Rubin company New Year's gifts naked. All rights reserved © Joint purchases. Advantages of Rubin Group

Gift sets of sweets are the most traditional and obligatory New Year's gift for children. Not a single matinee, not a single Santa Claus bag, and not a single visit to a place where there are kids is complete without them. On the holiday of miracles and magic, they open colorful boxes with bated breath to see what delicacies the New Year's wizard has collected for them. But we, adults, know that the magic begins long before the New Year in confectionery factories, where diligent confectioners conjure all sorts of sweets for the little ones. But the Rubin company creates gift sets from the best, tasty and high-quality sweets. New Year's gifts 2017 will be collected with no less care and love than the fairies and elves do at the residence of Santa Claus.

The sweet story of Rubin

Rubin has been packaging and distributing confectionery products for 25 years. The creators began their activities as suppliers of confectionery products to the Russian market. It took many years to improve our capabilities and become the best specialists in the most festive field - creating children's New Year's gifts from sweets and other dessert products. The company studies consumer preferences, selects only the highest quality sweets and annually diversifies New Year's gifts with new products on the confectionery market. Gift sets invariably include products from Russia’s leading and favorite manufacturers of sweet treats: “Red October”, KK “Babaevsky”, KF “Akkond”, “Slavyanka”, “Rot Front”, “Katyusha”, etc.

Packaging for New Year's confectionery sets

Every gift begins with packaging. Packaging for New Year's gifts must certainly be fabulous, captivating you into the world of childhood, telling an interesting story and preparing you for the anticipation of the holiday. Designers for the Rubin company have developed the most original packaging with a quality guarantee, thanks to which they will withstand the tests of children's games and will also serve after the holiday. Sweet gifts for the New Year 2017 will be packaged in packages in the form of figurines of fairy-tale characters and funny animals, in elegant bags and boxes, suitcases and buckets, houses and books. Their range is updated every season. Festive ideas and packaging material solutions are implemented using cardboard, plastic, textiles, wood, ceramics, fur, tin and even birch bark. You can choose designer packaging and view the entire catalog of products on the official website of the Rubin company.

Company representative offices and gift delivery

The geography of the Rubin group of companies expands its territory every year. It includes about 20 trade representative offices in Yaroslavl, Bryansk, Vladimir, Orel, Volgograd, Tula, Smolensk, Kaluga, Nizhny Novgorod, etc. For those regions where the company's branches are not represented, you can buy a gift through the external territories department. Department employees receive, process and organize the shipment of sweet cargo to all corners of Russia and even to neighboring countries. Since 2011, the Kolpnyanskaya cardboard and printing factory was included in the Rubin group of companies. She uses environmentally friendly corrugated cardboard to produce boxes for sending children's gift baskets. High-quality transport packaging guarantees the integrity of the packaging when delivering gifts to the most remote places. Not only a store, but a retail client can place an order upon individual request.

Operating principles of the Rubin company

The company's services for packaging and delivering New Year's confectionery sets do not require special advertising. High quality service and positive reviews from grateful customers create a high reputation for the company. Among its many advantages it is worth noting:

  1. Availability of own production.
  2. Extensive experience in the market and company stability.
  3. Mandatory certification for compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements.
  4. Selection of products from the manufacturer with a quality guarantee.
  5. Fixed prices at the time of advance payment.
  6. Flexible system of discounts.
  7. Individual configuration of the New Year's confectionery set.

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New Yeara family holiday; according to custom, on this day they visit relatives and friends. And who goes to visit without a gift? What gift should you choose so that it will delight your kids, please your friends and pleasantly surprise your colleagues? Undoubtedly - sweet New Year's gifts!

