What are the validity periods of an energy passport? Deadlines for mandatory energy inspection. Features of obtaining an energy passport

We offer turnkey energy passport registration from 20,000 rubles!

Let us immediately note that according to the latest requirements (for example, the State Institution of Mosstroynadzor when commissioning capital construction projects), energy passports must contain such applications as " conclusion on the results thermal imaging quality control of thermal protection building and selective air exchange rate control in premises (apartments)". All fields must also be filled in, incl. regulatory, calculated (design) and actualindicators. By ordering an energy passport from our company, you receive an energy passport that meets all the latest requirements.


Energy passport (energy passport) - a document to confirm the completion of the energy audit.

Upon completion of the energy audit, a mandatory regulatory document - an energy passport - is issued at enterprises, economic facilities, private homes, etc.
The energy passport lists information on energy efficiency obtained as a result of an energy audit of the operation of buildings, the company’s economic activities, technological processes and other objects of study.

There are different types of energy passports:

  • Energy passport of the enterprise;
  • Energy passport of the house;
  • Energy passport of a building, school, kindergarten, etc.
  • Energy passport of the facility
  • Energy passport of the resource supplier, etc.

Each document has different requirements, which we will take into account when developing the energy passport of your organization.

Who is required to obtain an energy passport:

  • state authorities, local governments vested with the rights of legal entities;
  • organizations with the participation of the state or municipality;
  • organizations carrying out regulated activities;
  • organizations engaged in the production and (or) transportation of water, natural gas, thermal energy, electrical energy, production of natural gas, oil, coal, production of petroleum products, processing of natural gas, oil, transportation of oil and petroleum products;
  • organizations whose total costs for the consumption of natural gas, diesel and other fuel (except for motor fuel), fuel oil, thermal energy, coal, electric energy exceed the volume of corresponding energy resources in value terms of more than 10 million rubles per calendar year; (see text in the previous edition)
  • organizations carrying out activities in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency, financed in whole or in part by subsidies from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets.

The energy passport contains:

  • general data about the consumer of energy resources - the enterprise under study, including equipment with metering devices;
  • information on the amount of energy consumption and its types;
  • estimated information on the efficiency of resource use;
  • the magnitude of losses and recommendations for reducing them;
  • a list of measures to improve energy efficiency and the economic benefits of their implementation.

What does the energy passport look like:

Sample (example) of energy passport

  • Requirements for the energy passport of a building, drawn up based on the results of a mandatory energy survey, and the energy passport, drawn up on the basis of project documentation;
  • Rules for sending a copy of the house’s energy passport, compiled based on the results of a mandatory energy inspection.

According to the appendices to the Requirements, the following sections must be included in the energy passport of the facility:

  • Appendix No. 1 (title page);
  • Appendix No. 2 (general information about the object of energy inspection);
  • Appendix No. 3 (information about the equipment with metering devices);
  • Appendix No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8, No. 9, No. 10, No. 11, No. 12 (information on the volume of energy resources used);
  • Appendix No. 13 (information on energy efficiency indicators);
  • Appendix No. 14, No. 15, No. 16, No. 17, No. 18, No. 19 (information on the amount of losses of transferred energy resources and recommendations for their reduction (for organizations transmitting energy resources));
  • Appendix No. 20 (energy saving potential and assessment of possible savings of energy resources);
  • Appendix No. 21 (list of typical measures for energy saving and increasing energy efficiency);
  • Appendix No. 22 (information on staffing of energy saving and energy efficiency measures);
  • Appendix No. 23 (If there are separate divisions of the inspected legal entity (branches, representative offices, facilities) in other municipalities, forms are attached to the energy passport in accordance with Appendices No. 2 - 23 to these Requirements, filled out for each separate division);
  • Appendix No. 24 (information if the energy passport is drawn up on the basis of project documentation).

Here you can download the entire energy passport form.
and here is a sample energy passport with comments on filling it out.

Our company can calculate the energy passport, followed by examination and registration with the Ministry of Energy.
(You you can not do this work on your own, until you are a member of the SRO of energy auditors, to whom high demands are placed both on the staff of highly qualified specialists with experience, and on the availability of expensive equipment for measurements in the energy sector).

By contacting us, you can order and issue an energy passport for your enterprise at a low cost.
We will do all the work on a turnkey basis. You will only need to pay the cost of the energy passport and appoint a responsible employee with whom we will communicate.

