What religions exist now? The three main religions of the world are beliefs with a long history. The concept of religion and the prerequisites for its appearance

If we take the prophets as the basis of religion, then religions can be divided into two categories: faith with the presence of a prophet in it and faith without a prophet. Such a classification shows the division of most religions, especially religions of a universal scale, into two groups. Every system of religion, by virtue of its structure, makes room for the faith of the prophet. In almost all religions, the Prophet is a leader who gives information and knowledge about the metaphysical world and the future, warning people against various events and states of affairs. Along with this general view of prophetic faith, in religions there are also concepts that differ from this view. For example, some religions limit prophecy to a certain period of time, and some take it to be a long-term phenomenon. Also, in a similar way, there are different views of religions regarding the qualities and characteristics of prophets.

Islam views the prophets from the point of view of faith. Tawhida and the prophets in Islam, both in relation to the historical chain they created and in relation to the main theme in their messages, form a unity and complement each other. Tawhid, not only in a theological concept, but also in a cosmological and anthropological concept, expresses union and unity regarding the attributes of Allah. Also, tawhid forms the basis of the message communicated to people by all the prophets. In Islam there are two names associated with a prophet - the Prophet and the Messenger. Every prophet is a messenger who brings to the attention of people and notifies them of the truth and righteousness conveyed to him by Allah and at the same time a prophet, a warner and a warner of people regarding the approaching day of judgment.

Islam strongly emphasizes the appearance of prophets as people like all other people. They are in no way divine or semi-divine creatures. With this feature, Islam clearly and clearly distinguishes prophets from traditions that take prophets to be divine creatures or angels. The Holy Qur'an at times draws attention to the disbelievers who object to the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad in this direction and completely refutes their protests. Despite the fact that they are normal people like everyone else, the only distinguishing feature of prophets is that they are chosen as a messenger and, as a result, they are obliged to bring to people the message or book transmitted to them by Allah. But their responsibility is not limited to this, because... they are models and mentors in the implementation and practice of divine messages and at the same time teachers who teach people this...

Islam, while attaching importance to the faith of the prophet, in no way accepts the prophet as the center of religion. Because the center of religion is the faith of Tawhid, the undeniable unity and uniqueness of Allah. The presence of prophets is associated with the delivery of this faith to people, teaching them this and being a model for people in terms of perception and implementation of this message in the personal and public spheres of life. In this sense, Islam is fundamentally different from religions that elevate prophets beyond what is necessary, deify them and place them in the forefront before faith in Allah. From Prophet Adam to Prophet Muhammad, all prophets are just prophets, and nothing more... They are leaders who were chosen by Allah for this purpose and therefore their degree has risen. They must be perceived as such and beyond this not exaggerated. Just like the words of the Koran, which warns Muslims regarding the Prophet Muhammad: “And Muhammad is no more than a messenger, many others preceded him, and if he dies or is destroyed, will you turn back? Apostates will not harm Allah in any way, but Allah will reward those who are grateful in full." (Ali Imran, 3/144)

(not the world, but everyone).

The world religion is a religion that has become widespread among the peoples of different countries around the world. Differences between world religions from national and nation-state religions in that in the latter the religious connection between people coincides with the ethnic connection (the origin of believers) or political. World religions are also called supranational, since they unite different peoples on different continents. History of world religions always closely connected with the course of the history of human civilization. List of world religions small. Religious scholars count three world religions, which we will briefly consider.


Buddhism- oldest world religion, which arose in the 6th century BC on the territory of modern India. At the moment, according to various researchers, there are from 800 million to 1.3 billion believers.

In Buddhism there is no creator god, as in Christianity. Buddha means enlightened one. At the center of the religion are the teachings of the Indian prince Gautama, who abandoned his life of luxury, became a hermit and ascetic, and thought about the destinies of people and the meaning of life.

In Buddhism there is also no theory about the creation of the world (no one created it, and no one controls it), there is no concept of an eternal soul, there is no atonement for sins (instead - positive or negative karma), there is no such multi-component organization as the church in Christianity. Buddhism does not require absolute devotion and renunciation of other religions from believers. It sounds funny, but Buddhism can be called the most democratic religion. Buddha is something of an analogue of Christ, but at the same time he is not considered either a god or the son of God.

The essence of Buddhist philosophy- the desire for nirvana, self-knowledge, self-contemplation and spiritual self-development through self-restraint and meditation.


