How to take great vacation photos without spamming social networks. Tips for travelers, or How to bring bright photos from your vacation? How to take beautiful photos on vacation

Hello friends!

I would like to discuss this topic with you - how to bring “great” photos from vacation. I love to take pictures and take pictures, and looking at my photos from the trip, many people say - “Z O rovo! And I want to go there too!” And how are you? Are good vacation shots important to you, or will a couple of photos on your phone be enough?

A little about why I actually decided to write a post on my travel blog about how to take photographs correctly. Very often I see photos from people on social networks from their lives, including from vacations, which they posted in order to demonstrate their achievements. But looking at some of them, I just want to write in the comments: “Tear off the hands of the one who took THIS PHOTO for you!”

Surely, you yourself have noticed many times: it looks like the shot should have turned out well, but you look at the photo and understand that something is wrong. And the sea is somehow not blue, and the wife is not very slender against its background. In general, the photo is clearly not one of those photos that, looking at which, you want to exclaim - “what a shot!” And the point is not even that someone is given artistic talent And Denial (although it, of course, helps a lot), but for some it doesn’t. There are just some simple points and rules, taking into account which you can reduce the number of your unpresentable photos to a minimum.

Reading the articles on my blog, you probably noticed that most of them are accompanied by photographs from my personal archive. To be honest, I edit them quite a bit before posting them on the blog (well, except that I have to “compress” them so that they don’t take up a lot of space, and I “stretch out” dark photos). No, I in no way belittle the achievements of programs like Photoshop or Lightroom.

Now I will tell you these simple techniques that will allow you to significantly improve the quality of your photos. But the subject of photography is vast and multi-layered. And if you want to understand it better, I recommend starting with this selection from 77 lessons about photography. The convenience of this selection is that you can choose exactly the topic that is relevant to you. And put off the remaining lessons until the time when they become relevant.

But in general, I try to shoot right away so that it’s... so that it’s not excruciatingly painful. Because some “photo bloopers” are quite difficult (or impossible) to photoshop. It's easier to prevent them.

So, what hopelessly ruins a frame? What “blunders” are found in every second amateur vacation photo?

Let's start with the composition:

1. No need to “cut”! I don’t know about you, but it’s crazy for me to look at the arms and legs “cut off” in the frame. It seems that some people have simply watched enough “horror” films and don’t see that the person they are photographing does not have a hand or foot that fits into the frame! I usually take 2 types of photos: either a portrait (shoulder-length or waist-length), or a full-length “with legs”.

2. Please pay attention to what's in the background when you take a photo. Otherwise, this background can ruin your entire romantic image.

3. Always pay attention to foreign objects “sticking out” from a person. Move yourself relative to the person you are photographing, or ask him to take a couple of steps to the right and left. Agree, lampposts that “grow” out of a person’s head or branches piercing him, etc., do not look very aesthetically pleasing.

These cute “horns” sometimes grow on people’s heads in photos!

4.Do not take pictures against the sun without flash. Unless it's part of the artistic intent. But you also need to know how to use a flash. Various reflectors and diffusers are very helpful when shooting with flash. These are special devices for obtaining the necessary lighting. In general, now video shooting is gaining momentum, I plan to study this topic with these guys Videography course.

5. Don’t “glue” a person’s face into the corner of the frame! This error can very often be seen in photos where you need to show the surrounding panorama. But don’t forget yourself. So it turns out as if the panorama is separate, and the face seems to be “glued” separately. A sort of collage :-) The only genre where such a composition is acceptable is the so-called “selfie”. But even in “selfies” it has now become fashionable to use such a special magic wand, to which the phone is attached, in order to somehow move its lens away from you and capture something besides your own smiling face.

6. When photographing landscapes, do not try to keep the horizon in the middle. According to the rule of the golden ratio, it is better to divide the frame 2 to 3. And if you are photographing a person, then you should not place him exactly in the center of the frame. It is also better to place it 1/3 from the edge of the photo.

7. The sky in the frame always makes the photo more picturesque. This applies to both landscape and portrait photography. Otherwise, the frame turns out to be “down to earth” and heavy. And the sky adds airiness to the photo. And pay attention to the horizon line - a skewed horizon ("tilted" at a slight angle) does not enhance the frame. If you are going to intentionally overwhelm it, then the angle should be 15 degrees, no less.