We have been working since 2000.

Cost of an organization's energy passport:

  • from 20,000 rubles(simplified procedure, audit of documentation, preparation of an energy passport, examination, registration with the Ministry of Energy)
  • from 70,000 rubles(full energy audit, documentation audit, drawing up an energy passport, examination, registration with the Ministry of Energy)

Questionnaire for obtaining an energy passport.

Just call us by phone 8-495-995-10-89 (multi-channel)

A toll-free number is also available for calls from mobile phones and long-distance calls. 8-800-200-10-89 . We pay for the conversation. Call.

Development of an energy passport - stages of cooperation.

The process of developing an energy passport involves the following stages:

1. Preliminary approval.

  • consulting services of specialists on an issue of interest to the customer;
  • Checking the customer’s documentation to ensure that all the necessary data is available for the development of an energy passport, determining the list of necessary work and the cost of the energy passport of the facility (enterprise, residential building, school, public organization, etc.);
  • drawing up technical specifications, determining the scope, timing of work and cost of the service.

The completion of this stage is the signing of the contract. Already at this preliminary stage, the customer has a complete understanding of the work procedure and knows what the cost of developing an energy passport will be.

2. Drawing up an energy passport for the consumer of fuel and energy resources.

  • drawing up an energy passport;
  • development of measures to improve the efficiency of energy resource use.
  • technical report preparation
  • registration with the SRO of a copy of the energy passport approved by the client;
  • delivery of the passport to the address specified by the customer.

After drawing up the energy passport of a building or other facility, it is sent for examination to the SRO, and then transferred to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

These services are included in the cost of obtaining an energy passport and there is no need to pay extra for them.

Just call us by phone 8-495-995-10-89 (multi-channel)

A toll-free number is also available for calls from mobile phones and long-distance calls. 8-800-200-10-89 . We pay for the conversation. Call.

Examination of the energy passport in the SRO.

We take full responsibility for the results of the survey and guarantee completion of all approval procedures as soon as possible. By entrusting us with an energy audit and drawing up an energy passport, you can be sure that it will be approved by all necessary authorities.

In order to carry out an examination of the energy passport, it must be sent to the SRO, where experts check the calculations of our auditors. If experts identify errors or shortcomings, the SRO returns the passport to us for changes or additions. After revision and final approval by the SRO, the energy passport is sent for registration to the Ministry of Energy.

How the energy passport is examined by the SRO:

  • We fill out and send to the SRO an application for an examination of the energy passport. Our audit agreement with you is attached to the application.
  • SRO enters into an Agreement with us to carry out work to conduct an examination of the energy passport of your enterprise. The contract contains an invoice for the provision of services and the registration number of your energy passport.
  • After signing the contract and paying the bill, we transmit the energy passport to the SRO in electronic form. It must contain a title page with the original seals and signatures of the Survey Customer, i.e. Your organization.
  • Over the next 1-10 days after payment for services under the contract and receipt of all documents, SRO specialists are required to conduct an examination of your energy passport. We maintain good relations with experts, so the examination period for your energy passport will be minimal.
  • After all comments have been eliminated, the SRO issues a positive expert opinion on the compliance of the energy passport with established norms and rules and current legislation.
  • The SRO electronically sends a copy of the energy passport to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. The copy must contain the signatures of the energy auditor who conducted the survey and the seals of the energy audit organization and SRO.

Registration of an energy passport with the Ministry of Energy.

According to the law, the SRO, of which we are a member, has the right to send an energy passport to the Ministry of Energy. Moreover, passports are sent in batches as they accumulate. Each SRO has its own quarterly date for the transfer of documents. On these dates, the SRO sends to the Ministry of Energy all energy passports that were examined by it during the quarter.

All these passports are listed in the cover letter, which the SRO sends along with the package of documents. The list of energy passports must contain:

    • serial number of the energy passport;
    • name of the contractor (name of the energy audit company);
    • Energy passport number (number assigned by SRO);
    • name of the customer (organization for which the energy passport has been prepared).

You can present a copy of this letter when checking from Rostechnadzor or other organizations that will be interested in whether you have an energy passport. This copy confirms the fact that you have started and paid for the process of obtaining an energy passport. Which, in fact, was what was required.