Christianity arose in the 1st century AD in Palestine (Mesopotamia) based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, which were described by his disciples (apostles) in the New Testament. Christianity is the largest world religion in terms of geography (it is present in almost all countries of the world) and in terms of the number of believers (about 2.3 billion, which is almost a third of the Earth’s population).

In the 11th century, Christianity split into Catholicism and Orthodoxy, and in the 16th century, Protestantism also broke away from Catholicism. Together they make up the three largest movements of Christianity. There are more than a thousand smaller branches (currents, sects).

Christianity is monotheistic, although it monotheism a little non-standard: the concept of God has three levels (three hypostases) - Father, Son, Holy Spirit. The Jews, for example, do not accept this; for them God is one, and cannot be binary or trinary. In Christianity, faith in God, service to God and righteous living are of paramount importance.

The main reference for Christians is the Bible, which consists of the Old and New Testaments.

Both Orthodox and Catholics recognize the seven sacraments of Christianity (baptism, communion, repentance, confirmation, marriage, unction, priesthood). Main differences:

  • Orthodox Christians do not have a Pope (single head);
  • there is no concept of “purgatory” (only heaven and hell);
  • priests do not take a vow of celibacy;
  • slight difference in rituals;
  • difference in holiday dates.

Among Protestants, anyone can preach; the number of sacraments and the importance of rituals are kept to a minimum. Protestantism is, in fact, the least strict movement of Christianity.


IN Islam also one god. Translated from Arabic it means “conquest”, “submission”. God is Allah, the prophet is Muhammad (Mohammed, Magomed). Islam ranks second in the number of believers - up to 1.5 billion Muslims, that is, almost a quarter of the world's population. Islam arose in the 7th century on the Arabian Peninsula.

The Koran, the holy book of Muslims, is a collection of Muhammad's teachings (sermons) and was compiled after the death of the prophet. The Sunnah, a collection of parables about Muhammad, and the Sharia, a set of rules of conduct for Muslims, are also of considerable importance. In Islam, observance of rituals is of paramount importance:

  • daily five times prayer (namaz);
  • fasting in Ramadan (9th month of the Muslim calendar);
  • giving alms to the poor;
  • hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca);
  • pronouncing the main formula of Islam (there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet).

Previously, world religions also included Hinduism And Judaism. This data is now considered outdated.

Unlike Buddhism, Christianity and Islam are related to each other. Both religions belong to the Abrahamic religions.

In literature and cinema, the concept of “one universe” is sometimes encountered. Heroes from different works live in the same world and may one day meet, such as Iron Man and Captain America. Christianity and Islam take place in “the same universe.” Jesus Christ, Moses, and the Bible are mentioned in the Koran, with Jesus and Moses being prophets. Adam and Hawa are the first people on Earth according to the Koran. Muslims also see a prophecy of the appearance of Muhammad in some biblical texts. In this aspect, it is interesting to observe that particularly severe religious conflicts arose precisely between these religions, which are close to each other (and not with Buddhists or Hindus); but we will leave this question to psychologists and religious scholars.

As well as their classifications. In religious studies, it is common to distinguish the following types: tribal, national and world religions.


- the most ancient world religion. It originated in the 6th century. BC e. in India, and is currently widespread in the countries of South, Southeast, Central Asia and the Far East and has about 800 million followers. Tradition connects the emergence of Buddhism with the name of Prince Siddhartha Gautama. The father hid the bad things from Gautama, he lived in luxury, married his beloved girl, who bore him a son. The impetus for the spiritual upheaval for the prince, as legend says, was four meetings. First he saw a decrepit old man, then one suffering from leprosy and a funeral procession. So Gautama learned that old age, illness and death are the lot of all people. Then he saw a peaceful beggar wanderer who needed nothing from life. All this shocked the prince and made him think about the fate of people. He secretly left the palace and family, at the age of 29 he became a hermit and tried to find. As a result of deep reflection, at the age of 35 he became Buddha - enlightened, awakened. For 45 years, Buddha preached his teaching, which can be briefly summarized in the following basic ideas.

Life is suffering, the cause of which is the desires and passions of people. To get rid of suffering, you need to renounce earthly passions and desires. This can be achieved by following the path of salvation indicated by the Buddha.

After death, any living creature, including humans, is reborn again, but already in the form of a new living being, whose life is determined not only by its own behavior, but also by the behavior of its “predecessors”.

We must strive for nirvana, i.e. dispassion and peace, which are achieved by renouncing earthly attachments.

