What birds fly to the Kola Peninsula in summer. Five Arctic animals we could lose. Animals of the Arctic listed in the Red Book

The Arctic is the region surrounding the North Pole, which includes almost the entire Arctic Ocean, Greenland, as well as the northern territories of the United States, Canada, Iceland, Scandinavia and Russia.

The climate is characterized by long, cold winters and short, cool summers. Precipitation in the Arctic typically falls in the form of snow. Many parts of the Arctic are arid and receive less than 500 mm of precipitation per year.

And those inhabiting the Arctic are well adapted to the harsh environment. Arctic vegetation is hardy and most species of native flora are compact in size, such as lichens, mosses, small shrubs and grasses. Animals such as Arctic hare, musk ox and pika graze on these plants. Other animals such as Arctic foxes and wolves hunt herbivores.

Below are the various animals that inhabit the Arctic, as well as a brief description of their features that allow them to live in one of the harshest conditions on our planet.

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Arctic fauna:

Arctic fox

(Alopex lagopus)- a small species of fox that inhabits the Arctic. Arctic foxes feed on a variety of small animals, including rabbits, lemmings, voles, birds and carrion. They have thick fur that allows them to maintain a normal body temperature in the extreme cold conditions of the Arctic.

(Sterna paradisaea)- one of the tern species known for its record migration. These birds spend the breeding season in the Arctic and migrate to Antarctica during the winter season in the northern hemisphere. Every year, Arctic terns cover up to 70 thousand km during migration.

polar bear

(Ursus Maritimus)- one of the largest predators on Earth. Polar bears have a diet that consists almost entirely of ringed seals and seals. They also sometimes eat beached whale carcasses, walruses, and bird eggs. The range of polar bears is limited to the Arctic, where large amounts of ice and seals create ideal conditions for these ferocious predators.


Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus)- a large marine mammal that inhabits the Arctic Ocean, the coast of Eastern Siberia, Wrangel Island, the Beaufort Sea and the coast of Northern Alaska. Walruses feed on a variety of animals, including shellfish, sea cucumbers, shrimp, tube worm crabs and other marine invertebrates. Walruses are threatened by several predators, including killer whales and polar bears.

(Lagopus muta)- a medium-sized bird that lives in the tundra. In winter, the plumage of the tundra partridge is completely white, and in summer it is motley with a gray-brown tint. Tundra partridges feed on the buds of willow and birch. They also eat berries, seeds, leaves and flowers.


(Ovibos moschatus) are large ungulate mammals that belong to the same family as bison, antelope, goats and cattle. Musk oxen live in the tundra and Arctic, where they feed on plant matter such as lichens, moss, flowers, grass and roots. The thick, long coat helps keep bodies warm in extremely cold environments. An outer layer of long, coarse guard hairs provides protection from the wind, while an inner layer of shorter hairs provides insulation.

Musk oxen form large herds of two to three dozen individuals, which gives them protection from predators.

(Lepus arcticus)- a species of lagomorphs that live in the tundra and Arctic in North America. Arctic hare have a thick layer of fur that allows them to withstand cold environmental temperatures. They do not hibernate and must withstand the cold periods of the Arctic winter.

(Pagophilus groenlandicus)- one of the species of real seals, with a large, strong body and a small, flat head. Their snout is narrow and their front flippers have thick claws. The hind flippers are equipped with smaller claws. Harp seal pups are yellowish-white in color, while adults are silvery-gray. Harp seals spend most of their time swimming in the ocean.

The harp seal's range extends across the ice of the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans, from Newfoundland to northern Russia.

The vast northern expanses, stretching from Iceland to the Aleutian Islands, are called the Arctic zone. This is the undivided kingdom of ice and cold. The icy waters of the Arctic Ocean, the endless tundra of the continents adjacent to the cold body of water, rocky islands with steep, ice-covered shores - this is what the Arctic is. Everything here looks stern, gloomy and unfriendly. Strong icy winds, fogs, heavy snowfalls, polar days and nights are integral components of this region.

It would seem that in such conditions a normal existence is simply impossible. However, this is not the case. Full-blooded life is seething among the eternal ice and snow drifts. This is evidenced by the cries of seagulls over the sea wave, the roar of walruses, the growl of polar bears, and the high dorsal fins of killer whales that periodically appear above the dark water surface. Arctic Animals- this is the name of this special living world, which dared to challenge the mighty cold and the all-powerful permafrost.


The most numerous inhabitants of the vast expanses of the harsh North are birds. The pink gull is a fragile-looking creature. Its weight does not exceed a quarter of a kilogram, and its body length barely reaches 35 cm. However, this little bird feels quite at ease both in the harsh tundra and above the sea surface covered with drifting ice. The guillemot is a black and white bird. With her attire she resembles a Catholic priest, and with her behavior she resembles a lively market trader. It nests on inaccessible cliffs, and spends the winter on ice floes without experiencing any discomfort.

In this row you can also put the common eider - the northern duck. It is not difficult for her to dive into icy water to a depth of 20 meters. The most ferocious and largest among birds is the polar owl. This is a ruthless predator with yellow eyes and white plumage. It attacks both birds and rodents. It can also feast on the cub of a larger animal - for example, an arctic fox.


These Arctic animals form a special cohort and have been living in the Arctic region for thousands of years. These include the harp seal, which is distinguished by a very beautiful pattern on its skin. The bearded seal is one of the largest seals. His height reaches 2.5 meters, and his entire weight is just shy of 400 kg. The common seal is smaller in size than the bearded seal, but has very beautiful and expressive eyes. This friendly company also includes the ringed seal. She is smaller than her brothers, but more mobile and knows how to dig holes in the snow.