Also, with the help of a cover letter, you can track the progress of energy passport registration with the Ministry of Energy.

To speed up the process, we ourselves can send the energy passport to the Ministry of Energy for registration using the E-Pass software.

When concluding an agreement with our company, you can count on minimal terms for obtaining and registering an energy passport, reasonable prices and no worries during the work process. We take care of all the troubles.

Just call us by phone 8-495-995-10-89 (multi-channel)

A toll-free number is also available for calls from mobile phones and long-distance calls. 8-800-200-10-89 . We pay for the conversation. Call.

Responsibility for the lack of an energy passport


Amount of fine for officials

Amount of fine for legal entities

Failure to comply with energy efficiency requirements and requirements for their equipment with metering devices for energy resources used during the design, construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of buildings, structures, structures

in the amount of 20 thousand to 30 thousand rubles

in the amount of 500 thousand

up to 600 thousand rubles

Failure of the owners of non-residential buildings, structures, structures during their operation to comply with the energy efficiency requirements for such buildings, structures, structures, the requirements for their equipment with metering devices for the energy resources used

in the amount of 100 thousand

up to 150 thousand rubles

Failure to comply with the deadlines for conducting a mandatory energy inspection (energy audit)

in the amount of 10 thousand to 15 thousand rubles

in the amount of 50 thousand

up to 250 thousand rubles

Failure to comply with the requirement to submit a copy of the energy passport drawn up based on the results of a mandatory energy inspection (energy audit) to the authorized federal executive body

in the amount of 5 thousand rubles

in the amount of 10 thousand rubles

Failure of organizations with the participation of the state or municipal entity to comply with the requirements for the adoption of programs in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency

in the amount of 30 thousand

up to 50 thousand rubles

in the amount of 50 thousand

up to 100 thousand rubles.

Nikita Ivanov Energy passport, who does it and why? Energy passport (energy audit), why they do it, what they receive, and who can conduct an energy audit according to the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency”

The energy consumption of any production can be optimized, which will lead to a reduction in electricity costs. To optimize, an energy audit is carried out - a set of measures aimed at finding opportunities to save energy. The audit results are included in the energy passport.

Survey objective

The energy audit has the following objectives:

  • Obtaining information about the current electricity consumption at the facility;
  • Finding opportunities to reduce electricity costs;
  • Energy consumption optimization;
  • Reducing production costs.

Achieving the desired results is possible by drawing up an individual work plan, which includes the study of all structures and units related to a given enterprise.

Energy passport

The results of the work carried out are entered into a special document - the energy passport of the facility. Its form and procedure for filling out are regulated by Order No. 400 of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, dated June 30, 2014. The passport is accompanied by a detailed report on the work performed, including records of calculations of all indicators presented in the passport. The report also includes a feasibility study on the feasibility of carrying out optimization work to save energy resources.

Enterprises subject to mandatory audit

Carrying out measures aimed at reducing energy costs can be voluntary or compulsory. Private companies are interested in energy audits to reduce the cost of their products on a voluntary basis. Objects that are subject to mandatory audit:

  • Enterprises, part of the capital of which belongs to the state or government agencies;
  • Companies whose activities are related to the extraction, processing or transportation of gas, coal, oil and petroleum products;
  • Production facilities whose energy consumption exceeds 50 million rubles per year;
  • Organizations carrying out controlled activities.

Regulation of energy audit

According to current legislation, only those persons who are members of self-regulatory organizations in the field of energy audit can conduct energy audits. Hence the definition follows - an energy survey is a set of measures aimed at assigning an object a certain energy efficiency class. The energy class of a structure is an assessment of the operating efficiency of a particular structure based on the criterion of energy resource consumption. There are five classes, designated by Latin letters from A to E, where A is the highest class, E is the lowest.

Stages of energy audit

The sequence of work during an energy survey may vary depending on the type of object and the impact of external factors. The main stages include:

  • Studying the documentation – analysis of the technical component of the structure, including the average consumption of energy resources per month and the number of units of electrical equipment;
  • Site inspection – study of energy consumption individually for each unit of boiler, heating, production and other types of equipment operating at the enterprise;
  • Data analysis - comparison of the information received on the level of consumed energy resources with the established normal level described in the technical documentation of the units;
  • Design of saving measures – development of actions aimed at optimizing the level of consumed energy resources and reducing costs.

