Georgia map with borders of other states. Detailed map of georgia

Satellite map of Georgia. Explore the satellite map of Georgia online in real time. detailed map Georgia created on the basis of satellite images high definition. As close as possible, the satellite map of Georgia allows you to explore in detail the streets, individual houses and sights of Georgia. The map of Georgia from the satellite easily switches to the mode regular card(scheme).

Georgia- a country in the Caucasus, located between countries such as Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia. This unique country by its geographical location, since it simultaneously belongs to both Asia and Europe. And yet, most of the country's territory is located in the European part of the mainland.

Tbilisi- the capital of the state, standing on the banks of the Kura River. It is very beautiful and ancient city, whose history has been going on for more than 15 centuries. However, fans of historical sights will be interested not only in Tbilisi. Monuments of history, culture and architecture of different centuries and eras are scattered throughout the country, and the oldest of them are over 2000 years old. In total, there are about 10 thousand monuments in Georgia. The most worthy and most ancient sights in the country are the acropolis in Mtskheta, when it was the royal residence; the fortified city of Ujarma, built in the 5th century; ancient settlements with fortresses preserved in them, etc.

Do not forget about natural monuments Georgia, because it Mountain country with many landscapes and natural areas. One of the main natural attractions is located near Batumi. This is an amazingly beautiful botanical garden with rare plants, flowers and shrubs. Tourists also fell in love with a huge cave complex in the Athos region, numerous lakes and the Dinosaur Plateau.

IN Georgia tourists are attracted not only rich story And beautiful nature, but also opportunities for excellent, varied recreation. Today there are more than 100 resorts in Georgia - both coastal and high-mountain ones. In summer, tourists come to Batumi and Kobuleti to spend a pleasant time on Black Sea coast, and in winter they go for a portion of adrenaline in the mountains - on ski resorts Shovi, Bakhmaro and others.

(Republic of Georgia)

General information

Geographical position. Georgia is a state in the Transcaucasian region. In the west it is washed by the waters of the Black Sea. In the north it borders on Russia, in the south - on Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey. Georgia consists of two autonomous republics: Adzharia and Abkhazia and the autonomous region of South Ossetia.

Square. The territory of Georgia occupies 69,700 sq. km.

Main cities, administrative divisions. The capital of Georgia is Tbilisi. The largest cities: Tbilisi (1,353 thousand people), Kutaisi (236 thousand people), Batumi (137 thousand people), Sukhumi (120 thousand people). Georgia includes 65 regions, as well as the autonomous republics of Abkhazia and Adzharia, and the autonomous region of South Ossetia.

Political system

Georgia-republic. The head of state is the president. The legislative body is Parliament.

Relief. Most of The territory of Georgia is covered with mountains, about a third is occupied by dense forests. main ridge Caucasus mountains forms the northern border of the country, there are highest points Georgia, the main of which is Mount Shkhara (5068 m). The Lesser Caucasus Range occupies southern part Georgia, but here the height of the mountains rarely exceeds 3,000 m.

Geological structure and minerals. The bowels of the country contain rich reserves of manganese, iron and copper ores, minor - coal and oil.

Climate. The climate of Georgia depends on the region: subtropical in the Colchis Valley and on the Black Sea coast and continental in mountainous areas.

Inland waters. The main rivers are Kura, Rioni; lakes - Paleostomi, Ritsa, Aletkel.

Soils and vegetation. The soils are red soils, yellow soils, chernozems, etc. About 40% of the territory is occupied by forests. There are 15 reserves in Georgia, the main of which are: Lagodekhi-s deciduous forests, subalpine and alpine meadows.

Animal world. There is a tour in Georgia Mountain goat, bear, deer, roe deer, lynx, many birds, there are snakes.

Population and language

The population of the country is about 5.109 million people. Ethnic composition very diverse - almost 100 different ethnic groups, in particular Georgians -

70.1%, Armenians - 8.1%, Russians - 6.3%, Azerbaijanis - 5.7%, Ossetians - 3.0%, Abkhazians -1.8%, Kurds, Adzhars, Greeks. Languages: Georgian (state), Russian.


Georgian Orthodox Church- 65%, Russian Orthodox Church -10%, Islam - 11%, Armenian Orthodox Church - 8%.

Brief historical outline

From the 6th century BC e. Georgia was a Greek colony: its western region was called Colchis, the eastern one was Iberia.

IV century. BC e. Georgia was united into a single kingdom. IV century. n. e. Christianity came to the country.

