How to maintain youth and beauty of facial skin after thirty years? Review of cosmetic procedures for facial care at different age periods How to rejuvenate facial skin after 30

With age, skin regeneration slows down, cells are renewed slowly and reluctantly. Because of this, the barrier function of the skin is disrupted, which does not have the best effect on its general condition. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to the care of mature skin, reviewing your entire arsenal of products and listening to the recommendations of cosmetologists.

Anti-aging cosmetics

When choosing cosmetics for the care of mature skin, you should give preference to products labeled “anti-age”. Be sure to take care of protecting your skin from sun rays, and creams with SPF protection will help with this. An important role is played by moisturizing (anti-wrinkle creams) and cleansing the skin - peelings, delicate scrubs, cleansing foams and gels.

    Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day;

    Make anti-aging masks once every 30 days;

    Use nourishing creams and moisturizing serums;

    Before going outside, apply protective cream;

    Do a facial massage;

    Moisturize the area around the eyes with special gels;

    Make cleansing, toning, nourishing masks several times a week;

    Eat fresh vegetables and fruits;

    Do regular contrast washes.

Cosmetic procedures for the face after 30

In order for the skin to delight you with its beauty and youth, it is necessary to provide it with proper care.

Facial cleansing

The main stage of care is high-quality cleansing of the skin from dirt, dust and sebum. In the morning, just wash your face with a light foam and wipe your skin with a piece of ice and a decoction of chamomile or calendula. This procedure helps to tone and give a boost of energy for the whole day.

In the evening, cleansing should be more thorough; washing gels or Korean foams are perfect. To remove cosmetics, it is recommended to use fat-based products - lotions, milk, hydrophilic oils.

Face masks after 30

For mature skin, it is better to make cleansing, nourishing and regenerating masks.

Cucumber peeling

Mix 20 grams of cucumber puree (can be grated) with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of oatmeal. Mix well and spread over your face and neck.

Sea buckthorn nutrition

Mix two teaspoons of sea buckthorn oil with 10 ml of liquid honey. Add a spoonful of Aloe juice to them and mix. Apply to skin for 10-25 minutes.

Peach recovery

To 60 grams of steamed peach butter, add egg yolk (raw) and 20 grams of yeast. Stir and apply to skin for 15 minutes.

Green rejuvenation

Add finely chopped parsley, spinach and lettuce to the steamed oatmeal. Apply the paste to your face for 20 minutes. This mask has rejuvenating properties.

These are just a few examples of effective homemade masks. Depending on your skin type, you can combine different components to achieve the desired result.

Facial beauty creams

In addition to protective and moisturizing creams, you should add products containing the following components to your cosmetic bag:


  • Amino acids;


    Hyaluronic acid;

  • Vitamins A and F;

  • Ceramides.

These components are best suited for mature skin due to their regenerating functions. They will help smooth out wrinkles and tighten the skin, giving it a healthier and more youthful appearance.

When choosing a cream, you need to pay attention to the expiration date; the longer it is, the correspondingly higher the amount of preservatives in the composition, which will not have the best effect on the skin.

How to care for the skin around your eyes

To get rid of the first expression lines, swelling and bags, the sensitive skin around the eyes needs to be taken care of very carefully, because it is the skin that ages first.

    Makeup should only be removed using special products designed for this area.

    Do eye exercises, it tones the eye muscles and improves the outflow of fluid.

    Every day, the area around the eyes must be moisturized using special creams or gels designed for sensitive skin.

Make a paste of raw potatoes (grate it) and apply it to your eyes 2 times a week. This mask tones, relieves puffiness and soothes the sensitive skin of this area. Compresses made from chamomile decoction or brewed tea will also be useful for the skin.

Neck care at thirty

To care for this area, the same products that you will use for your face are suitable. The only thing that should not be applied to the skin of the neck is a scrub; it is better to replace it with acid peeling.

