How to increase the chance of conception. How to increase the likelihood of conception? Tips for men. Getting rid of bad habits

Pregnancy is a responsible decision in the life of a married couple. The more carefully the process is planned, the more successful the pregnancy will be. When a girl wants to become a mother as quickly as possible, she needs to understand the main aspects of the preparatory period. It is important to be informed about menstruation, ovulation, and conception. It doesn’t hurt to know what happens in the uterus at different stages: before pregnancy and immediately after conceiving a child. This block of knowledge serves as the main building block during the period when it is not possible to get pregnant. In the meantime, those who want to become mothers get acquainted with the information, let's look at possible secrets and tips: how to increase the chances of getting pregnant and how to do it quickly.

Let's go from simple to complex. First, let's look at general recommendations that can increase your chances of getting pregnant. These include the use of folk secrets, unobtrusive advice and instructions from specialists.

General recommendations:
1. Eliminate bad habits. Alcohol and nicotine directly affect the inability to get pregnant. With regular consumption of “harmful” foods, the chances of conceiving a child decrease at lightning speed. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, be sure to make adjustments to your lifestyle.

2. Bring vitamins in the body back to normal. Often a girl lacks a number of vitamins in order to conceive and bear a child. Of course, you should consult with a specialist and undergo a series of tests. Most people on the planet are diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency, which affects the normal course of many processes in the human body. Vitamin D levels increase the chances of conception.

3. Have sex regularly and laugh as often as possible. If you combine the processes, you get explosive power. Symbiosis of hormonal surges. Sex at least three times a week is the main path to success. Laughter is a reinforcer. If you can’t have sex always and everywhere, then laughter has no problem with this. A contagious smile increases the chances of pregnancy success significantly.

4. Nutrition should be balanced. Increasing the likelihood of conceiving a child exactly depends on the diet of the couple who wants to become parents. This has been verified by folk wisdom. If the family eats right, then the birth of a boy, girl, twins or twins is not far off. Change your diet for the better as soon as possible and get ready to conceive a child.

Features of the menstrual cycle: how to get 100 percent pregnant

To get pregnant with a 100 guarantee, or at least get close to it. A girl needs to understand the peculiarities of the menstrual cycle. Naturally, she knows when her period should come and what ovulation is. However, the cycle has its own nuances that should be paid attention to if the goal is to conceive naturally.

The most fruitful moments for conceiving a child: a couple of days before the egg matures, on the day it is released and the whole day after ovulation. The egg and sperm can find each other and fuse together within 24 hours. This program of interaction between ovulation and conception should be remembered every month if you want to get pregnant.

How to get pregnant quickly after menstruation? In this matter, it should be remembered that after menstruation, the next release of the egg onto the stage, that is, ovulation, occurs after 7-20 days. Each girl has individual characteristics in her cycle. Therefore, you should accurately calculate favorable days for conception yourself. You can also use pharmacy test strips or seek help from a doctor. He does an ultrasound and determines the likelihood of conceiving a child in the near future. Traditional methods include paying attention to your secretions. As ovulation approaches, vaginal mucus takes on a sticky texture. Thus, you can calculate the day the egg is released and mark it in your menstrual cycle calendar.

In cases where a girl figured out ovulation and followed all the recommendations, but did not get pregnant. There is no need to despair, in a month the body will gain strength, a new ovulation will occur, and the egg will be ripe for fertilization.

How to get pregnant quickly. 7 secrets: folk remedies

Folk remedies can be called all the secrets of conception that have been proven over the years. The menstrual cycle is, of course, the head of everything. However, do not forget about other issues. The likelihood of conceiving a child depends on a number of important points:

  1. Expectant parents must undergo a medical examination. If a couple comes to the doctor and asks the question: how to get pregnant correctly? The specialist will give a clear answer: start with a full examination. This is the first thing a family should do before the conscious birth of a child. This procedure will make the task much easier. If certain abnormalities are found during the test, you will not need to rack your brains as to why problems arose with conception.
  2. A healthy lifestyle is important. You cannot do without proper nutrition, regular physical activity, active walks in the fresh air, the absence of bad habits and other joys of having a healthy body and spirit when conceiving. In addition, future children: a boy, a girl, twins, want to see healthy parents and follow their example.
  3. Medications. While trying to get pregnant, a girl, together with her doctor, should review the entire range of medications that she takes systematically or periodically. Some medications and ovulation and conception are simply not compatible.
  4. Introduce more sex into your life. Put aside probabilities, calculations, ovulation, menstruation. At least for a while. Just enjoy the process. Pleasure without unnecessary thought can lead to the realization of a goal.
  5. A stress-free state will help increase the chances of a long-awaited pregnancy. The less worries, the better. The body reacts to them with malfunctions.
  6. Recommendations for herbs, decoctions and tinctures can be found in various sources, ask friends who managed to get pregnant this way. However, you should remember, in order not to harm your health, take a correct and reasonable approach to taking both medications and folk remedies, and consult with a specialist.
  7. “Pamper” yourself and love. Love is born from love. The more care an adult boy, a future father, takes about an adult girl, a future mother, the more likely it is that children will be born.

