When hanging a garland on a Christmas tree. Where to hang the garland? Non-trivial ideas for the New Year. “Types of Christmas tree garlands”

What is the difference between outdoor and indoor garlands?

First of all, all connections of the street garland are reliably insulated. Wire insulation and other materials used are designed to operate under conditions of low temperatures and increased mechanical stress. In general, a special outdoor garland can be safely used all year round, while a regular indoor garland is strictly not recommended for use outdoors. This can lead not only to damage to electrical equipment, but also to a fire.

Why is an LED garland better than a garland of light bulbs?

LED garlands are superior to “bulb” ones in all respects.

They have very low power consumption, a much longer service life, low heat generation, they have a wide color gamut and the ability to create “multi-color” LEDs. Currently, all garlands supplied by our company are LED.

Is the garland simply plugged into an outlet or is the connection more complicated?

Single garlands can simply be plugged into an outlet. When designing complex objects, it is mandatory to use a voltage stabilizer. Its cost is from 2500 rubles. depending on power.

What are the options for turning decorative lighting on and off?

All decorative lighting we install is connected via a separate circuit breaker (“circuit breaker”). This allows you to turn on the garlands independently of other street lighting, turn them off during maintenance and repair, and also eliminate the impact of possible malfunctions in the operation of the garlands on the power supply of other devices.

At your request, we can also install a timer, light sensor or remote control.

What garlands can be hung on a New Year tree?

In short, according to the requirements of State Fire Supervision, electric garlands with a rated supply voltage of each lamp of no more than 26 V can be hung on the Christmas tree. The wire must have flexible copper conductors with a cross-section of at least 0.5 mm². The protection class must be at least IP23.

Contact our specialists and we will provide all the necessary advice.

How many “Light Curtain” garlands can be connected to each other?

It depends on the length of the threads. For example, “Light curtain” with 9 m threads can be connected only in 2 pieces, and “Light curtain-Fringe” - up to 40 pieces.

With the development of industry, Christmas tree decorations have filled stores, and people are increasingly asking the question: how to properly decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year. It is better to decorate the Christmas tree three to four days before the New Year.

Rules for decorating the New Year tree:

1. What toys and in what order are best to hang?

Hang the electric garland on the tree first. Before doing this, be sure to check that it is working correctly. It is allowed to place two garlands. Wrap one with white or transparent bulbs around the trunk. The tree will seem to glow from the inside. Place a garland with multi-colored light bulbs to illuminate the toys.

Hang large toys first, choosing branches that are suitable in thickness. To make the Christmas tree look harmonious, place them on the lower branches and small ones at the top. Bulk toys can be hung deeper, they will still be visible, while thin ones are closer to the edge.

When all the toys are hung, add tinsel or streamers, glass beads or rain.

Decorate the top of the tree last.

The effect of a real tree, just brought from the forest, can be achieved using a spray can of frost. Use it to paint the edges of the branches when the tree is ready.

To completely finish decorating the tree, decorate the bottom part. Place imitation snow, such as cotton wool, around the base of the tree. And place a figurine of Santa Claus next to it.

2. How to place toys on the Christmas tree?

Hang the toys evenly, do not leave empty spaces, especially if the tree is approached from all sides. The distance between the toys should be approximately the same. Hang toys in rows or in a spiral, this will create the correct cone-shaped image of the tree. When placing another toy, pay attention to its future neighbors, so that it doesn’t turn out that all the big green balls are gathered in one place, and all the red narrow icicles or all the cardboard sheep are gathered in another. Match the color of the glass ball to the color of the garland light bulb located nearby. Illuminated toys look extraordinarily beautiful, as if inviting you to look into a fairy tale.

And it is also important to link the semantic meaning of the toys with the place on the tree. So angels and stars need to be hung at the top. If this is Father Frost, then let the Snow Maiden hang nearby. And if it's Santa Claus, then a sleigh and reindeer would be appropriate.

The threads for fastening should be of such length that the toy hangs freely and is not tied tightly to the branch. The color of the threads is better black, dark green. In addition to threads, you can use special plastic hooks or an unbent paper clip.

Paper garlands and beads look better when arranged horizontally, in waves or in a spiral.

3. What combinations of colors and textures are best to choose?

It is optimal to use no more than three colors in decorations. And monochromatic Christmas trees are very fashionable. The most popular colors are gold, silver, and white. This means that if you chose gold, then the garland should only have yellow bulbs. Balls, and if there are other toys, are also only golden, and tinsel of the same color.

This year's popular red color can be expressed in different shades.

When using two colors, it is important not to choose both cool and warm colors.

Although Christmas trees with a variety of toys are also beautiful in their own way, the most impressive look are those New Year trees that are decorated with 2-3 types of toys. For example: balls and bows, angels and bells, icicles and snowflakes, cones and small gift boxes.

