How Sergey Brin founded the world's largest search engine, Google. Sergey Brin: biography, photo, weight and height, personal life Where did Sergey Brin study

Sergey Brin is the founder of Google, billionaire and philanthropist. Jeans, sneakers, a jacket and life without formalities - the concept of success of one of the richest people in the world. He was able to create a corporation in a garage and entered the Forbes list 7 years after that.

How the coolest search engine in the world appeared, what rules need to be followed in order to succeed and when YouTube became the property of Brin - the biography, fortune and history of the billionaire.

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Biography of Sergei Brin

  • August 21, 1973 born in Moscow.
  • 1979 — emigrated with his parents to America.
  • In 1993 received a bachelor's degree from the University of Maryland and a National Endowment scholarship ahead of schedule. The same year he entered Stanford University.
  • 1995 - received a master's degree, began working on a scientific dissertation, met Larry Page.
  • 1996 year - wrote a scientific paper about a search engine together with Page, launched the first page of the program
  • September 14, 1997 The domain was officially registered.
  • 1998 - search for investors, after which Google was registered on September 7. He left his studies at Stanford and started developing a search engine.
  • In 2001 In 2018, Google already employed more than 200 people.
  • 2004 – included in the Forbes list of the world's richest people with $4 billion.
  • In 2005 year, his fortune increased to $11 billion.
  • 2006– purchase of You Tube for $1.65 billion, which became part of the Google Video system.
  • 2007- got married.
  • In 2008 and 2011 years ago he became a father, raising a boy and a girl.
  • 2015 created the Alphabet corporation, which owns all the companies that belonged to Google.
  • In 2018– the corporation entered the TOP 500 best employers in the world.

Brin in the USSR

Sergei Mikhailovich Brin was born into a family of mathematicians in 1973 in Moscow. His parents, Jews by origin, were native Muscovites. My mother worked as an engineer, my father was a famous mathematician. There were times in the Soviet Union when science was not given enough attention.

Sergei's father was denied admission to graduate school and was allowed to attend scientific conferences abroad. Mikhail Brin wrote his dissertation on his own, without even hoping to defend it. In 1979, under the program of emigration between countries, which began to be carried out in the USSR, the father of the future genius was issued a visa to travel to the United States by private invitation.

Mikhail and his family - his wife, son and parents - left the Soviet Union. There were many mathematicians he knew in the USA with whom he communicated and conducted research.

At the age of 6, the Russian boy Sergei Brin turned into an American.

Brin in the USA

The family moved to College Park is a small town where the University of Maryland is located, where Sergei’s father got a job. Mom became a NASA specialist.

While still a student, the child surprised teachers with his homework, which he printed out on a printer. In the 70s, no one could even think about home computers and personal printers, because they were considered a luxury item.

Sergei’s father gave him a computer and a printer, thereby determining the boy’s future fate. From that moment on, all he had in his head was computers.

Where did Sergey Brin study?

After graduating from school, he entered University of Maryland, where my father and grandmother taught. He received his bachelor's degree with honors ahead of schedule and was awarded a scholarship for the development of science. Sergey went to Silicon Valley, the center of all the technical and innovative companies in the country, in order to develop his technical skills and make a choice in the field of high technology.

Having studied all the possibilities and offers, Sergey Brin chose the most prestigious computer university Stanford University.

Outsiders, when viewed from the outside, considered Brin to be a nerd, but he, like most of his peers, preferred parties and having fun over boring studies.

Of all the activities, he spent a lot of time only on gymnastics, dancing and swimming. Even then, an idea appeared in his brain, which in the future was implemented in the form of the Google search engine.

The history of the system’s appearance is quite comical: a young man loved to look at images of girls on the Playboy website, but he was too lazy to waste time looking for new photos, so he created a program that did the search itself and downloaded the pictures to his personal computer.