Problems of conception: how to get pregnant when the uterus is bent

How to get pregnant if you can’t and there is a reason for it – a bent uterus. A common diagnosis that can be managed. The following factors are provocateurs: heavy lifting, untreated inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system and intestines, endometriosis. Symptoms often appear during sexual intercourse and are accompanied by pain. This is the first call to visit a gynecologist. The doctor examines the uterus and makes a verdict. With a strong bend, the moment of conception is in question. Since the uterus does not accept sperm due to the bend. This diagnosis is treatable. First, the root cause is eliminated, and then the fight against the effect begins.

Physiotherapy, massage and therapeutic exercises actively help in this process.

Get pregnant on request: with a girl, a boy, twins or twins

How to get pregnant with a girl? To conceive a girl, you first need to familiarize yourself with the Chinese calendar and Japanese tables. With their help and knowledge of the ovulation period, a favorable day for conceiving a girl is calculated. You can also “get” a girl by renewing her blood. In women, the blood is renewed every 4 years, and in men every 3. If at the moment of conception the blood of the expectant mother turns out to be younger, then a girl will be born. The popular recommendation is diet. To give birth to a girl, you need to eat a fairly wide range of foods: from fish and cottage cheese, to fruits and honey.

How to get pregnant with a boy? Similarly, as for conceiving a girl, if you want to give birth to a boy, you should turn to existing ancient tables and know the days of your ovulation. The boy can be calculated using the lunar calendar and the mother's age calendar. The Germans generally suggested that girls expose their bodies to less stress, not worry about trifles, and then the boy himself will want to be born. And the Italians conducted an observation, it turns out that boys are born more often to plump women, and girls, on the contrary, to thin women. You can also give birth to a boy by eating red meat, but this is more a popular forecast than a scientific fact. They also say that in order for boys to be born into a family, sex must be had exclusively in the dark.

If there is no genetic predisposition in the family for the birth of twins or twins, then you will have to look for ways to independently implement the double plan. Doctors give their easy recommendations. For example, eat more walnuts, quail eggs, sprouted wheat grains.

Popular advice for fertilizing twins is as follows: conception in the summer, food - meat products. From a scientific point of view, women can more often conceive twins at the age of 35, when the birth is not the first, and the menstrual cycle is at 20-22 days. So, the secret of how to get pregnant with twins or twins has been revealed.

Conclusions: how to get pregnant quickly

1. The main thing in any conception of a child, quick or slow, is the health of the parents. No bad habits. Balanced and clean nutrition. Regular physical activity. Less stress, more smiles.

2. How to get pregnant the first time and quickly? A proven means of getting pregnant quickly is calculating ovulation according to the menstrual cycle.

3. To get pregnant quickly, you need to have sex often. At least three times a week. Don't forget about ovulation.

4. How you can get pregnant “by order”: conceiving girls, boys, twins, twins. You need to pay attention to the Chinese and lunar calendar, Japanese tables, folk signs and expert advice.

5. In order to get pregnant quickly, but at the same time fully bear the unborn child, it is important for parents to undergo an examination of the body before conceiving. To detect problems in time and overcome them.

Andrey Pavlov

Do you want a baby, but all attempts are in vain? There are several recommendations that will help significantly increase your chances of getting pregnant and giving birth to a healthy baby.

The right time to conceive

The most favorable period for conception is the day of ovulation - the release of a mature egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube. Ovulation generally occurs mid-cycle, around day 14 from the start of your last period. A basal temperature chart will help determine its onset. Measurements are taken every day in the morning, without getting out of bed. An increase in rectal temperature indicates ovulation. The readings increase by about 0.2-0.6°C the day after ovulation and remain elevated until the start of the next period.

You can determine the day of ovulation by a change in the consistency of the lubricant (vaginal secretion) - it becomes more sticky. In addition, the amount of lubrication increases.

Nowadays you can buy special tests in pharmacies that determine ovulation.

What medications prevent you from getting pregnant the first time?

If pregnancy was previously regulated by hormonal contraceptives, they are canceled 3 months before the expected conception.

Anabolic steroids suppress the function of the pituitary gland and disrupt hormonal levels. Long-term use of steroids by men leads to disruptions in the endocrine system.

Taking vitamins for those wishing to become pregnant

An alternative is foods rich in folic acid - fresh greens, cabbage, beets, carrots, beans, peas, bran, seeds and nuts, whole grains, potatoes in their skins.

How to increase your chances of getting pregnant: lifestyle

Proper nutrition

A diet enriched with vitamins is the key to a healthy body. First of all, you should exclude coffee and drinks containing caffeine from the menu, as this substance reduces the chances of conceiving a child.

It is recommended to temporarily give up salty, smoked, fried, sweets in large quantities, and limit foods containing preservatives. An increase in blood sugar provokes the production of adrenaline, a hormone that “attacks” progesterone. The latter, in turn, regulates the secretion of lubricant and prepares the uterus for conception.

The menu increases the amount of fresh fruits and foods rich in folic acid. It is recommended to increase the amount of animal proteins in the menu, for example, prepare more chicken and beef dishes.

For 3 months, completely eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages.

