Coffee with mint. Mint tea: its benefits and harms, application Do they drink coffee with mint?

Coffee with mint is a recipe that does not belong to traditional methods of making coffee. The drink prepared according to this recipe has an original taste and aroma. It should be noted that mint contains essential oils and menthol with a pronounced smell and taste, so it should be added in small quantities. Let's consider several 3 options for preparing the drink.

Classic mint coffee recipe

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup of freshly brewed coffee;
  • mint leaves - 2 pcs.

Making classic coffee with mint

First of all, you need or. Infuse the finished coffee a little and pour it into a cup. Place 1-2 mint leaves in a cup, wait until they steam and begin to emit a subtle aroma, after which the finished drink can be consumed.

Coffee recipe with mint and orange zest

  • ground coffee – 2 tsp;
  • finely ground orange zest – 0.5 tsp;
  • a few mint leaves;
  • water – 100ml.

Making coffee with mint and orange zest

Pour in ground coffee and place on the fire without water to heat up. The water needs to be heated separately. Pour hot water over the highly heated Turkish coffee, add crushed mint leaves and orange zest and place on the fire. Bring everything to a boil and remove from heat and pour into a cup.

Coffee recipe with mint and milk

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 100 ml strong black coffee;
  • mint essence – 5 drops;
  • milk – 2 tbsp;
  • fresh mint – 4 leaves;
  • chocolate syrup – 2 tbsp;
  • 2 ice cubes.

Coffee with mint: harm and benefit

Coffee with mint

Coffee with mint is an unusual drink. A couple of sips of a chilled coffee cocktail is perfectly refreshing in the summer heat; when hot, it will be an excellent addition to breakfast, as it will give you a boost of energy for the whole day. In addition, coffee with mint is very useful.

Coffee with mint: beneficial properties

In order to understand the benefits of coffee with mint, you need to familiarize yourself with the beneficial properties of its ingredients. Thus, coffee contains phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iron, calcium, fiber, vitamins B1, B2 and PP. Coffee is an excellent antioxidant. Those who regularly drink this drink experience fewer memory problems. Coffee is also considered a powerful aphrodisiac. Drinking chilled coffee helps men suffering from impotence. In addition, in coffee drinkers, sperm move faster, which accompanies faster fertilization. And we can continue listing the beneficial properties of coffee for a long time. As for mint, the aromatic leaves are saturated with essential oils, stimulate digestion, help with diarrhea, and relieve nausea. The list of beneficial properties also includes lowering blood pressure. Mint has choleretic and diaphoretic effects. It is also useful for stress and insomnia.

How to make coffee with mint

There are several recipes for this aromatic drink. We'll offer a couple.

Coffee with mint. Simple recipe

  • ground coffee – 2 teaspoons,
  • mint – 2 leaves,
  • purified water – 150 ml,
  • vanilla - optional
  • sugar - to taste.

Cooking method

  1. Brew a portion of coffee in the usual way. To do this, you can use a coffee maker or Turkish coffee maker.
  2. Pour the finished drink into a warmed cup.
  3. Add mint leaves to your coffee and use a spoon to enhance the taste and aroma.
  4. Put in sugar. Stir. Add a piece of vanilla if desired.
  5. Let the drink brew for a couple of minutes and you can enjoy a delicious aromatic drink.

Coffee made with mint infusion

You will need:

  • mint – 1 bunch,
  • water – 500 ml,
  • coffee - 2 teaspoons,
  • sugar - to taste.

Cooking method

  1. Wash mint leaves. Cut into strips or tear into small pieces by hand.
  2. Place the leaves in a glass jar and fill with hot water. Let it sit for 2-3 hours.
  3. Based on the prepared mint infusion, we brew coffee in a Turk. Attention: if the infusion turns out to be very concentrated, then the coffee should be brewed in water, and then add a couple of teaspoons of infusion to the drink.
  4. Cool the finished coffee. In the summer heat, you can add a few ice cubes to the drink. Enjoy!

You can diversify the drinks prepared according to the suggested recipes by adding milk, orange zest, cinnamon and other ingredients to taste.

Coffee with mint

Coffee with mint is a recipe for a drink that has a truly fresh taste and special aroma. Of course, the combination of mint and coffee will bring pleasure to both ordinary coffee connoisseurs and coffee gourmets. Preparing the drink is quite simple. There are many options for deliciously brewing coffee with mint, let’s look at a few of them.

Cooking time - 10 minutes

Calorie content - 7 kcal per serving.

Ingredients 1

  • Ground natural coffee – 2 teaspoons;
  • Mint – 4-5 leaves;
  • Purified water – 100 ml;
  • Sugar – 2 teaspoons.