Every child looks forward to New Year gifts. With bated breath, children open the colorful packaging and find a whole scattering of delicious sweets: candies and cookies, waffles and toffee, marshmallows and chocolate. New Year's gifts from the Rubin group of companies are made with love and care for children. Adults usually choose and buy sets of confectionery products, but on New Year’s Eve, with the chimes in a fairy-tale setting, the gifts will find new owners—children. We try to ensure that every child who receives a gift from the Rubin company is satisfied and feels a bright and cheerful holiday.

The Rubin group of companies dates back to 1991. It was then, on September 19, that we began our activities as a supplier of confectionery products to the Russian market. For many years we have been improving in this area and the result has been specialization in the most “holiday” industry - production sweet children's New Year's gifts. Being a reliable supplier, the company creates and sells gifts from confectionery leading Russian manufacturers: “Confectionery Concern Babaevsky”, “Rot Front”, “Red October”, “Slavyanka”, Confectionery Factory “Akkond”. We select the best quality products, bright colorful packaging and at the end of the year we create children's New Year's gifts for you and your children.

Every year we add to sweet gifts new products from the confectionery market, we carefully check the quality of traditional and new sweets, cookies, waffles, and chocolate so that not a single child is disappointed.

The packaging of confectionery sets consists of various figurines of animals or fairy-tale characters made of plastic, textiles, cardboard, ceramics, as well as soft toys, elegant boxes and suitcases made of wood, cardboard, tin or birch bark.

All new Year gifts products produced by the Rubin group of companies undergo mandatory certification and comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards and regulations.

In 2011, the Rubin group of companies included Kolpnyanskaya KPF, which produces corrugated cardboard boxes used as transport packaging, thereby guaranteeing the quality and integrity of gifts.

1. Purchase without rows.

2. The minimum amount is 100 gifts.

3. Organizational fee - 16%.

4. Purchase prices are indicated without org %. You will see the full price when you add your order to your cart.

5. I will indicate the transport costs after the purchase has been completed.

Delivery to the Central office in Kolomna is free!

To other offices and cities, the cost of delivery depends on the volume of the order, but not more than 100 rubles. per 1 thousand order.

6. Each order is reserved with the supplier, since gifts are quickly sorted out, refusals are very unsatisfactory, only as a last resort.

7. Prepayment of orders 100% after issuing an invoice within the next 2 days after STOP to a Sberbank card. In case of late payment, a penalty of 3% for each day of delay, on the 2nd day is entered into the emergency situation.

8. There is no re-grading. The gifts are excellent, the purchase is already in its fourth year. Everyone, including my family, really liked everything!

Your participation in joint procurement means familiarization with and agreement to:

  • User Agreement
  • Agreement (public offer) for the provision of agency (intermediary) services for the purchase of goods
  • Rules for joint purchases BE SURE TO REVIEW!
  • And with the conditions of this particular purchase.

You must have your personal profile filled out - at least the fields "Email", "Phone" and "Name". It is in your best interest that the organizer can contact you in case of emergency.
If you still have questions about the purchase, be sure to ask them - there should be no unclear details so that controversial situations do not arise in the future.
Be sure to keep track of your purchases (check your email at least once a day or go to your profile on the website)!

Your participation confirms your agreement with all the rules for the procurement participant on the site and the rules specifically for this procurement.


Participation in procurement is voluntary! Remember that a joint venture is not a store, and the organizer is not a seller, but just an intermediary between you and the supplier!
JV is a risk! re-grading is possible! You can arrange the grading according to color and size yourself.
In case of force majeure, liability is collective.

Enjoy your choice and happy shopping!

New Year, as you know, is more of a holiday for children, as kids are desperately waiting for Santa Claus to appear with a bag of gifts on New Year's Eve. The world of magic, surprises and impressions is the New Year, and since the holiday is just around the corner, it is important for caring parents to plan gifts in advance for small but important family members. The Rubin 2000 company offers ready-made options for children's New Year's gifts.