Sergey Brin and Larry Page - the story of acquaintance and partnership

While studying at Stanford, Brin met Larry Page. Together they created the world famous search engine. The first meeting of the two geniuses was not positive, since each of them was proud, ambitious, unyielding, but during their constant arguments, shouting and debates, the phrase “ search system", on which their relationship began to be built.

It is still unknown whether this meeting was fateful. Most critics are inclined to believe that if Sergei had not met Larry, Google might not have appeared. Unfortunately, it is not known why only Sergey Brin is often used as the founder, although this is incorrect. Google is a brilliant project of two programmers - Sergei and Larry.


After the idea appeared, the young people forgot about having fun and spent days creating their brainchild.

In 1996, the first Google page appeared on a computer at Stanford University. The first title was BackRub, which translated as “you give me I give you” and was the scientific work of two graduate students.

The server with the hard drive was located in Brin's dorm room, and the disk capacity was one terabyte. The principle of the system’s operation was not to easily find a page by request, but to sort them by the number of links, by their popularity. Google itself groups search results by the frequency of views by other users. It is this principle of searching and providing information that has been developed.

After defending their dissertation, Sergei and Larry began to improve the system, which was gaining popularity. By 1998, their imperfect graduation work was used by about 10,000 people.

The Russian proverb that initiative should be punished has found application to young people. The university’s service began to consume a lot of traffic, the main consumer of which was the new search engine, and the system also made it possible to view internal documents of the institution, access to which should have been limited. At this point, they wanted to expel Sergei and Larry and accused them of hooliganism. However, everything ended well and, leaving their studies on their own, they continued to improve the program.

New name Google meant “one followed by one hundred zeros.” The meaning of the name was that the database allows you to find information in a huge amount of data with a large number of users. The university equipment could not technically support such a volume of requests, so it was necessary to find an investor. The only one who responded to their proposal was the founder of the corporation Sun Microsystems Andy Bechtolsheim.

He did not listen to their presentation and immediately believed in success. The check was written 2 minutes after I found out the name of the new program. However, due to his carelessness, the investor indicated in it the name not Googol, but Google, and in order to receive money from the check, I had to register a company with that name.

The young people took academic leave. Over the course of a week, we called all our friends and relatives and collected money to register the company.

The first staff of the company was 4 people - Sergey Brin, Larry Page and 2 of their assistants. The bulk of the money was spent on developing the program and there was no money left for advertising. The efforts paid off. When in 1999 all major media outlets were already talking about a new and good Internet search engine. The number of users increased many times over; Brin and Larry noted that the system could not be limited to a few servers and was supported by several thousand personal computers.

Sergey Brin's net worth by year - financial achievements

At the end of the year, Google took first place in the top 100 largest global brands and its value reached $66 430 000 000 , which is higher than the indicators of such large corporations as Microsoft, General Electric, Coca-Cola.

In 2004, the company's shares rose sharply in price, Sergei and Larry achieved their success.

Sergey Brin lived for a long time in a 3-room apartment and drove an environmentally friendly Toyota Prius. But later he bought himself a house for $49 million, which consists of 42 rooms, the main ones of which are bedrooms, bathrooms, a fitness center, a swimming pool, a wine cellar, a bar and a basketball court.

The billionaire maintains a healthy lifestyle, plays sports and enjoys piloting aircraft. This hobby was the reason for the purchase of a Boeing 767 aircraft, which was called “Google Jet” for $25 million. Brin trains his skills on a training aircraft, and entrusted the management of the Jet to a professional team.

Family and personal life

For a long time, Sergey Brin devoted himself only to his program and, already having an impressive capital, started a family in 2007. The chosen one was a graduate of Yale University, a biologist by training, Anna Wojcicki.

In 2008, the couple had a son. Biji, in 2011 – daughter Chloe. However, the family broke up due to Sergei’s betrayal with his employee Amanda Rosenberg.

In 2015, the couple officially filed for divorce. He was never married again.

