How do swear words affect the body? What do we attract into our lives when we say swearing and bad words? Devil Summoners. About the energy-informational essence of swear words

Why is swearing bad? How is swearing harmful to a person from an energy point of view?
What harm do swearing and foul language cause to the health of girls and children?
Is it true that swearing destroys the human body?
What is the impact of swearing on human health and destiny? Impact of swearing on water, plants and DNA.

Recently, the following point of view has been actively expressed regarding the use of profanity: it turns out that swearing is actually useful, since in our difficult times it helps a person to discharge emotionally. A very simple justification for foul language has also appeared: if something comes out of you, then it’s harmful to keep it in yourself. This, they say, is the dialectic of life.

But foul language is not at all harmless, as many people believe. Today, not only religion, but also science warn people: swearing is mortally dangerous both for those who are accustomed to conveying their emotions with the help of obscene words, and for those who are forced to listen to this swearing.

Scientists gradually began to realize that the word is material. Like any sound, a word carries a certain energy potential that affects the environment, including humans. Pronouncing bad words, like tobacco smoke, disrupts space and harms everyone: both the bad worder himself and the people around him. Here is what the famous doctor and saint Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) says about this: “Not a single word coming from human lips is lost in space without a trace. It always leaves a deep, indelible mark, it lives among us and acts on our hearts, for the word contains great spiritual energy - either the energy of love and goodness, or the energy of evil. And the energy never disappears. Physicists know this regarding material energy, which in all its forms is not lost. Spiritual energy also never disappears without a trace, it spreads everywhere, it affects everyone.”. And this opinion has now been confirmed by our scientists.

Today, science is able to detect sounds with a long time delay after their occurrence. Scientists claim that, if they have the means, they are able to make a sound catcher that can, years later, extract words spoken by various people from the Earth’s etheric field. Thus, what we say becomes a certain part of matter and participates in the general process of life, influencing it. How often do we think about what comes out of our mouths? What do we fill the surrounding space with? The words we speak and hear shape our consciousness, our personality. Well, what kind of personality can appear in an atmosphere of incessant swearing?

As studies conducted in recent decades have shown, not only morality, but also human health suffers from the use of swear words. One of the first scientists to pay attention to this aspect was Ivan Belyavsky. His dissertation proved with mathematical precision a truth that was unacceptable to the official science of that time: not only does man himself possess a certain energy, but each of his words also carries its own energy charge. It was found that different words are charged differently, and, as in ordinary physics, there can only be two charges: either positive or negative. Later, already in the 90s, this group of scientists published a book based on their research, which gives a lot of examples related to observations of specific people. The hypothesis about the impact of words on prolonging youth, on life span, and even on changing a person’s destiny was confirmed. For several years, scientists examined two groups of people of the same age. The first group consisted of principled long-term foul-mouthed people, and the second group consisted of people who were accustomed to doing without obscene language. It turned out that people using the mat very quickly developed age-related changes at the cellular level, and after this, various diseases. In the second group, the picture was clearly the opposite: in particular, the body of a fifty-year-old woman who did not use swear words, despite her nervous work, turned out to be 13-15 years younger than her real age.

Throughout the 2000s, similar studies were also carried out in Germany, where bad language is also a serious problem. There this was done in more depth than in Russia; the slightest changes were recorded in all systems of the human body, right down to the genetic level. The results showed an accelerated development of negative trends in the health of foul-mouthed people, and in 85% of them the changes were so obvious and rapid that it almost completely eliminated the element of chance.

In the 1970s, Doctor of Biological Sciences I.B. Belyavsky tried to find out how individual words act on a person’s consciousness and his entire body. Almost twenty years of research by Belyavsky, who was gradually joined by a whole group of colleagues, was crowned not just with success, but with a real discovery. Scientists have been able to prove that every word we utter or hear constantly nearby clearly affects our genes. The result of this influence over time is the transmission of modified genes to offspring and a change in the genetic code, which carries information about life expectancy and the rate of aging of the organism.

Following Belyavsky, this theory was developed by Pyotr Garyaev, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Director of the International Center for Wave Genetics. He emphasizes: “We must remember that any spoken word is a wave genetic program that affects a living organism”.

