When is the best time to go on holiday in Vietnam? When to go to Vietnam? Best time to travel. Characteristics by month

In Vietnam, there are no seasons into bad or good; a pleasant holiday here is possible all year round, as it is always warm and sunny. However, at different times you should prefer one resort or another, otherwise you risk spending your entire vacation in your room due to incessant rain.

If you are going to Vietnam, the month-by-month holiday season depends on what your travel goals are and what you expect. Russian tourists say the best time is from December to April.

Season in Vietnam: when is the best time to relax on the beach

Vietnam, with its Asian exoticism, endless white beaches, many islands and incredible landscapes, attracts tourists from all over the world all year round. But most vacationers prefer to come to the country from November to April, when the season in Vietnam is for a beach holiday. Although it is at this time that the resorts have the highest prices.

The swimming season lasts the whole year, but in one month or another you can only swim at certain resorts. In winter, the southern coast is suitable for relaxing on the beach, where the water warms up to +26-28 °C. There is practically no precipitation in January and February. In the northern and central resorts they do not swim in winter, since during the day the air temperature is +15-20 °C and the sea is cool.

In summer it is warm here - +26-30 °C, but rain can interfere with beach holidays. There is slightly less rainfall in the central part of the country, for example, in the resort of Hoi An, and in Da Nang you can swim from May to July.

Vietnam: holiday season by month depending on the weather

Vietnam can give tourists an unforgettable vacation if you know when the comfortable time for vacation begins. The typhoon season opens in the last days of summer and lasts until the middle, at which time it is better to refrain from traveling.

Season in Nha Trang: when is the best time to relax

Tourists planning a vacation in Vietnam are interested to know when the season is in Nha Trang (by month), because this is one of the most popular resorts, visited by almost every tourist who comes to the country.

The weather over Nha Trang is almost always excellent. The low season here lasts from mid-October to mid-December, when there is a lot of rainfall. However, the rains are characterized by great force and short duration, very quickly it becomes dry and clean, you can sunbathe. During this period, services and hotel prices become significantly cheaper.

During the low season there are strong winds, which is a great time for surfing. This water sport, as well as diving and snorkeling, are not available during the stormy season, which coincides with the rainy season and runs from November to mid-February.

High season (dry season with minimal rain) - from January to August, suitable for a pleasant beach holiday. If you are planning to come here, you should book hotels, tickets and buy a tour in advance.

Spring holidays will not be spoiled for tourists by periodic short rains.

Vietnam in spring

From March to April, the southern part of the country is very warm and dry, and the tropical rain season begins in early April. In the center of Vietnam at this time there are moderate temperatures, periodic precipitation, which gradually increases activity. It is hot in the north of the country, but there is also more rain than in the central part. Beach holidays in spring are possible at all resorts.

The hot Vietnamese summer is accompanied by high rainfall and possible typhoons.

Vietnam in summer

Summer is not the best time to travel to Vietnam, as it rains and there is a risk of typhoons. In the south the air warms up to +32-33 °C, in the north it can be even hotter than in the south, in the center it is more or less dry, but in August there is a lot of precipitation and typhoons are possible. Even after sunset in summer the heat does not subside. The average water temperature is +28-29 °C.

In autumn, it is advisable to rest in the first half of the season.

Vietnam in autumn

In the south in September and October there are showers, air and water temperatures are high, and storms are possible. In the northern regions there are fewer gloomy cloudy days, but typhoons are possible until the middle of the second month of autumn. It is dangerous to rest in the center, as strong hurricanes constantly occur here.

Winter in Vietnam is a dry, not hot season for the best holiday for tourists.

Vietnam in winter

The dry season begins in the south; all three months of winter are considered the best for holidays in the country. During the day it is very warm, and even hot, and the water temperature reaches +25-27 °C. In the evening it becomes cooler and the weather is excellent for active pastime. In the north it is quite cold (+13-15 °C), you can see snow on the mountain tops, there is constant drizzling rain, and cold water. It is warmer in the center than in the north, but the swimming season is not yet open, and the sea is choppy.

