How to make lottery balls. How to make a lottery drum with your own hands. The simplest do-it-yourself drums

An excellent lottery drum for home competitions can be made from plastic bottles (it will turn out great). The device will turn out beautiful, stylish, and quite efficient. How to make a lottery drum with your own hands in just half an hour?

How to make a lottery drum with your own hands? Starting with a drum

Take two identical plastic bottles. Cut off the bottom of the first, and the neck of the second. Next, tape the bottom of one bottle to the cut of the other. This is the basic blank of the lototron. So that the seam does not spoil the overall look, cover the entire cut line with a strip of elegant self-adhesive. Apply the same decor symmetrically on the opposite side.

ticket window

Cut a U-shaped door in the center of the plastic drum about the width of your hand. Bend back the formed valve, and then quickly heat and cool the hall to fix the door in the “open” position. How to close it? Make two narrow slots, and insert a tape made from the remains of a plastic bottle into them.


Cut out a rectangle with two triangular "wings" from a rigid material. At the same time, the stand, namely you are doing it now, should be much longer and wider than the drum. Then set the side triangles upright, and put the glued bottle on the frame - using the most ordinary knitting needle as an axis.

How to make a lottery drum with your own hands? finishing touch

Now it's time to test your homemade product. Does the structure remain stable and does the drum rotate easily? So, you managed to make a lottery drum with your own hands.

Materials: a large box of paid cardboard, cutting boards 22 cm long, 2 pcs., Pieces of timber 8 gm long, 2 pcs., Metal knitting needle or thin wooden nail file 40-50 cm, acrylic paints, self-tapping screws 4 pcs.,
traffic jams. 2 pcs.

Tools: breadboard knife, glue gun, sandpaper, drill, drill.

1. Using a breadboard knife, cut out parts with allowances for gluing from thick cardboard - 2 bottom parts and the main part of the drum. Slightly pressing the knife, draw fold lines on the main part. Use a craft knife to cut out a “door” on three sides on one of the sides of the drum. On the fourth side, run a knife with light pressure so that the “door” opens without creases.
2. Sand the ends of the boards and bars with sandpaper. Screw a piece of timber onto the screws to each board to make a stable structure. At the same height, drill the doek through - so that the knitting needle enters them too.
3. Glue the drum, pre-piercing the centers of the bottom parts so that the knitting needle can be passed through them.
4. Assemble the structure. Glue a piece of cork
to the body of the drum so that it rotates with the spoke. Glue pieces of cork to the ends of the knitting needles. Paint the drum or cover it with colored paper. On the "door" glue the handle - a piece of cork.

Source magazine handmade.

Greetings, dear friends!

If you like to organize non-trivial holidays with fun games and contests, and you still don’t have your own lottery drum, then I’m not even going, but flying to you on cardboard wings :). Holiday lotteries are guaranteed to cheer up both adults and children. Moreover, in order for everything to pass, as they say, “at the level”, it is not at all necessary to buy ready-made accessories in stores (and for you and me, handmade fans, this is even somehow indecent). Good and functional lottery drum you can easily and naturally do it yourself from cardboard, and I'll show you how. And if you connect your imagination, you can discover a number of implicit, sometimes downright magical, possibilities for its use both during celebrations and in everyday life.

What can a lottery drum be used for?

At first glance, the question seems rhetorical, but still, let's try to classify our views on this matter.

1. Ordinary paid lotteries, the proceeds of which will be used to fuel the budget or for charitable purposes.

2. Holiday lotteries designed to entertain the participants of the celebration. And here various options are possible - from win-win lotteries with symbolic prizes to contests with comic tasks.

With the first two options, in general, everything is clear, but what's next? And then you can load the lottery drum with “predictions”, and then you get the third option.

3. Attraction "Drum of Fate". Do you want to know what awaits you in the near future? No need to go to a fortuneteller, everything is at hand;).

4. Advent calendar. This is another alternative use of the lottery drum. All of you are probably already well acquainted with this cute custom, when a special calendar is made for a child a few weeks before Christmas or New Year, in each cell of which some small surprise is hidden. The number of cells and surprises corresponds to the number of days left until the expected holiday.