Sergey Brin and Jennifer Aniston

After the divorce in February 2017, unverified information began to appear that Jennifer Aniston meets with Sergey Brin. The reason for the relationship was Aniston’s reluctance to communicate with men in creative professions and colleagues in the film industry. They were introduced by a mutual friend Gwyneth Paltrow. However, the actress's official representative stated that these are rumors, and that Bryn and Aniston do not even know each other. Considering the dislike of rumor participants for publicity, there is no reliable information about their relationship, perhaps it will come later. Jennifer is currently filming a new film and enjoying happiness alone.

The presence of a billion dollar fortune and the success of the company did not spoil its founders. For a long time Larry, Sergey and the director of Google Eric Schmidt received an official salary of one dollar.

Brin has a great sense of humor; he owns one of the slogans:

“You can be serious in company without a suit.”

Google's office is located in the center of Silicon Valley. The concept of work in the company is organized in such a way as to make the work of employees easier and lift their spirits. It is in this combination that the founders believe their ability to work will be maximum. For company employees, there are roller hockey, massage, piano music, free coffee and drinks. You may see a cat or dog in the office corridors, as bringing pets to work is allowed.

Specialists can spend 20% of their working time as they wish - sleeping, dreaming, drinking coffee, running their own business. According to the company, it is in these 20% that the majority of all Google innovations are developed.

  • Brin and Page are the 26th richest people in the world.
  • Google donates 1% of its total profits to charity; over the 10 years of the company’s existence, this is more than $500 billion.

In Russia, Google is in second place after Yandex, but in Ukraine and Belarus it ranks first. Its total market share is 68%

Sergey Brin believes that the Internet should be free, and all information should be provided free of charge, therefore he perceives Apple and Facebook organizations negatively, since the concept of their work does not meet these requirements. Brin does not support the idea of ​​fighting online piracy due to the fact that it has become popular to block access to books, music, and films.

Wikipedia received $500 million from the billionaire for development, as it corresponds to his views and principles of free access to information.

He actively funds anti-aging programs after his mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Genetic studies have shown that Brin can also get sick. He ordered to calculate the gene that is responsible for the appearance and development of the disease. From a mathematical point of view, Sergei is sure that in biology it is quite possible to construct a disease code and eliminate the gene that causes harm, the main thing is to know what to correct.

Brin speaks positively about Russia, noting changes in the country, and does not officially confirm the phrase about “Nigeria in the snow,” which he said a long time ago under the influence of alcohol.

Brin believes that

“Everyone wants to succeed in life, but first and foremost I would like to be thought of as someone who came up with a lot of interesting things and ultimately managed to change the world for the better.”

He has many quotes that are used by managers all over the world because they are as precise and meaningful as computer code.

Sergey Brin's rules

Several rules of success are presented in his statements:

  1. Once there are too many rules, innovation disappears.
  2. Big problems are easier to solve than small ones.
  3. They always say that money can’t buy happiness. However, somewhere deep inside I always had the thought that a lot of money can still bring a piece of happiness. Actually this is not true.
  4. The more often you try and fail, the more likely you are to stumble upon something worthwhile.
  5. We should not be the same all the time, look back and sadly exclaim: “Oh, I wish everything would remain the same.”
  6. The Internet became great because it was open to everyone, there was no company that controlled it.
  7. We want Google to become the third part of your brain.
  8. Managing such a company is always a lot of stress. But I play sports.
  9. To do something important, you need to overcome the fear of failure.
  10. Always give more than expected.
  11. If we did everything for money, we would have sold the company long ago and relaxed on the beach.

Sergey Brin made a revolution thanks to his laziness, and later implemented in his search engine all the needs of an ordinary network user.

Sergey Brin is an American entrepreneur, specialist in the field of computer technology, information technology and economics. Together with Larry Page, he became the founder of the Google search engine.

