How to drive a lizard out of the house. Lizards and superstitions, the bite of a salamander is poisonous and fatal, superstitious legends were about lizards, the ritual killing of lizards for making rain, the ban on killing lizards

Move the furniture aside to reveal the lizard's hiding place. It will be difficult for you to drive out a lizard if it has dozens of hiding places in the house. If you notice a lizard indoors, move the furniture so that the lizard cannot find shelter under it. Move sofas away from the walls, remove chairs and other pieces of furniture. Everything possible should be done to ensure that the lizard has nowhere to hide.

  • Lizards love to hide on walls and under various items. If your shelves are cluttered, clear it up, otherwise the nimble little lizard will easily find a hiding place.

Close exits to other rooms. Close doors to other rooms in your home and stuff towels into any cracks. Remember that lizards are amazingly flexible animals that can fit through even the narrowest cracks in doors. Make sure that only doors and windows facing the street are open - otherwise you will have to chase the lizard throughout the house.

Ask a friend to help you. Lizards are very fast and nimble creatures, which you may have probably noticed if you have ever tried to catch a lizard. It is much easier not to try to catch the lizard, but to drive it to the place you have planned with the help of a friend who will block possible escape routes and drive the animal in the right direction.

  • Approach the lizard from the side opposite the exit. Ask a friend to block the most likely path the lizard might take to avoid the exit.
  • Move towards the lizard, not giving it the opportunity to escape from you. Guide her closer and closer to the exit until she leaves the house.
  • Roll the newspaper into a tube and push the animal with it. If a stubborn lizard is not ready to leave the house, you can help it by gently guiding it with newspaper. Gently push the lizard towards the exit, holding the newspaper at an angle so that the animal cannot escape in the other direction. At the same time, do not hit the lizard with a newspaper, so as not to hurt the animal.

    • Some believe that lizards are afraid of peacock feathers. Try using a peacock feather if you have one on hand. It won't hurt her!
  • Use water if necessary. There is evidence that splashing cold water from a spray bottle helps drive out the lizard. Fill a bottle with ice water and lightly spray on the animal. The lizard will try to leave your house as quickly as possible.

    If you can, catch the lizard. If a slow-moving lizard wanders into your home, you may be able to trap it and release it instead of chasing it around the house. Take a jar large enough to act as a trap for the animal, and a piece of thick cardboard. Cover the lizard with a can upside down and carefully slide a sheet of cardboard under the can so that the animal is on top of it. Take the jar with the lizard into the yard, remove the cardboard and release the animal into the wild.

    Try to catch the animal at night. Some lizards come out of their hiding places mainly at night, so it will be easier for you to catch an uninvited guest at this time of day. If you notice the lizard more often after sunset, try to drive it away at night instead of waiting until morning.

    Sooner or later, each of us faces death. Unfortunately, it is an integral part of the circle that all living beings on our planet go through. We are born, grow and die at a moment unknown to us until that very last fateful moment. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with having information about signs in a cemetery. After all, most of them are the result of long observations and secret knowledge which our people possessed in ancient times. It is worth noting that signs at funerals and in the cemetery represent a certain set of rules. If you follow them, the dead will never harm you, but, on the contrary, will always come to your defense in any situation. We think this alone should attract your attention to this article.

    What not to do in a cemetery: list of prohibitions

    Regardless of religious beliefs and social status, every person should understand how to behave in a churchyard. Otherwise, due to ignorance or carelessness, you can make a number of mistakes, including fatal ones. Knowing the signs at the cemetery will definitely protect you from negativity and life problems that you can bring home after a funeral or visiting the graves of loved ones. So, what you should never do in a cemetery:

    • For some reason, it is customary among our compatriots to remember the deceased with strong drinks. This is strictly prohibited both at a funeral and in the case of a regular visit to a churchyard. The fact is that the soul of the deceased may become angry with his not-so-sober relative and contribute to the arrival of some troubles in his life. In addition, all people related to magic know that a drunk person’s energy field sharply weakens, so any negativity easily clings to it. And the cemetery, as you know, is the place where a large number of bad energy and various entities. You shouldn't risk attracting their attention to you.
    • Be extremely careful when talking about your current affairs at the grave. Many people, coming to their deceased relatives, share with them joyful and sad news, plans for the future and their fears about this or that action in life. However, there is no need to be overly emotional, because the soul may take pity on you in case of trouble and call you along. And it is completely unacceptable to ask for death while lamenting. In this case, the spirits of the graveyard will definitely hear you and fulfill your voiced request.
    • It is better not to take children under twelve years of age with you to the churchyard. They have not yet lost touch with higher powers, therefore have the opportunity to see the souls of the deceased. And they, in turn, can try to get in touch with the child. It seems that such an experience will not benefit your child.
    • Do not allow quarrels in the cemetery. Our ancestors argued that those who swear at the grave will always be surrounded by problems and troubles. Esotericists confirm this sign, because the energy of the deceased is capable of several times increasing the negativity thrown out here.
    • Experienced people also advise visiting the graves of deceased relatives before noon. After lunch, a rampage of low energies begins in the cemetery, which can also affect you. Therefore, plan such trips for early in the morning, in this case they will be safe.

    As you can see, these rules are quite simple, but they are not the only ones regarding signs in the cemetery. Therefore, we decided to look at a few more important topics that reveal superstitions and rules for visiting a graveyard.

    Funeral: how to behave correctly

    It's no secret that in last way a person must be accompanied by observing a lot of rituals. Not every one of them is significant enough to affect the course of life of the person involved in the process. In this section we have collected only the most important rules, which must be observed by anyone who had to attend a funeral:

    • Try to dress only in black when seeing off loved one on the last journey. It is believed that wearing white and colored clothes will be disrespectful to the deceased, and you may incur negativity.
    • Never talk loudly during a funeral, this will definitely not please the souls living in the cemetery.
    • You cannot tell stories, share news and life events while you are at the graveyard. All conversations should concern only the deceased and the good that he did in life.
    • Even if you had bad luck difficult relationships with the deceased, find good words for him during the funeral. Under no circumstances should one speak ill of the deceased.
    • It is necessary to see off a person on his last journey only in closed shoes. Exposed toes and heels will spell trouble for you as they may come into contact with the cemetery soil.

    Any violation of the above rules entails a number of problems that will be difficult to somehow neutralize. Esotericists say that such negativity becomes a very heavy and unbearable burden, breaking the usual way of life. Keep in mind that in any case, you should take a bottle of water with you to the graveyard and be sure to wash your face with it on the way out to get rid of the cemetery’s negativity.

    Is it possible for pregnant women to go to a cemetery: signs

    The presence of women in a delicate position at the churchyard raises many questions, because expectant mothers should only experience positive emotions. How much harm could it do to them to attend a funeral or visit the grave of a loved one?

    Of course, pregnant women should avoid traveling to the cemetery. Their energy is very sensitive to the low vibrations that permeate this earth. In addition, signs warn women expecting a baby from visiting the churchyard for a number of the following reasons:

    • The souls of the deceased and dark entities living on the graves can take the baby with them. They may be attracted to it and the baby’s soul will be drawn to the call, leaving the mother’s womb.
    • In some cases, the soul of a deceased person can move into an unborn child if it really wants to find a body ahead of time.

    To avoid all this, a pregnant woman should wear a red dress and tie a band of the same color on her wrist. This will scare away the spirits and protect the soul of the unborn baby.

    Overnight at the churchyard

    Night in the Graveyard is a cliched trope in most horror films. Many people associate this with something really scary that can end in death.

    But in fact, anyone can spend the night in a cemetery absolutely calmly. Especially if he comes to the grave of his loved one. Magicians say that the souls of relatives will never harm us. They will guard and protect their relatives from all the problems of the material and otherworldly world. Therefore, if for one reason or another night finds you in a cemetery. Just mentally ask for protection from your relatives, who will definitely take you out of the graveyard safe and sound.

    Photos at the cemetery

    Esotericists speak extremely negatively about photos taken in a cemetery. We think everyone knows that there is a very close connection between a person and his image. At the same time, the person himself can be easily influenced through a photograph, which is what happens in the case of cemetery photographs.

    Judge for yourself: you firmly associate your image in the photo with the coffin, monument, wreaths and the deceased himself. All this has a strong imprint negative energy, which in the future can even cause an incurable disease. It is especially dangerous to take photographs at a grave that is not yet forty days old. Until this period expires, all the negativity that spilled out at the moment of a person’s death remains on earth.

    Also, photos can disturb the soul of the deceased, who, through the photo, will begin to come to his home, where he once felt good. We think that such a neighborhood will definitely make you feel uncomfortable.

