What activities constitute the service combat activities of military personnel. Types of military activity and their characteristics in various types of the Armed Forces and branches of the military. General types and main elements of military activity

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Military service is a type of human activity that not only has high social significance, but goes beyond the ordinary and is associated with special conditions. The armed defense of the Fatherland has at all times been considered an honorable duty and duty of every citizen. At the same time, the army has always been considered as a part of society, therefore it reflects all the socio-economic and political processes that occur in society, as well as all the patterns of the international situation.

The end of the XX - the beginning of the XXI century. are characterized by the emergence of a number of hotbeds of military tension, which are associated not with problems in relations between states, but with the strengthening of international terrorism. Therefore, in the new 21st century. there is a need for armed defense of the country, and therefore, military professional activity retains its high social significance. What are the features of this activity?

Military professional activity is an activity to protect the Fatherland. Numerous components can be distinguished in it. First of all, these are the following two main types: activities in combat conditions

(combat activities) and activities in normal (peaceful) conditions

Let's consider these types of activities in more detail.

Combat activity

This is the activity of military personnel to achieve the goals of armed struggle. It should be noted that combat activity is very specific in its goals and objectives, conditions, means, difficulties, and psychological content. It has its own psychological patterns, a certain internal structure, goals, motives, methods through which a number of factors influence its course: military-political, military-technical, ideological and psychological, type of weapon, team leadership, educational work carried out in battle, combat and psychological training of personnel.

The psychological content and structure of combat activity is influenced by the fact that in combat complex tasks involving danger to life, destruction of valuables, enormous destruction, losses in people and equipment, various kinds of deprivation and inconvenience are solved. Conducting combat is associated with increased moral and legal responsibility for the accurate performance of duties and requires extreme mental and physical stress of all forces of military personnel.

As mentioned above, any human activity has its motives. Combat activity is no exception. If we talk about the motives for the start of hostilities at the state level, the main reason here is almost always the emergence of a real threat to the integrity and security of the country. In turn, the conduct of combat operations presupposes the manifestation of certain activity on the part of specific people (military personnel). At the same time, the activities of people in combat conditions (combat activities of military personnel) have their own motivations, which include: needs, feelings, desires, aspirations, interests, ideals, beliefs, etc.

Undoubtedly, the most important need in combat is the human desire to survive. This is a normal, genetically determined need for self-preservation. However, it can manifest itself differently in different people and can have different consequences - both for the individual and for his social environment. For example, one person actively and purposefully masters military equipment and modern combat techniques, because he understands that those who are better prepared have a better chance of surviving in battle. At the same time, another person in a combat situation strives to avoid dangerous situations, tries to hide behind the backs of his comrades, that is, he shows cowardice [36].

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Service and combat activities are aimed primarily at ensuring a high level of combat readiness of units and units, i.e. the ability of troops to begin military operations in a timely manner in any situation. The degree of combat readiness in peacetime should ensure the rapid transition of troops to martial law and an organized entry into hostilities, and in wartime, the ability to immediately carry out assigned combat missions.

Service and combat activities include: combat duty, guard and internal services.

Combat dutyThis is the presence of specially allocated forces and assets in full combat readiness to carry out unexpected tasks or conduct combat operations. Combat duty is the fulfillment of a combat mission. It is carried out by duty forces and means assigned from military units and subunits. The composition of the forces and means on duty includes combat crews, ship crews, duty shifts of control centers, etc.

Training of personnel for combat duty is carried out as part of units, combat crews, and duty shifts before each assignment to combat duty.

Article 362. It is prohibited to assign to combat duty (combat service) military personnel who have not taken the Military Oath, who have not completed the appropriate training program to the prescribed extent, who have committed offenses that are under investigation, and who are sick.

For weekends and holidays not used in connection with combat duty, military personnel (except for military personnel undergoing conscription service) are given a week's rest.

Article 367. The commander of forces and assets on duty (operational duty officer, shift supervisor, crew chief, command post duty officer) is prohibited from giving orders to personnel that distract him from performing his duties on combat duty and may lead to disruption of the combat mission.

When on combat duty, duty shift personnel are prohibited from:

Transfer to anyone, even temporarily, the performance of combat duty duties without the permission of the commander of duty forces and assets (operational duty officer, shift supervisor, crew, duty command post);

Be distracted, engage in activities not related to the performance of duties on combat duty;

To leave a combat post or other place of combat duty without permission;

Carry out work on weapons and military equipment that reduces their established readiness.