Unlike Christianity and Islam Buddhism lacks the idea of ​​God as the creator of the world and its ruler. The essence of the teachings of Buddhism comes down to a call for every person to take the path of seeking inner freedom, complete liberation from all the shackles that life brings.


Originated in the 1st century. n. e. in the eastern part of the Roman Empire - Palestine - as addressed to all the humiliated, thirsting for justice. It is based on the idea of ​​messianism - hope in the Divine deliverer of the world from everything bad that exists on Earth. Jesus Christ suffered for the sins of people, whose name in Greek means “Messiah”, “Savior”. With this name, Jesus is associated with the Old Testament legends about the coming to the land of Israel of a prophet, a messiah, who would free the people from suffering and establish a righteous life - the kingdom of God. Christians believe that God's coming to Earth will be accompanied by the Last Judgment, when He will judge the living and the dead and send them to heaven or hell.

Basic Christian ideas:

  • The belief that God is one, but He is a Trinity, i.e. God has three “persons”: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, which form one God who created the Universe.
  • Faith in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity, God the Son is Jesus Christ. He has two natures at the same time: Divine and human.
  • Belief in Divine grace is a mysterious power sent by God to free a person from sin.
  • Belief in posthumous reward and afterlife.
  • Belief in the existence of good spirits - angels and evil spirits - demons, along with their ruler Satan.

The holy book of Christians is Bible, which means “book” in Greek. The Bible consists of two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is the oldest part of the Bible. The New Testament (actually Christian works) includes: the four gospels (Luke, Mark, John and Matthew); the acts of the holy apostles; Epistles and Revelation of John the Theologian.

In the 4th century. n. e. Emperor Constantine declared Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire. Christianity is not united. It split into three currents. In 1054, Christianity split into the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches. In the 16th century The Reformation, an anti-Catholic movement, began in Europe. The result was Protestantism.

And they admit seven Christian sacraments: baptism, confirmation, repentance, communion, marriage, priesthood and consecration of oil. The source of doctrine is the Bible. The differences are mainly as follows. In Orthodoxy there is no single head, there is no idea of ​​purgatory as a place of temporary placement of the souls of the dead, the priesthood does not take a vow of celibacy, as in Catholicism. The head of the Catholic Church is the Pope, elected for life; the center of the Roman Catholic Church is the Vatican - a state that occupies several blocks in Rome.

It has three main currents: Anglicanism, Calvinism And Lutheranism. Protestants consider the condition for the salvation of a Christian not the formal observance of rituals, but his sincere personal faith in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Their teaching proclaims the principle of universal priesthood, which means that every layman can preach. Almost all Protestant denominations have reduced the number of sacraments to a minimum.


Originated in the 7th century. n. e. among the Arab tribes of the Arabian Peninsula. This is the youngest of the world. There are followers of Islam more than 1 billion people.

The founder of Islam is a historical figure. He was born in 570 in Mecca, which for that time was a fairly large city at the intersection of trade routes. In Mecca there was a shrine revered by the majority of pagan Arabs - the Kaaba. Muhammad's mother died when he was six years old, and his father died before his son was born. Muhammad was brought up in his grandfather's family, a noble but impoverished family. At the age of 25, he became the manager of the household of the wealthy widow Khadija and soon married her. At the age of 40, Muhammad acted as a religious preacher. He declared that God (Allah) had chosen him as his prophet. The ruling elite of Mecca did not like the sermon, and by 622 Muhammad had to move to the city of Yathrib, later renamed Medina. The year 622 is considered the beginning of the Muslim calendar according to the lunar calendar, and Mecca is the center of the Muslim religion.

The Muslim Holy Book is a processed record of Muhammad's sermons. During Muhammad's lifetime, his statements were perceived as direct speech from Allah and were transmitted orally. Several decades after the death of Muhammad, they were written down and would compile the Koran.

Plays an important role in the religion of Muslims Sunnah - a collection of edifying stories about the life of Muhammad and Sharia - a set of principles and rules of conduct obligatory for Muslims. The most serious ipexa.Mii among Muslims are usury, drunkenness, gambling and adultery.

The place of worship of Muslims is called a mosque. Islam prohibits the depiction of humans and living animals; hollow mosques are decorated only with ornaments. In Islam there is no clear division between clergy and laity. Any Muslim who knows the Koran, Muslim laws and rules of worship can become a mullah (priest).