Sergei was born in Moscow into a family of graduates of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, Mikhail Brin and Evgenia Krasnokutskaya, Jews by nationality. Sergei's family belonged to hereditary scientists. His paternal grandfather also studied mathematics, and his grandmother studied philology.

When the boy was five years old, the family immigrated to the United States under the resettlement program. Brin's father becomes an honorary professor at the University of Maryland, and his mother collaborates with serious companies NASA and HIAS.

Young Seryozha, like his parents, turned out to be a promising mathematician. In elementary school, the boy studied under the Montessori program. Sergei went to a school for gifted children and even at this level stood out for his abilities. On a computer donated by his father, the boy created his first programs and printed out his completed homework, surprising his teachers. The grandmother of the future genius lamented that Sergei had only computers in his head.

In high school, Brin visited the Soviet Union as part of an experience exchange program. After the young man saw life in his former homeland, Sergei thanked his father for taking him away from Russia.

Later, the young man will once again express an anti-Russian position, calling the development of this country “Nigeria in the snow,” and the government “a gang of bandits.” Seeing the resonance of such words, Sergey Brin abandoned these phrases and began to insist that he meant something else, and these sayings were twisted by journalists.

Business and technology

After school, the young man enters the University of Maryland and receives a bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Computer Systems. Brin completed his master's degree at the prestigious Stanford University in California. There, Sergei became seriously interested in Internet technologies and began developing a new search engine system.

At the university, Sergey Brin met graduate student Larry Page, which became a decisive moment in the biography of both computer geniuses.

At first, the young people were constant opponents in discussions, but gradually became friends and even wrote a joint scientific work, “Anatomy of a large-scale hypertext Internet search system,” in which they proposed a new principle of data processing for searching information on the global Web. This work eventually became the 10th most popular of all Stanford scientific papers.

In 1994, a young experimenter created a program that automatically searched for new images on the Playboy website and uploaded photographs to Brin’s computer memory.

But gifted mathematicians decided not to leave scientific work solely on paper. On its basis, programmers created the student search engine Back Rub, which proved the validity of this idea. Sergey and Larry came up with the idea of ​​not just displaying the result of processing a search request, but ranking the received data according to demand among other users. Now this is the norm for all systems.

In 1998, as graduate students at the university, young people decided to sell their own idea, but no one dared to make such an acquisition. Then, after creating a business plan, which showed that an amount of $1 million was needed for initial capital, the young people decided to open a business themselves. Money had to be borrowed from relatives, friends and colleagues. Both Brin and Page left graduate school.

Having improved some aspects of their brainchild, the programmers turned university development into a large-scale business. The new system was named “Googol”, which means “one with one hundred zeros”.

Well, the name known throughout the world today was due to a mistake. When young people were looking for investors, only the head of Sun Microsystems, Andy Bechtolsheim, responded to their call. The businessman believed the young geniuses and wrote a check for a tidy sum, but not in the name of the registered “Googol”, but in the name of the non-existent “Google Inc”.

Soon the media started talking about the new search engine. Google raised its head even further when it survived the “dot-com crash” of the early 2000s, when hundreds of Internet companies went bankrupt one after another.

In 2007, David Wise and Mark Malseed created a book about the unique search engine Google. A Breakthrough in the Zeitgeist,” which described the success story of each of the co-founders of the search engine and their achievements.

Sergey Brin believes that the Apple and Facebook organizations undermine the main idea of ​​the Internet as a free Network and free access to any information. The businessman also categorically disagrees with the idea of ​​fighting against Internet piracy and closing free access to books, music, and films.

Personal life

For a long time, Sergei Brin’s personal life was in the background. Already famous and incredibly wealthy, Sergey Brin started a family. The programmer’s wife was Anna Wojcicki, a graduate of Yale University in Biology and the founder of her own company 23andMe. The wedding took place in 2007 in the Bahamas, and a year later the couple had a son, Benji. In 2011, the family expanded again: they now had a daughter.