At the Institute of Quantum Genetics, P. Garyaev, together with his colleague, conducted an interesting experiment. Using equipment developed by scientists, they proved that words cause electromagnetic vibrations, which directly affect the properties and structure of DNA, which are responsible for human heredity. It turned out that some words can be worse than mines: they explode in the human genetic apparatus, distorting its hereditary programs, causing mutations. If a person constantly uses swear words in his speech, his chromosomes begin to actively change their structure. A “negative program” is developed in DNA molecules. Gradually, these distortions become so significant that they modify the structure of DNA, and this is passed on to descendants. The accumulation of such negative qualities can be called a “self-destruction program.”

Scientists have recorded: a swear word causes a mutagenic effect similar to radiation. These words have a particularly detrimental effect on the reproductive organs and sexual functions of both men and women, and this can ultimately lead to the inability to give birth to a healthy child. DNA molecules absorb sound vibrations, and it makes no difference who utters swear words - a living person or a television character. Moreover, a person can mentally read a text, but the content will still “reach” his genetic apparatus through electromagnetic channels. But the most important thing is that DNA is not indifferent to the information it receives. Some messages heal them, others traumatize them. Words carrying the light of love awaken the reserve capabilities of the genome, and foul language damages even those cells that ensure the normal functioning of the body. In countries where there are no swear words in the national languages ​​that refer to the reproductive organs, Down's disease and cerebral palsy have not been found, while in countries where people swear, they exist. Thus, foul language harms everyone - the people around him, himself, his offspring.

For almost 40 years, the famous psychophysiologist and member of the World Ecological Academy Leonid Kitaev-Smyk has been dealing with the problem of swearing as a component of stress. The results of his research showed that abuse of swearing slowly but surely leads to hormonal disorders. This is especially noticeable in women. Cosmetologists notice that clients who cannot live without a mat suffer more than others from increased hairiness of the extremities. The voice of such women becomes lower and lower over time. The reason is all in the same male hormones. Therefore, for a woman, swearing is unnatural at the physiological level. Our ancestors intuitively understood this. Men could use strong words - but this never happened in front of women. They were protected from the harmful influence of profanity. And the women did not utter swear words at all.

Kitaev-Smyk’s research led to another interesting result. The scientist proved that a person resorts to swearing when he, even on a subconscious level, is not confident in his worth, that is, he feels inferior. If we are not talking about a stressful situation, then, as studies have shown, regular use of obscene language may indicate hidden or impending psychosocial problems.

Literally every year, science finds more and more evidence of the negative impact of foul language on the human body. Gennady Cheurin, head of the Yekaterinburg Center for Environmental Survival and Safety, at one time expressed a hypothesis about the detrimental effect of profanity on the psychophysical state of living organisms. This hypothesis was tested by several research institutes - the capital center under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, technical universities of St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Barnaul. Together with their colleagues, scientists in the laboratory, for the purpose of an experiment, watered wheat grains with different water: one water heard only swear words, and the other water heard only positive words. As a result, the seeds, watered with water, which was scolded with “three-story” abuse, sprouted only 49%... The water, which had heard a lot of “sluggish” swearing, showed a higher result: 53% of sprouted wheat. But the water over which prayers were read raised the germination rate of seeds to 96%. The result of the research is amazing, although it only confirmed the folk wisdom known to all summer residents: if you use foul language when planting, there will be no harvest.

Cheurin's colleagues conducted several experiments in which the negative effects of swearing on plants and animals were studied. They persuaded one of the regulars at the tavern to utter a cassette of choice obscenities, which then sounded near a vessel with water. Another vessel was “irradiated” with Mozart’s music. Then bouquets of flowers were placed in both vessels. In water charged with Mozart's music, the flowers lasted 5 times longer. Water samples were then given to a woman who grows indoor flowers, and she was assured that these were new solutions for feeding plants and that they would give good results. Naturally, the woman was not told where the water was. A few days later she called and said that she had stopped using water in a narrow vessel, since the flowers that she watered with this water were dying. I probably don’t need to say what kind of water we were talking about? The woman asked for the second water. Well, when the experimenters offered two bowls of water to several cats, none of the animals even approached the water that was charged with obscenities - they all chose “Mozart” water.

