What are the names of the frogs from Naruto? The largest toads in the world. How the world's largest frogs are born

The first place in the world in size and weight among tailless amphibians (amphibians) is occupied by the goliath frog. Goliath ( Conraua goliath, Rana goliath), Niamoa, Wiamoa is the largest frog in the world today. The world's largest goliath frog reaches a gigantic size of 91 centimeters. Only the body is more than 30 centimeters, not counting the long hind legs. Its hind legs are the size of a man's palm and longer than its front legs. Large specimens weigh more than 3 kilograms, the same as a decent-sized cat. The eyes of the largest frog in the world are slightly smaller than human eyes, and the hip circumference is as big as our wrist.

The world's largest goliath frog weighing 3.66 kg, pulled out of the Cameroonian Sanaga River by Andy Coffman (resident of Seattle, USA).

According to unconfirmed reports, the largest specimen caught in Cameroon weighed almost 6 kilograms. In 1960, a female was caught that weighed 3 kg 306 g. Her body length was 34 cm, and taking into account the outstretched legs, 81.5 cm. In fact, the largest frog in the world was caught in April 1989. Andy Kofman, a resident of Seattle, USA, pulled a goliath frog weighing 3.66 kilograms from the Cameroonian Sanaga River. You see it in the photo below.

The largest frog in the world: established facts

The largest frog in the world jumps 3 meters, covering its prey. The largest frog in the world is so big that it swallows birds, spiders, frogs and toads, small snakes, worms, crayfish, crabs and other living creatures. The remains of small rodents were found in the stomachs of the largest frog in the world. She squeezes the victim with quick movements of her jaws and, helping with her tongue, swallows it whole!

This is the largest frog in the world, an African frog discovered in 1906 in the mainland of Equatorial Guinea, Rio Muni ( Rio Muni). The giant goliath frog is the world's largest representative of 250 species of true frogs. The goliath frog belongs to the order Tailless and is part of the family of true frogs. Studying the ossification of the pectoral girdle of the largest frog in the world today, zoologists placed it in a separate genus Gigantorana, in which there is only one species.

The Goliath frog has existed for about 250 million years and is the only representative of its genus today. They are one of the few still living amphibians that lived on Earth before the dinosaurs. This explains its gigantic size; in those days there was a kingdom of huge trees and insects.

Outwardly, it is very similar to ordinary frogs, only of gigantic size. Moreover, the female is slightly larger than the male. In addition, the male has a larger first toe on his front paws than the female. The skin on the back is wrinkled, like a toad's, greenish-brown-gray. But the abdomen and the inside of the legs, like other frogs, are yellow or almost white. These amphibians can be found to this day in the wilds of West Africa, namely in Rio Muni (Equatorial Guinea) and Cameroon.

Where does the largest frog in the world live?

The most numerous habitat (area) of the largest frog in the world is near the noisy waterfall of the river called Mbia River, Nkongsamba, Western Cameroon. Unlike other frogs that do not disdain swamps, the largest frog in the world loves the water to be clean, like in a well, and well saturated with oxygen. She needs this for better metabolism, because giant jumps take a lot of energy. The Goliath frog loves high humidity and does not tolerate open places and high sun exposure. Her vision and hearing are well developed, her ears are small. The largest frog in the world does not go far from the water, because... begins to lose weight and may even die. She does not drink water; she absorbs it exclusively through her skin. Gas exchange also occurs through the skin.

Adult goliath frogs are very cautious and timid, making it difficult to get close to them. Despite its size, it is not easy to see, much less catch, a frog. Even with the slightest danger, a huge frog, which was sitting motionless, like a sculpture, suddenly disappears - it makes a lightning-fast jump into the water. And after that it is impossible to find her in the waterfall. Only at the beginning of the last century did scientists see the first living specimen of the giant goliath frog.

How the giant goliath frog hunts

During the day they hide under water, hide under stones and in rock crevices. The giant amphibian animal comes out in search of food only at night. Young individuals spend most of their time underwater, and old ones sometimes crawl out onto the rocks to bask. The largest frog jumps out onto the shore near the waterfall and leisurely jumps off to look for dinner. Due to its gigantic size, the goliath frog only makes a few jumps. The energy required for such a long jump runs out quickly, after which the goliath, as a rule, rests for a long time.

It is noteworthy that these frogs are not green, but gray. Using their camouflage, they cling to the stones so much that even at close range they cannot be distinguished from the gray surface. And the animal is quite comfortable in its shelter, since water spray brings them an abundance of oxygen. And it is necessary for amphibians for normal skin respiration.

Features of the physiology of the largest frog in the world

The world's largest frog has excellent hearing. But goliath frogs do not have the vocal sac with which frogs croak. However, the giant frogs do make some sounds, but they are almost impossible to hear among the noise of the water. Interestingly, the giant frog has good eyesight and immediately notices everything that moves around at a distance of more than 40 meters. It can remain underwater for up to 15 minutes and is not visible from the shore. It is not surprising that white people only heard about these huge frogs from the inhabitants of African tribes.

A miracle of nature can be called an amazing adaptation that allows the frog to stay on the surface of slippery stones that are washed by rapid streams of water. And this device is suction pads located at the very ends of the toes of the front paws only. However, the hind legs also help the largest frog in the world sit firmly on the stone - they have elastic membranes. And the waterfall itself on the Mbiya River, by the way, is very formidable, especially after heavy rains. Water cascades fall down with a roar and try to tear off the frogs sitting tightly on the stones.

How the world's largest frogs are born

Well, where the water is not so seething, female giant frogs spawn. The largest frog in the world has eggs to match: each egg is 5-6 millimeters in diameter, like a pea! The egg of the largest frog is colored blue-gray on one side and yellowish on the other and is protected by a protective sheath of adhesive substance to attach to stones. The frog reproduces only during the dry season; the female lays about 10 thousand eggs in 5-6 days. The development of an egg to an adult creature, that is, metamorphosis, lasts approximately 70 days. At the time of birth, the tadpole is only 8 millimeters long, but after 45 days, by the time the tail falls off, it is almost 5 centimeters long.

