When is the best time to fly on vacation? Best time to holiday in Thailand. When is the best time to go to Croatia?

It doesn't matter what time of year you are on vacation. There are enough places on our planet to choose the right resort just for you and in a given season. The main thing is to decide how you imagine your vacation: stormy and fun, calm and respectable, educational or active.

Sports lovers probably know better than all the tour operators where and when they can find the best ski slopes, the right wind strength for surfing or the most beautiful underwater world... And where should Russian tourists go on vacation, who are systematically exploring more and more new horizons in search of unforgettable experiences? And how to spend a vacation without disappointment, without spoiling your mood with rain, cool sea or sweltering heat? Everything has its place and time!

Where to find the sun in January and February?

At the beginning of the year, a hot holiday is guaranteed on the Caribbean islands, among which the most popular for Russian tourists are Cuba and the Dominican Republic. They attract our compatriots with a visa-free entry regime, relatively inexpensive prices for accommodation, a cheerful, relaxed atmosphere, loved by the all-inclusive system.

However, other islands are also in demand: Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Jamaica, the Cayman Islands and Bermuda and many others. Each of the islands has its own unique landscape, luxury hotels and offers a variety of entertainment to suit every taste.

Warm currents and sunny weather will delight tourists in Florida.

In January-February, the dry season (without heavy, prolonged rains) in Southeast Asia is quite suitable for a pleasant holiday. Discover the original world of Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia.

Midwinter is the time to travel to Thailand, India or Cambodia. The monsoon season is over, the sun and exoticism of countries with rich culture will conquer lovers of active and beach holidays.

Turn your gaze to the southern hemisphere. When it's winter here, it's summer there. Therefore, in winter you will have a wonderful holiday in Australia, Chile, southern Brazil and northern Argentina.

Not the best choice:
In winter, you should avoid traveling to northern China. You won’t find decent ski resorts there, but bitter frost is guaranteed. The southern coast of the Mediterranean (Algeria, Morocco) at this time will probably seem too gray and joyless to you. The UAE can be quite chilly for swimming. And in Egypt it is quite windy, especially in the evenings. But the prices are an order of magnitude lower, so draw your own conclusions.

Excursions or the beach? We vacation in March-April

At the beginning of spring it is still quite cool in Europe. But for those who are less interested in the sea and the beach than cultural values, this is the ideal time for tours of European cities. During this period, prices are affordable, there are no long queues at museums, and you can enjoy walks along the quiet streets of the Czech Republic, Italy, France, Hungary...

If you already miss the heat unbearably during the long winter and dream of the sea, go to the beaches of your almost native Egypt, as well as Thailand, Goa or Sri Lanka.

A paradise holiday awaits you in the Maldives and the Philippines. Idyllic nature, diving and amazing tranquility will not leave you indifferent.

Holidays on Hainan Island will delight you with decent service, beautiful beaches and warm sea.

In March, you can enjoy a relatively inexpensive beach holiday in Tunisia, combining it with an excursion to the desert. However, don’t forget about a windbreaker and a sweater, it’s still cool there in the evenings.

Craving adventure? South America is ready to offer you an unforgettable vacation in the countries of the Inca Empire of Peru and Bolivia.

During these months, the cheerful Rio de Janeiro in Brazil will greet tourists especially hospitably.

The Caribbean islands are still waiting for their tourists. Pay special attention to Antilla. The south of Australia and Chile also remains a very attractive beach holiday destination.

Not the best choice:
Reunion Island, Papua New Guinea at this time of year will not please you with the weather. The Atlantic coast (Spain, Morocco) will also be disappointing with its inhospitable climate.

Thirst for the sun before summer: holidays in May and June

The end of spring and the beginning of summer are quite good times for a vacation. The choice of beach destinations is quite large, but the prices are still low. And there is no massive influx of tourists. In addition, this will be a good opportunity for excursions, since it is not too hot yet.

In May-June, the Mediterranean islands are perfect for relaxation: Greek Crete and Corfu, Italian Ischia and Sicily, and the island of Cyprus. Good weather on the Thai island of Koh Samui.

Nice prices in May for a beach holiday in Spain. In addition, this is a great opportunity to visit Barcelona, ​​which is not overcrowded with tourists.

The Canary Islands, Jordan and Israel, with many attractions and shrines, and Morocco are also excellent choices.

A trip to Malta in June will give you the pleasure of nature, which at this time blooms with all its colors, and the opportunity to attend local festivals that are frequent during this time.

Exotic lovers can treat themselves to a holiday in the Seychelles, Bali or Japan.