Cheurin, confirming the research of Kitaev-Smyk, also assures that the fight against swearing increases not only the culture of people, but also the birth rate. According to the scientist, frequent use of obscene language leads men to infertility and impotence, and a woman’s body, as a result of the use of obscene words, is rebuilt in a masculine way. If a person, when releasing negative energy, remembers the genitals, then this has a negative effect on them. Therefore, foul-mouthed people acquire urological and psychosexual diseases early.

Gennady Cheurin spent 20 years studying the power of swear words, and today he is convinced that these words actively affect the human body, eventually destroying all living things. Swearing, offensive, barbed words deeply hurt a person. The heart begins to pound faster, the blood rushes to the face, and the mood deteriorates. In the end, resentment leads to stress, stress leads to nervous disorders, and the latter leads to very specific diseases: eczema on the backs of the hands and feet, stomach ulcers, heart attack and stroke.

Obscene language touches the deep layers of the subconscious and leads to an escalation of violence. Remember: fights, pogroms, even murders in a state of passion are never accompanied by literary speech, but always by the rudest and most selective obscenities. This means that swearing should—and does—cause aggression. A foul-mouthed person develops the same dependence on swear words as a heavy smoker develops on nicotine, and an alcoholic develops on alcoholic beverages. People who strive to give up profanity argue that stopping swearing is no easier than stopping drinking or smoking.

But the biggest danger is for children. Foul language is a bridge to their degradation. Scientists have found that children who often hear swear words are noticeably lagging behind in mental development. Is it worth swearing if the price for it is so high?

Article dated 08/15/2016.

Speech is an indicator of intelligence! What a person is like, so is his speech. Swearing is not just a collection of obscenities. Such vocabulary indicates spiritual illnesses person. After all word- not just a set of sounds expressing thought. It can tell a lot about our state of mind.

The roots of foul language go back to distant pagan antiquity. Over the centuries, numerous attempts have been made to destroy the pure genetics of spiritual man in various ways. Including those that were specially invented mantras genetic destruction. “We don’t know what other mantras are,” you say. Of course you know, you just don’t understand what we’re talking about, because everything is so cleverly veiled. This is Mat. Mat is a mantric vibrational curse, which is actually a terrible weapon. Those who use swear words in their speech will of course now say that this is nonsense, we swear and live like everyone else. But is this really so?

Each mat causes high-frequency electromagnetic vibrations that destroy DNA. Under the influence of a mat, DNA begins to bend, tear into pieces, individual genes can even change places, causing genetic substitutions and rearrangements. Mutations occur that lead to degradation of the human genetic background. And this is precisely the goal of those who created these weapons. Low-grade programs are introduced into the consciousness of a swearing person, which make the person very irritable, angry, selfish, and degrading. Not only spiritual values ​​are dulled, but also mental abilities.

Please note that spiritually fragile people, mentally unbalanced, without self-control, who are unable to accept people and all situations in their lives in love and tranquility, speak obscenities. Through frequent swearing, they soon lose their sanity skills and become even more unbalanced, stupid and restless, judging, angry and destroying everyone around them and themselves. And if a person just swears from time to time, but regularly every day, then oncology and autoimmune diseases diseases won't keep you waiting long. 10-15 years are enough, and the mutating cells begin to turn into a tumor. Or the immune cells will stop recognizing the “face” of the mutating cells and begin to destroy them as strangers (autoimmune diseases arise).

The genetic weapon "MAT" was created purposefully in the 15th century by servants darkness to destroy the spiritual source in a person, to reduce him to the level of material values, so that a person degrades instead evolution. A weapon with which it is easy to turn a still spiritually fragile person into an avid materialist with a dying Soul ready to destroy himself and others for the sake of power, fame and wealth.

Until the 15th century, there was no swearing at all; it was introduced and spread through the merchant class, most of them mired in hopeless materialism. At first, merchants began to indulge in swearing, then it was passed on to the lower classes of the city. And among the toiling farmers, mate came already in the 18th century. And even then not everywhere. For a long time they believed that swearing was sinful. On the one hand, the Old Believers did not allow swearing, honoring traditions spiritual development, on the other hand, there are warriors who live in the forests. But the propagation of swearing was carried out persistently for centuries and for a long time to the state of prevalence in which we now hear it. In recent years, this weapon has reached a high level of implementation - swearing can be heard in public places and even from TV screens, in songs, in films... they would previously have been imprisoned in camps for this, but now no one is embarrassed...