Unfortunately, the birth of a girl did not strengthen the marital relationship. Two years later, because of Sergei’s affair with corporate employee Amanda Rosenberg, Brin and Wojcicki separated, and in 2015 they officially filed for divorce.

Sergey Brin is engaged in gigantic charitable investments. In particular, the entrepreneur donated $500 thousand to support the Wikipedia project, which, according to the American entrepreneur, exactly meets the principles of free access to information.

Together with Larry Page, Sergei is involved in the fight against aging and finances a number of projects in this area. After Brin's mother fell ill with Parkinson's disease, and a genetic analysis showed that he himself had a predisposition to this disease, the businessman ordered a biological corporation to calculate how the gene changes in this disease. The mathematician is confident that correcting an error in genetics is no more difficult than in computer code. It is only important to know what to fix.

Since Brin and Page launched the development of interactive glasses-video camera “Google Glass”, Sergey has not parted with them either at home, or on the street, or at work. And in all photographs since 2013 he appears with this “wearable computer” on his face.

Sergey Brin is far from kitsch and luxury in everyday life. But the creator of Google eventually decided to change his home to a more comfortable one. In New Jersey, a programmer purchased a house worth $49 million. The mansion consists of 42 rooms, most of which are bedrooms and bathrooms. In addition to living quarters, the house has a swimming pool, fitness center, basketball court, wine cellars and bars.

Sergey Brin is interested in innovation and technological projects, as can be seen from the photo from his official Instagram. A young man maintains a healthy lifestyle and sports. Sergei's hobbies include piloting an aircraft.

The extreme hobby began with the purchase of a Boeing 767-200 aircraft, which was called the “Google Jet,” together with Page. Its cost was $25 million. But, of course, the programmer trusts the flights to professionals, being content with rare flights on a training ship.

Sergey Brin now

The company of Sergey Brin and Larry Page continues to develop. The main office is located in the center of Silicon Valley. The democratic attitude towards employees amazes even seasoned observers.

Employees are allowed to do personal business 20% of the time, come to work with their four-legged pets, and play sports games on Saturdays. The corporation's canteen is served only by chefs with the highest category. Both co-founders of Google never completed graduate school, so Eric Schmidt, a doctor of technical sciences, was invited to replace the CEO, and they themselves limited themselves to the positions of presidents.

Condition assessment

In 2016, the popular Forbes magazine ranked Brin 13th in its ranking of the richest people in the world. The financial growth of Google Inc began in 2004, and soon both Google co-founders began calling themselves billionaires. In 2018, according to financier estimates, Sergey Brin’s fortune was $47.2 billion. Larry Page is ahead of his colleague by $1.3 billion.

Sergey Mikhailovich Brin is an entrepreneur and IT specialist, co-founder of the Google empire.

Childhood and adolescence

The future billionaire was born in Moscow into an intelligent Jewish family. Grandfather, Israel Abramovich, taught at the Moscow Energy Institute. Father, Mikhail Izrailevich, graduated with honors from Moscow State University in Mechanics and Mathematics, worked as a researcher at a research institute under the State Planning Committee. Mother, Evgenia Krasnokutskaya, worked as an engineer at the Institute of Oil and Gas.

Despite the external well-being of the family, Sergei’s parents could not count on career advancement due to the anti-Semitism that took place in Soviet scientific circles. They were obviously not discriminated against, but the party committee did not recommend that Mikhail Izrailevich be enrolled in graduate school; he was not allowed to go on business trips abroad.

In 1979, as soon as such an opportunity arose, the family emigrated to the United States. The Breens settled in Maryland in the eastern United States and rented a house. My mother found a job at NASA, where she works on meteorology, and my father received a professorship at the University of Maryland. Sergei’s grandmother specifically passed her license in order to take her grandson to school.

The son was sent to a prestigious private Montessori school. At first, learning in a foreign language was difficult for the boy, but within six months he completely adapted and soon became one of the best students. He communicated and still communicates with his parents in Russian.

