What stars live in Hollywood. Go home (Hollywood stars). Britney Spears's house

Monthly apartment rent costs only $150 thousand. The celebrity couple moved here in February 2015 and still live here. The territory has 7 bedrooms, an elevator, a 23-meter gallery, a gym with a massage room. There is even a climate-controlled wine cellar. You definitely won’t be bored on the territory of this lair.

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Liv Tyler (Los Feliz, California)

The American film actress paid $3.85 million for these apartments. The grounds include dozens of palm trees and other tropical flora, lush gardens and a swimming pool. Thanks to the interior design, it’s easy to guess: Liv is crazy about the not very practical, but the purest white color.

Source: Pinterest

Ashton Kutcher (Los Angeles, California)

This house has a very funny history. Firstly, talented American designers Jeffrey and Rochelle Mills worked on it. Secondly, in 2011, Justin Bieber rented the apartment ($50 thousand per month). Kutcher managed to snatch him from the greedy clutches of “Bib” only with the help of his masculine character, patience, self-control, and $8.45 million. The property features a glass bridge, swimming pool, 5 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms.

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Tom Brady, Gisele Bündchen and Dr. Dre (Brentwood, California)

Dr. Dre bought the house from Tom Brady (American football player) and his wife Gisele (VS angel) for $40 million. The apartment area is 18,298 thousand square meters, on which you can find 5 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, 7 fireplaces, as well as mini-waterfalls and lush gardens.

Source: Pinterest

Michael Bay (Bel Air, California)

This 30 thousand square meter mansion looks like a real resort. All thanks to the rich imagination of designer Chad Oppenheim, who was not too lazy to turn the house into a fairy tale:

  • 2 giant bedrooms with glass walls;
  • a huge garage with vintage cars.

Source: Pinterest

Markus Persson (Beverly Hills, California)

Markus Persson is a Swedish programmer and game designer. For $70 million, he stole a house filled with Roberto Cavalli carpets and Hermes chairs from under the noses of Beyoncé and Jay-Z. They say there is a room in the house that was designed by Bentley designers. Also on the territory of the palace there is an elevator for cars and a home cinema designed for 18 spectators.

Source: Pinterest

CelineDion (Jupiter Island,Florida)

Celine's house looks more like a water park than a home: 24 thousand square meters, 120 of which are washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The singer had to pay $72.5 million for them.

Source: Pinterest

Miley Cyrus (StudioCity, California)

Miley's house is more modest than the previous ones: only 5,172 square meters, 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms. But there is a pool and giant windows (from floor to ceiling), through which you can see the gorgeous landscapes of the backyard (which is why this yard appears so often on Cyrus’s Instagram). In 2011, the star paid $3.9 million for the house.

Source: Pinterest

Lady Gaga (Malibu,California)

Lady Gaga's lair is another proof of her unsurpassed outrageousness. There's an entire bowling alley decorated in 1960s style. The singer's favorite thing is to surprise guests with a secret door connecting the living room, wine cellar and bowling alley (so as not to have to walk too far). The apartments include:

  • 5 bedrooms;
  • 7 baths;
  • security room;
  • office;
  • exercise machine;
  • elevator;
  • a salt water pool (for some reason the star wanted it that way);
  • stable with 8 horses;
  • exit ring;
  • guest House;
  • volleyball court near the Pacific coast.

The pleasure cost the singer $23 million.

Source: Pinterest

Tom Brady (Los Angeles, California)

This house has only one bridge crossing over a ditch, artificially dug around the apartments. It is not clear whether this is a security measure, or whether the football player is trying to hide from his wife (Gisele Bündchen) so as not to pester him. But we are 100% sure: the athlete’s pleasure cost $20 million.

The glitz and glamor of Hollywood isn't for everyone. Sure, it might be the perfect place if you like to be the center of attention, and it's probably the perfect place if you like to be the center of attention every now and then. For some actors and other A-list celebrities, this is the case, since they live far from Hollywood, but still maintain star status.