Recipe 1

  1. Prepare Turkish coffee using your usual method.
  2. Take mint leaves, rinse under water, tear into small pieces and place in a cup. Mash them gently with a spoon.
  3. Pour hot, freshly brewed coffee into a cup.
  4. Add sugar.
  5. Leave the drink to brew for 3 minutes.
  6. Your refreshing mint coffee is ready to drink!

Ingredients 2

  • Ground natural coffee – 3 tablespoons;
  • Mint – 4-5 leaves;
  • Vanilla – 1 stick;
  • Purified water – 400 ml;
  • Sugar – 5 teaspoons;

Recipe 2

  1. Pour the entire amount of sugar into the Turk and heat over low heat. Be careful not to burn it as it melts. It should be kept on fire for no longer than 1 minute.
  2. Add coffee and vanilla stick to sugar. Pour water over all ingredients and cook over low heat.
  3. When you see that the coffee has begun to rise, you need to remove the Turk from the burner and let it brew.
  4. Meanwhile, tear the mint leaves into pieces and mash them gently in a bowl.
  5. Strain the coffee from the grounds and safely pour into cups.

Bon appetit!

Coffee with mint

Many people know mint as a spice that is added to teas and cooling drinks. Only a few people know that it can also be used to make coffee. Coffee with mint is a very unusual drink, the taste of which not everyone will like. Since mint contains essential oils and menthol, which have a pronounced taste, it must be added in very small doses. This herb can make not only coffee, but also mint lemonade extraordinary.

The main thing is to follow the recipe so as not to drown out the true coffee taste. If everything is done correctly, you will get an unusual drink that is perfectly invigorating, refreshing and tonic. Follow the suggested recipes, prepare amazing coffee and mint drinks and surprise your loved ones. We also recommend paying attention to another very unusual drink - compote with gooseberries and mint.

Coffee with mint and basil


  • coffee – 1 teaspoon
  • peppermint – 3 leaves
  • lemon basil – 2 leaves
  • honey - to taste
  • ginger - a pinch

We prepare coffee in the usual way. Add a spicy dressing: chopped mint and basil leaves, mix with honey and a pinch of ginger. Stir the coffee and serve with a mint leaf.

Mint coffee with orange


  • mint leaves – 20 pcs.
  • coffee – 1 teaspoon
  • orange – 1 slice
  • cardamom - a pinch
  • nutmeg - a pinch

First of all, prepare the mint infusion. To do this, pour boiling water over mint leaves and leave. Brew coffee, add the required amount of infusion and a slice of orange. Season the coffee with a little cardamom and nutmeg.

Vanilla mint coffee


  • ground coffee – 1 teaspoon
  • vanilla - on the tip of a knife
  • mint – 3 leaves
  • granulated sugar – 0.5 tsp

Pour sugar into the pot, put it on fire, after half a minute add coffee and vanilla, add water. Remove the coffee from the heat as soon as it starts to boil. While the coffee is steeping, chop the mint leaves and add to the drink.

Coffee with mint and zest


  • ground coffee – 2 teaspoons
  • mint leaves – 3 pcs.
  • orange zest – 0.25 teaspoon
  • lemon zest – 0.25 teaspoon

Pour coffee into the pot, lightly toast it, add hot water, add crushed mint leaves, lemon and orange zest. Bring the mixture to a boil, strain and drink.

Mint coffee with cocoa


  • coffee beans – 50 g
  • mint – 50 g
  • cocoa powder – 0.5 tsp

Mix mint leaves with coffee beans and roast in the oven at 90 degrees for about an hour. Then we grind them in a coffee grinder and cook them in a Turk in the usual way. Add a little cocoa to the finished coffee and mix well.

Coffee with mint and milk


  • strong coffee – 100 ml
  • milk – 3 tbsp. spoons
  • fresh mint – 4 leaves
  • ice - 3 cubes
  • chocolate syrup – 2 tbsp. spoons

While the coffee is cooling, grind ice cubes, milk, chocolate syrup, and mint in a blender bowl. Add the mint-milk mixture to the coffee and garnish with a mint leaf.

If you have not tried coffee with mint before, we advise you to definitely experiment. It is possible that this particular product will become an indispensable attribute of your coffee. This drink is simply ideal in the summer heat, when you really want to refresh yourself.

Mint tea: benefits and harms

Mint is a widely grown aromatic plant that contains large amounts of menthol. Mint has a wide range of uses: it is used in cosmetics, pharmacology, aromatherapy, herbal medicine and in cooking. This plant is most widely used in the preparation of aromatic tea. Since mint tea is very tasty, it does not need to be mixed with other herbs or teas. It all depends on each person's preferences.