But let’s not judge, but start with ourselves and our children... slowly but surely we can neutralize these weapons generation after generation. Stop swearing, and your genes will stop mutating, freaks and downs will stop being born, and a healthy generation will be restored. After all, swearing causes destruction in chromosomes approximately like radioactive exposure of 1000 roentgens. Don't believe me?

Do an experiment. Record swear words on any medium and play it on your house plant. Very soon it will “bend”, and so will you, if you continue to listen and reproduce these mantras of destruction and death. Be aware, do not allow yourself and your loved ones to be destroyed, give up swearing and explain to your children why swear words are introduced into popular speech. A spiritually rich person not only does not swear himself, but does not even condemn the person swearing next to him, equally bestowing him with his love in order to warm his Soul, to help with his high vibrations him to get stronger. Gives him an invisible helping hand.

Being spiritually developed does not mean being the cleanest person and disdaining communicating with spiritually fragile people, condemning them, criticizing them and looking down on them with contempt. If you yourself have become stronger, then you will never judge anyone, but will only try to always and everywhere lend a helping hand to those in need. We cannot impose our vision of the world, we can only respond to the call for help when a person is ready and begins to ask questions and seek advice, wanting to develop the Soul. Everyone goes their own way at their own speed.

And therefore, the purpose of the article is not to condemn those who cannot communicate without swearing, but only to reveal to them the meaning of swearing, and only everyone will decide for themselves. Unfortunately, swearing destroys not only the one who swears, but also the one who hears. Therefore, a person is responsible for the harm caused not only to himself, but also to those around him who suffered through him. It's important to realize this.

Devil Summoners. About the energy-informational essence of swear words

Let us remember the Bible: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” In modern language, this means that the primary act creations was energy-informational. In us, living, intelligent people, there is, as they say, a spark of God; we also have command of the word and therefore are capable of creating energy-informational energy ourselves. reality. Doctor of Biological Sciences Ivan Belyavsky tried to find out how ordinary words affect the human body. His many years of research culminated in the discovery that every word spoken or heard affects our genes. The rate of aging of the body and, consequently, the duration of our life directly depends on the linguistic environment in which we live. Different words are “charged” in different ways, and just as in ordinary physics, there can always be two “charges”: either positive or negative. Any swearing naturally affects us with a negative sign.

Monitoring the health status of large groups of people brought surprising results: a fifty-year-old Russian language teacher turned out to be biologically younger than a thirty-year-old foul-mouthed loader. The longevity of opera singers, as it turned out, is not at all accidental. Their profession means that they live most of their lives in a euphonious language environment. All in all, swearing is harmful.And for those who swear, and for those who are forced to hear dirty speech. Let us remember that the main swear word, starting with the second letter of the Russian alphabet and meaning a woman of known behavior, comes from the word “fornication.”

The ancient Slavs called it that demon masculine gender, inciting women to provocative debauchery. They called for “fornication” (by making human sacrifices to it) in order to either punish the female enemy with suicidal debauchery under a harsh economic system, or vice versa, to drive out “fornication” from the “weak on the front”, as they say now, women.

In the latter case, other swear words were added to the name of the demon in order to show the demon that, in terms of the degree of obscenity, the exorcist could be stronger than him. A standard phrase in our language, meaning physical possession of the mother of the interlocutor - a painful legacy of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. The conquests were accompanied by massive violence by the victors against the women of the vanquished. The primary meaning of the phrase is not sexual at all, but boastful, like, “I am many times stronger than you, I have already defeated you.”

When we utter swear words, we often, purely mechanically, seem to call upon ancient demons into our lives, calling out to evil day after day, year after year. As a result, we get evil in the form of first small troubles, and then larger ones - with health, with children, with loved ones, we finally find ourselves in a period of complete bad luck...

Many believe that swearing is a deeply Slavic tradition. In fact, foul language in Rus' until about the middle of the 19th century was rare even in the countryside. In cities, it was a criminal offense. Under Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, a foul-mouthed person was subjected to public flogging. Swearing then was the speech of highwaymen. The Church - the highest authority for a person of that time - severely condemned swear words precisely as a call of ancient pagan demons. "...Those who speak evil will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Let no rotten word come out of your mouth, but only good."