Great importance is attached to ritual in Islam. You may not know the intricacies of faith, but you should strictly perform the main rituals, the so-called five pillars of Islam:

  • pronouncing the formula of confession of faith: “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet”;
  • performing daily five times prayer (namaz);
  • fasting during the month of Ramadan;
  • giving alms to the poor;
  • making a pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj).

Some people mistakenly believe that Islam is a new and youngest religion. But in fact, Islam is an Arabic term denoting the name of the religion followed by all the Prophets. Islam is also the religion of the Angels, which they professed even before the creation of people. Islam is submission to the One God in accordance with Shari'ah (i.e. God's Law).

All the Prophets, peace be upon them, called on people to believe in One God and follow His Laws, that is, they called people to Islam.

Muslims believe without any doubt in all the Prophets, starting from the first of Them - Prophet Adam - and ending with the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon them, including the Prophets Musa (Moses) and 'Isa (Jesus), Ibrahima (Abraham ), Nuh a (Noah) and everyone else. We must believe in all Prophets and love them all, without exception.

Islam- the religion of all the Prophets. All the Prophets had one faith, its basic principle was Monotheism.

The Sacred K ur`a does not say, meaning: “Say that you believe in Allah and in what was revealed to you (K ur'a n), as well as in what was revealed to Ibrahi mu (Abraham) and Isma 'i lu, Ishaq u and Ya'ku bu ( Israel), and all the tribes of Israel. And also in what was revealed to the Prophets Musa (Moses) and ‘Isa (Jesus), and in what was revealed to the Prophets from the Most High, and we are submissive only to Him. Their religion is one - Islam, and all the believers who followed them are Muslims.".
All Prophets were sent from One Unified God, and that means they could not teach differently, because they were sent from One Unified God

Islamis the Arabic name for a religion practiced by believers at various times in history.
“Islam” translated means “submission to the One Creator in accordance with the Law of God.”

Islam- this is the Faith that the Creator commanded us to adhere to. This religion is devoid of any shortcomings, because it provides all the conditions for a full human life - material and spiritual.

Islam is the religion of all the Prophets. All Prophets had one faith, its main principle was Monotheism. All the Prophets said: “There is no god but Allah”, They all called people to this conviction, saying that there is no accomplice or assistant to the Creator, and that He and only He has perfect and worthy Attributes, and that there is nothing like Him.

Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, said meaning:
“The best words that I and all previous Prophets have spoken are:
“There is no god but Allah.”

Previously, all humanity had one single religion ( A its slave name is Islam ). Paganism appeared after the Prophet Idris (Enoch), peace be upon Him. Then Nuh (Noah), peace be upon Him, was sent to call people to Monotheism.

The last Prophet - Muh ammad, peace be upon him - renewed the Islamic Faith after paganism had spread throughout the Earth. He performed various miracles that proved the truth that He was sent by Allah. Some people believed in him, others remained unbelievers.

It follows that all Prophets called for the observance of one religion. Musa (Moses) called for Monotheism, ‘And sa (Jesus) also called for Monotheism and submission only to the One Creator in accordance with the Laws sent down by Him. All of them were Muslims.

Those who followed the Shari'a (Law) of Moses are Musaite Muslims, i.e. observing the Law of Shari'ah of Musa until the time when the Prophet 'Isa was revealed. Muslims - 'Isaites - those who followed the Shari'a of 'Isa until the time when the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, was sent down. We can also say that those who follow the path of the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, are Muh ammadite Muslims (i.e., those who observe the Shari'ah of Muh ammad).

The main unifying principle for everyone is adherence to Islam, faith in the One Creator - Allah. There is one religion, but its laws differed from each other, and at different times the Shari'ah had some differences, but the Faith remained the same - faith in Allah, in Angels, in Paradise, in hell, etc.

May Allah help a large number of people to find the true Faith - the Faith of our ancestors. And may Allah give us confidence and strength in observing the Commandments and give us safety from sins. We ask Allah Almighty for forgiveness and purification; the approved end and preservation of our religion from harm and from the one who bears this harm. Amine!

§ 45. History of Islam

Islam is a religion sent down to humanity through the prophets, which called for monotheism and submission to one God and the fulfillment of His instructions. The Almighty, by His Will, created this amazing, beautiful world, created humanity, endowed it with innumerable benefits, commanded, by His mercy, to observe all the laws of God and to be submissive to Him, that is, to sincerely and lovingly observe His instructions - the rules of life. Observance of God's laws leads a person to happiness in this and the next world, and their violation leads to suffering and torment. Therefore religion is the greatest benefit for us.