Tadpoles initially feed on plants, and after they go through the necessary stages of development, they become the same size as their relatives. And at this time, the goliath’s gills and tail disappear, the largest frog in the world begins to grow rapidly and reaches a weight of three kilograms. However, the place of residence of the largest frogs in the world is not so safe.

The largest frog in the world is on the verge of extinction

The main natural enemies of the largest frog in the world: crocodiles, birds and large fish. The habitat of the giant frog has already come under close human attention. All because he tasted the meat of the goliath frog. Therefore, the herd is constantly hunted and gradually destroyed completely. Well, at least the local Fanga tribes who live near the Mbia River waterfall are not interested in the frog as a subject of hunting. The Bayel pygmy tribes, who are well aware of the existence of the giant, do not see the source of food in the goliath. By the way, local tribes quite affectionately call the largest frogs “nia-moa”, which means “sons”. They are called that because the frog grows to the size of a one-year-old baby.

Due to their size, goliaths became the object of attention of private collectors and zoos about ten years ago: many frogs were caught and taken to the United States, where they were exhibited in jumping “competitions” (at one time this was in vogue). They have repeatedly tried to breed the largest frog in the world in captivity. Nothing came of it. The goliath frog breeds only in the crystal clear, fast-flowing water of its native waterfalls. However, the frog is still hunted by tourists, collectors and gourmets who have tasted frog meat.

Giant delicacy

They say that local restaurants pay $5 for one frog - huge money for a resident of a forest African village! They catch rare animals with spinning rods, so the number of holiath is slowly but surely declining. The average size of the remaining frogs is steadily declining as the largest ones are constantly being exterminated.

In Equatorial Guinea, there is Monte Alen National Park, where goliath frogs live in a protected area. Currently, no more than 300 adult individuals per year are allowed to be exported from African countries. But this doesn’t help much, man is steadily exterminating this largest frog in the world...

100 great records of wildlife Nepomnyashchiy Nikolai Nikolaevich



The largest known toad is the aga (Bufo marinus), which lives in the tropical zone of South and Central America, and now in Australia. In 1991, a male of this species named Prince, owned by Haken Forsberg of Akers Stikebroek, Sweden, was measured to weigh 2.65 kg and have an extended length of 53.9 cm.

Aga is an amphibian of the toad family of the order of tailless amphibians, native to South and Central America. Typically, the body length of the aga reaches 15–17 cm, weight - about 1 kg. Males are slightly smaller than females. Aga's skin is highly keratinized and warty. The color is dim: dark brown or gray on top with large dark spots; the belly is yellowish, with frequent brown spots. Characterized by large parotid glands on the sides of the head, which produce a poisonous secretion, and bony supraorbital ridges. Leathery membranes are present only on the hind legs. Like many other nocturnal species, the aga toad has horizontal pupils.

101 toads were brought to Australia from Hawaii in June 1935 to control sugarcane pests. In captivity, they managed to reproduce, and in August 1935, more than 3,000 young toads were released onto plantations in northern Queensland. Agas were ineffective against pests (since they found other prey), but quickly began to increase their numbers and spread, in 1978, reaching the border of New South Wales, and in 1984. - Northern Territory. Currently, the distribution limit of this species in Australia shifts south and west by 25 km every year.

Currently, agas are having a negative impact on the fauna of Australia. Its victims include local species of amphibians and lizards and small marsupials, including those belonging to rare species. The spread of aga is associated with a decline in the number of marsupial martens, as well as large lizards and snakes (death and tiger snakes, black echidna). They also destroy apiaries, killing honey bees. At the same time, a number of bird species successfully prey on these toads, including the New Guinea crow and black kite. Methods to combat agas have not yet been developed!

The largest frog is the goliath frog (rana goliaph). It reaches a length of 33 cm, and with extended legs - more than half a meter. In April 1989, Andy Kofman from Seattle, Washington, caught a frog that weighed 3.66 kg. Frogs live only in a limited area about 100 km wide - in Cameroonian mountain rivers with waterfalls.

They need a lot of humidity, so frogs avoid places that are heavily lit by the sun. They love to sit in the spray of water or swim in the foam of a waterfall. The water should be richly saturated with oxygen, contain no tannic acid, and be no warmer than 23° and no colder than 16–17°. These giant frogs live secretly, spending most of the day in the water or among rocks and stones, which they look like from a distance. Catching a goliath is extremely difficult and requires great dexterity and skill. Local residents catch them with a net with small cells. The net is thrown from afar so that the frog does not see it.

Outwardly, the goliath resembles an ordinary frog. Its wrinkled skin on its back is greenish-brownish in color, and its abdomen and inside of its paws are yellowish or whitish. The diameter of the eyes can reach 2.3 cm, the ear is small, without a shell. These frogs do not make any sounds. Some researchers estimate the maximum weight of goliaths at 6 kg, and the length, if the hind legs are extended, at 60 cm. True, these figures are somewhat dubious, but it is obvious that the goliath is the largest frog in existence. There is no noticeable difference between the male and female, although the latter is slightly larger.

The development of the Goliaths remained completely unknown. For a long time, scientists searched in vain for their tadpoles. But somehow the female laid eggs in one of the terrariums. They were 5 to 6 mm in diameter. Now scientists knew what the eggs of these frogs looked like, and began to look for them everywhere where the goliaths lived. With great difficulty, it was possible to discover the eggs, which were attached to the bush of the plant.

The female goliath begins to lay eggs during the dry season. In 5–6 days she lays more than 10 thousand eggs. Development from egg to frog takes approximately 70 days. The tadpole is initially 8 mm long, but at the age of 45 days it reaches a maximum size of 4.8 cm. After this, the tail disappears.

Studies of the stomach contents of goliaths have shown that they feed mainly on insects, but do not disdain crayfish, mollusks, some amphibians and spiders. Even the remains of small rodents were found in their stomachs.

At the beginning of life, the main enemies of frogs are birds and, possibly, some fish. Later, the goliaths become prey for the crocodiles.

