When will the game be released on PC GTA 5. Special abilities of the main characters

The release date is the time period after which the game is considered released, which usually means that it can already be downloaded and tried if you purchase a licensed copy. For example, the release date of GTA 5 (GTA 5) is September 17, 2013.

Recently, more and more often, developers allow you to buy a game in advance - make a pre-order. In response to support from potential buyers who believe in the success of the project so much that they give money for it even before release, the developers share various bonuses and exclusive materials. This could be a soundtrack, an art book, or some mini-addons for the game.

Thus, pre-order actually allows you to buy the game before its official release, but this does not mean that the stated release date loses its significance, since you can fully play it only after release.

Why do you need to know game release dates?

If only because it’s more convenient to plan your time and finances. If you know, for example, when GTA 5 will be released, then it will be easier for you to navigate: set aside money in advance to purchase it, plan things so that you can immerse yourself in the game as soon as it comes out.

Many gamers track game release dates using special calendars and feature articles about the most important releases of the month or season. You can find both on our gaming portal website

How do developers choose the time to release?

They are guided by many factors at once. Firstly, it is important for them to know that their target audience will be able to immediately join the gameplay, so games are released less often during the holiday season, as well as in those months when work is usually busy and students are in session.

Secondly, for a successful release, developers try to compare their plans with announcements of potential competitors. For example, if we are talking about a shooter, then releasing it simultaneously with the new Battlefield or Call of Duty is not very reasonable.

Thirdly, the release date indicates the so-called deadline - the very point after which the game is ready. This means that it must be completed within the stated time frame. Alas, this does not always work out, and therefore the release date of the game may be shifted one or even several times.

In addition to this, the release of GTA 5 (GTA 5) on PC and consoles may differ - often developers try to release one version first, and only then move on to the next.

After reading this article, long-awaited gamers will finally find out when GTA 5 will be released on PC! Rockstar has postponed the release date several times, but now there is nowhere to retreat, and soon everyone with a sufficiently powerful personal computer will be able to appreciate all the delights of the most anticipated game in the history of the industry!

Most gamers on the planet are asking the question: “When will GTA 5 come out on PC?” Owners of PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles have had the pleasure of playing this gorgeous blockbuster for more than a year, owners of PS4 and Xbox One received the game just recently - on November 18, 2014, and users of the most popular and widespread platform - personal computers - are still in the dark. We hasten to please all fans of the series: Rockstar Games has officially announced the release date of the game on PC!

GTA 5 release date

So, the official announcement says that the PC version of GTA 5 will be released on January 27, 2015! What innovations and improvements await players compared to the “old” versions for PS3 and Xbox 360? Here is a far from complete list:
– New weapons, vehicles and entertainment.
– New species of animals and other innovations related to the animal world.
– More dense road traffic.
– New types of vegetation.
– Improved damage system for cars and other objects.
– New weather effects.
– Improved radio in the game. More than 100 new songs added.
In addition, the developers promise significant improvements in graphical and technical terms. We can expect improved detail, drawing distance will increase, textures will become clearer. Users of large screens will be pleased with the support for high resolutions.
Innovations are also expected for GTA 5 Online. The main one today is the promised increase in the number of players to thirty (on versions for PS3 and Xbox 360 the maximum number of players was sixteen).
It is worth noting that all of the above improvements will delight not only PC users, but also console players using PS4 and Xbox One. Those players who have already started playing on older versions of consoles will be pleased with the opportunity to port their heroes and achievements to new consoles or PCs.

GTA 5 release on PC

As mentioned above, the GTA 5 game for PC will be released on January 27, 2015. Do not miss! You can place a pre-order on the official website via the link http://www.rockstargames.com/V/order or download it for free on our website after the game is released :)

The crazy action game has turned into an online shooter with an 18+ rating. This rating eloquently demonstrates the possibility of creating in the universe of a giant port metropolis whatever the criminal element wants. Everything that the perverted mind can imagine. “Reason”, because after all, the multiplayer shooter “Grand Theft Auto Online” is not as pathologically insane as, for example, “Postal”. There is also room for a moderately legal existence. However, it is precisely the freedom without borders that this series is valuable and famous for. But we all know how sometimes it’s boring to create grandiose pranks alone, when there’s even no one to “check out” the mini-apocalypse we’ve cooked up. Now, in the brainchild of Rockstar Games, everyone can show their abilities in the open world, find like-minded people, or compete in the art of destruction with other server players.