Either the sea, or not the sea... Now, if there was a sky in the background, it would be prettier!

8. In a photograph of a person against the background of an object, it is better to place the latter in FRONT of the person. And in the direction where the person is looking, or where his body is turned, there should be free space in front of him, and not the edge of the frame. There are successful exceptions, and a frame constructed in violation of this rule turns out to be very successful, but for this you still need to be a little professional.

And who is in charge in this photo - the girl or the yacht? Or a yacht sailing into a girl?

But in this photo we look together with the girl at the views from the balcony...

9. Very often sights have to be photographed at night and in the evening. Many objects and cities look very beautiful with night illumination. But you also need to be able to convey this beauty: not to “kill” it with a flash or “movement”. Not quite clear? I'll explain now. In the dark, you need to take pictures with a long shutter speed. The camera has a “night shooting” mode (it implies a long shutter speed). And during this long exposure the camera must be motionless! Otherwise, the object seems to be blurred (this is called “shaking”). The rule follows from this: when shooting at night, the camera must be fixed. Better - on a tripod. But you can simply put it on something or press your hand with the camera against a vertical, stationary object. I can’t count how many great shots I got when I mastered these techniques!

Portugal. Algarve. View from my balcony. Shot on a tripod, at a long shutter speed.

Portugal. Algarve. Moonlight night. I took it without a tripod, leaning against a rock so my hand wouldn’t shake.

Hainan. Night Sanya. But here I couldn’t cope with the trembling of my hands... And I didn’t have a tripod at hand...

10. Try to take live photos! What does it mean? This is when a person did not expect or did not even know that he was photographed, or knew, but did not look into the frame, but was doing something of his own. This is another name for reportage photography. It’s just that when a person doesn’t know that he’s being photographed, he doesn’t pose—he doesn’t try to make some kind of appearance, take a pose. And then in the photograph there is a living face, as it is, and there is no pretense in the poses. So take more sudden photos, they will make you happy, I promise!

And a few more tips to help you bring great photos from your vacation.

View your footage immediately. You took a photo, be sure to look at it on the camera monitor, zoom in: maybe something is out of focus or someone’s eyes are closed, maybe the photo is overexposed, or vice versa - the flash didn’t work. Did you see a flaw? Change the settings, take the photo again! This is important, otherwise when you look at the photos from your grand trip at home, you may regret that you didn’t spend a couple of minutes on the spot doing a basic check.

Don't be shy to ask. It often happens that you go on a trip with your significant other, but in the photographs you appear one by one. It hurts! If you have an irresistible desire to take a photo together, then look for the first passerby, hand him the camera and explain what should be visible in the frame. Then look at the photo. It often happens that the first passerby takes a terrible photo, then ask someone else to take the necessary photo. Well, again, a tripod really helps me out. And a shutter delay timer.

Hence the next wish - use a timer!

Nowadays every camera has a timer. This is very convenient: you set up the frame, press the button, and while the delay is going on, you yourself occupy the desired place in the frame. After a certain time (15-20 seconds) the camera automatically takes a photo. So, find this timer and actively use it. After all, it also happens that there is no one nearby, but you need to take a photo.

Here are my photos that I took exactly this way.

I wandered around the hotel late in the evening... I took a picture of myself against the backdrop of a night fountain, setting a timer on the camera.

The photo was taken with a tripod and the shutter timer set. I think it's not bad

Now many people have the opportunity to buy a good camera. And more and more people are starting to use cool DSLRs to take amazing photos. I also dreamed of a good camera for a long time, and when I received my Nikon D-90 as a birthday gift, I was in seventh heaven. But I quickly realized that I didn’t have the patience to master all these buttons, modes and programs using the included instructions. And then I went to study atphoto school "Technical floor", to two cool guys - Grisha Sukharev and Sasha Marushin . Guys, thank you so much! What have you not taught us during these month and a half of classes! We, students, simply forgot about the time when we were going to the photo studio for our next lesson! We photographed for 3-4 hours in a row, and then at home we processed our photos for another 2 hours... In general, it was great O rovo!

So, friends, if you want to thoroughly understand your “DSLR”, I recommend that you undergo similar training, in person or online. If you choose the second option, then here is a course that I can safely recommend to you My first DSLR. This is almost a complete analogue of the course that I took myself. You will not only learn the camera settings by heart and understand the composition of the frame, but you will also gain a lot of useful skills and valuable information for a photographer. Or maybe you will find yourself in a new business.