The walrus is the closest relative of seals. He, like them, is a pinniped, but is larger in size. The length of its body is close to 3 meters, and its weight fluctuates within a ton. In addition, this animal has powerful fangs. He needs them in order to dig up the seabed and thus obtain shellfish for himself, which serves as his main food. Walruses often use their tusks for self-defense and to attack other animals. After all, he is a real predator and can easily eat a gaping seal or seal.

All Arctic animals fear, and therefore respect, the polar bear. This largest land predator. Its body length reaches 2.5 meters, weight half a ton. It attacks seals, seals, and walruses. Its strong teeth are familiar to polar dolphins, and the arctic fox always feeds near this mighty beast, receiving scraps from the master's table. swims, dives and runs fast. It is the most formidable and dangerous predator of the Arctic lands.


Of the order of cetaceans living in the Arctic, the narwhal is of undoubted interest. He owes his popularity to his long horn, which sticks straight out of his mouth. This horn reaches a length of 3 meters and its weight is 10 kg. It is nothing more than an ordinary tooth that has grown to such a huge size. This tooth does not cause any inconvenience to the mammal, but why it is needed - there is no definite answer, although there are a lot of different assumptions.

The bowhead whale is a relative of the narwhal. But its size is many times larger, and instead of a tooth, it has a whalebone and a huge tongue in its mouth. It is with his tongue that he licks the plankton stuck in the whalebone plates. This huge animal is absolutely harmless; it has lived in northern waters for many thousands of years.

Belukha or polar dolphin is also a representative of this company. This is a large animal - its weight reaches 2 tons, and its length is 6 meters. The beluga whale loves to eat fish - but the killer whale never refuses to try the polar dolphin. It rightfully occupies one of the first places among the strongest and largest sea predators. She is a frequent visitor to Arctic waters. Not only beluga whales, but also walruses, seals and seals die from its sharp teeth.

The animals of the Arctic would have lost a lot if there had not been such a predator as the arctic fox among them. Thanks to its beautiful fur, this animal is known far beyond the cold region. It is known in Africa, Australia, and Brazil - after all, women wear arctic fox coats in all corners of the world. The arctic fox is a very small animal. Its weight barely reaches 5 kg, and its height at the withers does not exceed 30 cm. But this baby is very resilient and fast. In addition, he loves to travel. It can be found in almost all corners of the Arctic. He often accompanies the polar bear, wisely keeping a respectful distance from the powerful predator. He lives in the cold tundra, feeds on moss, which is also called reindeer moss, and feels quite comfortable in the Arctic region. Reindeer also inhabit many islands of the huge cold body of water. This animal weighs about two hundred kilograms, and the height at the withers does not exceed one and a half meters. Reindeer have very wide hooves. Thanks to them, he easily breaks the snow in winter and gets to the withered vegetation hiding under the snow coat.

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Animals that live in the Arctic are adapted to extreme conditions. Almost all of these animals have white skins. They not only help them hide in the drifts of white snow, but also give them incredible beauty and unusualness, unlike their counterparts that live in warmer climes.

polar Wolf(Canis lupus tundrorum) is a subspecies of wolf. Inhabits the entire Arctic, with the exception of ice floes and large areas covered with ice.
The polar wolf lives in vast areas of the polar regions, which are immersed in darkness for 5 months. To survive, the wolf has adapted to eat any food that comes across. It is well adapted to life in the Arctic: it can live for years at sub-zero temperatures, go months without seeing sunlight, and go weeks without food.
For centuries, people have mercilessly exterminated wolves of all varieties. However, the polar wolf is the only subspecies that still lives throughout the entire territory that was accessible to its ancestors. This happened because people rarely get here.

Arctic fox, the polar fox (lat. Alopex lagopus or lat. Vulpes lagopus) is a predatory mammal of the canine family, the only representative of the genus of arctic foxes (Alopex). The arctic fox lives in some of the coldest places on the planet. The Arctic fox is an incredibly hardy animal that can survive cold arctic temperatures down to -58°F (-50°c). It has fluffy fur and short ears to survive in such low temperatures. Arctic foxes live in burrows, and in a snowstorm they can dig a tunnel in the snow to create a shelter. Arctic foxes have beautiful white (sometimes blue-gray) coats that act as very effective winter camouflage. Natural shades allow the animal to blend into the ubiquitous snow of the tundra.

White Owl- the largest bird from the order of owls in the tundra. The head is round, the iris of the eyes is bright yellow. Females are larger than males. The body length of a male can reach 55-65 cm, weight - 2-2.5 kg, females, respectively, 70 cm and 3 kg. The wingspan averages 142-166 cm. The coloring is protective: adult birds are characterized by white plumage with dark transverse streaks. Females and young birds have more streaks than males. The chicks are brown. The beak is black, almost completely covered with feathers—bristles. The plumage of the legs is similar to wool and forms “braids.” Snowy owls play a key role in the tundra biota, being one of the main exterminators of rodents, as well as a factor in the successful nesting of some tundra birds. Using the extreme aggressiveness of snowy owls to protect the nesting territory, ducks, geese, geese, and waders nest on it. Owls do not touch birds, but they successfully drive away arctic foxes that destroy nests from their territory. It is listed in the Red Book.