Wraps will be useful for the neck. Add 5 ml of olive oil and the same amount of glycerin to the grated (boiled) potatoes and stir. Distribute the mixture over gauze and apply to your neck for 15 minutes (you can additionally wrap it with a towel).

Features of care for combination skin after 30

Combination skin has an oily T-zone and dry cheeks. You cannot use the same product for all areas.


    On an oily area, toner for oily and combination skin;

    In the morning and evening, wash with a soap-free product;

    Be sure to use SPF cream before going outside;

    Do exfoliating procedures twice a week - peeling or scrubbing;

    Apply a moisturizing mask once every 5-7 days.

Salon facial treatments after 30

Visiting a cosmetologist will help “erase” age-related changes or delay their appearance.

Chemical peeling

To deep clean your face, you need to do a chemical peel. Depending on the problem, a solution is selected to treat the surface of the skin. This procedure helps rejuvenate the skin, eliminate wrinkles and age spots. After peeling, the skin is cleared of peeling, becomes smoother and more elastic, and cell restoration processes are launched.

Face massage

Professional massages will help increase skin tone, reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, improve complexion and make the skin more elastic. After this procedure, the speed of blood movement increases.

Reasons to think about massage:

  • Aging processes;

    Double chin;

    Unhealthy complexion;

    Blurry facial contour.

Massages are done in courses. However, if you have acne, dermatitis or burns on your face, it is better to avoid massage.

Lymphatic drainage

A modern procedure that actively fights the first signs of aging, dark spots under the eyes and other skin defects.

Lymphatic drainage will cope with a double chin and the consequences of water-salt imbalance (swelling, edema, bags). There are two types:

    Manual lymphatic drainage is performed using circular and stroking movements;

    Hardware lymphatic drainage is done using a special device.


    Heart diseases;

    Poor blood clotting;

    Inflammatory processes;

    Enlarged lymph nodes.


The essence of the procedure is the introduction of medicinal injections into the skin, which are a mixture of vitamins, acids, minerals and extracts of medicinal plants.

This procedure effectively copes not only with local skin problems, but also with extensive ones. Mesotherapy increases skin elasticity, improves blood microcirculation and skin turgor.

Such procedures will help with sagging nasolabial folds, the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, scars, the presence of spider veins, etc.

Skin aging is a multifactorial process and not only age can affect it. Stress, bad habits, unhealthy diet and much more. Therefore, when starting the fight against age-related changes, it is necessary not only to start properly caring for your skin, but also to reconsider your lifestyle. How do you take care of your skin, and can an unhealthy lifestyle accelerate its aging?

Maintaining attractive and youthful facial skin is not easy, but regular professional care can bring any person closer to this goal. Cosmetic procedures are prescribed by a specialist depending on the type of problem and the age of the patient, allowing you to achieve the desired results and eliminate existing defects.

Procedures after 25 years

It is necessary to take care of your facial skin with the help of a specialist from the age of 25–30. At this stage, any age-related changes are visually invisible, but internal processes are already beginning to slow down. The purpose of cosmetic procedures intended for the youngest patients is:

  • Prevention of age-related changes.
  • Elimination of manifestations of photoaging, first wrinkles.
  • Cleansing the skin.
  • Elimination of existing defects.

The given indications can be divided into two broad areas: cleansing and rejuvenation. Let's talk in more detail about each of them:

Skin cleansing

Skin cleansing is carried out to remove dead cells, sebaceous secretions, black plugs and other impurities. Such actions increase the supply of oxygen to cells, activate their regeneration, and eliminate minor aesthetic defects (wrinkles, pigmentation). Cleaning is carried out using the following methods:

  • Ultrasound. Knocks out dirt and sebaceous plugs, provides skin massage and additional production of collagen necessary for skin elasticity.
  • Vacuum. Draws out impurities from the skin, further stimulating blood circulation, lymph movement and the supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells.
  • Electricity. Pulls out impurities from the skin, activating chemical reactions that dissolve sebaceous plugs and blackheads.
  • Gas-liquid exposure. Knocks out contaminants with a stream of oxygen, carbon dioxide and saline solution. Provides additional saturation of cells with oxygen.
  • Manual influence. It is carried out manually and is suitable for removing the deepest sebaceous plugs, blackheads, and pimples with white heads. It is characterized by increased trauma.
  • Combined impact. It involves a combination of manual and machine cleaning for optimal removal of various types of contaminants.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing

The average cost of cleaning is about 1000–2000 rubles, depending on the qualifications of the cosmetologist and the type of effect. The procedure involves a one-time procedure, the effect of which lasts for 2–5 weeks. It should be noted that cleansing the skin using similar methods is important not only before the age of 30, but also at a later age.

Skin rejuvenation

Prevention of age-related changes is necessary to prevent the formation of wrinkles and the development of ptosis. It is carried out in the following ways:

  • Biorevitalization. Repeated injections of hyaluronic acid into the superficial areas of the dermis. The purpose of the procedure is to moisturize the skin, eliminate facial wrinkles, and improve complexion.
  • Mesotherapy. Repeated injections of special preparations (meso-cocktails) consisting of a complex of vitamins, plant extracts, microelements and other useful components into the superficial areas of the dermis. The purpose of the procedure is to nourish and moisturize the skin, improve its overall health and prevent age-related changes.


The introduction of drugs into the depths of the dermis can be carried out not only through injections, but also using ultrasound or electric current, without compromising the integrity of the skin.

The average cost of such procedures is about 1,500–2,000 rubles; they are carried out in a course of 3–5 sessions, and the results last for a maximum of six months.

Procedures after 30 – 35 years

Professional skin care after 30 years is a must for those who want to look young and attractive for as long as possible. At this stage, changes not only occur deep in the dermis, but are also recorded visually. Thus, due to the reduced production of collagen and elastin, the first age-related wrinkles and folds appear, the elasticity of the skin decreases, and a slight deformation of the oval of the face may be observed.

The purpose of cosmetic procedures intended for patients in this age category is:

  • Prevention of age-related changes.
  • Reducing wrinkles.
  • Elimination of ptosis.
  • Skin cleansing.
  • Reduction of aesthetic defects.

The given indications are also divided into such areas as rejuvenation and cleansing of the skin.

Skin cleansing

In addition to the above methods of skin cleansing, laser peeling is recommended for patients aged 30–35 years. The main difference between this procedure and other cleaning methods is the principle of double exposure. During cleaning the following occurs:

  • Elimination of dead and damaged cells that make up the surface layer of the skin, thereby starting the processes of regeneration and renewal. As a result of the procedure, the skin becomes more elastic and the severity of defects (scars) decreases.
  • Destruction of existing contaminants, blackheads, accumulations of sebaceous secretions, foci of inflammation.

The cost of the procedure starts from 2000 rubles per session.

Laser peeling

Skin rejuvenation

After 30 years, procedures carried out for the purpose of rejuvenation become especially relevant. As a rule, they involve a complex effect, simultaneously eliminating sagging soft tissues and reducing wrinkles:

  • Microcurrent therapy. The goal is to tighten the skin and eliminate the signs of age. It is carried out due to electric current affecting skin cells.
  • Elos-rejuvenation. It involves a complex effect through electricity and light radiation. The purpose of the procedure is to heat the deep layers of the dermis to increase collagen production.
  • Biomechanical stimulation. It is carried out using mechanical vibrations that stimulate muscle endings, increasing their tone and promoting skin tightening.
  • Photolifting. It involves stimulating collagen production by heating cells with a laser. Additionally, the rejuvenating effect is achieved due to microdamage to cells, on the restoration of which the body devotes all its resources.
  • Myolifting. The technique is intended to eliminate ptosis; positive results are achieved due to the effect of electric current on the muscle endings.

Video: Elos - rejuvenation

After 35 years, injection procedures such as biorevitalization and mesotherapy do not lose their relevance, but are carried out much less frequently. The thing is that they have a general strengthening and rejuvenating effect, without helping to get rid of pronounced aesthetic defects, such as deep wrinkles or folds.