    Magicians claim that it is in the cemetery that numerous acts of corruption or summoning of dark energies are carried out. Absolutely by chance, you can capture yourself in such a place, associating your image with low magical vibrations. The consequence of such a connection may even be the death of the person depicted in the photo.

    from the funeral

    If you do have to take a photo of the grave, try not to keep it at home. It will be a real negative funnel, creating in your home unfavorable atmosphere. It will absorb all the good that you create. Children are especially susceptible to such vibrations; they begin to constantly get sick and be capricious. There will never be peace, love and prosperity in such a house.

    If you still need to store photos in your apartment, you need to put them face down in a thick envelope. Place it away from all the things you use, in an area of ​​the house where little family members are present.

    Things from the grave

    Remember that you should never, under any circumstances, take objects from graves. Flowers in a cemetery, for example, are often the subject of theft. People without a fixed place of residence take them away from their graves and resell them to traders. And they, in turn, again make them a means of their profit. Please note that such an act can greatly anger souls. After all, flowers in a cemetery are intended for one or another deceased person. By taking them you are committing a very unseemly act who will soon be punished.

    Signs prohibit taking any things from the cemetery; they already belong to souls and must remain with them. Many magicians advise coming to the grave of relatives with a minimum number of things. After all, a phone that, for example, accidentally fell out of your pocket, will also need to be left in the cemetery, like any other thing that has fallen on this earth.

    If you nevertheless become greedy and pick up this or that item, you will anger the soul, and it may go to your home for its item. Peace in this case will become your unattainable dream.

    Cemetery land

    Soil from a cemetery is the worst thing you can bring into your home. In this case, you not only attract all the negativity from the graveyard, but literally bring a piece of the grave into the apartment. The consequences of this oversight will be extremely sad.

    To avoid accidentally taking soil from the cemetery with you, rinse the soles of your shoes with the water you brought, then wash your hands and face. This is the only way you will neutralize the negativity focused on any graveyard.

    Fall during a funeral

    Falling into a cemetery is a bad omen, promising many problems. But it is still worth taking into account the nuances of this fall; they significantly affect the situation.

    If you accidentally tripped, don't be upset. This means absolutely nothing and you don't need to worry for no reason. However, try not to fall into the cemetery. This sign promises quick death or a long illness. It is especially bad to end up in a grave that has already been prepared for someone; this incident may mean that the deceased is pulling you towards him and will try with all his might to maintain an energetic connection with you.

    Those who fall during the funeral procession must leave the churchyard immediately. It is best to go to church after this incident, where you need to wash yourself with holy water, light a candle for the repose of the soul of the deceased and read any prayer several times.

    Pets in a cemetery

    Cats or dogs in a cemetery are not the best omens. Our ancestors also said that if a dead person appears in the house, you should remove all pets from it. This is especially true for cats. They are closely related to dark world and they can bring a new misfortune upon you - the death of another family member.

    If you see an animal during a funeral procession, pay it off. Perhaps this is how someone’s restless soul is trying to approach you. Give your cat or dog a treat and gently move the animal away from you. After all, in such an image an evil spirit may appear near you.


    The sign of birds in the cemetery causes a lot of controversy. However, most esotericists agree that a bird flying to a grave gives you a sign from the deceased. In ancient times, it was believed that birds were inhabited by the souls of people who did not manage to complete something during their lifetime. That’s why they fly to their relatives, trying to remind them of their unfinished and important work.

    Money in the churchyard

    There are special signs in the cemetery related to money. Never take out banknotes while in the graveyard. And especially don’t start counting them. Otherwise, you will lose not only the entire amount in your wallet, but also the money accumulated for this or that occasion.

    If you fell banknote, then leave it to the soul of the deceased - greed will not bring you any good. After all, by raising money, you will offend the deceased and force him to follow you in order to return what was intended for him. Remember that there is a rule here that prohibits picking up anything from the ground in the churchyard.


    We hope that we have told you in as much detail as possible about the signs and rules regarding behavior in the cemetery. Now, when you come to the grave of a loved one, you will know how to behave correctly so as not to offend the deceased and the forces that rule on this earth.