Local residents of Cameroon and Rio Muni, where these frogs live, consider goliath meat to be excellent. It is white and tender, and the front paws are a special delicacy...

For now, we can be confident in the safety of these representatives of the animal world. It is very difficult to catch goliaths, they are well camouflaged, and they live in places almost inaccessible to humans. But a species that is unlikely to adapt to other living conditions must be protected in every possible way.

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Fighting frogs, Who are they? Should we expect a revival of games? Battletoads? - we decided to talk about this, as well as much more, in this article. I would like to immediately note that the information was collected on the basis of personal observation, Wikipedia and other Internet resources.

Militant frogs burst into the world of the gaming industry back in 1991. The creator of this idea was Rare Ltd, which decided to compete with video games about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Certainly, fighting toads there were only three, and the history of the development of games about turtles started much earlier - on May 12, 1989. However, animated series, films and games didn’t hurt at all To the fighting toads jump to Olympus in the world of the gaming industry and already in 1992 the first game Battletoads ported to the Amiga and Sega Mega Drive, and in 1993 the project appeared for the Genesis and Sega Game Gear. Amiga CD32 - 1994.

A game Battletoads captivated players with incredible graphics, cool characters and difficulty of passage, which forced inexperienced users to wash their fingers until they bled and tear out their hair.

It is necessary to get ahead a little and tell the story of its origin fighting frogs. Main characters Rash, Zitz And Pimple were born into the light of day as a result of one elixir, it was obtained from the very first toads, alas, they died, but their power was preserved in a special vessel that was used on students. This story is told in a two-part animated series Battletoads, but we'll talk about it a little later.

Rash- green toad. She wears sunglasses (they are not visible in the game). She is the most cheerful among her brothers. A special difference is that it is the smallest.

Quote from Rash:

I"m the crazy one, and I"m super cool, my smash hits will leave "em cold!

Zitz- a dark green toad. Wears gloves (in game) Battletoads your expectations will be destroyed again by presenting her without gloves). A very smart and intellectually developed frog, he likes to act carefully.

Quote from Zitz:

I"m the smartest thing on webbed feet.
I can think as well as fight!

Pimple- brown toad. The largest and strongest among the entire trinity. Always relies on brute force. In the first part Battletoads plays the role of a prisoner of the Dark Queen, and is therefore a non-playable character.

Quote from Pimple:

I may not be smart, but when brain power fails, brute force prevails!

Helpers and minor characters in the game Battletoads.

T-Bird- a large mutant vulture. It is he who coordinates all the missions of the protagonists and it is thanks to him that ordinary schoolchildren turned into fighting frogs.

Princess Angelique- a charming girl who hides from the wrath of the Dark Queen while traveling across the galaxy. In Game Battletoads was captured along with Pimple.

Bosses in the game Battletoads.

Robo-Manus- a cyborg who faithfully serves his mistress.

Quote from Robo-Manus:

BZZT, You fleshzy foolz will beg formercy fzzt, when I"m through with you!

General Slaughter– a mutant bull, controls the Queen’s troops.

Quote from General Slaughter:

i"m gonna ram yer froggin" hides so fulla holes, i"ll be able to use ya as sieves!

Big Blag- a rat that received incredible strength from radioactive waste.

Quote from Big Blag:

I"ll be chompin" n"stompin" if ya dare step inside the colossus!

Dark Queen– the last leader and the cause of all evil. In the game it is very large and releases whirlwinds.

Quote from Dark Queen:

I"ll soon rule your precious earthBattle-jerks! Ha-ha-ha-ha!

Events take place on the alien planet Ragnarok. It was there that the Dark Queen took refuge, kidnapping the brave hero Pimple and Princess Angelica. Rash and Zitz immediately went to rescue their brother. On their way there will be many obstacles, enemies and merciless monsters.

The gameplay is presented in two-dimensional mode, where the hero needs to beat everything and everyone who comes his way. The second aspect is to overcome various obstacles. Of particular note is the incredible complexity and variety of levels. You need to get used to each of them gradually, studying the required style. There are challenges that, if failed, take away the entire life bar, although in the game it is very rare to find such a desired replenishment of health.

The main weapons of mutant frogs are their arms and legs, with which they mercilessly and destructively beat their enemies. There are so-called super attacks that cause more serious damage, but you need to perform certain combinations on the joystick. Paws easily turn into sledgehammers and weights - this is one of the incredible abilities fighting frogs.

This section briefly describes all missions. Here you will find out what awaits you in each level.

Ragnarok's Canyon is a regular level where you need to beat up enemies. In it you will learn the basics of the gameplay. A nice bonus is the opportunity to ride a dragon.

Level boss: Huge robot.

Wookie Hole - after passing the test, the main character is lowered into a large hole on a rope. There are a lot of black crows there that will try to throw you down. Of course, after this you will go down much faster, but will you survive, definitely not. There are a lot of enemies, but if you get the hang of performing super attacks and special tricks, you can very quickly gain a lot of points and lives.

Turbo Tunnel - initially resembles the very first level, where you need to kill mutants and jump over pits. In the second part, the fighting frog gets on a bike. This part is very exciting, but at the same time very dangerous, since the obstacles in it can very quickly take away your hard-earned hearts. You just need to study the route.

Arctic Caverns is a snowy level, it again forces the player to adapt to a certain style of passage. There are a lot of deadly icicles there, and the surface itself is covered with slippery ice, you need to act extremely carefully.

Surf City - now the protagonist needs to master surfing on the water, jumping on trampolines, overcoming water funnels and other obstacles.

Level Boss: Big Blag.

Karnath`s Lair is one of the tasks where you need to carefully study the entire location. The frog ends up in a large hole with mechanical snakes. Each of them has its own route. The player must climb and run along them to get to the top.

Volkmire`s Inferno - if you and your fighting frog have survived the above tests, and there is still some living space left on your fingers, then you are ready for the next task. First you need to beat up the enemies, but then the hero will sit at the helm of the fighter. At this stage, the speed of transport constantly increases.

