What fruits can you bring from Cuba? Exotic fruits with photos, fruits from Thailand, Vietnam, India, Cuba, etc. b.b. Meat dishes in Cuba

Cuba– one of the most popular island resorts. It is famous for its excellent beaches, the sky-blue surface of the Caribbean Sea and the rich underwater world.

From year to year, tourists visit it to relax on the coast, visit interesting places and try the legendary Cuban cuisine. The weather in Cuba in May is not considered the most favorable, but you can still enjoy your vacation.

What is the weather like in May in Cuba?

Despite the fact that in May it begins on the coast rain season, during this period the weather still allows you to enjoy your vacation, especially if the trip occurs in the first half of the month.

Air and water temperature

May in Cuba is considered transition period from high season to rainy season. For almost the entire month, weather conditions in the country are inconsistent.

The weather completely depends on the northeastern trade winds - winds that dictate whether the coast will be dry and hot or unbearably hot and humid.

At the beginning, on the coast of Cuba there is observed pleasant weather. In resorts such as Santiago de Cuba and Trinidad, the thermometer reaches +32 degrees during the daytime, in Havana and Cayo Coco – +31°C, and in Varadero – +30°C. Thanks to rare rains, humidity remains normal, so there is no stuffiness and heat characteristic of the wet season.

In other resorts in Cuba, the air temperature in May is as follows:

  • Cayo Guillermo– +30°C;
  • Holguin– +31°C;
  • Pinar del Rio— +31°C;
  • Cienfuegos– +31°C.

The sea on the coast of Cuba in May is “like fresh milk.” If in the first half of the month +27-28 degrees gives pleasure while swimming, then by the end of the month, along with heavy rains, it comes to the island heat, from which it is impossible to hide even at sea. Only the pleasant evening coolness of +21°C saves you from hot days.

At the end of May, weather conditions at the resorts of Cuba are getting worse. The air temperature during the daytime increases by 3-4 degrees, but heavy tropical rains and high humidity significantly enhance the sensations. In such stuffy and hot weather, it is quite difficult to get out to the coast or inland to get to know interesting places.

Features of weather conditions

Compared to April indicators, in May the number of rainy days increases in twice. Tropical downpours at Cuban resorts can begin suddenly and last 2-3 hours. Towards the end of the month, the number of cloudy days and precipitation increases noticeably.

Showers can last 4-5 days in a row, leaving high humidity behind.

It is worth noting that in May on the coast of Cuba none strong winds and typhoons, which means that even in rainy weather you can not deny yourself the pleasure of spending time in the water. During this period, it is quite clean and transparent, and there are almost no algae in its expanses. In addition, the absence of strong wind does not create waves, which also makes it possible to have a pleasant time.

May holiday

High temperatures and tropical downpours do not stop those tourists who decide to spend time on the coast of Cuba in May. The pleasant climate and many other features allow you to have a great time.

Advantages and disadvantages

If a trip to Cuban resorts is planned in the first half of the month, then such a vacation promises to be pleasant and rich. During this period, showers occur rarely and mainly in the evening or night hours. But even if cloudy weather happens during the day, you can always hide from the precipitation in a hotel by the pool or in one of the cafes with Cuban cuisine.

Holidays in the second half of May are full of weather surprises. During this period, frequent rains and intense heat do not allow you to stay on the coast for a long time, enjoying a beach holiday and swimming. But the closer you get, the lower the prices for vacations and various services become.

How to dress?

To relax comfortably on the coast of Cuba, it is enough to travel lightly summer things, swimsuit and protective equipment from the scorching rays of the sun. For excursion programs and trips to the sights of the country, comfortable shoes, as well as an umbrella or raincoat, will be useful.

What fruits ripen?

As summer approaches, the real thing begins in Cuba fruit expanse. In May, all the juiciest ones ripen - watermelons, avocados, carambola, cherimoya, caimito and cherries.

During the same period, tourists continue to be delighted with different varieties of bananas, oranges and pineapples.

What to do this month?

Cuba is rich in entertainment. In addition to a beach holiday, a variety of different excursions to interesting places, modern entertainment, and food tasting are available on the island.

Beach holiday

The most favorable conditions for a beach holiday are found at resorts Varadero And Cayo Coco. In May, this part of the island receives less rainfall, and the relatively low air temperature during the day allows you to swim and sunbathe on the beach, getting an excellent tan.

But on the coast of Havana and Holguin, beloved by many tourists, the onset of the rainy season is felt more strongly than in other parts of the island.

