preferably without adding sugar and various kinds of dyes) - this will be the basis of the future cocktail. If you are intolerant to milk, then opt for its many sour derivatives;
  • , rustic and factory-made, medium and low fat, low-fat and pureed - perfect as the main protein ingredient of our mass-building cocktail. Of course, you need to make an informed choice among the different varieties of cottage cheese depending on your training goals and body type;
  • Honey, jam, syrups - all this will serve as a source of natural flavor enhancer, and you will know for sure that this is not some kind of food additive from the “E XXX” group;
  • Berries, fresh and frozen, even home canned, will provide the finished mixture with the necessary percentage of natural sugars, vitamins and macroelements. Of course, preference is always in favor of fresh and frozen berries;
  • , which contain carbohydrates (starches), will add the necessary calorie content to the cocktail and additionally saturate you with potassium, necessary for muscle contraction. And you will again know what nutrients you got in the original. If you wish, you can use edible starch powder, available in all grocery stores, instead of bananas, it will give the mixture even more filling - if you need it - and make it thicker.
  • Special or vitamins that will not change the taste of the protein shake, but will add beneficial properties to the product.

  1. Cocktail No. 1. For the cocktail you will need 250 ml of milk, 1 banana, yogurt, 2 tablespoons of honey, oatmeal, ice cream. Also mix everything and grind with a blender.
  2. Cocktail No. 2. 100 g of cottage cheese, 200 ml of milk, 1 banana, a tablespoon of honey, 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal.
  3. Cocktail No. 3. 2 bananas, 500 ml milk, 100 ml cream or ice cream, a bag of vanilla sugar, a little cinnamon to taste. Mix everything and grind in a blender
  4. Cocktail No. 4. A glass of milk, one teaspoon of sugar, 1 egg.
  5. Cocktail No. 5. 200 g cottage cheese, 100 g kefir, 100 g juice, persimmon or banana.
  6. Cocktail No. 6. 100 g cottage cheese, 100 g cherry juice, egg white, a little sugar.
  7. Cocktail No. 7. 1 egg, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts, pour a glass of kefir, beat with a mixer.
  8. Cocktail No. 8. 200 g cottage cheese, 50 g honey, 60 g egg powder diluted with milk, or 4-5 eggs, a spoonful of sour cream. Grind with a blender.
  9. Cocktail No. 9. 500 ml milk, 250 g cottage cheese, 10 quail eggs, 50 g honey or jam, 100 g milk powder, 100 g sour cream, raisins, dried apricots. Grind with a blender.
  10. Cocktail No. 10. 250 ml baked milk, 250 g cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon wheat germ or oat bran, 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil

Greetings, dear readers! What homemade cocktails do you think can be used to gain muscle mass or reduce subcutaneous fat? This is where protein powders work best. But to achieve the effect, they need to be prepared correctly. Let's figure out how to make a protein shake at home. What components are needed for this? And also what must be included in such a mixture.

  • How does a protein shake work?

    I would like to point out right away that drinking such drinks just doesn’t make much sense. But in tandem with sports and a protein diet, they are very appropriate.

    Usually for weight gain drink at least 3 cocktails on the day of training. Proteins and carbohydrates stimulate the body's production of growth hormone and insulin. The latter performs a transport function. Thanks to it, glucose and amino acids enter the cells and muscle tissue. Thanks to this, muscle mass is not destroyed, but rather grows.

    Growth hormone is responsible for the body's protein synthesis. But it is precisely this that is the main building material for muscles. Fat burning occurs simultaneously with protein synthesis and muscle growth.

    For muscle building Experts advise taking a protein supplement immediately after training. Ideally, the mixture should contain not only protein, but also fast carbohydrates. How exactly does such a cocktail affect muscles? It’s very simple, active muscle growth requires a certain hormonal background. This is where a protein-carbohydrate mixture in the post-workout window helps.

    For weight loss You can replace one of your meals with this mixture (except lunch). If you have a workout today, you can drink another cocktail immediately after it. It is better to use low-fat products with a minimum of carbohydrates to prepare the drink.

    As you can see, the cocktail’s action scheme is quite simple. Yes, if you are actively involved in sports, read about when is the best time to drink protein. This will help you make your classes even more effective.

    How to make a cocktail correctly

    Any protein drink should have protein at its core, plus some fiber is a good idea. And for weight gain and quick recovery after training, carbohydrates are needed. If you want to lose weight, you can skip the last component.

    Here are the main variations of products that contain the substances we need:

    • Squirrels– milk, low-fat cottage cheese, natural yogurt without additives. There is also protein in nuts, seeds, and eggs. You can use protein sports supplements.
    • Carbohydrates– we are interested in those that are quickly absorbed. Such polysaccharides are found in sweet fruits and berries, honey, ice cream, juice, and baby purees.
    • Cellulose– there is a lot of it in cereals. You can use pre-steamed or pre-steamed flour. Oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, soy, etc. are best suited. Don't forget about oatmeal and bran, as well as vegetables.

