What is the water temperature and weather in Italy (in different months). What is the water temperature and weather in Italy (in different months) Why is it hot and dry in Italy

Temperature fluctuations in different regions of the country at the same time of year are characteristic of large countries: for example, Russia, Canada, China and the USA. However, this list also includes Italy, despite its small size.

Weather in Italy now:

The fact is that in this country the vagaries of the weather are determined by the difference in relief, and the long extent of Italy also has an influence. However, such a variety of climate is more likely to benefit tourists, because they have the opportunity to visit the country all year round, admire the beautiful nature, diverse flora and fauna, swim in the sea and simply enjoy the splendor of the architecture of such different Italian cities.

Climate of Italy by month:

Spring is the best time of the year!

But spring is rightfully considered the best time of the year. The nature of the Apennine Peninsula at this time is simply magnificent! The air temperature fluctuates between 15-20 degrees - neither hot nor cold. In addition, a variety of citrus fruits, olives, figs, pomegranates and many other trees begin to bloom. The alpine region is home to bears, deer, roe deer, chamois, and in the highlands you can find wood grouse and hazel grouse. Of course, the flora and fauna are much richer, because in the rivers alone there are many different species of fish. In the spring, two holidays can be celebrated: Easter and the Day of Liberation from Fascism, which in Italy is celebrated on April 25 and signifies the end of World War II.

Swimming season - summer

Summer is the traditional swimming season in Italy, because the country's shores are washed by five seas, including the Adriatic and Mediterranean Seas. The average temperature in summer fluctuates around 25-30 degrees Celsius, although in the south of the country it reaches forty when the hot wind comes from Africa. In summer in Italy, rain is a rare occurrence, so tourists often hide from the heat, for example, in hotel rooms, or take excursions on comfortable buses, fortunately there are places to go. At the very beginning of summer, Italians celebrate Republic Day (June 2). And on August 15, the summer work season ends, and Italians take long-awaited vacations.

Autumn is culinary season

Many tourists prefer to come to Italy in the fall, because the swimming season is not yet closed, and the air temperature drops to 20 degrees and below. Moreover, a sharp rise in temperature is observed in October. For example, in September, 30-degree heat is not that uncommon. Autumn is the time for culinary holidays. There are many events dedicated not only to wine, but also, for example, to chocolate and truffles. Autumn is also the time for evening walks through magnificent Italian cities with luxurious architecture. Do not forget that Italy has about 20 national parks with unique flora and fauna. The most popular of them are Circeo and Abruzzo. The main holiday of the country at this time of year is the Cathedral of All Saints, celebrated on the first of November.

Such a different winter...

Winter differs from other seasons in that the temperature varies greatly in different regions of Italy. And if in the lowland areas of the country the temperature remains slightly above zero, then in the Alps it drops to -15 degrees. This is the ideal time for those who prefer to ski or snowboard, enjoy steep ski slopes and difficult turns. Many people come here for active recreation. But most tourists prefer winter Italy for the reason of “shopping”. The fact is that prices fall rapidly at this time of year, and vacations become not so expensive. The main winter holiday is Christmas, celebrated on December 25th.

Italy has a mild Mediterranean climate. In summer the weather in Italy is hot, with little rainfall. The peak of the heat occurs in July. The coldest month is January. Winters here are mild, average temperatures are always above zero. Moreover, it is important to note that the weather in Italy by month and the water temperature varies slightly depending on the territory (north or south), on average by 5 degrees (warmer in the south, colder in the north).

Weather in Italy by month (north)

Weather in Italy by month (south)

*Monthly averages are given

The swimming season is in full swing from June to September inclusive. Because Italy is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, so the water remains warm for a long time, which contributes to a long swimming season. If you don’t like heat, then go to Italy in September, at this time the water is warm and the air temperature is already acceptable (not stuffy, you can calmly walk around the city). Read more about the features of choosing the most comfortable period and important points of a trip to Italy.

The mountains of Italy (in the north) receive a lot of snow during the winter months. For this reason, there are a lot of ski resorts there. Moreover, these resorts are very popular, have a developed tourist infrastructure, many services provided, and the ability to quickly reach popular areas of Italy (Venice, Milan) attract even more tourists here.