The modern church no longer ranks swearing among the most serious, mortal sins, but condemns swearing with the full force of its authority. The saddest thing is that those calling devil people cause energy-informational harm not only to themselves, but also to others, especially children. Modern science confirms to us ancient truths that are fundamentally important to the very essence of our lives: normal people should not swear!

Today in Russia swearing can be heard everywhere. Many people use swear words - men and women, teenagers and even children who hear and absorb everything. Some swear in order to seem cooler, others, due to a limited vocabulary, cannot find other words to express their emotions.

Even “educated” people nowadays periodically use swear words in their speech, despite the fact that they should be fine with the Russian language. Where did the mat come from? Some believe that swear words (they are also called obscene words) came to us from the conquerors since the time of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. But, unfortunately, this is not the case. The fact is that ancient birch bark letters were found containing swear words and written before the Mongol-Tatar invasion.

So, swearing is of Slavic origin. Further, linguists disagree. Some people think that initially swear words did not have such a sharply negative meaning that they acquired later. Also, some words had two different meanings, one of which was gradually replaced. That is, there was a deformation and change in the semantic content of words. This is more about ordinary swear words. For example, the original meaning of the word “bitch,” according to Dahl, is 1. “the corpse of a dead animal, livestock; carrion,” 2. abusive “a mad tomboy, a frantic brawler.” As we can see, the meaning of this word has undergone evolution, because today it is used to describe women who hunt men and manipulate them, the so-called “femme fatales.” The same thing happened with some swear words.

And finally, according to another version, swear words are pagan spells aimed at ending or harming the continuation of the human race. Why? Please note that these words mean reproductive organs and sexual intercourse. That is, when you swear, you actually throw out a strong stream of negative energy onto your genitals. As studies have shown, all this over time causes diseases of the reproductive system, infertility, and impotence. Being in the company of people who swear also affects human health. It is especially harmful for a woman to swear. Over time, hormonal disorders begin in her body, the amount of male sex hormones increases, and she loses her femininity.

Moreover, it has been proven that if you swear even to yourself, then this also harms your body.

The question arises, why can some words affect our health? Yes, because we are 80 percent water. And water has the ability to remember information. This was proven by the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto, who for several years experimentally studied the influence of words, thoughts and music on the structure of water. The research results were shocking - kind and bright words, prayers, classical music have a positive effect on water molecules, improving its properties and healing power. Hard rock, curses, words with a negative connotation, on the contrary, have a destructive effect on the structure of water, making it, at best, undrinkable, and at worst, a real poison. It's scary to think what happens to our body, which is more than half made of water, when we hear or say curse words!!!

The harmful influence of obscene words is confirmed by other scientific studies. In the late nineties of the last century, the Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences decided to study the effect of swearing on DNA molecules. To do this, a device was used that could measure the electromagnetic vibrations emanating from spoken words. They did not dare to conduct the experiment on people, so they took plant seeds for this. They were imprisoned, and for several hours a day a tape recording with swear words was played next to them. What is the result? Most of the seeds did not germinate, while others had serious genetic abnormalities.

Thus, swearing destroys human health from the inside. These swear words lead to degeneration and genetic deformities. Simply put, they prevent the birth of a healthy person.

Moreover, offensive words have a destructive effect on a person’s life. In fact, words and thoughts can materialize. And this is no joke. Many successful and happy people, sages talk and talked about this. The more we think about something negative, complain, swear, get irritated and angry, the more we attract bad events into our lives, so all we can do is swear. It turns out to be a vicious circle, and it’s time to get out of it. Life is like this in our country, you say. And you will not be entirely right. The fact is that we choose our path ourselves. By stopping swearing and getting angry, no matter what, we will open the way for better changes in our lives. And to a significant improvement in your health before it’s too late.

In addition, if you are an Orthodox person, then by swearing, you are also committing a great sin.

So, let's summarize:

1. Regular use of swear words in your vocabulary, as well as being in the company of swearing people, leads to serious diseases of the genitourinary system in both men and women. All this is explained by the fact that 80% of a person consists of water, which absorbs and “remembers” all the negativity.

2. Swear words have a destructive effect on the human DNA molecule. Their regular use in speech can lead to problems during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as to the birth of a child with genetic mutations, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, etc.

3. Obscene and other abusive words, as well as constant negative emotions, attract into our lives not only illnesses, but also other problems (material income, personal life, etc.).