Energy survey results

The results of an energy inspection may include:

  • Energy passport and technical report.
  • Conclusion of the study of the quality of the resource consumed;
  • Recommendations for actions aimed at optimizing the consumption of energy resources;
  • Recommendations and measures to improve the energy efficiency of manufactured products;

There is no single estimate of the cost of an energy audit. Specialists from auditing companies presented an average pricing policy, which is based on certain factors: size of the facility, amount of electrical equipment, complexity of the work, etc.

Prices can vary significantly among different organizations providing audit services. This is explained by the seriousness of the work and the breadth of knowledge required to carry it out. The survey involves specialists in data collection and analysis, and preparation of technical documentation. Preparation of reporting documents takes a long time. Audit customers should understand these subtleties and keep in mind that if any organization offers an audit in a very short time and at a minimal price, most likely its conclusion will contain only superficial information that is of practically no benefit to the enterprise.

Responsibility for failure to conduct an energy audit in the prescribed manner

Previously, it was indicated which enterprises must undergo an energy audit. The legislation provides for penalties for failure to comply or untimely fulfillment of this requirement in the form of administrative fines (RF Law No. 261-F3 of November 23, 2009 “On Improving Energy Efficiency”).

Tips for saving electrical energy and other energy resources.

The following will help reduce current consumption in an enterprise:

  • Replacing old wiring with new one - bad contacts can cause electrical losses;
  • Replacing incandescent lamps with energy-saving lamps or LED lamps;
  • Installation of large windows in rooms;
  • Use of voltage stabilizers;
  • Use of dimmers and automatic on/off lights.
  • Replacing single windows with double glazed windows.
  • Insulation of building envelopes.
  • Installation of systems for automatic control of coolant temperature depending on the ambient temperature.
  • Replacement of old boilers with more modern ones with greater efficiency.
  • Converting cars to run on liquefied gas.

Optimizing electricity consumption will have a positive impact not only on the economy of the enterprise, but also on the economy of the country as a whole.

Price list for drawing up an energy passport

Video on the topic of energy audit and energy passport

Every year, enterprises and housing complexes consume a huge amount of fuel resources, including many petroleum products. This not only leads to environmental pollution due to emissions and fumes, but also to high costs that could have been avoided.

Since 2009, the main economic task in Russia has been identified - energy efficiency in all areas of activity. This official position of the state was voiced by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. Article No. 16 of Federal Law No. 261 obliges managers of facilities subject to energy inspection to organize and conduct it before December 31, 2012. Organizations of all forms of ownership whose annual use of technological energy resources exceeds 6 thousand tons of standard fuel per year are subject to mandatory energy audit. But local governments can include facilities with a smaller volume of consumption in the list of mandatory energy audits.

An official document confirming the completion of a mandatory energy inspection - energy passport, is intended to provide all the information on the efficiency indicators of the use of fuel and energy resources in the course of economic activity. In addition, it must contain an action plan to improve the efficiency of energy use. The inspection standards are reflected in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Energy Saving”.

The most important official document indicating that an energy inspection has been carried out is the energy passport.

According to experts, European enterprises consume 3-4 times less fuel than Russian ones. The fact is that in most EU countries it has long been calculated that it is much cheaper to invest in energy conservation than in the purchase of oil or gas. The development of energy saving programs and the implementation of energy efficient solutions allows enterprises, housing complexes and various institutions to significantly reduce the cost of fuel resources. The experience of large German enterprises has shown that the results of an energy audit can save from 20 to 60% of the cost of fuel resources.

In this regard, a list of objects for which it is mandatory to obtain an energy passport was compiled and approved. It is worth noting that this group included mainly large enterprises with a consumption of more than 6 thousand tons of equivalent fuel, as well as housing complexes and various kinds of government institutions. The rest were left with a choice: get an energy passport or continue to overpay.

What is an energy passport

, first of all, an official document provided based on the results of an energy audit (energy audit). The energy passport must be verified by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and entered into the state register. An approved energy passport confirms the fact of a mandatory energy audit of an industrial facility, institution or residential building. An energy passport allows you to assess how cost-effectively energy resources are used, as well as identify opportunities for further optimization of the consumption of technological energy raw materials.

There are two established forms of energy passport. The first form is the building's energy passport. It is issued based on the results of a survey of the premises’ design and contains measures to make changes to the design that can reduce energy costs.