In the military unit (unit) from which duty forces and equipment are allocated, the dismissal of personnel from the unit's location, classes, sports and cultural events are carried out in such a way that, if necessary, the strengthening of duty shifts is ensured within the established time limits.

Guard duty

Garrison and guard services are organized in each garrison.

Garrison service aims to ensure the maintenance of military discipline in the garrison, the necessary conditions for everyday life and training of troops, their organized exit on alarm and the conduct of garrison events with the participation of troops.

Guard duty Designed for reliable protection and defense of military banners, storage facilities with weapons, military equipment, other materiel and other military and government facilities, as well as for the protection of persons held in the guardhouse and in the disciplinary battalion.

Types of military activities and their

features in various branches of the Armed Forces
and types of troops

In the military activity of a serviceman, based on the tasks of military service, three main elements can be distinguished:

– combat training;

– service and combat activities;

– real combat operations.

Combat training – a system of measures for training and military education of personnel of units and units, combat coordination of units and units to prepare them for combat operations or performing other tasks. It is aimed at ensuring a high level of combat effectiveness of units and is designed to ensure a high military professional level of personnel. Combat training is carried out continuously in peacetime and wartime.

This is mainly practical training in mastering weapons and military equipment, as well as skillfully using them in battle. This activity is mainly collective.

The result of combat training activities is the participation of units and subunits in exercises in which the practical part of the training is practiced: the use of weapons and military equipment, combat coordination of units, and support of combat operations.

Service and combat activities is aimed at ensuring the combat readiness of units and subunits. The degree of combat readiness in peacetime should ensure the rapid transition of troops to martial law and an organized entry into hostilities, and in wartime, the ability to carry out assigned tasks.

Service and combat activities include: combat duty, guard and internal service.

Combat duty - this is the presence of specially allocated forces and assets in full combat readiness to perform any tasks or conduct combat operations.

Preparation for combat duty is carried out within units, combat crews, and duty shifts before each deployment.

Guard duty designed for reliable protection and defense of military banners, storage facilities with weapons, military equipment, etc. and is the execution of a combat mission.

A guard is an armed unit assigned to perform a specific task, which consists of a commander, guards and a guard. Military personnel who have taken the Military Oath and are worthy in terms of their moral and psychological qualities are appointed to the guard.

Internal service - This is daily official activity, organized in accordance with the Charter of the internal service. Its purpose is to maintain internal order and military discipline in a military unit.

Real combat - this is the type of military activity for which the Armed Forces are created and their combat training and service and combat activities are carried out. These actions are carried out directly in combat conditions and are aimed at defeating the enemy.

The following types of armed forces were formed in the Russian Armed Forces in 1998:

1. Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces).

2. Ground forces (ground forces).

3. Air Force (VVS).

4. Navy (VMF).

Ground troops the most numerous type of aircraft. Let's list the composition of the SV:

Motorized rifle troops include various military units and subunits: tank, missile, artillery, etc. They can operate either independently or as part of other units.

Tank forces are the main striking force of the Army, consisting of formations, units and subunits, equipped with highly mobile tanks, powerful armor protection and weapons.

Rocket Forces and Artillery They are a reliable shield for troops and, at the same time, the main means of nuclear destruction of the enemy.

Airborne troops - a mobile branch of troops capable of operating behind enemy lines: the Airborne Forces consist of parachute, artillery, special and other troops.

Air defense troops - a branch of troops designed to defeat an air enemy, as well as to protect troops from air attack.

Air Force - a new branch of the Armed Forces, created in 1998 after the merger of the Air Force and Air Defense during the military reform. It includes various types of aviation: bombers, fighters, transport aircraft, attack aircraft, etc. The Air Force also includes auxiliary aviation maintenance units.

Navy - a branch of the Armed Forces for the protection and conduct of combat operations in the sea and ocean. Consists of surface and underwater units, as well as marines and coastal defense forces.

Service-combat activities are aimed primarily at ensuring a high level of combat readiness of units and units, i.e., the ability of troops to begin military operations in a timely manner in any situation. The degree of combat readiness in peacetime should ensure the rapid transition of troops to martial law and an organized entry into hostilities, and in wartime, the ability to immediately carry out assigned combat missions.

Service and combat activities include: combat duty, guard and internal services.

Combat duty is the presence of specially allocated forces and assets in full combat readiness to carry out unexpected tasks or conduct combat operations.