Sports activities

Both partners need to take care of their physical fitness. This is especially recommended for women. Shaping, dancing, swimming, yoga, various physical exercises - all this strengthens muscles and prepares the body for pregnancy and childbirth. Particular attention should be paid to the muscles of the back and abdominals. The latter supports during pregnancy and childbirth, and the back - after the birth of the baby.

The chance of conceiving a child increases if you spend time outside every day and travel out of town more often.

Loads should be moderate, as you can achieve the exact opposite effect - deplete the body.

It happens that stress leads to irregular menstruation or its cessation. In this case, you need to temporarily reduce the pace and rhythm of classes, but you should not give them up altogether.

Sex life and successful positions to help you get pregnant

You don't need to have sex every day for the week before and after ovulation to get pregnant. Scientific research confirms that men who have an intense sex life have low sperm counts - spermatogenesis does not have time to recover.

You don't need to have sex every day. It is enough to do this every other day. It must be remembered that sperm is active for 72 hours after ejaculation.

The most favorable positions are “missionary” and knee-elbow for a woman (man on top and behind, respectively). The chance of getting pregnant increases if you lie down for a while after sex, raising your pelvis.

Before sex, it is not advisable to overdo the toilet - use products that can change the acidity of vaginal lubrication. Douching is strictly prohibited. Traditional hygiene procedures are sufficient. This is due to the fact that sperm are very sensitive to the chemical composition of the environment where they enter. Also, do not use synthetic lubricant.

Before you get pregnant: preparing for conception

If a family is planning a child, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for conception and pregnancy. While carrying a baby, the body is subjected to higher stress, so ailments that previously did not bother you may become more active. Some diseases can attack weak points in the body. It is necessary to ensure that the woman is as healthy as possible at the time of conception.

To increase your chance of getting pregnant, you need to visit doctors of several specialties, undergo a series of tests and get vaccinations - these are necessary conditions, since even the most banal diseases can affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the fetus.

Doctors will help you get pregnant

To increase your chances of getting pregnant, both partners should first see a GP. Prenatal counseling helps detect diseases that sometimes future parents are not even aware of. This will allow you to cure the disease or take into account its presence during pregnancy. Doctors, knowing about pathologies, will be able to minimize the risks associated with toxicosis, edema and other unpleasant phenomena. In addition, they will be able to prevent the threat of miscarriage caused by a certain disease.

If a woman has a serious illness, for example, epilepsy or diabetes, then she definitely needs to consult a specialist. He may suggest other methods of treating/controlling the disease. This is due to the fact that some drugs are harmful to the fetus and can interfere with conception.

Before you get pregnant, you should visit your dentist. Perhaps the doctor will advise you to take an x-ray, which is prohibited for expectant mothers. In addition, diseased teeth are a source of infection, which is extremely undesirable for a pregnant woman to encounter.

You can get pregnant the first time and give birth to a baby even with serious vision problems. The only thing a doctor can prohibit is giving birth naturally. That is why it is worth visiting an ophthalmologist first.

If you have genetic diseases, you should visit a geneticist. Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to get pregnant precisely because of the presence of such pathologies. In addition, a geneticist will determine the degree of risk in the presence of hereditary pathologies.

Get tested and vaccinated

Traditional tests are mandatory: blood, urine, feces. During preparation, vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed. Iron supplements are often prescribed along with folic acid to avoid anemia during pregnancy. Saturating the body with useful substances increases the chances of getting pregnant.

If a woman has not had rubella, she needs to be tested to see if she has immunity to this disease. If the result is negative, you should get vaccinated. Rubella during pregnancy increases the risk of fetal defects. After vaccination, doctors allow you to get pregnant only after 3 months.

Conception does not occur: who is to blame?

How can you get pregnant quickly? Both men and women are looking for ways to get pregnant quickly and the answer to the question “How to quickly conceive a child?” - after all, in about half of the cases a couple cannot have a child due to problems with women’s health and in half - with men’s health. Conceiving a child quickly is quite possible if you really want a child and both are ready to undergo examinations, treatment if necessary, and even change some habits.

The reasons that affect the decline in fertility (ability to conceive a child), as well as some tips and ways to quickly conceive a child are given below.


Smoking has a negative impact on both male and female reproductive health, reducing the chances of having a child. Married couples in which one of the partners smokes are several times more likely to end up at a family planning center with the complaint “I want to get pregnant quickly, but it didn’t work out after months of trying.”

Scientists have proven a direct connection between smoking and fertility (the ability to conceive a child). In men who smoke, sperm count decreases by 17%. In addition, nicotine shortens the life of sperm. It has been proven that in those men who quit smoking, the number of sperm increases up to 8 times. And this significantly increases the possibility of conceiving a child.

As for women, infertility is more common among smokers than among non-smokers. If you come to the thought “I want to get pregnant” and you smoke, then during the period of infertility treatment you will have to take larger doses. Both active and passive smoking (being in smoky rooms, inhaling smoke near smokers) significantly reduces the effectiveness of infertility treatment and the chances of conception.


How to quickly conceive a child if you have to cope with stressful situations every day at work? There are no precise studies that would prove a direct connection between infertility and stress. But the relationship between these concepts is still beginning to be traced. When treating infertility, women who received a relaxing foot massage ended up conceiving quickly.