In June it will already be quite comfortable on the Adriatic coast of Croatia or Montenegro. If the main purpose of your trip is the sea, then you should not go there earlier.

From June, resorts in Italy and Bulgaria will also be ready for the beach season.

Don’t forget about the most popular resorts among Russian tourists in Turkey and Egypt.

Not the best choice:
The rainy season begins in Thailand, India, Kenya, Cambodia and Oman. Uncomfortable weather for holidays is also in western Africa (Mali, Burkina Faso) and the Philippines.

High summer and vacation time: July and August

It’s not for nothing that July and August are considered “high” season in almost all beach destinations. This means that at this time there is the greatest demand for tours and, accordingly, the highest prices. All cities and resorts in Europe are at your service. At this time, various festivals, colorful shows and celebrations are often held here.

Good in July-August in Croatia and Montenegro, Bulgaria, Greece, especially on the islands, as well as in Cyprus and Malta.

It's time to go to the islands of the Atlantic coast: Madeira, Cape Verde or the Canary Islands.

Exotic destinations with comfortable weather include China, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia (minimal precipitation is observed in August), Vietnam, the Bahamas, and Fiji.

Anyone interested in a safari will be interested in going to Tanzania at this time, where the “dry” season begins.

Not the best choice:
Popular resorts in Egypt, Turkey and Tunisia will be met with sweltering heat and crowded beaches. And prices will remain high. In July-August the weather is not good everywhere: rains can interfere with holidays in Thailand, New Zealand, Peru, India, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka.

Velvet season: September and October

Summer is over, but it's not too late to enjoy the sunny weather and warm sea. The wave of tourists has subsided, the intense heat has subsided, and it’s time to spend the velvet season by the sea. The temperature of the Mediterranean Sea is quite suitable for swimming.

Holidays in Greece (preferably in Crete, as it can be windy on the small islands), Italy, Cyprus, as well as in the countries of North Africa (Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt) are especially pleasant at this time of year.

It is better to go to Turkey in September, but October, despite low prices, can be disappointing with rainy weather.

One of the best places to visit during these months is the United Arab Emirates. October is considered high season in the UAE. However, it must be taken into account that most of the month falls during Ramadan, when there are strict restrictions on all entertainment and alcoholic beverages.

Do you want to combine a beach holiday and a rich excursion program? Choose Israel (in particular Eilat) or Jordan. In addition, you can receive medical treatment and spend unforgettable days at the Dead Sea.

September and October are great for study tours in Europe.

The beginning of autumn is a great time to visit the islands of Madagascar and Reunion, Lebanon, or Oman.

Not the best choice:
It is better not to go to Spain, especially southern Spain, from mid-autumn. Cold currents and the onset of the rainy season can ruin your mood. If you are not a fan of extreme weather, including storms, strong winds and heavy rains, then you should not vacation in the Caribbean islands and countries of Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos...) in September-October.

A worthy end to the year: holidays in November and December

If you want a Christmas tale, go to one of the cities in Europe. Elegant streets, numerous fairs, festivals and shows, moderate frost, cozy hotels and decent service will create a pleasant mood on holidays.

You will get children's delight from the New Year or Christmas holidays in Finland by taking a trip to the village of Santa Claus, riding a reindeer sleigh and experiencing all the delights of a frosty winter: skiing, skating, snowmobiles... And then, of course, a hot sauna. Holidays are also fun on ferries traveling between the northern countries (Finland, Sweden, Denmark).

In search of summer sun, you can go to cheerful, noisy Brazil, carefree Cuba or the respectable Dominican Republic.

The Maldives will give you a relaxing holiday in a pleasant exotic atmosphere.

History buffs can travel through Mexico in the footsteps of the ancient civilizations of the Mayans and Aztecs.

The end of the year marks the beginning of the tourist season in Southeast Asia. Great time to visit Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos.

The rainy season is ending in India. The beaches of Goa will greet you with warm, dry weather, beautiful hotels and vibrant life.

For those who are not afraid of long flights and crave new experiences, this time is ideal for a holiday in southern Australia, where spring reigns.

Egypt has become an almost classic holiday option at the end and beginning of the year. Despite the cool and windy evenings, during the day you can sunbathe and swim in the beautiful Red Sea.

Not the best choice:
You are unlikely to get the most out of Europe during these months. Gray and cold will not give you a complete picture of beautiful cities. Vietnam, despite its warm weather, can be disappointing with choppy oceans. The water temperature in the UAE is also not pleasant for swimming.