    Then, on my first visit to the farm, I sat at a table in the garden with Lara, with her father and her children - we talked. I felt someone's gaze on me from the side and suddenly turned my head there. A woman in a blue robe was looking at me from behind the hayloft, but when she saw my gaze, the woman quickly hid around the corner of the hayloft. I only managed to see the robe and her leg. We continued talking. I felt the woman’s gaze again and quickly turned my head, but all I saw was a hiding leg and a robe. The third time I felt the gaze, I managed to see the whole woman, but I could not see her face.
    - Why are you twitching? What's bothering you? – Larisa asked.
    “Some woman spies on us from behind the hayloft, but hides in time.
    - No one can watch us. Do you see how the yard is fenced? No one will be able to enter the yard, and the dog is such that it can tear a wolf apart,” said Vasily Fedorovich, Lara’s father.
    “But I saw her three times,” I objected.
    – What is the woman wearing? – Larisa asked.
    I talked about the robe and the blouse that was visible under the robe. Lara and her father looked at each other in surprise.
    -What surprised you? – I asked.
    “My mother was buried in these clothes,” Lara answered.
    Then I realized why I couldn't see the woman's face. The dead are afraid of my gaze. I often felt the presence of the deceased in the courtyard when I returned to this courtyard after my absences. The deceased always left the yard when I entered the yard. I was silent for seven months, and then I asked Lara:
    - Tell me, you, your children and your father, have you noticed in my absence someone’s movement in the attic, in the basement and in the garden? dark time days? If you have noticed, does this phenomenon surprise you?
    - We noticed. This has been going on for several years now. We are already used to this. We are afraid and try to avoid unlit places in the dark. For this reason, the yard is always illuminated at night, and we do not turn off the lights in the rooms in which we sleep.
    – How long have you been to the cemetery at your mother’s grave?
    “I haven’t been to the cemetery even once since she was buried.”
    - Why?
    – I cry and lose consciousness, so I’m afraid to go to the cemetery. After the funeral, I cried a lot, but one day my mother came to me and asked me not to cry anymore, because my tears made her wet and cold in the grave.
    “She’s the one who runs your yard here.” You need to go to the cemetery, clean up the grave, and pay tribute to the memory of your mother. After that, she will calm down and stop walking around your yard. In the spring, you and I will go to the cemetery and calm her soul.
    In April 1988, two weeks before the day of “remembrance of the dead,” Lara and I went to the cemetery. Lara searched for a grave for a long time. Finally she found a grave overgrown with grass and weeds. Lara leaned her hands on the tombstone, bowed her head in her hands and burst into tears.
    I sat down by the tombstone and began to pull out last year’s grass. In front of my face was a tombstone stele, and behind the stele was a tomb overgrown with grass. Suddenly a large green lizard appeared on the tomb. There was no more than half a meter between the lizard and my face. The lizard looked carefully into my eyes, and then rose on its legs and stretched its muzzle to Lara’s face, but Lara did not see anything - she sobbed loudly. I took Lara by the left sleeve of her dress and began to tug, trying to attract her attention, but she did not react. The lizard turned its face towards me. Yes, yes, face! Because her face was too much like a human face! She looked at me with pleading eyes asking me to draw Lara's attention to her.
    I began to intensively tug Lara’s dress sleeve, and the lizard again reached out with its muzzle towards her face. Lara turned her face wet with tears to me and looked brown eyes asked me what I needed. I nodded my head at the lizard. Lara looked where I showed her. Seeing the lizard, Lara said: “Ah!”, stopped crying, slowly, slowly sat down and began to smoothly and carefully tear the grass in the tomb with her hands. Lara tore the grass and kept her eyes on the lizard. The lizard alternately looked into Lara's eyes and then rubbed its head against hers. left hand, then stood with her front paws on Lara’s hand and tried to reach Lara’s face, as if trying to kiss her. Lara slowly moved along the tomb, pulling out grass, and the lizard relentlessly moved behind her hands.
    People often passed by the grave, taking garbage away from the graves to the outskirts of the cemetery. People saw the lizard and stopped in surprise. Gradually a crowd of spectators gathered. The lizard disappeared suddenly, disappearing into thin air. Suddenly everything became ordinary and boring, as if nothing had happened a few seconds ago. The people dispersed, and Lara became calm and peaceful. After Lara met her late mother in person, the deceased stopped coming to Lara’s yard. Remembering this event, I think about what Lara should have said then: “I love you, mom.” Or maybe there was no need to say this, and everything is clear?
    This incident reminded me of another event:
    “In Temryuk (that is, Starchenkovo ​​- in the Soviet name) a young woman died, leaving her husband with two younger children school age. After the funeral, nothing changed in the deceased’s yard for a long time. There was order everywhere, and the children went to school in washed, ironed clothes, well-fed and well-groomed. The women living next door to them were interested. The widower tractor driver doesn’t seem to have a mistress. No one saw any woman come into his yard. He himself works from dawn to dusk, and the order in the yard is the same. One day, neighbors stopped a boy and a girl on the street when they were going to school and tried to find out from them who was looking after them, who washed their clothes and ironed them. What kind of woman is caring for this family so mysteriously?
    – Our mother comes to us. “She cooks for us to eat, washes and irons our clothes, and also helps with housework,” the children answered.
    The frightened women called the priest. A service was held in the deceased's yard. After this, the yard fell into disrepair, and the children began to go to school unkempt and, probably, half-starved. What was the point of the priest forbidding the dead mother to care for her living children? Who benefited from this?