According to research results, women or men diagnosed with infertility often experience a lack of certain microelements in the body. When conducting research on how to get pregnant quickly, scientists from Harvard University found that 79% of infertile men had low levels of antioxidants.

Recent tests have confirmed that consuming foods with mercury may cause problems with conception. Unfortunately, many seafood on store shelves contain mercury - be careful with cheap fish and other suspiciously cheap seafood.

Another useful finding from scientists: being overweight also increases your chances of having problems conceiving.

What to do?

If you don't know how to get pregnant quickly, the tips below will help you get closer to having children.

To give up smoking

How to quickly conceive a child if one or both partners smoke? It is advisable not just to reduce the number of cigarettes, but to quit smoking altogether. Quitting cigarettes completely is the surest and fastest way to get pregnant quickly. Another piece of advice from scientists: six months before conception, reduce the number of contacts with people who smoke.
If you are planning to conceive a child, try to stay less in cafes, restaurants and other public places where people smoke.

Ability to relax

How to quickly conceive a child, despite stress? There are two options. The first is to quit. The second option is to learn to relax. Even if your job is stressful, don't bring negativity home. If you have a warm family environment at home, do everything to keep it that way.

If you are interested in how to get pregnant quickly, try to relieve stress in the following ways:

Take a relaxing bath with sea salt or natural essential oils (just not too hot and no longer than 15–20 minutes);
watch a comedy with your husband;
do gymnastics on a fitball;
just take a walk in the fresh air.

These tips are especially important for couples who have decided “I want a child” and who live in large cities. Perhaps you were unable to immediately relax and relieve tension from your muscles. Exercise regularly, and soon you will learn to relax completely.

Follow a diet

Nutrition for men

If a man’s spermogram shows an insufficient number of sperm or problems with their structure, the amount of antioxidant vitamins C and E should be increased in his diet. To have children, make sure that you have vegetables and fruits on your table every day.

The study, which was conducted by the BBC for the filming of a popular science program, involved four men diagnosed with infertility. Their wives have already given up hope that anything will work out. To increase the quantity and quality of sperm, they ate vegetables and fruits (raw or juiced) daily for three months. At the end of the experiment, the wife of one of the study participants learned that she would soon become a mother. According to her, she didn’t even expect how quickly she got pregnant.

In another study, scientists found that taking 1000 mg of ascorbic acid daily for 7 days increased sperm count by 1.4 times. And a higher sperm count means a greater likelihood of conception. This antioxidant is found in large quantities in kiwi, black currants, lemons and other citrus fruits, parsley, gooseberries, sorrel, sea buckthorn, and apples. Vitamin C gives vegetables and fruits a sour taste.

The results of another study show that vitamin E and selenium make sperm more motile - and this also increases the chances of getting pregnant. The likelihood of conception will increase if a man takes foods with vitamin E: parsley, potatoes, rye bread, carrots, nuts, bananas, peas, corn, wheat germ, butter and vegetable oil. Eggs, liver, sunflowers, garlic, pistachios, wheat bran, brown rice, coconut, and wheat sprouts are rich in selenium.

Eating a healthy diet with enough antioxidant vitamins is a possible way to get pregnant quickly.

Women's nutrition

How to quickly conceive a child by changing your diet? Try to reduce your weight by at least 5%. It has been proven that even such a slight decrease in body weight can stimulate ovulation and, as a result, conception will quickly occur. In addition, eating vegetables and fruits will also benefit the child. If you lose weight, the baby will not be too large and the birth will be easier. By reducing body weight, you take care of your own health and the health of your children.

The topic of conceiving offspring is a very current topic, despite the loss of interest of many young people in starting a family and having children. However, many women and men want to have children. It’s good if biological age allows you to conceive offspring without problems and obstacles, but many people postpone the process of conception for a long period, believing that even after 35 years nature will condescendingly give them the child they want. Alas, Nature has its own laws and periods of the best, optimal conception of children. I talk about this in the article “Secrets of Conception and Early Pregnancy”, which is included in two books - “Preparing for Pregnancy” and “Desktop Guide for Pregnant Women”.

I often receive letters from women asking me to recommend some miraculous way to quickly conceive a child, because many of them, after 2-3 months of unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, begin to suffer from childbearing fever and allow illiterate but commercially minded doctors to interfere with the female reproductive system without any there is a serious justification for this. While working on a new book, which is devoted to the issues of human sexual relations and which is almost completed, I devoted an entire section of this work to the topic of conceiving offspring. Studying thousands of scientific publications devoted to issues of intimate relationships, I was interested in the topic of the significance of sex (sexual acts) in the reproduction of offspring. The information that will be presented next is the result of my analysis of numerous data, and in such a generalized form does not exist either in English-language scientific and popular science publications, or in Russian-language articles and books. This information is in addition to the article on the secrets of conception. It is most often not mentioned by most doctors, and most likely because it is unknown to most doctors.