Also the weather in Italy varies greatly in mountainous areas. Some mountains block warm air from the south, which contributes to temperature differences. Temperatures differ between north and south, and between west and east. So it’s better to look at the weather specifically for the city you are interested in than for the entire country as a whole.

Weather in Italy by month in summer, autumn, winter and spring. Air and water temperature, precipitation - useful information from "Travel The World".

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Weather in Italy during the months of summer, autumn, winter and spring. Air and water temperature, precipitation - useful information from Travel The World.

The climatic conditions in the country are of Mediterranean type. Average winter temperatures range from 0 °C to +12 °C, and summer temperatures from +20 °C to +28 °C. In the southern and central parts of Italy, winter is mild, in the north it is colder.

Precipitation levels are maximum in winter. It often snows in the northern part. In summer there is little precipitation, almost all days are sunny. The mountains have a subarctic climate with low temperatures and high precipitation.

Weather in Italy in winter


The last month of the year in Italy is characterized by cool weather. If in the southern part of the country the thermometer often reaches +17 C, then in the north it rarely rises to +10 C. In December the weather is dry and there are often fogs. By the end of the month, the influx of tourists to the ski resorts of Italy begins - the snow cover has already formed on them.


January is the coldest and wettest month in Italy. The air temperature is several degrees lower than in December; in Rome and its environs it does not exceed +10 C. Combined with frequent precipitation, this weather is clearly not suitable for walks in the eternal city. At ski resorts the temperature fluctuates around -5 C.


February weather in Italy is amazing. If in the countries located to the north the weather in February still “lets you light up” with frost and snow, then in Italy the temperature begins to rise as if it’s spring outside. The average temperature by the end of the month reaches a pleasant +15 C, which leads to intensive flowering of plants. The ski resorts of Italy are experiencing a peak influx of tourists.

Weather in Italy in spring


The first month of spring in Italy is ideal for excursions and sightseeing. A walk through interesting places not only in the Italian capital, but also in other places in Italy, at a temperature of almost +20 C, makes it possible not only to enjoy visiting ancient buildings, but also to breathe in the fresh spring air. The country's ski resorts are gradually closing their doors. The water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea does not exceed +14 C – it is clearly too early to swim.


April is not a particularly comfortable month to visit Italy. The thing is that in its northern part it is still cool, but in the south you can already sunbathe - at +23 C this activity is very pleasant. But there is also a minus - the water warms up slowly and gets warmer by only 1-2 degrees. It rains periodically.


The last month of spring, May, in Italy is the start of the beach season. The air temperature gradually rises to +25 C, and the water temperature to +18 C (at the end of the month +20 C). It’s difficult to call these ideal resort conditions, but nevertheless, by the end of the month there are already quite a lot of vacationers on Italian beaches. Also, May weather is conducive to excursion holidays.

Weather in Italy in summer


A great time to visit Italy is June. Pleasant, not scorching heat and an already well-warmed sea contribute to a beach holiday. During the day, the air temperature reaches +28 C, and the water warms up to a very comfortable +23 C. June in Italy is considered one of the best for families with children.


Holidays in July in the south of Italy are no longer as comfortable as in June. Air heated to a temperature exceeding +30 C and warm sea water (up to +25 C) are no longer refreshing and do not bring pleasure to all travelers. The best option is to holiday in the northern part of the country. Here, on average, it is 5 degrees cooler.


If you think that Italy is hot in July, then look at what happens in August. This period is marked by maximum temperatures throughout the country, reaching their highest in the middle of the month. During the day, the thermometer exceeds +35 C in the south and +32 C in the north. In August there is a maximum influx of tourists, which affects prices in hotels in Italy.

Weather in Italy in autumn


In September, both a gradual decrease in air temperature and a decrease in the number of tourists vacationing at Italian resorts and beaches begin. During the day no more than +28 C, a slight breeze blows. The water temperature is +22 C. The first month of autumn is pleasant both for a beach holiday and for sightseeing.


In October, the velvet season, which began in September, ends in Italy. The air temperature does not exceed +22 C, and the water cools down to +19 C, which is a clear signal about the end of the beach season. In the mountainous regions of the country it becomes very cool - up to +5 C during the day. Winds along the entire coast of the country tend to increase.


Autumn is coming into its own 100%. During the day in November the air warms up to no more than 18 C, and then in the south. In the north it is 5-7 degrees cooler. We are not talking about swimming at sea - 15 degree water inspires not many people to swim.