It’s a harsh winter outside, but not all the animals took refuge from it in cozy holes, falling into hibernation. In addition to the classic wolf, fox and hare known from childhood according to fairy tales, representatives of the mustelid family are awake in the winter forests. The smallest mustelid is an animal called. The weasel received such an apt description as “a thunderstorm of mice.” This animal is the only mustelid that has no commercial significance due to its small size. With a length of 20 centimeters, 4.5 cm is accounted for by a short tail. Like a ferret, the weasel is a rather smelly animal. First you smell it, then you see it. In winter, the weasel is completely white, the color of snow, and in summer it is white and brown. Moreover, the edge of the upper lip, the entire lower side of the body and the inner sides of the paws remain white. The weasel is primarily a nocturnal animal, but where it sees no danger for itself, it can hunt during the day. Among the mammals, the animal's prey consists of house mice, field mice, and forest mice. Of the birds, the weasel feasts on larks and other birds living on the ground, as well as pigeons and chickens, if it gets into the chicken coop. She does not disdain lizards, frogs, fish and snakes. It can attack a viper, although the bite of this weasel snake is fatal. All kinds of insects are a delicacy for her, and she can even cope with the hard shell of a crayfish when she comes across one on occasion. The weasel runs, jumps, swims and climbs trees well. Its ability to crawl through the narrowest cracks and holes is its main strength. Thus, the weasel easily chases mice into their own burrows. The weasel grabs small animals by the back of the head or the head, and tries to grab onto the neck of large animals. She skillfully makes one or several holes in bird eggs and sucks out their contents without losing a single drop.

Arctic hare
(lat. Lepus arcticus) is a hare, mainly adapted to living in polar and mountainous areas. Previously it was considered a subspecies of the mountain hare, but is now recognized as a separate species.

Snow leopard.

Polar bear, oshkuy (lat. Ursus maritimus) is a predatory mammal of the bear family. Sometimes this species is classified as a separate genus Thalarctos. The Latin name Ursus maritimus translates as “sea bear.” The polar bear is the largest terrestrial representative of mammals of the order of carnivores. Its length reaches 3 m, weight up to 800 kg. Males usually weigh 400-450 kg; body length 200-250 cm, height at the withers up to 130-150 cm. Females are noticeably smaller (200-300 kg). The smallest bears are found in Spitsbergen, the largest in the Bering Sea. The polar bear is distinguished from other bears by its long neck and flat head. His skin is black. The color of the fur coat varies from white to yellowish; In summer, the fur may turn yellow due to constant exposure to sunlight. The polar bear's fur is devoid of pigment color, and the hairs are hollow. There is a hypothesis that they act as light guides, absorbing ultraviolet rays; in any case, in ultraviolet photography the polar bear appears dark. Due to the structure of the hairs, a polar bear can sometimes turn green. This happens in hot climates (in zoos), when microscopic algae grow inside the hairs.

harp seal, or coot (lat. Phoca groenlandica, lat. Pagophilus groenlandicus) is a common species of true seals (Phocidae) in the Arctic. A pronounced inhabitant of cold waters, but avoids the Arctic pack, preferring drifting ice. Makes holes in the ice. Makes wide seasonal migrations. During the periods of breeding and molting, it rests on ice. Not a strict monogamist. Harp seals live in herds, the age and sex composition of which varies throughout the year. There are fights between males during the mating period. Pupping occurs in strictly localized areas (<детных>ice). In communication, acoustic and visual signals are of primary importance. It feeds on pelagic invertebrates and fish. Mating occurs in March. Pupping was noted at the end of February - beginning of March. Pregnancy is 11.5 months; there is a long latent stage in the development of the embryo. Usually 1 cub is born, covered with thick, long white fur (squirrel) with a greenish tint (the tint disappears a few days after birth). The weight of the newborn is 7-8 kg. After a week, the squirrel begins to molt (Khokhlushi stage); a completely moulted baby is called a serok. Reaches sexual maturity at 4.5 years.

Reindeer - Rangifer tarandus. The reindeer has an elongated, squat body (length 180-220 cm, height at the withers 100-140 cm). There is a short, not always noticeable mane on the neck, and an elongated muzzle. The color is brown in summer, gray in winter, lighter in tundra deer. The mane is white in winter. Small fawns are single-colored, only in Southern Siberia do they have white spots along the back. Both males and females have horns. They are very long, thin, crescent-shaped; the lateral processes are located on the outer (back) side of the trunk, and not on the inner (front), as in real deer.
At the ends of the antlers, and often in front of their base, there are small triangular shovels with processes. Domestic deer are difficult to distinguish from wild ones, but in their herds there are much more white and spotted animals. In addition, they have almost no fear of humans, while wild deer (sokjoi) are usually very cautious. The eyes of a reindeer glow with a dim yellowish light at night. When reindeer move, a peculiar clicking sound is heard, by which you can recognize the approach of a herd at night from hundreds of meters away.

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  • arouse interest in the surrounding world, form realistic ideas about nature;
  • reveal the features of the bird world in the Arctic;
  • to develop students' environmental literacy.

Slide 2. For more than two hundred years, ornithologists have been studying the bird population of the Kola Peninsula. The list is constantly updated and now the list of birds includes 270 species. Of these, 178 species nest in the region; 71 species fly into our region. The rest are found either during spring and autumn migrations, or during migrations.

Slide 3. All registered birds belong to 17 orders. The most numerous orders are: Passeriformes (101 species), Charadriiformes (60 species), Anseriformes (33 species) and Birds of Prey (17 species).

Slide 4. Birds are representatives of numerous orders.

Slide 5. All birds are divided into 3 groups: sedentary, migratory And nomadic.


  • live all year in one place;
  • They often stock up for the winter.

Crow. A large bird, twice the size of a pigeon, black with a bluish tint. The bird's beak is sharp and strong. The raven walks along the ground slowly and importantly. He is very careful, he looks closely at everything. Raven eats everything. Usually, others flock to the prey that one raven finds and all eat it together. Crows live in old coniferous forests.