While Los Angeles may seem like an ideal place to live from the outside, it may not be from the perspective of A-listers. Here are the celebrities who decided to leave Los Angeles, and here's where they decided to settle.

10. John Mayer

John Mayer says his new residence, a multimillion-dollar vintage ranch in Montana, has a much more relaxed atmosphere than Hollywood. Mayer decided to step away from the constant spotlight after throat surgery and openly stated that since leaving Los Angeles, he has never had to take a single pill to cope with the endless attention on him.

9. Natalie Portman

Miss Portman calls the city of love, the capital of France, Paris, her home. Of course, when she is needed for filming, she flies to Los Angeles on a private jet, but she chose Paris as the city to live. It is common knowledge that Paris has very strict laws when it comes to celebrities, which is why many A-listers choose to live there. And this is not to mention the excellent cuisine and magnificent culture.

8. Chris Hemsworth

Thor deserves to live where he wants, and he chose the Australian beach and surf town of Byron Bay. It's located in northern New South Wales, and any photos will tell you why the actor moved here. It's just an amazing place where there is no stress, comfortable living with family and where you can forget about everything else. Hemsworth says that Los Angeles is a great place that has given him so much, but where at every turn you are reminded of cinema and your place in the film industry.

7. Mark Ruffalo

After he and his wife realized that the actor was only acting in movies to provide for his family, Hulk decided it was time for a change. They [Mark and family] headed to the other side of the country to settle in upstate New York. Here they have a small residence, with livestock, an orchard and a vegetable garden. Sounds too much like paradise for someone so used to the spotlight.

6. Elijah Wood

If you're a celebrity, you're not often treated like an ordinary person. Perhaps moving to Texas is the solution. Elijah Wood, or Frodo, packed his bags in Los Angeles and headed south to Austin, Texas, where he now lives in a $1 million mansion spread over 270 square meters. m. He says that he regrets not moving here earlier, because here everyone treats him like an ordinary local resident, and not like it was in Los Angeles, where they bother you, record your every move and the like.

5. John Travolta

Anyone who knows John Travolta knows that he is an aviation fanatic. Travolta and his family live in Jumbolair Aviation Estates in Florida, where each home has its own runway and taxiway to the front door. He and his wife boast three private jets and the ability to view the world from above. A mansion with private airspace and a runway is really cool.

4. Hugh Jackman

Contrary to the claims of many that Mr. Wolverine resides in Los Angeles, he lives in Melbourne, Australia. He may have a house in Hollywood (that's a secret), but his main residence is in southern Australia. He says it has a much more relaxed atmosphere, overall quality of life and is a great city to live with a family. Looks like if you want to get rid of stress, you need to move out of Hollywood!

3. Daniel Day-Lewis

Perhaps one of the most different places from Los Angeles is an Irish farm. This is where the Lincoln star lives with his family, so why not? Often celebrities try to escape the spotlight, and this “rural paradise,” as Day-Lewis describes it, seems like just such a refuge.

2. Vera Farmiga

Like Australia, New York State seems to be one of the most popular destinations for major international stars. After meeting her future husband on the set of the film Touch of Evil, Vera gave birth to two children, moved upstate and bought four more children...(goats). It feels like A-list stars are trying to create their own residence where the media can't reach them.

1.Julia Roberts

The actress lives a fairly peaceful and stress-free life in New Mexico, where her residence is located. Julia Roberts lives here with her family in hopes of remaining unnoticed by the paparazzi, but they always find a way to get her. Some celebrities need a break from their hectic Hollywood lives, but Roberts gets that opportunity every day!

Most Hollywood stars buy homes in California. This is due to the purity and natural resources of this state. It is quiet, calm here, and nearby there is a quiet ocean with azure shores and warm water. California is warm 350 days a year, but the air here is dry, making summer quite easy to endure.

The stars also order the installation of air conditioners, as well as swimming pools, to make the heat easier to bear.
The Pacific Ocean is a source of quality seafood. Undoubtedly, California has its own special and unique atmosphere. For this reason, many stars of one size or another settle here. Below you can see a list of the most expensive celebrity homes in California.