For Seryozha’s ninth birthday, his father gave him a computer, which was a rarity at that time even for Americans. Sergei quickly mastered the miracle technology and began to amaze parents and teachers with his super programming abilities. He was soon transferred to a high school in Greenbelt, where the teenager mastered the college program in three years.

Having graduated early (in 3 years) from the University of Maryland, the talented young man received a bachelor's degree in mathematics and computer engineering, earned a prestigious scholarship to continue his education, and began thinking about his future career. Sergei decided to move to Silicon Valley and enter Stanford University. There a fateful meeting took place that changed his life

Google is born

In the early 90s, he met the young scientist Larry Page. According to one version, Page was instructed to show Sergei the campus and tell him how everything worked there, and during the excursion they found a common language. Another version says that at first Page and Brin, as often happens among people of equal intelligence, disliked each other and competed.

One way or another, the acquaintance took place, and then grew into strong friendship and fruitful cooperation. At that time, Brin was passionate about developing a search engine that would greatly simplify the use of the Internet. He was amazed that Larry not only supported his idea, but also made several useful amendments and suggestions.

The friends abandoned other things and directed all their creative energy towards the implementation of their project. Soon a trial search engine, BackRub, appeared, which not only found the necessary pages on the Internet, but also systematized them by the number of requests. All that remained was to find an investor who would believe in their development and invest a tidy sum in it.

Stanford refused to pay for the experiments of young programmers: not only did their search engine “eat up” half of the official Internet traffic, but it also gave ordinary users documents intended purely for official use. The friends were faced with a choice: abandon the brainchild and continue working on their doctorate, or look for an investor for their project.

It was businessman and founder of Sun Microsystems Andy Bechtolsheim, who allocated one hundred thousand dollars to young scientists. They collected the rest of the required million from relatives and friends. September 7, 1998 is considered the official birthday of Google, and the first office of the future giant of the IT industry was located in the garage of Brin's friend Susan Wojcecki.

There is a popular story that Brin and Page wanted to name the company “Googol” (after ten to the hundredth power), but the investor wrote them a check in the name of Google, and the friends decided to leave everything as it is. This is not true, but what an interesting legend!

Sergey and Larry took academic leave from the university and devoted themselves entirely to the project. Just two years later, their website received the prestigious Webby Awards. In the early 2000s, developers created an algorithm that helped advertisers offer products to users based on their search queries (we now know this algorithm as “targeted advertising”). In 2004, the names of young scientists appeared on the list of billionaires of the prestigious Forbes publication.

The reason for the divorce was Sergei’s affair with a young employee of his company, Amanda Rosenberg. To get closer to the boss, the insidious homewrecker gained the trust of his wife and even became her close friend. As a result, Amanda managed to destroy their marriage, but she never managed to become the legal wife of a millionaire.

Sergey Brin now

Sergey Brin is one of the twenty richest people on the planet. In 2017, he ranked 13th with a net worth of $39.8 billion (Larry Page was 12th with $40.7 billion). Brin is co-president of Alphabet (Google's parent company).

Internet entrepreneur and computer specialist Sergei Mikhailovich Brin was born on August 21, 1973 in Russia, Moscow. In 1971, Brin, who came from a family of Soviet mathematicians and economists, escaping persecution of Jews, emigrated with his family to the United States. After receiving a degree in mathematics and computer engineering from the University of Maryland at College Park, Brin attended Stanford University, where he met Larry Page. At that time, both were defending their doctoral dissertations in computer technology.


At Stanford University, Brin and Page are starting a research project to create a search engine that sorts information by the popularity of the pages being searched, based on the findings that the most popular pages are, in most cases, the most useful. They call their search engine “Google” - from the mathematical term “googol”, which means the number 10 raised to the hundredth power - wanting to express their intention to organize the huge amount of information available on the Internet.