Beach season in Vietnam for diving

Vietnam has one of the cheapest diving in the world, so there are always a lot of lovers of active pastime. The South China Sea has a wide variety of flora and fauna: you can see various colorful fish, sea cows, fancy corals, huge turtles, and swim in mysterious grottoes. Almost all resorts in the country have diving centers, but the best of them are located on Phu Quoc Island, the Con Dao archipelago, and in Nha Trang (there is a Russian dive center here).

The holiday season for diving includes all months of the year, excluding December, January and February, as the sea is too rough at this time.

Vietnam: surfing holiday season

Surfing in the country is just beginning to gain popularity, and it is aimed mainly at professionals. The period from September to April is favorable for classic surfing and its types on the south coast. To practice their favorite sport, surfers mainly choose resorts such as Vung Tau, Da Nang, and Mui Ne.

One of the many interesting excursions is the Po Nagar Towers (Cham Towers).

When is the best time for excursion lovers to relax in Nha Trang (Vietnam)

Vietnam is associated with beautiful nature and rich fauna, but here, despite the wars of the last century, some historical places have still been preserved. Colonial palaces and buildings will not leave any experienced follower of educational tourism indifferent.

In addition to historical excursions, tourists are offered to visit no less interesting nature tours. The country has many emerald bays, majestic waterfalls, beautiful mountain rivers, as well as cafes and restaurants where you can taste unusual exotic dishes.

Wellness season

Tourists often ask on forums if they want to improve their health a little.

You can book a variety of facial and body treatments at any time, but the high season for health tourism is winter. Vacationers do not come to the country for treatment, but they are not averse to combining an excellent beach holiday with a course of healing procedures.

There are many hot springs throughout the country that are known to have miraculous effects on the human body. Here you can also find healing mud and mineral waters, which makes it possible for almost every hotel to open its own spa.

The treatment methods of local healers are very popular; they use tinctures on herbs, snakes, and various reptiles.

Season in Vietnam by month for event tourism

Those who like to attend various holidays in different countries cannot help but enjoy the events in Vietnam, which amaze with their scale and colorfulness. Christmas, New Year, Women's Day, Teacher's Day and other popular holidays in Europe, as well as religious ones, are celebrated here. There are also Vietnamese memorial dates. For example, Victory Day is celebrated on April 30, August Revolution Day is celebrated on August 15, and Independence Day is celebrated on September 2 in the country.

Many holidays are celebrated according to the lunar calendar. The local New Year “Tet” falls on the first day of the first lunar month, the Lantern Festival is celebrated on the fifteenth day, and the Birthday of Gautama Buddha is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the fourth lunar month. The list of holidays in Vietnam can go on for a very long time; once you visit the country, you will definitely learn more about them.

Vietnam is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Southeast Asia. Tourists are attracted to this country by its beautiful tropical beaches, clear sea, and small and very cozy resort towns. When planning your trip to Vietnam, you should keep in mind that there is a rainy season, which may not be a very pleasant holiday.

Rain season

In order to choose the right time to visit Vietnam, you need to understand that the weather in different parts of this country can vary greatly. Despite the fact that Vietnam looks like a small landmass on the map, there are three climatic zones:

  1. Southern Vietnam - popular tourist resorts Ho Chi Minh City, Con Dao, Phu Quoc Island
  2. Central Vietnam - famous beaches near Nha Trang, Phan Thiet, Phan Rang
  3. Northern Vietnam – beach holidays in Haiphong, Thai Binh, Nam Dinh

In the southern cities of Vietnam, tropical downpours begin in May and continue until the last weeks of November. In December, tourists from different countries begin to come here because sunny, clear weather finally sets in. For five months, until the first days of May, there is never any precipitation here.

Central Vietnam will be attractive to tourists whose vacations occur in the summer. The period from April to August is considered the dry beach season here. The rains begin in September and end closer to January.

The rainy season in Northern Vietnam lasts from April to September. At this time it is not only rainy here, but also quite cool. The air temperature may drop to +6 degrees. So the best time to vacation in the north of the country is during the favorable period from October to the end of March, when it is dry and warm.