    Since ancient times, the theme of reptiles has become firmly entrenched in the worldviews of many peoples. Lizards are among them. The Biblical Serpent, too, according to some versions, was originally a lizard. Its smaller brothers (or, better said, “sisters” - lizards, after all!) are endowed with many different signs.

    With coming lizards in the house associated with many beliefs and superstitions.

    Newlyweds see a lizard in wedding night or immediately after it in the house, especially next to the marriage bed, is considered bad omen. Their life together in this case is doomed - it will be unhappy. After all, the Macedonian queen Olympias once saw a serpent in her bedchamber, next to her king Philip! It all ended sadly. However, only for Philip.

    There is, however, a way to get rid of the threats caused by the appearance of a lizard in the house. They do not apply if the newlyweds change home in the near future, but in general it is better to spend the wedding night in someone else’s home. That is why, in areas where lizards are infested, those getting married usually spend their first night in a house that is not planned for further residence.

    Like other reptiles, lizards sense changing weather well. Especially the cold weather. Therefore, her attempt to move into a warm home is an undoubted sign of the coming cold weather.

    It is much worse if the lizard ran into the house and died there. This is not just bad, it is very bad! Her death in the house is a harbinger of misfortunes awaiting the inhabitants; even near death someone from home. You need to urgently move, change your home - then there are good chances to avoid a sad fate.

    If the lizard’s visit to the house was only momentary, take this as a warning. If this reptile appears in the house only for a short time, its inhabitants may be in trouble. A lizard that looked into the room and retreated on its own simply wants to warn about threats.

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    In this article we will provide information about signs associated with lizards. Despite the fact that, at first glance, it may seem that there is little to do with these reptiles, this is absolutely false and we will show it to you.

    For many, lizards negative attitude, because in appearance they resemble snakes. But folk wisdom says that lizards are quite wise animals, and in pagan belief she was a prophetess in various fields human activity. Therefore, in this article we will analyze what kind of signs are associated with lizards.

    Why did a lizard crawl into a house or apartment: folk signs, superstitions

    For many centuries, people have associated the appearance of a lizard with one event or another. Therefore, today there are many superstitions and signs associated with this reptile. It is especially alarming if a lizard crawls into the house. This could mean:

    • If the newlyweds saw a lizard on their wedding night in the house in which they are going to live, this means that living together young will not last long, and most likely will be unhappy. Of course, if the young people are in someone else’s house, then you shouldn’t believe in this superstition.
    • Lizards also predict changes in weather when an animal hides in your house - expect the onset of cold weather and cloudy weather in the near future.
    • It is a bad sign when an animal dies in the house. This promises the death of one of the inhabitants of the house. It is worth changing your place of residence within a year in order to avoid trouble.
    • A lizard can portend trouble that will happen to the family. If an animal runs into the house, and then, upon seeing one of the family members, immediately runs out, then there will be trouble. Trouble can strike a family at any moment, so you should immediately pay attention to your health and avoid any conflicts or disagreements.

    In the previously mentioned cases, the lizard is simply a messenger of unpleasant news, but it can also bring good events, for example:

    • If a girl just can’t learn to sew or embroider, then it will be enough for a lizard to run across her palm. The skills you need will come
    • In order to get rid of excessive sweating, the beauties of the past let a lizard under their shirt so that it would run from one shoulder to the other.
    • IN folk medicine, with the help of this reptile, migraines and headaches are treated
    • But the Slavs kept a lizard or snake in the house for greater prosperity and profit in the house

    Why did the lizard settle in the yard or greenhouse?