Intruder Excluder – the player jumps onto platforms, rising higher and higher. There will be many robots and other devices on the way.

Level Boss: Robo Manus.

Terra Tubes is one of the most challenging and at the same time fun missions. The character ends up in a pipeline system with several robots. After everything you have experienced, defeating them is not so difficult, but in the second part of the test, you will be pursued by deadly wheels. They will catch up with the frog very quickly, so try not to make mistakes and overcome obstacles decisively. Then the hero descends into his native element, deep underwater. There you will encounter various obstacles and aggressive sharks.

Rat Race – a mutant needs to constantly go down, overcoming various obstacles and deadly devices. The battle frog needs to outrun the rats - mutants who want to activate the bomb, you need to get ahead of it, otherwise the Dark Queen's minion will activate the charge and you will have to start the task all over again. It is very important to speed up your character by repeatedly pressing the control key in the required direction (right and left).

Level Boss: General Slaughter.

Clinger Winger - the player has already passed the test, with water, fire and air, it is time to master a certain magnetic one-wheeled bike, with its help you need to hide from the energy ball that is pursuing you. There are many turns on the map, you need to repeat them exactly to set the movement of your transport.

Revolution - the battle toad climbs to the top of the building to defeat the final leader.

Estimated travel time is 1 hour.

Level Boss: Dark Queen.

Important: Information taken from the Book: SEGA Game Encyclopedia. 1000,000 – secrets, codes, passwords. Publishing house "Word and Deed" St. Petersburg 2005.

How to skip the first two levels, On the first level, jump onto the first platform on the right, there will be a flickering icon for skipping two levels.
How to get to the SURFBOARD level. At level 3, break the tenth wall in the fifth race, this will be the passage.

In 1992, DIC Entertainment produced a cartoon about fighting frogs. It was released specifically to promote the game and introduce players to the characters' history. The main characters are three schoolchildren, they were given the honor of becoming fighting frogs. The FOX company released the cartoon to the masses; it was supposed to become a multi-part series, but the plans fell through.

Release date: 1991.

The largest frog in the world is Goliath (meter, 3 kilograms)

The first place in the world in size and weight among tailless amphibians (amphibians) is occupied by the goliath frog. Goliath ( Conraua goliath, Rana goliath), Niamoa, Wiamoa is the largest frog in the world today. The world's largest goliath frog reaches a gigantic size of 91 centimeters. Only the body is more than 30 centimeters, not counting the long hind legs. Its hind legs are the size of a man's palm and longer than its front legs. Large specimens weigh more than 3 kilograms, the same as a decent-sized cat. The eyes of the largest frog in the world are slightly smaller than human eyes, and the hip circumference is as big as our wrist.

The world's largest goliath frog weighing 3.66 kg, pulled out of the Cameroonian Sanaga River by Andy Coffman (resident of Seattle, USA).

According to unconfirmed reports, the largest specimen caught in Cameroon weighed almost 6 kilograms. In 1960, a female was caught that weighed 3 kg 306 g. Her body length was 34 cm, and taking into account the outstretched legs, 81.5 cm. In fact, the largest frog in the world was caught in April 1989. Andy Kofman, a resident of Seattle, USA, pulled a goliath frog weighing 3.66 kilograms from the Cameroonian Sanaga River. You see it in the photo below.

The largest frog in the world: established facts

The largest frog in the world jumps 3 meters, covering its prey. The largest frog in the world is so big that it swallows birds, spiders, frogs and toads, small snakes, worms, crayfish, crabs and other living creatures. The remains of small rodents were found in the stomachs of the largest frog in the world. She squeezes the victim with quick movements of her jaws and, helping with her tongue, swallows it whole!

This is the largest frog in the world, an African frog discovered in 1906 in the mainland of Equatorial Guinea, Rio Muni ( Rio Muni). The giant goliath frog is the world's largest representative of 250 species of true frogs. The goliath frog belongs to the order Tailless and is part of the family of true frogs. Studying the ossification of the pectoral girdle of the largest frog in the world today, zoologists placed it in a separate genus Gigantorana, in which there is only one species.

The Goliath frog has existed for about 250 million years and is the only representative of its genus today. They are one of the few still living amphibians that lived on Earth before the dinosaurs. This explains its gigantic size; in those days there was a kingdom of huge trees and insects.

Outwardly, it is very similar to ordinary frogs, only of gigantic size. Moreover, the female is slightly larger than the male. In addition, the male has a larger first toe on his front paws than the female. The skin on the back is wrinkled, like a toad's, greenish-brown-gray. But the abdomen and the inside of the paws, like other frogs, are yellow or almost white. These amphibians can be found to this day in the wilds of West Africa, namely in Rio Muni (Equatorial Guinea) and Cameroon.

Where does the largest frog in the world live?

Habitat of the world's largest goliath frog

The most numerous habitat (area) of the largest frog in the world is near the noisy waterfall of the river called Mbia River, Nkongsamba, Western Cameroon. Unlike other frogs that do not disdain swamps, the largest frog in the world loves the water to be clean, like in a well, and well saturated with oxygen. She needs this for better metabolism, because giant jumps take a lot of energy. The Goliath frog loves high humidity and does not tolerate open places and high sun exposure. Her vision and hearing are well developed, her ears are small. The largest frog in the world does not go far from the water, because... begins to lose weight and may even die. She does not drink water; she absorbs it exclusively through her skin. Gas exchange also occurs through the skin.

Adult goliath frogs are very cautious and timid, making it difficult to get close to them. Despite its size, it is not easy to see, much less catch, a frog. Even with the slightest danger, a huge frog, which was sitting motionless, like a sculpture, suddenly disappears - it makes a lightning-fast jump into the water. And after that it is impossible to find her in the waterfall. Only at the beginning of the last century did scientists see the first living specimen of the giant goliath frog.