So, it is important for all couples planning a pregnancy to understand that a person reproduces sexually, therefore the main function of sexual relations is the reproduction of offspring. However, it is important to understand that the same nature has endowed the human genital organs, especially its external organs, with a large number of “devices” for attracting the opposite sex, preparing the body for copulation and successfully conceiving a child. The external genitalia have a huge number of nerve endings (much more than the vagina, cervix and uterus), which are involved in sexual arousal and orgasm, as well as a large number of different glands that play a role in the production of secretions necessary for sexual intercourse to be most effective , without negative consequences for men and women. You can read more about this in my new book.

Since nature has endowed humans with all sorts of “devices” for successful conception through sexual intercourse, it is important to understand that sexual intercourse cannot be torture, but must bring sexual pleasure and sexual satisfaction, because arousal and orgasm are necessary for conceiving children. In men, sexual arousal is accompanied by erection and potency, and orgasm is nothing more than the ejaculation of sperm into the vagina. And no one will dispute this, right? So why do many women, as well as men, remain silent about the role of female sexual arousal and orgasm in conceiving children? Because they don’t know anything about this issue, and the statement that “women get pregnant without any orgasm” leads to a very false idea that arousal and orgasm have nothing to do with conceiving children. Is it so?
Let's take a closer look at the processes that a woman undergoes with and without arousal, and what is the role of these processes in relation to sexual intercourse and a man's sperm. I have placed the data in a table that will help you see the difference in the processes occurring in the female body.


Without sexual arousal

With sexual arousal and orgasm

Vagina sizes

Don't change

Are increasing

Vaginal wall thickness

Does not change


Humidification (lubrication)

Feelings during sexual intercourse

Discomfort, soreness, burning due to friction

Mildly pleasant to extremely pleasant

Posterior vaginal vault

Not expressed

Increases in size

Acidity of the vaginal environment

Does not change (high)


Distribution of sperm after ejaculation

All over the vagina

Accumulates in the posterior vaginal fornix

Sperm activation process


Sperm survival

Sperm motility

Cervical canal

Expands and opens slightly

Cervical mucus

Poor sperm passage

Good sperm permeability

The rate of entry of the first sperm into the uterine cavity

Up to 30 minutes

1-2 minutes

Contractions of the muscles of the uterus and fallopian tubes

Good - help the sperm move towards the egg

Probability of conception (on the day of ovulation)

Sexual pleasure and satisfaction



By looking closely at this data, you can see the difference between the processes that occur with and without sexual arousal.

Now a few clarifications on some important points presented in the table.
So, let's consider the issue of changing the size of the vagina during arousal. Why is this happening? In a non-excited (relaxed) state, the vaginal size is 7-9 cm in 78.34% of women. In an excited state, the size of the vagina increases to 13-19 cm, and in 86.96% of women it is 15-16 cm. Now let’s compare them with the size of the male penis: 95% of all men have a penis 10.7-19.1 cm long in a state of excitement, and the average length is 13-15 cm. The size of the penis in a relaxed state in adult men is about 9 cm. But, as thinking people, you understand that in a non-excited state, sexual intercourse is impossible for a man, so let’s compare the size of the excited penis with the size of the vagina, where this very penis is inserted. Have you noticed that the size of the erect vagina is almost the same as the erect penis? If so, then think about it: how much pleasure does a woman get when her vagina is not aroused, and a man tries to insert his erect penis into it? Is it easy to insert a 13-15 cm “object” into a 7-9 cm physical “object”? This is probably tantamount to torture. Therefore, it is not surprising that many women shy away from sexual relations with men, because many do not know how to get aroused themselves (and are even afraid and do not want to), and their partners also do not know how to arouse their women.
Thus, in nature sexual arousal is an important stage in the preparation of male and female bodies for sexual intercourse.

What else is important to mention? That during arousal, not only the size of the vagina increases, but the walls of the vagina become thinner. This process in English is called ballooning. Balloon is a balloon, so, figuratively speaking, the vagina is “inflated.” For what? Since the vaginal wall becomes thinner and the blood flow in the vessels surrounding the vagina increases, most of the blood plasma passes through the vaginal wall - hydration (lubrication) increases, which will not only protect the vaginal wall from friction with the penis, and therefore its damage, but also will reduce the acidity of vaginal contents. Sperm is a foreign body for any woman, so the vaginal environment reacts to it very aggressively. That is why the ejaculate contains tens and hundreds of millions of sperm - most of them die in a matter of seconds and minutes after ejaculation. In an excited state, more potassium and sodium ions, as well as chloride, appear in the vaginal secretions, which makes these secretions more alkaline and more “friendly” towards sperm.

These are not all the secrets of female arousal. Another process takes place - tenting. Tent is a tent, but in this case we are talking about increasing the size of the posterior vaginal vault, which is located behind the cervix. Its size increases and it becomes a kind of “tent” for the cervix, as well as a kind of reservoir (pool) for ejaculated sperm. In many publications you will find the statement that the cervix plunges into this “pool” of sperm and begins, contracting, to suck in sperm like a pump. This is not an entirely accurate description of the process occurring in a woman’s body after sexual intercourse, because this “pool” occurs only when a woman is sexually aroused, and good contractions of the cervix and uterus are expressed only during orgasm. Outside of arousal, sperm is “distributed” throughout the vagina and quite often flows out of it, causing women to complain about the discharge of an unpleasant-smelling, “strange” liquid.