You can also stick to a certain style. American style suggests the presence of balls and bows. Colors red and gold. It is also possible to combine different textures, i.e. gold balls are glossy and red balls are matte, or vice versa.

European style chooses monotony. That is, all the balls will most often be white. But some balls are matte, while others are shiny. In addition to balls, Christmas symbols may also appear on the tree.

The Christmas tree is decorated in Asian style in accordance with the eastern calendar. Colors and toys are chosen depending on the symbol of the coming year.

4. How to properly vary the number of toys?

Keep track of the number of toys. There is no point in hanging absolutely all the existing Christmas tree decorations in the house if they completely obscure those located closer to the trunk. And when the branches are thin, you shouldn’t give them additional load.

On the other hand, if you have few toys, then do not buy a large tree, otherwise the tree will look lonely.

If the tree is very lush, it makes sense to hang fewer toys on it to show the beauty of the branches. And the toys will look better this way, without getting lost in the crowd, like in a store. But on a skinny Christmas tree it’s worth covering the empty spaces with fluffy tinsel and serpentine.

5. What are the main mistakes usually made?

An abundance of toys - the tree itself is not visible.

An abundance of lights and tinsel - no toys in sight.

Too large toys on a small Christmas tree.

An important rule is that you should like your Christmas tree. If you have favorite toys that remind you of childhood or are very expensive for other reasons, feel free to hang them on the tree, even if they do not fall under the recommendations for stylish decoration. Each Christmas tree has the right to its own individuality, and that’s why it’s good.

Garlands with balls, hung in a chaotic manner, as if to cover the Christmas tree, no longer impress many people. It is much more practical and ultimately more beautiful to choose one direction or theme for decoration and follow it.

Christmas tree style

In order to really beautifully dress up the main event of the upcoming holiday, you need, first of all, to decide on the style in which you plan to decorate the tree.


The tree as a symbol of Christmas (which became a New Year's tree in Russia only in the 30s of the 20th century) in its original form is still presented in the West on holidays. Regardless of whether the wood is natural or not, it is green and has three color options for decorations:

  • warm, where red and gold colors are used;

The fact is that the first decorations on the Christmas tree in Germany in the 17th century were ordinary red and yellow apples, which looked good against the green background of pine needles. According to legend, the first glass balls to decorate holiday trees were forced to be made in the year when apples did not grow. Of course, they were similar to the usual fruits in shape and color: round and red or yellow (golden).

  • cold, where blue and silver balls are presented;
  • mixed with decorations of all four colors at once.

Decorating a Christmas tree in this style is notable for the fact that it can take months to prepare. You can hang “souvenirs” from all the places you’ve visited over the year on the tree, and before that, carefully select them with your child on the seaside on vacation, at grandma’s garden, or on a hunt with dad.

It would seem that not much time has passed, and Soviet-era toys have become not only a real rarity, but also a rather expensive pleasure if you buy them again. If you still have a box of old toys from your childhood or your parents’ childhood, you can safely hang them on the Christmas tree and have no doubt about the relevance of this decision.

On the eve of the New Year 1935, it was decided to return the holiday, traditional for pre-revolutionary Russia, to Soviet children, but in a new capacity:

  • now the tree has become a New Year's tree, not a Christmas tree;
  • instead of the six-pointed star of Bethlehem, which shone in honor of the birth of Christ, the tree was crowned with a red five-pointed one;
  • angels and candles were replaced with colorful figures of animals and people, pine cones and fruits. And this, by the way, became a distinctive feature of the Russian Soviet New Year tree, because in the West, toys, as a rule, are designed in the same color and shape.

Of course, pine cones and astronauts from the 80s should never be mixed with modern matte balls and garlands - it will look awkward and strange.


If we are talking about minimalist decoration of the New Year's tree, then the emphasis here is, first of all, on the beauty of the tree itself. It is enough to hang only a few balls or just a garland with small bulbs to give the mood to the room without going overboard with the decoration for the tree.

This is a good solution if:

  • you are not confident in your abilities as a designer or simply have no taste;
  • you don’t have time to invent and implement any concept;
  • you do not have the desire or ability to spend money on a large number of high-quality jewelry.

Having a beautiful tree and the simplest garland, you no longer have to worry about the elegance and festivity of your New Year tree.

Consonant with the Year of the Rooster

The coming year is associated with a symbol in the image of a fiery Rooster, which perfectly matches the rustic style.

You can please the Cockerel if you decorate your Christmas tree in a village design. Use toys made by yourself or from natural materials. Christmas tree decorations made of wood are suitable - large beads, images of wooden cockerels, sleighs, skates, birds, etc.

Instead of Christmas boots, hang decorative felt boots on a beautiful ribbon. Knitted jewelry and toys, as well as handicrafts made from textiles, will fit very well into this theme.