The second form of this document is the institution’s energy passport. It is issued one for the entire enterprise, regardless of how many buildings and divisions belong to a given legal entity. Moreover, each office, workshop, and division becomes the object of the survey. The energy passport of an institution must contain information about buildings and structures, the climatic conditions of the area in which they are located, data on microclimate parameters and energy efficiency. The last section of an institution's energy passport is the measures that need to be taken to improve the efficiency of energy use.

Many entrepreneurs postpone energy audits due to the fact that they do not have the opportunity to stop the operation of the enterprise at this time, but in vain. The fact is that there is no need to stop work at all: thermal imaging allows you to conduct an energy audit and check energy consumption without stopping the work of either people or production equipment. It also allows you to determine where the heat goes from the premises, which will significantly help you save on heating and maintain optimal microclimate parameters.

The basic requirements for the content, structure and form of presentation of data in the energy passport are regulated by GOST R51379-99.

An energy passport is the most effective way to account for consumed resources, which can help the owner optimally plan financial expenses. After all, a reasonable attitude towards resources is one of the ways to increase the company’s efficiency and achieve growth in the enterprise’s profits.

What does an energy passport include?

The energy passport (of a building) must comply with established requirements, which differ depending on:

  • Type of object, type of organization;
  • Purpose - non-production/production;
  • Varieties of technological processes carried out at the site being examined;
  • Types of power equipment.

The energy passport (of a building) has a prescribed form, developed on the basis of an order from the Ministry of Energy, and is filled out in accordance with the relevant methods. Energy passport presented to the controlling organization after a corresponding request.

The energy passport consists of the following sections:

1) title page, designed in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Energy of Russia (Order No. 182 of April 19, 2010);

2) general information about the energy sector with a summary table by year, indicating:

  • volume of production, consumed energy resources;
  • energy intensity of the manufactured product;
  • share of payment for energy resources in its cost;
  • the average number of employees of the research object;

3) information on the use of devices at the site that take into account the consumption of electrical, thermal and water resources, liquid fuel and gas, indicating the quantity and brand of the device manufacturer.

4) summary table of the energy passport on the consumption of all resources by year for all types of energy carriers:

  • information on the balance of electricity by year with a forecast for subsequent years, indicating the amounts of irrational losses;
  • information on the balance of thermal energy by year (with a forecast recommended for completion for the future period);
  • table of the balance of boiler and furnace fuel consumption with changes over the years and possible further consumption of this resource;
  • other tables for a detailed description of the resources used;

5) data on the energy efficiency indicators of an organization or facility, actual indicators and calculated and normative ones for the base year for the main efficiency indicators are used, measures to optimize the use of energy resources are listed, starting from the year of implementation, the average annual amount of savings in units is indicated. volume of resources;

6) for energy suppliers, consumers are provided with information about their losses during transportation and recommendations for their reduction;

7) information on the energy saving potential discovered during the survey according to calculated indicators, indicating costs, annual savings and payback period. The table provides additional data on the implementation of energy-saving recommendations in other organizations for comparison;

8) a detailed list of activities by type of energy resource with cost calculations and planned payback period;

9) information about officials responsible for carrying out energy saving measures and optimizing energy costs.

Who needs an energy passport

As Article 16 of the Federal Law on Mandatory Energy Inspection states, conducting a mandatory energy audit and obtaining an energy passport is necessary for organizing any form of ownership whose annual consumption of technological energy resources exceeds 6 thousand tons of standard fuel per year. Such organizations include:

  • local government bodies that have been given the status of legal entities;
  • organizations with the participation of a municipality or state;
  • organizations that carry out regulated activities;
  • enterprises that transport, extract or produce natural gas, water, electricity and heat, oil, coal, natural gas and products based on them;
  • enterprises that during a calendar year spent more than ten million rubles on the consumption of fuel of any type, coal, electricity and thermal energy.
  • and other organizations.

Timely adoption of energy saving measures pays for itself in literally 1-2 years. An energy passport will also be useful for home owners who do not want to pay extra. And also for those who want to build a country house and already have a project for the future structure.

Features of obtaining an energy passport

An energy passport is developed every 5 years.