In the 7th century Georgia was conquered by the Arabs, and in the XI-Turks-Seljuks. King of Georgia David II in the XII century. expelled the Turks and restored independence.

However, in the XIII century. Georgia was conquered by the Mongols, and later it fell under the rule of Iran and the Ottoman Empire.

In the middle of the XVIII century. the Kingdom of Georgia was proclaimed, which in 1801 became part of the Russian Empire.

In 1918, Georgia regained its independence, in 1922 Georgia, together with Armenia and Azerbaijan, became part of the Transcaucasian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, and in 1936 became a union republic within the USSR.

In April 1991 Georgia declared independence.

Brief economic essay

Leading industries: food (including tea, fruit canning, wine-making sub-sectors; production of tung, fragrant essential oils, bottling mineral waters), light, mechanical engineering, chemical, petrochemical and oil refining, ferrous metallurgy. Mining manganese ores, coal, non-ferrous metal ores, barite. The Black Sea regions of Georgia are specialized in the production of tea, citrus fruits, bay leaf; in the eastern part of Georgia, the leading role belongs to viticulture, fruit growing is developed. Grain crops (wheat, corn, barley). The main branches of animal husbandry are meat and dairy cattle breeding, sheep breeding, pig breeding, and poultry farming. Gas pipelines from North Caucasus and Azerbaijan.

The monetary unit is lari.

Brief essay culture

Art and architecture. Tbilisi. Cathedral of Sioni (5th century); monastery of st. David 6th century; Anchiskhat Basilica (VI-VII centuries). Kutaisi. Temple of Bagrat (X-XI century). Mtskheta. Patriarchal Cathedral of Svetitskhoveli (X-XI century). Gelati. Gelati Monastery (beginning of the XII century), the building of the Academy (XII century).

Literature. Shota Rustaveli (XII century) - the author of the poem "The Knight in the Panther's Skin", included in the treasury of world literature; anticipated the humanistic ideas of the Early Renaissance, became the founder of the new Georgian literary language; Alexander Chavchavadze (1786-1846) - the founder of romanticism in Georgian poetry ("Lake Gokcha", "Caucasus").

Many of the descriptions of the maps of Georgia in Russian below will give you the opportunity to choose the one that will help you find the place you are looking for. One makes it clear to the reader the location of all the cities, towns and villages of Georgia, while the other map of Georgia will show us historical sights and other tourist sites. You will still find what you are looking for.

satellite map

On this moment there is no real-time map of Georgia, but we can offer a version that has earned great confidence from the whole world.

Service " Google Maps” from Google provides an opportunity to see a high-quality interactive image of the area taken by a satellite from the Earth's orbit. The solid white line marks the administrative boundaries of the territories; when approaching, one can clearly see cities, villages, streets and houses.

To get a closer look at a specific area in a specific place, you need:

  • Hover over image earth's surface and rotate it using the mouse wheel;
  • Double-click the left mouse button in the desired location to zoom in on the map;
  • Use the "+", "-" buttons at the bottom of the GoogleMaps window.

Tip: "To switch from satellite mode to city mode (simple) and back, you need to click on the button in the corner of the 'GoogleMaps' window."

Tourist card

On cards of this type, tourist areas, historical monuments, sights of Georgia.

Each region has its own wealth: somewhere the national treasure is wine, somewhere mountains. Other regions are famous for the sea, hunting, tangerines.

Georgian resorts are displayed on one of the types of tourist maps. This is where all the lovers go. sun rays And salty sea. The abundance of all kinds of excursions here can not but rejoice.

Geographic (physical) map with the location of cities and towns
The names of all cities and other villages on such maps of Georgia are written in Russian. If necessary, you can download the map to a personal computer, mobile phone and any similar device and analyze in any offline graphics editor.

Road map

This section is intended for auto travelers in Russia. Before going to Georgia, drivers will not be superfluous to familiarize themselves with the network road Georgia, to understand how and where to get. Please note: the roads for a jeep and a passenger car are marked in the same color, so a passenger car may not always be able to drive along such roads without consequences.

Usually, time-tested roads are highlighted in red, on which you can accelerate well and where any car will pass without problems, regardless of its size. The yellow color also indicates good roads, but their quality is lower than high-speed ones.

Black sea coast

Along the Black Sea coastline, the length of which is 94.5 km (on the territory of Georgia), is located a large number of large and medium towns, where summer season no end to tourists. If you have settled in one of these places and do not know where you are, it is recommended to open a map of the coast of Georgia in Russian and find your town.