Therefore, I would highly advise those people who swear to conduct an experiment. Just stop doing it. Believe me, the changes will surprise you. They may not happen immediately, but they will happen. For the better. This is a very bad habit and very difficult to break, but it is worth it. And ask your friends and relatives not to use swearing in your presence, think about your health - it is most important.

So, the choice is yours, dear readers. Decide how you want to live...

Life now is such that swearing is heard almost everywhere, even in places with which it is incompatible - in educational institutions, in the family circle, in public places. And after another collision with this alien destructive energy, there was a desire to systematize the thoughts that arose on this matter.

Let's start with the definition of swearing given in Wikipedia: "Mother (swearing, obscene language, swearing, swearing, (obsolete) barking obscene) is the most rude, obscene type of profanity in Russian and in languages ​​close to it."

In ancient Russian manuscripts, swearing is considered a feature of demonic behavior. By uttering obscene words, a person, even if he does it involuntarily, calls upon dark forces and participates in a savage cult.

Among the Slavs, swearing served as a curse. For example, one of the swear words starting with the letter “e,” which is of Slavic origin, is translated as “curse.” The person who pronounces it thereby curses himself and those around him. A person who utters swear words automatically calls upon himself, his children and his entire family all the dirtiest and most painful things. At the same time, the foul-mouthed person often expresses surprise and regret about serious problems with the organs, especially the genitourinary system, cancer and other diseases, while continuing to use foul language.

Here it is appropriate to recall a famous fairy tale belonging to European folklore. The girl, who spoke kindly and cordially, had roses falling from her lips. And the girl, who spoke dirty and rudely, had toads jumping out of her mouth and snakes crawling out... What an accurate artistic image.

What is a “swear word”, what is “mat”? There is an opinion that the origin of this or that curse and its etymological component are not of great importance. These words are traditionally considered "the worst." And when a person decides to use them for some reason, it is obvious that what forces him to do so is either extreme anger, or furious contempt for someone, or a complete lack of self-control. The mystical component of obscene language is the mysticism of anger boiling in the human heart, anger that connects a person with the destructive forces of the Universe, makes him a slave, while love connects him with the Creator.

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of Medical and Technical Sciences P. Garyaev experimentally established that protein chromosomes contain all the information necessary for the formation of a living organism. In the course of numerous experiments, he proved that the genetic apparatus of any living creature reacts equally to external influences, causing changes in genes. How does this happen? It is known that a person consists of more than 75% water.

The words spoken by a person change the structure of water, arranging its molecules in complex chains, changing their properties, and consequently, changing the genetic code of heredity. With the regular negative impact of words, modifications occur in genes that affect not only the person himself, but also his offspring. Gene modification accelerates the aging of the body, contributes to the development of various diseases and thus shortens lifespan. Conversely, when exposed to positive words and thoughts, a person’s genetic code improves, the aging of the body is delayed and life span increases.

Another scientist, Doctor of Biological Sciences I.I. Belyavsky spent many years studying the problem of the relationship between words and human consciousness. With mathematical precision, he proved that not only a person is characterized by a certain spectrum of energy, but also his every word carries an energy charge. And the word affects genes, either prolonging youth and health, or bringing illness and early old age closer, significantly worsening the overall quality of life.

Thus, it was once again proven that profanity conceals enormous destructive power. And if a person could see what a powerful negative charge, like the shock wave of an exploding bomb, spreads in all directions from obscene speech, he would never utter it.

Another interesting observation is connected with swear words. In those countries whose national languages ​​do not contain curse words indicating the reproductive organs, Down's disease and cerebral palsy are not found, while in Russia, for example, these diseases are not uncommon. If a person, when releasing negative energy, remembers the genitals, then this has a negative effect on them. This phenomenon is studied by psychosomatics (ancient Greek: soul and body) - a direction in medicine and psychology that studies the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and course of somatic (physical) diseases. Therefore, swearers become impotent early or acquire urological diseases. Another difficulty is that you don’t have to swear yourself; accidentally overhearing swearing is enough, which is why people living surrounded by foul-mouthed people suffer from illnesses. Of course, you can and should develop the ability to withstand negative blows from the outside. But even if such an ability is formed, how much effort is spent on constantly neutralizing the “linguistic bombardment”...