Weather in cities and resorts in Italy now

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Italy is one of the best countries in Europe for tourism. Italy's climate and attractions are extremely attractive, and millions of people from all over the world readily admit this. Resorts on the coasts of two seas at once - the Mediterranean and the Adriatic, ski slopes in the north of the country, chic shopping with the most fashionable goods in Milan, as well as the rich cultural heritage of the great power - Ancient Rome, all these factors as one provide the country with a year-round influx of tourists.

The climate in the country, of course, varies depending on the time of year. But this does not prevent the influx of foreigners; simply, depending on the seasons, tourist areas shift to different parts of the country.

Features of climatic zones in Italy

The climate in Italy is very diverse. The significant extent of the Apennine Peninsula from north to south, most of which is Italy, affects climate change in Italy, depending on the region and time of year. Thus, meteorologists identified 5 climatic zones in the state:

Ski resort in January

In the Liguria region there is also another climatic zone, not identified by scientists as a separate area on the weather map, but almost throughout the entire Apennines there are warm summers and snowy winters, almost like in the Alps.

Main seasons for tourists in Italy

Depending on the area and time of year, various resorts open or close across the country, which is why such holidays are called seasonal and is divided into the following categories:

  • Starting in December, millions of ski lovers flock to the Alpine part of Italy, settling into hotels, private houses and chalets. Numerous ski lifts, cafes, restaurants, clubs and après-ski parties begin to operate. Such fun takes over Christmas, New Year and the whole three months of next year, until mid-March.
  • In the off-season, that is, from the end of March to mid-May, as well as in October and November, when the weather is no longer too hot and winter has not yet come into its own, the time for excursion programs begins. Many city hotels are filling up, excursion bureaus are recording high sales, and buses with tourists are everywhere on country roads.

Tourists explore Rome, Naples, Florence, Venice, Milan and many other cities, including the Vatican and San Marino, either independently or with the help of experienced guides.

  • Starting from the May holidays, many of our compatriots traditionally go to Italy for the opening of the beach season. The sea warms up sufficiently only by the middle of the month, but the entire beach infrastructure begins to work a little earlier. At the height of the season, June - August, the beaches are filled with noisy crowds of vacationers, families with children, and after the end of the summer holidays and until October, the velvet vacation season continues on the coasts of the country.
  • During the velvet season it becomes noticeably cooler, the sea off the coast already has a temperature of 23°C, the air warms up to 26°C during the day, but in the evening it already becomes a little cold without demi-season clothes.
  • In Italy, as the world capital of fashion, there is another distinct season that does not depend on climate and weather conditions - this is the traditional period of huge discounts on all famous clothing brands from past collections. A huge number of fashionistas from all over the world occupy the country's most famous outlets in July - August and January - February, bringing home stylish wardrobe items for only 20-30% of the original price.

Beach holiday in July

Important! From the above list it is clear that Italy can satisfy the needs of every vacationer and offer the most comfortable holiday on its territory. It must also be said that a developed road network, infrastructure for tourists, responsiveness of the population and many other positive factors are increasingly driving feelings of complete freedom in this state for independent travelers.

Basic wardrobe items you may need on a trip to Italy

Depending on the season, the tourist must fill his suitcase before his Italian holiday in different ways, namely:

  • At the height of the beach season, you will always need bright shorts, T-shirts, summer skirts, swimsuits, swimming trunks, masks, snorkels - everything you need for a comfortable holiday at the edge of the sea and enjoying the breeze and tan. However, we should not forget that the country is highly developed and European, so in the evening you may well need evening (for restaurants, cocktail parties and other events) or stylish and youthful (for bars and discos) things.

At the same time, it is worth considering that there are practically no sudden cold snaps in the summer, but in case of a one-day trip to the mountains, it is still worth taking a light windbreaker with you. And, of course, you should always have a high-protection sunscreen at the ready to avoid the consequences of prolonged tanning.