An excellent option is the predominance of red in the decor, because the symbol of the cockerel has a fiery hue.

If you want to combine the European and Eastern calendars at the same time, then decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year with different toys in the form of cockerels.

Be sure that now this proud and cocky Cockerel will not leave you throughout the year, rewarding you with happiness, wealth and love.


If your nature requires a more sophisticated style, then think about decorating the Christmas tree in the Provence style. The distinctive features of this design are a mix of luxurious and delicate.

Feel free to use various ornate lace, ruffles, and silk elements for a Provence-style Christmas tree. The gold color fits very well into this trend. Golden balls, beads with “gilding”, shiny toys will be an excellent Christmas tree decoration with a French “flavor”. As an alternative to gold, you can use toys in soft pastel colors.

Openwork elements - knitted, cutwork, wicker - are an integral part of the Provence Christmas tree.

Regular strings are not suitable for hanging toys; it is best to attach them with decorative strings.

If you have artificially aged toys, it will be a real find. You can also look for real vintage New Year's items and decorate your Christmas tree with them. You can find them in grandma's bins or at flea markets.

There should be no modern synthetics on the Christmas tree!

Another option for embodying the Provence style in decorating a Christmas tree is to use the queen of flowers - the rose. Natural and artificial roses in combination with green pine needles - very stylish and laconic!

How to decorate a Christmas tree correctly

If you still decide to decorate your Christmas tree beautifully and in accordance with all the canons and rules, at all costs, a few tips on the position of toys and garlands on the tree will be very helpful.

Combination of colors on the Christmas tree

The first thing you need to do is select decorations for your New Year's tree. Over the years of celebration, a lot of them accumulate, some are made with one’s own hands or given as gifts, and, as a rule, they are all from different stories and do not sit well next to each other from an aesthetic point of view. In order to correctly combine the colors of toys on a Christmas tree, you need, firstly, to decide on the style in which it will be decorated, because sometimes it already contains a certain set of colors and you don’t need to invent anything (as in the traditional style of decorating Christmas trees, about which discussed above). Secondly, you need to know several principles for using the so-called designer color wheel, which will help you choose the right colors not only for decorating a Christmas tree, but also in any other situation when you need to beautifully arrange several colors together.

The color wheel was first mentioned in early color theories back in the 17th century. Initially, its practical application was limited to a visual aid for mixing dyes in order to obtain the desired color, because previously dyes were only the main colors of blue, red and yellow, and all other colors and shades were achieved by mixing them. The color wheel is still the first and main guide for every artist and designer to achieve harmony in their works and projects.

So, you can decorate the Christmas tree:

  • different shades of the same color (on the color wheel these are the 3 or 4 colors closest to each other);
  • gradient, that is, arranging the toys in the same order as the colors in the circle, starting with any of them and moving to the right or left;
  • choosing colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel, for example, yellow and purple, blue and red, green and lilac. Such combinations look unusual, but are always pleasing to the eye.

Placement of decorations

Having decided on the color of toys and tinsel, do not rush to place it all on the Christmas tree. Next you need to decide on the festive geometry of your tree. There may be three options for the placement of decorations:

  • screw (or spiral);
  • along longitudinal lines (or vertical);
  • circular (or horizontal).

Each of the options is beautiful and none is the only correct one, it all depends on your preferences and tastes.

How to hang a garland

The garland is hung on the tree first and sets the tone for further decoration of the tree.

Once you have decided on which lines you will hang the decorations, you need to choose the appropriate garland or prepare tinsel of the required length and size and place it on the tree, depending on your decision:

  • attach a long garland to the top and wrap it around the tree several times, hanging the lanterns in a spiral;
  • hang several medium-sized garlands or pieces of tinsel vertically, securing each one to the top of the tree;
  • place several short garlands or strings of rain on the branches, thereby marking horizontal lines.

How to decorate the top of a Christmas tree

When the garland has been hung and the color scheme for the New Year tree has been chosen, all that remains is to decide on the decoration of the top of the tree.

The traditional star has long ceased to have its original biblical meaning and has lost the communist connotations from the 20th century, so if you did not choose Soviet vintage as the style of your tree, you can crown it with:

  • a star of absolutely any color and size, for example, to match all the other decorations on:
  • a bow made from ordinary ribbon, which is used to tie girls’ braids;
  • a hat of Santa Claus or one of the family members;
  • a mitten or felt boot;
  • a soft toy planted near the top of the tree will also look great.

There are many options and their choice depends, among other things, on the place where the spruce is decorated. For example, in a company's office it may be crowned with a symbol similar to a production label, or a mascot of its employees.

Options for decorating a New Year tree: unity of style, color or shape (video)

So, in order for the New Year tree to look beautiful, you need:

  • choose a style or theme for decorating the tree;
  • decide on the color scheme and, based on this, select toys and tinsel;
  • decide on which lines the toys will be placed;
  • hang garlands and tinsel along the selected lines;
  • hang toys without disturbing the overall geometry of the tree.