There are countless varieties of advent calendars, and every year, thanks to the inexhaustible imagination of thousands of needlewomen, more and more new modifications appear. Actually, nothing prevents us from saying our weighty word on this topic =).

The principle of operation of our drum-type advent calendar is extremely simple and understandable: we load the required number of capsule-boxes with mini-presents or tips on where to find them into the drum, and you're done. By the way, the cardboard box with gems, which I talked about earlier, “works” on the same principle.

Do you think it will be interesting for a child to spin the drum every day and receive unexpected gifts? I'm sure yes! :) You will prepare for the New Year, take the idea into service. And by the way, it is not at all necessary to be limited only to the New Year and Christmas holidays. You can activate a rotating advent calendar with no less success on the eve of your birthday or other significant dates.

5. "Magic Wish Drum". It was in this capacity that our cardboard lottery drum appeared at our house.

We all often wish each other that our dreams come true. It is clear that nothing happens in this life by itself, but deep down in the soul there is still a hope for a miracle or good luck, which will facilitate and shorten the path to the desired goal. Apparently, this comes from childhood, when the magic and miracles from fairy tales are as real as the paper from which books are made.

As for children, then, of course, the main "wizards" who help to bring children's dreams to life are adults. But, as you know, all magic requires a ritual. And in our case, the "magic drum of desires" helped to combine the realities of life with children's expectations of a miracle. Its secret is that all the desires that the child extracts from the drum will certainly come true in the very near future.

Desires can be absolutely anything, both related to shopping in the store for some cherished gizmos, and not related to them (for example, a joint country trip, visiting an interesting place, building a dollhouse, etc.). The latter are even better. The main thing is that the desires are within the power of the "genie" from the "magic drum", the role of which is played by the parents :).

How do desires get into the drum? Yes, very simple. Who better than parents to know about the innermost desires of their children? Or you can invite the child to tell the “magic drum” about his desires. Both of these options work the same way. Our son never had any doubts about the magical abilities of the drum.

Well, it doesn't matter which lottery drum use case you choose. First of all, you need to have it. Therefore, let's move on to the practical part and find out how to make a lottery with your own hands.

Master Class:

cardboard lottery drum

For work, we need the following materials and tools:

- three-layer corrugated cardboard (about 3 mm thick);

- a little kraft paper or any other paper;

White office paper (for printing templates);

- wooden skewer (for barbecue);

- stationery knife;

- a tool for creasing (I told about what kind of tool is suitable in the MK for making a safe from cardboard);

- ruler and pencil (or pen);

- Moment glue, glue stick, PVA glue.

As capsules for the drum, it is quite possible to use containers from kinder surprises. They will look great. But you can make capsule boxes with your own hands. For this I used corrugated cardboard for creativity, and in my opinion it turned out quite interesting.

We will also need templates that will make it easier to create individual parts of our drum:

Production of a lottery drum.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare a development of the drum body. To do this, we need a sheet of corrugated cardboard larger than 600 × 260 mm. Draw a sweep on it using a template 1 printed on regular office paper and cut out. As you can see, the hull development contains 5 whole faces and 2 halves along the edges (there are special marks on the template to split the face in half).

Using Templates 2, 8, 9 and 10 cut out the corresponding parts of the body and support. At the same time, parts under the number 9 you need to cut 4 pieces, the rest - 2 pieces each. By using double parts, we will increase the strength and rigidity of the drum structure.

Important point: details under number 8 - future side pillars of the support - must be cut so that the waves of the corrugated cardboard layer are located vertically. It is also necessary for strength.

To create 10 mm holes, you can use a punch. We recently purchased a set of punches for leather "Bison" - I must say, this is a very convenient tool for punching even holes in cardboard.

If there were no punches at hand, it doesn’t matter - holes can be cut with a breadboard knife. All possible irregularities will then be smoothed out during the operation of the lottery drum.

Cut out the details 3, 4, 5, 6 (2 pcs.), 7 and 11 (2 pcs.).

Now let's prepare the parts for the next assembly. We glue the parts in pairs 8 , and glue circles to them 9 so that the holes line up.

At the block with the damper we glue the parts together 4 and 7 . And the parts glued together 6 (this is a handle) glued to the damper 5 closed close to the edge of the window.