Svetlana Apreleva

Views: 29656


When is the best time to vacation in Vietnam, when is the rainy season, what time and where is the best resort?

Until recently, there was a civil war in this country, there was devastation and danger lurked everywhere. But now it’s safe there, there are huge white sand beaches, warm seas and luxury hotels. Yes, Vietnam has become a tourist country with great potential, and every year it gets better and more beautiful. But you can relax in the country not all year round, but only during some months, and these are not the summer months. Intrigued? Then let's see when is the best time to vacation in Vietnam, what time of year and where are the best resorts. And, of course, we won’t forget about the islands, where holidays are always better.

Rainy season in Vietnam

Any country in Southeast Asia experiences the phenomenon of the rainy season once a year. And Vietnam is no exception. There is also heavy rain, frequent typhoons and stormy seas. Fortunately for tourists, this does not last the whole year, but only half of it.

The wet season begins in May and lasts in different parts of the country until November-December. During this period it rains almost continuously. Almost always it is heavy rain, accompanied by wind. Sometimes the rain turns into a typhoon and then many coastal cities are flooded and there is water on the streets.

Beach season in Vietnam

After the rainy season ends, the dry season begins, which is called the beach season. This happens in November-December, and the dry beach season lasts until the end of April. Although you can still swim here in May, because, as a rule, the rains begin to increase their power only at the beginning of summer.
The best months for a beach holiday are January, February and the first two spring months. That is, tourists have at least four months to enjoy their holidays in the resorts of Vietnam.

Tourists love to come to the country to celebrate New Year and Christmas. Therefore, prices these days are slightly higher than other times. But the most tourists are observed on the beaches of Vietnam in February and March. People miss the sun and beaches, and want to quickly start the beach season and relieve stress after a long autumn and cold winter.

Where is it always better to go on holiday in Vietnam?

There are many resorts in the country that are happy to welcome tourists. Some of them are large, some are small fishing villages. But they are all beautiful and have gorgeous beaches.

Nha Trang is the number one resort in Vietnam.

Many tourists vacation in Nha Trang, but do not even know that this resort is located in Vietnam.

Nha Trang is a big resort. Everything is done here to make tourists comfortable: entertainment, parks, water parks, attractions, excursions, attractions and much more. Restaurants and cafes are especially attractive at the resort. There are thousands of them here and each establishment offers a variety of food. It is no secret that tourists choose this particular resort not only because of the beaches and hotels, but also because of the food, which is considered the best in the country.

Excursions in Nha Trang are more varied. Here you can visit Monkey Island, where, as is already clear, monkeys live. You can visit the island, which is entirely dedicated to a park with attractions and entertainment. There is an island nearby that is completely made into a farm. In general, in Nha Trang there is where to go and what to be surprised by.

Phu Quoc – holiday on the island.
The second most popular resort in the country is Phu Quoc Island.

There are many beaches on the island, although, in fact, the entire coast of the island is one large beach. The sand on the shore is white and fine. It is better to walk on it barefoot, and your feet will rest.
There is a pearl farm on the island where they grow pearls and make jewelry from them. There is also a fish sauce factory and huge black pepper plantations.

In addition to the listed attractions, there is something else: the amazing underwater world. Diving enthusiasts especially come here to dive under the water. Underwater you can see the underwater world with fish and plants, and most importantly: small submerged islands that keep many secrets.
Since Phu Quoc is an island, you can watch the sunrise and see off the sunset there. Believe me, this is where these spectacles are the brightest and most unforgettable.

Muine is a modern fishing village.
Do you like fresh fish dishes? Then go to the resort of Mui Ne.

More recently, this was an ordinary fishing village, and people here lived poorly. But now the fishing village has become modern, and the residents began to live better thanks to tourists. Local sailors catch a variety of fish in the ocean, sell them to tourists and rent them to restaurants. In any cafe there are hundreds of fish dishes on the menu, and to try them all, you will have to spend at least a month here.
The village is located in a small bay and the wind often blows here. And since there is wind, there are also waves. And if there are waves, then there are surfers. Riding a board on the waves is a favorite pastime of locals and tourists after fishing. In the evenings at sunset there are hundreds of surfers in the sea trying to catch a wave.
True, there is a minus here - the resort is located quite far from the airport, and after the plane lands, you will have to travel another 5-6 hours to the hotel by land transport. But it’s worth it; there’s hardly anything that can compare with the beauty and silence of the resort.

Da Nang - the history of the country in one place.
The Danang resort is visited more by tourists who love sightseeing holidays rather than beach holidays. The city has museums and exhibitions that preserve the entire history of the country.