Excursions and entertainment

Getting to know Cuba is possible at any time of the year, and even high temperatures or rain will not be able to prevent this exciting event. Each of the resorts has its own interesting places, so a great option would be rent a car and go on a trip.

First of all, it's worth visiting the brightest places:

  1. Old city in Havana;
  2. House-museum Ernest Hemingway;
  3. Fortress La Real Fuerza;
  4. National Park A. Humboldt.

An incredible number of ancient architectural monuments are located in Havana. Even easy acquaintance with them can take several days.


In the very first days on the coast of Cuba they celebrate workers' solidarity day. This event takes place on a huge scale - colorful processions and festivals are held everywhere, and at the end of the day there are fireworks.

Look in this video What is the weather like in Cuba in May:


Other names: Buddha's hand, cedrate, Corsican lemon. Behind the external originality lies a trivial content: the oblong fruits are almost solid peel, reminiscent of lemon in taste and violet in smell. It can only be used for making compotes, jellies and candied fruits. Often the Buddha's hand is planted in a pot as an ornamental plant.

Where to try: China, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, India.

Season: from October to December.

Pepino Dulce

Also - sweet cucumber, melon pear. Formally, it is a berry, although a very large one. The fruits are varied, coming in different sizes, shapes and colors, some are bright yellow with red or purple streaks. The pulp tastes like melon, pumpkin and cucumber.

Overripe pepino is tasteless, as are unripe ones.

Where to try: Peru, Chile, New Zealand, Turkey, Egypt, Cyprus, Indonesia.

Season: all year round.


Other names are sapota. The fruit is small and round. Inside there is orange pulp, the taste, as you might guess, is reminiscent of apricot. It is added to pies and cakes, canned, and jelly is made from unripe fruits.

Where to try: Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador, Venezuela, Antilles, USA (Florida, Hawaii), Southeast Asia.


Other names are naranjilla, lulo, golden fruit of the Andes. Externally, naranjilla resembles a hairy tomato, although its taste is reminiscent of pineapple and strawberries. The juice and pulp are used to make fruit salads, ice cream, yoghurts, biscuits, sweet sauces and cocktails.

Where to try: Venezuela, Panama, Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Colombia, Chile.

Season: from September to November.


Also - annona, guanabana, graviola. One of the largest tropical fruits on the planet: the weight of the fruit can reach 7 kilograms. The fruits are oval or heart-shaped, the peel is hard, covered with soft spines.

The pulp is creamy-white, tastes like lemonade, with a pleasant sourness. Used for making cocktails, juices, purees, sorbet and ice cream. Black seeds are poisonous.

Where to try: Bermuda, Bahamas, Mexico, Peru, Argentina.

Season: all year round.


Other names are Indian mulberry, cheese fruit, pork apple. The fruit is the size of a potato or large plum, the skin is translucent. When ripe, noni turns from green to yellow and almost white. Noni has a strong aroma and bitter taste, which is why it is sometimes called the “vomit fruit.”

Popular rumor ascribes to noni the properties of curing almost half of the diseases, and some call it the most useful exotic fruit.

Where to try: Malaysia, Polynesia, Australia, Southeast Asia.

Season: all year round.


Also - jaboticaba, a Brazilian grape tree. The fruits, which look like grapes or currants, grow in clusters on trunks and main branches. The skin is bitter. Juices, alcoholic drinks, jellies, and marmalade are made from the pulp.

Where to try: Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Panama, Peru, Colombia, Cuba, Philippines.

Season: from April to the end of October.


The unripe green fruits clearly resemble cucumbers, only larger. When ripe they turn bright yellow. The orange-brown pulp is sour, aromatic, with small seeds. Kuruba is an excellent thirst quencher. Juice, jam, jelly, wine, and salads are made from the pulp.

Where to try: Bolivia, Colombia, Uruguay, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, India, New Zealand.

Season: all year round, in India and New Zealand from March to November.


The juicy and aromatic fruits resemble in shape, reaching 25 centimeters in length and 12 centimeters in width. The skin is slightly hard, red-brown. The pulp is white, sour-sweet, the seeds are located in five nests.

It is eaten fresh and used to make juices, yoghurts, liqueurs, jams, sweets and chocolate. It is believed that the most delicious cupuacu is the one that fell to the ground.

Where to try: Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Colombia.

Season: all year round.


Marang fruits are elongated and have a thick skin covered with spines that harden as they ripen. Inside there are white slices with seeds, they are quite large, about a third of the palm of your hand.