To combat these shortcomings, injection plastic surgery is more suitable. The point of this procedure is to fill wrinkles and problem areas with soft tissue deficiency with liquid fillers based on polylactic or hyaluronic acid. Synthetic fillers are biodegradable, that is, over time they dissolve and are completely eliminated from the body; the results from their use last for up to 2 years.

After 30 years, the fight against deep wrinkles can also be carried out through Botox. This drug consists of botulinum toxin, a substance that is poisonous. When administered intramuscularly, it is almost safe for health. The principle of its action is to temporarily block muscle activity, due to which smoothing of the skin is achieved.

Botox injections

But skin tightening at this age is most often carried out by implanting special threads made from biodegradable and biocompatible materials into the soft tissue. The threads fix the skin in a new position due to their physical presence and over time dissolve into their constituent components, which are then excreted from the body naturally. Such processes are accompanied by increased collagen production and the creation of an internal framework that helps retain the skin.

So, you have already crossed the 30-year mark of life... The skin on your face has become dull, bags under the eyes, dark circles do not give you peace of mind, and wrinkles appear on your face one after another. Of course, these unpleasant nuances can begin over time; they do not necessarily begin to attack you immediately after your 30th birthday. On the way to young, tightened skin, laziness can get in the way, but taking care of your skin after 30 is not difficult.

Visit to a specialist

At any age, the upper layer of the epidermis has its own structural state; over time, it begins to change. Only a specialist will be able to correctly evaluate it and select a rejuvenation technique or techniques. After 30 years, in the layers of the human epidermis, the synthesis of collagen and elastane slows down, along with them, the recovery processes. The tone is lost, they become more noticeable, etc.

Then, the realization comes that a regular moisturizer is not enough at all. It is urgently necessary to take restorative measures, to select, together with a specialist, modern methods of facial rejuvenation after 30 years, which are designed to preserve youth and freshness of the skin. As you know, the most effective facial rejuvenation procedures after 30 can be achieved using hardware as well as injection techniques.

Beauty cocktail - mesotherapy

A special preparation is placed under the skin, which consists of several components. This “beauty cocktail” is administered by injection or without injection. It saturates the skin and subcutaneous tissues with the necessary and activating substances that promote its self-healing, giving it its former elasticity and freshness.

Facial contouring

Stories from our readers

Looked 10 years younger in one week! No Botox, no surgeries or expensive drugs. With each birthday it was more and more scary to realize how old I was, and even more terrible to look at myself in the mirror. The wrinkles became deeper and deeper, and the circles under the eyes became more noticeable. I was already thinking about resorting to injections, but, thank God, they dissuaded me. Believe it or not, in literally a week I got rid of almost all wrinkles and look 10 years younger, and all thanks to this article. Anyone who wants to get rid of wrinkles using a natural method at home should read this!

Read the full article >>>

Preparations based on hyaluronic acid are applied under the skin as a result of which it becomes elastic, takes on a fresh look, and also removes annoying wrinkles. By resorting to this procedure, you can get rid of facial defects, for example, raise your eyebrows or make your face more symmetrical, while eliminating the need to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon.


This technique is used to get rid of wrinkles in the area around the eyes, on the forehead, and in the eyebrow area. The facial muscles seem to be paralyzed. Thanks to the “living face” technique, the facial muscles retain their mobility, while the upper layers of the epidermis regain their youth.

Rejuvenation using ELOS technology

This method is characterized by minimal intervention and is as comfortable as possible. The cooled conductor gel is applied to the desired area, and the device is used to renew the subcutaneous cells. will help get rid of age spots, wrinkles, scars.

Cosmetical tools

After visiting a cosmetologist, a woman receives recommendations on selecting products for individual daily care. These can be essential oils, various emulsions, entire care systems.