#8 – Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart's mansion. The cost of the house is estimated at 2.2 million dollars. It is located in the city of Los Angeles. Its area is 312 sq. meters. The house has 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a veranda and a small office. There is an adjacent area of ​​1000 square meters. meters. Here you can make a fire and have a picnic. Kristen has her own pool.

#7 – Justin Bieber

The Oaks Mansion belongs to popular musician Justin Bieber. Its cost is 6.5 million. The house has 6 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms.

No. 6 – Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez has a cute mansion that looks more like a palace. Its cost reaches 10 million dollars. The area where the house is located reaches a size of 12 thousand square meters, while the area of ​​the mansion is 890 square meters. m. Inside there are 8 bedrooms, as well as 7 bathrooms and a luxurious sauna. Near the house there is a swimming pool and a special building for its maintenance. Not far from all this you can find a garage designed exclusively for Porsche.

#5 – Uma Thurman

Uma Thurman's house cost $14 million. It extends over 5 floors, in which there are 7 bedrooms as well as 6 bathrooms. The area of ​​this building is 450 square meters.

#4 – Harrison Ford

Harrison Ford's Penthouse Costs $16 Million! He did not deny himself the pleasure of purchasing an 11-room apartment among expensive skyscrapers. The apartment has its own elevator, roof terrace, and gym.

No. 3 – Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio owns a property worth $18.9 million. His mansion is conveniently located in the most elite area of ​​Malibu. The actor also has other mansions that are located on both coasts of the United States.

No. 2 – Jennifer Aniston

2. Jennifer Aniston. The actress owns a substantial mansion in Los Angeles. The price of her house is $19.5 million. Before that, she sold the house, which is located in Beverly Hills, for 35 million.

No. 1 – Britney Spears

Singer and actress Britney Spears takes honorable first place. She built herself a house according to the design of a famous designer. This pleasure cost 20 million dollars. The total area of ​​the building was 2000 square meters. The mansion is striking in its size. Inside there are 30 bathrooms, as well as 10 bedrooms. In addition, near the house there is a tennis court, grottoes, waterfalls and swimming pools.

Stars try not to skimp on real estate, as well as their personal space. Even if they don’t spend too much time in their many mansions, it’s still nice to return to where you are expected, and every corner is painfully familiar. You always want every corner of your home to be relaxing and enjoyable, especially if it’s hard to count them.

Jennifer Aniston, Bel Air Mansion

Jennifer Aniston bought a magnificent house on 900 square meters of land and spent two years completely modernizing it and making it green, installing solar panels for free and free energy. Trees were planted around the house to create coziness and protect the house from the scorching sun. The bedroom windows overlook the pool and the city. There is a fireplace outside for evening gatherings by the fire in the fresh air. The mansion complex includes 5 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms, two living rooms, a gym, a staff room, a garage, a bar, billiards, a game room, a spa, ponds and fountains.

Julia Roberts, house in Malibu Beach

The windows of Julia Roberts' house offer a gorgeous view of Malibu beach. According to real estate agents, Roberts purchased two adjacent houses and turned them into a single complex. We must pay tribute to the actress; she is an ardent supporter of protecting the environment. The roof of her house is covered with recycled slate, and the floor is covered with eco-friendly bamboo.

50 CENT, Connecticut mansion

This “house” cost the rapper $4.1 million, and it has everything from a strip club to an entire sports complex. The mansion even has a special room for the singer’s grandmother, which is called “grandmother’s room.” The rapper recently put his house on the market for $10 million.

Sylvester Stallone, Beverly Hills mansion

The actor's house has 4 luxurious fireplaces, 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms. The stunningly beautiful mansion cost Stallone $4.5 million, and it offers truly magnificent views of the mountains.

Sandra Bullock - Gothic style mansion in New Orleans

The $2.250 million home is located in New Orleans. The area of ​​the luxurious estate is more than 6,000 square meters. The home has five bedrooms, four bathrooms, a ballroom and a dining room. Everything is decorated with marble and other attributes of luxurious life.