Everyone describes taste differently. So, some are sure that it resembles an ice cream in a waffle cup, others - that it resembles a marshmallow. Still others cannot describe their feelings at all. Marang is not exported because it spoils instantly. If the dents do not straighten out when pressed, you need to eat it immediately. If the fruit is slightly squeezable, it should be allowed to sit for a couple of days. Marang is usually eaten fresh, but is also used in desserts and cocktails. The seeds are fried or boiled.

Where to try: Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Borneo, Australia.

Season: from August to the end of April.

Exotic fruits in countries:

Fruits of Thailand

Fruits are sold year-round, although mangosteen, for example, is not very common during the off-season, and pineapples are twice as expensive. You can buy it at markets, from street stalls, or from merchants with mobile carts.

Pineapple, banana, guava, jackfruit, durian, melon, star fruit, coconut, lychee, longan, longkong, mango, mangosteen, tangerine, mapla, noina, papaya, pitaya, pomelo, rambutan, herring, sapodilla, tamarind, jujube.

Fruits of Vietnam

Vietnam, one of the largest suppliers of fruits in the world market, can become a serious competitor even to Thailand. The most fruit is in the south of Vietnam. During the off-season, prices for especially exotic fruits can increase 2-3 times.

Avocado, pineapple, watermelon, banana, guava, jackfruit, durian, melon, star apple, green orange, carambola, coconut, lychee, longan, mango, mangosteen, tangerine, passion fruit, milk apple, mombin, noina, papaya, pitahaya, rambutan , rose apple, sapodilla, tangerine, citron.

Fruits of India

India is located in several climatic zones, which creates favorable conditions for growing fruits characteristic of both tropical and temperate zones (highlands). On the shelves you can find familiar apples, peaches and grapes and exotic coconuts, papaya and sapodilla.

Avocado, pineapple, anonna, watermelon, banana, guava, guava, jackfruit, fig, carambola, coconut, mango, tangerine, passion fruit, papaya, sapodilla, tamarind.

Fruits of Egypt

The harvest in Egypt is harvested in spring and autumn, so fruit is almost always in season here. The exception is border periods, for example, early spring, when the “winter” fruits have already departed, and the “summer” fruits are just approaching.

Quince, orange, watermelon, banana, grapes, pomegranate, grapefruit, pear, guava, melon, fig, cantaloupe, carambola, kiwi, red banana, lemon, mango, pickle, loquat, pepino, peach, pitaya, pomelo, sugar apple, physalis, date, persimmon.

Fruits in Cuba

Unlike Egypt, the seasons in Cuba are much more clearly defined. All year round you can buy pineapples, oranges, bananas, guavas, and papaya. The most delicious mangoes are in July-August; in the summer, the season of mamoncillo, cherimoya, carambola and avocado also starts; in the spring - coconuts, watermelons, and grapefruits.

It's always beach season in Cuba. This is an axiom. And the main argument in favor of traveling to Cuba is that you need to get there before the Americans. Diplomatic relations with the United States have been restored, and if , a flood of American tourists will soon flock to Havana and Varadero. It is believed that Cuba will not be the same with the Americans. From the original lady with an open heart and a smile on her face, she will turn into a pretty lady, but too similar to her neighbors - Mexico and the Dominican Republic. For those who want to go to Cuba in time, we offer useful information about the best time to go there in terms of weather.

Climatic and seasonal conditions in Cuba are almost the same as in the neighboring Dominican Republic. The “low” season and the rainy season coincide in time: from May to October. At this time it is hot and humid, with short but heavy showers periodically. In winter, Cuba is warm and dry, this is the “high” tourist season, it lasts from November to April.

Monthly weather and water temperature in popular resorts in Cuba


Average daily temperature (°C) 24 26 27 29 30 30 30 31 30 28 26 25
Average night temperature (°C) 16 17 17 18 21 22 22 22 22 21 19 18
Sea water t (°C) 24 25 26 26 27 27 28 27 26 26 25 24

Resorts in Holguin province

Average daily temperature (°C) 27 27 27 28 30 31 31 31 31 30 29 28
Average night temperature (°C) 21 21 21 22 23 24 25 25 24 23 22 21
Sea water t (°C) 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 27 26 26 25 25


Average daily temperature (°C) 27 27 28 29 30 31 32 32 31 31 28 27
Average night temperature (°C) 17 16 17 19 20 21 22 22 21 21 19 17
Sea water t (°C) 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 28 27 27 26 25

The current weather forecast for Cuban resorts can be found on the government website .