This is what the block with the valve assembled looks like.

Next, glue the body of the drum. To do this, we combine the halves of the faces along the edges end-to-end and glue the part on them from the inside 3 . With this method, the seam will practically not be visible, and from an aesthetic point of view, this is very cool =).

After that, we glue hexagonal parts to the body on the sides 2 .

And on the edge with the window we glue an already prepared block with a damper. We check that the damper is functioning properly. If at first she walks tight and even gets stuck a little, it's okay - in the process she will rub in and work perfectly.

Let's start assembling the support of the lottery drum. Here you don’t even need glue, we assemble it like a constructor :).

I think everything is very clear here. I will only add that the details 11 are also glued to each other, and the parts 10 (bottom) I did not glue, they are already fixed perfectly.

It remains to make the axles on which our cardboard lottery drum will rotate. The role of the axes will be played by "bolts" with "gadgets" made of paper. I used kraft paper so that the whole product was in the same color scheme, but any paper can be used. Moreover, approaches to the final appearance of the product can be different.

The manufacturing technology of paper "bolts" is as follows. We tightly wind and glue the paper onto a wooden skewer until the diameter of the roll is 10 mm (this process is described in detail in the master class on creating a cardboard garage). The length of the roll should be such that it is possible to cut off 2 cylinders of 35 mm each (i.e. more than 70 mm, since the edges will also need to be trimmed).

But before cutting, it is necessary to rewind the paper smeared with glue-pencil on the prepared roll up to a diameter of 15 mm. The resulting roll must then be removed from the first one and cut with a clerical knife into cylinders 10 mm high (it is possible and even more convenient to cut without removing it from the first roll, but you need to act with extreme caution).

We also cut the first roll into 2 cylinders 35 mm long. The skewer remains inside (it is glued).

Glue 2 "gadgets" to long cylinders - and the "bolts" are ready.

We complete the assembly by fixing the drum on the support with the help of "bolts" with "gadgets".

Production of capsules-boxes for the lottery drum.

Using the templates printed on plain paper (they are included), I cut out the necessary details from colored corrugated cardboard for creativity and 2 circles from ordinary corrugated cardboard packaging. In addition, the round templates themselves will come in handy (they are not required, I used them so that the inner walls and bottom of the box were in the same color).

We glue colored and white circles from different sides to the circles from the packaging corrugated cardboard. And we glue a large rectangle into a cylinder (the width of the seam is 10-11 mm). When gluing, it is advisable to compare the diameter of the cylinder with the diameter of the cardboard circles, so that later everything matches exactly.

When gluing colored cardboard strips (both wide and narrow), flatten (for example, with a scissors handle) the corrugation in the seam area, then the latter will be practically invisible.

Glue narrow strips to the ends of the circles. To do this, grease the ends with Moment glue using a toothpick.

The result should be such lids. In the process of gluing, it will also not be superfluous to try on covers for the main cylinder.

We put the lids on the cylinder, and the capsule for the lottery drum (and also a very nice corrugated cardboard box) is completely ready.

It remains to make the required number of such capsules, fill them with the appropriate contents (depending on the chosen option for using the product) and load them into the drum.

You can run a lottery. Let's start the drum! Wow-ah-ah-ah-ah

Feel the momentum? :) That's how it really is.

Well, now you know how to make a lottery with your own hands. And what else can be done from cardboard with your own hands, and, most importantly, how to do it, you will learn from the following master classes. Don't forget to subscribe to site updates so you don't miss anything.

By the way, one of the wishes of our son, which was recently fulfilled by the “magic drum”, is to make a trip to the mountain river. There is a mountain in our neighborhood Alluive(the name comes from the Sami words "all" - "high" - and "uive" - ​​"top of the mountain"), along the slope of which the river flows Shomyok(more precisely, not even a river, but a stream, but this does not detract from the impression of the trip). That's where we went.

We were lucky, and along the way we picked up some mushrooms (just enough for soup).

The last gifts of this autumn.

Of course, Volodya was the chief mushroom picker, or, as he called himself, "head of mushrooms" :).

Cowberries were good, as they say, in the juice itself =)

And finally, the goal of our trip is the mountain stream Shomyok.