Similarities with "GTA 5"

The online version of the famous game left the role-playing component of the gameplay at the same high level, giving the heroes missions, entertainment, leveling up, and the same engine as in the single-player version. We at the site were afraid that the transfer to online rails would damage the mechanics, and it would turn out worse than in the fifth part, but this, fortunately, did not happen, which is good news. Moreover: the engine has learned to recognize the speech of players and this has made it possible to synchronize the movement of the player’s lips with the character’s lips, so that complete “getting into the role” is ensured. The plot remains the same: more than five hundred missions for Lamar, Lester and Ron, as well as the whole range of previous activities: thefts, attacks on bandit hideouts, theft of armored vehicles, racing, tennis, golf and parachute jumping.

Differences from GTA 5

"GTA Online" takes place before the single-player campaign of "GTA 5", but you will see some familiar faces. Your character is new to Los Santos. It is created by generating a character in the editor. You can choose any protagonist from any Rockstar game (that you own) as your character's father. Female characters can also be used.

Meeting other characters in GTA Online gives you advantages: a private army will provide support on missions and help launch air strikes, a technician (Lester) will help hide you from the radar, etc. Gradually, you will be able to buy more than three houses in the game and unique cars. For safety reasons, players can insure their own car and demand a replacement car if anything happens to it. Using your own TV, you can watch in-game events, for example, police chases of other players. Your progress will be reflected by granting you access to new characters, rewards, and abilities.

GTA Online also features co-op missions, where players can create missions themselves and upload their own content to the Social Club cloud. If you get bored, you can call your friend, who is currently in single-player mode, and thus invite him to the virtual world so that together, for example, using the Content Editor, you can practice creating race tracks or even entire regions. You can share your own creations with each other. With these and other achievements, players earn Reputation Points (RP), money and various material assets.

Other players can kill you and take your money, so it is recommended to keep it in a bank and use ATMs. And if, after all, there were some incidents, then you can place a reward on the head of the player who robbed you. Character progression looks like this: Thug, Hustler, Soldier, Trigger, Enforcer, Facilitator, Public Enemy, Shot Caller, Street Boss (Street Boss), Kingpin (Thief in Law). A higher rank gives you access to new weapons, armor, vehicles and appearance settings, and also adds new, more complex missions and tasks.

For reference

For all residents of the CIS and the Russian Federation, reduced price tags have been established for the purchase of “Grand Theft Auto V (GTA Online)”. The cost of "GTA 5" on the Steam service for all citizens of the Russian Federation will be 1,999 rubles, for Ukrainians - $39.99, while Americans will pay as much as $59.99 for this creation. Recently, there have been significant price increases for games on Steam for Russians; of course, this is happening against the backdrop of an unstable ruble exchange rate. The game features Cash Cards, a form of optional micropayments that speed up the purchase of available items. By purchasing cards, you contribute to the release of numerous free additions to the game, but the purchase of Money Cards does not affect the game balance. All you can do is buy ammunition, weapons, mods, real estate, vehicles, clothes, tattoos and hairstyles according to your rank. "GTA Online" on PC will support up to 30 players (same as on next-gen consoles)


It is promised that the world will constantly grow and change with the addition of new content, while users themselves can have a hand in improvements. Players can also follow the most talented mission creators and select their favorite creations, and to facilitate communication, the game has a built-in Twitter version called The Feed. It will notify you of all emails sent to you through Social Club. It will be possible to add friends, and then recruit players to your team from the list of friends; in addition, it will be possible to select players by skill level.

When robbing stores, the organizer of the raid receives all the profits and decides how to divide it between members of his team or run away with the loot. Players can store their accumulated savings in a bank. If you are killed, you can find your corpse and take your wallet from it. To regulate such relationships, there is a rating system for teams and individual players. To save it, but earn money, there is a job - the most effective way to make a fortune for players who have just started playing "GTA Online".