Sparrow. It is difficult to imagine this bird separately from a person. It is found wherever there are people. Sparrows feed on seeds, earthworms and insects. Sparrows are very cunning. They like to steal a piece from someone without being noticed. And when someone takes something that is not theirs, they shout after him: “Beat the thief!” Sparrows are caring parents. They have “kindergartens”. In places where many sparrow families nest, slightly older chicks gather in flocks, sit in the bushes, chirp, and the old sparrow - the “educator” - watches them from a high branch - in order to notice the danger in time and warn. He sees, shouts “chirr” and the entire “kindergarten” instantly flies up and flies away. Sound.

Magpie. A relative of the raven, but its size is smaller. The head, neck, back and long tail are black. The abdomen and stripe on the shoulders are white. Magpies have a sharp, peculiar voice; they make “check-check” sounds and sharp, frequent chirping, for which they nicknamed them “ratchet”. The magpie is a keen and attentive bird. She is the first to notice the approach of a large predator or person and announces this to the entire forest with a loud chirping.


  • They fly away to warm countries in the fall, because insectivorous birds will not survive the winter: there is too little food.

Before migrating, birds form flocks of thousands. Apparently, from birth they know where to fly and at what time. In order to stay on course on a long journey, they navigate by the sun, stars and, above all, by the magnetic field. Returning back, having flown several thousand kilometers, the birds arrive at their old nest, in the place where they lived before the flight. They must probably have some special qualities. But, despite the most thorough research by scientists, no one has yet reliably explained these extraordinary abilities.

Bean man. Slightly larger than a goose. The plumage is brownish-gray, the lighter edges of the feathers on the back form a scaly pattern. The beak is quite long, black with an orange band, the legs are orange-pink. Breeds in separate pairs in areas rich in lakes and rivers. The nest is built on the ground. There are 4-6 white eggs in a clutch. The voice is a loud cackle.

Gogol. A little smaller than a duck. The head is large, the neck is short and thin. The eyes and paws are yellow, the beak is gray. Nest near rivers and lakes with forested banks. The nest is made in tree hollows, often high above the ground. The clutch contains 5-12 greenish-bluish eggs. The flight is fast and maneuverable. Dives well and stays underwater for a long time. The voice is hoarse and croaking.

Teal-whistle. The size of a crow. The male has a chestnut head, with a black-green shiny stripe on the sides. The female is brown above with reddish streaks, whitish below, with streaks on the sides. They live in shallow bodies of water. The nest is built on the ground. The clutch contains 8-12 slightly buffy eggs. The male's voice is a short, abrupt and low whistle, the female's is a high-pitched, shrill quacking.


  • joining in flocks, they fly from place to place in search of food;
  • do not have specific wintering areas.

Bullfinch. The birds have a black cap and a short, thick black beak. The male has bright plumage: red on the chest and gray-bluish on the back, while the female has modest gray plumage. Bullfinches come to us only in winter. And they call them that because they appear with us along with the snow. Bullfinches easily learn to whistle different melodies (if you take them young, straight from the nest). The owner of the bird must whistle the melody to the bullfinch many times, then he will remember and be able to repeat it. Sound.

Waxwing. The birds are quite beautiful. Their thick fluffy plumage has a delicate smoky color with chestnut shades, and the top of the head is crowned with a large pinkish-gray crest. But the most characteristic feature is the bright red, shiny horny plates at the ends of the long wing feathers. Because of this feature, the British call the waxwing “waxwing”. The presence of waxwings is immediately revealed by their voice - the high, murmuring trills “sviririri”, for which the birds received their Russian name.

Slide 9. According to the method of feeding, birds are divided into: carnivores, herbivores And insectivores.


They eat other animals. Depending on what time of day the bird hunts and gets its food, birds of prey are divided into daily And night. Diurnal predators belong to the order Falconiformes, and nocturnal birds of prey - to the order Owls.

Diurnal predators .

Golden eagle. The bird is listed in the Red Book of Russia. A large eagle with a wingspan of 190 - 227 cm, dark brown in color. Young birds have a white tail, with a wide dark stripe along the edge, while old birds have only a whitish base of the tail. Builds a massive nest on inaccessible rocks and trees. The clutch contains 1-2 white eggs with bright red-brown streaks. The voice is rough and hoarse. A very careful bird. It feeds on birds and medium-sized animals, the remains of animals killed by predators.

Night predators.

Owl. The eagle owl differs from all other owls in its very large size. The color can be from dark to light. The chest is red, on the sides and abdomen there is a thin dark transverse pattern. The eyes are red-orange. There are feathers on the head like ears. The legs are strong, all covered with down, and even claws with sharp edges like knives. The eagle owl hears very well, which is why it hunts at night. The voice is a dull loud “hoo-hoo.”


Birds need plant food.

Crossbill. Crossbill, slightly larger than a sparrow. The name of this bird comes from the old Russian word “klestit”, which means “to squeeze, squeeze.” The beak of the crossbill is bent, its ends cross crosswise and overlap each other. Thanks to this beak, the crossbill very deftly bends back the scales on the cones and takes out tasty seeds. The color of males is bright red-cherry, while that of females is yellowish-gray. Crossbills live in taiga and mountain coniferous forests.

Black grouse. Black grouse live in small forests. They love berry fields and dry places. The bird's plumage is black, with a metallic tint. Only under the tail are white feathers and white stripes are visible on the wings. Above the eyes are bright red eyebrows. The tail resembles a musical instrument - a lyre. And the outer feathers on it seem to be curved for two months. Because of this tail, similar to the scythes used to mow grass, the black grouse is sometimes called a braided grouse. In spring, birds exhibit their characteristic display. For currents, as a rule, elevated areas of pine forests and moss swamps are chosen. For birds, the breeding ground is a place of love songs and mating games, as well as a place for tournament fights of males.