Swearing is used to express outright evil, manifested as anger and desecration. They fulfill their purpose, destroying the mind and health of both those who produce swearing and those who hear it, even just random passers-by.

Historical reference. Among the ancient Slavs, swearing was equated with a curse. Its similar use is recorded in Slavic writing. In the Bulgarian chronicle, the word “mattered” did not mean “scold”, but simply “cursed”. In Rus', until the mid-nineteenth century, foul language was not only not widespread even in villages, but for a long time it was criminally punishable. For obscene language in a public place, even according to the Criminal Code of the USSR, 15 days of arrest were required. In modern Russia, obscene language in public places entails administrative liability - a fine or administrative arrest for up to 15 days, this is provided for in Article 20.1 of the Administrative Code “Petty Hooliganism”.

However, bans do not solve serious internal problems. Most people admit that unliterary expressions humiliate a person, but this same majority nevertheless uses these expressions. It is difficult to imagine a housewife pouring out a bucket of slop in the middle of the room, but foul language is the same slop. Children are punished for bad words, but no one punishes adults, and the child, hearing a bad word, grins and then repeats it. This completes the circle.

When you meet a person who uses swearing, you inevitably wonder: is everything okay in his head? Because only a sick, sexually preoccupied person can mention genitals and sexual intercourse so often in colloquial speech.

You can often hear that there is nothing wrong with swearing, a person simply dumps negative energy, and the tongue cannot do without swearing. However, there is another opinion. Language not only reflects the value system of a person and society (obscene language, say, indicates the obvious vulgarization of such values), but also powerfully influences this system, subjugates it, determines a person’s very worldview and behavior. As a result, the character of the people as a whole, public consciousness, and the course of historical events change.

The swearing is based primarily (though not exclusively) on the vile and offensive use of the word “mother.” One of the highest concepts for a person is degraded to the level of cynically vulgar. Here it is appropriate to quote the words of A.P. Chekhov: “How much wit, anger and spiritual uncleanliness was spent to come up with these vile words and phrases aimed at insulting and desecrating a person in everything that is sacred, dear and dear to him.”

Defectiveness is always aggressive, and this aggressiveness manifests itself primarily at the level of language. Checkmate is a “format” of losers, weak, unbalanced people who are unable to find their place in life. Mat clogs the tongue, destroys its beauty and harmony, and leads to personality degradation.

Mat makes communication difficult. A person who swears is not able to convey his thoughts to his interlocutor in full and fills the voids caused by his own feeblemindedness with foul language.

Swearing is a demonstration of disrespect not only for the interlocutor, but also for the world as a whole; it undermines trust between people and puts the one who swears in the most unfavorable light. Yes, there are social strata where anyone who does not swear is seen as an inferior member of the corresponding group. But we are now talking about swearing not from the position of marginal circles, but from the position of normal people.

In medical practice, there are cases when people with certain types of paralysis cannot say a single normal word, but without hesitation they utter entire expressions consisting exclusively of obscenities. This amazing phenomenon indicates that obscene speech is formed along completely different nerve chains, not in the same way as ordinary human speech, which is thought-provoking...

Scientists, while studying the phenomenon of swearing, came to the conclusion that the general health of a person suffers from its use and the overall quality of life decreases. They empirically proved that a spoken or heard swear word carries an energy charge that negatively affects a person. For several years, researchers monitored two groups of people. One group included those who only used swear words in their speech, and the second group of those observed did not use rude words at all. The results speak for themselves: people who used the mat had worsened chronic diseases; members of the other group had significantly better body condition, and their biological age turned out to be several years younger than their passport age.

Mat affects primarily male potency and women's health. A man using obscene language provokes the formation of infertility. It is male infertility that currently causes particular concern among specialists. The male factor accounts for approximately 40% of the causes of infertile marriage; in recent decades, a progressive decrease in the number of sperm in the ejaculate, inexplicable from generally accepted medical positions, has been observed. Approximately 6-8% of men are infertile. About 40% is due to female infertility and 20% is due to mixed infertility. The body of a woman who regularly swears switches to functioning in many ways similar to the male type. A child who constantly hears foul language is left with a feeling of shame, and this is a bridge to future degradation. Swearing has a noticeable effect on intelligence. Children are significantly retarded in mental development, this fact has been scientifically proven.

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