To bring His laws to people and explain them, the Almighty sent His chosen servants - the prophets, so that on the Day of Judgment we would be among the saved and forever become the inhabitants of the Gardens of Eden prepared by the Creator for the God-fearing. All the prophets, without exception, called people to the true faith, the basis of which is monotheism. They all asserted: “There is nothing worthy of worship except the One and Only God,” and called on people to believe this truth.

The prophets explained to people that there is and cannot be any assistant to the Creator, He does not need this, and that He (and only He) has absolute, perfect virtues, and there is nothing like Him. The prophets called on the people of their generation to submit and worship the Almighty. They also explained to people that idols, animals or people are not worthy of worship, because they cannot do anything of their own free will, since they are created: they have a beginning and an end and always need Allah.

There is a common misconception that Islam is a new and youngest religion, and Prophet Muhammad is the founder of this religion. This is not true.

The Muslim religion is based on the belief in one God, who is not like anyone else, and nothing is like Him. Every previous prophet and their followers had this faith. In Arabic, this religion is called Islam, in Russian it sounds like “submission to God,” and the word “Muslim” means “a person submissive to God alone.” Each nation, in its own language, called religion submission, and its followers - those who submitted to God. After the arrival of the last Prophet and the sending down of the Holy Book - the Koran - to him, these words naturally began to be used in Arabic - the language of the Koran. Therefore, Islam is the religion according to which all the prophets lived, starting from Adam.

Prophet Muhammad did not found a new religion, he only developed the creed of previous prophets and messengers, which was practically forgotten by many people before his arrival. Throughout the history of mankind, the Almighty has sent a lot of prophets, there are about 124 thousand of them, including 313 messengers, but only Allah knows the exact number of prophets. The first prophet and messenger was our forefather Adam, the last was Muhammad. The messengers whose moral qualities were expressed better than others, who had the most perfect knowledge, intelligence and patience (ulul-'azmi), are the prophets Nuh (Noah), Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moses), 'Isa (Jesus ), Muhammad. All the prophets knew that the last Prophet, Muhammad, would come, and called on their followers to believe in this truth, so there was absolute continuity between them. A believer in one God is obliged to believe in all prophets and messengers and recognize their mission, otherwise he will not be a Muslim, for just like faith in Allah, faith in His prophets is a pillar of iman (faith). The Almighty in the Quran commanded those who follow the Prophet Muhammad to believe in Allah and in what was revealed by him to all the prophets, i.e. the Quran and other Divine Scriptures, and said that there is no difference between the prophets, they are all brothers. Therefore, Muslims recognize, believe, love and honor all prophets. Recognizing all the prophets, one cannot deify any of them, for although they are chosen, they are still slaves of Allah, created by him. Whatever they can do comes from Allah. They themselves, like other creatures, could not do anything against the will of Allah. But they are honorable, beloved and chosen slaves of the Almighty, who do everything according to His revelation, therefore their actions and desires coincide with the will of Allah.

Islam is the optimal norms and rules of life on Earth, sent down by the Almighty, taking into account all the subtleties of psychology and human capabilities. The Muslim religion consists of beliefs (‘aqidas) and the laws of Allah Almighty (Sharia). Belief is the basis of religion, since without correct belief, compliance with Sharia norms does not bring benefit in the next world and does not save from the fire of hell.

The fundamentals of faith, such as belief in Allah, His angels, the Holy Scriptures, the prophets, the Day of Judgment and predestination, have never changed in true religion and will not change. The hadith of the Prophet says: “All the prophets are brothers in faith, they have one religion - Islam, and the laws of God - Sharia - differed from each other depending on time, place and conditions.” Because if God sent prophets with different knowledge about Himself, then this would be absurd and would lead to different understandings of the Essence of God. Since God is eternal and all His attributes are eternal, then knowledge about Him and His attributes is unchanged. This means that the belief was the same, regardless of when it was transmitted - at the dawn of mankind to the prophet Adam or in later times to the prophets Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad. Thus, all the prophets were fellow believers who called people to a single, true, monotheistic religion.

As for the laws (Sharia), only some of them can change due to changes in time, the way of life of people, etc. Therefore, there were different scriptures sent down to different peoples at different times. However, the basic principles of the laws of all prophets were the same. For example, the prohibitions on murder, lying, adultery, theft and other useless or harmful acts in this and the next world remained unchanged. And everything useful has always been permitted, as it is now in Islam.