Rubin 2000 is a member of almost every family who, with love and trepidation, thinks through gift options for babies and older children for the upcoming New Year holidays. Almost every child expects a lot of sweets and chocolate, which the New Year holidays are so rich in. Traditions are unchanged, the company takes this into account when creating gifts, so Rubin 2000 offers a different assortment of sweet surprises.

The Rubin group of companies dates back to September 19, 1991, when a supplier of confectionery products for children in the form of gift packaging appeared on the Russian market. Every year has been a road to improvement for the company, taking into account the desires of the youngest consumers, namely children. The specialization of the “holiday” confectionery industry for the production of New Year's gifts has become the goal of the Rubin group of companies.

The Rubin company has been working for the benefit of parents and their children for more than 25 years, and to verify the quality of their products, you can study reviews from customers. The company's representative offices are located in 19 cities of Russia.

Advantages of Rubin Group

To understand whether the decision to purchase New Year's gifts for children from the Rubin company is appropriate and justified, it is enough to look at reviews of products and service from previous customers. In addition, the company’s advantageous differences will be indicative, namely:

  • prices are fixed at the time of prepayment;
  • the company has a stable business reputation in many cities of Russia;
  • all products are controlled by the relevant services, gifts have quality certificates;
  • New Year's gifts are delivered directly;
  • loading does not imply additional payment;
  • payment terms may be different, as will be convenient for each buyer;
  • checkout and delivery of goods occurs in one place at the same time;
  • delivery can be made throughout Russia and even to neighboring countries;
  • the order can be completed from 500 units and above;
  • there is a system of pre-orders from customers;
  • The ordered goods can be stored in the warehouse free of charge for up to 5 days.

For more than 25 years, the Rubin group of companies has been delighting millions of children, as well as their parents, who are freed from choosing gifts and can purchase ready-made, presentable packaging with sweets. The products undergo all levels of control and certification by the relevant authorities, after which they only go on sale.

Catalog of New Year's gifts 2018

A popular section in the Rubin product catalog is, of course, New Year's gifts 2018 for babies and older children. The catalog suggests several classifications of gifts according to the following criteria:

  • on packaging manufacturing materials;
  • according to the shape and size of the package;
  • a special section of gifts in the shape of a Dog;
  • exclusive catalog with new gifts unique in design and composition;
  • gifts that occupy a leading position in demand;
  • a separate Lux section for gifts for adults;
  • Development gifts with additional attachments.

Gifts can be made in the shape of a Dog, in the form of New Year's balls, a Christmas tree, houses or with the image of cartoon characters. You can also choose a gift by weight category; these can be packages weighing 150 grams, 350 grams, 400 and 500 grams, etc. Also, the product catalog can be classified by the age of the child who will receive this gift.

New Year's gifts for children

Most children of different ages are looking forward to the New Year so that on New Year's Eve they will find a package of sweets from Grandfather Frost under the Christmas tree. And the task of parents is to purchase high-quality gift sets that have been tested by time and experience. The Rubin company has been operating for 25 years as a reliable supplier of affordable and best-quality New Year's sweets for children and adults.

The minimum weight of a package of candies from the company is only 60 grams, and the maximum is 3 kg. Gifts can be packed in boxes made of cardboard, textile or tin. But the most important feature of Rubin's New Year's gifts for children is the carefully thought out and perfectly executed packaging design. The kaleidoscope of bright covers goes hand in hand with the huge range of sweet flavors inside.

How to order and pay?

The Rubin company offers detailed information about its work and services offered on the website of the official supplier. There are catalogs with different types of products for children and adults; the user-friendly interface of the site allows you to immediately view the list of products offered according to the desired parameters of weight or price, packaging material or its contents.

For reference! The minimum gift price is currently 72 rubles, and the maximum is 2875 rubles.

The convenient service involves placing an order via the Internet online or concluding a transaction over the phone; to do this, you need to contact the site managers. Purchases can be made in advance or after the fact, wholesale or retail. In addition, representative companies operate in 19 cities of Russia. You can even pre-order the design and shape of the packaging, as well as a set of sweets in it, and payment is made in advance or upon receipt of the goods.