    By popular belief, lizards do not live near a human house, but come into the yard only to bring news, for example:

    • If a lizard ran into the yard and died, turning upside down, it means there will be a fire in the house
    • If you bring a lizard into the yard or greenhouse and it remains there, it means there will be a good harvest, and your site can safely be considered environmentally friendly
    • Previously, villagers who saw a lizard in their yard in early spring, spread out the belt and drove the animal through it. Then they dressed him again, thus treating radiculitis
    • If you left the house and saw a lizard in the yard on the right side, things will go better, but if on the left, expect trouble
    • In the case when you saw a lizard in the grass, and someone sneezed to your right, there will soon be troubles and worries

    • When two reptiles are fighting in the yard, you should disperse them with a stick - the same weapon can be used to disperse the clouds above your house
    • A lizard calmly runs around the yard in early spring - rest assured that winter is finally gone
    • If the owner sleeps under open air, and at night I saw a lizard - it warns of the imminent approach of snakes
    • The reptile is basking on the stones - there will be a cold snap soon. Lizards are heat-loving animals and before the onset of cold weather, they are always “charged” with solar energy.

    Despite the unattractive and frightening appearance reptiles, they are still worth loving, because they are simply necessary on our site and bring more benefit than harm. Such an innocent animal will not only clear the garden and greenhouse of harmful insects, but will also serve as an excellent indicator of weather changes, as well as a harbinger of certain events in the life of the family.

    Why did the lizard get into the boot?

    There are many different ancient superstitions associated with the arrival of a lizard in a house or apartment, especially if the lizard crawled into one of the residents’ boots. If a person came to visit and something similar happened to him, then you should not pay attention to it.

    • When a lizard crawled into one of the newlyweds’ shoes, it means that it was because of this person that the family would break up. But you can avoid trouble by changing your place of residence within a few months. And it’s better to spend your wedding night in another house. This will help not only save the marriage, but also acquire offspring in the near future.
    • If a lizard ran into the house just for a minute and hid in the shoe of one of the residents, but when it was noticed it immediately ran away, then this is a sign that this particular person is in for trouble. In the near future you need to be attentive to your health, get rid of bad habits, and also not to make trouble over trifles.
    • Good luck can only be brought by a lizard's tail, which it leaves in a person's boot. This amazing creature in this case, it promises happiness and good luck to the owner of the shoes. Some people specifically placed the fallen tail of an animal in their right shoe to attract wealth and health to their home.

    There are many signs associated with the lizard

    Of course, it was considered a bad sign if a lizard decided to settle in your house or shoes without an invitation. The tailed animal has long been considered a harbinger of death or disaster. If you try to drive the animal out, but fail, it is also better to change your home.

    Why did the lizard cross the road?

    There are many superstitions and signs associated with this animal. Nothing just happens, even if you accidentally meet a lizard on the street. Often this is a warning of impending troubles, for example:

    • When are you going to long journey, and a lizard crosses your path, sit to the left of your travel companion, then trouble will bypass you
    • When the animal crossed the path of the newlyweds on the way to church, they must go back, otherwise the couple will separate
    • But for pregnant women - this one good sign If an animal runs across the road, it means everything will be fine with the baby and mother. Pregnant women should take more walks and wait for a joyful event

    The lizard may foretell coming changes
    • A lizard crossed the road - this is a bad sign and promises misfortune. On this day, you should be as careful as possible, not enter into conflicts or quarrels with others, and also, you should listen to the state of your health.

    Also, if you are going to an important meeting, date or interview, and on the way a lizard crosses your path, this means that, most likely, such meetings will not end in anything good. Of course, you shouldn’t get upset in advance, but being attentive and vigilant will not hurt you.

    Why see a lizard on a grave in a cemetery?

    Despite the fact that lizards evoke unpleasant associative sensations for many, in ancient times lizards were seen as the embodiment of the soul of a deceased person. And therefore, it is not surprising that you can find a lot of these reptiles in the cemetery.

    This belief appeared during the times of totems, but even in the Christian faith, a similar superstition exists. If you see a lizard on a grave, you should not drive it away, because this could disturb someone’s soul. In this case, this animal does not carry any special information, but it is considered quite normal to encounter a lizard in a cemetery.