    Now some general cooking tips. The simplest protein shake is made from eggs. I advise you to wash them, as you can catch salmonellosis. After all, it enters the egg from the shell. Each egg contains approximately 5 g of protein. You only need 4 eggs to make a 20g serving of protein.

    If you use kefir or milk as the basis of the cocktail, take milk that is not completely skimmed. 2.5% is enough. The fact is that skim milk or kefir contain few nutrients. Our goal is to launch the mechanism of active muscle growth and fat burning. And low-fat dairy products contain only water. Such products can only be used for weight loss.

    I once tried to make cottage cheese from 1% kefir. From two liters of product I received approximately 200 g of a gray, sour, tasteless mass. That's why I never use low-fat kefir or milk for the base of a protein shake.

    Tip: Try adding one tablespoon of lecithin to the protein mixture. It will help absorb all nutrients and also provide the body with phospholipids

    Each drink will give your body energy and recovery after a tough workout. So go to the kitchen and teach your blender new tricks :) By the way, for cocktails, a stationary blender, like this one, is best suited:

    The most effective cocktail recipes

    With these drinks you can tune your body to naturally gain muscle mass. And the first cocktail I’ll show you is easy to make at home. You will need 400 ml of milk, a couple of eggs and one teaspoon of honey. All ingredients should be blended in a blender. The mixture contains yolk and fatty milk, so it is not suitable for relief. It is also not suitable for those who are planning to lose weight.

    Protein supplement from Schwarzenegger

    This recipe can be found in Arnold's book, Education of a bodybuilder. Which he wrote in 1993. By today's standards, many may think that the cocktail is useless. I don’t presume to judge, if you look at Arnie, the result of taking the supplement is undeniable. Which means it's worth trying. This mixture contains up to 43 g of protein and 45 g of fat.

    Take ½ cup of milk powder and mix with ½ liter of whole milk. Add one raw egg and 125 g of natural ice cream to the mixture. The cocktail will turn out liquid with the taste of egg and milk powder.

    Protein mixture POWER MONKEY

    This protein supplement was developed by specialists specifically for muscle growth. The beauty of this protein shake is that its smoothness lasts throughout the day and the consistency does not separate from the liquid.

    The mixture contains 140 g of protein, 120 g of carbohydrates and 70 g of fat. This will give you a large amount to drink throughout the day. It is better to store the mixture in the refrigerator. So, the recipe:

    • 3 handfuls of almonds;
    • a large bunch of spinach (or kale);
    • 1 mango or ripe pear;
    • yogurt without fillers and sugar;
    • 400 ml almond milk;
    • 1.5 bananas;

    Mix all ingredients in a blender. Drink in portions throughout the day. It will nourish you, support you and delight you with its unusual taste.

    A brutal dose of protein

    This recipe is suitable for those who intensively work on muscle mass. There is a huge amount of protein here. Although I gave advice to use full-fat milk, here it is skim.

    For a cocktail, mix 400 ml of skim milk with 400 g of homemade soft cheese. Add 2 tbsp to the mixture. natural low-fat yogurt and 64 g whey protein powder. For taste - one ripe banana and 200 gr. raspberries Berries can be used frozen. The supplement turns out sweet and nutritious. Watch an interesting video about her.

    Cocktails for weight loss and relief

    Protein mixtures for weight loss are lower in calories than for weight gain. Be sure to include the calorie content of cocktails when calculating your daily caloric intake. A mixture of kefir with cinnamon and honey is good for weight loss. This addition can be made without a mixer. Simply pour all the ingredients into a container, close it with a lid and shake well.

    Kefir with berries and low-fat cottage cheese is also good for relief. You can add oats or bran to these ingredients.

    A simple cocktail for weight loss

    This mixture has 0g fat, 25g protein and only 10g carbs. Take 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese and mix with 200 ml of low-fat kefir. For flavor, add half a jar of fruit baby food. You can do without it by adding fresh fruit. The mixture can also be supplemented with bran, they will help the body better absorb protein and provide greater saturation.

    Protein supplement with feijoa

    This mixture helps you lose weight if you replace one meal with it. The cocktail has a pleasant unusual taste. It is also suitable for those who work on terrain.

    Beat a glass of fermented baked milk with a few feijoas and half a banana in a blender. If you need more protein, fermented baked milk can be replaced with 1% cottage cheese.

    Mixture with curdled milk for relief

    To prepare this protein mixture you will need:

    • 200 gr. low-fat yogurt;
    • ½ banana;
    • white of one egg;
    • ½ tangerine;
    • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.

    The tangerine needs to be peeled and chopped in a blender along with a banana. Add cottage cheese and other ingredients to them.

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