Combat duty is the fulfillment of a combat mission. It is carried out by duty forces and means assigned from military units and subunits. The composition of the forces and means on duty includes combat crews, ship crews, duty shifts of control centers, etc.

The guard service is intended for reliable protection and defense of military banners, storage facilities with weapons, military equipment, and other materiel.

Carrying out guard duty is the fulfillment of a combat mission and requires high vigilance from personnel, strict adherence to and fulfillment of their duties, determination and initiative.

Those guilty of violating the requirements of the guard service bear disciplinary or criminal liability. Guards are appointed to perform guard duty. A guard is an armed unit assigned to carry out the combat mission of guarding and defending military banners, military and government facilities. The composition of the guard includes: the chief of the guard, guards according to the number of posts and shifts, and a guard. For the immediate protection and defense of objects, sentries are posted from the guard.

Guards are appointed, as a rule, from among the soldiers (sailors) who have taken the Military Oath, who have mastered the appropriate combat training programs and who, based on their moral and psychological qualities, are ready to perform guard duty.

Internal service is everyday official activity in military units and subunits. It is organized and carried out in accordance with the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and is intended to maintain internal order and military discipline in the military unit, ensuring its constant combat readiness.

Combat training and service and combat activities of military personnel, units and units together provide the necessary level of combat capability of troops and the degree of their combat readiness, i.e. the ability at any time of the year and day, in any conditions to be ready to fulfill their duty to protect the Fatherland . All military activities have the goal of preparing every soldier, unit and unit for conducting real combat operations.

There are three types of armed forces in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:

Ground Forces (SV);

Air Force (VVS);

Navy (Navy).

The Ground Forces are the largest branch of the Russian Armed Forces. They include motorized rifle, tank, missile and artillery troops, air defense troops, as well as special troops (reconnaissance, engineering, chemical and bacteriological defense, communications, electronic warfare, technical support, topographic and geodetic, hydrometeorological). Ground forces are designed to conduct combat operations primarily on land.

Motorized rifle troops are designed to conduct combat operations independently, as well as jointly with other branches of the military and special forces. The motorized rifle troops have motorized rifle, tank, missile, artillery, anti-aircraft missile units and units, as well as special forces and logistics units.

Modern motorized rifle troops are equipped with powerful weapons: missile systems, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, tanks, artillery and mortars, anti-tank missile systems, anti-aircraft missile systems, effective reconnaissance and control equipment.

Tank troops constitute the main striking force of the Army. Organizationally, tank forces consist of formations, units and subunits. They also include motorized rifle, missile, artillery, anti-aircraft artillery and missile units and subunits. The tank forces are armed with highly mobile tanks with powerful armor protection and weapons.

Rocket troops and artillery are a branch of the ground forces, which are the main means of fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy.

Air Defense Forces are a branch of troops designed to defeat enemy air forces, cover troop groups, command posts and rear facilities. In addition to the military branches, the ground forces include special troops: communications troops, logistics units and subunits.

Signal troops are designed to deploy and operate communication systems and provide command and control of troops in all types of combat activities.

Logistics units and units are designed to provide logistics support to troops and combat operations.

The Air Force is a new branch of the Armed Forces, created in 1998 by transforming two types of the Air Force and the Air Defense Forces.

The Air Force is a branch of the Russian Armed Forces, designed to repel an aerospace attack, gain air supremacy, as well as carry out strike (destruction of military installations, destruction of enemy manpower and military equipment, etc.), reconnaissance, transport and special missions.

The Air Force includes aviation: bomber, fighter-bomber, attack, fighter, reconnaissance, transport, army and special. The Air Force includes: anti-aircraft missile forces, radio technical troops, units and units of special forces.

The readiness of flying units and air force units to conduct combat operations is ensured by the composition of aviation technical units. These include aviation technical bases and separate aviation technical service battalions.

The Navy is intended for the armed defense of Russia's interests and for conducting combat operations in the sea and ocean theaters of war.

The Navy consists of branches of the forces: submarine, surface, naval aviation, marines and coastal defense forces. It also includes special purpose units, rear units and units.

Submarine forces are the striking force of the fleet. Depending on the main armament, submarines are divided into torpedo submarines, and according to the type of power plant - into nuclear and diesel-electric.

The main striking force of the Navy is nuclear submarines armed with ballistic and cruise missiles with nuclear warheads.