Modern man organizes his day without paying attention to his natural biorhythms. But disruption of the body’s “internal clock” leads to a deterioration in well-being and even the development of various diseases: depression, diabetes, obesity. No matter how difficult it may seem at first glance, it is still worth trying to combine your life schedule with natural biorhythms, as this is guaranteed to bring enormous benefits to your health.

Temporal organization of man

The peak of a person's brain function, concentration and wakefulness occurs in the late morning. This is due to a gradual increase in body temperature: its rise begins shortly before waking up and lasts until noon. A warm shower helps speed up this process.

From about 12 noon to 4 pm, concentration decreases. Besides, it's lunch time, after which you always want to sleep! Drowsiness overcomes a person around 14:00. It's time to take a nap.

Surprisingly, post-work fatigue can boost creativity. For some people, it is better to solve open-thinking problems in the evening. While the efficiency of performing analytical tasks does not change throughout the day. Fatigue makes it easier for the brain to make alternative, sometimes unexpected, decisions.

Optimal time to work and communicate on the Internet

Research has shown that emails sent early in the morning (for example, around 6 am) are more likely to be read by the recipient. It's like reading a newspaper at the beginning of the day.

Reading Twitter at 8 - 9 am allows you to start the day on a cheerful note. At this time, the overwhelming number of messages are filled with optimism, positive emotions and energy.

Between 10 and 11 p.m., Twitter becomes one big emotional flood. At night, people are more relaxed and capable of empathy. They generate emotionally rich messages, both positive and depressive.

Work vs Leisure

When building your work and rest schedule, listen to your “internal clock” to improve your quality of life.

The best time for physical activity is from 15:00 to 18:00. Muscular activity from 2 to 6 p.m. is 6% better than during other hours. Also, lung productivity at 5 pm is 17% higher than at noon.

After lunch, good coordination is observed, and joints and muscles become more flexible, which reduces the risk of injury. This time period is ideal for playing tennis, hockey, golf, badminton or Frisbee.

Eat for your health!

Scientists conducted a study: they put experimental mice on a high-calorie diet. The first group could eat at any time of the day. Animals in the second group were only allowed to eat during the 8 hours they were awake. Mice that only ate while active were 40% (!) thinner and had lower cholesterol and blood sugar.

Despite the fact that research on this matter continues, we can confidently say:

We are not only what we eat, but also when.

Moral of this story

Summarizing the above, we get the following universal work and rest schedule:

What do you think: can you make your day more productive if you synchronize your biorhythms with your daily plans?

Neither pre-booking nor last-minute tours will bring tangible savings if you travel at the “wrong” time. If you know which months are cheaper to vacation, you can halve the cost of a vacation abroad.

Depending on the activity of vacationers, the tourist season is divided into high, low and low. The latter term appeared relatively recently and means a period of time when the number of tourists reaches a minimum. During such periods, airlines and hotels reduce prices as much as possible to avoid losses and fill empty seats.

Obviously, for different destinations the “dead” season occurs at different times. The number of tourists depends on the weather, time of year, local holidays and other factors.

In countries such as Egypt, July and August are unbearably hot, which reduces the flow of people wishing to spend their vacation without leaving the hotel or under an umbrella by the pool. In Thailand, the rainy season begins in June and lasts until October. Accordingly, if bad weather is not a hindrance, these will be the cheapest months for a holiday in these countries.

  • Read also:

Local holidays and festivals

For example, a ticket to Los Angeles in the first week of December will cost a third less than in the last week of November. And all because of Thanksgiving. at Christmas or New Year it will cost twice as much as in mid-January. Venice hosts a carnival in February, which significantly increases the cost of travel and accommodation. Therefore, when planning a trip, you should find out in advance about the presence of holidays and other events, and try to avoid these days.

"Internal" factors

If you do not take into account local peculiarities, traditionally, the flow of vacationers increases in the summer months (especially July and August), during school holidays, and on the New Year and May holidays. If you want to save money, try not to plan a trip during this time.

Cheap months for vacation can be divided into 3 blocks:

  1. Second half of January and February (except Valentine's Day). At this time, people are still calculating how much they spent during the holidays and most are not in the mood for travel.
  2. September is considered one of the cheapest months for vacation due to the start of the school year.
  3. The second half of November and the first half of December will be cheaper due to the fact that the most prudent are already starting to save money on.

Maximum savings can be achieved if the combination of all three factors is taken into account when choosing a time for vacation. This will be the “low season”, during which it is cheapest to go on vacation.

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