Tip: “Don't overlook the unevenness of the mountain surface if you prefer to travel by car. There are no gas stations here. Therefore, it is recommended to refuel to the maximum in front of such areas. All gas stations are also marked on similar guidebooks of the coastal zone of Georgia.”

Any traveler simply needs the above set. In skillful hands, each of them will help you find your way to the hotel, and to the nearest gas station, and generally anywhere.


Cities and towns of Georgia on one big map

There is one country in the Caucasus, which seems to be ordinary, but constantly attracts tourists with its beauty. There is the sea, there are magnificent mountains, ancient cities with thousands of sights. The country has developed its own traditions, and local kitchen the best in the world. Wine that is made locals is a miracle of miracles. How do they celebrate holidays? In general, if you have not yet guessed which country we are talking about, then we will call it - this is Georgia. When going here on vacation, you should think carefully about which city or which mountains to go to. It's not an easy choice, it's good and beautiful everywhere. And to think it over and do it well right choice, we made just such a map of Georgia with all the cities and towns, resorts and attractions. The map is very detailed, and you can take it on a trip if you plan to travel around the country itself. In general, watch and enjoy.

You have probably noticed that Europeans and residents of the whole world call Georgia none other than Georgia. And do you know why that is? The thing is that St. George is a very popular saint in these parts. People worshiped him worship until now. In the Middle Ages, there were more than 360 churches of St. George in the country, and many have survived to this day.
In Russia and a number of other countries, Georgia is called Georgia, and nothing else. This name comes from the Arabic-Persian - Gurzan, which means: the country of wolves.
No matter how and whoever calls this country, it is still beautiful and unique. And having been here once, you will want to visit it again.

Interactive map of Georgia

This card is very handy. It is interactive and can be moved and moved. To get a better view of any place, simply zoom in on the map to the maximum and then you can easily see large cities, city streets and small villages.

Capital of Georgia

The capital of Georgia is beautiful and beautiful Tbilisi. The city was founded in the fifth century AD and is now the largest and most populated city countries. Geographically, Tbilisi is located between Europe and Asia, therefore, repeatedly precisely because of geographical location this is where the wars started. Always different nations dreamed of capturing the city and owning this strategic place.
According to the latest census, one million one hundred thousand inhabitants live in the capital of Georgia. The city is constantly being built and rebuilt. But the main ancient sights have been preserved and restored. Now almost one hundred thousand tourists come to Tbilisi every year. And every year the tourist flow to the city is increasing.

Map of Georgia for tourists

We invite you to download and keep interesting map for a tourist. The map shows the main resorts of the country, and the drawings show what makes this or that region so attractive. With such a map, you can easily organize a trip around Georgia on your own and see it in all its glory.

Main cities of Georgia

There are other large cities in Georgia besides Tbilisi. For example, this is Kutaisi, which the residents themselves call the city of May and roses.
According to archaeologists, Kutaisi was founded in the fifth century BC, and it turns out that it is ten centuries older than the modern capital of Georgia. Now the population of the city is about 150 thousand people. Over the past decades, there has been a trend towards a decrease in the population of the city. Many residents try to move to the capital, while others leave the country altogether.
Next Big City country - Batumi. He is still largest port Georgia and is located on the Black Sea coast.
Batumi has an old historical city center and a modern area with skyscrapers. The city receives a huge amount of rainfall. It rains more often than the sun shines. About 150 thousand people live in the city, and the population has remained almost unchanged for several decades.

Map of Georgia with landmarks

Georgia on the world map

Georgia detailed map

Georgia map

Georgia on the world map is located in several regions: in the Middle East, Western Asia and Eastern Europe. Geographically, the country is located in the central and western parts of Transcaucasia. Administrative map Georgia will show that the state borders on Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia and Turkey.

Thanks to its access to the Black Sea, the country is an attractive tourist power. A detailed map of Georgia will show many resorts and unique protected areas. In total, there are eight national parks and fourteen reserves. The map of Georgia with sights contains a large number of ancient monasteries, cathedrals, as well as entire cities that are considered monuments of culture and architecture.

In the capital of the country, Tbilisi, you can visit museums, entertainment venues, cafes and restaurants. A map of Georgia will help you decide on excursions. To visit more interesting places worth renting a car.

A map of Georgia in Russian from Arrivo will help you navigate freely around the country.

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