Surface forces are an important part of the Navy. Surface ships are the main forces for ensuring the exit of submarines to combat areas and their return to bases, for transporting and covering landing forces.

Naval aviation is a branch of the Navy, consisting of strategic, tactical, carrier-based and coastal aviation.

The Marine Corps is a branch of the Navy designed to conduct combat operations as part of amphibious assault forces.

Coastal defense troops are designed to protect naval bases, ports, important areas of the coast, etc.

Logistics units and units are intended to provide logistical support to the forces and combat operations of the Navy.

Having become familiar with the types of the Armed Forces and branches of the military, their purpose, it is also necessary to keep in mind that military duties differ not only depending on the type of Armed Forces or branch of the military, but also on the military position.

Having become familiar with all the features of military activity, it is necessary to conclude that the performance of duties by military personnel is a specific area of ​​human activity, which is broad and multifaceted and requires a young man, before entering military service, to have a meaningful and balanced approach to assessing his capabilities and organizing his preparation for military service. military service, taking into account the requirements for spiritual qualities, level of education and physical qualities.


Main types of military activities and their features

All types of military activities of military personnel are aimed at maintaining a high level of combat readiness and combat effectiveness of the units and units in which they serve. The main types of military activities are combat training, service and combat activities and real combat operations.

Combat training is a system of measures for training and military education of personnel of units and subunits, combat coordination of units and subunits to prepare them for conducting combat operations or performing other tasks determined by the purpose of the Armed Forces. Combat training is aimed at ensuring a high level of combat effectiveness of units and subunits. It is intended to ensure a high military-professional level of military personnel and is carried out continuously both in peacetime and in wartime. During this training, classes, exercises, live firing, and training are conducted during which military personnel study military regulations, weapons and military equipment, methods of action in combat, and units and units practice methods of action when performing combat missions. Combat training has a number of features. It has a clearly expressed collective focus and is organized in such a way that during the classes, individual military personnel are simultaneously trained and military units are prepared for joint actions. Basically, this is practical training aimed at soldiers mastering weapons and military equipment and skillfully using them in battle.

The main part of combat training consists of exercises, which are repeated repetitions of actions aimed at mastering weapons and military equipment and skillfully using them in battle.

The content of combat training is determined by curricula and programs. One of the basic principles of organizing combat training is to teach troops what is necessary in war. Therefore, fulfilling combat training tasks requires each serviceman to have a high level of spiritual and physical qualities, mental stability and physical endurance.

Service-combat activities are aimed at ensuring a high level of combat readiness of units and units, i.e., the ability of troops to begin military operations in a timely manner in any situation. The degree of combat readiness in peacetime should ensure the rapid transition of troops to martial law and an organized entry into hostilities, and in wartime, the ability to immediately carry out assigned combat missions. Service and combat activities include combat duty, guard duty and internal service.

Combat duty- this is the presence of specially allocated forces and assets in full combat readiness to carry out unexpected tasks or conduct combat operations. It is the fulfillment of a combat mission and is carried out by duty forces and means assigned from military units and subunits. These forces and assets include combat crews, ship crews, duty shifts at control centers, etc. Military personnel who have not taken the Military Oath, have not completed the combat training program, have committed offenses that are being investigated, and are not assigned to combat duty. sick. To ensure the required degree of combat readiness of military personnel while on combat duty, it is prohibited to: delegate the performance of their duties to anyone; be distracted by activities not related to the performance of combat duty duties; leave a combat post without permission; carry out work on weapons and military equipment that reduces their combat readiness.

Guard duty Designed for reliable protection and defense of military banners, storage facilities with weapons, military equipment, and other materiel. Carrying out guard duty is the fulfillment of a combat mission and requires high vigilance from personnel, strict adherence to and fulfillment of their duties, determination and initiative. To perform guard duty, guards are appointed - armed units assigned to perform the combat mission of protecting and defending military flags, military and government facilities. The composition of the guard usually includes: the chief of the guard, guards according to the number of posts and shifts, guards. For the immediate protection and defense of objects, sentries are posted from the guard. Guards are appointed from among the soldiers (sailors) who have taken the Military Oath, who have mastered the appropriate combat training programs and who, based on their moral and psychological qualities, are ready to perform guard duty.

Internal service- This is everyday service activity in military units and subunits. It is organized and carried out in accordance with the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and is intended to maintain internal order and military discipline in military units, ensuring constant combat readiness.

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