Having collected start-up capital of one million US dollars with the help of family, friends and investors, in 1998 the friends founded their own company. Headquartered in the heart of Silicon Valley in California, in August 2004, Brin and Page introduced Google to the public, which made its creators billionaires. Since then, Google has become the most popular search engine in the world, receiving, according to 2013 data, 5.9 billion requests per day.

The birth of YouTube

In 2006, Google acquired YouTube, the most popular website for broadcasting user-generated videos, for $1.65 billion.

In March 2013, Brin was ranked 21st on the Forbes list of billionaires and 14th on the list of American billionaires. According to as of September 2013, Brin's network is valued at $24.4 billion. Brin currently serves as Google's Director of Special Projects and continues to oversee the company's operations alongside Page, Google's CEO, and Eric Schmidt, Google's chief executive.


“Big problems are much easier to solve than small ones.”

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What company was founded by Sergey Brin, who was his partner. Interesting facts from the life of a billionaire and biographical information. Financial status of Sergei Brin.

It is impossible to use the Internet and not have an idea what Google is. Using this search engine, people all over the world are looking for answers to their questions. The famous search engine was created by two friends Sergey Brin and Larry Page.

It is interesting to know how a simple resource was able to evolve into one of the most widespread search engines in the world and how this affected the financial condition of Sergei Brin?

Sergey Brin: what is he famous for?

Sergey Brin was one of those who had a hand in creating Google. He conceived the idea of ​​a search system together with like-minded fellow Larry Page when they were still students. Brin is an American expert in the fields of computing, information technology and economics.

Sergey Brin and Larry Page started working on the search engine together and are still part of the same team

In 2016, Forbes magazine experts ranked Brin 13th on the list of the richest people in the world. His fortune was estimated at that time at $39.8 billion. In 2018, his financial wealth grew to $49.6 billion.

Companion Larry Page's fortune is estimated at approximately the same amount, i.e. about $48.5 billion.

Google is known for its charitable projects:

  1. In 2004, the company created a non-profit charitable offshoot of with start-up capital of about $1 billion. The activities of this branch relate to solving problems in the following areas:
    • climate change;
    • global health.
  2. Since 2007, the company has been a sponsor and active participant in several gay pride parades in San Francisco, New York, Dublin and Madrid.
  3. In 2008, she presented a project where everyone can propose ideas, and then jointly choose those that will change the world and help as many people as possible. During the voting, five groups of ideas were selected, and the company allocated $10 million to help implement them.
  4. In 2010, the company donated $2 million to support Wikipedia.

Google is no stranger to charitable projects

The life story of Sergey Brin and the creation of Google

The biography of Sergei Brin is related to the USSR. The fact is that the future billionaire was born in Moscow in 1973. His parents are Mikhail Brin and Evgenia Krasnoutskaya. They graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, and their lives were later connected with scientific activities.

Sergei Brin's father is a graduate of Moscow State University

Sergey Brin did not live long on Russian soil. When he was five years old, his parents decided to move to the States.

Upon arrival in the USA, they found employment:

  • father - to the University of Maryland in College Park;
  • mother - at the National Aeronautics and Space Agency.

Since childhood, Sergei was interested in everything related to mathematics and computer technology. In this he followed in the footsteps of his father.

Sergei Brin showed a penchant for mathematics as a child

In 1990, Brin entered the University of Maryland and successfully graduated ahead of schedule. He then received a grant to continue studying computer systems and mathematics at Stanford University. It was here in 1995 that he met Larry Page, who became not only his close friend and like-minded person, but also later the CEO of Google.

From 1995 to 1998, Brin and Page generated ideas to make Internet searches easier:

  1. We implemented the BackRub project, which studied backlinks.
  2. We improved the search algorithm, calling it PageRank. The updated program evaluated and ranked web pages by importance.
  3. In 1996, they created the project's first server, which consisted of four 10 GB hard drives. In this case, the body was assembled from Lego.
  4. In 1997, she gave the project the name "Google".