It was mistakenly believed that during sexual intercourse, sperm is released directly into the cervical canal. No, sperm first accumulates in the posterior vaginal fornix. Why?
It is important to note that the ejaculate that is sprayed into the vagina is not uniform, but has certain stages of formation. The first to be released is a fluid that is produced by small glands inside the urethra of the head of the penis (Littre glands), then the secretion is released from the Cooper glands, after which the testicular fluid containing sperm is released, as well as the secretion of the epididymis (epididymal fluid), which also contains sperm, along with the fluid of the seminal vesicles and prostate. Thus, during ejaculation, there is a certain order in which the different components of semen are released, so a period of time is required for the semen to become homogeneous. This also means that there are no sperm in the first, initial portions of the ejaculate.

To acquire fertilizing properties, sperm must undergo a series of step-by-step changes. First, already in the vaginal cavity, sperm undergo capacitation, which continues in the uterine cavity and in the fallopian tubes. Capacitation is the acquisition of properties by sperm that will allow them to fertilize an egg: sperm become more mobile, take on a more spherical shape, their membrane loses a number of substances that prevent the union of sperm with the egg.

So, after sexual intercourse, the bulk of sperm accumulates in the posterior fornix of the vagina, which, due to its stretching and increase in size, becomes a kind of saccular reservoir for sperm. It is here that all the ingredients of the semen are mixed evenly, in a matter of minutes the semen is liquefied under the influence of enzymes and acquires a gelatin-like structure, essentially concentrating the sperm together, preventing them from being “lost” in the vagina. At the same time, enzymes from the prostate juice begin the reverse process - the process of sperm liquefaction or decoagulation. This process also takes a few minutes, but most often no more than 15 minutes. Reproductive technology specialists believe that if sperm liquefaction lasts more than 15 minutes, such sperm loses its fertilizing properties.

Now let's discuss the issue of uterine contractions during orgasm and their role in the process of conception. The muscular wall of the uterus (myometrium) consists of three layers of muscle. The first layer is called the archmyometrium (stratumsubvasculare) and it consists of smooth muscles arranged in a circle (circular muscles). The second (stratumvasculare) are bundles of short muscles. The third layer (stratum supravascular) contains long muscle fibers. Only the inner third of the uterine muscles (archyometrium) is involved in uterine contractions. This layer of muscle starts from the cervix and then continues to the fallopian tubes. The contractions of these muscles resemble intestinal peristalsis, which also occurs due to the gradual contraction of smooth circular muscles. This contraction allows sperm to move faster from bottom to top, i.e. from the cervix to the fallopian tubes.

Another interesting mechanism for sperm movement is related to the fact that sperm most often moves towards the fallopian tube that is connected to the ovulating ovary, that is, purposefully. The ovulating ovary produces more hormones, especially estrogens, due to the growth of the dominant follicle and the release of fluid from it upon rupture (ovulation) into the abdominal cavity, where this fluid enters the infundibulum of the fallopian tube. Seminal fluid contains prostaglandins, but some of them enhance contractions of smooth muscles, while others, on the contrary, relax them. The significance of these prostaglandins has not yet been studied.
Thus, uterine contractions during orgasm help propel sperm into the uterine cavity. It is important to mention here the fact that only healthy sperm enter the uterine cavity, therefore, if a man has abnormalities in the quality and quantity of sperm, he may not conceive a child for years or never at all. Illiterate doctors usually “dig” into women because it is easier to deceive them, it is easier to manipulate them, saying that one sperm is enough to conceive.

How many sperm are needed for successful conception? It turns out that in the entire ejaculate of a healthy man (and therefore healthy sperm), only 10% of sperm are activated through capacitation, which allows them to acquire fertilizing qualities - the remaining sperm do not have fertilizing activity! Does this mean the more sperm the better? No, it is excess sperm that becomes harmful to the female reproductive system and can interfere with conception and implantation of the fertilized egg. When artificial insemination is performed and sperm is introduced into the uterine cavity, the amount of sperm must be strictly controlled to prevent it from damaging the egg. This is due to the fact that sperm die inside the female genital organs (vagina, cervix, uterine cavity, fallopian tubes) in large numbers. In this case, enzymes (enzymes) are released that destroy the wall of the egg. On the one hand, such destruction is necessary for the entry of the sperm. On the other hand, too many dead sperm leads to a serious violation of the integrity of the female reproductive cell and defective conception (quite often - empty fertilized egg). Such aggressiveness of sperm is often observed with polyspermy (the presence of a large number of sperm in the ejaculate) or with several frequent sexual intercourse with ejaculation in the vagina (too frequent sexual intercourse most often does not lead to the conception of children).