In general, to summarize what has been said, I would like to wish you not to follow hackneyed tourist photo templates (a kiss with the Sphinx, the setting sun on the palm of your hand, etc.), but to show your own creativity, look for your own style and good angles! Take a lot of shots - good and different! And you will see - the result will not keep you waiting.

And if you already have interesting photos from your vacation, let’s take part in ours and win prizes!

Each of us going on vacation, takes a camera with him, or, as a last resort, uses the camera that is built into the phone. But the problem is why a friend’s photo is always brighter, more colorful and more emotional. The first thought is that it's all about technique. It's really all about hands and patience.

How to take a beautiful photo, which will convey the emotions, color and atmosphere of the place you are filming, we will tell you about this. To do this, you should follow basic photography rules. We will share how to take photos correctly, based on generally accepted norms.

Photography Rule #1. If you are not a professional, but want to get the most out of your camera, then take pictures of everything, everywhere and always. Don't limit yourself to just staged photos near attractions, take pictures of everything that's going on around you.

To your surprise, you will get a lot of decent photos. Moreover, you will be able to convey the mood of everything that is happening.

Photography Rule No. 2. The best time for good photographs is morning and evening. The light at this time is not so bright, it is still or no longer hot outside. In addition, there are much fewer people, so there is an opportunity to concentrate on “capturing moments.”

Photography Rule No. 3. One of the most important factors of a vacation is emotions, not the attractions, hotels, cars and restaurants, but the emotions you experience from visiting them. In order to capture true emotion, you will need to ruin a lot of shots and have iron patience and endurance.

Also, you should do everything so as not to be noticed. If this is still difficult for you, then ask your friends or family to make faces, jump, stretch out their arms and smile wide, wide. Initially it may seem stupid and funny, but when you go back and look at the photo again, you will realize that this is perhaps the best work.

Photography Rule No. 4. It is worth remembering that getting a good shot is like taking first place in a beauty contest. To do this, you need not only to dress nicely, choose the light and place. Here you need to think, count and remember that the most colorful places are located far from attractions and large crowds of people.

Also, you need patience. For example, if you are photographing a duck on a lake, it is better to wait until he swims as close as possible, or turns in the direction you want. Try to think outside the box, then your photos will be unique.

Photography Rule No. 5. It is important that the person viewing your photograph understands the size of the subject you are photographing. For example, you went on vacation went fishing and became the owner of a great catch. It’s just a sin not to brag to your friends. Don't just photograph the fish; compare its size with something, for example, your hand.

Also, if you are photographing mountains or cliffs, include houses or trees in the frame so that you can imagine the actual size of the beauty you want to show.

Photography Rule No. 6. It is best to hold the camera level, without tilting or turning it over. It's even better if you have a tripod and know how to take shutter speed photographs. Such photos can become real masterpieces.

Photography Rule No. 7. You need to be alert. Every second something unexpected, unpredictable and interesting can happen. For example, you are in India, walking around the temples, and then a monkey stole a banana and is rushing with it in its teeth. Try to photograph her in motion, but without scaring her.

Try to take photographs in such a way that people would later say: “When did you manage to do this? I didn't even notice anything. Class!".

Photography Rule No. 8. You definitely need to pay attention to the background of the photo, especially if it is a portrait. There should be nothing unnecessary in the background. For example, you want to photograph your beloved against the backdrop of the endless sea, and in the background there is a couple sunbathing on a mattress topless. I think you don't need such shots.

Photography Rule No. 9. Remember that a rare and successful photo will be taken exactly when you least expect it, when the weather is not very good, and exactly when you are not in the mood to take photographs at all.

Photography Rule No. 10. This is the most useful rule of all. Do not adhere to stereotypes, do not delve into the instructions of experienced photographers, and do not strictly follow established rules and boundaries. Act the way you want, the way you like and the way you think is best. Photos that are taken from the heart and with love will be the most successful.

At the same time, everyone, before taking photographs of everything in a foreign country, familiarize yourself with its culture, rules and traditions. It is worth photographing tribal residents in central Africa only with their permission, which is not so easy to obtain, since you have to explain it yourself.