How the giant goliath frog hunts

The world's largest goliath frog rests on rocks in the river

During the day they hide under water, hide under stones and in rock crevices. The giant amphibian animal comes out in search of food only at night. Young individuals spend most of their time underwater, and old ones sometimes crawl out onto the rocks to bask. The largest frog jumps out onto the shore near the waterfall and leisurely jumps off to look for dinner. Due to its gigantic size, the goliath frog only makes a few jumps. The energy required for such a long jump runs out quickly, after which the goliath, as a rule, rests for a long time.

It is noteworthy that these frogs are not green, but gray. Using their camouflage, they cling to the stones so much that even at close range they cannot be distinguished from the gray surface. And the animal is quite comfortable in its shelter, since water spray brings them an abundance of oxygen. And it is necessary for amphibians for normal skin respiration.

Features of the physiology of the largest frog in the world

The world's largest frog has excellent hearing. But goliath frogs do not have the vocal sac with which frogs croak. However, the giant frogs do make some sounds, but they are almost impossible to hear among the noise of the water. Interestingly, the giant frog has good eyesight and immediately notices everything that moves around at a distance of more than 40 meters. It can remain underwater for up to 15 minutes and is not visible from the shore. It is not surprising that white people only heard about these huge frogs from


Top 10 Largest Frogs

Frogs are amazing creatures that survive in completely different environments. It is not surprising that many cultures admire frogs, and the Japanese even consider frogs a symbol of good luck. The list of the 10 largest frogs will tell you where to look for the “biggest luck” in the world.

1 Beelzebub the Frog

Now you can only meet this largest frog in the world in a museum. This is a fossil amphibian Beelzebufo ampinga, whose body length was about 40 centimeters in length and weighed up to 4.5 kilograms. Beelzebub the frog had short legs, so it was unlikely that it could jump far. But, like all frogs, its powerful wide mouth was studded with teeth. The giant frog's closest relatives now live in South America.

2 Goliath frog

The body length of the Goliath frog may not allow it to claim the golden pedestal - “only” 32 centimeters. But her jump of 3 meters leaves all competitors far behind. The modern, largest frog in the world lives in Central Africa.

3 Bullfrog

The next largest amphibian is up to 25 centimeters in length and lives in North America. Some individuals reach 3 kilograms in weight. Not a bad “delicacy” for a predator, it seems? However, most often it is the amphibian that wins. Sometimes even baby alligators become victims of the voracious amphibian!

4 Slingshot changeable

Slingshots live exclusively in South America. To its terrifying size (up to 20 centimeters), the frog adds an impressive decoration on its head - horns and a crest. By the way, slingshots are considered modern relatives of the frog Beelzebub, although they have become considerably thinner.

5 Tiger frog

Tiger frogs, in addition to their large size, have an unusually decorative appearance. During the breeding season, males paint swamps across southeast Asia in contrasting yellow and blue colors. Does this stop them from hunting? With such dimensions – up to 17 centimeters – it’s unlikely!

6 Lake frog

In sixth place is our compatriot - the lake frog with a length of up to 17 centimeters. By the way, this is the length of females, but males are much more “modest”.

7 Long-legged litoria

At 10 to 14 centimeters, this beauty is also the largest tree frog in the world. While walking through the virgin forests of Australia, take a closer look at the leaves; perhaps they are not as simple as they seem at first glance.

8 Grass frog

The average grass frog is a cute green amphibian with a body length of 6 to 10 centimeters. This person is a true European, whose range extends from the islands of Britain to the Ural Mountains and Western Siberia. By the way, this is the only frog that lives in Ireland.

9 Purple frog

Its purple relative is only slightly inferior in size: its length is 5-9 centimeters. By the way, in addition to the TOP 10 largest frogs, the purple frog is one of the ten most disgusting creatures on the planet. Most of all, according to the description of witnesses, it looks like a piece of burgundy slime. An impressive proboscis adds to the “attractiveness” of the creature. You can meet this frog in the mountains of Hindustan.

10 Garlic

This is perhaps the most “odorous” amphibian, which can also claim the title of “largest” - but from the end of our list. Frogs of this species emit a pungent garlic odor, by which they can be found in the forest. The body length of an adult frog reaches 8 centimeters. But something else is surprising: their tadpoles, one of the largest in the world, together with their tail can “pull” a whole decimeter!


Goliath frog - the largest toad in the world, its numbers and habitats

The largest frog in the world lives on the continent of Africa, namely in Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. Due to its very large size, this animal is called the goliath frog. Local residents affectionately call them “nia-moa,” which means “son.”

All the frogs that we know are not very picky about their habitat; in other words, it doesn’t matter to them whether the water in their favorite body of water is clean or dirty.

Therefore, these amphibians are often found in swamps and even in ordinary puddles. In this, the goliath frog is very different from its smaller counterparts. She with great responsibility approaches the choice of place of residence, she is only interested in reservoirs with crystal clear water of a certain temperature and high oxygen content.

These giant frogs look exactly the same as their smaller counterparts. Most of the skin is dark green with a brownish tint, the belly and underside part of the paws in light colors– off-white or beige-yellowish. The back looks wrinkled. The main difference between the Goliath is its size. Compared to other frogs, they seem simply huge.

The weight of a goliath frog can reach more than three and a half kilograms. Body length is on average ninety centimeters; females are much larger than males. The jump of such a large toad is three meters in length.

Goliath frog - habitats and lifestyle

The article will answer questions regarding amphibious toads, tell interesting facts about them, what places large toads live on Earth, why toads reach sizes up to 55 cm in length and 25 cm in width, and what types of toads are the largest. If you want to find out what the largest toad in the world is, then let's go!

About toads

Toads are amphibians that belong to the class of tailless amphibians. There are 650 species of toads found in nature, and despite their characteristics as “amphibians,” toads live in ponds, steppes, and earthen burrows. The distribution area is large, since amphibians can easily survive without liquid for up to 6 months.

Toads are the same frogs, but these relatives have differences:

  • The size of toads exceeds the size of frogs by 10-15 cm;
  • The skin of frogs is smooth, moisturized, while in toads, on the contrary, the skin is dry and with tubercles.