  • Skiers always require a standard set - a ski suit (the higher the quality, the better), thermal underwear, warm closed shoes, preferably waterproof and with a membrane, a skier's hat and sunglasses. In addition, it is worth taking with you good gloves and a set of winter clothes (preferably without fur and leather) for regular walks in cities and in mountainous areas.
  • In the case of an excursion program in winter or autumn, clothing should be loose, since you will have to walk a lot, and in addition, if the tourist is going to make purchases in numerous discount stores, then it is generally better to carry a suitcase half empty, so as not to overpay for excess weight at airports departure. However, there are also disadvantages here - any item purchased and used in the European Union will not be taken into account when returning tax under the Tax Free system.

Excursions in Italy in September

In principle, if a traveler has already visited other European countries in different seasons, his wardrobe will not be much different when traveling to Italy.

Weather in Italy by month of the year

Weather in Italy by month is the most convenient way to plan your vacation. In the list below, every traveler can see what kind of weather awaits him when traveling to Italy at different times of the year.


Italy is very busy in January. The daytime temperature varies from +3°C in the north of the country to +17°C in the south; in the mountains the temperature can drop to -10°C – -20°C. Swimming in the country will be extremely uncomfortable, however, on the island. Ischia, at the southernmost point of the state, is dominated by natural hot springs that heat the coastal waters to high temperatures. There is very little sun in the country in January, fog often falls on the continental part, and strong winds blow and rain throughout the country, with heavy snowfalls in the mountainous areas. The weather in Italy in January gives the feeling of a real European Christmas.

Weather in northern Italy in December


In February, the weather throughout Italy begins to improve, but the temperature in the regions does not change much, and in general repeats the previous month. The ski season continues, but the swimming season is still too far away.


In the whole country, the temperature rises by 4–6°C, but the weather is very unstable, and the temperature can either rise to +22°C or fall below +10°C. But the water begins to gradually warm up due to the large number of sunny days, the once raging waves calm down, and the sea becomes clear, gradually acquiring an emerald color. In the mountains, especially in areas at the foot of the Alps, the ski season is coming to an end as the snow begins to melt at above-zero temperatures.


In the very south of Italy, on the islands, summer is already in full swing, the thermometer rises to +25°C, the sea warms up to comfortable temperatures. The country as a whole is beginning to experience significant warming. So, in Rome and Milan it’s up to +16°C, but the Adriatic Sea is still cold for swimming, and the beach season is not yet open, but extensive excursion tours are opening everywhere. In the Alps, at resorts, the blanket of snow melts and lush grass breaks through the ground. Precipitation at this time of year is already quite rare.


The very beginning of the beach season and mass recreation in coastal hotel complexes. In the south, the temperature rises to +28°C, and on the Mediterranean coast, due to a light breeze, it is slightly lower - +24°C. But the same cannot be said about the sea temperature, and swimming in 18-degree water is still uncomfortable for many.

On a note. The Adriatic is traditionally a little colder than in the south, as cold currents make themselves felt. So, the sea temperature is +17°C, the air temperature is no higher than +20°C on a bright sunny day.

Venice in March


The beach season begins - the beaches fill up, the sea warms up more and more every day, and if at the beginning of June its temperature fluctuates in the range from 20°C to 22°C, then by the end of the month the water in the coastal zone warms up to +25°C. Strong warm winds this month attract a large number of surfers to Italy, and school holidays begin for children, and parents take them to sunbathe in Italian resorts at air temperatures up to +25°C.


In Italy, July is the height of the swimming season, the heat is up to 30°C, locally it can reach 32–35°C, the sea is as warm as possible, there is a minimum of rain, the wind gradually subsides, and stuffiness begins, which smoothly turns into evening and night. The weather this month is not much different from the coast of Antalya.


August in Europe is traditionally considered the month of holidays, and in Italy it is also the hottest of the year. In some areas of Italy, the temperature can reach +35°C, and the water warms up to 27°C in some places, with almost no wind or precipitation.

Note! The peak of beach holidays occurs during this period, and tourists should remember that hotels charge the highest rates for vacationers.

The best escape from the heat would be a one-day excursion to the mountains, where already from an altitude of 1000 m or more the air temperature drops by 8–15°C. The period of active summer sales begins.


The Ligurian Riviera announces the beginning of the velvet season. The heat is gradually starting to subside - from 22°C in the north to 18°C ​​in the south of the country and the islands. Short-term rains begin, and every day they come more often, the sea temperature remains at around 23°C. By the end of the month, the time for excursions begins for tourists who come on vacation without children.