Despite the fact that the rainy season is not very popular, you can relax in the south of Vietnam almost all year round. A common misconception is that it rains here all day long, and whenever you go outside, you are sure to get wet to the skin. However, this is not so: showers in the southern part of Vietnam occur mainly at night. During the day, tropical rain lasts only 30-40 minutes, and you can easily wait it out in a hotel or cafe. The rest of the time the weather is still hot and sunny. The air temperature remains stable at +30 °C. The sea is warm (+28 °C) and almost always calm.

However, if you are planning a trip to Central or Northern Vietnam, it is best not to go here during the rainy season. The fact is that along with the rains, monsoons come to the central regions. Large waves rise in the sea and it becomes unsafe for swimming. In the northern regions, the low season is characterized by the fact that cold air comes here from China. Of course, by Russian standards the temperature drops slightly - usually to plus 10. However, combined with high humidity, it becomes quite cool and uncomfortable here.

How long does the rainy season last?

The rainy season in Vietnam lasts approximately 5-6 months, and this wet period may vary by month in different parts of the country. For example, in the summer it rains in the south of Vietnam, but in the central regions, on the contrary, dry weather sets in.

Six months of rain is quite a long period. However, you should not think that it rains every day for many hours. In the south of Vietnam, rain practically does not interfere with a comfortable holiday. They run for about 30 minutes a day and bring invigorating coolness after a long heat. Sometimes it happens that even during a rainy period, not a single drop may fall from the sky for 4-5 days.

Rainy season Nha Trang

The popular resort of Nha Trang is located in the central part of Vietnam. The rainy season here is quite short: showers begin in September and end in January. Unlike the southern resorts of Vietnam, the rainy season in Nha Trang is accompanied by stormy winds. There has never been any serious destruction or disaster here, but hurricanes are definitely not suitable for a good rest. It becomes impossible to swim on the beaches during the off-season because the waves are high. In addition, the rainy season in Nha Trang is unpleasant due to mosquitoes.

Despite the fact that the rains in Nha Trang end in January, the beach season here begins only in April. The fact is that between January and March the weather here is quite cool for a tropical resort. The air warms up only to 22-25 °C, the water temperature averages about 20 °C. This weather is perfect for long walks and excursions, but sunbathing and swimming in winter is better in the south of Vietnam.

Rainy season in Phan Thiet

Phan Thiet is one of the most developed and popular resorts in southern Vietnam. Tropical showers come here in May and continue throughout the summer and autumn months. In the second half of November there may be no more rain, but there is no guarantee that the rain will not continue until the beginning of December.

Most tourists visit Phan Thiet from December to April, when there is no rainfall. It gets especially crowded here during the New Year and Christmas holidays. However, you can relax in this Vietnamese town all year round. During the rainy season, showers occur mainly at night, and during the day you can swim and sunbathe. In addition, in summer and autumn, hotel prices in Phan Thiet are reduced, and you can significantly save on accommodation without sacrificing a comfortable stay.

Best months for vacation

Vietnam is a unique country where you can avoid the rainy season by moving from one city to another. When tropical downpours begin in the southern regions, you can move to the northern or central resorts and enjoy dry weather and bright sunshine there.

Therefore, it does not matter at all what months the vacation will take place. In winter and spring, it is best to relax in the southern resorts of Phan Thien, Phu Quoc or Ho Chi Minh City.

In May, June, July and August, the cities of Central Vietnam will be the most favorable for recreation: Nha Trang, Da Nang, Hue.

In autumn, the high season can be found on the northern beaches of Vietnam in Hanoi and Nam Dinh.

From Russia they are sent to Asian countries, including Vietnam. The whole point is that the country made a shift towards tourism and was right. This country is a very good place to relax, especially during winter. Not only is the climate mild here, but there are only 2 annual seasons. The most important thing is to know exactly when the beach season starts in Vietnam and when the rains start.

Features of holidays in Vietnam

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Given its geographical location and the fact that it stretches from north to south, Vietnam has a unique feature of providing excellent holidays all year round without interruption. And yet, there are certain months when it is not advisable to visit a particular resort due to heavy downpours and high storm waves with strong winds.