From there, our urban-type settlement seems to be quite tiny, lost in the forest :)

It was not an easy journey for our little boy. He rode part of the way on his father's shoulders. But Volodya was satisfied with the impressions received and, of course, was proud of his trophy - a whole package of mushrooms.

Another dream come true!

May your dreams come true in time! But do not forget that dreams become reality when thoughts turn into purposeful actions.

Yours Inna Pyshkina.

* * *

PS. And here is another version of a cardboard lottery drum made according to our templates.

This “golden” drum was made by Marina Kurshait, a great lover of paper and cardboard art. You can get acquainted with some of her wonderful works on our website: cardboard photo frames,.

Here the details of the drum are pasted over with golden cardboard. Sections are pasted over with strips of two-layer corrugated cardboard. And a bottle cap is glued on the door as a handle (to make it easier to open).

Great option for holiday lotteries!

If you think that nothing but your headache will come from a children's drum, you are mistaken. There are many benefits to be gained from this craft. Even if you decided on it on the instructions of a kindergarten teacher.

A do-it-yourself drum for a kindergarten is often offered to be done not in order to add worries to parents. Most likely, this is done for some kind of developmental activities or matinees, which in itself is a sacred thing.

Among other usefulness, there is one, not entirely serious advice, rather a joke. But as you know, in every joke there is some truth. See how else you can use a children's homemade drum, if you have already decided to do it yourself.

Look around and you'll find all sorts of used packages, tins and other things that can be turned into a beautifully beating drum. Even if you haven't stocked anything for crafts, everything can be found in the house.

Yes, and there are benefits for your family and at home in this activity (or you can find it, if you wish). There would be a desire, but there is always a reason ...

Why make a drum

For example:

  • Joint creativity, as you know, brings together.
  • It's a fun activity to make such a cool toy yourself.
  • An excellent opportunity to develop a sense of rhythm and train coordination of movements. Try to march yourself, and beat the drum, maintaining the rhythm.
  • An occasion to offer the child not just to beat with drumsticks, but to try to play a familiar song in rhythm.
  • You can keep a child busy in the country with a homemade drum for a long time, which is also a plus.
  • If you want to take revenge on noisy neighbors in a city apartment, a drum and a child are just what you need (just kidding, but ...).

Do not forget to buy earplugs or a pair of headphones for each family member who is not participating in the action of retribution.

The simplest do-it-yourself drums

Coffee tin

This do-it-yourself drum is the simplest craft of all that we will now offer you. A coffee tin with a plastic lid is all you need. So that the lid does not come off every now and then, fix it on a film and, for fidelity, put it on glue.

Holes in the cover, which will be the impact surface, can not be perforated, that is, do not make holes in it. The sound will be muffled, but it will be. And our drum will not break through.

Do an experiment and see what kind of sound the sticks make. You can use Chinese chopsticks for sushi by wrapping (tightly) cotton balls around them. Well, you also have to take care of the rope with which your proud drummer will hang a new toy around his neck.

Although for the delicate neck of the child it is better to take a wide ribbon or a mother's gas scarf. Here you will have to show ingenuity: involve dad and tools or tie a cunning knot around the can.

But this must be done in such a way that the tape does not tear off the already not very firmly seated cover. Otherwise, you will not end up with tears.

Cool drum from a plastic bucket with a lid

A very simple and most successful drum made of a plastic bucket with a lid. (It’s better not to come up with neighbors for revenge (again, a joke ...). You can decorate or decorate it as your fantasy tells. You need to take a bucket of the size or make several drums of different sizes to get a whole drum set. Their covers hold firmly and take care of that she won't have to fly.

We make sticks from improvised materials, pencils, felt-tip pens, and a design like the one in the photo are suitable. Even mom's silicone brushes for greasing the pan will give an interesting sound. Let the child try the sound of whatever he wants. Don't nip the fantasies of a future celebrity in the bud.

Hanging such a drum-bucket around your neck is not just easy, but very simple. Therefore, this homemade drum is number one among do-it-yourself drums in terms of ease of execution, sound volume and time costs.