Those who are short on funds can carry out skin care procedures for their delicate face at home. Most importantly, facial rejuvenation after 35 should be carried out on a regular basis, minimizing omissions.

What should you pay attention to when caring for your face at home?

Every day (preferably without skipping) we cleanse the skin in the morning and evening, using soft, delicate products. “Homemade” beauty products in the form of ubtan and hydrophilic oil for washing should be washed off with warm water.

We carry out cleansing according to the following algorithm:

  • soften the skin with water, slightly.
  • After that, we apply a little hydrophilic oil or something we made ourselves, without alkaline soap, onto a napkin.
  • Next, you need to lightly massage the skin (without stretching), but so that you can wash off the remnants of decorative cosmetics.
  • Use a cotton terry towel prepared in advance to absorb the remaining water after washing thoroughly.
  • To completely get rid of any remaining dirt, carefully wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in lotion.
  • As for the morning, then you can wipe the skin with ice cubes or a cotton pad moistened with fragrant water.

We practice self-massage

This technique is quite delicate, if it is carried out incorrectly, it can cause harm, so before you begin self-massage of the face, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with video lessons, which are full on the Internet. For massage, it is best to choose one of the fatty oils, for example, and then blot the remains with dry wipes.

Evening and day cream are required

The main care for facial skin after 30 is nutrition and hydration. In summer, a light gel with hyaluronic acid and sunscreens can be used as a day cream, and in winter, a thicker version with castor oil and D-panthenol.

Night creams should be selected with vitamins A and E, essential oils for the face, and other nutritional ingredients, so that at night all layers of the epidermis can be restored. After you have cleansed your facial skin and performed a self-massage, you can gently, as if tapping, apply the night cream.

Peeling and scrubbing are required

These procedures for facial rejuvenation at 35 years old should be included in basic weekly skin care. The main thing here is not to overdo it; you need to remember that oily skin can be scrubbed/peeled 2-3 times a week, and dry skin only once. For these purposes, sea salt, succinic acid, etc. are suitable.

Salon system cleaning

At first, it is better to resort to this service in specialized salons. The first few procedures should be done by an experienced cosmetologist, and after gaining experience, you can do it all at home. When deciding to do a systematic facial skin cleansing at home, you need to remember about infections, so we thoroughly treat the wounds and close the pores.

Masks and more masks

Regular masks made from homemade products can work wonders. You need to do them at least three times a week, then the result will manifest itself very quickly.

As you can see, today there are plenty of effective ways to rejuvenate the face after 30, the main thing is to regularly perform basic care, because even by caring for your facial skin at home, you can achieve the effect of freshness and firmness of the skin, which will glow with health.

What doctors say about wrinkles

I have been practicing plastic surgery for many years. Many famous people who wanted to look younger have passed through me. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance because... Science does not stand still; more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body are appearing, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most affordable alternative.

The drug that I want to recommend is very cheap, easy to use, and most importantly, you will see its effect instantly. Without exaggeration, I will say that fine and deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to intracellular effects, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

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Video on the topic

Facial care at home is mandatory at any age. It is necessary to cleanse the skin with a cleansing gel, periodically take steam baths, and use a toner and cream suitable for your skin type. 1-2 times a week you need to use a scrub and face mask. However, for women over 30 years of age, home care alone is not enough. To maintain skin tone and youth, try salon treatments. Now there are many cosmetic procedures for the face after 30 years. We present you a list of them. Choose the one that suits you.

Facial mesotherapy

This cosmetic procedure helps rejuvenate facial skin and improves its color. It is carried out by introducing special drugs and vitamins under the skin. What exactly to choose is decided by a professional cosmetologist, depending on the characteristics of the skin and the problems that need to be solved. Mesotherapy is a more effective method in the fight against wrinkles compared to creams. This procedure allows beneficial substances to penetrate deep into the skin and thereby act on it from the inside. Mesotherapy is performed manually using a syringe, since the procedure requires precise administration and accuracy.