    Why see a pregnant lizard?

    Meeting a lizard always entails some kind of event, especially if it is pregnant. Of course, this is quite difficult to understand with the naked eye, and more often than not, pregnant animals hide in order to preserve their offspring. But if you see a pregnant lizard, you should pay attention to such a sign of fate.

    • Catching a pregnant lizard promises trouble and disappointment
    • A pregnant lizard running away means that your loved one is cheating on you, but you don’t notice it. But soon an event will happen that will make you doubt it
    • An incredibly beautiful pregnant lizard is a sign that you trust a very vile person who is using and manipulating you
    • A huge pregnant animal promises big troubles and conspiracies against you
    • A persistent and clingy animal is a warning that there is a woman with bad intentions in your environment, and will soon bring harm to you and your loved ones

    There are several other signs that are rare, but at first glance we will give them to you:

    • If a man sees a pregnant lizard close to him, this is a warning that there is a woman who wants to marry him in any way. You should be careful, because this same woman can bring great harm to a young man.
    • If a pregnant lizard runs over a woman, in reality the lady should avoid casual relationships. This can lead to squabbles, scandals, and intrigues.

    This sign is real if the lizard is really pregnant. Although in fact it is quite difficult for an inexperienced person to determine this. In addition, it is also very difficult to examine the reptile, because the lizard will not come too close to the first one it comes across.

    Why find a lizard's tail: folk signs, superstitions

    The lizard's tail has long been considered a talisman and amulet that brings happiness and good luck. Everyone knows that if you cut off the tail of a lizard, it will grow back, but people used to believe that not only the tail, but also other parts of the body (head, paws, etc.) could grow back. Therefore, the lizard was personified as a symbol of self-healing and restoration.

    • Definitely, finding a lizard's tail is good omen. Such a talisman should be kept for yourself and, if possible, worn around your neck so that the soul and body are one, and life is successful in the future.
    • In France they believe that you should wear a lizard's tail in your shoes - roughly speaking, you step and walk through life with your luck.
    • Due to the fact that the lizard can regrow its tail, it is a symbol of not only self-renewal, but also resourcefulness, resourcefulness and vitality. The person who finds the lizard's tail will also have this.

    • It was also believed that lizards live where there is unfound treasure or gold. Therefore, the reptile can easily be considered a symbol of wealth and success. Many, believing in such superstitions, specially caught animals and took the tails as a souvenir, which later brought immeasurable wealth and financial independence to the finder.

    Why you shouldn’t kill lizards: folk signs, superstitions

    • In some villages, it has long been believed that lizards that bask in the sun invite the cold, so they tried to destroy the animal. Although this was rare. But in fact, the lizard has no effect on temperature changes, but only warns about changes. Therefore, it is definitely not worth the loss of reptiles.
    • Others considered such a murder to be a sin and gave the killer no more than 40 years of life, and the person who dared to do such a thing may be left without a successor to the family. There is a superstition: if you kill green lizard- the house will be left without a mistress, and if the house is gray, without an owner.
    • Previously, it was believed that killing such an animal would lead to bad weather and continuous rains, which would negatively affect the harvest. They believed in this so much that during periods of severe drought they sacrificed the poor animal.

    What to do if you kill or accidentally step on a lizard in the house?

    Killing animals is, of course, a bad sign and a sin. Especially if the death of the poor animal occurred in your home. Most often, a reptile animal runs into a human home to warn of impending troubles. And if he dies in the house, this is a very bad sign, which promises death or illness to one of the family members. But it counts if the lizard is dead own death. But if you accidentally step on it, then you should immediately bury the animal so as not to bring disaster on your family.

    • Sometimes, lizards run into the house to warm up and at the same time warn the owners about the onset of cold weather; in this case, the lizard does not stay in the house. But if you accidentally stepped on it and the lizard died, then it also needs to be buried as it should be, otherwise the cold and bad weather may drag on for a long time.

    Such cases, fortunately, happen very rarely, because the lizard is a very agile, fast and resourceful animal, and most often, if you step on it, it will simply leave its tail as a souvenir. And this is a very good omen, and promises wealth and health to the owner of the house. Such signs have stood the test of time, and it’s up to you to believe in them or not. But no one has yet been able to scientifically prove the relationship between the signs of nature and the events taking place.

    Video: Interesting facts about lizards

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