For them, a photo is the theft of the soul, for which they will demand payment. And in Rome you shouldn’t take photographs of police officers, as this could land you in jail.

Bring perfect vacation photos It’s not difficult if you approach the process with soul. , this is a difficult question to answer. The fact is that creativity has no boundaries and does not have clear definitions of what is right and what is wrong.

So go on vacation and take healthy photographs the way your heart desires.

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Summer begins, it's time for vacations, many people coming from there boast about where they've been and what they've seen. Vacations are often judged by photographs. And you can bring banal photographs from an exotic island, or you can take something in a neighboring village that will make all visitors to the Bahamas envious. Well, and nevertheless.

For each of us, travel is one of the most memorable events in life. New countries, world-famous sights and previously unexplored corners of nature, where, it seems, no human has set foot before... What could be better? They are worth not only visiting, but also being remembered for many years. To make your memories the most vivid and vivid - take photographs!

Tourists often bring back a lot of photographs from their trips, which even by stretch of the imagination cannot be called successful. Of course, the camera and photographic talent do not always play a decisive role, but improving your knowledge will be very useful, especially if you travel often. A few simple tips will help you significantly improve the quality of your photos and get even more pleasure from the process.

How to prepare?

It’s worth thinking through an approximate shooting scenario in advance. This will allow you to take all the necessary equipment with you and leave everything you don’t need at home. Filters, ... There are many devices that make travel photography easier. If you plan to shoot landscapes, opt for tripods. At races or a football championship, you will be more comfortable with a compact monopod. A polarizing filter will not be superfluous. It makes photos clearer, even when taking photos through the glass of a bus or car.

Be sure to buy a case for the camera itself or. Rain, splashes from waterfalls, dust and sand - all these natural factors threaten the normal operation of photographic equipment. Take care of him! Don't forget a protective case, especially if you're traveling through the deserts of Egypt, going on a safari in Africa, or conquering mountains as part of a hiking tour. Take care of the charge. You need to take an extra set of batteries or a battery charger with you.

Important nuances

Sometimes it takes a lot of time and hundreds of attempts to create a truly high-quality photo. As a rule, this applies to professional photographs. In amateur photography, the most interesting shots are born spontaneously. In order not to miss the chance to photograph something interesting, always keep your camera ready.

If you plan to shoot reportage, try to set the optimal settings in advance. When everything is happening dynamically, it is better to replace focusing on one point with an automatic selection function. In some cases, autofocus tracking can be useful. The rule of thirds is best suited for building a composition. A polarizing filter will help reduce the brightness of the image.

  • When going on a trip, you should have an idea about your own camera. There is no need to waste precious travel time studying functions and features; do it in advance.
  • Explore the area. You can often find a lot of useful information on the Internet about the best viewing platforms, angles and shooting points. From these places, sights and unexplored corners open up in all their beauty.

  • Choose your time. Do you want to take beautiful pictures? Wake up earlier and go to bed after sunset. Dawn and sunset are the best times for photography.
  • Look for inspiration. You can review the work of professionals and borrow several new shooting options for yourself. You can draw from the heritage presented in art galleries, museums and exhibitions. Love what you do - the result will exceed all expectations.
  • Book hotels in the most picturesque places. Why waste time on the road if you can take pictures right from your room window?

  • Blend into the atmosphere. It's much easier to create gorgeous photos if you feel the surroundings. Learn traditions, meet local citizens, try national cuisine.

  • Look for fresh ideas. Perhaps everyone knows about the snow-white beaches of the Caribbean or the Eiffel Tower. Come up with something new, original and unknown before - do not follow the beaten path, find local attractions that not many of your compatriots know about.
  • Take your time. Allow as much time for travel as necessary to get to know the country, its customs and unique flavor. Don't try to take as many pictures as possible, pay maximum attention to quality.
  • Experiment with HDR photography. We already wrote in the blog material.

Camera settings

by Kazuhiro Terasawa

When shooting landscapes, it is very important to achieve maximum depth of field, so give preference to Av (Aperture Priority mode). Take photos in RAW format. This mode saves maximum information about the image, which can be useful in the future if it is necessary to process and adjust the main criteria.

On a sunny day, it is better to use fill flash - it will optimally highlight the shadows, making the photo brighter and more saturated.

When viewing photos, pay attention to the histogram. This will avoid overexposure and underexposed areas in the photo. You can read more about what a histogram is and how to properly use such an essential tool for a photographer in the material.