Benefits of mint tea

Mint is a medicinal plant, so mint tea has a lot of healing properties:

  • Relieves pain in women during menstruation;
  • Relieves the unpleasant symptoms of menopause;
  • Has a diuretic and antiseptic effect;
  • Thanks to menthol in its composition, it has antibacterial properties against colds and infectious diseases;
  • Reduces the level of male hormones in the female body;
  • Improves appetite, but at the same time reduces hunger. Therefore, it is good for losing weight;
  • Improves brain activity;
  • Relieves muscle pain and migraines;
  • Lowers blood pressure;
  • If you drink less than two cups of mint tea a day, it will invigorate you, but if on the contrary, you will feel weak and want to sleep;
  • Frees the body from toxins and poisons;
  • Improves metabolic processes;
  • It has a diuretic effect, which is also good for weight loss.

Harm of mint tea

If you have an allergy or individual intolerance to mint, it is strictly forbidden to drink mint tea.

Can pregnant women drink mint tea?

If you drink no more than two cups, mint tea has a very good effect on a pregnant woman. It makes it easier to survive toxicosis, as it relieves dizziness and nausea, calms the nervous system and helps eliminate anxiety and fears of childbirth. In addition, it increases female libido, eliminates dizziness, and fights swelling.

Many drugs are prohibited to take during pregnancy. Peppermint tea will help a woman recover from colds without harming the child.

Can men drink mint tea?

Many people wonder why men should not drink mint tea. Thanks to scientific experiments, scientists have proven that when consumed regularly, mint tea can reduce the amount of testosterone in the human body. But this does not mean that men are prohibited from drinking mint tea. Due to the constant consumption of a cup of tea per day, absolutely nothing bad will happen, and potency will not suffer.

Coffee with mint is a drink for everyone. The plant is rich in essential oils and menthol, so if you overdose, the aroma and rich taste of mint can kill the aroma and taste of coffee. But if you adhere to the proportions and preparation technology, you can get an original and very tasty coffee with mint, which has an invigorating and refreshing effect. This is what we will do now.

The first method is for “pioneers”

If you have never added a component such as mint to coffee before, we recommend starting with this recipe. The finished drink will have only light refreshing notes of menthol.

Required ingredients:

  • 2 leaves of fresh peppermint;
  • 2 tsp. finely ground coffee;
  • 150 ml cold water;
  • 1-2 tsp. sugar powder.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Brew classic coffee in any way convenient for you.
  2. Pour the coffee into a cup and place mint leaves on top. When heated, mint will impart its aroma and taste to the finished drink.
  3. Add sugar to coffee and stir. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes.

Coffee with mint and vanilla

To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 tbsp. l. ground coffee;
  • 5 mint leaves;
  • 400 ml water;
  • vanilla pod;
  • sugar to taste and optional (can be replaced with honey).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pour sugar into a Turk and place on low heat. Keep it on the fire for about 1-2 minutes, stirring regularly and making sure that the sugar melts but does not burn.
  2. Add coffee to sugar and pour in water. Remove the Turk from the heat as soon as the foam rises. Stir the contents and return the cezve to the fire. Repeat this manipulation one more time.
  3. Add washed and dried mint leaves to a cup and crush them with a teaspoon.
  4. Remove the vanilla bean from the coffee and pour into cups. If you want to cool down on a hot day, add a few ice cubes to your cup.

Another mint coffee recipe

If you liked the previous versions of the drink, but want to experiment with the richness of taste, then the next recipe is for you. To prepare a refreshing mint coffee, you must first prepare a mint infusion, on the basis of which the drink will be prepared.

Cooking features:

  1. To make an infusion, you need to wash and cut a bunch of mint into strips.
  2. Then place the chopped raw materials in a fireproof bowl and pour boiling water over them. Let the mint steep for several hours. Strain and refrigerate.
  3. Next time. When you brew coffee, pour mint infusion into the pot, not water.

Advice: if the infusion is too concentrated, then brew the drink in water and add only a few spoons of the infusion.

Peppermint mocha like from Starbucks

This drink can truly surprise you. Deep creamy taste with refreshing notes, excellent texture... What is its secret? Let's cook together and find out.

Ingredients needed for mint syrup:

  • 1.5 tbsp. water;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • a large bunch of mint (can be replaced with 1 tsp mint essence).

Required ingredients for mocha:

  • ¾ tbsp. milk;
  • 30 g dark chocolate with high cocoa content;
  • a cup of classic espresso;
  • whipped cream and crushed candy canes for decoration.