It is noteworthy that only an organization providing energy audit services (with a Gosenergonadzor license, accredited by its regional body), or specialists from this regional body, has the right to carry out an energy inspection and issue an energy passport. Before sending the completed energy passport of an institution (boiler room, school, residential building, etc.) to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to undergo an examination by an SRO. Thus, it becomes obvious that the procedure for obtaining an energy passport requires significant time and financial costs. However, there is a way out! You can resort to the help of professionals in this matter - energy auditors of the Testing Center "Building Technologies" company.

Energy passport with ICST - high quality, affordable, fast!

The company "Testing Center "Construction Technologies" offers you a full range of services within the framework of such an area as the development of an energy passport. All our employees have been certified by Rostekhnadzor commissions. We guarantee the highest quality of work, efficiency and full reporting on the work done! With us you will not be able to not only increase the energy efficiency of the enterprise, but also reduce costs. We will provide assistance to enterprises of any type - large and small, medium and small businesses, government organizations, commercial firms. For each client we will always select the optimal energy saving program.

It should be recalled that even during the presidential term of D. A. Medvedev, a bill was adopted, the essence of which was to bring the country to the highest possible level of energy efficiency. Note that the plan was to carry out a number of procedures. The time frame was also clearly defined - until 2020. To a greater extent, ensuring energy efficiency concerns municipal enterprises, production sites and other associations that use either public funds to purchase resources, or enterprises that spend more than 10 million rubles per year on fuel (energy in any form).

An object's energy passport is a document demonstrating all the necessary information regarding energy efficiency. It is important to understand that only a representative of the relevant SRO has the right to issue this document. Moreover, the specialists of this SRO must act within the framework of the adopted program.

These include:

  • government bodies;
  • organizations where the state owns a share of objects;
  • organizations whose activities are regulated by the state;
  • organizations engaged in the production, transportation or accumulation of oil, gas, coal, petroleum products, etc.

If your enterprise does not belong to the above list in any way, you are not required to have an energy passport (by law).

However, in achieving a reduction in energy costs, obtaining the above-mentioned document has a definite meaning.

The passport indicates not only the consumption of specific resources by the enterprise. At its core, the energy passport does not apply to the building, but to the legal entity as a whole.

It reflects all the devices currently used to account for consumed resources, the actual volume of resources consumed during the reporting period, energy efficiency (current indicators), the amount of losses, and a set of measures to achieve greater energy efficiency.

The passport is obtained by the enterprise once and is valid for 5 years. Next it must be updated. It is important to understand that when fundamental changes are made to the facility’s energy system, they must immediately be reflected in the energy passport.

From the video you will find out who carries out the energy inspection and draws up a passport of the object based on the data received:

According to Part 1 of Article 198 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, information about apartment buildings, the management of which is carried out by the licensee, is subject to placement by the licensee in the GIS housing and communal services system. Among other data, the management organization places, among other things, information on energy efficiency and data from the energy passport of the apartment building. But what if an energy passport for an apartment building has never been issued and the owners refuse to finance its preparation from funds collected for maintenance and repairs? Let's try to understand this issue.

According to Part 1 of Article 15 of the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Law 261-FZ), an energy audit can be carried out in in relation to buildings, structures, structures, energy-consuming equipment, electric power facilities, thermal energy sources, heating networks, centralized heat supply systems, centralized cold water supply and (or) sanitation systems, other objects of the communal infrastructure system, technological processes, as well as in relation to legal entities, individual entrepreneurs.

According to clause 18 of the Rules for determining the energy efficiency class of apartment buildings, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 06.06.2016 No. 399/pr, the energy efficiency class of an apartment building is included in the energy passport of an apartment building.

As stated in GOST 31427-2010 Residential and public buildings. Composition of energy efficiency indicators” dated April 19, 2011, an energy passport is a document containing the geometric, energy and thermal characteristics of buildings and building designs, their enclosing structures and establishing their compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents.

Consequently, the energy passport is intended to confirm the compliance of the thermal technical indicators and energy efficiency indicators of the building with regulatory requirements.