Try to take photographs at the closest possible distance to the subject - this way the pictures will turn out to be of the highest quality and most beautiful. Often on cloudy days, pictures turn out gray and featureless. The correct exposure settings will help you avoid this - make an adjustment by + 0.5 - +1 EV. When shooting bright subjects, such as people wearing white clothes, open the aperture 1-2 stops more.

Architecture in travel photos

Travelers photograph not only their fellow travelers, natives and magnificent nature, but also architectural landmarks. How to convey their power, grandeur and beauty in a photo? The right angle is important. Often, to find it, you need to make several attempts, photograph the same architectural object from different sides and choose the most successful viewing angle.

by Daniel Cheong

The next important point is the time of day. Let it be morning. During these hours the object is best illuminated. Shoot while others are sleeping - there are always a lot of people near the main attractions during the day, which means it won't be easy to create a beautiful photo. When photographing architectural objects, pay attention to the little things, because not only the overall architectural ensemble is important, but also its components - bas-relief, modeling, decoration. Shooting monuments and buildings at night deserves special attention, since lighting (either on-site or on the street) makes them unique and completely different. Doubt your knowledge? Read the material .

Common mistakes when photographing while traveling

Basic mistakes that significantly reduce the quality of photographs are often repeated by many travelers. For example, “soap” photos. The image may become unclear for several reasons:

  • long exposure photography - ;
  • shooting moving objects - you need to change the settings;
  • hand trembling - you should fix the camera. Need a tripod or .

An uneven horizon is another common mistake that can ruin an otherwise successful photo.

Often in the camera you can turn on the marking - a grid of thirds. It makes it easier to control the horizon line. If you were unable to follow this moment in time, be sure to use a photo editor and still align the horizon line.

Also pay attention to “cut” items. Sometimes we become so focused on the subject that we miss important details. As a result, the peak of the building or the model’s legs do not fit into the frame, or, conversely, unnecessary pieces of poles, garbage cans, and bags of things appear. It is very important to learn how to frame correctly.

by FaceChoo Yong

It all depends on the situation. It is better to shoot a tall building vertically. You can capture a beautiful panorama in the frame if you move away. However, remember: by increasing the distance, you risk deteriorating the quality of the image. If something important does not fit into the frame, it is better to take several separate photos with fragments of the object and combine them into a panoramic shot.




(Source: )

Good photos are not an accident at all, but a set of rules that are effective not only for those with impeccable appearance. Pros do this...

When posing while sitting in a swimsuit (for men, in swimming trunks), you should turn halfway to the person taking the photo. The lower part of the body can be turned towards the camera, and the body can be turned to the side (and vice versa). Women should also place one foot slightly in front of the other and extend the toe of the foot towards the camera, this will visually make their legs longer. Many people want to take pictures on the beach, lying in the surf or on a sun lounger. In this case, it is best to bend your legs so that the body does not appear flat and lacking volume in the picture. In addition, the lower part of the body will appear slimmer in this case. Many people, without noticing it, hunch over in the photo. Well, you'll have to straighten your shoulders, at least for vacation photos. To do this, you can imagine that you are trying to hold some object (for example, a ball) between your shoulder blades. LET'S THINK YOUR WAIST A big problem with many vacation photos is the excess weight of those posing. Of course, you can’t hide it in your pocket, but you can do something. A double chin developed over the winter months can be hidden in photographs by posing with your head held high. This angle will make the neck longer (or at least indicate its presence) and, in general, will give a more confident appearance. You should not lie heavily, as if pressed into the surface, and also stand completely straight - this will make your not-too-flat stomach protrude even more. It is better to bend your back quite a bit in the lumbar region. GREETINGS FROM THE BEACH Taking a selfie on the beach and posting it on social networks is sacred. But how to ensure that it becomes an object of admiration and likes, and not a reason for friendly jokes? Let us turn to the experience of American socialite Kim Kardashian, wife of rapper Kanye West. The girl’s photographs on her social media pages regularly break popularity records, collecting hundreds of thousands and even millions of likes. The Kardashians are especially good at taking selfies. To look good in them, Kim, who is naturally somewhat plump, always takes portrait photographs half-turned. According to her, this allows you to hide plump cheeks, slight asymmetry of the eyebrows, and distract attention from a wide nose. But for half-length portraits, Kardashian does not recommend this angle, because it will make the arms look thicker than they actually are. Or, the star believes, your hands should be raised higher, towards the neck and head. The southern sun is merciless to facial imperfections, but you can try to turn its brightness to your benefit. Make sure that when shooting, the light falls directly on your face, and not from the side or back - this way the rays will naturally hide skin imperfections. Nasolabial folds are another aesthetic problem that can be easily hidden in photographs. It’s worth trying to breathe not through your nose, but through your mouth when shooting - this will relax your muscles and allow you to smooth out nasolabial folds.