Step-by-step preparation of mint coffee:

  1. Pour cold purified water into a saucepan and place on fire. Add sugar and stir the water regularly until it is completely dissolved.
  2. Add mint leaves or plant essence and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Remove the infusion from the heat and strain it. You can hide the mint leaves in the refrigerator. They can be added to the syrup the next time you decide to make a drink.
  4. Break the chocolate into pieces in a bowl, add milk and place the container in a water bath. Stir thoroughly and remove from heat once the chocolate is completely melted and the mixture is shiny and smooth. Under no circumstances let the chocolate and milk boil!
  5. Brew strong espresso.
  6. Pour the Turkish coffee into a cup. Add the chocolate-milk mixture and 2-3 tbsp. l. mint syrup. Garnish your mocha drink with whipped cream and crushed candy canes.

Mint is a spice that is more associated with tea. But few people know that mint is added when making coffee.

Coffee with mint is far from a traditional recipe for preparing a drink, since mint, if dosed incorrectly, can dull the aroma of the coffee itself. Mint contains menthol, which is known for its strong aroma. In general, coffee with mint is not for everyone.

There are several ways to add mint to your coffee drink, allowing you to more precisely control the amount. In addition, you can use mint or add it to. Just the perfect combination of mint and ice coffee.

Coffee with mint has a fresh taste and unusual aroma. Two such concentrated ingredients combined in one cup. Not just mint leaves are added to coffee, but first a mint infusion is prepared, and then mixed with the brewed coffee.

in a Turk, add water and put on fire, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Infuse a little and... Place 1-2 mint leaves on top. The mint will steam in hot water and release a delicate aroma.

Coffee with orange


  • mint leaves – 20 pcs.
  • water – 1 l
  • orange – 1 slice
  • Brewed coffee

First you need to brew mint infusion. To do this, place all the leaves in a container and pour boiling water over everything. Give it a chance to brew.

Brew coffee in the usual way: or Turkish. Pour coffee into a cup, and then add the required amount of mint infusion. You can also put a piece of orange in the cup, which will make the drink even more aromatic.

Coffee with fresh mint


  • fresh mint – 4 leaves
  • purified water – 100 ml
  • granulated sugar – 2 tsp.

First you need to prepare coffee in the usual way. For this you can use a coffee machine.

The mint leaves should be thoroughly washed, torn into small pieces and placed on the bottom of the cup. Mash them thoroughly with a spoon or other method. Pour hot coffee into this cup, add sugar and leave for a few minutes. Then you can drink a fragrant drink.


  • ground coffee – 3 tsp.
  • mint leaves – 4 pcs.
  • vanilla – 1 pod
  • purified water – 450 ml
  • granulated sugar – 4 tsp.

Sugar needs to be poured into a Turk and put on fire to warm up. It should be heated for no more than 1 minute to avoid burning. After this, you need to add freshly ground coffee and a vanilla pod to the sugar. Fill everything with water and put on fire. Brew the coffee over low heat, just make sure it doesn’t boil. When the foam begins to rise, remove the Turk from the heat. Leave the coffee to steep for a few minutes.

Meanwhile, mint leaves need to be washed, dried and torn into small pieces. Place the mint in a cup and mash gently. Pour the mint into the prepared coffee, wait a few minutes and you can drink the aromatic coffee drink.

Coffee with orange zest


  • natural ground coffee – 2 tsp.
  • chopped orange zest - 0.5 tsp.
  • fresh mint - a few leaves
  • purified water – 100 ml

The water needs to be heated separately. Pour ground coffee into the Turk and let it heat up. Lightly pour hot water, add chopped mint leaves, chopped orange zest and put on fire. Bring this mixture to a boil and remove the Turk from the heat. There is no need to strain this coffee, just pour it into cups.

Mint coffee


  • fresh mint – 1 bunch
  • natural coffee – 2 tsp.

The mint infusion should be prepared earlier so that it infuses and after that you can put it in the refrigerator and use it for some time.

Rinse the mint thoroughly, dry and finely chop. Pour it into a jar and pour boiling water over it. Leave to infuse for a while. There is no need to brew mint. Brew coffee in the usual way in a Turkish coffee pot or coffee maker. Pour coffee into cups and add mint infusion.


  • dried mint – 1 tsp.
  • cinnamon – 0.5 tsp.
  • cardamom – 2 pods
  • vanilla – 1 pod
  • brewed coffee – 2 tsp.