They eat insects.

Starling. The starling's plumage is black with a bright metallic tint. Looking for food on the ground, starlings walk with long strides, sticking their long beaks everywhere to grab a beetle or caterpillar. In autumn, berries and fruits are added to their diet. Eating a large number of different harmful insects, starlings bring undoubted benefits. The starling's song is loud and cheerful in spring. In addition, they are skillful mockingbirds: in their song you can hear excerpts from the songs of other birds, the croaking of frogs and even the barking of dogs. Starlings also imitate the human voice, and in captivity they easily learn to pronounce words, and sometimes even entire phrases.

Tit. The plumage of tits is bright: the breast is yellow, the wings are blue. Some species have white cheeks, others have a black cap on their heads. Listen to how the titmouse talks. “Si-si-si” the bird squeaks, as if calling itself. When settling down for the night, tits huddle together in a dense group. Birds sitting on the edges gradually climb into the middle. So this dense lump of warmth and life moves all night. In a large flock it is easier to endure frosts. Sound.

Slide 13 . Birds live in different places: in a swamp, on reservoirs, in a forest, on the sea coast.

Slide 14 . SWAMP Dwellers.

Gray crane. Larger than a goose. The plumage is gray, the ends of the wings are black. The back and sides of the neck are white, the back of the crown and the back of the head are bare and red. Legs are black. Young birds do not have red on their heads. Migratory bird. The nest is built on the ground. The clutch contains 2 brownish or greenish olive eggs. The flight of the gray crane is straight, even, with deep wing beats, the neck and legs are extended in one line. The voice is a ringing, trumpet-like, rumbling cry.

Short-eared owl. The bird is slightly smaller than a crow. The back is yellowish-brown, the belly is lighter, and longitudinal dark streaks are scattered throughout the body. The tufts of feathers in the form of “ears” are very small. The eyes are yellow. Migratory, nomadic, and sometimes sedentary bird. The nest is built on the ground. There are 3-5 white eggs in a clutch. The voice is a dull “boo-boo-boo.”
Slide 15 . WATERBIRDS.

Mallard. The mallard is the size of a domestic duck, brownish in color. The male has a black head with a green tint, a black rump, a yellow beak, and orange paws. Nests are built on overgrown lakes and in wet grassy meadows and swamps, and maybe not far from water in dense thickets of grass, in bushes. The bottom of the nest is lined with down. The clutch contains 7-12 eggs with a greenish or olive tint. The drake's voice is a dull croak, the female's is like that of a domestic duck.

Red-throated loon. A little smaller than a goose. The upperparts are grayish-brown with white speckles. A chestnut spot is clearly visible on the front of the throat and neck. Migratory bird. Inhabits water bodies in the north of the forest zone and tundra. The nest is built on the shore of the lake, always close to the water. The clutch consists of 2 brownish-olive eggs with dark spots. The bird dives well and can stay under water for a long time. In its habitat, the bird is easily recognized by its characteristic moaning or croaking calls. During flight, she often makes a rather loud cackle.


Warbler warbler. A small (much smaller than a sparrow) active bird. The color of the plumage is dominated by a greenish-lemon color. They live in various forests and live in trees. Migratory bird. It builds a hut-shaped nest on the ground. The clutch contains 4-8 white eggs with brownish spots. The willow warbler's song is quite long, not very loud, with gentle whistles that gradually fade towards the end.

Grouse. A small bird with a crest on its head, a black spot under its beak and a red stripe above its eyes. The plumage is motley. How many black, brown, red, gray and white spots and stripes he has! It is not for nothing that he was nicknamed Ryabchik for such plumage. Hazel grouse love to have tree crowns above them. Where they live there should be berry fields, water, sand and deciduous trees. The male and female always live in pairs. The female is easy to distinguish from the male. She doesn't have a crest on her head. In summer, birds hide among dense trees at night. But in winter - in snow holes. If the frost hits harder, the hazel grouse burrow deep into the snow. Like moles in the ground, they make their long snowy passages.


Dead end. The bird is small, its length is 30-35 cm. Thanks to its bright red and yellow beak, the puffin received the nickname “sea parrot” or “sea clown”. The color of the bird's plumage is black above, white below, the sides of the head and throat are gray, and the legs are orange. The puffin moves on the ground with caution, but flies very quickly. In addition, the puffin is a wonderful swimmer: it pursues its prey under water, sometimes bringing up to 10-12 fish, which hang funny like mustaches from the bird’s beak. Puffins mate for life, and both parents incubate a single egg for 35 days. It is very large, white, sometimes with purple specks.

Slender-billed guillemot. The size of a crow. The head, neck and dorsal side are chocolate brown, the chest and abdomen are white, and there are dark spots on the sides. The legs and beak are dark. The birds are nomadic. Inhabits rocks from the Murmansk coast to the Shantar Islands. It nests in huge colonies on steep rocky cliffs. Guillemots are especially interesting because they lay one egg at a time directly on bare ledges. The eggs of guillemots are of very varied colors, expanded at the bottom and do not fall when pushed, like a roly-poly toy. The voice is a dull, hoarse croak.

Kittiwake gull. Slightly larger than a pigeon. The head, neck and belly are white, the back is light gray, the wings have black tips, and the beak is yellow. Young birds have a black collar on the neck and a black diagonal stripe on the wing. Migratory bird. Breeds in large colonies. Nests are placed on rock ledges. The clutch consists of 2-3 ocher eggs with dark spots. The voice is a ringing cry of “kitty-way... kitty-way” or “ya-ya-ya.”