There is another interesting mechanism present in nature when conceiving a child, and it is associated with the mucus of the cervical canal. Many people, including doctors, think that sperm passes from the vagina through the cervical canal into the uterine cavity unchanged, that is, in the integrity in which it is in the vagina after ejaculation. However, semen samples taken from cervical mucus show that the mucus does not allow dead, immotile or inactive sperm, vaginal epithelial cells, and male urethral epithelial cells to pass through. According to a number of scientists, cervical mucus acts as a filter, “absorbing” only healthy and motile sperm. Therefore, the concentration of sperm in the cervix is ​​much lower than their concentration in the vagina. And since immediately after ejaculation the mobility of sperm is low, it is not yet possible to explain their presence in the cavity of the fallopian tubes 1-5 minutes after ejaculation by their rapid mobility or the “filtering” ability of cervical mucus. Obviously, there is another mechanism for the rapid transport of sperm, and it is possible that this mechanism involves peristaltic muscle contractions of the uterus, which can also occur as a result of chemical reactions of the interaction of sperm with the surface of the vaginal and cervical mucosa, as well as under the influence of mechanical stimuli (genital penis), and during orgasm.

So, you already know a lot about the secrets of conception. All that remains is to answer the question: When is orgasm most optimal for conception?? It is known that orgasm in women can occur before ejaculation, during ejaculation and after ejaculation of seminal fluid. If orgasm occurs before ejaculation, then uterine contractions do not take much part in the transport of sperm, although the cervical canal expands and opens slightly due to relaxation of the uterine muscles - this does not prevent sperm from entering the uterine cavity. Peristalsis of the uterine muscles is observed, but it is not as pronounced as during orgasm. Most often, another scenario is observed - most men “cum” before the woman has an orgasm or there is no orgasm at all. If an orgasm occurs simultaneously in a man and a woman, the sperm does not enter the uterine cavity immediately, because, firstly, it is not active, and secondly, during orgasm, due to rhythmic muscle contractions, the cervical canal narrows, and only after a few minutes After orgasm, it relaxes and opens. This time is enough to activate the sperm. Some doctors and scientists consider the most optimal option for conception to be a “delayed” orgasm - first, the man ejaculates into the vagina against the background of the woman’s arousal, and the female orgasm occurs 3-4 minutes after ejaculation. The optimality of this option is explained by the fact that during this time the sperm reaches maximum activation through the process of capacitation, and contractions of the uterus, as well as its subsequent relaxation, can act as a pump, drawing sperm into the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes. There has been little research in this direction, just as no one has explored the importance of sexual positions in conceiving offspring, although logic dictates that given the changes in the vagina, the traditional missionary position (position) will be the most optimal. But one thing is obvious - orgasm is important for the process of conceiving offspring.

These are not all the secrets of the female and male organisms, including in relation to their role as sexual partners. Many interesting, and most importantly, modern, fresh, new facts on the topic of Feminine and Masculine are given in my book. In conclusion, I will say that do not create a problem where there is none. This advice applies primarily to women who are panicking about their “infertility” and are looking for a panacea in the form of pills, injections, which become blind and deaf puppets in the hands of various crooks, including those in white coats. To begin with, increase your level of knowledge and learn to understand how and under what circumstances the conception of a child occurs, what is necessary for this, what nature has endowed you with and how to use this Gift and not ignore it.

When women complain that their men cheat on them and have affairs, or when men complain that their other half constantly denies them sexual relations (and therefore partially compensate for the lack of sexual relations outside of their marital unions), the problem must be sought in a misunderstanding sexual partners the meaning of sexual arousal and obtaining sexual pleasure through orgasm and other types of sexual activity. It is also important to understand that for both men and women, sexual arousal and orgasm (ejaculation or menopause) are always expressed in the same form: arousal is arousal, orgasm is orgasm. A person cannot be dead in any other way. A woman cannot be pregnant in different ways. So there can be no difference in orgasm. It can be weak or strong, but an orgasm is an orgasm.

I receive quite a few letters in which women almost tear their hair out, considering themselves frigid, because they have an orgasm with stimulation of the clitoris, but they have not experienced a “vaginal” orgasm without stimulation of the clitoris. In my book, I describe in detail how and when myths about the frigidity of women arose, and also consider many other issues. I will repeat one thing: do not create problems where there are none. If you know how to orgasm, be glad that you can do it. If you don’t know how, learn, because 90% of women orgasm without any problems when stimulating the erogenous zones. This is why nature has endowed you with sensitivity. So don’t voluntarily turn yourself into insensitive logs lying passively in bed and waiting for an orgasm like manna from heaven. Enjoy life and be glad that there are men and women in your life who want intimacy with you.

Modern medicine has many methods for determining ovulation. How accurate and reliable is each of them?

Spouses planning to conceive have probably heard that certain positions during sexual intercourse increase the likelihood of pregnancy. Is this really so and if so, what poses can be considered the most favorable in this regard?

Of course, if the man and woman are healthy, pregnancy should occur regardless of what positions the couple prefers during intercourse. That is why many scientists are skeptical about this method of increasing the likelihood of conception. But, taking into account some features of the physiology of this process, we can still assume with great confidence that in some positions conception occurs more often, and this is scientifically explainable.

How does conception occur?

To conceive a child, the meeting of male and female reproductive cells - sperm and egg - must occur. This is only possible during 3–4 days of the menstrual cycle.

Starting from the first day of menstruation, a dominant follicle containing an egg begins to actively mature in a woman’s ovary. All these days, the egg is actively dividing, preparing for possible fertilization.