Corrugated cardboard drum

You will have to sit over this drum and it is hardly suitable for an enthusiastic drummer. Something tells me it won't last long. Rather, a decorative option (for show, so to speak), but it has the right to life. The main thing is that it looks good and a do-it-yourself drum for kindergarten will be made. For check.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step photos of a drum from a can

Not the easiest way to make a drum with your own hands for kindergarten. But if you can find a tape that's thick enough for the hitting surface, or a tape that can handle the tightest tension possible, your drum will be a drumming winner.

DIY souvenir drum

To decorate the premises of kindergarten groups for New Year's parties, a paper drum is perfect. Often they are asked to do something New Year's with their own hands for New Year's decoration.

What do parents do the most? That's right, Christmas compositions with cones. Your decorative drum will stand out against the general background of New Year's crafts and educators will be sincerely grateful to you. Original jewelry is always in short supply.

Drum made of paper, cotton buds and gift paper with a printed or musical print

Such a paper drum will require rolls of scotch tape, or cardboard cartridges from paper towels. The size of the drum also depends on the size of the cardboard cartridge. Twine, and wire, and beads, and even the remnants of thread from knitting will come in handy.

You can make a very small paper drum and hand it to the paws of a teddy bear or doll. Put under the Christmas tree or hang on branches as Christmas decorations. It can be used in garlands or as an element of a winter composition to decorate a room.

A do-it-yourself drum for a kindergarten can be both real, performing its musical functions, and symbolic. Listen to the request of the educators and specify for what purpose they are asked to make a drum with their own hands.

Where will it be used and what quality should it be. We have provided you with options. Go ahead and be sure to involve children in the creativity. They remember such moments for the rest of their lives, in contrast to the joint viewing of regular cartoons.

Greetings, dear friends!

If you like to organize non-trivial holidays with fun games and contests, and you still don’t have your own lottery drum, then I’m not even going, but flying to you on cardboard wings :). Holiday lotteries are guaranteed to cheer up both adults and children. Moreover, in order for everything to pass, as they say, “at the level”, it is not at all necessary to buy ready-made accessories in stores (and for you and me, handmade fans, this is even somehow indecent). Good and functional lottery drum you can easily and naturally do it yourself from cardboard, and I'll show you how. And if you connect your imagination, you can discover a number of implicit, sometimes downright magical, possibilities for its use both during celebrations and in everyday life.

What can a lottery drum be used for?

At first glance, the question seems rhetorical, but still, let's try to classify our views on this matter.

1. Ordinary paid lotteries, the proceeds of which will be used to fuel the budget or for charitable purposes.

2. Holiday lotteries designed to entertain the participants of the celebration. And here various options are possible - from win-win lotteries with symbolic prizes to contests with comic tasks.

With the first two options, in general, everything is clear, but what's next? And then you can load the lottery drum with “predictions”, and then you get the third option.

3. Attraction "Drum of Fate". Do you want to know what awaits you in the near future? No need to go to a fortuneteller, everything is at hand;).

4. Advent calendar. This is another alternative use of the lottery drum. All of you are probably already well acquainted with this cute custom, when a special calendar is made for a child a few weeks before Christmas or New Year, in each cell of which some small surprise is hidden. The number of cells and surprises corresponds to the number of days left until the expected holiday.

There are countless varieties of advent calendars, and every year, thanks to the inexhaustible imagination of thousands of needlewomen, more and more new modifications appear. Actually, nothing prevents us from saying our weighty word on this topic =).

The principle of operation of our drum-type advent calendar is extremely simple and understandable: we load the required number of capsule-boxes with mini-presents or tips on where to find them into the drum, and you're done. By the way, the cardboard box with gems, which I talked about earlier, “works” on the same principle.

Do you think it will be interesting for a child to spin the drum every day and receive unexpected gifts? I'm sure yes! :) You will prepare for the New Year, take the idea into service. And by the way, it is not at all necessary to be limited only to the New Year and Christmas holidays. You can activate a rotating advent calendar with no less success on the eve of your birthday or other significant dates.

5. "Magic Wish Drum". It was in this capacity that our cardboard lottery drum appeared at our house.