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, Calabasas Mansion

The Smith family's residence is located near Calabasas, in the Santa Monica Mountains. Responsible for the project is Stephen Samuelson. The architect created an enclave for celebrities and their children, full of intimate spaces, organic forms and crafts. The site on which the house stands has a rather complex terrain, so the designer had to take this into account at the very beginning.

At 25 thousand m2, in addition to the standard spaces such as a dining room, kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms, there is also a private recording studio, a billiard room, a cinema, and a meditation room. Beneath the stucco ceilings are beams from old houses. Wrought iron railings and river stone mosaic flooring. The house is fragrant with the spirit of ancient cultures. That's thanks to the Smiths' collection, which includes antiques and antiques from the Middle East, Asia, Africa and the American Southwest. Vintage is intertwined with oriental, Indian fabrics, animal patterns and cozy decorations.

Avicii, villa in Hollywood

The luxurious villa of the famous DJ has everything for a comfortable stay: several rooms, a cinema hall, many swimming pools. The walls of the villa are decorated with numerous mirrors that visually expand the space.

The design of the house is such that it seems as if it is hanging in the air. Impressive!

Rihanna, Villa Barbados

The house is located in Los Angeles. The area is 1021 square meters. There is a media room, game room, large kitchen and spacious dining room. The huge swimming pool is located next to the barbecue area and bar. All equipment, including light, fireplace, alarm, etc., is operated using a control panel.

George Clooney, Lake Como Charmer

The villa is located in the Italian city of Laglio. The house has 25 rooms, an outdoor theater, a large swimming pool and a motorcycle garage.

Conan O'Brien, Pacific Palisades

The famous comedian's home is located in Pacific Palisades. To expand the territory of his garden, he even bought land from his neighbor. The house has 6 rooms, 8 bathrooms, high ceilings and 6 fireplaces. Not without a couple of swimming pools, a gym and a spa.

Tiger Woods, castle in Jupiter Island

Another athlete who made it to this list. His home is located in Florida, there is a huge golf course, a fitness center, a swimming pool, elevators and much more necessary for a beautiful life. The cost of the castle is 60 million dollars.

Taylor Swift, house in Rhode Island

The country-pop star has been too busy with real estate deals lately. In April, Taylor Swift purchased a beach house in Rhode Island (2 hectares of adjacent territory, including 200 m of shore). A little earlier, she got rid of the same house in Hyannis (Massachusetts), selling it for $5.7 million.

In addition, the singer owns two mansions in Nashville and a house in Beverly Hills, which Swift bought in 2012 for $4 million.

John Travolta, Florida home with private airport

John Travolta is one of the richest actors in Hollywood. His house in Florida - a huge two-story mansion sixteen meters high, designed in Art Nouveau style - provides parking for two of the actor's planes - a Boeing 707 and a Gulf Stream - as well as a garage for 16 cars.

Yes, the planes in this photo are real. Travolta is a passionate fan of everything related to aviation: he adores airplanes since childhood, from the age of five. The actor has a pilot's license and has spent a total of several thousand hours in the sky. Travolta named his own planes after his children.

By the way, it was on his Boeing that Travolta flew to Tahiti in 2010 to help earthquake victims: to deliver them medical supplies and special clothing and equipment for doctors. On the same plane, Travolta flew with his family to Russia that same year.

Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady, home in Los Angeles

The top model's castle-like mansion, which she shares with her husband, American football player Tom Brady, has an area of ​​2,050 square meters. m. The house has 8 spacious bedrooms, a gym, and a wine cellar. It has a garage for 6 cars and an elevator. There is a lagoon-shaped swimming pool nearby.

Matt Damon, home in Pacific Palisades

The house is located on a plot of 27 thousand square meters. Brokers called the mansion “the best home in Pacific Palisades” (Los Angeles area).

It has 7 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, a guest room, an office, a gym, two maid's quarters and a 5-car garage. The home has an open floor plan, vaulted mahogany ceilings and glass walls. His childhood friend Ben Affleck and his wife had already come to swim in Damon’s pool.

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