In the middle of the cycle - approximately on days 14-16 - the dominant follicle ruptures and the egg, ready to meet the sperm, exits into the abdominal vulgarity: this process is called “ovulation”. Then the egg enters the fallopian tube and, thanks to the vibrations of special villi, moves towards the uterus. It is in the fallopian tube that the egg and sperm must meet for fertilization to occur.

At the end of sexual intercourse, a man ejaculates - the release of seminal fluid containing millions of active sperm. Once in the vagina, they begin active movement into the uterine cavity due to the “tails” they have. And only a few of them, entering the fallopian tube through the uterus, reach the egg. Thanks to a special substance, one sperm destroys the membrane of the egg and enters it. After this, the penetration of other sperm there becomes impossible: the process of fertilization has occurred.

The fertilized egg begins to actively divide - into 2-4-6-8 cells, etc., while gradually moving towards the uterus. Once in the uterine cavity, it is implanted into the uterine wall. From this moment the development of a new life begins.

Sexual positions

Positions in which the likelihood of conception increases can be divided into two types - according to the position of the man in relation to the woman.

Man on top– it is in this position that the probability of conception is maximum. This is explained by the fact that in this case the man penetrates his partner as deeply as possible and the release of seminal fluid occurs in the immediate vicinity of the cervix, through which the sperm enter the uterus, and from there into the fallopian tubes. In this position, the likelihood of sperm leaking out of the vagina is minimal, thus allowing the maximum amount of sperm to enter the uterus.

There are several types of poses when a man is on top:

  • classic, or “missionary”, when a woman lies on her back with her legs bent;
  • a woman, lying on her back, throws her legs over her partner’s shoulders;
  • a woman, lying on her back, raises her legs up and crosses them, bringing them closer to her face;
  • the woman lies on her back, placing a pillow under her buttocks, so that her pelvis is raised.

It should be said that all positions in which the woman’s pelvis is raised are more successful, since this reduces the likelihood of sperm leaking out of the vagina.

Man from behind, or the doggy style position, also increases the likelihood of conception. Her options:

  • knee-elbow pose - a woman stands on all fours, leaning on her knees and elbows;
  • the woman also stands on all fours, but with support on her knees and hands;
  • the woman lies on her stomach, the man on top.

Problem solving

There are positions that increase the likelihood of conception in women with certain physiological features of the structure of the genital organs.

Usually the uterus is located in the small pelvis tilted anteriorly - towards the bladder - and is slightly bent forward. But in approximately 15?% of women, the uterus is deviated posteriorly or there is a bend of the uterus posteriorly - towards the rectum. This is not a pathology, but only a variant of the norm. Typically, this anatomical feature does not affect reproductive function in any way, and many women do not even suspect it. This feature of the location of the uterus is determined by the gynecologist during a vaginal examination. But some women with this location of the uterus sometimes do not get pregnant for a long time due to the difficulty of seminal fluid entering the cavity. In such a situation, the use of special positions during sexual intercourse can help.

The optimal position for such women is the position of the man behind. A knee-elbow pose, a pose on all fours supported by straight arms, a position on your side with your back to your partner, a pose on your stomach are suitable.

Sometimes women, after suffering an inflammatory process of the uterus and appendages, develop adhesions that deviate the uterus in one direction or another. This is also easily determined by a gynecologist during examination. In such a situation, a woman can be advised to lie on the side where the uterus is deviated during intercourse, which will ensure good flow of seminal fluid.

In addition to special positions, certain positions after intercourse can also help pregnancy. Here are the most famous of them:

  1. The “birch” position is perhaps the most popular and famous. In this case, the woman is advised to lie on her back and raise her straightened legs at an angle of 90° to her body and slightly raise her pelvis. It is recommended to lie in this position for 10–15 minutes. For convenience, you can lean your legs against the wall. In fact, this is a rather uncomfortable position, and there are alternative, no less effective positions, thanks to which, as in this case, the sperm will not flow out of the vagina, but, under the influence of gravity, will rush into the uterus towards the egg.
  2. Lying on your back with your legs bent and pressed to your chest (you can clasp your legs with your arms).
  3. Lying on your back with a pillow under your buttocks is very effective and allows the woman to relax, unlike the previous positions. We can call it optimal in terms of convenience and achieved effect.
  4. The prone position is suitable for women with a curved uterus. Thanks to this position, the bend is not an obstacle to the path of seminal fluid and it more easily reaches the fallopian tubes, where fertilization most often occurs.
  5. The lateral position is recommended for women with a uterine deviation to the left or right. You need to lie on the side towards which the uterus is tilted.

In conclusion, we list the main points that will help increase your chances of conceiving:

  • have sex on the “right” days – 2–3 days before ovulation, on the day and 2–3 days after it;
  • use a position that suits you during sexual intercourse;
  • after sexual intercourse, do not get out of bed, but lie down, relaxed, in one of the above positions: the optimal and most comfortable position is lying on your back, placing a pillow under your buttocks;
  • After sexual intercourse, you should not wash yourself with soap or intimate hygiene products, and also do vaginal douching.

Well, the most important thing is a positive attitude and good mood. Many couples have verified that as soon as a woman stops thinking about pregnancy and “obsessing” over this problem, the coveted two lines often appear on the test.

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