The difference between a frog and a toad
  • The method of reproduction of some frogs and toads is very different, as is the type of eggs. In toads, eggs are deposited in the form of long strings, and in frogs in the form of mucous lumps. The first amphibians are less fertile and are less common in nature.
  • Frogs have long legs; thanks to the length of their legs (8 cm), frogs jump a distance of 20 cm in one jump. Due to the distance of their jumps, frogs move quickly and get tired slowly. In toads, on the contrary, due to their dense body structure and short jumping legs, moving from place to place takes at least 2 minutes. Movement is difficult for toads and fatigue comes quickly. The toad is tied to its location.

  • Toads have large parotid conchas, while frogs do not have pronounced parotid conchas.
  • Toads are tailless when hatching from eggs, while frogs at the juvenile stage are distinguished by the presence of a tail. which mutates into a vertebra 14-20 days after the frog is born. In frogs, the tail is a means of storing nutrients that are involved in the growth process of the amphibian. In toads, the supply of nutrition in the body is provided by the fat layer and fiber.

Among other factors, the dimensions are interesting. If reproduction, cover, structure do not vary greatly, then the dimensions are the opposite.

On average, toads reach 15-20 cm in length and 10 cm in width, but among them there are fry and giants.

Where are giant toads found?

It has already been said that the distribution area of ​​toads is huge. But I think every person is interested in knowing that there are natural and artificial places where large toads live.

Large toads - 15-35 cm - live in tropical forests, taiga swamps, etc. Artificially created areas for the settlement of toads are considered to be: Australia, China and other warm countries.

The distribution zones are large, but the probability of finding, for example, the Agi toad, in the expected areas of its location is small. It is possible to find one individual that will be difficult to catch, but it is impossible to stumble upon a group of toads, because toads gather together only during the mating season of spawning.

Dietary preferences of giant toads

Toads, somewhat cute creatures, but mostly not friendly, are typical predators. You can safely take as the basis of food: butterflies, caterpillars, fish fry, rodents, small similar toads or frogs, lizards.

Toads hunt at night, using infrared vision and developed receptors to look for prey, hide or disguise themselves as plants, and then quickly attack and swallow the prey.

Features of behavior

  • In Ag, for example, like in green toads, only the father (male toad) is interested in the appearance of offspring and caring for them. To keep the “babies” in proper condition before and after birth, the toad sits in an earthen hole. In the ground at a depth of up to 1 meter, there are just the necessary conditions for the eggs to ripen - dark, damp, warm. The male, having wound ribbons of future tadpoles around his hind legs, awaits hatching.

  • Toads, small and large, will not give a person any diseases if they come into contact with their cover.
  • Large toads are helpers in the garden: they quickly exterminate slugs, mosquitoes, small snakes and other annoying pests.
  • Toads secrete mucus, which contains analgesic and antiseptic components. If a toad is raised at home, then there is likely to be a strong attachment to the one who raised and fed it. A domestic toad will let a person's relatives and friends know that something is wrong with him, and also gives signs to the owner that he is sick. The toad does this by making sounds, rolling and demonstrating refusal of food.

According to the BBC, giant toads are found in the genus of toads - Bufo marinus, otherwise cane toads. Location: tropical forests. In the tropics, temperatures reach 40°C during the day and 15-20°C at night. Temperature resonance helps for ideal toad circulatory regulation, heat exchange, life and growth.

The sizes of such toads vary from 15 to 25 cm in length, and toads weigh up to 2 kg, occasionally more.

Among such large toads there was a record holder, who was appropriately nicknamed Prince. As of 2017, the toad is no longer alive, so now the Prince is a museum exhibit that is shown to biologists.

The Prince’s weight reached 3 kg, and his length was 54 cm. What is intriguing is that the “specimen” grew not in natural, but artificially created by man conditions. The Prince belonged to the Swedish botanist Haken Forsberg.

Notey: toads that do not grow and live in natural conditions reach a size of 4-17 cm in length, while females are 2-7 cm longer than males in length and width. The male Prince became an exception to the rule.

As for physical and external characteristics, toads, unlike others, have long jumping legs and move quickly. And also their color is surprising in that it looks like a turtle - spotted.

Aga individuals are dangerous to humans, so it is better to avoid meeting them. The danger is expressed in the fact that during a stressful situation, the toad begins to secrete persistent secretion from the parotid glands. The secretion contains bufotoxin, which negatively affects the functioning of the liver, heart and brain. In case of an “unsuccessful meeting” with a toad, a person will experience convulsions, as well as ischemic attacks. Toads spray toxin within a radius of 20-30 cm. They can use poison in large and moderate quantities, and use it more often for protection than to catch the victim in “their nets.”

Ags live up to 12 years or more. They love darkness, warmth and humidity, and are nocturnal. If it is not so easy to recognize a species by color, then the eyes will serve as an assistant, because the pupils of Ag are elongated, resemble a rectangle and are located horizontally.

If in the first place are toads that reach an average of 20 to 30 cm in length, but among them there are rare winners with large parameters, then Blomberg’s toads almost all have sufficient body volume, mass and length.

Since 2007, this species has been declared endangered, however, earlier in the 18th century, when they were not actively exterminated, Blomberg’s individuals were the largest amphibians. The constant size was 25 cm, sometimes more. The toads were notable not only for their size, but also for their color - red in the dorsal region and green on the abdomen. This type stood out from the rest in that it does not have unevenness or flaking on the skin due to dryness. You can still find the toad to this day in the central states of America.

3. Green and brown toads

In third place are toads from the Green and Brown species. The habitat of such amphibians is limited to the center of Europe and southern Russia. Inhabits reservoirs, swamps, peat deposits and silt streams. The toad reaches no more than 20 cm in length, but 15 cm in width.

The toad has an amazing color: on the belly and back the color is either grassy with white stripes, or burgundy without inclusions. The skin, like that of other typical toads, is lumpy and dry. The Zelenka specimen is often encountered, since the toad is widespread throughout the globe due to its unpretentiousness and increased vitality. The species is not dangerous, is easily bred at home, feeds on mosquitoes, ant larvae, spiders and spider eggs.