As stated in the Letter of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, RF dated November 29, 2016 No. 40222-ACh/04: “In accordance with Part 1 of Article 12 of Federal Law No. 261-FZ, the energy efficiency class of an apartment building built, reconstructed or undergone major repairs and put into operation , as well as subject to state construction supervision, is determined by the state construction supervision body in accordance with the rules for determining the energy efficiency class of apartment buildings approved by the authorized federal executive body, the requirements for which are established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The energy efficiency class of an apartment building being put into operation is indicated in the conclusion of the state construction supervision body on the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed, or overhauled apartment building with energy efficiency requirements. A similar provision is established by paragraph 3 of the Requirements for the rules for determining the energy efficiency class of apartment buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2011 No. 18. Based on the systematic interpretation of the content of the above provisions of the legislation, it follows that the obligation to establish an energy efficiency class for an apartment building arises only after the entry into force of Federal Law No. 261-FZ and in cases where, by the nature of the construction, reconstruction, major repair work in relation to of this house are subject to state construction supervision. In addition, in accordance with Part 3 of Article 12 of Federal Law No. 261-FZ, when carrying out state housing supervision over the compliance of an apartment building, which was assigned an energy efficiency class upon commissioning, with the energy efficiency requirements during the operation of the apartment building, the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation , authorized to carry out the specified supervision when checking compliance with the rules for maintaining the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, determines the energy efficiency class of the apartment building, based on the current values ​​of the indicators used to establish the compliance of the apartment building with energy efficiency requirements, and other information about the apartment building. Thus, in the situation described in Part 3 of Article 12 of Federal Law No. 261-FZ, determining the energy efficiency class of an apartment building is also mandatory. In other cases, the establishment of the energy efficiency class of an apartment building is carried out by decision of the owners (owner) of the premises in the apartment building based on the results of an energy survey, but at the same time, compliance with the provisions of the Rules regarding the procedure for assigning a class is mandatory.”

An energy passport drawn up based on the results of an energy inspection of an apartment building is subject to transfer by the person who compiled it, to the owners of the premises in the apartment building or to the person responsible for the maintenance of the apartment building (Part 6, Article 15 of Law 261-FZ).

In accordance with Part 4 of Article 11 of Law 261-FZ, the requirements for the energy efficiency of buildings, structures, and structures are subject to revision at least once every five years in order to increase the energy efficiency of buildings, structures, and structures.

It should be taken into account that, according to Part 5 of Article 11 of Law 26-FZ, energy efficiency information does not apply to buildings and structures (i.e. there is no need to issue an energy passport: if MKDs, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are classified as cultural heritage sites (historical monuments and culture).

In addition, according to Part 1 of Article 48 of Law 26-FZ, the energy efficiency requirements of buildings, structures, structures established in accordance with this Federal Law do not apply to the following buildings, structures, structures up to before their reconstruction or major overhaul:

    buildings, structures, structures, put into operation before such requirements came into force ;

    buildings, structures, structures, construction, reconstruction, major repairs of which are carried out in accordance with design documentation approved or sent for state examination before such requirements come into force;

    buildings, structures, structures, the design documentation of which is not subject to state examination, and an application for a construction permit, which was submitted before such requirements came into force.

On January 16, 2019, the Federal Law of July 19, 2018 No. 221-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” and Article 9.16 of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses”, according to which the mandatory energy inspection (energy audit) and the mandatory development of an energy passport are cancelled.

From January 16, 2019 Federal Law of July 19, 2018 No. 221-FZ Part 5.1 of Article 15 of Law 261-FZ has been amended, according to which The energy audit is carried out on a voluntary basis.

Thus, if there is no energy passport for an apartment building, then it is mandatory to issue it only if a corresponding decision is made at a general meeting of the owners of the premises. As a rule, a voluntary energy inspection of a house and the issuance of an energy passport are carried out as part of measures to improve the energy efficiency of apartment buildings.

Accordingly, if the energy passport of the apartment building has not been received, then information about it does not need to be entered into the Housing and Communal Services GIS. The absence of such information will not constitute a violation of licensing requirements.

The company "Burmistr.ru" has developed a unique CRM system for management organizations and homeowners associations, which allows you to automate the work of the emergency dispatch service, client department, accounting, as well as work with persistent defaulters. All the necessary information on.

Note that it is possible to create a declaration of energy efficiency of houses. Please note that for those apartment buildings that were previously assigned an energy efficiency class, the declaration must be updated once every five years!

The declaration was made in full accordance with the order of the Ministry of Construction dated June 6, 2016 No. 399, so you can safely use it. What is the price? Everything is the same: up to 2 rubles from a personal account, that is, within the CRM system it’s free!

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Energy audit in Moscow - leave requests here for an energy audit.

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