The origin of the word Google comes from the mathematical term googol - one followed by one hundred zeros. This is a conditional number, which on the scale of the Universe can only be compared with infinity.

Sergey and Larry set up a data center and office in their university rooms. They tried to sell the project, but no one was interested in it. Then the young people decided to create a business plan and find money to develop their own project. In a short time they managed to raise $1 million. Then in the same 1997, they rented a garage in Menlo Park, California and hired several people.

Future billionaires worked on the Google project, first in university rooms, then in a rented garage in California

In 1999, we moved to a new office in Palo Alto and found investors, thanks to which we expanded even further. In the same year, the Google search engine became one of the most popular in the world.

In the summer of 2004, the company's shares reached their peak value. At the same time, Brin and Page joined the ranks of billionaires. Every year the profit from the project only grew. And the company itself was expanding.

Google's owners became billionaires in 2004

Currently, in addition to the search engine, Google owns various online services. The most popular among them are the following:

  • Gmail;
  • Google Docs;
  • Google Maps.

The company owns the well-known video hosting YouTube and the online photo editor Picasa.

In 2015, Google Inc transformed into the Alphabet Inc Management Company, which combined many assets. Among them:

  • Google search engine itself;
  • Calico Life Extension Program;
  • smart home developer Nest Labs;
  • Verily Health Research Center;
  • system integrator of broadband Internet access Fiber;
  • developer of self-organizing software X;
  • investment company Google Capital and venture capital company - Google Venture.

Video: Google's secret to success

Additional information about the billionaire

The following facts are known about Sergei Brin:

  1. At school he often surprised teachers. For example, I did my homework on the computer and printed it out.
  2. As a student he practiced various sports. Roller skating, skiing, gymnastics - this is still an incomplete list of his hobbies.
  3. In 1998, Sergey Brin and his partner offered Yahoo to buy Google for $1 billion. In response they received a refusal. In 2005, Google was already worth $80 billion, and the company's annual profit rose to 1.5 billion.
  4. At the dawn of Google, its leaders introduced the rule “20% of time on projects.” It was understood that those employed spent only 20% of the time engaged in current tasks, and the rest of the working time generated ideas.
  5. In 2012, Brin named the social network Facebook and Apple as the main enemies of the free Internet.
  6. Interestingly, already in 2017, the European Commission fined Google $2.42 billion for the fact that the company was too dominant in the search engine market.

As a child, Sergei Brin often surprised teachers

Here's what the founder of Google said about the different components of professional success:

  1. About motivation. Money shouldn't be a motivation. Many startups don't create anything useful. It feels like people spend five minutes thinking about an idea and then years working on it. If they had spent a little more time thinking about it, I think they could have created something more useful.
  2. About the importance of small things. A thousand results won't necessarily be as useful as ten.
  3. About the image. Everyone wants to be successful, but I want to be remembered as a true innovator - very reliable and ethical and ultimately made a big difference in the world.
  4. About ambitions. We want Google to become the left side of your brain.
  5. About the main thing for survival. We wouldn't survive if people didn't trust us.
  6. About the importance of feeling first. When I was a schoolboy, I always knew that I would be first in my class in mathematics. And this gave me enormous self-confidence.
  7. About perception. I notice existential fear in young people. I didn't have that. They see huge mountains where I saw a small hill to climb.
  8. About the view of the world. Finding solutions for large problems is easier than for small ones.
  9. About failures. The more you stumble, the more likely you are to stumble upon something worthwhile.
  10. About the employees. We just want the best to work for us.

Works written by the founder of Google

Brin co-authored with Page the scientific work “Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertext Internet Search System.” It is believed that in this work one can find a reference to their future idea. It is also known that Brin actively publishes in periodicals.

The life of billionaire Sergei Brin today

In 2007, Sergey Brin married Anne Wojcicki, whose specialty is biology. However, in 2015 the couple divorced.

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