Conventionally, Vietnam is divided into 3 large regions, each of which has its own famous resorts.

Vietnam has a subtropical climate, which affects the temperature and weather conditions.

When does the beach season start?

When choosing a holiday in the south of the country, it is worth knowing that it is valid here all winter and even affects spring. At this time, the temperature will be 30-32 0 C, and the water will warm up to 24-26 ° C. In the evenings and at night the temperature will be 20-23°C. All this allows you to perfectly combine relaxation on the beach and.

In central Vietnam the weather will be more picky. Here the rains stop at the beginning of February. Moreover, for another couple of months they may remind you of themselves, but not so significantly. It is fashionable to relax here from February until summer.

When coming to northern Vietnam, you should know that winter is not the most attractive time here. The average temperature is only +15°C and the sea becomes cold for swimming. Most often people come here at this time for excursions and shopping.

But in the spring, it becomes warmer and closer to summer the weather becomes acceptable for a beach holiday. Features of a comfortable season

Let's consider what month you should come to relax on the beach and not get caught in the rain.

November – in the north of the country the temperature is approximately +17+23°C, and can rise to +25°C. There are no rains as such, except for short periods and at night.

The best places to visit are Phu Quoc Island, Phan Thiet and Vung Tau. But in this case, you should be prepared for high humidity and heat up to +30°C, which can cause some discomfort.

December – usually this month opens the beach season in Vietnam. And it is at this time that tourists begin to come here. It is especially good to relax at this time on the southern coast, where the temperature is set at +26°C. But in the north of the country it will be quite cold.

January – in the north of Vietnam it is the coldest month; it even snows in the mountains. There is almost no rain in Hanoi and Ha Long. The temperature will be +15+18°C. In the central region, the rainy season is ending. The air temperature will be around +23+25°C. But you will be very pleased with the southern part, where the temperature does not drop below +29°C.

February – in the north of Vietnam it is dry, but still cold. But the temperature gradually rises and becomes around +22°C. In the central part the rains stop, and the water in the sea becomes warm, within +22+24°C.

In the south, the temperature reaches +33°C, and the water heats up to +26°C.

March – is a dry month throughout the country. In the north it will be warm and the air will warm up to +24°C. In the central regions the air will warm up to +26+28°C. In the south the temperature will be from +29 to +34°C.

April – the weather begins to deteriorate. And even though it’s still warm, it’s already starting to rain in the south, with temperatures up to +34°C. In the north of Vietnam, there is no rain and it is very warm - +30°C. In the center the temperature will be +26°C.


Knowing when the beach season is in Vietnam, you can come without fear, without fear of being in the zone of typhoons and heavy rains. But even if you come during the so-called rainy season, your vacation will not be greatly spoiled, since they mostly go only at night.

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When is the best season to go on holiday in Vietnam?

For many people in our country, Vietnam is still a place that is associated with a terrible war, guerrillas and American aggression. This image is largely shaped by Hollywood action films and the closeness of the Vietnamese state itself. After all, Vietnam is rarely mentioned in the world press. However, recently, tourism to Vietnam has become increasingly popular among travelers from all over the planet. Vietnam has a unique culture in which the Chinese, Europeans, neighboring countries and nationalities have left their mark. Thanks to this, the country has a lot of artifacts and attractions. In addition, there are stunning landscapes, exotic virgin nature and friendly people. Therefore, it is not surprising that millions of tourists from different countries come here every year. Those who often travel to foreign resorts are already fed up with resorts in Asia and Europe. They are gradually turning their attention towards Vietnam. At the same time, they have a number of questions. One of the most popular is when is the season in Vietnam? In this article we will try to answer this question in detail.

Vietnam, if we consider the whole country as a whole, does not have a clearly defined holiday season. The country is conventionally divided into three parts: north, center and south. In each of these parts, the dry and wet seasons are shifted in time. Therefore, at any time of the year in Vietnam there are resorts where there is a good season for relaxation. This climate is determined by the monsoons and the terrain. There are quite a lot of mountains in Vietnam that block the path of cold air coming from Central Asia. Therefore, there is no winter here in our understanding.