It is noteworthy that these toads lay eggs in the fall, and not in the summer, since they hibernate during the hot season. They do not tolerate excessive heat, they like cold and dampness. Not at all dangerous to humans.


Large toads are bred to control pests; Agi serve as excellent chemical test subjects (they are used to study the poison bufotoxin) and to repel snakes, crocodiles, and water rats.

Toads have mucus, which serves as an excellent disinfectant that soothes redness and heals abrasions and wounds.


biggest frog in the world

People are interested in the world of fauna and who and how it is represented. For example, what are its largest and smallest representatives, who lives longer and who eats the most? There is hardly a person who would not be curious to know what the largest frog in the world is, where it lives and what are the features of its life activity. Such a creature is actually present in wildlife, and it is called the goliath frog (Conraua goliath).


The largest frog in the world, like many other exotic animals, comes from Africa. More precisely, it lives in its western part, in the tropics of Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea.

The goliath lives exclusively on the banks and under the canopy of river waterfalls. The largest frog in the world is an amphibian creature that needs to constantly maintain a certain temperature of its body (the air temperature in its habitat should not be lower than 22 degrees). Therefore, it is vital for her to always be surrounded by moisture. Goliath avoids open, sunlit places.

When the largest goliath frog is not in the water, it sits on the rocks, blending in with their gray color. In this way she receives protection from her enemies. It seems difficult to cling to stones slippery from the water, but the goliath frog sits quite confidently on them. She is helped in this by special suction pads located on her front fingers. The hind legs, equipped with special membranes, also participate in this process.

Despite its impressive size, the goliath leaps into the water with lightning speed at the slightest sign of danger. It is able to control a territory within 40 meters, and it is quite difficult to get close to an adult goliath. Having jumped into the water, the frog remains there for up to 15 minutes, then again gets out onto land. In this case, the nose and eyes are first shown above the water, and then the surface of the body.


The largest frog in the world eats scorpions, insects, worms, small rodents and birds. She goes hunting at night, briskly jumping out of the water for the prey she likes. It should be noted that a frog's jump can reach 3 meters in length.

Such a “record” costs the frog a lot of energy. Therefore, after a hunt, she needs a lot of time to rest in order to replenish the expended strength.


The females of the largest frog on the planet spawn in the off-season, when nature “rests” from the constantly flowing streams of water from the sky. To do this, she needs 6 days, during which one individual can “give” up to 10 thousand eggs, each of which reaches the size of a decent pea.

The egg hatches into a tadpole with an average length of 8 mm. In 70 days, he must “transform” into a normal frog, losing his tail and gills. During this time, the tadpole can feed exclusively on plants. Interestingly, in 45 days of his life he grows to 48 mm, that is, weight gain and growth occur, one might say, rapidly.

As for the parameters of an adult frog, its length can be 30 cm and its weight can be more than 3 kg.

Threats to the giant frog

The main threat to the life of the frog comes both directly from the person himself and from the consequences of his “management” in its habitat.

The Goliath frog has long been an object of persecution by gourmets, collectors and other exotic lovers. At the same time, some people catch it to sell it to restaurants or to cook it themselves. Others are hunting for an outlandish trophy or a specimen for their terrariums. It should be noted that all attempts to breed goliaths in captivity ended in failure.

These giant frogs also “suffer” from commercial deforestation of tropical forests, which are their habitat. Thus, due to the destruction of trees, the area where frogs live is reduced by several thousand hectares annually. In addition, unclean water resources into which poachers throw chemicals for catching fish pose a danger to her life.

Apart from local tribes, whose representatives may hunt frogs in order to sell them to restaurants, it is tourists eager to taste frog meat that pose the greatest danger. The meat of these representatives is also considered very useful for pregnant women.

The largest frog (photo)

The images show that Goliath has its name for a reason - this frog is truly impressive in its size. The tribes that live near its habitat affectionately call these frogs “sons.” Because an adult goliath reaches the size of a normal infant.

It’s interesting, but unlike their relatives, for whom the swamp is their natural habitat, goliaths “bypass” such reservations. They settle exclusively where the water is crystal clear, and this is one of the reasons why so many people hunt for them.

Now you know which frog is the largest in the world, as well as the features of its life activity and everything that threatens its existence.


giant toad, 3 letters, 2nd letter G, crossword puzzle

giant toad

Alternative descriptions

Tailless amphibian family of toads

In Sultan Turkey, the title of military commanders

The border of an estate park or garden, which looks like a shallow ditch with a retaining wall, which is not visible from the estate and has a gentle slope towards the park

A prosperous peasant in modern Turkey

Left tributary of the Onon

Official title in the Ottoman Empire

River in the Chita region


The title of landowner, chief in feudal Turkey; person holding this title

tropical toad

Particle expressing agreement, confirmation

Poisonous toad in South and Central Africa

Turkish fist

Leader of the Janissaries

Rich Turk

Toad is a giant

Ottoman officer

Large poisonous toad

Janissary commander

Palindromic "yes"

This toad is a homograph interjection

Who has the most poisonous eggs?

Vernacular "yes"

The titular toad

Officer title in the Ottoman Empire

Prosperous peasant in Turkey

Large poisonous toad in South and Central Africa

Kurkul from Turkey

Toad for lunch for crocodiles

Water rat game

Huge toad

giant toad

"yes" (colloquial)

cane toad

Giant Toad

Very large toad

Toad up to 20 cm in size

Mister in Turkey

Toad, game of crocodiles

Toad as food for crocodiles

"yes" colloquially

The toad is large and poisonous

A word of agreement

Game of young crocodiles

Vernacular agreement

Toad "with a title"

Toad with Ottoman title

Poisonous toad

Spoken “Yes!”

“The bullet flew by and...”