First, you need to pour coffee powder into the Turk and heat it up a little. Then add dried mint, cardamom, cinnamon and vanilla bean. Fill everything with water and put on fire. When the coffee starts to boil, remove the Turk from the heat. Leave for a few minutes and pour into cups.

Coffee with milk


  • strong brewed coffee – 100 ml
  • milk – 2 tbsp.
  • mint essence – 5 drops
  • chocolate syrup – 2 tbsp.
  • ice – 2 cubes
  • fresh mint – 4 leaves

Coffee beans are required first, and then brew coffee in a Turk. Leave the finished coffee to cool to room temperature. Place ice, chocolate syrup, mint essence and milk in a blender bowl. Beat everything with a blender, add coffee and mix. Pour the coffee drink into a transparent glass and garnish with mint leaves. Place the straw in a glass and drink this refreshing drink in small portions.

Coffee with cocoa


  • mint seasoning – 2 tbsp.
  • coffee beans – 200 g
  • cocoa powder – 0.5 tbsp.

Mint should be mixed with coffee beans and roasted in the oven. The frying temperature should be about 90 degrees and you need to fry for about an hour. After this, grind the beans in a coffee grinder and brew coffee in a Turk. Add to the prepared mixture, mix and place in a closed jar in the refrigerator.

Before preparing a light coffee drink, you need 1 tbsp. pour the mixture into a glass of water and drink in small portions.


  • natural ground coffee – 3 tbsp.
  • fresh mint leaves – 5 pcs.
  • vanilla – 1 pod
  • purified water – 450 ml
  • cane sugar - to taste

Sugar needs to be poured into a Turk and put on fire. You want the sugar to melt but not burn. This will take about 1-2 minutes. Then add ground coffee, a vanilla pod and add water. Place the Turk on the fire and bring to a boil. When the foam begins to rise, remove the Turk from the heat.

Wash the mint leaves, dry and cut into small pieces. Place mint in cups and mash with a spoon. After this, pour the coffee into these cups and add sugar to taste.

Many people know mint as a spice that is added to teas and cooling drinks. Only a few people know that it can also be used to make coffee. Coffee with mint is a very unusual drink, the taste of which not everyone will like. Since mint contains essential oils and menthol, which have a pronounced taste, it must be added in very small doses. This herb can make not only coffee extraordinary, but also...

The main thing is to follow the recipe so as not to drown out the true coffee taste. If everything is done correctly, you will get an unusual drink that is perfectly invigorating, refreshing and tonic. Follow the suggested recipes, prepare amazing coffee and mint drinks and surprise your loved ones. We also advise you to pay attention to another very unusual drink -.

Coffee with mint and basil


  • coffee – 1 teaspoon
  • peppermint – 3 leaves
  • lemon basil – 2 leaves
  • honey - to taste
  • ginger - a pinch

We prepare coffee in the usual way. Add a spicy dressing: chopped mint and basil leaves, mix with honey and a pinch of ginger. Stir the coffee and serve with a mint leaf.

Mint coffee with orange


  • – 20 pcs.
  • coffee – 1 teaspoon
  • orange – 1 slice
  • cardamom - a pinch
  • nutmeg - a pinch

First of all, prepare the mint infusion. To do this, pour boiling water over mint leaves and leave. Brew coffee, add the required amount of infusion and a slice of orange. Season the coffee with a little cardamom and nutmeg.

Vanilla mint coffee


  • ground coffee – 1 teaspoon
  • vanilla - on the tip of a knife
  • mint – 3 leaves
  • granulated sugar – 0.5 tsp

Pour sugar into the pot, put it on fire, after half a minute add coffee and vanilla, add water. Remove the coffee from the heat as soon as it starts to boil. While the coffee is steeping, chop the mint leaves and add to the drink.

Coffee with mint and zest


Pour coffee into the pot, lightly toast it, add hot water, add crushed mint leaves, lemon and orange zest. Bring the mixture to a boil, strain and drink.

Mint coffee with cocoa


  • coffee beans – 50 g
  • mint – 50 g
  • cocoa powder – 0.5 tsp

Mix mint leaves with coffee beans and roast in the oven at 90 degrees for about an hour. Then we grind them in a coffee grinder and cook them in a Turk in the usual way. Add a little cocoa to the finished coffee and mix well.

Coffee with mint and milk


  • strong coffee – 100 ml
  • milk – 3 tbsp. spoons
  • fresh mint – 4 leaves
  • ice - 3 cubes
  • chocolate syrup – 2 tbsp. spoons

While the coffee is cooling, grind ice cubes, milk, chocolate syrup, and mint in a blender bowl. Add the mint-milk mixture to the coffee and garnish with a mint leaf.

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