Monsoon is a constant wind with a clearly defined direction. The weather in Vietnam is completely under their control. Due to the fact that they carry moisture, the climate in this region is somewhat softened. There are many sunny days a year and high humidity levels. These features are typical for any season in Vietnam.

In the central and southern provinces, the summer and winter seasons are practically the same in air temperature. In northern Vietnam, in winter the temperature drops significantly compared to summer. A significant decrease here means up to 5-15 degrees. In the mountains in the north there are sometimes frosts. The rainy season in three regions of Vietnam occurs at different times.

At the same time, it is worth understanding that it does not mean rain all day long. Typically, precipitation in such quantities falls in large quantities within half an hour, usually in the afternoon. The sun often comes out after a rainstorm. Below we will look at the climate in three zones: northern, central and southern. Now, let's look at the weather situation by month.

Vietnam climate by month

Below is a table with resorts, which indicates when it is best to go to this or that place. Green means this is the best time to visit. Yellow means you can ride, but there may be some discomfort. For example, frequent rains during these months or extreme heat. The months when it is better not to go to the resort are marked in red. Some places in Vietnam experience storms and even hurricanes. But at this time there is always the opportunity to go to a resort in another part of the country.

Central Vietnam

There are also several popular resorts in the center of the country that are in demand among travelers. One of them ─. This city has its own microclimate. The coastal zone on the northwestern side is covered by the Truong Son mountain range, which also blocks the monsoon from the southwest. Due to the nature of this area, there is little rain in the summer. The rainy season begins in autumn, when a total of up to 500 millimeters of precipitation falls. It rains most in September and October. The weather is approximately the same at the resort, which is located between Nha Trang and Phan Thiet.

The rainy season in central Vietnam ends in January. After this, the dry season begins. During this period from February to March there is practically no rain. No more than 40 millimeters falls per month. Summer, by today's standards, begins around May and lasts until October. During this period, the air warms up to 32-34 degrees during the day and drops to 25 at night. Winter in this region is warm, and the coldest period is January, when daytime temperatures range from 21 to 24 degrees Celsius. At night the air can cool down to 15 C.

Our tourist will not be frightened by such “frost”. Therefore, people willingly go to Nha Trang in winter. But the best season in the center of Vietnam is considered to be the period from May to October, when it is dry and sunny. However, it should be remembered that from November to February the sea is rough and typhoons are possible. Therefore, swimming and diving are not recommended during this period. In the center of the country, in addition to Nha Trang, Dalat and Hue are popular.

Northern Vietnam

The climate in the northern part of the country depends on several features of the region. The north of the country stretches along the coast of the Gulf of Tonkin. This region is protected from winds from the South China Sea by the island of Hainan. The north of the country is quite cool in winter and hot and humid in summer. The dry season here begins in November and lasts until April. Of course, there is precipitation, but it is small (no more than 20 millimeters per month).

Summer is hot here. At night the temperature is 21-23 degrees, during the day the air warms up to 30-32 Celsius. The rainy season begins with the calendar summer and lasts until September-October. In the summer months, up to 500 millimeters of precipitation falls here. In the mountains the picture is approximately the same, but the temperature is lower. Cooling in the north begins in November. In the winter months, the temperature stays at 15-20 C during the day and about 10 at night.

Frost and snow are sometimes possible in the mountains in the north. However, it melts quickly. The suitable season for a holiday in the north of the country is the first few months of the year, as well as the beginning of autumn. The bay and Cat Ba Island are considered popular.

Many people choose Vietnam for their holidays because they are already a little tired of the traditional resorts of Turkey and Egypt. So let's see what this country, which is located in Southeast Asia, can surprise us with.

Where is the best place to go?

If you are traveling for the first time and have not yet decided where it is best to vacation in Vietnam, then we can tell you with confidence that the islands are perfect for this. You can come to this country on vacation both in winter and summer, since the average annual temperature varies from +26 to +30°C. But in different regions of the country the climate differs significantly and this must be taken into account.