Wealthy Turk

Title of Turkish commanders

"snickering" Turk

Warlords title

Large toad

Mister Turk

Toad homograph interjection

River in Transbaikalia

Large amphibian of the toads

Word of agreement (simple)

Toad agrees with everyone

Turk, elder or toad

Respect for elders in the East

Unintelligent "yes"


Officer in the Ottoman Empire

Toad with Turkish title

Poisonous tropical toad

The elder agrees with everyone

To all toads, toad

Commander of the Janissary Corps

“flexible” aksakal

Janissary commander

"yes" in common parlance

"titled" toad

Toad in Turkish service

Janissary officer

Noble Turk

Toad with arrow poison

Warlord of the Janissaries


Rich man in Turkey

Tailless amphibian of the toad family

Officer title in the Ottoman Empire

Amphibian of the toad family

“The bullet flew by and...”

“The bullet flew by and...” (song.)

"Snickering" Turk

“Amenable” elder

"Titled" toad

"yes" (colloquial)

"yes" in common parlance

'Yes' colloquially

Toad "with a title"

M. in the Turkish and Tatar regions, foreman, chief; attached to a word meaning what someone is in charge of; agi, agalary plural. h

adv. zap., ege maloros. (letter g pronounced in southern, aspirated) yes, of course, okay. Ti byv en tamaski? - “Yeah” resins. Yeah, agatha interjection. resins of amazement. ah, ah, ba. Yeah interjection. celebrations a-a

Unintelligent "yes"

Palindromic "yes"

Simple “yes”

Vernacular "yes"

Spoken “Yes!”

Who has the most poisonous eggs?

Respect. attitude towards elders in the East


The largest frog in the world is a real Goliath - Topkin

The stunning creations of nature will never cease to amaze us. The New York Museum of Natural History houses real evidence of the life of rare amazing creatures on earth. The museum highlights the amazing and extraordinary world of contrasts created by nature: the skeleton of a three-meter tall moa bird next to the skeleton of a miniature hummingbird. The largest frog in the world also found its place among the museum exhibits, thanks to its unique size.

What you can see in the museum is more like the remains belonging to the monster - a meter-long skeleton with a wide bone of an earthly goliath frog from the genus Conraua, which is the largest representative of the genus of frogs in the entire history of the Earth. It’s just a shame that the population of these amphibians is declining every year and may eventually disappear completely.


The goliath frog is the largest of all living frog species in the world, living mainly on river banks in the depths of the rainforests of southwestern Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. Even the photo shows that this is a completely unusual specimen, which is unlikely to be found on the shore of an ordinary body of water. Goliaths prefer to be on the bend of the rocks, where waterfalls of deep tropical rivers form.

Goliaths, unlike other frogs associated with the swamp, on the contrary, prefer perfectly clean water, saturated with oxygen necessary for normal breathing of their skin. The largest frog in the world needs high levels of moisture, so open sunny places are not suitable for it. It also needs a certain temperature: in Cameroon the water always warms up to 22 degrees.

Giant frogs spend time in the water or on their favorite rocks. When a threat approaches, the goliath makes a sharp jump into a body of water, where it hides for 10 to 15 minutes. In a state of safety, amphibians usually settle on gray-brown stones under a waterfall, with which they have similar colors - the skin on the back is greenish-brown, the belly and paws are yellow or white.

Goliaths instantly react to the slightest danger, they are always ready and are able to quickly disappear into the water without a trace. Goliaths are very vigilant, fearful and secretive - they are difficult to approach. These amphibians have very well developed acute hearing and vision, with the help of which they see at a distance of more than 40 meters in order to keep enemies away from them.

What does the largest frog in the world eat?

The food for goliaths is mainly insects (among their favorite foods are locusts, cockroaches, grasshoppers), but they also do not lose sight of rodents, scorpions, spiders, small birds, worms, mollusks, crayfish, crabs, turtles, small frogs and snakes. The amphibian goes in search of prey at night. Thanks to its massive and strong paws, the goliath can make a quick jump up to three meters long, and then press its victim with its body.

Goliaths spend a lot of strength and energy on such an active hunt, get very tired and take a long time to recover. Their most dangerous enemies are humans, large birds, fish, and crocodiles. Goliath frogs do not have vocal cords and do not make any sounds, so they are considered silent animals.

Goliaths stay on wet and slippery rocks using membranes on the toes of their large hind feet. Their powerful paws also help them withstand strong river currents. Therefore, huge frogs settled even on the strong and dangerous waterfall of the Mbiya River.


In quieter places, with the onset of the dry season, goliath females leave close to 10 thousand eggs. Eggs are laid on aquatic vegetation at the bottom of the reservoir. The process of turning an egg into a tadpole lasts about 70 days. The tadpole is usually born 8 mm long, but after a month and a half it rapidly grows 6 times (4.8 cm).

First, the herbivorous baby goliaths consume aquatic vegetation as food. Over time, they get rid of external gills and tail, grow and gain weight. When healthy, this tailless amphibian grows up to 33 cm in length (sometimes its total length is up to 91 cm) and reaches a weight of three kilograms (maximum 6 kg). Females are slightly larger than males in size. Goliath frogs live about 15 years (maximum age is 21 years).

Endangered species

Unfortunately, Goliath frogs are an endangered species, their existing numbers are constantly declining due to catching, export, captivity in zoos or private owners, trade, merciless eating and destruction of their safe habitat. Today, in those areas where goliaths lived, active logging has been underway for many years. Poaching fish using chemicals pollutes the water in rivers.

Some tourists, in order to enjoy the meat of this frog, catch it with a spinning rod. In the USA, goliath frogs were even entered into a kind of long jump competition. Goliaths are considered a valuable, healthy delicacy by some local West African wildlife residents.

But the Bayel pygmy tribes and the Fanga tribes living near the Mbia River waterfall do not hunt giant frogs at all, but value and affectionately call them “nia-moa” (“sons”), because the amphibian grows to the size of a baby. In addition, Equatorial Guinea is home to Monte Alen National Park, which is a protected habitat for goliath frogs.

It is obvious that before a person can live in harmony with nature, it is necessary to maintain the safety of its creatures, stop the cruelty to animals and their destruction throughout the world, and then the largest frog will delight our descendants.

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