Where is it warmest in Cuba in winter?

When choosing travel dates to Cuba, it is important not only to take into account the rainy or hurricane season, but also to choose the right resort. Depending on the geographical location, weather conditions at a particular resort may vary significantly. It is especially important not to make a mistake in January: according to the results of long-term meteorological observations, this is the coldest month. About once every 10 years in the west of the country (Havana, Varadero, Pinar del Rio) there is a sharp cold snap. During the day the air cools to 15–17 °C, at night it is even colder, the wind rises, and the sea is stormy. True, sea water usually does not let you down; it rarely gets colder than 24 °C.

Fortunately, such weather anomalies are really rare and usually short-lived, a week at most. Still, we advise you to play it safe. The rule is simple: the further south and west, the warmer. The most unstable and windy weather in winter is more likely to occur in the most popular resort of Varadero. This should be taken into account by those who are planning to travel to Cuba in January with children. Waves and strong bottom currents in winter are definitely not conducive to a relaxed holiday. This is not written about on hotel websites and in tourist brochures; no one wants to scare off tourists. Only uninterested people, such as Cuban fishermen or local old-timers, will tell about the true state of affairs. But let's get back to the resorts. In addition to Varadero, there are many paradisiacal places in Cuba, where it is warmer in January and the season for a beach holiday is almost always. Let’s explain “on the fingers”: if you look at the map of the island, the temperature in January to the east (to the right) is gradually increasing. On the resort islands of Cayo Coco, Cayo Guillermo, Cayo Santa Maria, and Cayo Ensenaches, the air is usually a couple of degrees warmer and the sea is calm. Even further east, in the provinces of Holguin and Santiago de Cuba, add another 1-2 °C to the island ones. The explanation is simple: in these places the terrain is more mountainous, or rather, hilly. High hills protect from the wind and create a warmer microclimate, much like in Sochi. The shore near the resorts of Playa Esmeralda, Playa Guardelavaca and Pesquero Playa is a natural fjord. The sea is shallow, so the water warms up better. Let's assume we've sorted out the Atlantic coast. On the Caribbean side, the resort island of Cayo Largo and the resort area of ​​Trinidad are popular. It is also 1-2 °C warmer here than in Varadero. And the conditions for swimming and relaxing with children are ideal during any holiday season.

Tourist season

Climatic seasonality also determines prices at resorts. And, of course, holiday prices depend on the incoming flows that determine hotel occupancy. The main suppliers of tourists to Cuba are Canada and the European Union. Most guests from these countries prefer to spend their winter holidays on Cuban beaches. During the winter high season, prices for accommodation and services are higher than in summer, and the peak period for arrivals occurs during Christmas and New Year.

Hurricane Season

The likelihood of hurricanes increases in summer and fall. And the “highest” hurricane season is in October and November. Surprisingly, Cuba, being located almost in the very heart of the formation of Atlantic hurricane depressions, experiences a serious blow from the elements much less often than its neighbors - the Dominican Republic, the USA and Mexico, approximately once every 10 years. Once, touching on the topic of hurricanes in his speech, Fidel said that “God loves Cuba and protects its people from natural disasters.” And it is true. Cuba experienced the most destructive hurricane “Matthew” of the fourth power category on the Saffir-Simpson scale this year on October 5. Nothing like this has happened in the last 11 years. Wind gusts reached 300 km/h, about 500 mm of rain fell in Guantanamo province, and authorities evacuated over 200 thousand people. But even this hurricane monster passed through sparsely populated areas of the island. So we believe the statistics and Fidel and rest in Cuba calmly for the foreseeable future.

Fruit season

There are a lot of fruits in Cuba. Not this way. There are a LOT of fruits in Cuba! If you are staying at a good chain “five”, then at the morning buffet you will be amazed at the abundance of fruit. Pineapples, mangoes, papaya, oranges, bananas, guavas, avocados, grapes and many others with unpronounceable exotic names. With pleasure and a smile, they will prepare fresh juice from one or several fruits and suggest the most delicious and healthy combinations. It is believed that pineapple helps burn fat and speeds up metabolism, papaya “lifts” a man’s mood, and mango... It’s just very tasty!