You may also be interested in information about how much money you need in Vietnam to feel comfortable and have an interesting time.

In the north of the country(from Hanoi to the Ha Long resort) it is best to relax in April and May, as well as in September, October and November, since here in spring and autumn the temperature is quite comfortable and there is no sweltering heat. In winter it is quite cold here, especially at night. And from the end of May the rainy season begins, lasting until September.

In the south of Vietnam(from Ho Chi Minh City to Phan Thiet) it is always warm and never cold. In summer it can be very hot and humid. There is no change of seasons in the traditional sense of the word, as there are only two seasons - the first lasts from May to November, and the second from December to April. It rains heavily in June, July and August, making the region suitable for winter holidays.

In the center Vietnam (from Nha Trang to Hue) is best to relax in the summer: in June, July and August, since it is at this time of year that the air and water temperatures are the most comfortable, and the humidity level is the lowest.

You can get more detailed information about the resort cities of the country from the article: what are the best resorts in Vietnam to choose for your holiday?

If we consider the islands of Vietnam for recreation, the most popular is Phu Quoc, as the most respectable Vietnamese resort is located here. This resort is often chosen by couples for holidays with children, as well as diving enthusiasts. And here it rains only in October, while the other 11 months have wonderful weather.

On Hon Lao Island, which is located 20 km from Nha Trang, a huge number of monkeys live in the natural jungle. Tourists come here to plunge into the real world of nature and even see a real circus show.

And the island of Hon Tam or as it is called “Silk Island” is perfect for relaxation, as here you will find beautiful beaches with white sand, convenient access to the sea and beautiful nature.

When to go on vacation

When is the best time to vacation in Vietnam, many tourists ask. I am also interested in the question of when to go to Vietnam on vacation with children. In the southern part of the country, the sea is warm throughout the year, but if you do not want to be exposed to constant rain, then the best time for a holiday will be from November to May.

In Nha Trang, the beach stretches for 7 km and here you can not only sunbathe, but also windsurf, jet ski and water ski. In the evening there are numerous cafes and restaurants on the beach.

But if you want to sunbathe in more comfortable conditions, you can go to Vinpearl Island, which is connected to the city by cable car. Here you will see a gorgeous beach in a quiet blue harbor, where there are almost never waves. For a relaxing holiday, the beaches of Phu Quoc Island are suitable, and in Da Nang on China Beach you will find fine sand and good waves for surfing. The beaches of Vietnam, such as Bai Rang, which is located near Phan Thiet, provide the best conditions for tourists.

Vacation with children

The country's resorts are diverse and each can offer something unique, but we will now briefly look at where in Vietnam it is better to relax with children.

The best resorts for families with children are Nha Trang, Phu Quoc Island and Ha Long Bay. The beaches of Nha Trang are among the best in the country and here, in addition to mineral springs and coconut palms, there is a wonderful amusement park Vinpearl Land, which is reached by a cable car. This park is called little “Hollywood” (opening hours from 8-00 to 20-00 daily).

The outdoor playground features a variety of carousels, roller coasters and other attractions. The closed area houses a 4D cinema, a gaming supermarket, karaoke and various virtual reality games. On an area of ​​60 sq. meters there is a water park, and on the other side there is a sandy beach with water games: paths, tsunamis, seaplanes, wave meters.

Extreme lovers can try themselves in such attractions as: free fall, black hole, flying river, wind tunnel riding, etc. In the Water Palace you will see more than three hundred different sea creatures from North and South Asia, as well as the Amazon River.

Phu Quoc Perfect for a holiday with a small child. There are wonderful hotels, clean beaches and warm seas here. Restaurants also provide a special menu for children.

Ha Long Bay will be interesting for older children who like to ride catamarans and boats, sunbathe and swim, and also climb caves.

In Ho Chi Minh City You can visit the Dam Sen water park with your child, and Hanoi will offer you a very interesting water puppet theater - Thang Long. On Chi Nguyen Island there is one of the most beautiful and largest aquariums with a wide variety of exotic representatives of the underwater world. Your children will definitely love it here.

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