Slide 18 . The nature of the Far North is fragile and vulnerable, so thoughtless human activity can cause irreparable damage to it. Back in the 20s of the last century, scientists began to say that on the territory of the Kola Peninsula, as a result of predatory extermination, the number of many animal species was declining. To preserve them, it was necessary to identify areas where economic activity would be limited or completely prohibited. Nature reserves are one of the specially protected natural areas.

Reserve - a protected place where rare valuable plants, animals, and areas of nature are protected and preserved.

Three nature reserves have been created in the Murmansk region.

To the west of Monchegorsk, the natural complexes of the northern taiga and mountain tundra are protected. Settled here Lapland State Nature Reserve.

Kandalaksha Nature Reserve occupies islands in the Kandalaksha Bay, on the islands of the White and Barents Seas, where a large number of “bird colonies” are located.

The youngest reserve in our region is "Pasvik" formed as a result of cooperation between ecologists from Russia and Norway. It got its name from the Pasvik River (Pasvik, Patsojoki), along the right bank, which it stretches from north to south.


Year of creation: 1930.

Purpose of creation: preservation of the northern taiga and mountain tundra of the Kola Peninsula, protection of wild reindeer.

Number of birds: 176 species.

In the reserve you can find wood grouse, hazel grouse, tundra and white partridge, crossbill, dipper, brambling, snow bunting and others. Rare birds listed in the Red Book nest here - peregrine falcon, osprey, gyrfalcon, white-tailed eagle, etc.

The capercaillie is the largest bird in our forests. The size of a turkey. Black, with a red stripe above the eyes.

In early spring, calling the female, the male begins to display. The capercaillie walks on the ground, waddles, spreading its tail like a fan, and clicks its beak, as if two sticks are knocking against each other. And he ends the song as if he were sharpening a knife on a whetstone. At this time, the bird becomes as if deaf and does not pay attention to anything, which is why it was called the wood grouse.


Year of creation: 1939.

Purpose of creation: the need to protect the eider, as well as the protection and study of the flora and fauna of sea islands and coasts, and the seabed.

Number of birds: about 200 species.

The common eider is the symbol of the reserve. The most valuable bird of the north. The eider is a large sea duck. Lives on small islands. The fluff remaining in the nests is collected. This light and delicate fluff is used to insulate sleeping bags and clothing of polar explorers, climbers, geologists, and astronauts. Thanks to strict protection, the number of this bird has increased.

Bird markets- this is one of the most amazing bird populations known on the coast and islands of the Murmansk region. Several million birds gather here to breed their chicks. They inhabit rocks with extreme density. The birds literally huddle together, covering almost the entire surface of the rocks with their bodies.

This is basically guillemots. The largest bazaar is located on Kuvshin Island.


Year of creation: 1992.

Purpose of creation: preservation of a section of the Pasvik River, protection and study of forests on the northern border of the forest zone, conservation of reservoirs and swamps, study of birds.

Number of birds: 122 species.

On the territory of the reserve you can see birds that are listed in the Red Book - these are the lutok, whooper swan, osprey, merlin, golden eagle, great gray owl, and white-tailed eagle.

Among the wading birds you can find: the ringed common bird, the goldfinch, and the crane. In the forest there are kukshu and waxwings.

Osprey is the most interesting predator on our planet. The lifestyle of this bird is very unusual. The fact is that the osprey is a fish-eating predator, which is why it is called a fisherman. The bird's vision is excellent and it looks out for prey in flight. An osprey can hover above the water: to do this, it flaps its wings very often (this is a fluttering flight - one of the most difficult for birds - when the movements of the wings resemble the work of helicopter rotors!) From this position, it throws itself down like a stone and plunges its claws into the fish. At the same time, sometimes he plunges completely into the water, with his head! But with the help of its wings, the bird instantly emerges to the surface.

Beyond the Arctic Circle lies the vast, harsh Arctic. This is a land of snowy deserts, cold winds and permafrost. Precipitation is rare here, and the sun's rays do not penetrate the darkness of the polar night for six months.

What animals live in the Arctic? It is not difficult to imagine what kind of adaptability the organisms existing there must have, forced to spend a difficult winter among snow and scorching ice.

But, despite the harsh conditions, about two dozen species live in these parts arctic animals(on photo you can see their diversity). In endless darkness, illuminated only by the northern lights, they have to survive and get food, fighting for their existence every hour.

Feathered creatures have an easier time in these extreme conditions. Due to natural features, they have more opportunities for survival. That is why more than a hundred species live in the country of the ruthless north.

Most of them are migratory, leaving the vast, inhospitable region at the first sign of the approaching harsh winter. With the onset of spring days, they return back to take advantage of the gifts of the stingy Arctic nature.

In the summer months, there is enough food in the Arctic Circle, and round-the-clock lighting, a consequence of the long, six-month polar day, helps animals and birds of the Arctic find the food you need.

Even in summer, the temperature in this territory does not rise so much that the shackles of snow and ice, which fall away for a short time, provide an opportunity to take a break from the difficulties in this snow-covered kingdom, perhaps for a short period of time, a month and a half, no more. Warmth in this region is brought only by cool summers and Atlantic currents, warming the waters in the southwest, dead from the dominance of ice.

Pictured are Arctic animals

However, nature has taken care of the possibility of preserving heat, the lack of which is felt even during the short summer, and its reasonable saving in living organisms: animals have long thick fur, birds have plumage suitable for the climate.

Most of them have a thick layer of much-needed subcutaneous fat. For many large animals, their impressive mass helps them generate the required amount of heat.