We all often wish each other that our dreams come true. It is clear that nothing happens in this life by itself, but deep down in the soul there is still a hope for a miracle or good luck, which will facilitate and shorten the path to the desired goal. Apparently, this comes from childhood, when the magic and miracles from fairy tales are as real as the paper from which books are made.

As for children, then, of course, the main "wizards" who help to bring children's dreams to life are adults. But, as you know, all magic requires a ritual. And in our case, the "magic drum of desires" helped to combine the realities of life with children's expectations of a miracle. Its secret is that all the desires that the child extracts from the drum will certainly come true in the very near future.

Desires can be absolutely anything, both related to shopping in the store for some cherished gizmos, and not related to them (for example, a joint country trip, visiting an interesting place, building a dollhouse, etc.). The latter are even better. The main thing is that the desires are within the power of the "genie" from the "magic drum", the role of which is played by the parents :).

How do desires get into the drum? Yes, very simple. Who better than parents to know about the innermost desires of their children? Or you can invite the child to tell the “magic drum” about his desires. Both of these options work the same way. Our son never had any doubts about the magical abilities of the drum.

Well, it doesn't matter which lottery drum use case you choose. First of all, you need to have it. Therefore, let's move on to the practical part and find out how to make a lottery with your own hands.

Master Class:

cardboard lottery drum

For work, we need the following materials and tools:

- three-layer corrugated cardboard (about 3 mm thick);

- a little kraft paper or any other paper;

White office paper (for printing templates);

- wooden skewer (for barbecue);

- stationery knife;

- a tool for creasing (I told about what kind of tool is suitable in the MK for making a safe from cardboard);

- ruler and pencil (or pen);

- Moment glue, glue stick, PVA glue.

As capsules for the drum, it is quite possible to use containers from kinder surprises. They will look great. But you can make capsule boxes with your own hands. For this I used corrugated cardboard for creativity, and in my opinion it turned out quite interesting.

We will also need templates that will make it easier to create individual parts of our drum:

Production of a lottery drum.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare a development of the drum body. To do this, we need a sheet of corrugated cardboard larger than 600 × 260 mm. Draw a sweep on it using a template 1 printed on regular office paper and cut out. As you can see, the hull development contains 5 whole faces and 2 halves along the edges (there are special marks on the template to split the face in half).

Using Templates 2, 8, 9 and 10 cut out the corresponding parts of the body and support. At the same time, parts under the number 9 you need to cut 4 pieces, the rest - 2 pieces each. By using double parts, we will increase the strength and rigidity of the drum structure.

Important point: details under number 8 - future side pillars of the support - must be cut so that the waves of the corrugated cardboard layer are located vertically. It is also necessary for strength.

To create 10 mm holes, you can use a punch. We recently purchased a set of punches for leather "Bison" - I must say, this is a very convenient tool for punching even holes in cardboard.

If there were no punches at hand, it doesn’t matter - holes can be cut with a breadboard knife. All possible irregularities will then be smoothed out during the operation of the lottery drum.

Cut out the details 3, 4, 5, 6 (2 pcs.), 7 and 11 (2 pcs.).

Now let's prepare the parts for the next assembly. We glue the parts in pairs 8 , and glue circles to them 9 so that the holes line up.

At the block with the damper we glue the parts together 4 and 7 . And the parts glued together 6 (this is a handle) glued to the damper 5 closed close to the edge of the window.

This is what the block with the valve assembled looks like.

Next, glue the body of the drum. To do this, we combine the halves of the faces along the edges end-to-end and glue the part on them from the inside 3 . With this method, the seam will practically not be visible, and from an aesthetic point of view, this is very cool =).

After that, we glue hexagonal parts to the body on the sides 2 .

And on the edge with the window we glue an already prepared block with a damper. We check that the damper is functioning properly. If at first she walks tight and even gets stuck a little, it's okay - in the process she will rub in and work perfectly.

Let's start assembling the support of the lottery drum. Here you don’t even need glue, we assemble it like a constructor :).

I think everything is very clear here. I will only add that the details 11 are also glued to each other, and the parts 10 (bottom) I did not glue, they are already fixed perfectly.