It is believed that it is not appropriate for a man to worry about such trifles as “looking good in photographs.” But it can also be unpleasant for representatives of the stronger sex to see themselves looking awkward in vacation photo reports. Ed Westwick is a good example: the actor often poses with one leg slightly forward and one hand in his pants or shorts pocket. This pose allows you to look confident and relaxed in the photo, but not picturesque. Who wants to take care of their hair while on vacation? That's why photographs so often feature intricate cowlicks, spontaneous mohawks and bald patches provoked by an insidious wind. In this case, our role model is David Beckham, whose hair is rumored to be starting to thin out a bit. For this occasion, the football player got himself a whole collection of stylish hats, and now he is not afraid of sudden meetings with the paparazzi. It is best to stock up on baseball caps, caps, Panama hats or fedoras for vacation photo shoots if, like Beckham, you are not sure about the ideality of your hair on your head

Summer is in full swing, which means it's time to go on a long-awaited vacation, taking with you all the essentials, including a camera. Few ordinary people can afford to go on a safari or to distant tropical countries, but despite this, any trip and trip with the family can be made exciting, interesting and memorable.

In this short lesson we will clearly demonstrate how a vacation can be fun and bright, and how to correctly and successfully capture it with your camera. The emphasis in the article is placed specifically on the photographic component of your vacation.

Don't get hung up on the photo

No matter how surprising it may sound, we urge you not to focus your attention only on photography. Arriving in a new place, every passionate photographer strives to photograph as much as possible, depicting the object from all sorts of angles and angles. But this is not entirely true. All the brightest moments of your vacation, one way or another, will remain in your memory, which means don’t spend all your time taking photos. Automatic framing inside your camera can significantly narrow the field of view that is actually in front of you. In addition, do not shoot the same thing all the time, so when you arrive home, you may find hundreds of identical sunset frames on your memory card, simply taken on different days. Only at home you will understand that it would be much more reasonable to choose one evening and photograph the sunset.

Constantly taking pictures and not letting go of the camera can deprive you of pleasant moments of relaxation with your family.

Get up early - walk longer

Despite the fact that most people associate vacation with doing absolutely nothing, getting enough sleep and relaxing, good photos don’t come out that easy. It is known that the best time for photography is at sunrise or sunset, when the light is soft and warm. Perhaps, in order to capture beautiful city or natural landscapes, you will have to get up early one day, so as not to miss the golden time of photography. After several hours of filming, you'll be just in time to meet your family for breakfast.

Involve children in the filming process

Not all children like to be photographed - this is a fact, they often feel awkward and insecure in front of the camera, but the process of shooting and the opportunity to photograph something on their own would certainly captivate every child. Tell your child about your idea for shooting, and he will be interested in walking and taking pictures with you. It would be better to give the child a compact camera, no matter how heavy it may be for the child.

Avoid staged shots

If you want to take beautiful, sincere and memorable shots of your family, treat the shooting like a photojournalist. You take pictures casually and discreetly. As practice shows, it is spontaneous and unstaged photographs that look the most attractive.

Take photos quickly and efficiently

Don't delay shooting. If you are photographing your family, try to take the photo quickly so that the photographing process does not bore your loved ones. People quickly get tired of taking photos, having to sit in one position and waiting for the proverbial “bird” to fly out when taking a photo. Make the process exciting, perhaps humorous or even playful, so that all participants in the photo shoot enjoy the process


In conclusion, I would like to ask all vacationing photographers not to forget that vacation is, first of all, a pleasant time with family, which means photography should just be a pleasant addition, and not the main purpose of the vacation. Shoot for your own pleasure and the pleasure of your loved ones. Don’t bother or burden your loved ones with endless photographs and trips along photo routes.

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