In “fours” and even more so in “threes” the situation with the choice of fruits is more modest. Usually this is a fruit salad from a common pan plus some kind of fruit slices. By the way, watermelons and melons here are not very good; our Central Asian ones are much tastier. Buying fruit in the city markets of Varadero and Havana is easy and inexpensive. True, as foreigners you will be required to pay convertible pesos (CUC), but if during an excursion or independent travel you see a peasant with a basket of fruit on the road or in a village, then they will cost several times cheaper, and you can even pay in local pesos. Most fruits are still seasonal. From June to August is the mango season, and spring is the time for papaya, pineapple, coconut, bananas. Citrus fruits ripen at the end of January. Apples and strawberries are less common.

So, the conclusion is simple. You can vacation in Cuba all year round. Don't hesitate and go. CUBA SI!

Cuba is incredibly attractive in terms of tourism. The coast of this country is washed by one of the most beautiful seas with a rich underwater world, and local entertainment will appeal to those who are looking for something new and interesting. The weather in Cuba in November creates all the conditions for a wonderful holiday.

Weather forecast in November in Cuba

November is one of the best months for a holiday in Cuba. At this time it is being established here pleasant resort weather compared to previous months, but holiday prices have not yet had time to rise.

Average air and water temperature

The weather in Cuba in November transforms– cloudy days and rains recede, and they are replaced by clear days and attractive warm weather without unnecessary heat and stuffiness.

This pleasant change in weather is especially noticeable in the second half of the month, when the air temperature at the resorts does not exceed a comfortable +25-27 degrees during the day, and at night it becomes very fresh - up to +18 degrees.

Slightly different weather in November is observed at the country's resorts located in different parts of the island:

  • Varadero– +27°C during the day, +21°C at night;
  • Havana– +27 degrees during the day, +21 degrees at night;
  • Cayo Coco– +27°C during the day, +24°C at night;
  • Holguin– +28°C during the day, +21 degrees at night;
  • Santiago de Cuba– +30°C during the day, +20 degrees at night;
  • Trinidad– +28°C during the day, +20°C at night.

At the same time, the island has a small territory, which allows you to rent an inexpensive car and go on vacation to another part of the country. Many tourists do this if, in the first half of November, the remnants of hurricanes and rain prevent them from having a vacation.

Caribbean Sea ideal for swimming. The water temperature is about +25 degrees. Such conditions are perfect for holidays with children, since the weather is conducive to relaxing without the air conditioner always on and visiting the beaches.

Features of weather conditions

November in the resorts of Cuba is considered transition month from wet to dry season. The first half of the month is characterized by showers and hurricanes, as well as high humidity and stuffiness. But all this is observed mainly in those resorts that are located on the southern coast of the country. For this reason, in the first half, in some areas of the island you can still observe showers, which occur exclusively at night.

Despite the rains, which occur 5-6 times a month, the weather remains pleasant throughout the entire territory. The only inconvenience is squally wind and storm, characteristic of the northwestern coast.

At such moments, you can wait out the bad weather by going to other resorts in the country, where it is a little warmer.

Among the disadvantages of the holiday, it is worth noting a sudden change in weather in the form of rain and strong winds, but such moments happen less and less in November.

How to dress and what to take with you?

The weather in Cuba's resorts is quite pleasant, so you should limit your trip to light beachwear and comfortable shoes. Don't forget about the sun's dangerous UV rays, so it's worth packing a hat, sunscreen and sunglasses. It can be a little chilly in the evenings, so a light jacket would be a good idea.

What fruits ripen this month?

By the beginning of the tourist season in Cuba they are ripening Exotic fruits. Commonly found on the shelves of stores and markets are avocados and grapefruits, as well as bananas and pineapples. In hotels, tamarind, passion fruit, carambola and very sweet fruit are often served at the table.

What to do at this time?

There is an incredible amount of entertainment in Cuba, and the beautiful November weather allows every tourist to enjoy all the beauties of this island.

Beach holiday

Holidays on the beaches of Cuba in November are ideal for couples with children. Already in the morning, the air and water temperatures warm up to comfortable levels, but extreme heat is not typical for this month.

Beach holidays in Cuba are available at resorts on the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. But many choose the first option, since minor hurricanes and rain are still possible at sea. The most favorable conditions are observed on resorts islands:

  1. Varadero;
  2. Guardolavaca;
  3. Pesquero;
  4. Esmeralda.

In addition, many tourists have a wonderful opportunity to go on vacation to one of the many islands of Cuba, where the beach holiday is even more beautiful.

What to see and how to have fun?

The main reason why tourists choose Cuba is diving, but in addition to this, you can travel around the country on excursions, get acquainted with the local flavor, national cuisine, and also visit many events and national parks, for example, nature reserves such as:

  • Sierra Maestra;
  • Alexander Humboldt;
  • Baconao;
  • Desembarco del Granma and others.