Some of the representatives of the fauna of the Far North are distinguished by small-sized ears and legs, since such a structure makes it possible for them not to freeze, which makes it much easier animal life in the Arctic.

And birds, precisely for this reason, have small beaks. The color of the creatures in the described area is usually white or light, which also helps various organisms adapt and be invisible in the snow.

That's how Arctic fauna. It is surprising that many of the species of northern fauna, in the fight against the complexities of a harsh climate and unfavorable conditions, interact with each other, which greatly helps them to jointly overcome difficulties and avoid dangers. And such properties of living organisms are further proof of the intelligent structure of multifaceted nature.

Polar bear

Description of Arctic animals we should start with this creature - a bright representative of the fauna of the Far North. This is a large mammal, second in size among the mammals living on the planet only to the elephant seal.

Males of this closest relative of browns reach, in some cases, weights of up to 440 kg. These are dangerous predators, not afraid of frost due to the existence of an excellent fur coat, white in winter and yellow in the summer months.

They are excellent swimmers, do not slip on ice because of the fur on their soles, and are nomadic, drifting on ice floes. became heroes of many beautiful legends and tales about Arctic animals for children.


A very common inhabitant of the snowy tundra. There are wild ones, but some of them are domesticated by the peoples of the north. The length of their body is about two meters, and the height at the withers is just over a meter.

They are covered with wool, which changes its shade from gray to brown, depending on the time of year. They have branched horns, and their eyes glow yellow in the darkness of the polar night. Reindeer is another hero of famous legends about Arctic animals.

Pictured is a reindeer


They try to stay close to reindeer herds. This is how these birds gain access to food. Deer, tearing through the snow with their hooves in search of lichens, free the soil from snow cover, while opening up access to a source of food for their neighbors.

The northern partridge is a famous bird, a real beauty of the permafrost region. During severe frosts, it is almost completely snow-white, and only the tail is distinguished by a black tint.

Pictured is a white partridge


This is a mammal, just under two meters long and weighing up to 65 kg. Such creatures live mainly in deep-sea areas, where there is enough fish for them, which they usually feed on.

These are the most numerous arctic animals who prefer to live alone and usually do not leave their homes. They dig their spacious shelters from frost and uninvited guests directly into the thick snow, making holes to the outside so they can escape and breathe. Cubs covered with white fur are born on ice floes.

Leopard seal

A ferocious arctic predator belonging to the seal family. They prefer solitude, so they seem few in number. However, scientists believe that their population size is estimated at half a million individuals.

The animal has a snake-like body, is equipped with sharp teeth, but looks quite elegant, although in appearance it is significantly different from the representatives of its family.

Pictured is a leopard seal


The largest pinniped inhabitant of the Arctic, measuring more than 5 m and weighing about one and a half tons. by nature they have impressive tusks almost a meter long, with which they are able to repel even the most dangerous predator - the polar bear, who prefers not to get involved with such prey, rarely showing interest in it.

Walruses have a strong skull and spine, and thick skin. With the help of their sharp tusks, they tear apart the sea muddy soil, finding mollusks there - their main delicacy. This is an amazing creature, like many arctic animals, V Red Book listed as rare.

polar Wolf

It is found in all corners of the Far North, but lives only on land, preferring not to go out onto ice floes. Externally, this animal looks like a large-sized (weighing more than 77 kg) pointy-eared animal with a fluffy, usually drooping tail.

The color of the thick two-layer fur is light. They are omnivores and are able to eat almost all types of food, but can live without food for a whole week.

polar Wolf

polar bear

Considered the brother of the white one, but distinguished by an elongated body and a more clumsy structure; strong, thick, but short paws and wide feet, which help him when walking in the snow and swimming.

The robe is long, thick and shaggy fur, which has a milky yellow color, sometimes even snow-white. Its weight is about seven hundred kilograms.

polar bear


Animals live in the Arctic with very ancient roots. Even primitive man hunted, and the bones, horns, skin and meat of these animals served as a great help for the ancestors of modern people in their difficult existence.

Males can reach a weight of up to 650 kg. The largest representatives of this type live in western Greenland. Impressive rounded hooves help musk oxen move over rocks and ice, and rake through thick snow in search of food.

An excellent sense of smell also helps them with this. Males are decorated with horns. Such formidable weapons help them defend against, and wolverines.

bighorn sheep

Lives in Chukotka, is distinguished by a strong physique, impressive horns, thick brown-brown hair, an impressive head and a short muzzle. These creatures live in mid-mountain and hilly areas in small groups of up to five members.

Due to the shortage of food in winter and low reproductive rate, as well as the damage caused by reindeer herding teams, the snowy one was on the verge of destruction.

Pictured is a bighorn sheep

Arctic hare

This is polar, differing from its counterparts in its large size. Outwardly, it is similar to, and only longer ears are a distinguishing feature. The Arctic hare lives in the tundra of Greenland and northern Canada. The animals are capable of reaching speeds of up to 65 km/h.


Distributed in many regions, including being a resident of the taiga and tundra. This is a nimble, voracious, predatory animal with an elongated body and a bushy tail.

Feeds on animal food. It boldly attacks prey that is larger than itself and is capable of successfully catching fish. does not dig holes, but looks for natural shelters for living.

Arctic fox

A predator belonging to the canine family. It barks like a dog, has a long tail, and its paws are protected by hair. His endurance is beyond description, because he is able to endure frosts of fifty degrees, escaping in intricate labyrinths dug in the snow, with many exits.

The diet includes animal food; they mainly eat the meat of rodents and other small animals, not disdaining carrion. In summer, they saturate the body with reserves of herbs, algae and berries.