Temperatures continue to fall and the national average is 19–20°C, the water cools to 19°C in the Rimini area, but in the south you can still swim. The excursion season is in full swing. A large number of festivals, gastronomic exhibitions, and numerous traditional harvest fairs open in almost all villages of the country. In the mountains, heavy, dank rains begin with an average daily temperature of no higher than 10°C.

August is vacation time in Italy


One of the most unpleasant months of the year for Italians is heavy drizzling rain, the wind rises, few sunny days, the air temperature even in Sicily is no longer higher than 18°C, and in Rimini, Venice and Milan it is even 12°C. Snowfalls begin in the mountains, which, however, create almost no snow cover, since melting immediately begins.


Italy in December - the beginning of the month is marked by damp and cold weather, the air temperature in Turin is 5°C, in the southern provinces - up to 15°C, the swimming season has long been closed, and the excursion season is also coming to an end. But in the mountains, on the contrary, there is a revival - ski slopes are gradually being put in order, ski lifts are being serviced, hotels are being renovated and, starting in the middle of the month, the season opens for skiers, and preparations are in full swing for the celebration of Catholic Christmas.

To summarize, it must be said that the general attitude towards the weather at resorts depends, among other things, on the mood of the tourists themselves. So, some may not like ideal sunny days, but others can happily walk in some light autumn rain, simply enjoying the long-awaited vacation. In addition, prices for many hotels and services drop significantly in the off-season.

Climate of Italy There are three types of climate in Italy: temperate and subtropical Mediterranean.

In northern Italy, on the Padanian Plain, the climate is transitional from subtropical to temperate - hot summers (July from +22°C to +24°C) and cold, foggy winters (January - about 0°C).

The climate of the island part of Italy is Mediterranean, with clear blue skies 2/3 of the year, hot and dry summers (+26°C in July), and warm and mild winters (from +8°C to +10°C in January). Snow falls extremely rarely, with the exception of the mountainous regions of the Alps, where it lies at altitudes of more than 1500 m for up to 200 days a year.

In the south of the peninsula, dry hot winds from the Sahara - “sirocco” - blow from March to October. During this period, the temperature rises to +35°C.

Climate of Rome subtropical Mediterranean. Maximum precipitation is observed in winter; in summer precipitation is relatively rare. In general, the climate is characterized by very long and hot summers and mild, rainy winters. Frosts and snowfalls are rare even in winter, and in summer temperatures can exceed 40 degrees.

Venice- a southern city, lies approximately at the latitude of Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory. Venice is characterized by long, hot summers with an average temperature of approximately 23 degrees in July (the warmest month), and mild winters (the average temperature in January is +2.5 degrees). In winter there are sometimes frosts and snowfalls. The air has high humidity. Venice often experiences thunderstorms with heavy rain.

Climate in Florence- Mediterranean, summers are hot and dry (in July +26 C), and winters are warm and mild (up to +10 C in January), the sun shines most days of the year. Snow falls extremely rarely, except in mountainous areas.

For Milan characterized by a humid subtropical climate with some continental characteristics, typical of the inland plains of northern Italy with hot, humid summers and cold, wet winters, in contrast to the Mediterranean climate of southern Italy. The average temperature in the city center is from -3 to +4 °C in January and from 19 to 30 °C in July. Snowfalls are quite common in winter, although they have become less frequent in the last 15-20 years. Humidity is quite high throughout the year, the average annual precipitation is about 1000 mm. The city is often shrouded in fog.

Climate of Sicily- typically Mediterranean, with hot summers and short mild winters. The number of sunshine hours on average reaches 2500 per year, while in continental Italy - 2000, and in the south of France - 1800. Light precipitation falls mainly in the winter months - from October to March. The maximum temperature is recorded in July and August - on average +26 °C, and the minimum from +10° to +14 °C - in December and February. The water temperature fluctuates between +16 °C in winter and +27 °C in summer. The climate of Sicily is mild, with a noticeable temperature difference between the coast and the interior of the island. The rains here are rarely plentiful, sometimes not for months.

Best time to visit:

You can go to Italy all year round, choosing the time depending on the purpose of the trip: in winter - for alpine skiing, in summer to relax at the sea, in spring and autumn - on excursion tours. Early January is sales time, the best time for shopping.


Average daytime air temperature in Venice

Average daytime air temperature in Florence

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