Holidays and festivals

The most popular holiday in November is - Saint Cristobal's Day– a bright event dedicated to Christopher Columbus.

But even on ordinary days, a fabulous holiday atmosphere reigns on the island, which is why many tourists choose this holiday destination.

Cuba in November Great suitable for relaxation, thanks to the wonderful weather and the abundance of the most attractive beaches in the country.

Watch in this video what the weather is like on the coast of Cuba in November:

When we are going on a trip, any information about the country we are going to is valuable to us. Therefore, I fully support the people who took the time to describe their negative or positive experiences here.

The first illusion: this is not for me, because it is insanely expensive. This illusion is overly common. This is evidenced by five-star hotels filled with new Russians, and inexpensive cozy hotels where you won’t find Russians during the day. Mostly those who don’t have a lot of money go to Cuba, and people with average means often don’t even want to know the price level. And he is quite acceptable. If you can afford a holiday in a resort in Spain or Italy, then you can easily afford Cuba. Of all the countries in South America, Cuba is the most accessible. There are fabulously cheap hotels here. For example, in one of the best five-star hotels in Varadero, Melia Varadero, a room costs about 80 USD per night. Of course, most of the cost of the trip is consumed by the flight. But the cost of an air ticket to Havana is significantly lower than the cost to other Latin American countries: about 800-900 USD. We were in Cuba twice: in the winter of 1998 and in the spring of 1999. The first time we spent about 1300 USD on a trip with accommodation in a good 3+ hotel, and the second time – about 1200 USD, we lived in a very good 2+ hotel. We took with us about $400 per person. At the same time, we do not belong to the new Russians, or even to the middle class. We just love to travel.

Objection: far, tiring flight. This is not a misconception, Cuba is really far away. The flight to it is 13 hours. But if you are afraid of being overtired, you will never see a single country in Latin America, not the USA, not Thailand, not India, much less Australia... The list goes on.

The second illusion: there is nothing to do there, it’s socialism there!

Yes, socialism. So what? No one will force you to stand in line for bread or toilet paper. If you don’t want to look at poverty and queues, then I think this is even useful - in case you are so fed up with life that you are nostalgic for the glorious Soviet past :-). And then, the queue still needs to be found. You won't be able to do this in Varadero, because it is a resort area for foreigners and wealthy Cubans.

Of course, you cannot avoid manifestations of socialism, even if you sit in Varadero and don’t go to the cities. Perhaps, at least once, some Cuban will come up to you and, complaining about life, ask you to bring him soap or shampoo, something that you don’t mind. Or maybe you'll be annoyed by the fact that the only way to get from Varadero to Havana is by taxi or rental car - there's no public transport going there. But do you feel sorry for giving a person a bar of soap? He really has nothing to wash himself with. And you can also go on an excursion to Havana with a group, if you feel sorry for the money for a taxi or a rented car.

The biggest illusion. There is absolutely nothing to do in Cuba!

I don’t know where this illusion came from, but it has firmly settled in the heads of many of my friends. Meanwhile, there is plenty to do and see in Cuba.

Varadero is a resort area 130 kilometers from Havana, the capital of Cuba. Here are the best beaches in Cuba. Without exaggeration and without being afraid to take responsibility, I say: the beaches of Varadero are a fairy tale! I fell in love with them at first sight and have never seen anything like them anywhere else. The ocean there is such a bright azure color that the sky seems faded and faded in comparison. No one believed, looking at our photographs, that water could even have such a color. When you see her with your own eyes, you don’t believe it at first either. The water is warm even in winter, the sand is soft and white, and the beaches themselves stretch for many kilometers - spacious and deserted.

Unfortunately, we were not able to relax in the Caribbean Sea - they say the water there is even warmer, its color is green and all kinds of living creatures are found, unlike the Atlantic, where it is poorer.

However, I would like to immediately warn tan lovers: the sun in Cuba, even in winter, is very dangerous, you can quickly and unnoticed get severely burned. In general, it is hot in Cuba, less so in winter, and more sensitive in spring. You need to be prepared for this so as not to ruin your vacation, as well as for the time difference - minus eight hours, if you take Moscow time.