In the photo there is an arctic fox


A small representative of the rodent family that inhabits the islands of the Arctic Ocean. The body is covered with motley, gray-brown or gray fur. It has short ears and a tail, and its length usually does not exceed 15 cm.

The animal in the photo is a lemming


A predatory representative of the mustelid family, awarded the nickname of the demon of the north, he is a ferocious hunter with a brutal appetite.

There are attacks by such creatures on livestock and even on humans, for which the animals, in turn, suffered and were subjected to mass extermination. But in the summer they enjoy eating fruits, nuts and bird eggs.


This is either a large Arctic one, reaching a length of about 6 m, also called a sea unicorn, since male individuals have a straight, long tusk.

It is found off the coast of Greenland and Alaska, as well as in the northern waters of Canada. It has a speckled brownish color. The body has a streamlined shape ideal for swimming.

Narwhal (Sea Unicorn)

bowhead whale

Much larger than the narwhal, although it is considered its closest relative. The whale's baleen and impressive tongue give it the ability to absorb plankton frozen in its plates, although this animal does not have teeth.

This is a very ancient harmless creature that has lived in cold waters for many millennia. The creatures are rightfully considered the largest representatives of the world fauna; their weight in some cases reaches almost 200 tons. They migrate between the seas of the two cold poles of the planet.

Pictured is a bowhead whale

killer whale

Mammals that are frequent inhabitants of cold waters. Black and white in color belongs to the order of cetaceans. It mainly lives at great depths, but often swims to the coasts. When moving, it is capable of reaching record speeds. This is a dangerous aquatic animal, nicknamed the “killer whale.”

Arctic cod

Fish belongs to the category of small creatures that inhabit the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Spending its life in the thickness of cold water, the polar one tolerates low temperatures without problems.

These aquatic creatures feed on plankton, which has a positive effect on the biological balance. They themselves serve as a source of food for a variety of northern birds, seals and cetaceans.

Arctic cod fish


The fish is quite large in size (up to 70 cm). Usually it weighs about two, but it happens that it reaches 19 kg. The body of this aquatic animal is wide, laterally flattened, the back is dark gray, and the belly is milky. A characteristic black line runs along the body in a horizontal direction. Fish live in schools and are a valuable commercial commodity.

Haddock fish


It perfectly complements the rich world of the Arctic Ocean, and is also called a polar dolphin. The length of the aquatic animal is about six meters, the weight can reach two or more tons. This is a large predator with sharp teeth.

In the photo there is a beluga whale

Arctic cyanea

It has another name: lion's mane, considered the largest jellyfish among the aquatic inhabitants of the planet. Its umbrella reaches a diameter of up to two meters, and its tentacles are half a meter long.

Life doesn't last long, just one summer season. With the onset of autumn, these creatures die, and in the spring new, fast-growing individuals appear. Cyanea feeds on small fish and zooplankton.

Cyanaea jellyfish

White Owl

Classified as a rare bird. Birds can be found throughout the tundra. They have beautiful snow-white plumage, and their beak is covered with small bristles to retain heat.

The white one has many enemies, and such birds often become prey for predators. They feed on rodents - frequent nest destroyers, which is very useful for other feathered inhabitants.

White Owl


Sea birds of the Far North set up mass colonies, which are also called bird colonies. They are usually located on sea cliffs. - well-known regulars of such colonies.

They lay one egg, which is bluish or greenish in color. And they incubate their treasure without leaving it for a minute. In areas of extreme frost, this is only a severe necessity. And the eggs, thoroughly heated from above by the body of the birds, remain completely cold from below.

In the photo there are guillemot birds


It is found in all regions of the Arctic, nests off the Baltic coast and in the north of England, and during cold weather flies south to non-freezing reservoirs located in the center of Europe.

They protect their offspring from the cold by specially plucking their reddish-gray down and lining their nests with it. Such waterfowl spend almost their entire lives on sea waters, feeding on mollusks and mussels.

In the photo there is an eider bird

polar goose

The bird is also called white for its impressive snow-white plumage, and only the tips of the birds’ wings are distinguished by black stripes. They weigh about 5 kg, and, like eiders, line their nests with their own down.

These inhabitants of the Arctic coast escape the deadly cold of the polar winter by flying away. This type of wild geese is considered quite rare.

Arctic white goose

Arctic gull

It has light gray plumage, the wings are slightly darker, the beak is yellowish-green, and the legs are light pink. The main food of the polar bird is fish, but these birds also eat shellfish and eggs of other birds. They live for about two decades.

Pink seagull

A fragile, beautiful bird, adapted to existence in the harsh regions of the Arctic, its size usually does not exceed 35 cm. The back and upper part of the wing plumage has a grayish-gray tint. Breeds in the lower reaches of northern rivers. It became the object of rampant hunting because of the original shade of its feathers.

Arctic terns

The bird is famous for its range (up to 30 thousand kilometers) and duration (about four months) of flights, spending the winter in Antarctica. The birds fly north to the Arctic in early spring, creating huge nesting colonies.

Distinctive features are a forked tail and a black cap on the head. characterized by caution and aggressiveness. Their lifespan is more than three decades.

Arctic terns


Seabird of the Arctic, inhabited mainly by waterfowl. spends time in the Far North mainly from May to October, being a migratory bird. It is the size of a large fish, dives and swims well, and in moments of danger plunges its body deeply into the water, leaving only one head outside.

In the photo there is a loon bird

Brent goose

It is the smallest representative of the genus, nesting in the northern regions of the tundra. Its wings and back are dark brown in color, and a white “collar” stands out on its black neck. Birds feed on algae, lichens and grass.

Brent goose

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