It remains to make the axles on which our cardboard lottery drum will rotate. The role of the axes will be played by "bolts" with "gadgets" made of paper. I used kraft paper so that the whole product was in the same color scheme, but any paper can be used. Moreover, approaches to the final appearance of the product can be different.

The manufacturing technology of paper "bolts" is as follows. We tightly wind and glue the paper onto a wooden skewer until the diameter of the roll is 10 mm (this process is described in detail in the master class on creating a cardboard garage). The length of the roll should be such that it is possible to cut off 2 cylinders of 35 mm each (i.e. more than 70 mm, since the edges will also need to be trimmed).

But before cutting, it is necessary to rewind the paper smeared with glue-pencil on the prepared roll up to a diameter of 15 mm. The resulting roll must then be removed from the first one and cut with a clerical knife into cylinders 10 mm high (it is possible and even more convenient to cut without removing it from the first roll, but you need to act with extreme caution).

We also cut the first roll into 2 cylinders 35 mm long. The skewer remains inside (it is glued).

Glue 2 "gadgets" to long cylinders - and the "bolts" are ready.

We complete the assembly by fixing the drum on the support with the help of "bolts" with "gadgets".

Production of capsules-boxes for the lottery drum.

Using the templates printed on plain paper (they are included), I cut out the necessary details from colored corrugated cardboard for creativity and 2 circles from ordinary corrugated cardboard packaging. In addition, the round templates themselves will come in handy (they are not required, I used them so that the inner walls and bottom of the box were in the same color).

We glue colored and white circles from different sides to the circles from the packaging corrugated cardboard. And we glue a large rectangle into a cylinder (the width of the seam is 10-11 mm). When gluing, it is advisable to compare the diameter of the cylinder with the diameter of the cardboard circles, so that later everything matches exactly.

When gluing colored cardboard strips (both wide and narrow), flatten (for example, with a scissors handle) the corrugation in the seam area, then the latter will be practically invisible.

Glue narrow strips to the ends of the circles. To do this, grease the ends with Moment glue using a toothpick.

The result should be such lids. In the process of gluing, it will also not be superfluous to try on covers for the main cylinder.

We put the lids on the cylinder, and the capsule for the lottery drum (and also a very nice corrugated cardboard box) is completely ready.

It remains to make the required number of such capsules, fill them with the appropriate contents (depending on the chosen option for using the product) and load them into the drum.

You can run a lottery. Let's start the drum! Wow-ah-ah-ah-ah

Feel the momentum? :) That's how it really is.

Well, now you know how to make a lottery with your own hands. And what else can be done from cardboard with your own hands, and, most importantly, how to do it, you will learn from the following master classes. Don't forget to subscribe to site updates so you don't miss anything.

By the way, one of the wishes of our son, which was recently fulfilled by the “magic drum”, is to make a trip to the mountain river. There is a mountain in our neighborhood Alluive(the name comes from the Sami words "all" - "high" - and "uive" - ​​"top of the mountain"), along the slope of which the river flows Shomyok(more precisely, not even a river, but a stream, but this does not detract from the impression of the trip). That's where we went.

We were lucky, and along the way we picked up some mushrooms (just enough for soup).

The last gifts of this autumn.

Of course, Volodya was the chief mushroom picker, or, as he called himself, "head of mushrooms" :).

Cowberries were good, as they say, in the juice itself =)

And finally, the goal of our trip is the mountain stream Shomyok.

From there, our urban-type settlement seems to be quite tiny, lost in the forest :)

It was not an easy journey for our little boy. He rode part of the way on his father's shoulders. But Volodya was satisfied with the impressions received and, of course, was proud of his trophy - a whole package of mushrooms.

Another dream come true!

May your dreams come true in time! But do not forget that dreams become reality when thoughts turn into purposeful actions.

Yours Inna Pyshkina.

* * *

PS. And here is another version of a cardboard lottery drum made according to our templates.

This “golden” drum was made by Marina Kurshait, a great lover of paper and cardboard art. You can get acquainted with some of her wonderful works on our website: cardboard photo frames,.

Here the details of the drum are pasted over with golden cardboard. Sections are pasted over with strips of two-layer corrugated cardboard. And a bottle cap is glued on the door as a handle (to make it easier to open).

Great option for holiday lotteries!

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