There are also islands in Cuba: Cayo Coco and Cayo Largo. Holidays on them are more expensive, but the ocean there is even warmer and never stormy, as I heard, and on Cayo Coco the water is emerald green and there are flamingos walking along the shore. It's a pity I didn't see this miracle! But in Varadero on the beach you will definitely see pelicans. Real ones. They fly over the waves and catch fish, and on the pier from which yachts depart for the islands, they generally walk around without fear of people.

The vegetation in Cuba is impressive. I had no idea that there were so many types of palm trees. There are small, completely dwarf ones, and tall ones, with matchstick-thin trunks. Sometimes you come across a whole forest of such palm trees: they climb the hills or grow below, in the valley... And some of them have trunks that are indistinguishable from a concrete pillar. In spring, Cuba is surrounded by flowers. Everything that can blooms. The flowers are red, white, yellow, pink, orange, purple... You can just walk around Cuba and admire it. Or rent a scooter for $9 per hour (or $12 for two) and drive – you’ll see more.

If you are not a contemplator, but a lover of active recreation, there will also be something for you to do. I don’t even know where to start... Cuba has an amazing underwater world. Fish of all colors and shapes, moray eels, stingrays, corals. There is a sunken ship. You can organize a scuba dive, and if you don’t have a certificate, you can get one on the spot, and it won’t cost that much. If you don’t dare to dive with scuba gear, you can simply swim with a mask. There is also a cave here - near the city of Matanzas, about forty minutes by car from Varadero. This, of course, is not original - there are caves not only in Cuba, but it’s worth going there. There, in addition to stalactites and stalagmites, there are also elliptites - something reminiscent of rock crystal, and growing not vertically, but horizontally, on the ceiling and floor. By the way, Matanzas itself is also interesting to see - such a typical Cuban town, with narrow streets, faded walls of houses, looking inside of which you can see an unexpectedly magnificent interior... One of our friends was traveling to Cuba for the sixth time - a stern man, distant, in general something, from sentiment. He admired everything as if for the first time. There is always something in Cuba that you haven't seen before.

You definitely need to go to Havana. This city was once considered the most beautiful city in the world. Now, despite the neglect and decline, Havana has a special flavor. It is created by dilapidated houses, narrow streets, balconies entwined with greenery, from which smiling Cubans look at tourists. A sensual melody flows from somewhere, a mulatto woman walks, swaying her lush hips, covered in incredible shorts...

Here you need to sit in Hemingway’s famous bar “La Bodeguita del Medio”, enjoy the unique taste of the “Mojito” cocktail with rum and mint, you need to wander the streets of Old Havana, absorb their mood and atmosphere, explore the Capitolium Nacional, Catedral de la Habana - but that’s all You won’t be able to do it in one day anyway. In the evening you need to go to the famous Havana cabaret “Tropicana”, where beautiful Cubans in luxurious outfits will drive you crazy (men in particular ;-).

There is another place that cannot be missed - the Guama Crocodile Farm. If you book this excursion, you are unlikely to regret it. In the morning, a bus will pick you up and you will travel towards the Caribbean Sea, crossing Cuba. In an hour and a half you will arrive at a place of amazing beauty. The wind there sways tall palm trees with smooth gray trunks, ruffles bushes with soft scarlet flower buds. Between the huts, flamingos walk along the green lawns, a crocodile-like fish swims in a small pond, and turtles bask on the rocks. You will walk along the paths deep into this wonderful garden and you will probably see a performance with small crocodiles and take pictures with them; there will also be a pond where large crocodiles live. A local band will play fiery tunes for you, and perhaps in a small restaurant with wooden tables you will be offered to try crocodile meat. Then you will board a boat and travel through narrow channels with brown water to an Indian village, where there are huts covered with palm leaves and wooden sculptures of Indians, and live “Indians” in loincloths depict ancient customs. For example, since we are an unmarried couple, so to speak, we were married according to Indian custom. We haven't had this much fun in a long time!

Besides Havana, crocodile farm, Bellamar cave, there are many other excursions. Varadero has its own cabaret “Continental”, a smaller version of “Tropicana”. You can fly on an old AN airplane (if it’s not scary :-) to Cayo Largo or to the city of Trinidad. You can sail on a yacht to the islands of Cayo Blanco - a place of amazing beauty. You can... No, you can’t list everything!

It seems I fell into outright propaganda :-). Meanwhile, I tried to be objective. Of course, Cuba also has its shortcomings. For example, when going here, you should be patient in your relationships with Cubans. Despite the fact that these people are mostly friendly and cheerful, they are extremely slow and sluggish. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will wait all the time: before the excursion, in a restaurant, in a hotel. There is only one way out of the situation - do not get irritated under any circumstances, but simply relax, forget about the bustle of the city and the rush, and you yourself will not notice how the unhurried rhythm of Cuban life will take over you. The main thing is not to relax too much, otherwise in a couple of days you won’t want to get out of your room!