For example, according to the Sharia of Adam, believers were required to perform one prayer per day. A similar instruction remained until the advent of the people of Israel (Banu Israel). The people of Israel were required to perform two prayers. Nowadays, it is prescribed to perform five prayers per day.

Some messengers, through Revelation from the Almighty, were given a new Sharia, which annulled the previous laws, which from that moment had lost their relevance. Moreover, there were many distortions in them. The last law sent down to the whole world will be in force until the end of the World - this is the Law set out in the Holy Quran. The Koran, unlike other Scriptures, was and remains unchanged, since the Almighty Himself promised to preserve it until the Day of Judgment.

The Prophet Muhammad revived a creed based on monotheism, which was set forth in the Torah, the Gospel, and other Holy Scriptures. This is stated in many verses (fragments) of the Koran. Therefore, accepting Islam does not at all mean that a person changes or betrays the faith of his ancestors. On the contrary, he cleanses his faith from distortions and returns to the true religion of his ancestors - the prophets Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus.

In addition, closer to the end of the World, by the will of our Lord, Jesus, ascended alive and unharmed by the Almighty into heaven, where he remains to this day, will be sent down to earth. He will come to people not as a new messenger and not with a different Sharia, but as a follower of Islam to confirm the messenger mission of the last Prophet. He will call on people to observe the Shariah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, and when he dies, they will bury him in the city of Medina, next to the Prophet Muhammad, where a place has been left for him.

At all times, the prophets and their followers waited for the appearance of the last Messenger - the Seal of all prophets. And all the true followers of the prophets Moses and Jesus, who were waiting for the appearance of the Prophet Muhammad, followed him.

Such truths resonate with every impartial person seeking the truth. Thus, the Negus, the king of Christian Ethiopia, accepted the word of truth with which the Messenger of Allah addressed him through the Koran, calling the Negus to faith and encouraging him to accept Islam. And he accepted the religion of the Most High God. His immortal saying is known: “I testify before Allah that this is the Prophet for whom people who have the Scriptures are waiting.” It entered the annals of history and is preserved as evidence of the justice of a person who did not succumb to the temptation of greatness. This once again proves to any person seeking the truth that Muhammad was the Prophet and Messenger who was awaited in the hope that he would correct and save humanity.

Whoever was not a Muslim, but then believed, accepted with his heart the true faith, which was taught by the prophets Adam, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and all the other prophets, he should pronounce out loud, with the intention of accepting the true faith, evidence of monotheism - shahada (see below).

From this moment on, a person becomes a Muslim, that is, submissive to God alone. The Almighty says in the Koran that the religion sent down and accepted by Him is only a religion of submission and obedience to Him - Islam. However, if a person who has the correct belief does not follow all the precepts of Islam, then he still remains a Muslim. For failure to comply with these instructions, he will be punished, and after appropriate punishment he will be delivered from the eternal fire of hell, and such a person has a chance to receive the great mercy of Allah and His forgiveness.

Muslims wish all people only good and eternal happiness and therefore call for true faith, obedience and worship only of the Creator, they try to bring the truth to people, without forcing anyone, so that everyone can consciously make their choice. Faith must be in the heart, but, as they say, you cannot command the heart. Faith accepted only in words will not help a person in any way. This is exactly how a Muslim should treat non-believers and representatives of other faiths with tolerance. This is why the prophets and writings were sent. A person’s return to monotheism is the greatest good and happiness for him. If a person accepts Islam, then the Almighty, by His mercy, forgives him all previous sins, and such a person becomes pure, as if on the day of his birth.

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5.3. The Emergence of Islam Islam, a world religion based on the Bible, appeared in the seventh century AD. “Islam” is translated from Arabic as “submission” (meaning submission to Allah and the laws of Islam). The sacred scriptures of Muslims are collected in the Koran. Prophet Mukha?mmed

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MILITARY-POLITICAL HISTORY OF ISLAM UNTIL THE MIDDLE OF THE 8th century. By the end of Muhammad's life, an Islamic theocratic power had emerged, covering almost the entire Arabian Peninsula. Formally, the entire population of the peninsula was Muslim; in fact, this was far from the case.

From the book Islamic Intellectual Initiative in the 20th Century by Cemal Orhan

A brief history of “black Islam” in the USA USA... The country that declared a crusade against the Islamic world. A country in which 7 million Muslims live - its citizens. A country where Islam is the fastest growing religion. Hundreds of thousands of “ethnic Muslims” live in the United States -

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