Biorevitalization is a procedure that helps to moisturize the skin, restore its firmness and elasticity, and also prevent its withering. Biorevitalization is performed using hyaluronic acid injections. Its effectiveness is associated with the introduction of the substance under the skin and its effect at the cellular level. You will see the result after just a few sessions. The elasticity of the skin and its color will improve, it will become more hydrated, and fine wrinkles will be smoothed out. The result lasts up to 6 months.

Oxygen therapy

Another effective salon procedure for the face after 30 years is oxygen therapy. It is performed using a special steel diffuser. During oxygen therapy, a cocktail of serum based on hyaluronic acid and oxygen is applied to the skin under pressure. As a result, beneficial substances penetrate deep into the skin and thereby affect its lower layer. The skin of the face is saturated with oxygen, becomes more hydrated and fresh.


Peeling is a salon procedure for cleansing the skin using special substances. It allows you to cleanse your face of excess sebum, open pores and remove dead cells. As a result, this procedure will help refresh your face and improve its color.

Laser resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is an effective anti-aging procedure. It is used to smooth out wrinkles, improve skin color, and solve the problem of age spots. The procedure is carried out using a special laser, and its results last for several years.

Our new blogger Ksenia Vedishcheva, a dermatocosmetologist, an independent expert in the field of hardware, age-related cosmetology and dermatology, talks about the intricacies of facial care after 30 years.

My dears, I hasten to congratulate you. You have entered the age of blossoming female beauty. Your youth has gained its juice, and your inquisitive youth with tattoos and purple hair is left behind. Many have already decided on a profession, got married, and had children. Each of you has an idea of ​​how you would like to look - hair, makeup, clothing style. The age of “a little over 30” is the time to start taking care of yourself competently and systematically.

123RF/Alena Ozerova

What does this mean? A girl comes to me for a consultation. I will advise her to start with the simplest thing if she has not done anything before.

People often tell me: “I did this, but it doesn’t help me anymore.” In this case, it is necessary to create an accurate picture of what the client likes, what she has already tried, and what suits her. After this, the main thing is to act exactly according to plan, on time, and then a wonderful result will not keep you waiting.

Secrets from a professional

As a rule, a woman aged 30+ already understands what her skin is prone to. Knows her skin type - oily, prone to dryness or the formation of age spots. If a girl has naturally powerful muscles, and her cheeks are blood and milk, then with age, gravitational sagging of the skin will probably appear. With an asthenic physique, the face is thin, the skin is thin and quickly loses moisture. In the future, this is fraught with a large number of small wrinkles.

These two 30-year-old girls are shown a strictly individual approach to self-care! In the first case, facial massage and cryotherapy will help. In the future we will connect hardware techniques. All this gives deep penetration, stimulates and strengthens the muscles, so the shape of the face is perfectly maintained. In the second case, I would not recommend doing a massage! Special care procedures are needed.

After 30 years, the set of skin-needed treatments includes:

  • Mesotherapy. This includes both papular and papular techniques.
  • Biorevitalization. This is the introduction of hyaluronic acid, which also uses papules, but denser compared to mesotherapy.

123RF/Ivan Reka

  • Devices. Which? This is a big separate topic, and I will definitely touch on it in the blog. I’ll just note that after 30 you need devices. Remove post-acne or spider veins, age spots, etc.
  • Serums and ampoules. You are no longer 20, your skin is thinning. It is better at this age to start using serums or ampoules: collagen, coenzyme, hyaluronic acid to support the skin and prevent age-related changes. These substances penetrate the skin perfectly when used in conjunction with a microcurrent machine for home use. I personally always take it with me on the road. With its help, you can always quickly relieve swelling, administer the necessary medications and refresh the skin.

What to do at home?

I recommend everyone pay special attention to self-care at home. You are luckier than your mothers. Today, many procedures have “gone” from salons to home. This is definitely ampoule products which I mentioned above. They can be bought for reasonable money. For example, drugs from the Russian company Sismetika. Pharmacies also sell vitamin E, Omega-3-6-9, and Aevit. All these products will nourish your skin.