The tasks are relatively short, guarantee high pay for successful completion and a pleasant reward for participation. Work is a path leading to more lucrative assignments. The more tasks you complete, the higher pay you will be offered. You move to a mission instantly; for larger tasks, a lobby window will open where you can assign roles and select settings.

There are other ways to earn money. Survival matches open at level 15. This is a great way to make money. If you successfully reach the end of level 10 (usually taking less than 10 minutes), you will earn $20,000. Multi-player co-op missions guarantee large cash rewards. Alternatively, you can rob a convenience store or steal a car to get some easy money.

Los Santos tuning/body garages buy cars at very reasonable prices. Driving a stolen car to the nearest garage will bring in some pocket money. Please note that the police are always looking for stolen cars. The Richman area is probably one of the best places to find the highest quality (and best selling) cars.

Before purchasing a car, you will be able to examine its characteristics in detail, including speed, handling and others. You can hire a personal mechanic who will always repair vehicles and deliver them to any point on the map. Owned cars are displayed as markers on the map and can be confiscated if left for too long. In order to return the confiscated car, you will have to pay a certain amount. Players acting as passengers in GTA Online will be able to change radio stations in the car, but that's just the way it is.

Also, in several missions you will work for Trevor, one of the protagonists of GTA 5. At home, the player can see who came to visit him using an external camera installed next to the front door, take a shower, surf the Internet, change clothes and watch TV. Rockstar Editor is a new multifunctional video editor for the PC version. It will be possible to export videos directly to RGSC and Youtube

At the very beginning, do not spend money on clothes and cosmetics. Save them for weapons, ammo and armor. Invest them in a $25,000 garage if you plan to build cars. At the moment you can only have one building. This means that if you buy a garage, you won't be able to buy a house. If you die on the world map, you will wake up in the hospital. It may not be immediately noticeable, but after each such visit, money will be withdrawn from your bank accounts. These expenses are a real scourge for players who don't have a penny at the beginning of the game. In addition, other players can rob the opponent's body and steal the last of the money. Although it will cost you $100 to enter passive mode, it is worth it. Passive mode protects you from any attacks from foot players, which is useful in the crazy multiplayer world of GTA Online.

There have been a lot of rumors regarding the PC version since the game was released on the console on September 17, 2013. Someone said that GTA V would follow the example of Max Payne 3 and be released a month after the release of the console versions, but this turned out to be an invention of science fiction writers.

The latest rumor is that a computer version of Grand Theft Auto V will appear in January 2014. The reason for this opinion was an erroneous publication on the Steam service, where GTA 5 was indicated for the PC platform and the release date was indicated as January. Such an assumption will most likely turn out to be another ridiculous assumption that is not destined to come true.

Does not give any official comments about even the possibility of a PC version of GTA V.

Graphics on PC

Real GTA 5 gameplay on a computer

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Speculation on players' feelings

Recently, cases of online fraud have become more frequent. Gullible players are offered to download GTA 5 from a torrent for free and are asked to send an SMS to a short number. Victims find themselves without money in their mobile account and without the game. In the worst case, a virus with a Trojan program penetrates the victim’s computer under the guise of a disk image or a program for installing a game, stealing personal data of users and blocking the operation of the Windows system.

Pre-orders in game stores

Long before Grand Theft Auto V was even released for consoles, a number of fairly large chain and online stores began to post information that they were accepting pre-orders for the PC version of the game. GTA Five covers also appeared on the pages of such stores, which, of course, were not official. However, many people took such information at face value. It’s even surprising that many players believe that some Gamestop knows more than the Rockstar Games PR service wants to tell. If this is possible in other, smaller projects, then Rockstar will not waste time with “planting information” when releasing such a large and popular game, which is Grand Theft Auto 5.

By the way, do you already have GTA 5? If not, then you can play GTA Online for free right now with all the additions from Rockstar Games.

Remember that GTA 5 will only be released on PC when Rockstar releases it.

Release date for GTA 5 on PC

On June 10, 2014, at E3, new versions of the game Grand Theft Auto V were announced for the next generation consoles PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. In addition to consoles, Rockstar Games announced a 2014 release.

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