Garlands are a mandatory attribute of the New Year holidays, and are also widely used at other times of the year to decorate streets, store windows, etc. However, traditionally such light bulbs are usually in great demand just before the New Year holidays. Let's figure out what types of garlands there are, what to look for when choosing, and also what safety rules should be followed so that these fascinating light bulbs last a long time and do not cause any consequences.

The history of electric garlands began in the century before last: for example, the first such garland was created in 1895, and it was this that became the decoration of the New Year tree near the White House. Since then, electric garlands have quickly begun to be introduced into people's lives, and now they can probably be found in every home.

So, when choosing a garland, you need to imagine as accurately as possible what should end up after decorating with a garland, because it is better to select different garlands to decorate a Christmas tree, home or shop window. To make it easier to navigate the huge assortment offered by modern manufacturers, we will provide a description of the main types of electric garlands.

Types of garlands

LED garlands are among the most common. These are classic garlands that are used to decorate a New Year tree, home, windows, etc. Some LED garlands are not afraid of moisture, and that is why they can also be used to decorate rooms outside. This type of garland is quite economical, since on average one garland is enough for 100,000 hours of operation.

Duralight- an equally common type of garlands, which is an LED cord attached to a tube made of PVC. This design makes it possible to use the garland universally: to decorate a New Year tree, street trees, building facades, shop windows, to create spectacular inscriptions, figurines, etc. This garland combines style, economy, reliability and strength.

Belt-light- a type of garland that is usually used to decorate the facades of buildings, streets, bridges, and store windows. Such a garland is a huge number of fairly large, multi-colored or plain incandescent lamps.

It is somewhat similar to a belt-light garland of the type. It also uses incandescent lamps, but their size is much smaller, which allows them to be used to create eye-catching designs for storefronts and street trees.

In many ways they differ from all previous garlands of the garland type strobe light. It is a whole system of xenon lamps, which are encased in a waterproof housing. Such lamps emit bright light at the same frequency, which is similar to a camera flash. This type of garlands is used where you need to create unusual lighting and surprise people with something.

Nets and fringes of light bulbs are precisely those garlands that often attract our attention with their beauty and even magic. They are often used to decorate shop windows, premises, and facades.

It is worth mentioning separately dynamic light garlands, which can simulate falling snow or fireworks. All this is thanks to the design of such garlands: they have a solid frame, inside of which there are small light bulbs.

Features of choice

If you want to purchase a garland to decorate your home, then it is better to opt for an LED garland, since it works much longer than those of incandescent lamps; if one bulb burns out, all of them do not go out, they are reliable and easy to use.

Be sure to pay attention to the packaging of the garland, because it should indicate all the nuances of using this product. The power of the garland, the required voltage, the place for which the garland is intended: house, Christmas tree, street, etc. must be indicated. If there is no such information on the packaging, then it is better not to risk your safety.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the distance from the first light bulb of the garland to the plug should be at least 1.5 m to make use as convenient and simple as possible. Before purchasing, it is necessary to check the reliability of the wire insulation; to do this, you need to bend it several times and then straighten it. You also need to pay attention to the reliability of the insulation at the junctions of the wire with the plug, with the light bulbs and with the mode switch box. The box also needs to be carefully examined and determined what thickness of plastic is used there: if it is too thin, then it is better to look for a more reliable option.

Depending on what effect you want to get when decorating a Christmas tree or apartment, you should pay attention to the distance between the light bulbs. So, some people like it, for example, to have a lot of lights on the Christmas tree, then the ideal option would be a frequent arrangement of light bulbs on a garland. The purely aesthetic aspect is the color of the wire, which, naturally, should be as invisible as possible on the walls and Christmas tree. Often, garlands with black or dark green wire are chosen to decorate home Christmas trees.

If your goal is to choose a garland for outdoor use, then you need to first of all pay attention to its moisture resistance. The IP23 marking on the plug or box of the garland means that this product can be used outdoors. It is worth considering that street conditions suggest not only the possible presence of moisture, but also frost, so the winding material should not be made of PVC or cheap plastic. It is better to choose a garland made of rubber or caoutchouc, as these materials are more resistant to outdoor conditions and less fire hazardous.

Safe Operation

So, choosing the right one will help reduce the risk that something out of the ordinary will happen to the garland. If you purchase high-quality, certified products, the risk of unpleasant situations occurring is reduced. Of course, the main thing is not to confuse outdoor and indoor garlands: garlands for indoor use cannot be hung outdoors, since their technical properties do not allow them to work normally and safely in conditions of humidity, frost, etc. Outdoor garlands, however, can also be used to decorate indoor spaces.

Of course, in order to avoid unforeseen situations, you should not leave working garlands unattended, much less leave them overnight.

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