In general, Cubans are amazing people. It would seem that socialism, poverty, a shortage of the most necessary goods. It will anger anyone - but not them. It seems that for a Cuban it is only important to have a roof over their head - no matter if it is full of holes - and to have tasty food. And to have fun from the heart. At the same time, no respect for money :-). One day my boyfriend went out for a walk and met some guys who offered him a coconut for $3. He said, “What, we were stunned,” and moved on. These guys behaved interestingly further. They said: “Well then, take it this way and come back in the evening, we’ll cut you five more pieces for free.” And the promise was kept. Moreover, it is forbidden to chop coconuts here, and they were terribly afraid of being noticed :-). Knowing this trait of the Cuban character, you won’t be surprised why in Varadero, where there are a hundred coconuts on each palm tree, you can’t buy them anywhere, and you won’t find fruit in season during the day. We specifically went to the neighboring town to buy fruit at the market, and we learned about its existence quite by accident.

It’s a pity that I can’t tell you everything I know about Cuba and convey all my impressions. But if my enthusiasm does not tire you too much and if you suddenly become interested, you are welcome to write letters, I will try to be useful. And in the end, I can’t resist thanking those who organized this whole miracle for us (both times) and who took care of us in Cuba. This is the Blue Marlin travel agency, manager in Moscow is Yumatova Anna, in Cuba - Nadya Tsoi. Anya, Nadya, muchas gracias!

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    These are all lies. If you don't believe me, go and see.

    The truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth. Go and see everything with your own eyes.

    About climate and more...
    Spent a vacation with my family in the winter of 2002, in January from 03 to 15. We lived in Varadero, a 5* all-inclusive hotel. The weather was not kind: wind, clouds and even rain. In general, no more than 1/3 are good days. The guides say - cold front - local taxi drivers, as far as their English can be understood, that this is typical and better in May - June. The hotel is full of "socialism", including the theft of beach towels.

    About Cuba
    I don’t know what kind of socialism the hotel is talking about, but the service in Varadero, as in other resort places in Cuba, is at the highest level. I regret that Alexander encountered thefts. Have you encountered the same things in Egypt or, say, Turkey, where this happens all the time? And then, Varadero is not real Cuba. If you lived in some town among ordinary Cubans, I have never met more cheerful, open and simple-minded people. P.S. I was in Cuba twice a month: we lived with relatives in Pinar del Rio, we spent a week in Varadero, and a week in Cayo Guillermo. I have never had a more amazing holiday. You need to go to Cuba!!!

    Addition to "About Cuba"
    And about the weather. Just as before traveling to other countries, before traveling to Cuba, you need to find out what the weather is like for a particular season. For Cuba, a great time for a vacation is the period from the end of February to June (the time of warmth, sun, fruits, everything is in bloom, no rain) and September-October. June-August is unbearably hot, November-January is a rainy time.

    November-January is precisely the most sunny period - And the unbearable heat --at 35--? Well, firstly, it’s tolerable and secondly, the average daytime temperature is about 26. If you haven’t been to Cuba, please don’t write.

    We traveled together at the beginning of March 2012, there was also a cold front for 4 days - during this time we took a car and went to Havana, Trinidad. By the way, from Santa Clara to Trinidad there is a stunning (but dangerous) road through the hills (or small mountains). They are overgrown with palm trees and other vegetation, the narrow road goes up, then down, then to the side, and every time around the bend there are new breathtaking views. We did not expect such a landscape, but we did not regret that we went. True, the road itself is typically Cuban: in some places the surface is good, in others it’s a dirt road, with a minimum of signs and barriers (even on dangerous turns). So an experienced driver must be behind the wheel. We drove back from Trinidad through Cien Fuegos, where the road is flat. In 2013 we are planning to go there with our child, I want to show him the Real Ocean :)

    Hi all. We were in Cuba from 11/01/2015 to 11/07/2015. It rained only once, but after an hour we forgot about it. I want back.

    Yes, Cuba is an amazing country. I've been there three times already, and I always find something new. Wonderful people, very warm sea, beautiful beaches, beautiful houses. All this is Cuba. It has its own mood. You should definitely go if possible. And be sure to go there at least once to experience it all. Rest so that you want to come back later.

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