Fabric and ready-made masks, impregnated with collagen and various nutritional compounds. As well as ready-made clay-based masks with activated carbon, silicon and other active ingredients. Now there is a colossal choice!

We always apply masks in a thin layer and secure the fabric mask to the face.

123RF/Piotr Marcinski

If you can lie down with a mask for 15-20 minutes, that’s ideal, as the lifting effect will be better. I also recommend doing paraffin treatments at home once a week. When, for example, you are doing household chores and have an hour of free time, you can use eye patches (gel pads that help get rid of puffiness and dark circles).

It is better to remove masks with warm water, but you can also use tonic. Then pat dry with a towel and then apply your skincare products in layers: serum, day or night cream. Always apply the cream in small doses using patting movements with your fingertips. Do not stretch the collagen mesh! This method allows the skin to breathe and absorb all the beneficial substances.

These rules, which you definitely need to get used to at the age of 30+, are the basis of self-care. They will serve you even at 40-50 years old, you just need to add professional procedures to them.

Of course, in addition to home care, you are free to use salon hardware techniques from the age of 30. There are no general recommendations; I determine a plan of action only after a thorough examination during a consultation.

How about drastic measures?

After 30 years, in addition to mesotherapy or hyaluronic acid, Botox may be required. I'll tell you about my experience. I injected my first Botox at the age of 33 to prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles on my forehead. Each case is unique, and it is possible to say exactly who needs what only after a personal consultation. But the main rule is that at this age all drugs are administered in microdoses.

I definitely recommend Botox at the age of 30+ to girls who suffer from hyperhidrosis. It helps you forget about increased sweating in the armpit area for 8-12 months and not be ashamed of unsightly wet spots on silk and cashmere items.

The question about lips that has set my teeth on edge. I will tell girls of any age that they are hypertrophied Pumped lips are unfashionable, ugly, and not a sign of style or wealth.


At 30 years old, to create true beauty, you can and should play with halftones and nuances.

If you don’t have clinical indications, then having plastic surgery at the age of “a little over 30” is complete madness! Even at 45 years old, I will not recommend it to everyone. Nowadays, many problems of premature skin aging, gravity, skin wrinkles, and so on can be solved using contour plastic surgery and hardware techniques. But again - everything is very individual!

Save youth for the future

I want to talk about absolutely incredible technology that will allow you to take care of yourself in the future. This is the cultivation of fibroblasts from your own skin. In professional language it is called SPRS.

The procedure is expensive, but it works wonders! A microscopic piece of tissue is taken from the patient behind the ear, from which skin fibroblasts are grown. Then they are frozen and stored in a special medical jar in order to be administered to the same patient at the age of 40-50-60. As a result, it happens regeneration of other cells and structures, the skin becomes younger, age wrinkles disappear. I understand that at 30 you don’t want to think about the problems that will come at 60. But if you find the time and financial opportunity to freeze cells, then believe me, time will pass, and in 20-30 years you will remember my words.

Cosmetics are good and different

As for brands, the Japanese have excellent cosmetics. I especially love ANDS. Ampoules, serums, masks, creams - I can confidently recommend the Sismetika brand to you. Their cosmetics are made on the basis of silicon and show noticeable results in normal home care. I also like BRUNO VASSARI ampoule cosmetics; they have proven themselves to be excellent lately. I can also recommend using organic cosmetics from different companies at home: Weleda, Dr.Houshka, Natura Siberica, Dr.Scheller, Acure Organics, Andalou Naturals, Melvita. In any case, you must definitely look at the composition of the cream; you need to buy products that do not contain mineral oils and silicones (silicone, dimethicone, cuclomethicone and others).

Summarize. What is the main thing in taking care of yourself at home, starting from the age of 30? This is systematic. Daily simple care procedures, careful careful application of correctly selected products. Which ones exactly are decided individually. The main secret is a high level of self-respect and the desire to be happy, young and beautiful at any age!

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