You can purchase gifts from the Rubin company via the Internet or at a representative company in the city. If the purchase was pre-paid by bank transfer, the order is immediately packaged, packaged and sent to the city where the buyer lives. If you order more than 100 gifts, delivery will be completely free. Subsequently, the seller delivers the purchase to the address. When picking up, the seller must be notified 3 days before delivery.

New Year's gifts from the Rubin group of companies, like a miracle

The holiday is coming to us... Cheerful, joyful, and so welcome. To the sound of the chimes and the flash of New Year's fireworks, we raise glasses of champagne, or, contrary to tradition, wine red as a ruby, saying goodbye to the old year and welcoming the new one. No doubt that he will be even more successful and productive. And our children go to “search” the tree for New Year’s gifts hidden under it. Few of them believe in Santa Claus, but faith in miracles is inherent in every child and even in an independent, self-confident teenager.

How to choose a gift that everyone will greet with a bang?

Knowing the preferences of the recipient of the gift, it is almost impossible to make a mistake. If your son has long dreamed of an exciting board game “Blue Ruby”, or your daughter has dreamed of a set of LOL dolls, all you have to do is remember to buy them in the New Year’s rush. But what to do if the task is to purchase a large number of gifts, for example, for school, with a fairly limited budget? In this case, it is best to go with the universal option. What is he like? Certainly, a sweet New Year's gift, with an abundance of different types of sweets, cookies, waffles, etc.

For 25 years now, our partner - the Rubin group of companies - has been preparing a catalog of New Year's gifts, and we supply them to our customers at a competitive price.

Gift wrapping - made with skill and intelligence

Gift packaging should be convenient and environmentally friendly. But no less important criteria are its originality, the ability to evoke joyful emotions and the anticipation of a miracle. The Rubin 2000 company offers New Year's gifts in packages made of different materials: textiles, plastic, ceramics, tin, cardboard. In shape, it can be either an elegant box or a spacious, elegant suitcase, or a figurine of an animal or a child’s favorite fairy-tale character. Durable and roomy, immediately attracting attention. When the New Year holidays are over, the packaging in which gifts were previously stored can be used for other things. For example, a baby or teenager can store souvenirs that are so important to them. Upon request, we provide certificates and other documents confirming the quality and safety of Rubin Group products.

New Year's gifts - simply delicious, simply great

Children and adults love sweets. But there is an important point - good chocolate, marshmallows as a gift cannot be very cheap, and fresh waffles with toffee cannot be bought for pennies. The race for cheapness can lead to the purchase of expired products or even sweet products with “meat filling” - worms. No one will be happy with such a gift. By purchasing it for a kindergarten or school, you can seriously undermine your authority among parents and team members. Your child or colleague will also say “fervent thank you.”

When buying a gift for a children's institution, it would be a good idea to first conduct a mini-survey among parents and come to a “common denominator” as a result. But an even better option would be look into the gift catalog of Rubin or another experienced, time-tested supplier, and see the assortment. And after listening to the recommendations of experienced and polite consultants who know what is currently relevant and in demand among representatives of different ages, make the right choice. "Rubin" has already placed New Year's gifts for 2019 in the catalog, having prepared many pleasant surprises.We guarantee their timely delivery to our customers.

Benefits of a reliable supplier

Let's talk about them again using the example of our long-time partner - the Rubin 2000 company, gifts from which have deservedly gained fame as some of the best on the holiday market.

  • Rubin Group of Companies completes New Year's gifts using exclusively products from well-known Russian and foreign manufacturers, supplied at competitive wholesale prices.
  • Every year the assortment is updated, new ones are added in high-quality, beautiful packaging.
  • Prompt formation of orders. The Rubin company always prepares gifts on time, in any quantity. We quickly deliver them to you.

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